Dan Mohler @ TSC - Encounter Weekend - 2 - You are here to shine

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thanks guys grab your chairs that's all good man that was a lot of people that surprised me I was in your friend Jason Cooper's Church and two-thirds of the people at that church and I was there before said they were never at that service and Jason looked right at me and he said brother you know Jason he's all he said brother you're like a mosquito in a nudist colony I said I didn't even know if you could say that in church I know I didn't even know if that was allowed I looks like what did he just say I was like but when I thought about it it made sense a whole lot of targets so I got a lot of targets feeling a little mosquito worry right now man well first of all before we even get rollin I got a repent I was so full of unbelief today I was like who's coming it's five degrees or minus 14 Celsius or whatever it was it's snowing it's Friday I'm like who's coming and I got here and said Lord I gotta tell him I'm sorry I was full of unbelief this morning you guys are here you didn't think nothing of this back home they wouldn't the showed up they just turned on YouTube and you know I apologize you're amazing you're my new heroes I ain't kid you I'm like you guys ain't play like this was nothing to hear to get here a thing I just y'all fired up was it extra excited this morning extra excited this morning he looked at me Chris said it's fired up in here I'm like these people are out of their minds that's a good thing because see some people when I'm preaching they say I think he's out as - II know I'm out of yours that's different okay I'm ready to roll who was here last night a lot of you okay I was on a tone I said to these nice men it felt different last night for an opening night and then it really shocked me when I saw how many people it was a day what they've never heard me before and they weren't here last year I mean and I'm like cuz usually I'm really foundational and there's a message that burns my heart but last night I couldn't get off that righteousness free from sin dead to sin no consciousness of sin here's why when when when when you're in a righteous consciousness you understand you have access to God you come boldly to him I've learned as a pastor lots of people don't really have a good view of themselves even in the Lord and they're still tricked into trying to get people to acknowledge what they like and see about them so they're always subject to opinion and response instead of truth and a finished work see if God can unveil your face through a righteous understanding you'll come boldly to him you have access to him you'll freely I've learned that people get alone with God and that's where they clam up people say well I try to get along with God but I get I just don't know what to say and I did that and and sometimes people take 10 20 30 minutes to try to get past themself to even get to him but you don't understand see he got to you like you can just close the door and be with him when I first got saved I would close my bedroom door cuz I'd have to open it to go in I would never leave my bedroom door closed but when I got saved I would close it because I had to open it to get in and and it was a contact point of faith I would peek in there and I'd say hey all the time I'd say hey I'm here who knows theological he's in me who knows theological he'll never leave me or forsake me he's always with me but there was something special about going in the room believing he was waiting to meet with me and I would open the bedroom door and I'd take it and I'd say hey it's just us you're not gonna do that if you don't understand righteousness if you don't understand how he sees you through the blood and that the blood speaking better things you're not gonna have a consciousness step in there and actually you believe he's excited about meeting with you I did that for a week or so and it got so big in me God's presence began to meet me and I don't talk about manifestations and impressions a lot because people live for the manifestation instead of the belief the belief aswer took me to the manifestation and then he couldn't trust me with an experience because I believed regardless don't you chase an experience you go after him you don't say well I never felt the love of God believed the love of God you don't have to feel it believe it the strong point of your life is believing you're believers Reed promise after promise to them that believed it doesn't say to them who experienced when you grow into a place where you have heart knowings where your heart knows ain't nobody taking that from you that's what got me half a madman half the time I got to try to calm down to communicate cuz I went in my bedroom and he was there in that awesome so one day can I tell you a wild experience I had one day with an open vision open vision is when you see things with your eyes open I walked in my bedroom and my bedroom wasn't there I stepped through the door and I looked and it was a throne there was I can't even describe it it was a glorious thing to see it was color and it was on the throne it was the Lord and I couldn't see a face and nose eyes it was just amazing and I saw myriads of angels as far as the eye could see my whole bedroom and they were singing holy and glory and all this and I walked in and now you think you're ready for that you say I want those experiences you don't even know what to do like I walked in and I went and you're shaking you're trembling and you're like I probably ought to join in because they're like worthy and they're worshiping the Lord and and the Lord sitting there and I said father now close the door I'm trembling I said I just came to join in with the Marriott's of angels and just worship you and I heard this now God didn't do this he just did it for me it was it was for me heaven doesn't get quiet like like they're worshiping him right now like when you're beholding him you're not just going you're going but I heard this in my bedroom this big loud Shh and everything hushed silent and I heard this voice say I heard it my son has come to speak with me that'll mess you up that'll make you like me I don't believe what he can't with nobody just he just I don't know but you walk in that bedroom and you see something like that but here's the deal God just didn't do that for me I believed that before I had that experience I had total access to him I read it in my Bible it said that I have a high priest who's passed through the heavens Jesus the Son of God it's Hebrews 4 it's there man I found it it said so come boldly into the throne room of grace when don't you need his empowerment when don't you need his mercy to keep while moving forward as empowerment to keep growing into him every day so why do you leave and go and leave you live in a place where you're in him and with him and your unveiled you see what I mean so I believe that before I had that encounter in experience he just blessed me with something that nailh at home and he said my son's come to speak with me as if he's gonna hush all of heaven cuz it's that in important that we chat pretty personal that short beats getting frustrated mad at were ticked off with your spouse people issues oriented issues and and all of a sudden you got 10 reasons for not being okay when he's your father and wants you to live in his presence now I'm gonna let what matters most matter most I'm not gonna let what doesn't matter most matter more I promise you today is not the day for issues neither was yesterday today's not the day to be angry and frustrated and overwhelmed and discouraged and ticked off it just means you have your eyes on other things I would talk plain to you this morning if you're not self focused you can't be those things no matter how people are treating you and no matter what's happening if you're thinking first for the kingdom your responses are different if you're thinking first for your well-being you're in trouble it's not about your well-being it's about your expression in Christ it's not about what you're going through it's about shining in the midst of it nobody ever lit a lamp and then put a basket over it the light is lit on purpose for a reason to bring light to the room who likes a lamp and puts a basket overhead you are the light of the world a city set on a hill it's Matthew five it's there it's in your Bible I think it starts in verse 14 therefore let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and glorify the father any any idea any mindset any reasoning any emotion in your life that comes against the light in your life is a lie because the whole reason you woke up this morning according to scripture is to shine not survive not make it not hope for the best not hope that people treat you the way you desire sometimes our whole prayer list if we really look at it is laid out to benefit my day not in power my day to look like him come on sometimes my whole promised if I'm not careful it's just things I need and want so the day goes better so I'm okay at the end of it I'm going to get narrow this morning has nothing to do with truth or why you're saved or why he lives in you nothing to do with it don't you buy in to all the messages that are self-serving and focused yes God's a blessed sir it's not wrong to pray for a new job not wrong to believe for a promotion but it's not cool to not shine in the midst of it all it's not cool to get laid off and live laid off it's not cool to be betrayed and live betrayed it's not cool to be done wrong and live done wrong it's really not cool to feel sorry for yourself lonely as a party you've ever been to except for the two or three friends that understand your pain and you call that support no that's enablement it keeps you there it's not friendship it's deception need somebody to tell you the truth and get you out of yourself so you can live in him yeah come on are you okay it's your fault you raised your hand and said you didn't see hear me before so now now I'm back to foundational and I'm feeling the same come on this is why he came this is why he died he died to put his life in you not take you to some mystical places some day that we can't relate to he died to put his life in you to get you back to the garden back to the beginning where he was from the beginning where you were him from the beginning made for his image if a Christian isn't pursuing to grow up in the truth of who God is they're missing the adventure that they're on the whole reason he's in us is to transform us and restore us back to truth back to love back to shining his lights he said Matthew 5 I believe 14 you are the light of the world one thought you were the light of the world Jesus I am and I'm in you now shine so he goes to the Father and sits at the right hand and mediates in our behalf and in the process he hands us the baton of the New Covenant New Testament church and he said be like me follow me and the things I do you do if you believe so I guess if we aren't doing these things we don't believe or we don't understand so in all our getting that's get understanding but your life lived reveals what you believe and understand are you with me y'all good man it's exciting to me so you see why you have to have access to him you can't have a veil over your face you got to be able to slide in that room and say hey it's just me coming to meet with you you close the door and it's so awesome so in that place I'm not I'm one or two things I'm either out of my mind and wasting my time and ought to get a hobby or he's real and he's there and it's gonna bring changed him alive because here's what I've learned it's not going in oh god you're gonna change me god it's going in there and being with him being with him rubs off on you who he is begins to come through your life like you can't be with him and not start becoming like him because he turn a life is knowing him not praying a prayer to go to heaven we teach pray a prayer to go to heaven that's eternal life jesus said I'm gonna stick with Jesus Jesus said eternal life is knowing him the only true God knowing him not knowing about him not being theologically correct being intimate and having a relationship and living in him and walking with him like Adam in the beginning cool the day you know what first John four seven and eight says it says beloved let us love one another it's not just a commandment it's it's a lifestyle it's what you become in him let us love one another because God is love and everyone all-inclusive everyone who loveth everyone no exception everyone who's loving he's talking about first Corinthians 13 loving he's talking about not seeking your own he's talking about walking in truth not being puffed up he's talking about not seeking your own he's talking about taking no account of the wrong that's been done to you no account come on he said everybody who loves has proven something that they've been born of God and they knoweth God he didn't say everybody that attention church service he didn't say everybody that serves in a ministry he didn't say everybody that springs him from the pulpit he said everybody that loves reveals they know him and they've been born of him now watch what he says in verse eight he who loveth not just doesn't know God is it there he who does not love does not know God he didn't say you don't go to church he didn't say you didn't see your need for a savior he didn't say you don't believe you need forgiveness and believe that Jesus is the Son of God and died on the cross so the goal is in praying a prayer to qualify you to heaven the goal is becoming love and you can't become loved unless you know him but you can't know him and not become loved did you get it this thing is so simple I've been invited into a relationship with the god of the universe who was and is and is to come the Almighty God has humbled himself to consider the earth and he put man on the planet he put a flesh body on the planet filled the body with who he is so they can act out what's on the inside that has never changed from the beginning he made man for his image and God is love the reason manner on the planet is to love when with Adam sinned and got cut off from love and the source of love God still loves Adam isn't in fellowship with the love he stepped out of that relationship he lived apart from God as soon as he got cut off from love he became in need of love everybody in this room was born into Adam you must be born again we turned born again into a prayer that takes you to heaven he calls born again a restoration back to love not just being loved by God becoming the love of God everybody in this room needed love needed identity needed affection needed encouragement needed praise everybody in this room from little up as soon as you had awareness and consciousness and became conscious of you you needed things in your life to feel good about yourself why perverted fall a man every man born into Adam the need of love but every man's here to walk in love not to need it to be it so when you get born again the only thing you need is to get grafted back into the vine you got to get hooked up to the source of love so the I love you comes from God through the cross and now you become what saved you love it never failed why he never changed his mind about us no matter what so now I'm called to see the same way I'm they live the same way and if you're not measuring up and living what this word calls you to then it just means you don't see who you are know who you are and know him like you could but if I know him I will see you like he sees you that sure beats getting frustrated irritated picker choose preference a void cliques whatever I don't think I like them well God never said that about you you can't be on track well they just bother me God never said that about you you can't be on well they just get on my nerves see we're always waiting for people to line up to our preference instead of us get new nerves don't you make your preference Lord don't you make your preference Lord that's a self-centered focus your preferences aren't Lord because your preferences are hinged on you yourself and you and they have twists all through them if God had those kind of preferences there's people in and people out there's favorites and there's less than and it says he's not bias or partial see if I didn't learn it from him I didn't learn it at all I've been taught by a lie homeschooled in a wrong home false teaching all around me and then the light of the world shows up and says he's the way he's the light he said he's the truth he said call no man on earth your teacher you have one and he's the Christ if I didn't learn it from him I didn't learn it at all ain't that something there's something what you got up there now people freak me out man I'm talking to you looking at gin y'all looking over here you might think I'm kidding but I'm not kidding one time I was preaching at the screen directly behind me and it was one of them high screens and I was preaching with all my heart and everybody's looking straight up ahead right up over my head they're all looking up and this lady had just come to me a couple weeks before and said the whole time you were preacher I'm not making fun of her she's just that way she said the whole time you were preaching this big Blue Angel was just right above you just following with you and I said okay that's awesome I I didn't think much about it I said I didn't reject it but I didn't go really whoa I just said okay well that's awesome thanks for sharing that about two weeks later a man come up he said I don't know if anybody ever told you this but the whole time you're preaching there's this Blue Angel it's right above you and I looked up blue and it means revelation and this angel suffered so I go to this church and I'm preaching and everybody's looking up and I thought they all see it and I'm preaching and I'm like that thing is right above me big screen Scripture I was like farmer I thought it was the angel but I don't know what was going here cuz I was over here and everybody's looking up like I was trying to follow your eyes led me right to the truth I want you to see it and for some reason it feels important to me Matthew 5 I already quoted it but we need to see it that's just see it's just good to look at it what do people say it makes the meeting league or something wow this is Jesus talking don't you love when the chapter the whole chapter is read and then you turn the page and it's read in chapter 6 it's just read and 7 is read probably a good place to read you are the light of the world your city you're set on a hill you can't be hidden well isn't that amazing I think we can be hidden if we fail to shine because that's why he says the rest of what he says your city on a hill that cannot be hidden what's he talking about if you realize you're the light of the world now that doesn't mean arrogance you're somebody it means you shine truth through your life your life is lit up in truth you have a different attitude you have a different perspective watch you wake up in the morning with a whole different reason for being than you used to you're not trying to make it it's not just about your family and your IRA and your bills it's about what message you send through your life that's number one seek ye not second not third the kingdom of God that's the Kings domain that's the king in how he functions seek ye the kingdom of God not your well-being how many Christians are seeking her well-being how many Christians are praying prayers that pertain to their blessing their provision their breakthrough their protection your protected in truth because your hearts guarded because out of your heart flows issues of life not the circumstances if circumstances can get into your heart you're a mess you're only as good as it's going instead of as good as he is in you don't you let life speak louder than truth when he's the giver of life and truth makes you free people said well I'm just not free well you don't need prayer and ministry I need deliver and snow you need truth if you're not free it's the absence of truth if truth makes you free and you don't believe you're free then it's the absence of truth you don't need prayer you need truth because if you don't think different you'll live the same hmmm it's so exciting that he would give us this like this isn't a correction morning this is a like man I came in the gold of snow I'm good spanked you're not getting spanked I'm telling you who you are what he paid for the truth about your life your heritage your destiny this isn't a correction this is a livingroom chat man it's just a big living room we got a big family here it's just hey this is what he paid for if we're all excited about Jesus why don't we just go for it when we just lay down our life and learn what that means grow up into him in all things and let our light so shine come on I'm looking at a lot of individual light that makes a beam man you can light up the land guys you talk about revival it starts inside the person every man living this way every woman living this way children growing up understanding these things from little where they don't get caught in the rat race if he said she said and tit for tat not feel well I wouldn't be if they did well how come children children like this morning in in the home and they're 9 and 8 and they got into little dispute and the 9 year old said wait a minute we got to stop was supposed to love 8 9 I had no clue 8 9 but so manipulative I was going to get it if I wanted I find a way I remember lying to my mom and dad to get my brother spanked slide in and my brother was freaking out he said you're wicked I can't believe you're doing this you know you broke that lamp it was a passed me down dual set a lamp and we broke one roughhousing and I broke it and I said I can't believe you did that and I ran to my mom mom he broke the lamp and he was like why total opposite of Jesus Jesus didn't do anything wrong and took my wrong I'm the total opposite perverted I'm a little kid perverted born into Adam I ain't taking no blame I'm putting it on you you know it's just as bad as that well I wouldn't did it if you won the what you're saying is your Lord of my life what you do decides me and I'm only as good as you're doing me that's bondage friend you're in a marriage living like that come out of that bondage and I didn't mean split up with your spouse stop letting where your spouse isn't determine where you are and then singing Jesus is Lord let him be the governing factor in the force and supreme source of your life Jesus is Lord my wife doesn't have to be okay for me to shine in fact if she's struggling I'm at my best because if she's struggling she just needs love in Jesus say well marriage is 50/50 marriages I love you you be careful with that marriage is 50/50 because if God switched that on you you're in trouble because you ain't given your fifty see the world taught us wisdom but it's not wisdom it's the way that seemeth right and it's way death get renewed in the spirit of your mind don't become form to the world be by the renewing you see why we preach what we preached last night if you don't see how God sees you why would you approach him with confidence and surety if you see yourself less than what he paid for you won't have confidence to be with him in a secret place and the best way you'll commune with God is in a corporate setting and as close as you get is when everybody's singing the song at best you'll serve in a ministry you'll get involved in your church and you'll let the things you do for him take the place of knowing him but knowing him changes you you could live as a concubine you can serve the king and every once in a while encounter him but you're supposed to be the bride come on don't you let what you do for him take the place of knowing him because if you don't pursue relationship you'll get reduced to serving the Lord reduced to serving the Lord instead of knowing him he said I didn't even call you servants anymore I call you friends and he says the reason I do that is a servant doesn't even know what his masters doing that means we know we get it we see and the light that we see puts light in our lives come on that is just so good like that just like you could just go and just shine you just walk through the mall and just see if you're not caught up with all kinds of things you're always ready I could tell you so many stories are just going to buy something in a store and you don't hardly get through the store and get to what you were going to buy and three four people later and two people crying and one people trembling later you finally get in what you went for because you're shining you just see you you just go through the door excuse me Hey what how it's okay you got a little further hey I'm not joking you just by yourself but you're not you're walking revival he's in you and then you don't you gotta be careful how many stories you tell because we're trained to compare ourselves among ourselves then we try to be like each other instead of just follow Jesus you're the best you you're not trying to be like anybody else you be the best you you just grow up into him you get alone with him you be with him you let him love you through the word through his son and you go ahead and become more and more like him in that secret place see what's that looked like sitting on your bed father I just thank you for loving me Holy Spirit I welcome you man I thank you that today nobody owes me a thing what a privilege I used to complain a lot and complain about my job now I see it as a gift it's a simple two ironed finances pay bills but man what a mission feel father I thank you you're doing such a work on the inside of me man I used to see my boss Joe and I used to wish boy he'd do this and change or transfer I'd get a new job but now my heart goes out to Joe God you're doing the work in me man if he really knew who you were he wouldn't be acting that way my heart hurts for him god I feel mercy for Joe I used to feel frustration you're changing me I don't want a new job I want to shine right where I'm at I don't even believe my pay is sufficient for what I'm doing but I'm gonna do even more and my life is gonna mark their hearts cuz you're good you let the gospel put you in that humble place you're unstoppable it is such a powerful place the enemy doesn't even know what to do with you because you're you're not a target anymore because you don't love your own life unto death and that's how you overcome we say it's the blood and the word but if you don't love your own life unto death the blood and the word doesn't have power in that moment what makes the blood and the word the answer is that you don't love your own life unto death without that in the equation you minimize the power of the blood and the word and you make it a theology instead of a transformation point and now it's positional instead of reality and now you're seated with Jesus in heavenly places positional instead of living in that place are you with me are you all good I hope you're good cuz I feel happy I it would be terrible if you're not good I just do this here quick nor do they light a lamp see your city your city set on a hill why cuz you're the light of the world a city set on a hill cannot be hidden that's when you're walking in the light of season the light nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand and it gives light to all who are in the house come when that is so clear you say well brother you don't know what it's like living with my spouse so be a lamp on a lamp stand and without a word win the heart of your spouse well they don't want nothing to do with Jesus so don't let that where they're not decide where you are why are you so dependent on their actions when you could be completely Oh totally given over to Jesus you say well you don't know what I've been going through brother that's insensitive you don't even know what I've been going through no see that's not the answer you're doing yourself injustice cuz it's about what he went through see your eyes are on you do you understand it's all about you still you're tricked into singing it's all about him but your language gives you away but you don't know what I've been through but what about what he's been through isn't that where you find you isn't that where you find truth isn't that where you find change you say brother but you don't know what it was like when I was growing up you don't know what my parents you don't know my dad I don't and I'm sorry you don't know mine either and what are we gonna do go through the room and share our horror stories and find out who's been through the most Hell and then what have extra sympathy on them and then turn around sing it's all about heaven come on I'm not being mean you say well that's unfair because I was touched strong at a young age wonder if I was see it's not fair to put yourself in that place because what you're doing is you're resisting truth and true so it's here to make you free and all of a sudden your lock in your life and identity into what was instead of what is in him and you're being way too saved and I promise you you don't need ministry you don't need to backtrack you don't need oil on your head and you don't need deliverance you need to believe the truth now that Christ has come and believed Christ in me is the hope of glory and you got to get bold with it and say you know what it would have been nice if daddy was there for me and he was not drinking all the time it had been nice for you to sit encouraging words but the truth is he didn't he was a dry well he was a dry cup no wonder I was thirsty I'm trying to get a drink out of a dragged glass but one came along that is a fountain into everlasting life he's a wellspring and that one said you know what Dan if you take one drink just one drink of me you will never ever be thirsty again you will find yourself and me you will know who you are you won't regret the past you won't feel like an unloved son you won't have no regrets you will be free yeah do you know what happened I was never mad at my dad I got saved I wasn't mad at my dad my dad quit drinking along the way my dad saw my life change came to me crying and said for the first time in his life I've watched you you're changed men I'm proud of you never heard that my dad's mouth but he said it when he saw Jesus now here's the cool thing I wasn't living for my dad to say he was proud of me it's not necessary well it is right need my dad to say he loves me no that's idolatry you're saying you can't be okay until a man does something you couldn't be okay till Jesus did someone and you get your eyes on truth that's where freedom is it's idolatry to say I need my dad to say he loves me it's it's making something matter more than what matters most you're saying Jesus isn't enough that it's all on because of dad he said call no man on earth your father the word cook means come forth from you have one father he's in heaven what's he saying don't let natural heritage biology biological connection don't let any of that matter and decide who you are more than who you are from the beginning because you came forth from him here's the one I hear all the time well I can't receive the love of God because I didn't have a loving father I wish we wouldn't believe that even makes remote sense why cuz we call them both Father hmm rational what where does it say you have to have a loving father to receive the love of God you don't find the love of God through your father you find it through a crucified son when you see Jesus you see the father so now you're justifying because you didn't see the father in your father and you can't relieve the love of the father because you relate the father to the father come on if we sell that cheap then we're just rational beings and we're set up to be destroyed where are you ever gonna live by faith it doesn't even have to make sense at all I wish it would sound foolish to all men then I can't receive the love of God because I didn't have a loving father so many people didn't have a loving father or we damned and doom now because of her father are we saved because of the son come on what do you make him matter more I didn't find God through my dad I find God through the crucified son I see the love of God through the son that was given there was no relationship between the way my dad lived and who the father is I don't try to relate to two and it doesn't make sense to me the people that do and somehow in Christendom we say well I just have a hard time what crying I can't receive look I said honey and we try to take them back and find healing towards their father why would you take some long curvy road that a lot of times doesn't change anything why don't you get on the straight and narrow don't you get on the highway to holiness on the road to righteousness and why don't you say man it don't matter what my upbringing was it don't matter if mom or dad loved me it don't matter if nobody wanted me it don't matter if my mom gave birth to me and left me lay in a pile somewhere and somebody scoop me up God had his hand on my life and the family he put me in or my true parents because God had it covered and saw the value in me that sure beats getting 25 and going on some long lost search and getting antsy and getting mad at 18 well you're not my real parents they're all lies I'll tell you how I know their lives because look what those things produce if the way you're thinking doesn't produce life it can't be the Lord if the way you're believing isn't produced in life can't be truth came to give you life and life more abundantly you don't have to have a reason in your mouth to not shine when you're called to shine don't you justify not being what he paid for keep growing in that truth and push everything else away were they having to treat me right okay they don't see the truth or they're not caring about the truth why are you letting where they're not decide you I've said that about 10 times in two nights two days why are you letting what they don't see decide what you do see when he's the light of the world you don't find truth through the circumstance you find truth through him that's where you're stable that's where you're planted firm on a rock that's unmovable and unshakable tell you with me come on kind of just pouring out all the flesh excuses aren't we owe them justification well I wouldn't be in this place if it wasn't for this this and this this this and this is the Lord stop letting it matter more see my pastoring counseling stuff when I pastored are short my pastoring counselling stuff is short I just look outside gently smiled see but what what is anything you just said look I'm sorry they're acting that way but what's any of that have to do with Jesus what he did for you and once he wants to do through you 90 99 percent of pastoral counseling is people issues and somebody feel in a certain way because of somebody doing a certain thing it's people struggles what's that give away it's an indictment against us that we don't understand why he came and somehow we think he came to serve us instead of change us that's why people are mad at God dad give away when you're mad at God I heard a preacher once say well everybody gets mad at God you can understand cuz this and that you believe he didn't answer did it I'm thinking ludicrous to be mad at God we were lost and dead in our sin and he sent his son and made me alive and forgave all my sin and put his life inside of me he's not my genie in a bottle he's my father he doesn't owe me three wishes and then some he didn't fail me he pulled through when I wasn't even looking her asking people say well if God is so good then how come this happened when I was five if God wasn't good why'd he send his son see maybe we ask the wrong self-serving questions see maybe we do what they did to Jesus all the time they asked him a question with a catch well if God's good how come maybe that's not the question maybe the question is let me ask you a question if he wasn't good why'd he send us some why we were yet sinners maybe that's where you find the goodness of God maybe that's where love gets established maybe the finished work and the cross is the measuring stick of God's love maybe love's never to be questioned and challenged again maybe you get laid off in the same week that your son ran wild and your spouse is struggling and you say God where's your love and all this I thought your love me if you love me why are you letting all this happen if he didn't love you why'd he do this see and all of a sudden love gets shipwrecks through circumstances now you're not rooted and grounded in love faith works through love now you're just driven by need because you lost sight of love and you've took it person on now you're in trouble next thing you know you feel sorry for yourself and your two closest friends that hurt with you or your support system but nobody's getting healed you guys okay I mean you want me to preach what I believes the truth right this will change your life you wake up every day and nobody owes you a thing you're free you talked to the Lord about that and you tell Holy Spirit you're serious and you say any time I cross that line you make me aware of it now keep turning in and then instead of going I failed I blew it I missed it I'll never get there every time you get convicted over there I go again father I thank you that you're so much more than that in me God I just yield to you and I thank you that you're growing me and mature me man six months ago I didn't even blink when I acted that way I thought I had the right to now I realize it's never in the program man I have the right to shine and the right to love I have the right to live in the spirit and god I thank you you're growing me and increasing me my life is being transformed that's how revival is going to touch the land when you and your sphere of influence start living that way and you and you and you and you and you and you start living that way and your sphere of influence the world will start seeing who he is through us and then it's not us talking about him it's us living him people could care less about your words if your life doesn't match what you say don't you reduce him to a theology and a belief system he's a lifestyle Christianity is in church attendance get plugged in get attended with people that are on page I hope that thing go right I'm not saying don't go to church don't come here what I'm not saying but Christianity is not church attendance Christianity's Christlikeness parents we run a great risk taking their children to church well my children are growing up in church okay you better make sure that you're living Jesus because inadvertently without realizing it you start teaching your children that Christianity's church attendance because we're not pursuing Christ outside of the setting no sudden it's easy to just a little mouth here little tension here a little unresolved conflict here a little shout down and beat down here with words and little animosity in the marriage and the kids are looking and seeing but then they see daddy in the service and they see mommy crying at the otter and deep in her heart or tears because things are terrible and she's wishing things would change and she's kind of crying out to God to rescue and then you go home and things aren't Jesus and then the kids subconsciously learn that Christianity is attending a service instead of living in Christ my my see I feel the Holy Ghost on that like right now every hair is just standing up on my body just he likes this kind of preaching because he's the one inspiring it so go ahead Holy Ghost that's good come on it brings change it holds you accountable get your eyes off of others and what are you going to do in Jesus Christ in you you listen to the sermon for your spouse if you elbowed your spouse when I'm preaching I'm talking to you you know how distracted we get we're like oh my goodness they're coming to church with me today whether it's the man or the woman they're coming to church with me today all my goodness and Pastor Dan is preaching he is gonna tear it up their heart is gonna be so ripped to shreds and you're like praying in tongues under your breath spread their heart Lord shred door shut got out about kasundi out of Ibaka saw a shadow box and a Baba I'm mad I said what you say honey oh no no nothing nothing nothing and you come in and sit down and I'm right at the point you're waiting for and they're rooted in their purse getting out a piece of gum start reading a little note they found in a person you're like you just starting devil you foul lying spirit get off of my Shaitaan my sender bye-bye Sunday and the whole time God's trying to talk to you the whole time because you're letting where they're not drive your day saying you're okay and your whole focus is on their life and you've done nothing in Christ in yours you're just waiting them to live up to your expectations you see ladies get tricked in this well you're supposed to be the man of the house and they have the breakdown you're supposed to be the leader of Terry turn away this stop it ladies men do the same thing that are in leadership and stuff well you put too much weight on me I got enough on my plate you're supposed to be running with me what do you mean you don't feel like going to church you need to stand beside me and support me people gonna ask me questions I wanna be under pressure don't make me lie I fasted man I've seen it all see what you don't know is maybe that my wife got an identity crisis when I started pastor and she started believe people love me and they just said hi to her cause she was with me people always write me notes and emailing and I guess the people were talking nasty just ain't taking the time to do it to me there was just always we love you so much we see your heart thank you so much oh we just love you Oh selfie yeah and my wife says you know I'm just I'm along for the ride I'm not gifted I'm not anointing they just say hi to me cuz I'm his wife they don't really care that's a good way to lose your identity in a heartbeat she turned inward and something seemed to die in her I couldn't even hi buddy he's doing good good man you looking good man see that's awesome unless you become like a little child you but no means and why because at a certain age they still ain't self-conscious when you get self-conscious you've lost your innocence see he ain't self-conscious he just walk around a little child it ain't long end they start thinking and seeing for themselves they feel self-conscious ain't too long in grade school somebody's laughing at what they wore you still carrying that stupid lunchbox hehehe and then the two people you thought were friends that is stupid and all sudden you got to deal with that and respond to that no sudden that thing starts fashioning you and it ain't the great Potter Oh suddenly you're a little insecure well son your steam drops a notch well sudden you've got something to prove now you got to win some things back now you're under pressure you're on the run and you're a very young age everybody knows what I'm talking about and the person you turn out to be ain't even you it's whatever you turned out to be and we do study types well you're this personality you're this person no it's all deception it's all built on lies we need to get born again and then when you're born again don't say well I've just never I'm just the quiet type well I'm just well you know I always was no way you're talking about a dead person why don't you get to know the new you you might be amazed how loud you are [Laughter] yeah it's amazing man how we just relate to how we were and we teach our self this is me we do all these psychological studies and type our personalities and everything was built on lies you're nothing more than how you responded to what you've been through and some people are weak and broken and introverted and some are hard and fighters and it's all the same neither one is living in their creative value so at what point do you just throw all that away in him and say brand-new new life new and living way and then you go commune with him be with him see yourself how he sees you all the sudden you got the best look at others you've ever had next thing you know you've got this thing called love in your heart and it ain't a Hollywood movie you with me Wow I'll sure burn through time don't let your light so shine before men that they may see not here see if you don't live this way I'm not being mean I'm being real and relatable if you don't live this way without realizing that you'll reduce yourself in their eyes to another person that's a Christian that goes to church but you have the same hurt same breakdowns same anxieties same depressions same attitude same sarcasms then all of a sudden you have a belief that they don't have but they see you somewhat the same and then there's preachers say well you got to be relatable because people say what are you more holier than now that's a cop-out for the flesh if someone preaching is it honey it's snow I preach it okay I didn't think I just thought I'd ask I'm sorry I did that in a big conference one time I was preaching for Andy Clark and it was the second conference ever did for him it was a huge place it's like 1,500 people and the lady got up right in the middle of it was hot and heavy and she got up and I said she's way back into the double doors I said hey you at the doors you she looked she went she went and and what all 1,500 heads are like I said is it my preachin I said are you sure no I said are you a Christian are you born again she said yes and everybody's looking at her and she said yes and she's like what are you doing to me I didn't even know what I was doing God is despised it was just funny I said he said are you a Christian she said yeah I said well then you can't live revelations 19 you lie you fry are you leaving because of my preaching she said I said good go have a great day see ya I don't even know why she was ladies and I just had to go the bathroom so I didn't know but I ended up preach and they give you time slots at Randy's thing well I got blind to it the guy sitting there with a zero held up in the front row for 45 40 minutes he's got a zero and I just didn't see him but here's what I noticed I preached for like two hours never stopped people are sitting there in their chairs rocking back and forth I thought it was the anointing of God and all of a sudden it hit me not one person got out of their chair once I flagged that girl in a room this size there's always somebody moving right 5950 nobody moved from the time I called her at the door everybody just sit there so now it's like two hours later and I thought man this is powerful this is so anointed and I think it was Holy Spirit I thought maybe they have to be I said I gotta stop I've been preaching a long time and you haven't moved I said how many you guys have to pee and they were that was hilarious it was like two-thirds of the people hmm I said that's just break Gopi and it was like cattle running so I didn't know God was stopping at the door to freeze everybody to hear what he was saying like I guess he wanted the whole room to hear it's not wrong to slip out if you have to go the party but nobody moved for like two hours I never saw it in my life in a conference 1,500 people did move we're not going to do that to you today gee what are we doing right like what are we doing right now John 12 that's what we're doing can we go there your life matters people he paid for your Redemption do you do you think about that stuff like I'm not saying that in a challenging way he paid for your Redemption like he believes his life given is with worth your life lived in him like he believes it's worth doing what he did on the earth to get his life back inside of you don't turn it into some mystery and say why would he want to forgive me and take me to heaven well I hope it's true I don't know why would love me he loves your destiny your potential he loves fellowship and communion with you he loves oneness he loves your uniqueness and your individuality yet he loves what that looks like in him yeah and somebody say recently a young man he's just thinking too much he was thinking too much she said well I don't know about all this deny yourself stuff because you got to have your own individual I said nobody's taken away your individuality you're you I'm me but you're the best you inhale and I'm the best me in yeah yeah yeah come here man real quick I'll just do this I do this a lot do we look alike are you gonna mistake us are you so if you get our names and you meet us and we're hanging out for a week are you gonna call him me and meet him and say Oh bummer I get you two mixed up the truth is we don't look anything alike but the truth is we can both look exactly like him and that's what makes us one because he's him and I'm me but if he's him in him and I'm me and him we look the same and yet we don't look nothing alike you with me yeah pretty good example I'm all the way from PA man I'm up here somewhere it's north I texted my wife when I was landing I knew I was coming but I was like honey it's white out the window and it looks cold my Center I sent her a little snowflake I said I'm expecting penguins and polar bears any minute I said haven't seen one yet but I think they're coming she just sent me back a guy crying laughing yeah so I'm North I'm North he just said he's going bear hunting in the spring and he's heading north and we're like north dude you are north you mean there's more north he said yeah I guess that's another flight oh no no if you get there by plane but the truth is I'm all the way from PA and I'm gonna wake up in PA some morning this coming week and you're gonna wake up in Edmonton or wherever you're from some morning this week God willing and the truth is no matter how far away we are we can both wake up for the same reason that's what makes this one and that's how he covers the earth with his glory we're waiting for a mystical outpouring we're waiting for a wave to rush through our city that you can't see but you can feel and that would be awesome but while you're waiting around for that why don't you shine while you're hanging around for that waiting your whole life time why don't you walk in love why don't you forgive and make peace and show mercy and why don't you be like the one you say you believe in love reaching good right now did I turn you to John 12 I'm gonna wrap up here I'll have you done soon here I'll be done soon I guess I I'm thinking verse 35 of John 12 a little while longer the light is with you walk why you have the light least darkness overtake you look if you don't stay in the light then you're in darkness come on this thing isn't complicated there you all go again I lost you I'm just preaching off the board who would agree that there's no light in darkness no darkness in light there's like it's either dark or light it's either angels or Devils it's either Christ or Belial we create middle zones we create grey zones and here's the truth about light light is greater than darkness like like these lights are pretty bright the ones on the inside are really bright now I can't even see you you lit up and through this message you all just have a glow about you this message is working Lord whose man you're shining nobody looked up at these bright lights ever in their life and said hey can somebody back there work in the equipment could somebody turn up the darkness if the room gets dimmer it's because somebody turned down the light simple but profound light is greater then darkness how much time have we spent talking about the darkness well I need to give my kids at school well I need to see quit my job I think we need to move to another town I don't know what God's gonna do he's going to come soon because there's so much darkness sometimes the only reason we pray is because we're afraid of the darkness so the darkness motivates prayer and it's all fear driven prayer should be a proclaiming of the light prayer is a prophetic declaration of the answers and the promises it's not oh god help there's gangs in our town I found this it's in my Bible I say yeah he uttered it a long time ago he said arise shine Church your light is come and the glory of the lord has risen it's upon you darkness it'll cover the people or the earth and deep darkness the people darkness will cover the earth deep darkness the people but the light Sonia that's way back in Isaiah here's Jesus telling us to let her light so shine nobody lights a lamp and then put something over to cover what was lit it's phenomenal it's like that's not just Sunday school repetition okay I got that turn the page brother that's read the next chapter no no don't get that become that like the Lord had me read Philippians 2 for 13 weeks and forbid me to read anywhere else he wouldn't even let me read a psalm or nothing he said read Philippians 2 until I tell you otherwise I said yes sir in that season I read my Bible about five times a day just because of my schedule morning break at work lunch at work break at work and nighttime never less than five times a day I read my Bible you open your Bible for the third time and you're still reading Philippians two short little chapter you read your Bible you open it up the next day for the fifth time in that day which is ten times since he told you and you're still reading Philippians two and about the time you're ready to read you don't have no other direction you just flipped it Philippians two and you're like and right then the Lord says hey I don't want you to read it to memorize it I want you to stay there till you become it don't you read anywhere else till this becomes your life commune it back to me pray through it ask of me don't read anywhere else till this becomes you Philippians 2 so I got my Bible open one day I was thirteen weeks in five times a day 13 weeks commune and worship and having the time of my life it wasn't boredom one time I'm not sure I can quote Philippians 2 to this day I could probably come close but I'm not sure I could but man did he come alive in my heart and all of a sudden I I open my Bible one morning it was around the 13th week I was in a third end of the thirteenth week and the Lord said hey I said yes Lord he said go ahead and read Philippians three you know and I wasn't like whew finally I was like yeah cuz I was gonna read Philippians three through the revelation of becoming Philippians 2 and when I read 3 yeah and all of a sudden everything I read was just a little bigger than before you did it okay where were we let's look at John 12:35 can we I know you're gonna put it up there aren't you I'll wait till their eyes change a little while longer and the light is with you walk while you have the light least darkness overtake you now watch he who walks in darkness doesn't know where he's going man if you're not walking in the light as he is in the light you're just ambling you're trying to make it through life you're being way deceived you're quenching purpose you're not called to make it you're called to shine do you get it come on if you're walking in darkness that means you're not walking in truth you're not walking in agreement with the why behind why you woke up this morning wonderful mercy woke all of us up to give us one more day to be more like him wonder if our pursuit is better circumstances people changing to suit us just praying over our families so things go smooth you know in some circles people are just praying for blessings and benefits they're just pursuing favor and blessing you only wanted to cash register the best parking spot the green light it's weird let's stop that we're missing Philippians 2 if you're always praying for a green light you're just a dead giveaway you're not even caring it if yours is green somebody's is red like that doesn't even matter to you if you have the best parking somebody doesn't you don't have faith for that kind of stuff I think the devil sits and laughs at us when we believe that stuff because you're not going to turn the world upside down by getting personal blessings you're actually going to get spoiled and self-centered and if you raised your children like that people would say shame on you so why would we live Christian like that ooh I'll turn around you're gonna go I'm not gonna look at your faces I'm just kidding you guys are amazing a little while longer the light is with you walk while you have the light Lea start silver take you he who walks in darkness doesn't know where he's gone he's void of purpose he's void of purpose he's not gonna write a legacy he's ambling he's existing doesn't say you're not going to church serving in the ministry tithing and worshiping with both hands high but your days aren't counting and amounting to what he paid for because you're walking in darkness are you with me then jesus said to them a little while longer the light is with you or the next verse I'm sorry while you have the light believe in the light talk about believe in him his life his person his motives the way is man I am so impressed with Jesus like Jesus can tell you some illustrations yesterday Jesus like mopin people were just roaring laughing why because it's the it's the silliest thing like it's absurd to the picture Jesus that way because we know him through Scripture but if he made us for his image and he's alive the world were to walk in the light as he's enlightened the things he do will do if we believe if he's the firstborn among many brethren then if it sounds crazy in his mouth that all sounds just as silly in ours that mentality should be totally silly so why do we have the ability to think those things and feel those things and get prayer for those things and why when we put those things in Jesus's mouth that sounds hilarious it ought to sound hilarious in us I think we've been misidentified I think we've grown up believing we are who we are through life instead of the giver of it and we're not evil and we're not hip-hop hip hypocrites just misunderstanding watch while you have the light believe in the light that you may become sons of the how powerful is this so you may become the wot sons of the light look at verse 44 because because then it says that he spoke these things and departed it says that even though he had done so many things in verse 37 they still didn't believe him he prophesized Isiah then he says nevertheless some people did believe him and even among rulers but they didn't let anybody know cuz they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God sad scenario going on here so in the midst of all that Jesus cried out and said verse 44 you guys are amazing whoever's doing that I don't have a clues doing that but you need a medal or something you're like amazing like last night I was just making reference to scripture and all your eyes would go it was like I've never seen anybody on a screen like that then Jesus cried out and said he who believes in Me believes not in me but in him who sent me you can just switch go just roll with me and he who sees me sees him who sent me keep going it's great oh here we go again we're back to the light I have come as a light into the world why because before him we were covered in darkness remember in the beginning when we creation story what was the earth void without form covered with darkness void without form and what was Holy Spirit doing hovering over the chaos what happened when man sinned he got reduced back to a form of what he was intended and created to be and darkness came once again what do you think Holy Spirit's doing through Jesus Christ he's just hovering over men's lives waiting to take away the chaos and bring form to what they're intended to be that's why you get water baptized and died everything you ever were so you can live - everything he created you to be and get redoing deemed and restored back to original value Holy Spirit Midwife is just hovering over the expanse of the waters and when you come out of the water he embraces you presents you to Papa look another brand-new baby boy ain't he amazing any breeze life into you yeah and we think it's a church ordinance not hardly it's a sign of death so there's a newness of life and all the sudden you're one again and all the sudden it's as if man never sinned yeah John 20 proves it he raised him the dead and he said you go tell my brother into Mary he didn't say you go tell my backstabbing lowlife two-faced disciples that aren't disciples at all he said you go tell my brother and what's he saying about his disciples I haven't changed my mind about you what did he do when he came to the room that night and walked in the room same day in the evening he breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit why he just came from the Father and put his blood on the mercy seat he just wiped out sin and and the fact that sin ever happened a Lamb of God slain who taketh away not cover over taketh away what'd he do as soon as he come back in the room he's the Redeemer he's the he's the last Adam he's the redemption of man he brings man back to original value how God make man in the garden formed him and what did he do what got lost when Adam sinned everything in that breath what did Jesus do as soon as he came in the room after his Bloods on the mercy seat day 1 baby as if sin never happened because of the blood and watch what he said watch as the father sent me so I send you we think power miracles glory what about heart love mercy he said you forgive anybody their sins they'll be forgiven why they'll know the way to me if you love them the way I've loved you in the midst of your shortcomings they will know the way to the Father you go love them and forgive them like I've forgiven you and know no forgiveness but if you shut up your heart and fail to forgive men their sins how shall their sins be forgiven when you're my representative the body of Christ ain't that something and then we've made it all about him taking care of me making me feel good making sure I ain't sick we wake up got a little headache and our whole days already ruined why god what did I do what door did I open not again ah and you're a dead giveaway to the devil you're just another push away another slap in the face away from falling out some are complaining is detrimental it's a giveaway that you think for yourself if you don't think for yourself you can't complain about a thing I never heard Jesus say this cross is too heavy I never heard him say the pain is too much God don't let him hit me no more how much is enough I had never seen that in Jesus I just seen not a word sheep to the slaughter man we complain if the car ain't running right not now God what's going on and all sudden you're worried silly because your car sputtered at an intersection I'm just saying phone battery goes dead you are dead phone battery goes dead if you can if you can't reach facebook that is like judgment eternal if you can't if you can't get on there some people feel eternally judged as brimstone and fire I'm sorry I have come as light into the world and whoever believes in me so it all goes back to believing again shall not abide in so if you buy it in darkness you don't know where you're going he's the light if you abide in him and believe in him you will never abide in darkness so you'll always know who you are and why do you see what your place is believing I'm this being real in the end of time don't think this thing's going to be complicated there's gonna be two seas of folks people that believed and their life proved it because you judged by your works not saved by your works judged by your works you know them by their what's in a man is revealed through his life there'll be two seas of people people that believed and people that didn't believe and how will that be distinguished by the way people lived their lives I'm not even talking about whether you're going to heaven or not I'm talking about whether you're saved from death or not I'm talking about reward and legacy and bringing honor to his name I'm gonna get theological with you and saying you're not born again I'm talking about that from i living for why you're here and living for why he came because if you think for a second he came to put your name in a book called life and rescue you on the day the trumpet blows you're missing the whole point of why he came he came to deliver you and save you from the power of Satan and transfer you to the power of God yeah so you can walk in the light as he is in the light so church let your light so shine yeah amen okay I feel like I did it I want to be done around 12 ish 12 ish whoo-hoo I'm so proud of you guys man like you came today wait try to tell the people back home I'm gonna use you as a conviction I'm gonna use you as my convicting example for lethargic Pennsylvanians and us a people flower idioms I was just in Florida it dropped to 58 at night they were freaking out they said what have we done wrong God has turned back the Sun from warming us I'm not playing though 58 and they were starting to freak out the daytime stayed in the high 50s and the wind was blowing they were almost undone I'm standing there from Pennsylvania thinking this is springtime I felt like I should have planted and they were shivering it was hilarious you know what I mean from Florida can I pray over you and Chris gonna close out can I pray over you guys whatever you want to do man you know we got you look at him you got to trust the Jesus in you just look at that last year when I met him he has no idea how highly I respected him and he ministered just his person ministered tomorrow and when I saw him this year that as soon as he walked in the room and said hey I said in my heart all my goodness Lord he's brighter than he was that's what I said as soon as I saw him he's brighter than he was so I let him close out but I just won't pray over you cannot just open your hearts to God and desire to be the light right and you talk to him about that and thank him for that and thank you for wisdom in that and you continue to ask Holy Spirit to lead you every day in higher truth so your life makes a difference in front of men father I thank you without striving without trying hard our lives are changed because our lives are changed others begin to change I asked father for a season like we see in the book of Acts where men come to us and say what must we do to be saved where we're not just always trying to get them to confess after us but people to see our lives live they're watching they're listening we might not even know it I previous testimony happened and happened and happening happened for the people in this room that people would come to them after a season of observance and say what must I do to be what I see in your life like how do I get to know him like I see you know him can you help me the father I just thank you for that day I thank you for that grace we're gonna run well the best we understand and thank you for the honor in Jesus name Amen amen amen love you guys that awesome you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 13,569
Rating: 4.9087453 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2019, Encounter Weekend, The Summit Church
Id: _zXInpTt7Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 38sec (4778 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 21 2019
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