✝️ Dan Mohler - Righteousness and Freedom from sin -1/4- Encounter Weekend

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bless you guys thanks yeah I hope they fixed that Jesus loves me too much to give me a hand he'll that would not be good in the beginning of the night wow you guys showed up huh look at you you look amazing I didn't turn around when I come in there wasn't this many folks that were just coming in we came in and the worship was amazing there was such a corporate I was sitting there I was like wow that one guy here was saying about Jesus being Lord knows was a war behind me it was like I thought these folks are serious this is good I I'm gonna really mix it up I'm going to take a step of faith and do what I believe I heard during the worship when we were singing hail King Jesus sometimes you do Matthew 10 sometimes you preach the kingdom of God's here then you heal the sick and you cleanse the leper and you raise the dead and you cast out spirits sometimes you do Luke 10 sometimes whatever city you're in you heal the sick there and then you tell them the kingdom's here and I was sitting there and I felt like the Lord said I want you to do a Luke 10 tonight and I felt the pleasure of the Lord in my heart and I just believed it was God and and when you're up in a position like I'm in and humbled like this to hand me my cue you could pray for the sick in any service and Jesus would be pleased he just would it's the gospel when you understand that and you do that by faith he is pleased too for you to pray for the sick but I felt like tonight he told me that's how we're going to start this weekend and I felt like there is gonna be a lot of significant really powerful things take place in this room in the next few minutes really significant powerful things some of you if you were healed you might not know it because of the situation and you might need time overnight a hard day of work sitting longer then I make you when I'm preaching something like that some people if you're healed you would know it right away you gonna be alright you gonna be able to work this out you think you will so I just keep going I'm pulling for you and Jesus in you my little sound buddy from last year you were so amazing he was my buddy last year let's do this let's just do this we don't need music plan Jesus is here you know he's here right okay weather weather you would know if you were healed or not let me ask you this just just so I get a show of hands if you were healed tonight you wouldn't really be able to tell you wouldn't be able to check your body because of the condition you need time to tell you really wouldn't know right now let me see how many people in the room have a condition if they were healed they wouldn't necessarily be able to say man I got healed because there wouldn't be anything specifically to mark or checked or tell okay raise your hands real high there's a bunch of it okay let me see put your hands down for me now if you were healed tonight some of you might put your hand up again because you had a different condition or something but there's something in your body you can't hear you can't see you got degenerate stuff you got bone on bone you got rods pins so a lady last week with rods and pins in her leg lift her leg up past her waist her husband's crying as her his wife for 10 years with pins in her legs has her leg bent like a pretzel Jesus is really cool if you were healed tonight you would know it if you were healed without exaggeration without hi we don't even look Ivan set these guys down nobody can say we pulled the emotional card on you I'm just obeying what I believe I heard and I'm in pretty safe ground because even if I didn't hear it it's still his heart so we'll probably get away with it anyway [Applause] so I'm feeling pretty good I'm on the right team we got the right captain so if you were he'll denied in you without exaggeration you could actually take your time check your body and you would actually be able to identify if your body changed you would that be let me see your hands ha raise your hands high good okay I won both groups both groups first question said questions stand your feet please we gonna be alright or do you want me to try the handheld what do you want to do cuz I'll work with it man I'll just hey I laid down my life a long time ago if I've told an L for their sake I I could do it this is gonna be a little hard to do the way I usually do the way the seating is but I think we can pull it off if I heard to do it in my heart the folks that are sitting I want you to help me everybody's standing raise your hand real high leave your hand up until somebody finds you and claims you everybody's sitting don't just grab your spouse find somebody maybe you don't know if you have to squeeze out and slide make adjustments we're not in a rush this is so important don't pray yet don't anybody pray yet we're gonna do this together as a family God's going to come in one big sweep in this room it's going to be fun Jesus is really really good get your hand up if somebody claims you somebody grabs you put your hand down I only want hands up if they're still looking for you keep your hand up if nobody laid claim to you yet if you can get into this middle section or if some of you can try to get out somewhere somebody get to somebody with a hand up that I have available one-on-one don't double up I need one-on-one we can cover it it looked like we could cover it I'll give you a little bit of a chance only leave your hand up if nobody claims you can get move around can somebody help me look at some hands I've still got a bunch right here in the center ok I'll tell you what we're do in the middle because there's a pile of you turn around find the person right in front or in back and you guys be each other's partnering you take turns this will be fun man Bloods one of your prey BAM Jesus will show up then the other one phrase BAM it'll be fun do that okay anybody else help me who can help me who's still looking who's looking for somebody I got a guy here I got lady a lady I got a couple people can we fill the gap yeah thank you dear are we out of participants did we use everybody cuz if you're uncomfortable doing this I really want you on my team because you won't rely on yourself at all you're scared that's good I know that's not normally preached but if you're uncomfortable get on my team because you'll be like Jesus if you don't show up it ain't gonna be good so if you're scared get out of your chair and find somebody if you never prayed for the sick that would be great to get involved did we get everybody or to John get tired do we have everybody can you double up ma'am you're double up can you handle them both in the Holy Ghost your smile tells me so did we get everybody okay here's what we're gonna do I just felt like kicking this whole weekend off this way in my heart I felt like honestly I felt like the Lord said I don't want you to Matthew 10 I want you to Luke 10 and I knew exactly what that man now--when Wow awesome I guess good to see you buddy take three seconds ask the person who stood up that you're praying for what it is give them the three second verse don't pray yet just tell them tell them tell them tell them three second version okay you got it you guys are good you got it hey three second person you got it you guys a fellowship City man this is awesome are we ready y'all get it you know what you're praying for okay the reason I did that is Matthew 17 the Bible says if you have faith now watch I know we want to encourage everybody to live in faith but the person you're praying for doesn't even have to have faith honestly I'm not going to get a lot of teaching in theology right now but the fact that they stood up says to me they got faith but here's what you want to do when you pray for the sick you want to believe that God's good and that he paid a price to redeem their life and heal their body and you want to believe that Matthew 17 says if you have faith here's what you'll do if you have faith you'll say to the mountain move and the mountain will so if they said I have arthritis pain in all my major joints and it feels like things are deteriorating and I'm having a hard time through the day faith says the mountain arthritis you leave their body every pain you go right now in Jesus name now I'm only going to give us a little 6 second window to pray I am you know why so you don't try too hard so you don't get into works so you don't try to pray right and powerful and spiritual so you don't have time to think of the three favorite scriptures that Rev you up oh I ain't kiddin I'm giving you 6 seconds because when we pray for the sick we shift self-conscious immediately across the board almost and try to pray a good prayer it is not your prayer tonight that's going to heal the sick your prayer never has never will heal the sick it's what you believe about who he is and what he accomplished and how he loves that person you're about to pray for like what's this be healed in Jesus name is probably plenty when there's a revelation I think in sincerity we've tried a little too hard who's ever prayed for the sick and got self-conscious and tried to pray right that's what made it wrong right away you got six seconds tonight this is the only time for six seconds tonight I'm going to be quiet I promise after the six seconds is over it's on but for now for six seconds I can do it I'm going to get quiet and here's what you're going to do you're going to speak specifically what they told you if they can't hear out of an ear both ears ears you hear God made you to hear you hear in Jesus name I'm going to stop you all in six seconds when I say okay wrap it up you wind that thing down in the next couple moments father because you love them in Jesus name if we prayed for you tonight and you could tell let me see you again real high your hands if you will be able to tell if you're healed you'll know okay we got a bunch of people to check on if you wouldn't know here's what you do it's the same as that faith the same as act prayer and when they say men here's what you do while father thank you that you love me I thank you these things will never come back the situation is over you are so good thanks for nailing it down through nail and your son to the cross thanks for loving me that's how you finish out right if you would be able to tell here's what I want you to do take a little time don't hurry don't be like oh and then say later you know no no I want you to make sure whatever that means make sure your body changed and when you know you're healed I want you to let us know by just going like this when you know you're healed I'll probably take a couple testimonies you know what I mean by every healing to be honest I'm not just saying this every healing is significant but you know what I mean about what when I say significant somebody that can't hear at all and now they can hear we tend to think that's more powerful than somebody's pain leaving their elbow or something it cost the same but is something that you've been pray for a long time you couldn't hear if you were born with something last week the lady was 10 years in a certain situation one lady couldn't hear at all and her ear popped open and her daughter talked she heard her it was the sweetest thing you just are going to see so when stuff like this happens we want to know about it while they're testifying if your body hasn't totally changed or doesn't seem to have changed you listen you thank God he's good he's a healer and you thank him for what he's doing in you and check your body again don't disconnect don't go here stay here don't go here don't say boy here we go again I know I shouldn't have stood up I never get healed this is about this seven times you can't tell me something blocking my healing I think I need deliverance man I don't know what come on I've been around us I'm just being a friend turn this thing off tonight and stay engaged in faith don't turn faith into a point in time this isn't hit miss win or lose here we go that's not what we're doing thank you gods are good you paid a price and you bring in your redemption all through this room right so no matter what you experience keep your heart this way after a handful of testimonies you watch what will happen you stay engaged you stay thankful you listen and after a handful of testimonies like popcorn in a back five minutes into this thing hands are gonna triple point point and what Jesus is going to do in one sweep he's going to teach us he's good as a healer he's going to teach us how faith works how to not let go how to not live analytical and talk yourself out of truth with facts lots gonna happen in the next few minutes are you all ready you got six seconds you ready you can't even get self-conscious in six seconds because you're gonna say to the mountain you don't even have to come up with anything I'm see how nice I am take one look at that person you gonna pray for and make them a little uncomfortable look at them with loving eyes like they're worth the blood of Jesus they're worth the blood are you ready are you ready six seconds go give them the kingdom right now gee thank you God okay that's so amazing I gave you like 12 just start backing down thank you Father wind it up acknowledge his love in Jesus name man you guys are for real whoo that was a roar thank you God go ahead thank God he loves you thank you me little Jill okay the people we prayed for take your time we're not nervous we're not no hurry check your bodies and be sure but as soon as you know you're healed some people know quick some people got a really check go like this as soon as you know you're healed as soon as you find out no I want your hands to go like this make sure you know yeah for sure for sure yeah who else for sure good take your time let me see your hands check your bodies check your bodies check your bodies let me see some hands if you're healed don't do your hand if you're not I'm not looking for right answers I want people here yeah for sure good we're not in a hurry yeah you know it for sure awesome anybody else keep checking yeah back Eric say this yeah it's dark back there but I see that good anybody else make sure I see you it's important yeah for sure good okay now watch this yeah see see how we're taking our time and checking good some of this stuff is changing as you're checking who's changing as you're checking yeah yeah is that what happened to you stay with me here you two both of you and you hey this is getting good anybody else still check in and you're saying me check your body let's do this let's do this all at one time I want you go like this if you raised your hand for me that your body change I wanna know where you are and who you are all one time do that so I can see and have a visual okay yeah okay that's a good bunch of you there yeah yeah yeah good who's gonna share testimony who wants to tell us what happened and not be shy you're going to tell us go ahead shout it out and I'll help them and if we listen you got a mic you won't do a mic you're not afraid of a mic are you you made a face there's no fear in your life you know no preheating afraid of a mic that's a good way to break it what happened you know what he didn't even pray for my heel because there was too many things to ask for but I haven't been able to walk on this heel for the last several weeks it hurts so bad and it's gone completely gone you can push on it touch it you couldn't walk without limping [Applause] amen hey if you prayed for keep checking your body even if it didn't change is they justified who else wants to share who has a testimony you want to share come on you guys raise your hand don't be afraid of a microphone who back there at the camera get the mic to her that's awesome she's serving and look at that Jesus came in I like that hey now I seen about twenty hands Stokes you guys be shying out on me cuz of the microphone so for about 18 years I've had chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy on my back since an accident when I was fifteen and it's actually loose for the first time and as long as I can remember feels totally different your back feels totally different than the last eighteen years so you just know that in your body you know absolutely thank you my back between my shoulder blades is like a cement block normally and it's completely loose change good who else I need a testimony come on out a bunch a hand stall where's my guy we gonna have your ball where's it you got to give Jesus Chloe guys because it helps other people - my back's been healed and yeah I'd have trouble sleeping at night and stuff and just couldn't standing up for any period of time just and hurtin so how do you know it changed like what you check what you have to do to check it wasn't that hard was tear out and just just so it wouldn't have been hard to find a problem at all no yeah you don't have any problem in there no sir that's all who else who else go to share testimony yeah we got one good hey I've seen some hands over in this section I'm waiting for somebody to testify yeah you're gonna good I can hey listen to you a lot and you're very very inspiring with your truth so my back was feeling burning and pinching when he started and then it went away and also I had a broken collarbone and all these muscles in here we're super tight all time I can't lay on that side and right now just feel totally relaxed okay so it just feels different it just yeah we just went away tonight if you are lay on that side I would tell you just lay on that side and smile man thank God seriously that's just stuff I would do now I would just crawl in bed and say thank you Jesus lay right on that thang it's good see sometimes don't don't ever make light of this they they know because it's their body and you say well that's not well if you live that way for 18 years and you know what it felt like day in and out since you were 15 and all of a sudden it's changed you're gonna know it don't make light of this stuff go ahead dear hello hey I fractured my ankle in October and I've gotten a second report lately from my chiropractor in my physiotherapist I might need surgery on it because there was soft tissue damage so on the inside of my ankle it's very very weak and I can constantly feel pain and although I feel a little bit more on the soft tissue on the outside the inside where it's been causing me the majority of pain is completely gone so that's significant to you what you're experiencing right now with what you've been going through and the knowledge you have about the injury that's a significant thing so it wouldn't have been hard to find pain in that spot have you had any times without pain since it happened no no no I've been trying to work out and I just right now you can't find pain at all in that spot not in that one spot no on the outside I can just legitimate it and I feel it already as I'm moving it like it's just fate that's good and you're supposed to have surgery they were talking about surgery but God's report I'm catching you I'm thinking you're having surgery right now yeah like right now who else we got some more takers over here good I'm proud of you yeah stand up let them see your smile oh look at her trembling Oh bless your nice Knights too I stood up for both for what fer for both both times oh yeah yeah okay the first one is that well one of them I'll have to wait to see sure sure because from the doctor today I'm bleeding and he doesn't know where it's from okay my iron is at eight the lowest is at 12 okay I died in March from having a full hysterectomy so I'm not losing any blood that way it's internal they can't find it okay so I am very hard on my stomach you stood up for that today yes but right now before when worship and believer in God I've seen many felt many miracles walked in many miracles in the last few years and my health has been attacked drastically so I came back and that message back in March when I've had my full hysterectomy I died on the table and he used my dad my dad's in heaven and he's dead you can't you have to come back you got too much to do and you know where you're made to be I might be going a little off but this is where I'll make TV because I advocate I advocate as a Christian and I'm learning how to do that to the government so keep me in prayer for the house so my health has been attacked as I stand for the nation's so today what happened the significance that I ain't feel is this I've had so much pain in my whole body and my stomach that it just goes both ways my head my back my feet everything it's so severe sometimes I just cry and pray just to get up but today is just something different moved in my stomach and I knew it was of God but it was in a way I've never felt before very during the singing the worship and so I just cried out to him and then this happened and then the ladies I shared probably ten seconds instead of three and I and just standing and waiting and you were talking I could feel these little little shocks and I still feel them like I can't sometimes I have trouble breathing because the pain is so severe but this time right now it's just because I can't contain Jesus's say state states they stay standing Chris stay center stretch your hands to this dear woman just put your hand right in the middle of your body honey I just see you putting your hand right in the middle of your body right there and father we just say total wholeness from this day forward no more pain and not one trace of bleeding and father I thank you for holding us in health of the days of her life whatever was going on with the attack on her health I'll thank you it's over and I thank you she her family and everyone around her will see just your grace and blessing upon her countenance and wholeness in her body that's right never again in Jesus name Amen good stuff who else so give me good one more testimony come on who was healed one more test yeah back there way back thanks Chris man running you buddy hello um I have I was in a really bad accident a long time ago that ripped up my spine and I've been scheduled for another fusion and all the rest of that stuff and I've had everybody from John hundred to there everybody pray for me and tonight is the most drastic relief I've had ever like it's dramatically dramatic it was a lot of fire injuries so you just know it's different come on guys Jesus is so good watch I'll tell you all we did tonight this isn't about any single person but Jesus among us a bunch of folks getting up standing with a bunch of folks praying for six seconds a simple heart beliefs and its facts dramatically different than any time he's ever been prayed for it's just simplicity its simplicity don't get tricked and say no to us the anointing nerd Aryan brothers people tell me that they said well yeah but you got to understand and I stop your thinking way too much see its simplicity it's just people say and we believe and there's a synergism of faith there's a corporate 'no stuff at all and during worship she said during worship this stuff started happening her body no doubt there's a corporate heart cryin a corporate hunger in this room and jesus is here in a special way the revelation of who he is in the house the masters quick question of all the people we pray for you didn't raise your hand because it wasn't all the way healed but it was noticeably different and it changed somewhat let me see your hands let me see him ha lift him you can stay sitting but lift them i look around guys you didn't raise your hand because she wasn't completely gone but there's something noticeably different that you would say has changed that's a bunch of folks if your body didn't seem to change i want you to check it off and on during the service if he can at the end we're going to do one little thing quick thing and it'll be sweet but that was probably as many people have had their hands up there of the people that originally said they they were changed that's a movement of god's spirit that's us all getting involved let me ask you this who was the first time today be honest this was the first time you got assertive and you stepped out and you were bold you stepped out because you were invited to and you prayed for the sick and it's not what you would normally do and this was a new experience for you let me see your hands thanks look raise your hands this is a great experience guys okay good I felt like the Lord wanted to just kick off and do that right out of the game why would he do that you say well maybe we're praying for people that aren't even right with God well it's the goodness of God that leads men to change where are we doing buddy you are the best on the planet like I travel everywhere I've never met anybody like you he just slips in slips out but I can't let him do that I have to make a scene and noticing remember last time I'm like this guy is amazing like shows up while you're preaching peace amazing he might be better than he was last year I gotta sit my border down that's that's I'm gonna hit this table 20 times I will hit this table a bunch I feel excited you're ready to just get some word in you listen there's a reason Jesus does this stuff he's good he paid a price for Redemption he's he's really really amazing guys somebody would get thinking too much on this one and say well you can't pray for the sick you didn't even have an article there might be people out here not say but look Luke 10 says whatever city you're in what city whatever and that's not whatever it's whatever city yeah whatever you don't want to be or whatever persists not cool that's the kingdom can't work with that but whatever city you're in heal the sick what sick the DA come on that's all-inclusive whatever the and tell them the kingdom's here what's he talking about you're probably praying for people that don't even know the Lord a lot of times whatever sick in whatever city sounds like John six when they got in the Pool of Bethesda the angel stirred the water it says whoever stepped in first was healed us whatever it was you hear that now we're in a new covenant through Jesus and what we just did here and getting everybody involved is amazing because he wants to teach us stay simple finished work and that's just belief I'm convinced I'm looking at a an army I really am I'm not hyping this I'm looking at an army right now just think if we all start stepping out into situations in our everyday life not in a meeting in our everyday lives you start hearing people hurt and struggling and woke up this oh yeah I got take this every three hours people at your job you hear it all the time guys people telling their struggles and troubles with their health and healing and stuff the number of people I'm looking at wonder if we all just started stepping out and just pray it for the people we heard that we're sick you say well wonder if nothing happens well if we don't pray we got that so what are we losing except ourselves and we already did that here's what I'm convinced the more people we start praying for them more things we'll see and the number one reason I found that people don't pray for the sick is they're afraid nothing will happen so because they don't pray they already have what they're afraid of let's get past ourselves how we feel be a Christian Nike commercial and just do it serious okay okay enough said there that's just enough said there you check your body seer in there and when we when we're end in here we're going to we're going to make sure there's there's some more things happen in the room because I just believe Jesus isn't finished doing that I honestly think that as you're sitting there you want to realize something got even better or changed in fact if you get healed without preaching you won't distract a thing just start waving your hand at me I won't think you're saying hi okay and then they'll just tell me that God's still doing stuff and I'll know how we're going to end this thing okay here's here's what's on my heart right now in this whole frame for the sick thing Jesus was his kingdom it's in Hebrews 1 with a scepter of what who knows what it says righteousness righteousness is a really big deal in the kingdom guys we have to understand righteousness and we have to understand what it means to live by faith if God says I forgive you through the blood then be forgiven come on I am NOT this real deep guy if you don't know me and you came for deep you came to the wrong meeting I will disappoint you if the gospel was complicated and deep I would never get it if he says I love you through the son on the cross then receive his love if he says I forgive you don't keep bringing up stuff throw away guilt condemnation and shame because honestly if you're wearing guilt condemnation shame your heart actually qualifies in a lot of ways you have a you have life inside of you there's something good going on inside of you if you care people that don't care can't be condemned condemnation is perverse it's a wrong way of handling things but here's the truth people that don't care on the inside can't be condemned because they whatever they don't care I have pastored and seen so many people cares so much that they're sure there's something wrong with them they feel like they're not living up to how much they care about God love God what they're called to so they tend to nitpick fault find or get really feeling bad about something they know that's not quite lined up in their life but the whole reaction or response actually means the Gospels purified your heart to a large degree and you have a lot of change on the inside the trouble is you identify with what's wrong instead of grow in what's being made right and all sudden you think you're here when you might be here because you're caught up trouble seeking and something that hasn't been fixed yet in your life are you following let me tell you what righteousness is righteousness isn't right it's righteous it's different right makes you wrong righteous makes wrong things right come on you got to get this God looks at you and me for what were created for what were predestined to be what he knows from the beginning he doesn't see you for where you've been and what you've done he sees you through his son when you're born again it takes repentance you have to step into that through caring enough to say duh what was I thinking what was I doing man I wasn't made for that don't let anybody teach you it's not through repentance repent for the kingdom of God simple repentance and foo who I'm sorry repent is changing the way you think wow I used to live for myself while I used to live at the expense of others wow you say and now you go man I'm done living for me what an empty street man I'm done and all of a sudden there's a shift in your life you follow me come on I know this sounds basic to some butts I passed her too long to see too many people walking in levels of guilt condemnation and shame and honestly I'm gonna be strong should never be kill condemnation shame are three anti Finnish works of Christ the work is finished when a Christians living in any of those three for a moment of time that means he doesn't see the truth doesn't mean you didn't do something wrong but you're responding in a non-productive way you're responding as if you don't understand to know him you're responding as if what you did is who you are when your hearts crying out for change are you with me you say yeah but you don't know what I've done but what about what he's done and when you get your eyes fixed from what you've done you can't see what he's done so you become a product of what you've done and you push the side without realizing it what he's done and what you become through what he's done so then you justify condemnation he said well I've been saved six months I should know better if this hasn't changed by now so must be wrong with my heart maybe I'm not even saved I know I got a little extreme with that but I've heard that more times than I can remember I don't know I just feel like talking about this right now he rules his kingdom with a scepter called righteousness the power of the gospel it hinges on Jesus's sacrifice his shed blood I understand but you got to give him a landing strip it's one thing for God to be merciful but you got to receive His mercy I could prophesy to you all day and say God loves you and I'm right but it's another thing for you to be loved by God it takes you becoming something it takes you understanding it's art it takes you participating in Co laboring releasing faith so that grace has a place to land and grace is empowerment yeah you're saved by race through so he rules his kingdom with a scepter called righteousness what he does is he he dubs you like a knight I believe in the spirit you bow before him Lord he boom he touches you with righteousness and that makes you right with God not wrong with God right with God it unveils you it gives you access I've met thousands of people in my life that thousands that talk to me in a way that they don't even have confidence to pray to God when they're alone because they nitpick with their lives they think they don't qualify Jesus qualified you you got to get along with him and be with him if you're being kept from being along with him and being with him you won't be intimate with him how can you bear fruit if you're not intimate with him how how can you ever receive anything from him if you're not with him come on it's just so important like eternal life it's not a prayer that sends you to heaven when you physically die he turned the life force knowing the father John 17 it's eternal life now I know on the earth we made eternal life of prayer and a promise receive Jesus and go to heaven when you die that's the gospel that's barely the gospel the gospel is his life coming inside of you his snakes are coming inside of you the gospel is all things passing away and all things become new it's you walking in the lightest he's in the light it's you shining as a light in your life on the earth you're not waiting to go to heaven heaven came to you to come on the inside to bring change we preach this little tiny piece called the gospel we printed it on thousands of tracks and it's all about when you die what about when you come alive in him you're supposed to die now you die now you die now to yourself and your own ambitions and and your motives that are self-centered that saying that lives at the expense of people instead of laying down its life for others that perverse thing I got away from the table I was a hit it all night long I just hit that - I was in church couple weeks ago I said I can't believe I didn't break that thing I I felt like I was going to do it - that poor table right there so I'm staying away I'm not mad at anybody I didn't come here to spank you correct - I came here to tell you who you are to celebrate to cheer hopefully be another voice - so into what these men of God and people and leaders are so in and just yay I'm not frustrated upset with nobody I'm intense about the topic I see people living in lies when their hearts are good I've seen sincere folks take a hit because they weren't understanding and the fact that you care so much says everything about you on the inside there's a difference between being addicted and and striving to stay high or keep doing that thing and scheming how to pull it off again who knows there's still lost they need a revelation and Jesus loves them right there's a difference between that and somebody that's doing that thing and they're broken about and they can't stop crying at night and they feel terrible on the inside that person is this close to be him more free for thought they could be because you get tricked into thinking you are what you do but you are what he did and in in the Christianity it's not performance-based 13 about you changing first it's about you believing first but now you be careful about all that teaching out there that says you can claim something without any transformation and change that sets that's rubbish what you believe is what brings change I didn't try to change myself I never bit my to be a good boy my heart's different my life has changed what I see has changed me I've never tried to wake up and not sin I just don't think about it now that freaks people out I feel the strange quiet in here when you talk like that this people sin did he just say he never ever cincy that's how we're geared because we're so sin conscious we have given we have made sin mighty and powerful I think a whole lot more of the Spirit and grace in the finished work of Jesus but because we Lord our experience over his grace we can hardly preach this thing in church without heresy whistles because we raise our own human experience way above his working power and ability so we make ourselves be what we've always been and call it humility but it's false humility when you wear what he paid for that's humility he told me to reckon myself dead to sin and alive under God in Christ so how is that conscious of sin if I'm reckon dead to sin why do our minds always good did he just say he's perfect well nobody's perfect well what is he saying he never sinned I'm confused back up because we have been trained to be so sin conscious sin language but he rules his kingdom with receptor called righteousness while you were yet sinning he sent his son so your sin couldn't stop him coming his sending wasn't hinged on you cleaning up his sending was to clean you up cool this is like basic simple as I can possibly be gospel 101 he said he did not come to judge the world then why do people judge themselves he said but that threw me the world might be saved he said oh you're gonna have my word it'll judge you in that day it's John 12 it's there John 3 says she didn't come to condemn the world that means give the world what it deserves something about righteousness people that we've got to get a hold of as a as a people it's what will keep you running straight narratives will keep you in momentum it'll keep you going like this it says we're not going to be condemned that even if we sin we're not under the law but we're under grace its Romans six and then he says so should we just not care and go ahead and sing cuz wonder grace and not Lois as well of course not we already dealt with that in the beginning of chapter you died to sin remember isn't it amazing the Bible says to die to sin and we can hardly talk about that without boasting in our ability to commit it like everybody thinks the preachers on risky ground when he's talking about righteousness dead to sin the first thing in people's mind what what are you saying you don't sin everybody sins we'll probably sin it now and don't even know it were pricing and while we're breathing you know why you're laughing because we talk like that and when we talk like that we prove we have no idea what he's saying so we haven't tasted the joy of righteousness we haven't tasted a week of not even thinking about sin and actually living in the power of his spirit and righteousness which produces its fruits all holiness without you trying to be holy and then I bumped into this scripture somewhere right around Galatians it says if I live in the spirit I won't fulfill the lusts of the flesh now that might be heresy we just might have to check the Lord out on that make sure Paul wasn't writing in the flat because you know everybody has their moments brother no that's why you have yours because you won't let the gospel change your thinking so your thinking has no power to change your life you stay the same and then you justify what you believe through what you live instead of what he lived he said follow me and he meant it he didn't say just sing to me and worship pray to me when you're overwhelmed he said follow me he said the things I do you'll do if you believe so maybe I'm just talking about our belief system please stole that human experience determine your belief system let this I quote you several places where you died you died to sin you reckon yourself dead - its first Peter - he died on the cross bearing your sin and my sin and his body on a tree why that we having died to sin there's another place might live for righteousness you see when you died a sin it shifts your mind to righteousness what's what's that mean died to sin it's stained it's sting it's memory its defilement and it's desire you wake up in the morning and say father off thank you I wasn't made for the flesh I thank you I was to live in and out of my spirit I thank you Father God that I and not prone and destined to sin in every waking hour your life is on the inside of me you're the one that washed me clean you're the one that filled me with who you are and I agree with your judgment towards me whole the blameless and above reproach Colossians 1 and I thank you for loving me and washing me and making me brand new now do you think somebody's gonna be sincere talking like that to God and then walk out and just feed their flesh do you think I've found a way to to sin and get away with it or do you think I've found a way to think apart from it and live free from it and you can hardly talk about it in the church because we so empower our ability to sin in our minds in our language and somehow we think perfection instead of purity the pure in heart shall see God no wonder Satan has this stuff all muddied up so now it's an argument over perfection rather than purity purity will take you into places you've never been you'll live in conduct through purity that you didn't even think was possible so maybe the argument isn't perfection maybe it's life change maybe I didn't say one time out of my heart that I haven't sinned since I was born again and I haven't sinned in the last month but I can tell you this I don't think about it and if I would mess up in the sense of what we call sin mess up sin don't you think I would know it immediately if I'm in communion with God don't you think I'd run right to him and thank him for the truth in my life that separates me from that action and how he empowers me to live free for that thing that used to own me what you think it's enough to want to be perfection to want to be pure to want to walk holy don't you think grace will meet you there when you know you can't perform it on your own but if you don't believe what he paid for how would you walk in the grace that makes it fruitful come on if you're saved by by grace through faith then you don't wrap any faith around what we're talking about how will you receive any grace for change so what is it possible to live as human beings fill spirit does anybody even really know have we went after that thing strong enough or if somebody did kind of find out can he even talk about it without getting stoned in men's minds here's my question what is it possible to be when you receive the full measure of the grace that he paid for through the cross you tell me what that man looks like and that's what we're paid for to be I say you ought to all just go after what that looks like and not letting anybody talk you out of it don't compare yourselves amongst yourselves and don't let anybody talk you out of truth Cassie I don't have to stand up here and talk about how much you have to sin and how much you don't have to sin and what my life might look like to me and yours you live with yourself your conscience is before God and the cleaner you walk and the cleaner you live in this thing called righteousness the more you're here the more you understand and the more you live this way in him it's just a guarantee so it ain't something to argue over it's not a theological dispute I wish we would just grow up and get past all our little theological debates that have never accomplished one single thing for the kingdom not one single thing it is cause pride it's made men right it's made men wrong and we've missed the gospel the whole time now talk about a theological dispute I'm talking about grace sufficient to change you and a faith that allows it to flow because if you're not releasing faith in this error you you're not receiving empowerment in this area so of course your life looks the same and in time you'll judge yourself in time you'll get condemned in time you'll feel like you're not what you should be or you'll get confused or harden your heart and say whatever God knows we're always gonna miss it at least he loves me I hope but you'll stop living your convictions and you'll let them change I hope I'm making sense to somebody I don't know how I got on this this is very different for me this whole topic right here to kick off a weekend let's look at Romans three real quick okay I'm getting help from above yeah this is pretty good when you hear that just turn to Roman's 3 that means we're not done yet pretty easy for me to preach out on my Bible look at Romans 3 I know right where I'm going cuz all that red that's Redemption the blood the finished work that's what it means it's there for a reason if you steal my Bible that's called sin don't even think about my Bible is awesome it's pretty too oh my goodness look at that everything means something see all that purple their conditions for a promise or commandment of the Lord you see the orange right under the purple the orange is a promise the purple is a condition to receive what was promised Oh see the rainbow espavo is awesome no stealing allowed in the kingdom of God I mean you could get real lame and say well I'm not a Christian so I stole it so I could be a Christian that would be messed up my Bible better not disappear this weekend this is the fourth or fifth one I've had since I've been saved I mark them all up and I give them to a new believer then I get a new one a mark it all up again yeah do you like that I do it's the color code man come up with your own people email me can you tell me your color code no get your own color code why do you want my color code get your own it'll mean something to you get wild with it make any color mean anything you want just ask Holy Spirit to reveal those things when you're reading and give all your little pens out there now I know you're so techie today you just read it on the computer and touch of color but you know get a Bible and get alone you get a pen in your hand and just do it up man so here I'm gonna read read what's this read in my Bible but now but when now right now the righteousness of God apart from the law that means men's works so right now the righteousness of God apart from men's works is revealed being witnessed by the law and the prophets even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ see how I was telling you is all right here see to all and on all who believe for there is no difference for all have sinned how many okay and fell short or have fallen short of the glory of God now watch here's why the enemy wants us to stay so unconscious and calling humility because it's false humility you to reckon yourself dead to sin Romans 6:11 but alive unto God he bore your sin and my sin in his body in a tree first reason that we having died to sin might live to be found right in the sight of God okay so watch now let me read to CNN let me explain why for all have sinned and fall short of love when you are sin conscious remembering sin boasting in your ability to continue in sin or mark in your mind is guilty of sin you will always fall short of the glory of God what's that mean the glory of God is any manifest made seen realize attribute of God that's the body of Christ the Christ in you is the hope of when you're conscious of sin there is no glory of God coming through your life the whole reason he lives inside of us isn't so you feel warm and fuzzy it's so you shy and if you don't shine you missed the point of why he's inside of you walk in the light as he's in the light in your life we see light we walk in the light as he's in the light he's the light of the world he said you are lights in the world therefore walk in the light as he's in the light the other person Matthew he said let your light so shine before men when your sin conscious there's no reveal glory of God and there's no light we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God when you're living in sin and but how quick the churches in this yea but brother with all sin it but we all have sinned we all sin the reason that devil wants you to keep saying I believe that is because when you believe that you cancel the expression of God you stop the glory of God are you with me are you sure there's a strange quiet I'm perceiving in my apartment I'll camp here till we get it we sinned and fall short of the glory of God so when you reckon yourself dead to sin in the life to God guess what the reward of that is the expression of God and the expression of God is the glory of God remember when the Israelites were failing terribly and God said I'll I'll relent and I'll stop this the plague and he said what you listen and you listen good Moses surely what's he saying tell you what he's saying he made man for His image he has a plan through the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world he's looking at a bunch of men living under the law of sin and death that are getting it wrong constantly and being fueled by their flesh but he's talking about a people that are empowered by the Spirit led by the spirit not fulfilling the lust of the flesh shining as lights in the earth waking up for one reason to shine waking up for one reason to walk in love waking up for one reason his image they're all the same that's why I said one reason three things it's all the same I live in Pennsylvania you live in Canada I'm flying home on Sunday I can wake up Monday and wake up for the love of God and wake up for His image and wake up to shine you can live up here in Edmonton and wake up for the same reason that's what makes us one that's what makes us effective that's what makes us an army you might not totally Breann everything about the baptism of the Holy Spirit or everything that we preach about healing but I'll tell you we can all agree on love and love is the goal and the purpose of a commandment and if we miss love we've missed it all you with me come on guys we can celebrate we can shall we can sing all we want but if we miss love we missed the whole thing and you say what is love the Bible says what's love it doesn't seek its own takes no record or account of wrongs doesn't rejoice in iniquity and rejoices in truth never gives up it never fails it never changes its mind come on we're quick to say I love you I can't believe you didn't let her lie man no wonder he didn't call you but I love love attention I'll counter the suffer wrong it takes keeps a record of wrong then why are we so busted up by each other because we've learned how to say it but we have to be coming and a lot of times we say it is self-serving or you're saying is I need you you're not saying you're saying I love you but you're saying I need you and we prove it by our reactions that's pretty cool you do some crazy things at this mate I learned a new trick you guys all right you see her don't walk out on me it'll get better I'll preach better stop don't leave don't leave he said as surely as I live the whole earth will be filled my glory what's he doing God's prophesy he's saying it don't matter what it looks like I know what I see and this is men apart from the Covenant that's coming this is men apart from my image from the beginning you think about the perversity of the fall of man we were all born into it that's why we got to get born again we turned it into a prayer that takes me to heaven and benefits me in the end instead of a brand new life and a transformation now so I can live effective and bring glory to his name and write a legacy sweet we just gotta be real careful man but I know I'm from the US I know that in the u.s. I don't I don't know about preachers in Canada but I know about a lot of preach and I heard growing up in the US it's always a message that benefits me blesses me or gives me something that's what keeps people coming what God promised you what God promised you well what about what you become why are we always just after something from God what about what we become why are we always just looking to get more from God what about where we're to become this isn't have been beneficial gospel this is a transforming gospel this isn't a survival kit I'm going to grab ahold of God and hope to make it to the end what does that mean since I'm telling you we preached a thousand messages over that all they do is serve us the messages serve us and keep us hold on to get some instead of become something look you get all the get you want if you don't become we're missing the point see love lays down its life for another you know what the opposite is live at the expense of every time you cop an attitude every time in a home you put pressure on the other family members and force them to have to respond to your attitude you're living at the expanse of people every time you're moody every time you're living outside of walking in the light living at the expense of people because you force them in a position that Jesus would never put them watches every time you think for yourself and do things for your own gain your own no riot e your own name your own prestige you're living outside of why you're here you know why people think life is tough because they're living in outside of grace they're living in outside of why they're here that's why they think life is life is a gift you wake up in the morning and nobody owes you a thing that's freedom you wake up in the morning and all you're doing is following him and he's loving people that's freedom there ain't no attitude in that disappointment in that despair in that there ain't no anxiety in that you ain't trying to make it anymore you have already arrived you understand why you're here you're here for nobody to owe you anything so you can owe no man anything but to love I found it it's Romans 13 you can't talk me out of it already read it I mean give me all the psychology you won who said what and how we gotta yell but brother too late for me I don't see Jesus letting people change who he is that's why he's changing people no hope you got that hey nobody changed him nobody did him right his own guys were confused and deceived the shepherd was struck in the Sheep scattered and they all said they'd die a meal ago little later they got a chance and they all fled none of that changed Jesus but he changed them he's not breaking bread saying you bunch of wimps I poured my life into you for how many years you saw miracle after miracle they're gonna come and get me tonight you're all gonna run for your lives why you're not so pitiful without me anyway why would you go back to the same old lives bunch of idiots did you learn nothing in the last three years see we never heard Jesus talk like that so where'd we learn to cuz he didn't teach us and he said called no one on earth to teach you you got one he's the Christ so if we're saying what he never said where did we learn to ever read the chapter where Jesus is just sitting up on the Mount of Olives and he's bummed he never read it he's just depressed Peter walks up to and says Lord what's the matter rubs through his hair what's the matter Lord you know Peter I just don't think people like me I mean I'm trying Peter I mean you see me every day is there anything you need to correct me in because I mean I try I'm trying to be loving I'm helping sick folks I mean you you know remember what I did with the food I mean it just bothers me because the next day the only reason they came back you saw it they just wanted more food they didn't better care less about what I have to say I mean I'm just struggling with this whole Savior the world thing but it just doesn't seem like it's working like if they didn't changed by now why are they gonna change like I mean it's a really worth going through it I'm about to go through it's bad enough now you never read that chapter no why didn't you ever read that chapter it's not in there Chris did you read the whole book and it's not in there I wonder why it's not in there oh I know why cuz he's Jesus no cuz he's love that's why him in there see here's the problem and he likes me saying this we make him a special man Jesus and what makes him special is his love and that's what you're here for let us make man in our don't you ever forget it the whole reason we're on the planet is to be found in his image and his likeness and he and the things we learned weren't from him called the the language we spoke never came from him the attitudes we had you ain't never seen one of them in the unforgiveness the bitterness did you ever find him ever why cuz he's loved everyday he's loved and where sin abounds grace comes greater love covers a multitude of sin and while we were all sinners falling short of the glory of God he was showing us what it looks like and he said follow me that's the gospel in a nutshell you did not please please please spare me you did not pray a prayer to go to heaven even if that's what somebody told you you died to your old life so you can step into the new one that was prepared before time you step out of what Adam made you to be to step into what Christ paid for you did not pray a prayer to go to heaven someday when you die we have so reduced the gospel to a self-serving gesture we have made the gospel benefit us at the cost of it not transforming us so you can claim eternal life and keep your attitude it's not just hey if you leave here tonight and I hit Natori you on the snowy road do you know where you're gonna go and if not raise your hand every I close will pray for you and then you say wow forty-five people got saved I know God's merciful and sometimes he works with our frail efforts but he never told us to teach that you can't even back any of that out for scripture he did not tell us to teach that he said deny yourself pick up your cross and follow me unless you love less your mother your father your wife your children your houses land there's no way you'll fulfill what I called you to and created you for that's the word of the Lord it's die to live he says in Romans six so we go ahead and sin so grace can abound of course not how shall we who died to sin live in it any longer or do you not know as surely as you were baptized into his death right your old man your old nature was swept away and when you rose just like he rose by the glory of the Father you rose in the newness of life yeah your old man was crucified buried with him in baptism into death they threw it up there these guys are amazing therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we should walk can you back up to verse one for me please what shall we say then why is he asking the question to start the chapter because we make chapters out of one book was a better answer this because at the end of chapter 5 which wasn't a chapter it's all one big letter to the Romans we just split it up in chapters for some reason then that causes trouble because preachers started and therefore misinterpreted don't even know what it was therefore no it's true because every time you see therefore it means in light of what I just said so if you start with are there four better be on the heels of what was just sad so you get the right interpretation when you're talking about this in free thing people say out of context well brother if you say you have no sin you deceive yourself in the truth pain in you that's first John chapter one out of context what he's talking about is if you have no need of the blood and if you say you've never sinned because two verses later he clarifies it clarifies it says if you say you have not sinned but in between he says if you confess your sin he's faithful and just to forgive you and cleanse you of all two verses before that you're forgiven of all sin two verses later you're forgiven and cleansed of all unrighteousness so if you're forgiven of all sin forgiven and cleansed of all unrighteousness that sounds pretty clean so he's not saying if you're saying you ain't always sinned in your twisted he's saying if you say you have no need for this righteous judgment and you have never sinned you're deceived because first John chapter 2 verse 1 says little children I write these things so you do not sin maybe John should get on the list to another false teacher heretic John the beloved what shall we say then shall we continue in sin sir grace well sure brother because we all sin everybody has sin we're never but we're not perfect with our sin and right now brother is that what you're reading then why do we say it non-stop in the body of Christ we justify our ability to sin non-stop therefore refusing the grace that is designed to change our lives shall we continue in sin so grace keeps on coming and abound him certainly not look you might have thought you prayed a prayer to go to heaven but the gospel didn't teach you that how shall we who died to sin living any longer see when you got saved you might not even been told none of this it might add all about going to heaven instead of transformation see the night I got saved it had nothing to do what going to heaven it was just God in the hallway of working me I would no human being nowhere around when I got saved had nothing to do with going to heaven had to do with me being coming a brand new person in heaven coming into me and getting changed so I gave my life and ain't that something it was never about going to heaven what's this certainly not or do you not know some people just don't know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ that means immersed and dipped into his name to become one with him we were baptized into his dad well what was his death cuz he didn't ask us to hang on a cross he just told us to carry one let's keep going this feels right therefore we were buried with him through baptism into death we better find out what that means that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory the Father we so should walk in a brand new life this isn't a confession to go to heaven this is a new life verse 5 for if we've been united together and Alexa time he said in three verses we've been baptized together in his death we're in his death now we're in the likeness of his death certainly we shall be in the likeness of his so it ain't just about died and it's about verse 6 knowing see you better know 2nd time you saw that knowing that our old man was crucified with him that the body of death would be what done that means it is no more that we should no longer be I looked up that word slate that means bound and chained to serve it's testimony ain't it something do you see that I'm not preaching a sermon I'm just reading scripture off the wall you better read the handwriting on the wall am i preaching my sermon or is this all in the Bible before I suggest we'd be Bible believers not experiential believers Bible believers because it's grace that changes you you don't say man I really blew up on my wife this morning I'm sure thank God for His grace you got it wrong his grace keeps you from blowing up so you're claiming something without a revelation to become something that's called misrepresenting something that's why sin causes us to fall short of the glory of God that's why you reckon yourself dead to it so the glory shines yay oh this is come on it's simple next verse please you guys give me this oh my goodness this has to be heresy because you're always gonna send brother and probably send in while you're breathing I mean nobody's perfect what are you saying you're perfect and what do you mean you're saying it's on my notes this is Romans six this isn't my interpretation it's Bible how many people just died or prayed a prayer to go to heaven and didn't understand they were dying to themselves see when you die to yourself you died a sin here's what we don't understand and I'll get in trouble for saying this because people are just walk they just there there's some folks that are set on listening to every word you say to find what they don't agree with and criticize it now here's the scary part that's all that happened to Jesus for three years and watch total truth standing in front of them and they were so sure he was wrong it was worthy to die and he was total truth Chris and they were sure he was total wrong couldn't even hear truth itself that's scary most people teach that Jesus could in sin because he was God well if that's why I couldn't sin and it's frivolous to give us all these scriptures about being dead to sin walking free from sin and not sinning he didn't not sin because he was God he came as a man he laid down his glory and made himself of no reputation God anointed Jesus of Nazareth the man if he came as God he wouldn't need anointed if he came as God he's already anointed well I would Holy Spirit has to come upon him in a water baptism he was tempted at what all points yet without can you tempt God then well how could he be tempted does God ever slumber where Jesus in the boat in the storm hmm how many more examples do you need that he was a man can I tell you very simply why he didn't sin he was selfless and there's not one sin that will ever be committed apart from selfishness when you think for yourself you're subject to sin when you think for the kingdom you walk free how do you know that brother scripture he who has died died what to his own life in himself died in the likeness of his death he who has died now I can't speak for somebody that's just praying for her to go to heaven that's probably why we got a problem because for generations that would that's what we've made the gospel we've just tried to get fish in the boat we said God will scale them and clean them my job is just to get him in the boat no your jobs to preach the gospel not a self-serving little invite you preach a gospel and all it gives a man is what he can get from God you don't even have to be a believer to give a head nod you're just thinking I'll say yeah in case he's right that's why why wouldn't you throw your name in the sweepstakes all you had to do was click a box and check it for Publishers Clearing House why not they might knock on my door that doesn't mean you're a believer for he who has has been which tells me that Jesus didn't sin because he was selfless he was a selfless man if he wasn't selfless he'd be mad if he wasn't selfless he'd feel ripped off if he wasn't selfless he would have never made it to the cross because people were really wrong the whole time he was right but I guess it ain't about right and wrong cuz he's righteous man this is all making sense so he says forgive them father they're blind to see if they don't have a clue but we know we know who they are we know what we're doing they don't see it forgive them they don't know what they that's what he's saying guys that sure beats what a bunch a it Tom are you kidding me God for real how many things we'll have to do I need everybody in Capernaum and they still don't get it I come to my home town and they're full of unbelief everything I say they criticize and doubt I can't even get a word in without doubts flood in their mind not these people are so blind they ain't never gonna see but you kidding me God Barabbas for real he kills a man I raised the day he causes conspiracy I'm trying to make some peace here and they want to let him go and do this to me I think I've had about enough it kind of hits it home somehow we've just heroically figured him instead of looking at someone to follow somehow we just made him a superstar instead of a role model he doesn't want you to say well that was Jesus he doesn't want you to say that that doesn't bring him honor because then you make him what you can't follow and I promise you if I can't find that attitude in him I don't want it in me and if I can't see it in his life why would I be permissible in my life I don't need to have issues when I have him say well why couldn't he think like that because he's loved not because he's Jesus because he's loved don't forget it for he was died has been go ahead and say it with me and just let it feel good this is see your quote scripture has been yeah but come on guys you know you're always gonna sin you're not perfect what are you saying you don't sin you probably are sitting right now in your mind your breath dark I want it to sound so foolish now we've been talking for so long so we stopped listening to it if everybody don't stop saying it fine but that stopped listening because right behind me is the word of the Lord and it says if you've died to yourself and you wake up to pursue him pursue his image and live by the spirit whether you're doing it perfectly or not it's gonna make you free from sin and it ain't your fight no more because he already wanted and that doesn't mean you disregarded that means you start living apart from it like you never thought was possible and then you'll find when you do that you can't talk about it because other people call it Pharisee why because they're only living their experience and preaching their experience so it's a warning signal when a pastor can hear what I'm saying it means he has so many issues in his life that he can't hear it so he's qualifying himself I had a pastor sit me in the quiet one time and got both with me so brother you gotta be careful preaching this stuff he said everybody has their stuff man and everybody has secrets I said so what's your secrets why don't we just deal with that right now because I'm really concerned see because that was his experience he's figuring it has to be truth so now he can only preach as high as his experience so when I'm preaching he's troubled to the point of almost frustrated cuz I'm over speaking and not getting real and in denial you ever hear somebody say you be careful those guys that are just always okay in your church you ask mother do they say hey I'm great brother praise God you got to get that man alone when nobody's looking and say hey brother now how are you really doing what does the preacher imply and what did you ever hear that scenario people do that you know what they're implying that nobody can be okay or then what are we all excited about if nobody can be okay what are we all happy about you should be so ecstatic that he paid a price to get you free from you so you can get free from everybody else so you can finally walk in love and understand what it's like to be a Christian yeah come on man I mean that's what's getting excited about what's a war going on in here tonight about and mortis we're still stuck in ourselves if we're just waiting for some day called heaven but it's alright I held for a while so what's the good news well I live like a rad one days go to treatment like I did ah come out from among them and be separate living like a rat a shining I got that rat from the rat race thing we use your background see cuz that's that's the American dream I don't know what the Canadian dream the American dream this is having a made big house everything out the place and prestige variety big IRA no worries brother your winning the rat race but you're still rat what's it matter if you're winning that race if you're around you're just some better rat I've confused I'm gonna preach the gospel because I get confused when I think like the world I think it confused verse eight are we okay or is this boring is this okay I mean this this guy's you leave here tonight man don't just say wow he's goofy or something I got here what we're saying tonight like like you can leave here forgiven you can leave here and say I'm clean in the presence of God because of the blood speaking better things and you say it from sincerity and faith and all of a sudden that does something to your conscience and your heart and your life and all of a sudden you you have no nonsense going on and you don't have time for this and you ain't looking about this you your fixed thoughts of this man you're free and you ain't Lot's wife anymore looking back staying stuck you're his bride looking up from whence comes your help you see what I'm saying come on they say it's like don't get tired of this topic it's it's what he rules his kingdom with the scepter called righteous the power the gospel the fact that the blood makes you right in the sight of God when you've been wrong what a gift what a grace what a God he who has died now if we died with Christ he still talked about being buried in the baptism of his death if we died with Christ we believe we shall also live with him so it ain't just about dying it's about livin Romans 9 knowing third time you better know that's why we teach so we know knowing that Christ but the better way to know is when you leave here and you get alone and nobody's looking and you're just in the bathroom and you're just brushing up a little cleaning out doing a little freshen up before you go to bed right and the door is closed thanks for loving me Thanks for washing me in your blood Jesus father I thank you that you see me spa some blameless and blemish-free and you say I've talked to countless Christians never even thought that way when they were alone let alone talk like that they just pray stuff they need things they're worried about pray for loved ones that's all good keep doing that but what about receiving his love we're about communing with the Lord what about waking up and not trying not to sin or trying not to sin but waking up and being righteous father I just thank you for another day man what a gift what a grace to be alive everything I used to call a grindstone called job is a gift man I used to want another job because I couldn't stand Larry the boss but a man I'll tell you what god I see Larry for who he's called to be created to be you've done such a work in my heart I can't wait to get there today I just believe I'll shine without even trying because you've done a lot of change in me that would be amazing if you wake up thinking like that that sure beats oh no 6 o'clock already gotta go back to that place God when are you gonna get me a new job I don't know if I gotta work beside Johnny today I don't know what I'm gonna do God if you love me you will not let that out and then you call that prayer when that's just a self-centered delusion like God didn't even hear anything you said I can prove it it's in the book of James when you asked him miss your own lusts and desires nothing happens I got scripture on everything you've been raised from the dead having been raised to the dead knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead he dies snow now he's getting to the punchline baptized into his death buried with him in death right he's getting to the punchline we're only two verses away I can feel it knowing that you better know this that Christ having been raised from the dead that means death had no dominion over him he dies no more so he lives forever you live in him forever with him right that's why we have eternal life death no longer has dominion over him why verse 10 for the death that he died that you were baptized into he died to sin once for all ah he's not talking about the way he died how he died how many times he got P he's talking about what he died to judge right here for the death he died he died to sin once for all but the life oh don't you love the semicolon there but the life that he lives he lives to God now watch how he makes us one he always does it likewise you also because we follow him we don't just sing to him and pray to him we follow him you reckon yourselves to be dead indeed oh that's strong to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord look at verse 12 just keep rolling we're going to do this whole chapter therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body that you should obey it in its lust why thank you and do not present your members don't yield yourself think yourself believe yourself or give yourself as instruments to unrighteousness to sin but instead present yourselves to God as being alive from the dead and your members instruments for righteousness to God of righteousness to God for sin shall not have dominion over you why you're not under the law you're under grace what then so we don't really need to care so we just go ahead and sin and not really think about it because we're all sinners you know we're probably sinning now somewhere so should we just go out sin because we're not under the law but under grace certainly not exclamation point do you not know fourth time in this chapter you better know that to whom you yield and present yourselves slave to obey as a man thinketh you you are that one slave whom you obey the word slave means bound and chained to do one's will who you present yourself and see yourself to be as exactly what you'll produce whether it's sin leading to death or obedience leading to righteousness man this is good 17 you guys are great things but God o be thanked that though you were slaves to serve it's it's will sins will yet you obeyed from the here's the key you obeyed from the heart that for see that's the only thing Satan can play with so when you're sincere he plays on your sincerity and tries to get you turning into fault-finding and feel like you're not living up to your desire for God so you believe you're failing so now because you believe you're failing you're labeled and your heart is a failure so until that changes you don't see yourself different and that's where condemnation comes in some of the purest people toward God I've ever met are secret be condemned in their hearts because they feel like they're not living up to their pure heart towards God they feel like their life doesn't measure up and they cry himself to sleep and they love God on the inside never see it watch this yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered now here's the sad thing some people live their whole Christian life and were never delivered this they would just deliver well we're always going to send just be glad God forgives us anyhow there's no way to ever escape that you have that nature in you as long as you live and I'm like please I'm trying to be nice but read your Bible before you preach what you were taught oh my goodness I saw this in another verse are you sure God's not a heretic God couldn't be a heretic could he it couldn't be a blasphemer so it's safe to read this you don't mind since like you help pull these meetings together I got the mic you okay if I read this past tense this already happened it'd be nice if you believe it like now and having been see if all you do is prepare to go to heaven you might not fit that you might prepare to go to heaven and still be mad at your boss and still create animosity in your home and think nothing of it because it's normal but if Heaven came into you and you died to yourself that changes all that now you take account and responsibility for your own life not somebody else's and you don't listen to the sermon for them you listen for you so you become more like Christ because Christ in you I'm Preston them Christ in you in you now Christ for you toward you Christ in you is the hope of glory so the only hope only hope of God being seen and known is the Christ in you so if you were the enemy wouldn't you try to quench that and push that under the rug and get that all bottled up with a whole bunch of language having been set free from sin you became slaves of righteousness it's 10 o'clock I speak in human terms because of the weakness of it I just I just freaked me out I just totally got freaked out I saw like three people slip out and I thought well no it's not my preaching it's way too good so I thought but although there's no way they were walking out on my preach and it must be late and I went so they have permission to leave but stay just for a second don't leave on me because we're at the punchline we're just about done I speak in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh for just as you presented your members as slaves unclean this come on before Jesus man just whatever you thought of yourself what others suggested when you produced and proved to your own mind just led to more of the same yeah come on whoever worked their way out of that you know how many people grew up doing things to say well they all say I'm the black sheep anyway I guess just sitting I just gets and we get labeled at a young age and we bear fruit according to what we've been told and according to what we believe come on we done proved it so why don't we put on a new testimony for just as you presented your members as slaves for uncleanness and of lawlessness leading to more lawlessness now how about now you present your members of slaves of righteousness for holiness you see what righteousness produces holiness without you biting your lip to be holy I'll tell you what guys you start waking up in the morning and believe you're a son your life will start looking like sonship ladies you wake up and believe you're his princess his girl his bride and you will carry yourself in that humble honor you wake up and you start believing what he paid for him what he accomplished you start where he finished you'll run well if you don't start where he finished you'll try to work up to what he finished but it's finished here's where he finished you're right with God you are justified as if you never sinned your holy blameless and above reproach in his sight if indeed you keep believing and don't let anything change your mind it's cautions 1 it's there for when you were a slave of sin bound and chained to it to do its will and serve it's testimony you were free in regard to righteousness see there's no agreement what fruit did you have then in the things which are now ashamed you look back on and go duh for the end of those things is death but now third time having been does that feel good and having become chained to God to service will and testimony you have your fruit to holiness he's telling us twice and the end of that scenario that chapters rockin ain't get some so then he then then we got he keeps right and we call it Chapter seven we're not going to do the whole chapter but he says I write to those who know the law and then he compares to marriage and until the spouse dies the other spouse isn't free so when one dies then you can be truth to another he's talking about the law and the aborning Christ and then he says was the law bad was it evil was it no and he said the law showed me money for sin and when I was under the law the things I wanted to do I couldn't read it so people say well look Paul struggled Paul was talking about his life apart from Jesus it's so obvious how could Paul write all this we just read and then turn around say well I'm just stuck and damned with sin man it's down in me dude and the thing I don't want to do I'm doing and the thing I don't want to do I'll never do help me write all that and then talk from his present state and his inner struggles how can he say walk in a manner worthy and then write Romans 7 from his present experience it boggles my mind that people think he's talking about his life he's talking about the law and he said who could save me from this body of death a wretched man that I am leaning under the law and he says thank God through Jesus and then he talks in Romans 8 about living by the spirit and not live in Romans 7 cuz you're in the spirit not the law don't let anybody so you cheap you've been bought at too high of a price yeah okay if there's other scriptures I gotta quit I uh I'll read this and I will pray over you guys and we'll finish I'm so sorry it's that late I freaked me out I saw how late it was they probably worship extra long or something all sinned God being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus look at verse 25 whom God set forth as mercy over our sins right the mercy seat for our sins by his blood through faith to demonstrate his righteousness because in his forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed why to demonstrate at this present time his righteousness that he might be the just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus come on that is like awesome yeah that's just Jesus man I don't know about you but I know about me well I do know about you actually nobody's ever loved us this way in the midst of who we've been to the point of empowering us to who were created to be the gospel was not about getting forgiven of every wrong thing you ever did the gospel is about becoming what he paid for him becoming what you were from the beginning it's an exchange of life he takes the old dead thing he puts on the new thing Colossians 3 tells you to put off the old man and his deeds put on the new man renewed in knowledge and agreement or according to the image of the one who made you this is so scriptural it's amazing somebody said a long time ago to me I was in a family gathering after a service we were having a fellowship and gathering and breaking bread and a guy says we're gifting do you think you are in the body and what do you thinking I'm like man I don't know and I saw really never even think about that stuff honestly not in a weird way I just don't and the one guy sitting there the pastor he said he's an image consultant that's what he said my gift unless he said I'm an image consultant and I said I like that from the time you were born you were trying to find out who you were cuz Adam lost himself through sin so you and I were born into having no clue who we were our value or our future that's why you needed stability you needed love you needed appreciate it you needed kind words encouraging words and a lot of us didn't get those things and whether you get them or not a short time into life you're nothing more than a product of however you responded to how it unfolded why because you didn't know yourself in the first place so you come to believe things about yourself and that becomes you but it's all apart from truth so can that identity be truth not at all it's just a reaction to life and some people are introverted and some people are fighters some people respond different ways some people get broken and almost die on the inside and some people toughen up and say I'm gonna nun that nobody but the whole time everything they're sitting on is a lie and it's not the real them so Jesus says you got to come and get born again as if you were never born before and you got to die to everything you've been so you can live to everything yes it's called Christianity anything else is a version a version of Christian you're good when you get saved isn't when a preacher has an order call that you could I could do one right now when you get saved is when you say in your heart duh I've been living for myself it's time to die so just living for myself what a lonely place it's time to start living for his great name so that my life doesn't point to me help me Holy Spirit that I would live in a way where my life points to you if you're a Christian for yourself you're already in trouble if you're a Christian for his great name you're gonna grow up into him in all things let's just set the record straight to get our motives pure coz the pure heart shall see God you with me so up here in good old Canada Edmonton to be exact let's go after this thing because I'm looking at an army like seriously when you guys prayed for each other while goes like another roar in here like you guys are intense I appreciate you coming tonight I appreciate your bearing with me and as long as we went this is good news you take good news out of here and you present yourself and your members as righteousness and present yourself as being made right with God every day and if you don't get a whole lot out of this weekend get this one thing if you'll let the gospel teach you this one thing it'll change every day that every day you wake up you set your heart on this one thing nobody owes me a thing it's the most powerful place you have found you ever lived cuz ain't nobody can break your heart in that place they no hurt feelings that place there's no anxiety of survival in that place fears a wretched lie on the earth II you know the paradox about fear you have no authority over what you fear nobody else your thing what's easy for you to say you ain't living with my spouse not safe see so you're gonna let where your spouse isn't decide where you are and you're gonna let what they ain't see and decide what you do see and then you're gonna sing Jesus is the light of the world boobs if one person's going to decide who and how you are you probably ought to make sure their name is Jesus son of God and that say I wouldn't be this way if it wasn't for or if it wasn't for isn't bored then why are you letting them matter more than what matters most we can live this thing why don't we stand to our feet would you anybody that we prayed for earlier that felt better feel any better anybody check your bodies yeah you do you do good anybody else backing back Wow yeah yeah yeah you feel better even yet then when you first race your hair yeah god yeah good it's a Polish guy if you didn't feel any change in your body you leave here and do yourself a big super big favor you leave here tonight and say Father thank you for what you're doing then you're a healer and that you love me god I appreciate the grace working in my life and the change that you bring into my body you go to bed in that kind of faith that's how your body will change you go to bed in a quandary you'll get so many questions you'll cloud over what your heart once knew don't do that are you with me when we lift our hands to heaven would you do that I can ask you that I saw you is worship you're wowed you're you're okay with this Lord we dispute to you we ask you to continue to come and courage your heart build up our hearts and teach us man we want to shine we want to run this race worthy of a prize without strain and striving and struggling we want to live in grace and we want our lives to make a difference in the lives of others do you mean that are you sincere about that so father in the sincerity that corporate sincerity I asked for grace to come and empower us to live in you live in the spirit that our lives are individualized would make a difference that our corporate lives would just sweep over a land God in Jesus name we thank you for it amen amen you
Channel: DAN MOHLER - Non Official Channel
Views: 15,354
Rating: 4.9224377 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, Power and Love
Id: O5g8a2rVPyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 7sec (7087 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 20 2019
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