Dan Mohler Q&A | Joey Blodgett | Upper Room

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hey can we yeah give it give a hand for PJ where is he come on man there's more anointing in that beard than a lot of places in the world hey can we put the phone number back on the screen but it doesn't have to be fancy can you just make it big so everybody can see it if that's possible that's not Dan's number by the way so don't be given that number away but really before we start guys I just want to encourage you that this is this is on this is what I've been looking forward to just Q&A I feel like this is just like family time where we could sit down and really chew on things together and I just want to encourage you to check your heart before you ask a question because I don't I don't think asking questions are bad but as long as they come from the right heart posture and we're not questioning God tonight we're questioning things that we can learn about him learn about his nature learn about who we are in him so I just I don't know I just wanted to say that that I that I don't want him to come out of bitterness or pain just just let it come out of a real pure place because I don't want to put God on trial tonight that's not the key of this is we just want to ask and receive truth and be set free amen amen okay so let's do this let's get one live audience question who wants to oh yeah yeah just on the heels of what Joey just said it so what's so profound what he just said see if your heart isn't pure in when you're asking your desk you know bitterness or two out on trial or because of a pain or hurt or unresolved think it did it affects your ability to hear Jesus said be careful how you hear sometimes you could say one thing and three people in the room can hear three different things that's amazing so be careful how you hear you want to live in a pure place you want to ask questions humbly not contentiously because it affects the way you hear are you following me Jesus isn't threatened by your attitude your questions even if it's deceived he is like amazingly secure I'm personally I love questions I'm not threatened by questions either I just want you to be able to hear clear okay so that's why it's important what he just said and while I'm open here and talking really that's look really strongly for questions that really relate to the things we've been mr. preaching that that concern your identity your destiny your you're walking out faith don't just dig in for some deep theological question and and revelation questions Book of Revelations I'd ask you to probably avoid that tonight I think that could get distract us from where we're at and I'm just asking you probably not to go there okay all right amen okay so all you have to do is just raise your hand okay who Christoph do we have a mic is there a mic we can run around real quick if not I can jump that's fine we'll jump into a phone question I saw this guy on the end first so make sure we get him a mic but we'll go ahead and get do a phone question real quick oh yeah here you go hey Dan hey buddy so one of my best friends he recently lost his brother he was my age 27 to cancer and he's he's a guy that struggles with definitely the faith his mom believes his sister believes but he's kind of a stunt double rock star kind of Hollywood type life but you know it's one of those things that you know we know that that's not God that did that we know that you know and we all know that and I know that but the fact that he doesn't he has to blame something and it's just something I've struggled with is answering some of these questions that he has and that you know it was his best friend he loses his brother and then he's you know he's questioning like you know okay why why would why wouldn't know why would God do that I was like that wasn't God no I watched a sermon on you giving that God receives them he doesn't take but his question was well he still didn't intervene to stop it and I just don't know what answer those questions like that I get that question a lot people go well he didn't intervene and stop it so he's not there for him okay you guys here's a question could you hear okay cuz the sound I was trying to really catch that's a great question that's a question that's asked your questions great there's a question that's asked from people a lot well why didn't he stop it we have to understand when Psalm says he gave the earth to the children of men you know he told us not to live in fear he told us to study and show herself approve there's a lot of people out there the call on God in a case of a murder trying to build a house in a storm and all kinds of things are happening and some of us are still trying to get over fear and just find the right motive even in prayer and then when things don't happen we want to immediately get tricked into pointing to God and and I promise you that's the enemy he's the accuser of the Brethren to God and he's the accuser of God to the brother and he like switches it back and forth and I noticed that when people get frustrated and an offended heard it reveals something that they don't have an understanding and covenant and communion with God they actually just are expecting God to sit at some big mystical desk of administration call the shots and anything that happens is him and it's not like that at all men are being destroyed for the lack of knowledge the power of death and life is in our tongues yeah he said we reap what we sow he told us to never fear and some of us live in fear and don't address it and get a grip on it and find a freedom in it you know from it and and I'm just telling you there's a lot of things like that that are going on and somehow the fall of man has a rational wisdom to rest it on God and accuse him in their mind that's just sore sign to us as believers it's never gone to answer your question and talk to him personally I try to address the goodness of God and I bring the cross into it I've learned to send my Bible that they asked Jesus a lot of questions from wrong places who would agree like they had motives to trap him tricking but here's what you'll find if you look jesus never answered their question he always responded with the question whenever they asked Jesus a question from a wrong place he said let me ask you a question or who of you and he always slipped it and asked them a question and what he was doing was he wasn't catering to their heart remember how in front of Pilate and they were accusing him and stuff and he never said a word and Pilate said these men are accusing you're saying nothing it's because he wasn't going to get in the place of defending himself when he knew how far out their their hearts were he wasn't going to speak into the air into nothing and actually help fortify the problem so when people say well if God is good then how come he let my bro and I said well let me ask you a question because sometimes I think we asked the wrong question in our hurt and our pain and our real loss if God wasn't good why did he send his son when we're all yet sinners see if you question the nature of God through loss you're going to be deceived and get a wrong view of God if you question the nature of God through his love through sending his son while we were yet sinners you're going to keep God in his right perspective it's going to Berthe diligence and a stewardship to live the kingdom gospel begin to study show yourself approved take some accountability stewardship responsibility if you will in your life calling and destiny and start going after him instead of just believing in him I assure you this he said unless you love less all those things on the list your mother your father your wife your children your housing your lands don't think your siblings and all that stuff isn't in that list it's everything dear and intimate to us and the emotions in the sentiment life he said unless you love all those things lest you by no means be my disciple what he's trying to say is guys I'm not here making your world go the way you hope I've given you a stewardship of the world through my great name and I want to reveal myself through you and unless you love all those things you're sentimental towards you will never fulfill why you're here because you'll let those things stumble your heart and maybe even miss readme and that's how I explain it to people and I really believe a wrong view of God is a tragic thing right now on the earth that in presumption really quick people don't even think of God for weeks and months and years a bad thing happens and now they're mad at God and Whiting that that happened and they haven't even considered him for a year but all of a sudden he's in their thoughts when there's laws you see what I mean we've been set up by the enemy to believe he's at a desk of administration calling the shots and that somehow he's sitting there flagrantly watching and whistling letting things happen no he gave the earth to the children of men we have a stewardship of life you and me are called to guard our own heart for out of our hearts closed the issues of life but because we don't guard our heart we have snap judgments offence animosity and even accusations towards God are you following me so when I was when I was saved I realized I realized that you know I can't lose this thing now and this happened in my heart and I wasn't throwing my family way I said man I could lose my wife I could lose my children I could lose my home but I can't lose I'm in I understand why I'm alive and I'm called the shine come hell or high water no matter what I'm called to live him and I taught that in my hundred one day and I was so passionate I tore the buttons off a shirt like this I said you can't touch me now on the buttons were popping and people were looking and they were like dude I don't think we came to hear this sermon because most of us are Christians for the protection of those things so wonder if we lose something how do you respond are you following me and you got to make sure that you don't let something matter more than what matters most is their physical loss absolutely are we being insensitive to him losing a brother and making light of it absolutely not it's a very hard thing and it's real and it's physical loss but Paul said we don't grieve as those who have no hope and as soon as you accuse the only one that's truly good now you're in a desolate dry place are you following me come on man if he wasn't good why'd he send his son listen I'm prayed for the sick and haven't seen him healed it doesn't change the gospel I opened the book and Jesus is life's the same this promises are the same I could pray for 16 people with cancer and they died and I'm still supposed to pray for the sick so if you see number 17 don't just back off and say well I'm running a pretty bad record I'm over 16 I think I ought to just quit no you got to pursue and press it and go after it in your personal faith in life right so pray for number 17 don't tell him you're over 16 it doesn't help just pray for the sick don't get don't get don't come up with spirituality analogies to try to comfort your troubled heart because most the time that's at the cost of truth and truths what makes you free you guys with me so we here's what we tend to do we look at life and this is you could talk to him about this we look at life and see how it unfolds and then define God through the unfolding we're supposed to already know who God is through his son we're not finding God along the way we find him through his son when you see a son you've seen the father no one's seen the father at any time yet he's declared himself through his son yeah in former days he spoke to the fathers through the prophets in these last days he has spoken through a son who is the out rang of his brightness and the Express image of his person Philip how is that you asked me to show you the father have you been with me so long and still you don't know when you've seen me you've already seen him I only do the will of him who sent me I only do what I seem do only say or hear what I see or hear him said or say what I hear him say when you see Jesus's life you see the father reveal so if you can't find in your experience the life of Jesus in his outcome then don't call it the will of the father let's go after that thing and expected to change there's not a Christian on the earth I don't care what denomination you are that you could walk to and say this to and get a different answer there's not one Christian that would answer this different you say if Jesus walked in the room and touched your sick loved one what would happen nobody would hesitate I don't care what denomination you are you ask that question they would say will they be healed and yet he's in US and were the expression the body of Christ and as he is so are we in this world and the things I do you'll do if you believe now just hear me on this if you were the enemy and everything was promised to the believer what would your be your main target of attack the belief system of the body of Christ and you'd get us to fight over things that are revealed through his life but are contrary to our experience and then we internalize loss we get offended guys John the Baptist preached and announced Jesus in he from the Lord had a revelation that he was the Lamb of God and the Son of God and there's no one on the earth that knew more who he was than John agreed scripturally and yet when he was in prison he asked his disciples to go ask Jesus a question he already knew the answer to why he asked the question because of his own personal situation you'd know that's true by Jesus's answer he said go ask him if he's the one or should we look for another John asked that question John said he's the one the Lord showed me the one that the Spirit comes upon and rests upon a remains upon he's the one I must decrease he must increase follow him now he's in prison and he's asking a question hey are you really the water should we be looking around because by the looks of my life you don't look like you're the one and Jesus said you go back and tell John what you both see in here the blind see the Deaf hear the lame walk and the poor have the gospel preached to them and blessed is the man who's not offended because of me you be honest when we have clothes loss in our lives the first thing people do especially if they're not strong believers but even if they're believers they get offended at God which means they've never had a relationship with them they have an expectation of him they don't have a covenant understanding they have a need of him and they'll quickly write him off in the face of laws because they internalize the loss because the loss is closer than him just talking to you I hope I'm making sense Cyndi's back there just going like this like crazy I don't know if somebody needs to I just see her and I'm not the one gettin people I suppose you have a question real quick okay I think it's in response to it's obviously connected hi Dan okay we're just so grateful you're here and we appreciate you so much can you hear me it's just like I'm just not here when he was talking it was so hard for me to understand what he was saying I'm just sitting in a place I guess I'm not here it sounds like mumble to me hello there it is yeah okay didn't hear me go ahead I said thank you for being here we really appreciate you coming and also and also I don't think you have to go out and do your 10-mile run tomorrow I saw you tonight okay so this is kind of a follow up to his question is because I hear people say that the Bible says that our days are numbered and God knows the number of our days and you know those verses okay so how do you answer to that like very simple I can answer especially when I like a seven-year-old dies in Nigeria no it's a good question listen God's omniscient he knows the beginning from the end so he knows the number of days because he sees the beginning the end it doesn't mean he personally numbered our days it says it's appointed once for every man to die it doesn't say there's an appointed time for every man to die there's a big difference we say hey when your time cards punch buddy you're out of here there's no time card the Bible says you can lengthen your days shorten your days we're in a war the thief comes to steal kill and destroy honor your mother and father will be well with you and life will be long set your love upon him he'll show you his salvation and with long life satisfy you there's so many promises that show that you don't have a set time it's appointed once for every man to die it doesn't say there's an appointed time for every matter huge difference he's not the orchestrator of death people he's the author and giver of life God can will life and you speak death and step into death and the whole time he's will in life and you reap what you sowed and your words have snared you in your mouth is the power of death and life why do you give you that kind of authority and power if everything that happens is him people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge not the sovereign administrative choice of God so let's get the knowledge and stop destruction sometimes he tells us to not fear and use the power of his name and we fear in question his name and then things fall apart and now we really have issues I'm just saying I'm not putting any one thing on any one person don't get turned down by this be humbled by this it's too easy in the fall of man than the mindset of the pride of man to accuse God for the clay to rise up and find fault with the Potter that's scary to me I don't even want to have a belief system that allows me to be mad at God for a minute that tells me I'm gravely deceived he doesn't owe me anything he gave me life and it's a gift and yet he gives me all things through him you get what I'm saying he is good he's our friend he's our father and a right view of God would be amazing and if we would lose somebody in our life see I teach this stuff man I just had a friend that I've been getting to know good and hung out with now for several years in a row wants to hear and spend some time with who loves me and loves that teaching and he's 41 maybe in and it was just about three weeks ago he's in his jacuzzi tub crying out for people mentioning their names for deliverance in prayer and praying an increase and God opened their heart minister and show your mercy and he's just caring about people man his families down there trying to have a cookout and they're laughing because dad's so loud and just kind of like oh my goodness and the son goes and closes the door because they couldn't talk and next thing you know they heard him shift into God I want more of you God I need you God this dude looks like you cut him out of stone he is his a fitment he's the most fit man I've probably ever met and he's got endurance and he's strong and he absolutely loves the Lord and he always said that he felt like your physical was directly connected to the health and strength of your spiritual and he was just like he was just spirit soul and body just yay they heard him get quiet they thought man 1 hunted I hate to go check on him and see if he's done if they come down and eat or whatever she walked in he's facedown in the tub and he's gone he's like 41 leaders and people the church come Russian 911 their CPR and they're praying for him grace from the dead he never roasts from the dead they buried him four days later it doesn't even make sense guys it's the last person in my life that I would put on that list he's the latus one that I would think that would happen to you talk about a holy man you talk about a man that loved everybody he walked by and brought Jesus into the atmosphere and then if we're not careful there's an American thing that could creep into the gospel well that's what I get so mad about God like that's a person like that why would he let and why would he allow and why would he that is dangerous language that is accusation as if God's flagrantly sitting by making an administrative decision or dropping the ball his son called me the next morning the morning after he was pronounced dead at night they searched him an autopsy didn't ran at least had never found a cause of death his son stood up as his funeral and said I just want to stand up and honor my dad and willing to let you know my dad loved Jesus with all his heart and he was a living example to me because of him I'm going to go on at Bam Bam Bam and he went on and he's sharing I'm watching the funeral they sent me a link to a funeral I'm just bawling I mean his daughter stood in the center of the worship team and led worship you're a good good guy four days after he died the daughter who just graduated this year the son who's getting married in two months we wrapped so much sentiment around this thing that we can't even handle it and then kids with a revelation of the nature of God stood there and honored him in the face of losing their dad understanding if it wasn't for God they wouldn't even have a dad if it wasn't for God they wouldn't be here and if it wasn't for the blood they'd have no life come on these are kids man for me but they ain't kids he called me in his sedan I have questions and I said okay pastor he got ahold of me text me because I have this cell phone see he texted me and and I actually appreciate it it's convenient but he texted me and he's a friend of mine and he has my number and he texted me in and he said his son has questions and they love me and respect me I'm a friend of their family and he said can he please call you I'm not sure how to answer him right now cuz my buddy the pastor was they were they were best friends he was shook up like I was it hit me hard that he was dead I was like I couldn't comprehend it that he was gone and his son called me and said man he had so many promises so many visions so many words from the Lord he had so many things he shared with me that God was gonna do you know with him and through him and he just had vision Dan and none of it came to pass every promise seems going now and I don't understand and I said I don't understand either and I'm not he gonna try to answer I don't understand your daddy's the last person I expected this never happened to and I'm telling you it it astounds me I don't understand but here's what I do understand this is where everything God has nurtured you in taught you in founded you in everything you've pursued to believe and all all the things you've grown in faith in this is the time where the rubber meets the road concerning your faith and this is where you stand and reveal what you really believe and really understand in the face of difficult law this is when the integrity of your faith is found and your relationship and aeneas intimacy with Jesus is revealed and he said I get it I said let me encourage you in something your daddy's he's going right now and there's no way we can deny that and the physical loss is real and you're gonna cry at times you're gonna sym horribly at times you lift your hands and thank all for some things and thankfulness will get you through it not talked about that indeed john rush in that part and i said but let me tell you something that's amazing today on this phone you were no less a man of god no less anointed no less called of him have no less destiny and no less sphere of zin influence in the passing of your daddy it's time to make sure Jesus is Lord in all things and he just said I get it and I appreciate it thank you we prayed hung up I watched him in that funeral he said it's funny the doctors couldn't find a cause of death it's because my dad was already dead it was amazing what he said he said it and he laughed and he said you don't understand all he cared about was Jesus and being an example to his family and Bam Bam Bam and seeing a person and ministering and love and and pray and it's what he lived for and he said and if it wasn't for the blood of Jesus this would be lost in my dad's forever with him and all I can do is be thankful missing yes be thankful absolutely for the blood of Jesus Christ that's a 19 year old talking who knows his God yeah don't you get caught in sentiment and analytical thinking and rational things don't you surround yourself with people that understand pain and not understand the gospel don't you cry out your heart to people that would hurt worse than you you'll get no good answer you'll get sympathy and it won't help you it'll empower you to be broken be careful okay that's good hey just to be real real quick sorry I don't give quick answers this stuff so important it's so important because it keeps you from stumbling one wrong belief you hinge your life on one wrong belief what a limitation you get one wrong view of God how stifling is that yeah it's important to see right that's good just to for time sake I'm already maxed out for questions I mean I got you guys are asking so many good questions so if you could just don't send me any more except like I'm over a hundred unread text message right now so okay next question in the light of your teaching on identity and transformation can you talk about the place of deliverance ministry maybe where it fits and as you hit on that generational curses and how maybe that time wow yeah yeah and when I answer please if you're in deliverance ministry don't hear what I'm not saying and don't take things personal okay I think a lot of times in deliverance minister we have great intentions to help people I know for sure a lot of deliverance ministries rose up out of the fact that we weren't seeing the results we were desiring so we're trying to find more result I'm a truth guy I got a lot of testimonies I actually I actually interviewed and searched out a lot of different ministers for a five-year period just to really weigh results to hear where their heart of faith was because I I was concerned I'm in ministry people saying hey we ought to do this we ought to bring this into the church we ought to do this and now it's such a wide spread you can't even use the term in your healing it's not fair because it means 20 different things it's just a big broad thing right now deliverance ministry there's a place for casting out Devils there's a place where people get so bound they need freedom it's Jesus said if I cast out spirits by the finger of God surely the kingdom is upon you he cast spirits out with a word I personally don't entreat devils I'm personally not a fan of talking to them they're liars why would you I've seen people play with manifestations and put people through things for months on end thinking they're accomplishing something they're entertaining evil spirit generational curses are real you can track them in families but once you become a believer they're not relevant you need to take authority and separate yourself from that bloodline and you need to make a strong declaration that you're no longer fit in that thing and there's no way that the curse of forefathers can come through the blood of Jesus if righteous and cleansed of all sin and free don't think because your dad was an alcoholic your great granddad was an alcoholic and his dad was an alcoholic that you have to be an alcoholic don't say well I drink because they all drank that's a good reason not to I just don't get it man I've talked I don't go how many kids they said wash smoke pot because I grew up with it my parents smoke pot I'm thinking buddy that's probably a great reason not to smoke it cuz they weren't there for you they were nonchalant and they didn't have much heart activity and you felt slighted and lonely and that's why you're smoking pot because now you're in the same la-la zone they were in come on man that's how straight I am with people you don't smoke pot because your family smoked pot come on that's a cop-out you don't even say that don't say why I do this because they did this so when we've seen cancers run in people's family we see certain diseases track great grand moms moms and daughters and here's what happens to Christians we go oh my goodness that's a generational curse and then we go on next and then we pray because of fear because you're vulnerable because you think you're next instead of saying whoa God thank you for the Covenant in the blood I so appreciate that this thing stops here and has no more voice in my family and no more will we suffer loss as a family because you've separated me and sanctified me into your kingdom and I call no man on earth my father because I came forth from you and you're the one that delivers me God I'm not even praying about this again I'm not fearful and there ain't no way this disease will ever be found in my flesh because we've drawn a line through the blood and I thank you for redemption through Jesus Christ that's how you break a generational curse [Applause] I've seen people make generational curses more powerful by focusing on and they they pray for people and they don't see change and they say well you're under a curse and they leave the session told they're under generational curse and will be interceded in trying to come up with wisdom on how to get through this thing come on guys we're playing charades we're dabbling in things we don't even know what we're doing this thing is not some grave mystery the more don't tell somebody they're under a curse and then send them home don't say well it's a generational curse we're going too fast for three days come on back so for three days you got them believe in they're under a curve I've had people come to me and say I really need to live it I got demons and I got evil spirits I said we listen I know you believe that but right now I wanna encourage you into a line of prayer right now and I want you to get the price of the things with me and beliefs and things and they start prayer and what's happening is they're a pressed by spirit or a voice tells them this and this and this or a manifestation we think everything we feel was who we are and everything we think is us and this is crazy what's happened like this and and I just don't entertain Devils man there are cut off withering branch coming to nothing and I don't entertain them I won't put them on a stage they'll perform they have no identity they love when you pay attention to him I just don't mess with them things man and if they don't leave if they if they if they manifest and it's a real devil and it doesn't leave there's a place in the cast amount it's rare it gets to that I've hugged people in sincere love and devils lead people I've seen deliverance without without saying anything to a devil some people don't feel free and because they don't feel free they believe that or not so they're waiting for the feeling to change so the whole time they're feeling not free that are believing they're in bondage that they're seeking deliverance for a feeling to change what would happen because they just live by faith that's a problem you're setting yourself up for the devil to mess with you for the rest of your life so even if somebody prays for you and you get a feeling of freedom in that area what happens next week when you feel funny in another area and then you say wow there must be another closet in my life I must need more deliverance so for the rest of your if you're living by feelings and you're never okay cuz something keeps popping up it's not healthy he says he has delivered you it's past tense he has delivered you from the power of darkness translated you in the king of a son of his love what would happen if a Christian by faith would close a bedroom door not feeling free and say Lord God the truth is you've delivered me and there's nothing holding me back now your love has rescued me you snatched me out of darkness and you've obtained me and I'll thank you that I am held in the power of your love and the strong hand of God thank you for delivering me that right there just might be deliverance is there a place for ya I've preached and saw people manifest I've had people freak out I pray from listen guys I've had people levitate when I prayed for them I prayed for lady with eyes she was dabbling witchcraft for the baptism or spirit she passed out she's praying tongues the Lord said tower to hush it was an evil spirit crane it was it was masking it was and everybody's yeah she's praying in tongues the Lord said tell her to stop suck as I had more discernment it's because I'm in authority and I'm in position either he just spoke to me I wasn't more spiritual see that's what we say dad is such a hearing you know I'm a pastor I'm in position God said look nobody has nothing unless it's given let's stop making so much of people you wouldn't know a thing if God didn't tell you nothing you wouldn't see a thing if God didn't show you then there's no boasting in men no man has nothing unless it's been given he said tell that thing to us I said hush that's what he told me to tell it hush I said you hush she shut up but it wasn't her I said what's going on he said she's dabbling with witchcraft she's crossing lines she's got herself all mixed up she's playing with tarot cards and she's messing with Ouija boards she's inquisitive she ignorant Lee dabbled into these things and there's things that have snared her life I said whoa I said hey her eyes are closed hey you've been messing around with Ouija boards witchcraft stuff like ass she'd open her eyes guys I said listen I explained that why that's not cool and I said listen if you could go back and do that over would you change that now that I told you what I told you she said I said that's a really good answer I said no listen you let her go you have no access to her no right to her you let her go she Levitt is she lifted up six eight ten inches off the ground for hold on and do you hear the Wow's that's exactly why it did it enough come I'm not condemning you what I'm saying is that's phenomenon to us that's world and we're impressed with that we're actually freaked out by that we're actually taken back by that that is like one no two stupid magic trick it's a devil why does that impress you eternal life impresses me raised from the dead impresses me cancer removed impresses me float in the air guys I was in I was in a house the mom called me she's freaking out because her baby's in the playpen so she snatches her baby out of the playpen because when she's in the playpen all the crib toys are hovering in the air over the baby what's the stupid magic trick it's the devil trying to put fear in the mama and rule the hall and wreck their life and get her on a tangent and searching out all this stuff and I said honey why are you impressed with that let me impress with Jesus raising from the dead like when Jesus was dead that stuff that's on your toys up in there couldn't hold him down like he is Lord it's a stupid magic trick stop giving it power by mean and pressed by and trick by it and freaked out by it it's a cut off withering branch coming to nothing I was in a home where the lady's telling me all these manifestations why were there the flashlight goes from the counter to the table she goes see see see just tell it to leave I said honey you need to stop I so let me just show you what just happened I went up and I picked the flashlight up and I walked into the counter you can see me you couldn't see him why is that impressive do you know why the devil manifests and goes round because he likes when we go why she go boo did you ever sneak up on anybody and freak them out did you ever hide because you knew they manifested when you scared them and you loved their face and couldn't get out of your head how much pleasure did you get out of coming from behind that door and going oh and you laugh like a hyena for three minutes you replay their face 20 minutes later and can't even breathe I just think something like that's going on the only reason he comes out of the grass and from hiding because he's a snake in the grass he usually sneaks around and stays undercover the only reason he comes out and shows himself as he is is because we're impressed with and he goes boo because you go off I promise you no fear takes care of that and having a greater covenant wipes that thing out I'm concerned about a lot of mentalities in deliverance ministry because everything's a spirit and there's a lot of vulnerability and we're always under the control of something and I just don't agree with that I believe the thing you fear is what owns you if you fear the Lord you're owned by him and if you're going through a struggle when someone's trying in your life there's a place to pray and believe in this that but always build yourself up in faith and identity and I've prayed for people I've seen the whole throw up thing in the whole manifestation thing at times I don't like it I wish it wouldn't happen there's stuff like that but I don't I don't usually find myself going after that stuff I teach people who they are and then finding out who they are deliverance come you can pray for somebody to feel better but if you don't give them truth they might not feel better you're we you can ask Jesus to come into their trauma and bring peace but if you don't replace it with strong truth they're a house that's clean and swept and they're still unoccupied and then that place that thing comes from dry places and finds its home unoccupied they say I might as well bring some fellows with me man this place is a nice clean house lots of room not about just being clean and swept it's about being occupied being filled with truth it's not just filled with the spirit he's the Spirit of Truth yeah come on are you guys okay so I'm not putting down ministries I just see people get in identities crisis the longer they seek deliverance they say I need deliverance let's say I'm not so sure you do most people I've seen truly possessed by Devils had no clue and when it was over they didn't even know what happened because they're under the control of it yeah some of the voices you hear that you know are devils are just playing cat-and-mouse with you ignore the voices and proclaim truth if it's trying to help oh you why don't you just tell Jesus who he is and who you are in him and why don't you ignore the voice and have a good time with Jesus if the voice is telling you you're unworthy why don't you flip it and just be worth if it's telling you your life will never matter why don't you thank God your life matters if it's telling you you'll never be snuffing why don't you just worship Jesus say thank you for making me some don't you flip that thing because it's coming to break you but it runs the risk of making you if you're a believer I hope you get that all right can I just make a small comment sure come on man this dude's born again is it true Katie you gotta like Joey uh uh yeah just a comment on the feelings thing just because the devil knocks on your door doesn't mean he still lives in your house Oh sometimes we feel like well he's knocking on my door I wonder if it still lives here well if he lived there he'd have authority you just walk in and he can't anymore yes to knock too so don't give him attention I just wanted to comment on that real quick yeah and you know what you do every time you talk you stir me up and provoke let's do it listen I got to tell you guys this story okay no it's his fault this is his fault blame this on Joey five years I searched out the truth on this topic I didn't want to be presumptuous I just never felt comfortable with everything everybody wanted to do I even had a deliverance man tell me we'll listen everything you preach on the blood is awesome but sometimes you just need more than the blood that's on the wrong guy to say that listen so I'm seeking five years I'm interviewing people ministers people that got ministry I found that in most cases there was such a knowledge in these sessions of ministry that people actually found out things about themselves and sometimes they had no clue I can just tell you that's not the Lord the Lord doesn't bring things to your mind that you know nothing of and and give you another hurdle on the track of your identity to jump you're not to and somebody did something to you and you have no clue and then the Holy Spirit says well when you were two they did this to you that's a life from hell the blood of Jesus is way greater than telling you things you don't know and expecting you to deal with the knowledge he just takes it away well the reason you feel this way your mother said out loud she didn't want you when she found out she was pregnant and that spirit of rejection is on you and you need me to help you to get free that's not true you're accepted in the beloved you have to believe the gospel not the word and feeling in state of your mother when she was pregnant you're making what the mother said greater than what Jesus accomplished and you're saying thank you for the gospel in the finished work but excuse me we've got to takes care of some things so we can get here the more guys Holy Spirit is enough I interviewed people they said well the session did me great because I found out why I am this way okay now you got a permission slip well what are you talking about well when I was three I pulled some green tomatoes off a vine that my dad planted and he beat me with a belt do you remember that no but they saw that when they pray guys that's demonic and bizarre God doesn't bring that information to your memory to your mind he doesn't add that to your list he just makes it like it never happened when you're a new creation we're living like we're still alive we're supposed to be dead to all that anyway you're a new creation you were buried in Baptism into his dad guys if you don't have the memory understand if you have the memory of them knocking on your door creeping in your room and abusing you when you were six seven eight there's a memory there's emotions I get that there's a place where truth helps all that I've seen in a satanic ritual abuse stuff and everything set free in many cases in my life and it was not the way I see a lot of people trying to get free it was always through truth and Jesus's love and here's the other thing a lot of times we identify them through deliverance ministries for what they've been through so people introduce himself Limon sra no you're not that's tragic no you're not look as long as you're saying I'm an SRA there's no help for you that's your kness sorry it's satanic ritual abuse thing no yeah I heard you questioning your you're not that you're born again and he snatched you out of darkness and he delivered you from that thing and he's able to make you complete whole so Joey's just said this about knocking on the door and about letting him in oh I knew I liked you so I go to church I have a healing service twice a week I opened to the public his healing service right so I've been seeking for five years I'm five years in to searching out this whole thing that he asked this question about because I don't want to be presumptuous and I haven't got a strong answer I just have a conscience that tells me I don't agree with a lot of this stuff and I'm a gospel guy I'm a Jesus blood it's enough yeah right I just believe it's impossible to reject me because I'm not living to be accepted I already a.m. like I didn't wake up for you to love me I woke up to be like him that's pretty free so there's nothing you can do to stop that and hold me back you can cheer me on you can't possibly slow it down yay so I went to church and did the morning healing service the 63 old lady couldn't see we prayed for her and her eyes opened and it's fun it's amazingly fun and she began to read everything on the walls and people cried and she cried because she couldn't see that was the morning other things happen the evening a 12 year old boy came we preached it was a advertised healing sir we preached it brought him up blind from birth in his left eye we closed his right eye and prayed and he said I see shadows I see silhouettes I said really is that normal did you use that she had that it's always been black let's pray again I said what do you see it was phenomenal he goes I see her her and him and you just cry you just cry two blind eyes in one day feels good makes you happy other things everybody leaves the church I stay there leave the lights off I deal with the order I'm crying I'm just laying before the Lord and I'm thanking him for the momentum and what she's doing in our city I'm thanking him for the lady the boy the faithfulness of God the gospel let us keep growing yay and I'm just having a great time I hung back I just hung out they hung with Jesus nobody in the church put me in him so I'm leaving I know the church like my own house and I got the exit lights Allen and in the corners just they're always on but there's no lights I'm walking through the church in the dark I get down to the back door and the whole way down the steps to the back door and it wasn't one of those recollections where you go oh my keys I was heading out the Holy Spirit said hey now listen he said you go out that door and let it close you'll be locked out your keys are upstairs nah man man I wouldn't have no keys for this kingdom I wouldn't be able to drive my car has to be walking a mile home where's your car back there I said you're awesome thanks for loving me I said something like what would I do without you be locked out it wasn't me it was him so I ran upstairs to the church and and I'm hustling up thank you lord I'm just having fun it was a great day guys that's 42 years old great day man 42 years old kingdom of God is in me I'm born again to blind eyes open ah it's a good day that's what you're thinking so I run up to get my keys and I opened the door and the door to the sex where he goes when I was 9 my sister was born she took priority in our home and kicked me and my brother out of our bedroom sent us to the Attic third floor wood floors no carpet creaking door deliverance mentality says see brother because I flashback and remembered that feeling that came on me when I had to go to my bedroom every night how I'd run by that one closet and dive in my bed and hit the light after I knew I was okay freaked me out going to bed I used to watch tales of the crib they'd have that chamber running through the house down the steps around the corner I knew it was comin I'm sitting I watched it a hundred times and I'm like and also in the coffin door and then you sit there and watch the crazy horror ridiculous thing and then you go up to your bed and you're 11 I did it to myself all the time so now I'm 42 blind eyes are opening and Jesus is amazing and I'm born again a deliverance minister says see there's fear in your life Dan there's still a little boy trapped in you we need to minister do you think because I had a feeling of fear and somebody knocked on the door I walked down I left the lights off Jesus is in me I'm not buying this thing I'm not calling my buddy Brandon and Sam Brandon I really need prayer man I know what's going on I've been experiencing fear as soon as you do that you let it in you sell cheap and you're not for sale and you let a feeling become you let me tell you what happened I walked up and I picked up my keys they were laying right there like Holy Spirit said I had this feeling on me the whole time walking down the aisle like I used to feel walking down the hall when I was 12 11 9 it's just a familiar spirit it's a thing that owned me looking for an opportune time to get deceived and so cheap when I'm not for sale right in the heat of the kingdom manifesting and meet guys I'm born again on 42 adore creeks and all of a sudden I'm in bondage because I remember my childhood cut me a break I wish people would teach this so we'd stop living sensual and letting every feeling decide us I'm singing a song about the blood I'm heading up front all those feelings were there they were real and I'm not denying them there it felt like the same thing I encountered trying to get to my bedroom when I was a kid deliverance mentality says see brother you've never been set free you've been saved you just haven't been delivered that thing's been lingering all the Heuer so long I picked up the keys and I turned and the Lord opened my eyes cuz I've been seeking him for five years not fighting people not arguing that's why I talk with confidence because I know I sought the Lord for a long time I turned and I saw two dark silhouettes for a second and a half hovering right at head level and they went like this that's all I can tell you they were silhouettes of dark figures like this and as soon as I saw him I went wow I knew what it was I just knew cuz he showed them to me and they disappeared and as soon as they disappeared guess what the Lord said it's what you said he said see Dan they're outside trying to get in they owned you once and they're trying to get you to believe they still do and you're still the same don't you ever let a man in our way [Music] [Applause] and I got my answer and I walked through the church just us sing in and singing about the blood and I still had this sense that they were there and they weren't given up and I'm walking through the dark halls and I still had a little tinge of that feeling of when I was a kid it was really something how that was real that's where you sell cheap when you're not for sale and you think cuz you experienced it it's in you know it's trying to get there so I remember see when I'm by myself besides myself it's for God you weren't there I wasn't trying to communicate so I went to the door and right when I got to the door the punchline to the song I was singing came to us and it was and it was all about Jesus being Lord this little song that came out of my heart I was singing it was spontaneous and right when I got to the door I'll never forget it though the last line of the song Holy Spirit was giving me was because Jesus is Lord Jesus and I spun around in the wind Jesus is Lord Jesus is enough singing like a maniac going through a dark hallway you weren't there you couldn't call me kooky Jesus is Lord and I went yeah that's for to pray and worship God and declare things I freaked out I was bouncing off the walls man why cuz these Devils came and tried to make me believe something I wasn't Jesus showed me who I really am and then I had more passion than ever and I was more convinced than before my confidence level [Music] [Applause] yeah and he left and looked for an opportune time and when he came he was trying to break me and stop the momentum and bring down the house but he ran a risk of making me and I think he made a mistake yeah four or five years before that witchcraft came who tried to kill me three times and in my mind I thought I was gonna die and I had more pain than I could ever describe and I didn't know a man could endure and we said well you and if you got righteous and you understand how can he do that you say why is he touching you you need to look in my eyes to see if it's touching me yeah I had a person say but look at your leg I said when do you preach that from the pulpit another person said well then how can he touch you I said maybe you're looking at the wrong place lift your eyes and look here tell me if he's touching see I'm a maniac I just play it cool I don't preach the way I am usually see because it would freak people out from it was Devil's trying to kill me the Lord said it was a voodoo and I said what do I do and he laughed and said what do you do he said believe me said okay I had the most traumatic experience they tried to kill me they didn't and they couldn't Jesus roast me up out of that place where I was passing out the waterfall opened in my ceiling and pour it over me and I can't even describe the things that happened to me I don't even talk about it cuz people chase that stuff I didn't even think about that stuff I just loved Jesus that stuff happening those things have never touched me since guys I feel so amazing in my body I don't even try to talk about it because people get condemned because some people are really hurting and I'm not judging and comparing I'm just telling you I don't know how to be afraid when those things were trying to kill me it wasn't about my life it was about his name I can tell you there was no fear and it wasn't about dying it was about honoring him and standing strong I drug myself around like a slug on the floor couldn't even walk my daughter bawled and cried one night when I was going to bed and I said honey don't you be moved by this stop crying for me she said I'm not I'm crying because of you I said what do you mean she said I know if I was in your shoes I'd be a mess and you never change dad you make me cry there's something in me called the kingdom of God yeah and you're just not afraid and see that kind of experience you don't dread it you don't fret it and when it's over you don't wish it didn't happen it's hard to explain you weren't traded in for nothing because it helped fashion what you are today and you wouldn't be what you are if it wasn't for those things because you keep your eyes on in everything that's trying to break you helps make you and it's all part of the equation and we win but you don't grow weary in well-doing and you don't give in to fear and you don't survive and you love not your own life so after I got free that night and it never came back I cried in my bed this isn't arrogance and it's not judgment to you I cried in my bed for at least an hour and said God are we your people even ready for what warfare really isn't for this kind of stuff or do we love ourselves too much and only Christians for our sake do we even have a chance in what we believe about you enduring these kind of assaults in a revelation or will we get overcome with quandry that's how I cry for now we're asking those questions been asking God to help us and have mercy because I passed her and I know there's a lot of mentality that collapse in that kind of series my marriage was in a marriage and my wife was in deep to rest and deception people would call me and we're only going through a little tiny fraction of what I was facing and they would be broken and ready to give up on their spouse and they would say well you don't understand what I'm going through I couldn't exploit my wife but it was amazing to me how we compared ourselves among ourselves and they said you don't understand what I'm going through and they weren't even touching the tip of what I was right in the middle of falling apart because their spouse was quiet for three weeks ready to move on thank God he didn't move on on you I don't know I got to sit down that's a long answer in that don't you get a flashback don't you get an experience of fear a flashback a memory and buy in and say it's you cuz you felt it don't you have a dream in the middle of the night and say wow I thought I was over that you have the dream you wake up and you say god I thank you I am so free from all those things and I thank you don't you drive in your car to work young lady and picture that sexual stumble you had and feel defiled for a second and then call somebody for prayer and deliverance because you're remembering the moment your hearts broken by the vision it means it's not you you're not concocting the memory it's coming to break you let it make you and while you're driving to work and that picture comes in that graphic picture of you in the middle of what you wish you could forget you look up and say God and still keep your eye on the road and you say god I thank you for the change in my life you've made me a brand new woman I think you've cura fied me and cleanse me and you've delivered me from nonsense and weakness and vulnerability and false desire and you've put a stronghold in me and you're my rock in my defense and I love you and I worship you and that little devil that's going hanging and popping those visions he goes oh I didn't show you that I say nothing about God you go ahead and freak him out ignore it the little flashback comes a little memory comes you picture that person touching you sexually and abusing you when you were eight don't you curl up in a fetal position and cry now that you're a Christian you rise up and you push through the temptations of those stealing's and you say father I thank you I'm not an eight-year-old boy and I thank you God that you snatched me out of darkness and uncle had no idea what he was doing and if he knew you he'd had never done that to me it's no reflection on me or my value it's a reflection on the couple the vacuum in his life and god I thank you I will not let his sin decide who I am I will let your resurrection prove that and your spirit and me decide me and I am done believe in lies I am a man and a product of truth and you live in me and there ain't no stoppin us now [Applause] that's deliverance the truth shall make you free it's not free free freedom free I've prayed for people and sincerely said the word free and saw God do dramatic things but you've a little bit you know my heart you know that after the fact I poured mega truths into them and gave them a rock just stand by yeah I'm sitting down did that answer the question oh hey you guys can go home you guys can go home thanks for coming out tonight we bless you guys that's how I feel real quick before we move on and I don't want you to answer any of this stuff because you hit on it a lot during the afternoon session today just about sin and Romans and stuff and so we're not really gonna address all the sin questions I just don't feel like we need to okay and there's a video we're gonna throw it up on YouTube and Dan taught all about it today but just one thing to chew on real quick is that I know this thing dominates the minds of people sin sin sin that what about this what about that they just think about this take it home if the only time you're free from sin is when you die then Jesus won't be your Savior death will okay so think about that for a second you call him Savior and Lord and all these things but you're waiting to die so you can be free then death is death is king death reigns and inevitably death will be your Savior so just think about that because I feel like we get so fascinated with sin be fascinated with Jesus it's like it's not that hard okay come on buddy love this guy good I just wanted to get that on camera that right there okay we're moving we're moving on we're moving on back in the kingdom Brandon you had a question well I kind of feel like Pastor Dan you kind of just answered it but I wanted to it was a okay so I remember talking to you about this before and I'm glad you explained the whole deliverance in truth thing well what you just expanded on reminds me of a situation that I had before and where we were you know in some services and we was you know some people getting free for us some spirits and stuff like that and I had something plaguing me for like two or three weeks and I remember talking to you about it and my wife was interceded with me about it and every night at the exact same time this massive migraine would hit me and I remember the last night it was happening it happen hit me so heavy I told my wife I caught her out of the room and I said baby we have to go to the hospital look I can't take it and I was sitting on the couch and I was reading my word and my mouth went numb and I felt my hands shaking in this headache was just hitting me so bad she walks in the kitchen and I just get this something just came over I know was the president of God and I spoke to it I said listen I'm not afraid of you and this this is gonna break off my life that's my wife I said give me a piece of bread and give me some water and I broke communion and for six hours praise little but from for six hours from that time to 6 a.m. it was horrible I threw her up like four times and all this stuff and all I could see out of my mouth was Mercy Mercy Mercy Mercy but I remember at six o'clock on the dot I felt that lift off of me and leave me and it never came back but before that we got talked on the phone and you you you relive relive one of these stories and you was talking to me about faith just believing just believing just believing and there was two passages of Scripture the Lord took me back to to them back to first Corinthians 8 and Romans 4 team that teaches me that faith is like a magnet it's gonna bring to me whatever I believed and if I open up the door to believe that these things have a voice in my life that I haven't you know been delivered from these things that it was it would give it an opportunity to manifest even though I'm not possessed you know and so what I was gonna ask you to talk about but I think you just did a such a fantastic job of it what I was going to actually talk about is the power of faith the difference between deliverance and then freedom and how truth is the only thing that really brings us into a place of ever being free you know so I was gonna actually just to kind of expand but I think you kind of did yeah yeah and in the last half-hour I answered everything yes yes I'm like yeah no but you did so but it's good it's Brandon with Brenda's talking about is the reality is he still had a six-hour experience in the face of what he believed was faith and it was and I've learned it sometimes we don't even find real true faith sometimes we pray because we have need sometimes its the problem that's motivating us it's not faith be real with me sometimes you don't even find faith - we have every reason not to believe till rationally every circumstance suggests something else and that's where you can really find faith because you lock in - wait a minute this is what he said this is who I am this is what's true so I'm not yielding to you I'm not afraid I'm not God it's not when I thought I was dying I smiled out of my heart and I said Jesus I don't even believe I'm dying but it feels like I am but even if I would die on some day that I would die or something like that I'm not even believing I'm dying I'm just believing you gonna walk me through this but I'm just letting you know this and I was saying this for my own soul and for any lie that was wrapping around and hanging around me and I said I said I will worship you you are always Lord and I'm not afraid I love and I was in so much pain I could hardly function he's going through the same thing this thing is trying to get in him change his tune change his direction changed mine get him in a quandary getting to have more questions than he has answers and step out of everything God's been building in him it's a storm trying to bring down the but because it's on his personal being and he feels the pain if you internalize it and take it personal you're gonna make a great mistake if you're not thinking for the kingdom so faith is very important in this thing you can't let your experience change what you believe you see what I'm saying so people say yeah but Dan when I was in that situation but look at your leg I say guys stop I'm never supposed to let my leg define God gods in the position to define my leg why do we get it backwards because you have sentiment towards me and you care about me and you're afraid for me and now you're telling me to do something you'd never preached from the pulpit behind closed doors stop guys here's what the Lord showed me a long time ago he said my people are he said I created man to subdue not be subdued my people or my people are vulnerable in the world in which they live and they let natural knowledge decide them there's a difference between eating healthy and eating preventive eating health is just taking care of your temple eating preventive is vulnerability you're trying to do something to avoid something the Gospels already sanctified you from you're putting yourself in the same category as every man that's ever had the experience in whatever you're preventing here's what the Lord asked me because I didn't know what was happened in that morning I didn't ask for this I woke up to them my people are vulnerable to the world which they live in vulnerability is fear that's what he said and here's what he said so profound it directs me faith why do men died of second-hand smoke it's what he asked me I guess scientifically you could answer that I guess you could do the study because there's a lot of talk about it they say secondhand smoke is more lethal than firsthand that the second-hand smoke inhaler has worse complications than the one that's given off the smoker for whatever reason because of the scientific in them and the launch of why people died of second-hand smoking I'm laying on my bed I don't even really I'm like only you know guess what he said so profound he said because they believe they can can I tell you what went on right after that he said Dan what do you think the strategy is of the major sicknesses on the earth he said what do you think cancers goal is to get so much momentum cost so much lost so much grief and so much pain that when men hear its name they fear and cancer becomes the name above every name and then men in fear and all through the loss in pain and sorrow attempt to proclaim my name hoping something worth hey I didn't ask for the conversation but you be real with me very few people in this room haven't been touched by cancer somehow someway and it's very painful and it's not fun to watch and it breaks your heart when they die and when their body changes and when they don't even look like your relative I've been so involved with praying for people than six and sick and I've held children you have no idea what I've been in the middle of I've been frontline active my old Christian life I've held kids where tumors were busting through their head their eyes went flying we're praying were believing we're going after God we've won some and we've lost some and when you lose them they really really really hurt because they're kids a lot of time and you're like Joe and your mind wants to go bonkers you better take a deep breath and regroup and not make this about your feelings of motion and rational thinking you better go back to square one and say if Jesus touched them they'd be healed I need to keep growing and you keep doing a work of me but I ain't backing down because I believe what they're worth you encourage the parents and the families in the same truth and don't tell me I haven't suffered loss I've suffered loss people and I talk like I watch my own mother die at sea don't tell me I don't understand I changed my mother's diapers and carried her to bed don't tell me I don't understand you're wrong her death doesn't change the gospel I don't find God through my mother I find God through his son and unless you love less your mother you're by no means enter in and be his disciple yeah sometimes you're so close to that thing it's hard it's the biggest challenge of my Christian life watching my mother suffer and seeing other people heal religions as well God heal someone doesn't heal all you can't find that in jesus's life stop trying to preach that to me there's if you believe you'll say the mountain and nothing will be impossible for you it doesn't say unless of God unless of course God's will - otherwise you can't find it in jesus's life don't find it in your belief system don't explain away your troubled soul at the cost of truth where freedom comes from five months after my mother died I was in a service and watched a lady healed of the same disease that killed her who had it moved to a wall for five and a half years and her body came alive because I won't change the gospel and get bruised and I won't say well you didn't heal my mother I'm done praying for everybody else's mother God never gave me a mother at the cost of who here gave me their blessing of a mother in light of food here do we rightly steward His image in his presence don't you take life personal you'll make a big mistake you take the gospel person oh you'll do well amen watch this when you look at me you can't tell my mother died of sickness you can't tell my dad was an alcoholic and never said I love you you can't tell I was touched inappropriately you can't tell my kids took off and made grave mistakes and cost themself years and my son ran off into drugs and my wife was in crisis for a long time when you see me you don't see any of that do you you're not supposed to the Christian testimony is no smell of smoke yeah come on can you tell those things can you tell I've been treated unjustly you can you tell that there was some false accusations years ago about some things can you tell that can you you're not supposed to change you're supposed to bear witness of what he went through not what you've been that's Christian and that's yeah so happy shout you out in a madman but I try to play a cool but I'm a madman the Gospels changed my mind you say you're out of it no I'm probably out of yours just good that's good it's just all good okay here's a good question do you think the church in some extent is defining a lot of who they are in their life and the Gospel through the failures of Paul and his teachings versus the success in life of Jesus through the through the failures of Paul we tend to compare ourselves to man we say well we we people that contest doctrines on healing and it's God's Word he'll they say well Paul told that guy to drink wine why didn't he just healing it this well got here and we're following men instead of following Jesus we forget that Paul cried out oh that I might know him well it looks like you did Paul you knew he more than anybody that ever lived you got revelations straight from him but yet he's crying out Paul oh that I might know you in the power of your resurrection why there's things you had a revelation of in the sense of what he was writing about that he wasn't always experiencing in his own life he's crying out for more he said I haven't arrived I haven't apprehended don't make me the goal that's what he's really saying to us he's crying out only follow me as I follow him if if Paul was our example why is he crying out that he might know him when it looks like he does because he's not seeing the full extent of what he purchased through his life and he wants us to follow Jesus not him are you guys with me so it's real simple that stop following human experience and even people we respect and that's following Jesus my kids came to me when they were in their mid-teens they said dad we need to talk they were just ready to go run wild I said okay what's up well we've been thinking in talking okay we've just realized dad you're out of balance and there ain't nobody like you in their world in their sphere of influence and they started naming leaders in our church and even our pastor and started to them name and mention the weakness they've discerned and the fault they found it and they said dad you're just too much Jesus I didn't preach to my kids I just lived Jesus when you're not pursuing God and somebody's surrendered it makes you uncomfortable it makes you resentful it got so bad that I couldn't even read my Bible in the living room because my family would say look at him reading his Bible sending a message did we read our Bibles today when I don't even think that way or preach that way that was their own violated conscience accusing me of doing something I'm not even thinking isn't that something so they said well we've just realized you're too extreme you're too much Jesus dad there's nobody out there like you and I'm like I don't know if that's the point you just mentioned so-and-so so-and-so and so-and-so kids that's so unfair we're not following that we're following Jesus so maybe you guys need to crack open your Bibles take a good look at his life come back and tell me if dad looks like anybody you know I said because here's what I realized this happening you guys are ready to take off and run wild in your flesh you're looking for an out you're looking I'm your last hurdle if you can jump me you're going to take off and do whatever you're planning and for your conscience sake you're trying to get past me and you're trying to justify what you're pursuing guys it'll never change truth we're following Jesus both my kids left that meeting and went and did what they wanted to do not because I was a hypocrite because they had desire it's amazing how parents think because their kids run wild they failed and how we draw our identity from our children and we believe our children are a direct reflection of us that wouldn't be fair to say of God his dad is God the greatest father ever see the greatest daddy ever come on you guys sure about that so God's the best father there ever will be does he need a parenting program is everybody run into his lap to sit is it a reflection of the father or the kids let's stop saying everything falls on the parent we get up in intersession it's all about the father's when the fathers and if the fathers and we quote Malachi and the father man we put a lot of pressure on some good guy and we made him think if their kids are failing somehow they fail look if you want to see me look to me if you want to see my kids look to them if you want I heard a preacher stand up some one day and said if you want to find a real man of God you need to look to the countenance of his wife I'm like wonderful wife sin atheist it's just not fair the stuff we preach I don't even know how people get qualified to get a mic when they say stuff like that it's damaging and it's not true we can be more secure than that we'd go to pray pray because their kids have destiny not because we fail and if you think you failed or you're convicted of failure why don't you fall on the mercy God and let his redemptive power kick in and where the weak are let him be made strong and say God you know when he was four or five and six I yelled at him a lot and I told him some things I wish I'd had never said please don't let that be a repercussion in his life please swallow up those words with your mercy and let my son run well and be everything I know he really is in this day an hour I realized those words were venting in a frustration I mean a greater covenant you've forgiven me of those things so then don't let the repercussion of those things fall upon his life let your mercy triumphs and then rise over judgment God thanks for the redemption of my son and then you get over what you did 15 years ago and you stop blaming yourself and you don't lose your productivity and you keep on shinin and you believe yeah okay that's really good all right let's do an audience one real quick Christoph's crystal possible more questions they out there thought we answered every question yeah I had a question so me enjoy a really good friends and I commented on someone's facebook video we were just talking about like I saw I was just encouraging the person in about their video and just like hey like that's so good like there's this scripture in that scripture like that's amazing like Jesus like he set us free all this stuff I'm right here I'm just trying to follow you okay no something else yeah about the video where that guy started arguing with us and we were just like trying to like a man weren't like we don't see differently you just reading this wrong so the guy he's been really posting about okay well like modern Christianity like they're not obeying the law like the law of God the Mosaic law and the Levitical laws and I understand like we're free to marry another just like Roman says like we've married Christ we've died to the law and marry Christ but Jesus said like if you love me you obey my Commandments so how do we go about keeping the Sabbath and about all these unclean foods and haircuts and tattoos and all that stuff I've just been really confused like yeah it's not it's yeah those kind of commandments are there there's 600 what 632 of the halls I mean you know the Ten Commandments is the principles about the nature of God the person of God here's the deal if you love me you'll keep my Commandments it's not a challenge he's not saying if you love me you'll keep my Commandments if you love me you'll do what I say to do because you love me so what's first you see his first love and you love him and if you love him you realize his way is right and wise and it Trump's and overrides every illicit thing every desire and you begin to grow in the truth and if you love him you obey his commandment it's not legalism it's not if you love me you'll obey my Commandments he's not saying go prove you love me love fulfills the law because it does no harm to a neighbor Jesus himself said I'm Lord of the Sabbath the Sabbath was made for men men weren't made for the Sabbath I made the Sabbath so you would do what I did and on the seventh day I rested from my works and her into my rest he made the Sabbath so men would get a grip focused and looked he said but the Sabbath was made for men men weren't made for the Sabbath that's profound so Paul said listen some of you see every day the same he's talking about faith some of us team one day different than the rest stop fighting over it because if you do it unto the Lord God will make you both stand and whatever is not of faith is sin some of you eat only vegetables some of you eat me stop arguing over it if you do what you do unto the Lord God will make you stand if your eating causes your brother to stumble you're no longer walking in the law of love so if I have a belief that Joey doesn't have and he esteems one day separate than the rest and I steam every day the same and I said Joey dude man your answers rock you're so amazing you impressed me why are you hung up on this Sabbath thing dude get free you're not under the law come on man bam bam bam what the Bible says is I'm missing Joey's heart I'm being presumptuous and I'm trying to push my belief on him and I'm no longer walking in love I don't have to think about if what he's doing is sincere and before the Lord he says the Lord will make Joey's dad some people that don't esteem one day different and just the steam every day the same might not even do it under the Lord they just might live nonchalant then they're actually doing injustice to this thing but if you esteem every day the same and do it unto the Lord it's the same as Joey honor and one day different than the rest because it's both unto the Lord we need to stop fighting over that it's right in Scripture there was people that wouldn't eat meat because the meat was being sacrificed to Belial and gods and things so then they take that meat and take it over to the market so they'd sacrifice these things to demonic gods and then they take the meat they cut its throat and the blood on the order and then they'd skin that thing out and go take it over to the market and people would buy the steak the Christians didn't want to buy the steaks because they didn't want to eat meat that was defiled and sacrificed to God and Paul said if you faith all things are okay to receive if you receive it with Thanksgiving and he said if you have faith go ahead and eat it he said people that are weak in faith are only eating vegetables what's he saying he's not saying a vegetarian doesn't have faith he said people that can't see past the sacrificing to idols and only eat vegetables are weak in the faith that they're exercising in the situation but please leave them alone their conscience is clear and they're doing it unto the Lord stop trying to change them if it'll stumble stop lording over them getting self-righteous and telling them they're not free and brother you need to get free we're in a better covenant come here man look he says you're stumbling your brother and you're no longer walking in the law of love it's Romans 14 read it it's profound yeah yeah I just hope I'm answering you you gotta listen the law he said what's the greatest commandment love the Lord your God with all your heart your soul your strength and the second is like it love your neighbor as yourself we talked about that this weekend he said on these two you can hang all the law and all the profit which tells me if I love the Lord with all my heart I'll keep his Commandments and if I love my neighbor as myself I'll walk in the fulfillment of the law without trying to fulfill the law and that's called living by grace not long man that's good yeah can I just say one thing to that real quick oh I know Dan's here but you're stirring me up at least man hey dude you said two things and wrecked me three times a charm so look where I'm sitting that was over that yeah if you study it so in Deuteronomy 4 that's when the law actually I think the title is like God's law introduced the first first verse in Deuteronomy 4 says this the law given to the Israelites so if you study that time period the law was never given to Gentiles actually it was never even intended for Gentiles it was intended for the Israelites during that period during that time during that geographical location and if you studied even more and I know Eric's looking at me because we've taught this before the law can only be fulfilled by a specific people Jews what was Jesus right during a certain period of time a certain way so us being Gentiles now brought in and grafted in the law was never even intended for you it was never even intended for you and you would keep looking back not realizing about there's been a Jew who's fulfilled the law for us and now we're found in him simple just move on don't even deal with that thing we're done that's crushed sorry I hate when people are confused I hate it I can't stand it so and I love you so my answers were better when I sat this close don't even start okay I got a really good question I got to find it cuz there's so many questions oh yeah we're we're and you know what guys were we're we're almost wrapping up we're not there yeah but we're almost there okay the questions real here real quick let me look it up brother these are all questions yeah okay here we go you ready okay this is how do you hang out with and this is this is a three-part question how do you hang out with unsaved family members and and switch an environment when you're talking and maybe they're gossiping or whatnot you switch it to like Kingdom talk and how do you keep pouring into them if they're just shutting down and there's walls and they don't really hear you and that's amazing what a good question because that happens to a lot of us that's happened to me when I got saved we'd always gather for Thanksgiving when I first got saved grandparents were still living they'd had the big gatherings so when I first got saved people like hey how you guys doing how you doing dannis wrong question to ask me if you're being rhetorical and Jesus is coming out of my mouth so the kids are like and the adults are like oh my god and it got to a point where I'd go for Christmas or Thanksgiving they wouldn't even talk to me or asked me how I'm doing and here's what I learned you just let your life speak you're not compelled you don't have to always preach to your family don't get into a strong hood over this thing and don't feel like you have to always be the salvation of your family be a seed in their life be a living epistle be an example let your life win respect don't be too rough God is not limited to you as the tool to save your family just live upright sincere and don't press we don't realize how much we've preached in our families because we feel compelled to get them to shake their head when we do to say what we say and believe what we believe that's never been my goal even when I talk to somebody in society you might not agree with this my goal is never to get them saved when I initially meet them and get them to pray a prayer that we call the sinner's prayer my goal is to love them sincerely and give them one of the most vital encounters they've ever had with God because Holy Spirit will take them to the place we all desire some so guys some water it's God who gives the increase there's people to reap where they haven't even sowed and then we call them a great evangelist know they're reaping because somebody sowed and we all rejoice together you so you get in bed tonight you wake up and go whoa God how do you do that it's it's in mark 4 so that's let's understand that you don't have to if they're starting to gossip and all that stuff of course you don't enter in and gossip and laugh and but don't get weird either don't be like oh just go to leave your people Rita Smith Wigglesworth he's pretty fourth row people got to know who he was but don't read that and then try to do what he did if you weren't living wherever he's living and had the motive he's having there's things I see Todd my buddy Todd he gets away with everything and he's awesome because he have pretense he's ignorant to a lot of things and he doesn't have any second thoughts Todd breaks every rule man has ever written he he goes up to people's tables why they're eating in heaven he just walks right up with his dreads and all and they're eating a meal and he's a snake eyes and their food just came and they're paying for it it's hot in there and for 20 minutes extend their importance learning their bawling and he's praying and nobody forgets that nobody remembers they ordered food you try that they freak out and can't you see we're eating because you might do it because it's the Christian thing you're supposed to do there's a difference you don't do it trying to make yourself feel like you're what you say you are you don't do it because of obligation you don't do it because you're supposed to you do it because of love you don't do it because you're like oh man looking at I should go over there they need and you're like I don't know they're eating ooh maybe well yeah but I better do it because Todd doesn't go through any of that he's just sitting talking he goes oh I'm just telling you I was in the Chili's with him and we're all sitting it's a whole table of pastors and this lady comes walking in with a bunch of ladies around her Walker and I went oh and I looked at stalkers you don't want to overwhelm it we don't know booth needs it I looked at Todd and he went pastors are talking he lets him go the whole way over and sit down as soon as they sit down he slides right over and kneels right in front he says hey you couldn't hear him but I know Todd he's fine so ladies for surgery they've all botched she can barely function and they said are you up for getting out of the house can we take you to eat kale just be like old times can you endure the pain can we just get you to a restaurant get some air and just sit and just be friends would you be able to handle it I want to do that I'm done just sitting in bought surgery's pain cooped in the house let's go so bless her heart she was trooping trooper you know he's going Tod sitting talking he starts crying he's so awesome with people cuz he he's not trying to perform produce anything he is oblivious to everything around him he's just locked in on her and I'm watching it is priceless all of a sudden he starts praying and her friends are crying cuz they love her and all of a sudden he takes her hands she stands he starts walking backwards and then he lets her hands go and he runs from here to the pillar in Chili's people are all over the place the girls are falling her girlfriends are bawling he runs back she's way up there - morning he says Jesus that's my Jesus thank you for not turning me away thank you for not scoring me thank you for saying yes he doesn't know he's into me it was crazy good her French I looked over at the kitchen every waitress heads lined up and cooks lined up what is going on he says Jesus just healed her I don't know her but Jesus no he healed her and everybody's like it blew up everything so much for dinner so we sit down you can't recover he comes over he's just sitting there looking across me going that's the thing he imparted into my life dude he came to me suicidal say can I talk to somebody I said I'll talk to the man is that all right he said please we went upstairs I talked to him for a long time he told me enough how much do you have to explain about 22 years of drug addiction I don't need to hear all the harrowing the hell I get the point so he's trying to tell me all the hell and I'm cutting him off and I'm saying listen man I get that listen he's like dude you're not even listening to me man look dude you're not even hearing where I've been and what I've done you're not listening and I should do I did do probably my first time I said you're not listening to where he's been and what he's done and here's the problem you think where you've been and what you've done is who you are but where he's been and what he's done is the real you now please listen and the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and he just started to cry and said okay I shared the finished work because his identity is wrapped in drug addiction I see him through Jesus Christ you got to make that switch and you got to so the most vital see it's ever been son in their life and then I watch him in Chile's living the finished product of that investment I don't know what we're doing sit out still yeah you're free be free okay just flame everybody thought they could wear me out today it's hilarious stuff like the more we preach and talk Jesus I'm gonna be bonkers like we danced for 20 minutes yeah wasn't that so good thank you guys that was so I saw my wife take off her heels and she started jumping I was like these things are getting serious down okay we're gonna we're gonna do two or three more questions okay all right okay good all right this one's good I'm seeing more and more people getting healed than have been I think but then you know recently in a few months weeks years later sometimes the same illness or infirmity comes back how do I minister to those people in the situations that how can I really like just love them in that always teach people relationship with Jesus always teach them what you believe the will of God is and why he has to pray once you have access to them if they get healed you have total access to you'll be able to talk to him right encourage them there's there's something to that I probably don't teach enough a long time ago I got this thought in my heart that wait a minute I don't believe Jesus prayed for the people in the city and they got healed and two weeks later it came back I just feel there's something we need to grow and walk in and understand there's an increased authority and then Jesus like rebuked infirmity and said don't ever come back and that's the way I've prayed in a lot of situations and I'm actually in faith that it won't come back I don't want to make a theology out of this it's just an observation I could probably count on one hand the people in the streets and unbelievers I prayed for that I found out it came back once I got to see him again or stayed in touch with them whatever level that what seems like when it happens it's a Christian a lot of times so then we say well Christians are accountable because they honored the word and did it and I get what we're trying to say I teach people relationship I'll teach them that listen if that thing would ever try to show its face again whatever ever man don't you say aw man bummer I thought I was he'll wonder what I did wrong wonder what's that don't get in a quandary father I thank you for your love for me you deliver me from this thing you took away every pain Ecclesiastes 3:13 what the Lord does last forever no one takes away and no one adds and the Lord doesn't the men might fear before him I thank you God what you did you did body you behold you line up pain you get out and Jesus and all of a sudden you're exercising relationship and authority and walking in the same thing that person walked in when they prayed for you and you got here you want to teach yourself that relationship and that authority you follow me oh you got something done I got like can we get can we get this I thought he was like can we get that mic on real quick or you can grab this one whatever so in the word it says greater works jesus said greater works will you do who is there people doing greater works nowadays like what are those greater works and have you seen those greater works I'm interested in knowing that yeah I'm not totally sure I've heard it preached a lot of different ways I'm not prepared to say I have the super strong conviction on greater works in the sense of greater in quality greater in quantity I just know this he lives in as many as would believe we can cover ground that Jesus couldn't cover we could do so many things in his name greater works I mean how do you do greater than race from the dead how do you do greater than the things Jesus did I'm not sure he was talking about greater works that way I'm not sure that he was and when you look it up and study it out it's complexing a little bit I know this that Jesus said it wouldn't be profitable if I didn't go because he wouldn't come to help and Jesus knew it would grieve greater for him to go than to stay so the helper could come and this is what he did Jesus multiplied himself and as many as would believe when he was here they had to throng him now that he's with the Father Holy Spirit's in us nobody Shep the throng one person were the body of Christ greater works shall we do because I go to the Father what's he saying Olaf's the Greek the same spirit the same kind as has come to be your helper and you'll do the things I do if you believe in it he'll do in my absence what I would do if I was here myself so he's made us a priesthood of believer so when Jesus was here in the flesh he could pray for everybody in Capernaum and they could get healed now we could pray for everybody wherever we are Jesus is at one place where everywhere and he's in us it's greater works because I go to my father that's why I believe he means it that way because he said if I don't go he won't come the helper won't come greater works because I go to my father what's he saying I've put my spirit in as many as we believe because I'm interest seating at the right hand of God and my blood is speaking mercy over you and better things and Mercy's tried up over judgment in the same spirit that raised me from the dead now lives in you go be my disciple greater works check yeah that's just how I see it yeah yeah I just want to say something real quick I'm sorry I'm getting really stirred up by this guy if you look at the original Greek for that word grader it's my son it just means more so we realize like Jesus never even left Israel so more what we do we have we have accessibility to so much now that we can do more not better we could just do more well that makes sense some people interpret the more as as greater in the sense of the magnitude I think he's talking about more because there's many of us that's what I yeah and sorry you we were hitting on original question the original question was family or actually we passed that no the the question was it was about people and sickness coming back and whatnot yeah but there was a question even family I don't know that I got so like into this one topic but I just want to encourage whoever asked that question don't feel compelled to change your family or you'll come across wrong your words will hit they'll fall to the ground you become a living epistle you get solid you get complete secure and and and there's a time where in my own family if things would get into gossip and stuff because I've been saved now for 22 years so I might have a little different voice in that situation in my family than you have in yours they might just be still trying to figure you out my family understands that you know so anyway what I'm saying is there might be a time where I would just interject in a very soft way or I might walk out of the room and and then come right back and they they know they're like they're aware they're talking about so-and-so and it's not good enough see listen guys then I don't want to see them self-righteous or presumptuous but we're doing no good to so-and-so just see you're talking and you're gonna get trapped we're gonna all get trapped pride self-righteousness judgment why don't know I'll talk I'm that Frank because I just believe I can do that if my heart's right see what I mean that sure beats you walking in another room grieved and crying or crying all day saying holy spirits grieve no your grief holy spirits a little bigger than crying all day because they did something don't you put that on Holy Spirit I've seen intercessors get trapped in that the pastor gets up and stops things right in the middle of worship and they cry all afternoon and say holy spirits so grieved he cried in me all day no you cried coz your expectations in her session got failed and unfulfilled and your spiritual icing it Holy Spirit's a little bigger than pastor cutting the worship shortened him crying all day it's not happening are you guys okay let's just stop spiritualizing it we're messing that up early bad Holy Spirit's a little more solid I've been crying all day because pastor stepped up a minute early okay and back to that original question of isn't this so good I feel like I'm imagining just like this fire behind us and we're in our pajamas with hot chocolate this is just family time back to that question of about you know things coming back I remember one day being in my car and ever since I've been saved it's been 7 7 years now I've never had to deal with like fear or worry or anxiety or anything and I remember driving down the street and there's fear just gripped me out of nowhere and it wasn't nothing about hey that cancer or sickness or you're gonna die or katie's Enid I just fear came against me and I was like wow that's really weird like I never I never deal with fear and this thought came this thought came against me ok I just want you to hear me clear they came against me and he said you you do have fear it like you're just having you're just not dealing with it and then I immediately heard that Holy Spirit say Joey you don't have fear you're experiencing it and for me that was a huge revelation because a lot of times like people do get healed of tension headaches or back pain or whatever it is and then these experiences come back upon them and they believe will take really heal me I don't know if I'm really healed and the Holy Spirit showed me like sometimes I think we'll just come back and and is trying to get back in the house but you're just experiencing it you don't own it anymore it's not a part of you it's just an experience that you're having but don't let it define the experience that you're having you know with him and what he's done that makes sense okay sorry I just want to share that this isn't even my Q&A what am i doing okay here we go here's a question and I feel like it's a loaded question but it's really simple how do we grow in failure well that was a serious question by the way though it was well obviously Bible says faith comes by hearing by the hearing and hearing by the word faith faith works through love I've taught this for years I believe this with all my heart faith is the spontaneous result of knowing him faith flows out of your relationship when you know who he is and you understand his will in a situation faith is the spontaneous result of knowing him you grow in knowing him and knowing his nature knowing his will faith is an automatic response you're not trying to have faith if you're trying to have faith you don't did you get that faith is the spontaneous result of knowing him faith works through love faith doesn't work because you have a need faith works because you have a covenant and you know the god of that covenant faith doesn't work because you have a Christ faith works because you know him you guys with me that I believe is how you build thing get closer to God and have relationship and get to know him amen listen carefully ministry is awesome going on the mission trips grade all that subscribe' going to Africa the testimonies the blind all that's a man that's exciting and I'm not making light of it it's all great but nothing your ability to be with him that's the highest honor of everything we get to do because everything that he does through us should flow from that holy place in mark 3:13 he says he ordained them or he called them to himself who he himself wanted and they came nobody comes unless he's drawn that's what's happened to us he's called us he's drawn us and we came and it says he ordained them for ordination appointment he ordained them that day might be with him and that he might send them out to preach heal and do mighty things in his name what are you ordain them to do be with him where does he send them from being with him don't do ministry if you're not with him don't even go if you're not with him being with him is what sends you or you'll let what you're doing for God take the place of knowing God and your identity be wrapped in ministry you won't do well you'll crash at some point it's being raw and honest nothing there's to your ability given by God to be with them and the only person that can keep you from that place you believe in wrong thing because he paid the price to open the door and you've access you're the only one that can keep me from this press because you're invited the only thing is wrong thinking and wrong no one can keep me from knowing him to me you can turn against me you can all get mad at me you can right terrible things you can call me anything you want and you cannot keep me or miss Preston you cannot keep me from hearing his voice tonight laying quiet on the bed you can't keep me from waking up in him and knowing I'm the only one that's really good okay so last two questions okay guys so we're gonna do one more phone and one more audience so I'm gonna hit the phone one it's kind of a loaded question what are your thoughts on suffering for the gospel suffering for the gospel simple persecution and sacrificing the flesh and the natural has nothing to do with sickness nothing to do with disease you don't see Jesus sick the sufferings of Jesus aren't sickness Jesus wasn't sick he was misunderstood he was judged he was gossiped on he was mistreated he was hated he was persecuted the sufferings of the gospel is whatever it costs you living in the light in the midst of darkness living in the truth in the midst of misunderstanding in life as they hated him they'll hate you don't take it personal and don't provoke them to hate you to fulfill scripture says as much as depends on you be at peace with all men yeah it's a suffering for the gospel simple that way simple it's not sickness it's not disease it's not poverty it's people not understanding you in the midst of perversion it's people not believing it's people coming against you for what you stand for it's it's the it's whatever being like him costs you in relationships family he said you think I came to bring peace but I came to bring a sword and there'll be five in a household in three against two and two against three the mother against the daughter and a father against the son that's amazing scripture language that's called the suffering of the gospel not everybody seeing what you see believing what you believe excited about what you're excited about falsely accusing thinking you're in a call brain wall and not receiving true change in your life there's a price in all that don't take it personal Paul said all I know is this there's chains and persecutions waiting me everywhere I go that's what Holy Spirit's telling me he says but I'm going because I don't count my own life dear so I can fulfill the will of him who called me that's a far cry from him pleading for God to remove that thorn from his left does that thing buffeted him constantly what's he talking about sickness are you kidding me nothing to do with sick how do you know it's not sickness the thorn it's simple the word did God promise you healing is there healings concerning promise concerning healing so Paul couldn't have been sick Paul can't be asking God to remove something he promised he would and then God Jerk authority on him and say listen man I'm God you're not my grace is sufficient for you I know I promised but hey if you taught your child if you treated your child like that one time you've done damage you do it twice you taught him to never take you at your word of course the devil loves us to believe the thorn is sickness because you can never take out at his word did God promise Paul suffering for his namesake then what do you think the thorn was every time he opened his mouth he got beat whipped stoned and battered and he said God would you please take this thing from me he said I told you the things you must suffer for my name's sake my grace is sufficient for you just keep preaching the gospel I got you covered boy he wasn't talking about sickness that would be you promise in your child hey I want to teach you responsibility and family without asking I want you to take the garbage out every Tuesday please keep your room read it up and when I come in I don't want to see clothes just strewn everywhere you got a wash basket in there make sure they're in there make it easy for Mom when it gets to a point where you're needing some clothes take it down and sit at Mom's well able and willing to help and clean and wash but do your part function his family men tell you what you do that faithfully for the next six weeks and I'll take you over to here serious dad you'll take me there that's my favorite place I know I want to reward you and treat you right and teach you that if you'll continue to do the things that are right there's a reward in that there's a blessing not spoiling you not I just want to teach you this is important and it pays a great price in dividend six weeks goes by and your son's all proud nieces dad did you realize on this did you realize that man let's go when are you taking me there you said you'd take me there yeah I know I said it but you know what man I've changed my mind listen I know you might not understand this but I'm your dad and you're my son and you need to understand I'm an authority I've just changed my mind I think it's in your best interest just keep doing what I ask you to do that's cut out the Reward for a minute and you just stay faithful but Dad you said six weeks not I know but son stop I'm dad you're not and I'm making this choice you do that one more time to your child and they'll never be able to take you at your word how many people don't take God at His Word because they don't believe he's faithful to his promise they actually believe Paul was sick and that Paul prayed and God said my grace is sufficient well great thanks for your grace but what about your promise and you magnified your word above your own name and the integrity your name is wrapped in your word and I'm not being sarcastic I'm saying Paul could have thought that we could have fought that but God you said you forgive all my sin and heal all my disease you didn't say your grace is sufficient you said ask anything believing it shall be done you said if I say the mountain it'll move you didn't say nothing about your grace being sufficient and not doing it you said you would your faithful that's how you know what Paul scorn was cuz the word tells you Paul's asking God to remove something he promised he'd experienced and it was in sickness it was suffering for his name you get it look up the word buffeting it means blows to the flesh look up the word infirmity it's not sickness it means weakness okay that's really good actually that's a lot to chew on we have one we're gonna do one or two more audience questions just depending on time you said one or two two times ago I am you must be having fun I should I know my yes is not being my yes I'm really sorry I saw you first so you just want to stand could you run this to her okay this is my question I texted how am i sinless and also sinful how do i reconcile that i am a saint who also chooses to sin like I have lustful and selfish thoughts and actions etc isn't this a both/and situation that I am both a saint and made perfect all also being made perfect and being sanctified it's a process why we while we are in this body of flesh I find that I still wait or how do I make sense of the tension that we live in how many questions was that and then I guess I just kind of want to add like is it really do you have it written I did I'll resend it no no if it's there I'll just read it because I want to be able to really answer your question because we can answer that question yeah I just want to add one thing to that my last little add-on is after you answer that is is it really as simple is it really is it really it's really simple it's really simple leaving like like it's really simple it's in perspective I'm going to teach it out to you okay okay okay stop asking questions let me answer the ones you're worthy get the mic out of her hand and wow I'm reading the question of yours yeah I think this is gonna be our last question for the night okay I'm sorry it's got to be Wow I just want to love the person that wrote the question above hers and then Oh answer hers can we do hers in theirs said he's talking about deliverance but what about inner healing are we not although we not believing truth if we have wounds that needs healing or counsel etc is that yours here's something else girl that's awesome so compassion towards you gods like drawl in my eye to that question yeah faith takes care of everything it's what Brandon said what about faith you know inner healing always takes you back to yesterday and always makes you a product of what happened and how you responded how you reacted it's usually connected to degenerate emotions emotions that stem from self-centeredness the ability to be hurt broken offended so it's like sometimes we're just looking for an inner peace feeling in the midst of trauma and we call that healing but if we don't take that foundation away you'll experience those things again and again and again and then you'll get trapped living by feelings I'm personally oh man am I saying this I'm personally not a fan of inner healing I feel like we run a risk of doing more harm than good I feel like we're teaching people sensuality at the cost of faith in a lot of cases and I'm not saying it's all bad and I'm not saying nobody's ever been helped I just think we run a lot more risks than we're benefiting from that's all I'm saying okay and the ER phone is buzzing dude it's like questions must be pouring in how am i sinless and also sinful how do i reconcile that I am a saint who also chooses to sin almost daily okay now we know you asked that question so you asked that question listen you don't want to choose to sin almost daily that should be a concern no one should want to all choose to sin daily your life gets sanctified through truth you recognize what sin is through his word and communion with the Spirit so to choose to sin daily that's something you want it you want to you want to address and you want to say okay where am i choosing to sin daily what does that really mean and what am i doing that's sinful and you got to recognize wait a minute my life is more than this I'm called to shine I'm called to be in fellowship with God I am not subject to some dual nature that's driving me through life and a helpless manner we got to throw that lie out man you're not fighting something like that no you you're filled with Christ who shall save me from this bondage from this burden from this man oh oh oh how's he say it in a wretched man that I am Who Shall deliver me from this bondage of death man and bondage of Lies and stuff thank God through Jesus Christ man so so here's what you want to do you you don't want to see yourself as sinful you don't want to take the tendency to sin and mark yourself as sinful you want to realize that God sanctified you and called you out of darkness into the light so the sensual desire to sin comes from a self-centered selfish nature and he who has died is free from sin you get what I'm saying so you got to say oh my goodness God thank you that I'm not in a war anymore you've sanctified me and set me free him there's anything contrary to truth that rises up in me that tries to drive me in and formal manner I think you got a van answer I'm more than that who you are India's greater you didn't create me for this I'm not here to suffice my flesh for a moment and pay a price in my soul later know you even said Moses in an Old Covenant separated himself when he became accountable from the passing pleasures of sin right and made himself a member of the body of Christ and choose to suffer the afflictions of a pharaoh and didn't fear him and all that good stuff man I don't want you honey to believe that you're set up and subject to fail every day then and you willfully sin every day you don't want that it says if we go on sinning willfully after the knowledge of truth we're making nothing of His grace we're insulting the blood of Jesus Christ were like saying it's not sufficient you gotta be careful with that and you want to get a grip on your life where those things are pulling you so if you're just well I'd probably talk to Saud earlier if your addictive behaviors and compulsions and little vices in people's lives are almost per Batum always attached to a low esteem and a less than truth identity about the person's self about their it they have a low view of themselves so they live up to the low level in which they see themself most addictions and most vices are attached to a low esteem and a crushed identity when a person sees who he is they live up to what they see if you can teach somebody that's addicted Todd would call me I fell into drugs he's crying so hard I'm like okay listen man let me ask you a question when's the last time you felt this way use it and when's the last time you cried and felt sincerely sorry and then he really cried I said dude your hearts changing your life's changed I said here's the problem you're gonna think because you used you're still a user you're caring man the gospel is changing your life don't you let what you did start defining you let what he did continue to grow you because this thing's about to break off of you because you're being changed you care about something you care about something you've never cared about the last time you use you were already deciding how you were going to use again now you used and you're calling me broken this isn't you this is a tendency and as your identity gets solid and you grow and your identity gets restored this things going to break off of you man it's most best to say you can't do that you can't go do it what did you do you can't do that that's a contradiction that's hypocrisy that's you can't tell a man to change you teach a man to change you show him who he is and who he is overcomes the desire who he really is overcomes the action come on you better learn to counsel in faith and trust the Gospels enough you better teach people who they are so they have the firepower to see clear and make the tree good so the fruit can change so how can I be free from sin and still sinful I don't identify myself through any nature or passion or ten temptation to go into something that I'm not in Christ so if I'm living my life today as dan Mohler as you know me and all of a sudden someone tries to rub me wrong and I feel tempted to get hurt by what something somebody said I don't consider that sinful honey I consider that a temptation to fall into what I was delivered from and I say no the knowledge of my life shows me that's never an option god I am so so much more than getting offended by what they just did that tried to catch me off guard and actually justify some feelings and emotions that aren't your heart and God I thank you that you're greater in me and you protect me with truth and father I am not offended in God I thank you that next thing you know you're back in this good solid plane it's what he said sometimes we think cuz we experienced it it's who we are if it violates you it's a sign it's not you if you care about what you're thinking and wish you didn't think it any more you're not conjuring it up people to stop taking responsibility and repenting for something you're not why don't you lift your hands and thank God right I tell the story all the time I was in a worship service I didn't I was never addicted to pornography it was around me a lot it was at work all the time it was magazines laying open on the table the bosses would stop and read him but one time I watched his video and it was only probably twice in my whole life I watched a porn video in my whole life and but I watched this video now I'm born again years later and I'm in a worship service worship was amazing it was a holy atmosphere and I'm just standing there god you're so good just here man I'm gonna preach I'm Pastor Dan I'm supposed to teach a ministry school in a minute and while I'm standing there in the presence of God worshiping the Lord this video ran through my mind from years ago like I'm watching it right now bizarre isn't it you know what that thing's do it looking for an opportune time trying to get me to take responsibility for something I'm not the last thing I want to see is that video the last thing on my mind is that video the last thing I'm entertained by is that video when I saw that video it's disgusting and violent to filing to me and if I could go back and erase that i watched it i would i didn't conjure that here's what the devil is doing he's trying to get me insecure and try to get me to think because i thought it and pictured it that it's me and now i'm ready to preach it's trying to get me to repent for some i'm not get insecure throw away the anointing gifting and calling and cry at the order and say god I can't believe this stuff Armand is in my mind this wretched trash I thought my mind was sanctified I don't know why god this stuff's go through me I am so so so sorry god I don't want this junk in my life god help me help me help me have mercy I'm not gonna do that I didn't think it out guess what I did the worst that was so ridiculously good I blew the atmosphere out man dude I'm sorry like the the keys were tinkering nobody was talking people were weeping nobody wanted to move you know what I'm saying and now you just touched me wrong this is war and my weapon isn't fighting the devil my weapons truth so I'm standing there and this picture goes through my head and I'm watching this movie in my mind like and it wouldn't go away the minds the tricky thing if I say right now I don't want any of you none of you right now none of you don't you dare think about an elephant it's forbidden you already saw what its suggestion stop calling it sin it's not you if you care about it if you feel bad it's not you so I'm standing there god I worship you boom video I'd have scared you if you were standing near me Father I thank you I'm changed forever I thank you you sank to find my mind in my life in my heart god I worship you and thank you that you made me a new creation people were going woo I don't know what's going on with Dan but that is not the atmosphere right now you're gonna touch me like that I'm freaking out in truth I am NOT going to cry and repent for something that's not in my heart I'm not going to attach it to me and say that I'm sinful and got wicked thoughts in my mind and I need deliverance and some pastors up there preaching well if your mind would be exposed on that board would you be proud that ended up that's not good teaching because not everything going through people's minds is coming from their heart and you know the difference you know if you're dwelling on that thing and conjuring it and playing it or you know if it caught you off-guard and you wish you weren't seeing it you know don't you call that sin and I just went ballistic father and I just worship you and thank you for new life through Jesus Christ I'll thank you I'm holy and blameless and above reproach in your sight you've touched me you've changed me love me and guess when people started doing well we love Dan with respect Dan he's in the groove I guess we'll join in and have some confession god we thank you we appreciate we love you and I'm like it was just funny man so I come out of that and I'm like woo and I turned it's a ministry school I'm teaching and training and equipment sometimes in that session and setting you need to live it by example and show by example and demonstrate what you're teaching so I said listen tonight we're talking about this and that and words and knowledge impressions and and and I said sir you right now or it was a lady I said let ma'am I said there's something on your right ankle it's right under your ankle it's a protrusion it's a tumor type growth it's a fatty thing whatever it is it's concerned you it's bothering you if you'll feel that's gone she went I said sir the middle of your back herniated disc I see it I don't know the name I just see it right it's right in the center I see a herniated disc is that true yeah I said right now that heat that's going through you making you whole check it in about 30 seconds there's no pain babe things just started to happen right watch I don't even think any of that would have happened if I didn't see the video the video stirred me into something that took me deeper than not was even and the video spurred me to him and he said I'll tell you what I love you Dan you responded to me let's have some fun I'm just gonna blast some things and do something that video spurred me to a thing and release some in the room that might not even happen if I didn't see the video how do you stop that kind of wisdom if we continue to believe so here's my point when I see the video am i a man with a problem or my man with an answer if you become a man with a problem you have a problem if you become a man with an answer you have the manifestation of the kingdom you get it okay can we just give a round of applause for Dan come on come on yeah come on we honor thank you [Applause] [Laughter] bless you guys all right hey I just want to you before we take off I just wanna you know we obviously thank damn but thank you everyone for coming out I know this weekend was heavy I feel like if there's one word it's just heavy but a good heaviness and just a reminder tomorrow at Canyon Hills it's seven zero zero one Auburn Street at 1:30 we're gonna have Dan for one more session okay so uh yeah PJ you want to get up here and sure and also in the morning if you guys are sticking around for Dan we invite you to come be our guest we have dr. John Easter he's like the lead strategist for Africa really what kind of kind of for the global mission initiative for a lot of churches and a lot of streams that are pushing into Africa so about you to come and their services at eight ten eleven and twelve and then you could catch down at 1:30 and if you want to come back be our guest here tomorrow night for Chris Q I just wanna mention that hey let's just do this real quick can we just let's just open our hands let's just pray this out okay I know it's the last time at City Center and I know some of you won't be able to make it to any of that but if you can't let's just pray and let's just yeah father we just thank you for truth we thank you Jesus that your perfect theology Lord and if our life doesn't line up to what you've taught us or the standard that you've put out Lord we just we're just gonna be patient and we're gonna let you teach us and mold us in your image and we thank you for all the seeds sown this weekend lord I just declare that none of it would be robbed none of it would fall to hard ground none of it would follow with the wayside or in thorns and be choked out lord I just declare that you've you've tilled the soil that you you you've gotten rid of all the hardness this weekend so we just declared that the soil is ready for all that seed to go down and just birth fruit and I thank you Lord that that we get to take this and whatever you're doing into our communities into our workplaces and even back to our churches Lord and I just thank you that love is gonna be our goal love is gonna be our motivation cuz it's yours and so we thank you for all this in Jesus name Amen hey thank you guys for coming out hey if you could just honor the house if you see trash would you just pick up a piece of trash and maybe throw it in a trash can and bless a few people on your way out I love you guys
Channel: Joseph Blodgett
Views: 17,929
Rating: 4.8781724 out of 5
Keywords: dan mohler, joey blodgett, todd white, q&a, jesus, christianity, upperroom, holy spirit, leadership, bible, god
Id: N6YzCf_0lvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 34sec (8614 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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