Dan Mohler - Awakening @ FUMC - 2 - Saturday morning

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you guys okay if I stay down here it just feels closer they wanted me up there but I pleaded to come down here I got permission so I just feel closer it's not that I have a problem being a bird just feels far away so I like being close and looking in your eyes you get up there it's hard to see it was bright last night Wow all right y'all good yeah okay thanks for coming on a Saturday morning my goodness I never know how many folks will show up on a Saturday morning especially when you got an evening service and you got work and schedules and stuff then so I just appreciate you being here that song reckless love pretty intense you guys good you're doing good good to see ya yeah really well that reckless love song is amazing and sometimes I grew up my whole life I lived my whole life too I was 33 and when they're related to that song couldn't understand it I had more questions than answers I was like well why y'see love me so recklessly why then recklessness in a bad word it's actually when if you ever look at Cory Ashbury on YouTube and he shares where the song came from the word it's not a bad word it's a really powerful song and a good word and he just reached the word reckless right out of the dictionary and it's just powerful but uh that thing gets swept under the rug God's love for us and it's a mystery to most of us and we're like I can't believe he loves me why would he love me man how can he love me and the reason is is because we base our value on the lives we've known he bases your value on the life he created you for like he knows your potential your purpose your destiny like love never fails because he'll never change his mind about why man's here we were born into a lie you have to understand we were born into Adam we were born into a lie and we grew up not having a clue who we were a while and we're trying to figure out life the whole way along the way agreed and the gospel is where you find yourself the gospel is where you find your purpose in life people say well I wish I knew my purpose your purpose is to walk in his image to pursue him and become more like him their purpose is to shine to not love your own life unto death to love not yourself to deny yourself to pick up your cross to follow him that's your purpose of life so no matter how far you've from that he hasn't changed his mind about your potential for that it's so amazing like the love of God just it's just designed to literally obliterate your heart man it's sorry if I don't hold together too well his love changes us the Bible says you didn't love him first it's not that we love first love God but he first loved us so if you were the enemy wouldn't you try to sweep away that revelation once you try to make it confusing how he can love you and base your value on your own actions your own experience your own past memory how many people don't really value their own life how many people don't see the value of the life how many people are just trying to find value through each other and getting let down how many people have relationships just trying to find fulfilment through each other how much do we find our identity this way guys that's why there's so much hurt and offense and frustration and let down and failed expectations because we're all trying to find ourselves through the wrong place so then we teach oh well try to love each other try to be kind try to encourage one of their so we make each other each other's responsibility we're only as good as people are doing us come on that has to be a lie well the some we're only as strong as the weakness were surrounded by and yet we sing that he's in us I'm just done living that way for 23 years so I talk about it plainly with confidence because I didn't wake up look I didn't wake up for you to love me today I woke up to be like him that's different I didn't wake up to need you today like there's nothing you owe me at all I read in Romans book of Romans tell me to owe no man anything but to love then love doesn't seek its own I'm in a good place today you can't break my heart fail me my expectation isn't on you my expectation is from the Lord oh my goodness that's amazing all the sudden the days already set before it started why cuz my I single my perspective is clear my motives right my reason for being is in line with truth what a good day it's all of a sudden you see who you've become and you always have something to give you're not running on an empty tank you're not looking for encouragement you're encouraged in the truth you're encouraged in the Lord you find purpose and destiny in him period if you're trying to find purpose for your calling you'll even get next messed up you'll just find your identity for your ministry then you're only as good as ministry's going so if Lee's finding his identity through worship leading he's only doing this good personally his worship bleeding's panning out that doesn't mean it can't be awesome and amazing and he doesn't clean from that and rejoice in that but his first identity is sonship Lee's first identity is who he is in Christ apart from the guitar that's what makes the guitar awesome and powerful when he plays from that place right you see what I'm saying if Pastor he pastor I had a great talk with somebody we just been personal and real and he was being very ho my pastors in a humble place he's on honesty stone he's growing man some of these things are convicting me I'm looking at stuff in mind man how's your man just keep running and going in sharing it and let everybody run with you Yeah right it's not a bad thing what we're talking about is an awesome thing it's the word shine and light and bringing conviction and saying man I don't want weak things in my life I don't want a wrong identity I don't want a false identity I don't want to diminish what he paid for you know we do that we say well brother you gotta find some balance you gotta calm down you got faced reality what does any of that even need some time that's a defense against the truth it's trying to make you free yeah come on you just say well you just can't be that excited well you're wrong I'm sorry I'm not excited that's I saw an angel in the Bible was standing in the Shepherd's field on the day Jesus was born they're back in that time and then the angel said behold I bring you good tidings of great joy that means the good tidings are the birthing place of the great joy so if you don't see the good tidings the great choice not relevant which means if you see the good tidings to Joy's unspeakable and you can't do anything about it men to criticize it because they don't stander we relate to the life in the way it's been to our life in life how it's been instead of life in him if I read my Bible correct it says he makes all things new he doesn't just forgive the sin recommit it he makes all things new he makes all things new I think that's my mind my motive my perspective my will come on let's take this another step this isn't just forgiving my sin it's making me new I live from a different place where I've ever lived before the gospel was so powerful guys that you can find your identity being completely fulfilled and complete in this place apart from people not that you don't need people where we need people is to lock arms and run this race to lock arms and cover the earth with his glory when this truce multiplies in us we cover more ground but the day I need you to be encouraged is the day that I'm only as encouraged as you encouraged me that sounds twisted and now my dependencies on you instead of the Lord and all of a sudden I got a person or something someone said or something did deciding my life and their names not Jesus come on I want to grow past that well I'd be any different place if it wasn't for well if it wasn't for isn't the Lord well yeah but you don't know what they did to me but do you know what he did for you see you let things matter more that don't matter most and we get deceived and it makes sense to the rational man it makes sense to the way that seems right to a man but it doesn't make sense to the gospel come on we all grew up with a wisdom that he didn't teach us he said if you think you know anything in this age consider to know nothing so you can know something that's pretty extreme and then he says the foolishness of God or the wisdom of men is the foolishness of God when then really think they know what they're talking about look if it doesn't produce life it's not the Lord if it doesn't encourage you and others it's not the Lord if it just fought finding you're marking people for what they're doing on its natural wisdom it's just rightness and wrongness that she said she said at best God didn't come in rightness he came in righteousness rightness makes things wrong righteousness makes wrong things right there's a difference he rose his kingdom with a scepter of righteousness he looks at people that have lived wrong and says I'll make you right you're more than wrong you have a potential to live right and to be right and to be filled with my spirit your heart can change your mind can change your life can change I'll judge you in righteousness I'll see you as if you've never sinned so you live in me and walk in me and shine in me and produce the fruit of me all across the earth sorry if I'm a little more excited on a setting for anything you expected but I wasn't planning on this I just started talking I just jumped right up you saw that thing's on me I said to Lee I got a lot of things in my heart I'm a little nervous I said I just feel a lot of stuff right now in my heart I'm not sure how much we'll talk about going out and doing the things that we teach a lot I think I think in all our getting what's so important this morning and all our getting that's get understanding because we're destroyed for the lack of knowledge we're not destroyed because of the will of God were destroyed because of what we're failing to see and then we grow up in a world that says hey what you don't know won't hurt you that's a lie see that's a lie who taught us that Jesus didn't teach us what you don't know won't hurt you he said what you don't know it's destroying you total opposite you grew up hearing don't get your hopes up hey that'd be great but that would happen but honey if it were you I wouldn't get my hopes up you heard that everybody's heard that in their life it's a self-protecting self-defending phrase they're trying to protect you in your emotions and your expectation has nothing to do with faith has nothing to do with truth faith is the substance of things hoped for and in a self-protecting way somebody says don't get your hopes up and the Bible says get your hope up the Bible says hope is the anchor of your soul it passes through the veil Hebrews 6 into the presence of the Lord and we grow up here and if I were you I wouldn't get my hope what they're saying is I'd hate to see you let down heartbroken her disappointed well maybe those things aren't as real and alive and active when you're seeking first the kingdom of God if you wake up for your sake you're probably in trouble if you wake up for his namesake you'll see life different if the gospel can take your heart and turn your motive in the why behind your life and you can start waking up for his namesake that changes everything you add this to it you wake up for his name sake and for the sake of others and you lay down your life and pick up your cross and follow him that's probably a very free and fun place to live if not people who bother you you'll have judgments you have first impressions and a lot of opinions but I never saw those things produce life they actually gave them they those things gave men to have a right to be something they weren't created to be because if my life doesn't look like him I'm not realizing why I'm here come on I'm not here to make it I'm not here to have my vats and Barnes flow I'm not here to be blessed till that day I'm here to live in him and live by the Spirit and come hell or high water treat me right or treat me wrong I know why I'm alive are you following me come on that's a powerful place guys it's not hype it's not just passion it's a real place that you're created for and you're called to think about this when I was a youngster I was miffed by the gospel nobody ever taught me to clear gospel they just said I was a sinner he died on the cross you need forgiveness he wants to forgive you why's he want to forgive me nobody told me why nobody told me why he wants me in heaven nobody told me why he wants to clean this house to move in they just said pray a prayer so you can be forgiven and you need to go to heaven and you better stay in church that was my upbringing it was always he died on the cross because I'm a sinner he died on the cross because I'm a sinner he died on the cross because I'm a sinner okay I get that I'm very aware of my sin by now but how's it changed me all the sudden I'm a forgiving sinner but forgiving sin or a forgiving sinner and the best we could say well brother we all sinned he just it's amazing he considers us that's his love why why is he is he that lonely does he need a friend what's going on here you see well that's just God nobody ever explained to me no creaks her ever told me the truth about the gospel of my whole life I had to find it in my bedroom seeking God with tears how did my Bible saying I know you're in this book you got to show me who you are he started to show me that the reason he died on the cross to redeem redeem my value to bring me back to purpose to get the lie off of me to fill me with the truth to get a false identity off of me and put my creative value back on me where the Spirit of God can live in me and I can live by the spirit instead of my human reasoning yeah nobody ever taught me that nobody paid a high price for nothing and He shed his blood that's a pretty high price I would think how do you value the blood of the Son of God shed for Humanity why because the purchased possession as well was the price to him why because he knows what he paid for he sees what you are when you're surrendered and he's inside of you and he said that's worth begging for and we make it all about sin and you better clean up and you better knock it off in your master of misrepresenting God the way we preach the gospel most of the time is misrepresenting God if you can't see his first love you won't love him you'll feel indebted to him and you'll serve him at best and feel like you're failing how's that for all truth but when you see he loves you all in when you see he loves you it triggers your heart and you realize you have never been loved like this you have never any judge this righteously you know you've been wrong and he treats you if you've always been right why because it's the goodness of God that leads men to change it's Romans 1 it's the goodness of God that leads I never saw a scripture that says the reprimand of God is what changes me and never saw some people say we date all about the love of God brother it's about the judgment to people saying that all the time you show me one scripture where the judgment of God transforms a man's life it's the goodness of God that changes a man's life and this thing's all about being changed if I bring you to the gospel because of fear you always live in fear you have condemnation in your life you have a veil over your face you won't commune with God you'll be aware of what's wrong with you continuing you won't come to God because of what he's made right you won't come to God as a bride you won't come to God unveiled and unashamed with confidence Hebrews four says that you should have confidence it says that seeing then you have a high priest Jesus who's passed through the heavens Jesus the Son of God he's a high priest you ought to come boldly come boldly not arrogantly not presumptively boldly because you see is heart for you through redemption through Christ crucified and you understand he's for you and not against you huh oh my goodness see that's what's wrong with me it's why I can't calm down people say settle down you're wrong about settling down so life has calmed you down maybe but the life that's in it doesn't let me come his blood for this that doesn't mean you have to get wild like me but I'll tell you what you can see something that makes you truly free where you stop living on dependency on others where people have the permission to break your heart are you kidding me why are you for sale why are you selling so cheap you're letting what one person doesn't see decide what you do see you're letting where somebody is decide where you are and their name's not Jesus you're saying I'd be better if my husband I'd be better if my wife your wife isn't Jesus your husband isn't Lord why is your spouse governing and dictating your disposition in your life why because your I love you is really I need you and they're a lifeline and if they don't live in a certain way you can't be a certain way guys that's human psychology without a Savior at best I don't need a thing from my wife today that's why I can be the husband I'm created to be they're a one demand on that woman that's why she's free yay but all of a sudden we got this gospel thing working where she sees my first love and I see her first love and we just love one another oh my turn this that sewer beats I need you I'll scratch your back you scratch mine Mary's fifty fifty a lot of work give and take God made men to need a certain thing God made women to need a certain thing we all need to meet each other's needs please throw those teachings away because here's what happens in those teachings a person sincerely trying that failing that and the spouse that's not in communion with God it's letting an identity rest from the treatment of their spouse so now the treatment of their spouse or the failed treatment of their spouse becomes the reason for their life being where it is it's idolatry you're letting another person matter more than word who he is in your life and what you call two and you're making your life an excuse you're justifying not being like him and you're making it a human beings your reason are you kidding me that's that's deception I'm going to share a raw truth with you I think you're ready for it I actually feel like you're ready for it if you're not I feel like I need to share it anyway so maybe it'll just challenge you know it's here I can't turn back I could go home from this trip and you say all brother no no I'm talking to plane I could go home from this trip my wife could cry and say I don't feel like I believe in Jesus anymore I'm kind of drawn to this witchcraft Avenue and etc terror why is that a reason you tell me if she makes a decision like that out of the blue I'm not saying there's not a feeling attached to reality something you have to walk through what I'm saying is why does that ship wreck a Christian when crazy stuff happens why do people take on the identity of what's wrong because they haven't really been walking in what's right they've been living from moment to moment and their prayers are reduced to survival and getting by and then everything froze us and then where people aren't or where people are decide us it's deception let me ask you a strong question if I go home and that's the scenario when I go home with my wife let's just paint this picture what if I go home and find my wife was in deep delusion and I didn't know it and she had some fella in the house and I walked in and he was still there and she and I came home early and and and and I and I found this man in the house and she breaks down and cries how am i any less anointed any less called and have any less purpose in Christ on the earth even though that's the case in her life you tell me why what she did has to become me all of a sudden and how I have to take a hit and cry and be devastated and call pastor and need repaired and fixed and maybe live for the next 10 years gun-shy and none trustable and you be real with me let me ask straight questions this morning since you took the time to come how does her sin deficit deficiency weakness changed the truth about why God came in who I am in Christ if I'm finding my identity from him if I'm finding my identity from my wife I'm tragically crushed if I find that thing out but if I understand who Christ is in me I'm broken for her and I weep and I cry because she's in desperate trouble I don't have a problem she's in trouble isn't that what Jesus did when he came to the earth he didn't have a problem people that he created for His image were in trouble he wept because they were sheep without a shepherd it wasn't antagonized frustrated and indignance and these people need to get a grip boy they disgust me but you can smell the stench of their self-centeredness he came while we were yet sinners why because he knew he knew that he made us to be more if I'd go home and find my wife in a situation like that why would I cry for me if I really know him why wouldn't I cry for her why would I call a friend and tell him what she did to me well maybe all they're gonna do is say you I can't believe that she what you must be shattered they're saying all the right spiritual things but you're in all the wrong places isn't it amazing how we're one act away from falling apart because we've never truly established truth in our lives so we're living on the fringe of one surprise one surprise to dictate maybe the rest of your life if you never get a grip on true all right to just talk that plane then we get hurt and it's justified we have the facts it becomes our story ten years from now you meet a friend hey what's up with you you well and you're talking like it was yesterday cuz everyday is yesterday because there's no redemptive truth working in your life and you've never found your identity through him you've become a product of the problem and you get robbed of knowing him and shining because of one person's mistake that would be delusion and deception are you're with me and this is a way I passed her this away I counsel how people come to me they won't tell me the goods man well he did this well she did that I said well listen before we even talk about any of that they're not in the room for one thing it's a little uncomfortable here's here's what I want to ask why are you so riled up why are you so broken why are you so angry why are you so hurt why am I so hurt how would you feel if well maybe you better ask Jesus that maybe I ought to ask Jesus how he would feel because he would feel compassion and he would lay down his life and you would hang on the cross and say Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing don't hold this trespass against him that same Jesus made you for His image and he said follow me don't just sing to me and pray to me when you're overwhelmed that Jesus said if you see what I see you'll do what I do the things I do you'll do if you believe as the father sent me I send you as he is so are we in the world he's firstborn among many that Jesus said all those things in his Bible in his word he didn't ask us to do one thing that he didn't live they treated him more unjust than you'll ever be treated in your whole life in fact watch this this is not an unfair statement track me on this what they did to Jesus surpasses anything unjust that happened if any of us in the room combined if you measure the injustice we've experienced because of the level he lived in in purity and innocence and holiness what they did to him is beyond measure it was the greatest act of injustice that ever will be completely pure completely squeaky clean not one slap to his motives completely walking in truth and they killed him as if he was a heretic and a blasphemer and an enemy to God and he stripped him naked and they hung him on a cross the most brutal humiliating way to die and he's the last one that ever ever ever will deserve to die and he humbled himself obedient to the point of death the biggest injustice ever and he didn't lean on injustice as his alibi to express anything outside of love are you hearing me people say well he couldn't cuz he's Jesus God was that's why he can't he cuz well yeah but he's the Lord yeah but he's Jesus and we forget no he's loved that's what makes him so it's not Jesus isn't it's not that the name is special he's loved and because he humbled himself and did this therefore God exalted his name above every name why cuz he's loved no account of a sufferer wrong no seeking his own no rejoicing in iniquity rejoicing in the truth he said I think I'm gonna I'm going after this I'm gonna get alone when you're not looking and I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna say yes and I'm gonna invite Holy Spirit I'm gonna take him serious and I'm gonna push away the things that have been weaknesses in my life and I'm gonna stop identifying through the failures through the thoughts and through all the things that are unedifying I'm gonna I'm gonna refuse to live condemned because when I was yet a sinner he came and did not come to condemn me but to give me life and teach me Who I am so I'm done being my own worst enemy and calling it righteous judgment yeah I'm done I'm done weighing myself apart from him I'm done just trying to change do better straighten up get it right I'm done I'm gonna get alone be with him and believe that my life is worth it to him and I'm gonna yield to him begin to talk to him read his word he's gonna teach me he's gonna put who he is in me this is gonna be amazing and even if I would stumble I'm gonna run to him and thank him that my life is more than that that he has more for me than that I'm not gonna go oh here I go again look I mustn't be sincere if I was sincere I wouldn't uh yeah I'm done I'm not I'm not running like Adam in hiding I'm not living in denial I'm not I'm not I'm not gonna live in the dark I'm not gonna live in the dark and act like I'm in the light and not love who I'm becoming in Christ I'm gonna get along with God I'm gonna put on fellowship and union with God I'm gonna believe he loves me and sees a higher truth than I've ever produced in my life and believe that His grace will bring it to pass in my life that he paid for this he called me to this he asked me to have this faith he will back it up yeah come on all I'm preaching to you is Christianity that's all I'm preaching to you it's not radical it's what he paid for it's not new it's been from the beginning we've just got this little minor problem on the earth we've made the gospel to bless us to protect us to keep us instead of transform us and empower us in honor and integrity in truth so we don't stay steadfast unmovable unshakable we kind of get blown by circumstances and Christians are only doing as good as it's going and when you ask people how they're doing most people tell you there are two biggest challenges and throw in and keep me in prayer and it's a giveaway I'm not being mean being real and relatable it's a giveaway that we identify ourselves through our lives not his life in us and we use Christianity to get by and that's why a lot of us are even disappointed deep in our heart with God because we feel like he hasn't pulled through and we wonder why so-and-so died when we prayed we wonder why they have this disease we wonder why and we got all these questions instead of answers that cause us to shine in the face of adversity I am NOT limping along trying to catch a break come hell or high water I can shine I can wake up every day to be like him in the face of every trial treat me as wrong as you can treat me and I can still see you through his eyes I can still sincerely love you and pray from the right place and grace can come into the situation do me wrong I can still show mercy without being a pushover and a pacifist I can be like him because he said follow me and his spirit is in me to empower me so I'm just done living with a hard heart I'm done being angry I'm done having a right to be less than what I find in him so if I can't see him in his life it has no permission in mine you say brother you sound like you're saying you're perfect I'm not I'm saying my heart's pure he's changed me the gospel has touched me I want to follow him I'm going after him nobody's talked me out of it I'm not talking about perfection from my purity why are we afraid of going after him why are we afraid of letting grace make us what's possible we bring in perfection right away will you sound like you why don't you stop hearing what you're trying to hear what you want to hear when it's really hear what I'm saying cuz I'm saying we're saved by grace through faith and I bet if I release faith in the truth grace will come to make truth my reality and become something that's impossible on my own you know sudden I'm living something that I can in my strength all of a sudden I'm seeing something that I can't without light all of a sudden man this thing's unveil the lies moved away and the truth come to make me free and he who the son has made free is free indeed I wonder if that's a point of no return wonder if that's no looking back wonder if that's your never Lot's wife you're his bride you ain't looking back there ain't nothing back there man he's right in front of you you have the present and things to come he swallowed up yesterday and never letting tomorrow be yesterday ever again he gave me a new day to live in him yeah come on just cheering you on I'm just stirring you up I'm just hoping you're listening and even if you're not I'm sowing seed and I know it now I'm excited yeah dandy gospel seed out of the den hey you came you're staring forward they gave me a mic it bags the bags on my shoulder whether you see it or not cuz you know what happens Holy Spirit's amazing he loves you why you were yet a sinner he was here wooing and drawing Jesus's blood speaking better things while you were a sinner his blood was still speaking better things yeah so when you preach a word like this Holy Spirit takes it into your conscious into your heart and all of a sudden he has a voice in the arena in which you heard and even if you say well I ain't listening no no you heard so it'll strike your conscience it'll strike your convictions and Holy Spirit I begin to now in a moment when you're struggling in a moment when you're taking account of suffer wrongs in a moment when you're stuck living in your own rights and you're throwing a self-centered party or feel sorry for yourself Holy Spirit and just help you to think different just give you a chance for change that's how gracious and awesome he is he doesn't just knock you down slam you to the floor and Pena and you tap out and hey I'm surrendered he's not a UFC guy he's amazing but he's mighty he slides into your life and he whispers to your heart and brings convictions he shows you the other way which is the way and if you're in this way he says here's the way and you're thinking this way zips how about this way and he'll make you think twice that's the mercy of God that's in everybody's DNA we were little and we just had this consciousness that I shouldn't have been doing that and it's not that a preacher told us that it's not that we even read our Bible we just had a consciousness that I shouldn't did that we get a little we look around before we do something anybody ever remember doing that a thousand times growing up and you and you know you really know you shouldn't be doing it but boy I want to do it nobody's looking problem is you're looking violates your own conscience and Amar's your own image and you think it's some secret but it's all out in the light and exposed before him and before your conscience and the biggest tragedy isn't that somebody saw you it's that you saw you and every time you live in that cycle it devalues you it marks you it makes the tree bad because you identify yourself based on your actions so then the more you do that the more you're sure you are that now your only hope is we're all up and changing instead of seeing yourself different and being different because you can't change yourself that thing's already got momentum now you're living in this lie now it's this vicious cycle of condemnation the reason you cry inside is because you're live inside there's actually a place of purity and you're crying out for truth you're not lost but most people that repeat these things and living these cycles they are sure they're condemned they are sure they're not pure they are sure they're lost they're sure they're not close to God but the fact that you care so much that you're crying yourself to sleep as a giveaway that you're alive inside and the person that wants to be redeemed is alive on the inside crying out for help it's a vicious cycle and then you do the action again and then you confirm your worst fears Wow this is me do it again wow this is me what's happening the tree isn't good you don't see yourself for who you are you believe you are what you've been doing and then the fruit is what the same so if you make the tree good and you teach people who there are and you say no no no let me show you who you really are this is who you are in his eyes remember why you were yet a sinner again see we're not accepting sin we're coming against it with truth we're not winking at sin we're not saying hey it doesn't matter if you're doing that we're not saying you're not created for that it's a vicious cycle that's why so that's right so tormenting because deep in your conscious awareness you you know it's less than and even though your desire is drawing you there it has a terrible benefit to it called guilt condemnation regret shame diminished identity decreased value low esteem not feeling good about yourself you know what almost every addictive behavior is attached to when they study this stuff out and it's just a true psychological thought psychology psychology isn't a bad thing it's just simply the behavior of man and studying the wisenhouse behind how man responds and why it's just figuring it out there's not a strong answer in psychology that's why I'm not a real fan of it it's just a diagnostic thing a strong answer is truth most every addictive behavior no matter what category it falls in is because the person trapped in it has a low esteem and doesn't see the value of their life so they live up to the low level in which they see themselves ain't that something so wonder if the Gospels here to teach you who you really are apart from your own actions wonder if that's why while you were yet a sinner he son a son say just think of this think how easy it is growing up how easy it is for your heart to just be angry just think how easy it is for your heart to be judgmental critical full of pride you just think how opinionated every one of us have been in our lives and how easy it is to be that way how it just seems to come natural and then we get lulled to sleep and think it's the way every man has to be in is and Jesus says none of those qualities of the kingdom and none of them are in him he told me to never judge a man by his appearance never way a man according to the flesh never see a man for what he looks like it appears to be see a man for what he's created for through the truth that's why you see a man of God that's why you see a man of God that's why you see a woman of God you don't even have to know people or what they're into to see their value now that you understand the cross and all of a sudden you have this natural love for people because you understand what they're made for and paid for to be powerful so all the sudden there's no lowlifes no hotshots there's no pick and choose well they bother me they've rubbed me a little raw I'll stay a little close to them I'll avoid them that is over for the Christian in fact when you live that way you actually reveal you really don't know the Lord you just sing about it nothing I mean I'm just feeding boots historically truthful you're just it's a giveaway the stuff we do the stuff we've learned and think is normal the little body language usually send in our marriages the little silent treatments the little little fits we throat sometimes we just clam up and we just send a body language message to our spouse whether you're the guy or the girl and then then they rope them along honey are you well yeah but for two hours something's just not right in the home you're wondering how you can make up you can't make up for a thing you can't rewrite a single page you can't buy back time but you can walk in love right now you can't take the words back well I can't believe you said that well that just really bothers me well I'm just trying to get over it trying to go over it you'll never get over it if you let it matter if it matters you'll never get over it people say well I'm trying to forgive oh that means you're in unforgiveness well I'm just trying not to be angry that means you are the world calls it manage your anger anger management the Bible says put it off what it's saying is embrace of perspective that dismantles it in embrace the motive in your life that anger has no place to rest and find a home where you actually have no right to be the things you used to be before you really knew him because he changes us we've studied a fallen man and said this is us and we buy in and find ourselves following each other instead of following him make sense come on I got alone in a pet room 23 years ago and cried out I didn't even know what I was asking for and this is the stuff that blew up out of my Bible and when you weren't looking I gave myself to him I would walk my bedroom I'll thank you Father then I'll never be the same you changed me forever why am i doing that because I'm a believer I'm living by faith not living by the moment feelings that could be doing a hundred other things instead of seeking Him but if you seek Him you'll find him and I believe that come on we turned it into Christian cow aesthetics and works did you read your Bible today did you do your devotion did you pray and all of a sudden that's what we're doing instead of what we're being and all of a sudden you let your doing take the place of beating and that will never run well till the end and you'll find your identity through other things you'll struggle with your heart you'll struggle with your emotions you'll take offense and try to get over it and the best will do is gather as men and share all our sins and darkness in secret wouldn't it be amazing to get alone and open up and just see him yeah and stop believing that everybody has to have their secrets will you freaking me out now brother no the only reason you can't believe and receive that is because you have yours the only reason you can't preach that is because you have yours but that's not going to work well that's going to crush you it's going to value and keep you from intimacy keep you from knowing him because you weigh yourself based on your life instead of what he's called you to and created you for so once the veil goes over your face and you can't approach him now you can't get pregnant from him and reproducing him meaning spiritually not weird what I'm saying is nothing reproduces except to come together he said be fruitful and multiply and this the father's well pleased that you bear much fruit how are you going to bear fruit to him if you haven't been with him if the lie can keep you from him you'll never reproduce in him there's nothing reproduced on the earth without intimacy without two coming together so if you were the enemy once you try to keep people from coming together with the Lord once you let them hide behind religion and be content just going to church be content to serving in the church finding their identities from what they do in his name instead of how they live in his name come on if you were the enemy of course you would do that and you get people to be religious and have a form of godliness and deny the power of godliness and when the rubber meets the road they look in the mirror and don't like what they see even though they sing good songs about him that would be a lie that would be a traumatic way to live when that's not who you are come on I just like speaking playing because I live play you see the boldness Paul said the boldness of his speech you know why I'm bold as I'm not preaching a sermon to you I'm not preaching theology I'm preaching what I understand through what I've lived and I preached it with passion because it's possible by his Spirit see you don't live with me you just see me on the weekend but I live with me and I like me now yeah I go to bed with me I wake up with me I looked in that mirror in that bathroom you gave me and yes it was in the mirror looking back at me it was me and it was awesome hey buddy good morning he'll you just fist bump the mirror why cuz you don't have regrets you're not ashamed he's not ashamed to call your brother and you're not ashamed to live in him you're not ashamed you're not living in secret she you go to bed in him and your righteousness and thankfulness you wake up the same he renews your mind and the spirit of your mind through truth truth keeps you free when all of a sudden I actually realized I don't ever have to be the man I was when I was without him and I'm not a man trying to make it I'm not a man limping along I'm not subject to what a man subject without Christ and that's a big mistake we make in the church preacher upon preach or stand here and preach how weak we have to be and how broke we have to be and I will never quite get it right that doesn't sound like hopeful messages to me why because that man is preaching from his own experience so when you preach what I'm preaching it's because my conscience is clear enough tapped into something that knows possible so either I'm a wicked man and I'm lying to get your temporal impressed moment or I'm telling you the truth time Motel you get it yay I said it last night you might not have been here but wonder if you let the gospel teach you that nobody owes you a thing not even your spouse but the whole reason you're on the earth is to shine it's love that's what the unity of faith is people I live in PA you live here some of you believe don't live right here you live from out around here but wonder if every one of us woke up in the morning and our motive for being alive in that day was to shine and to walk enough when if that was sincerely your goal that you were pursuing my faith in prayer wonder if that's how you read your Bible and you had no cost to be disappointed because you didn't put your expectation in others at a very young age you just start understanding Wow I'm secure in Christ nobody has to make me feel good I feel good cuz he loves me I feel good because she created me for His image I feel good cuz he wants to live inside of me I love people through me nobody owes me a thing what if you sit on your bed and nobody's looking at a young age and just actually say man nobody owes me nothing I'm done with getting my heart hurt and broken self-conscious and feeling self focused in the moment and feeling nervous and fear of man oh my goodness you created me to live in me you make me complete nobody owes me a thing I'm here to shine wonder if you were talking like that sitting on your bed with Jesus and nobody around and you actually started believing that kid oh oh what do you think that would do to you mighty woman in dogs and you look so precious and so harmless and you he's so powerful yay wonder if you actually believe what I'm crying out with fashion CG you can't listen to this for your family member you can't say boy I wish much mouse was here no that's why you know I'm talking to you because you're distracted you're hearing it for somebody else and you're letting that somebody else be your reason for not being like him that's deception your spouse could wake up and not want anything to do with Jesus this is a ludicrous example but I use it because it's extreme this whole church this whole church pastor could just come and say we believe this is all really a lie we even just playing some some spiritual facade there's no really Jesus God ain't really out there we've been using this as a support system for our own weak souls we're gonna toughen up and go live our lives we're just weak human beings and we created a god to get by and pastors stand up and agree and say church dismissed you still as an individual have to answer to what you're gonna do with Jesus and here's what most people do they let something crazy like that that happens in their church that had a leader that fell somebody they were putting their hope and confidence and they let them fall and backslide right and then they let their soul get crushed live discourage maybe never go to church again cuz you can't trust people and a baa-baa baa-baa and they get hurt and they come out of it hard are you with me which reveals that you never really knew him you never were really walking in him there is a huge difference between knowing about him and knowing him you can quote your Bible and be fluent and clear to the Bible year plan reading thing 10 years in a row and I've read my Bible 10 years in a row well that might be an accusation against yourself if your lights not shining knowledge could puff you up the Bible says if you don't love if you don't love love is selfless love doesn't take any account of a suffer wrong that means your days of are over yeah just your day job or over it says if you don't love and first jump for eight you don't know him he said he turn a life is knowing him it's not a prayer that qualifies you for heaven it's a relationship that changes you eternal life is being one with the eternal one where who he is comes into you and you'll never be separated he'll never leave you or forsake you and you'll forever be one with him that's eternal life it's not a mysterious place we're all going to go and have an everlasting party it's you were dead and now you're alive you were a tear and now your wheat you were a throw away and now you're a keeper in the Live Well forever that's born again it's not just a name in a book called life it's life inside of you and life flowing through you being fruitful and multiplying and him pruning you so you're more fruitful are you with me so you think I'm gonna believe this and then get caught up in what I feel what they should know will that really hurt not today friend today it's not the right day for that it never was tomorrow surely won't be either are you with me listen please I know I'm passionate about this because it's an answer to me to me it's the answer I'm Doug dad I just Bible knowledge what fiber knowledge I've seen Bible knowledge ruin people well I teach I teach the Bible class okay that's great I'm not putting that down that's how people identify themselves they're finding their identity through what they do in his name instead of what they become in his name and it's always a problem in a trap that's why people are doing the things they do and then our hearts get dogged we say well see never know the heart everybody hearts wicked man it's amazing God considers us even so and so got caught in this Wow Wow and there was dolls us and then we get desensitized and all of a sudden their level of conviction is even as sharp because hey it's what we are you know everybody has their stuff and then you can't even repent because you actually believe it's you and it's normal are you with me so what do you do then you get alone with God this thing I'm preaching you'll never live because you heard me preach it you'll live cuz you've been with him you'll live it cuz you've been with him actually preaching it all it really does is challenge you what I'm doing right now it just challenges you it just makes you go really because I'm back it up with a lot of word guys like the things I'm sharing they're scripture just I also make a comment and go Bam Bam Bam did you notice it's all tied up in Scripture and when you see the scriptures through this truth it's saying it all the way through calling you to sanctification calling you to live apart and set apart but you can't preach it in works you can't just say shape up or ship out you can't just say we'll pull it together and get it right guys nope it's seeing who you are seeing who you've become taking that identity that confidence in his love into his presence letting you be an unveiled bride that has access to God because of what Jesus has done finding yourself through him apart from weaknesses and failures not that you're accepting weakness and failure what you're doing is you're growing up into him in all things so apart from your own actions based on his action you go to him and you be loved by him and accepted by him and received by him you better start there if you don't start where he finished you will never run well are you with me see sincere people are trying to change their lives and it's condemning them more the fact that they're condemned it means they care they're actually alive inside it's just that their response is misguided a condemned person doesn't believe they're pure but they couldn't be condemned if they weren't pure inside if they didn't have the right heart inside you can't condemn a person that doesn't care we miss the stuff and because a condemned person is sure they're a write-off a condemned person is sure that they're lost a condemned person a person living condemned doesn't measure up and they don't see the value in their life and they have no access to God even though the blood is asking them to come in are you with me be honest with me who in this room has lived in a season where you did something or you thought you were something you actually felt condemned you believed you were condemned and you lived condemned for a season and and and and can you believe a late to what I'm saying so when you lived condemned son you raised your hand I can see how serious you are you're getting a hold of truth you're on every word I can see it I'm excited about what God is doing gosh you're being humble you're saying there was a season I lived condemned when you live condemned it was torment and you believed what about yourself just give me an example how did that affect you what the debt do this way when you were living in it doesn't that you don't even go into why you were condemned just the reality that you believed you were judged condemned and you judged yourself for your actions how'd that affect you spiritually there you go so you just felt like he wasn't even there and had no desire to be there and you believed that and that was what condemnation was producing in you do you hear how desolate of a place that is and it's all justified based on whatever it's hinged on but it's all built on a lie it's none of that's the truth because here's what you do you don't separate yourself from what's condemning you so when you come to him there's still self-conscious and you're still condemned so it's like you're all alone he's not in that place insufficient psycho was that eating up your heart why was that eating up your heart because there's a place of purity in there there's a place where you really do care and you don't want to be this thing that's condemning you but you judge yourself as such the trees bad so guess what the fruits taste bad and all of a sudden you're in a lonely place even though he's there ain't that something just using it as an example I can take some other stories but I'm just telling you I know this as a pastor honestly I'm not saying this in a arrogant way I'm not comparing me to you Jesus taught me this stuff when I got saved I can honestly tell you I have not I don't relate to a minute of believing I was condemned or living condemned even if I expressed a weakness in my life I ran to him every time 23 years I can't relate to condemnation even for a minute in 23 years of Christianity that's that's what's wrong with me do you understand I've been living in freedom like the Lord asked me in a worship service I was actually in Tennessee I was in Spring Hill in a worship service and the Lord said he came home and breathed on me and loved me I collapsed I was crying I ran out of Kleenexes it was the messiest thing and I'm supposed to preach and I'm just blue and he's just breezing home I love you you know passing a prophesy over me and it could be the Lord and say I love you I pleased with you I've been watching you and you brings tears to your eyes and you're like oh and you believe it you let the Lord you just didn't worship Hodges and he just comes with love you you think you can hold things together I was doing my best to be okay to preach and I'm on the floor in a ball in a mess in a fetal position and went through a whole box of Kleenexes and that was my best composure free were you there were you at that service are you serious it was messy no it was so messy and then I got up and tried to talk you know like I'm like what am i doing I just need to be alone you were there oh that's ridiculous you might have been the lady some lady saw I was out of Kleenexes I just saw her fingers and I knew it was a lady I saw her fingernails were painting in her hand and I saw some sweet lady I was out of Kleenexes and it was so messy of an experience and I felt this arm lift my arm and slide a box of Kleenex underneath took my empty went and put a fresh one there because I was down for the count three times I tried to get up and pull myself together and I get halfway up I looked like I was in an eight-count fighting for the heavyweight fight or something well I felt pretty lightweight that's hey but I was like I was done I'd get half way up and he go love you you think you can handle this when it's the Lord when the Lord Almighty God breeze on you in his presence I mean I'm not saying he was literally breathing it's what it felt like he was just cuddling me he was just affirming me he was just saying I'm surprised you you can't handle it I was done I tried to get up three times third time I'm back down and you know I'm a slow learner sometimes I'm usually a quick learner but I'm a slow learner on some things and this thought hit me wait a minute because I kept thinking I got a preach this I can't this can't not now this you should say this later but this is you and me stuff this is bedroom door closed stuff this is what happens to us when we're alone not in public this is like not the time but he just kept hmm so I finally the start hit me I bet he knows I have to preach he probably read the bulletin he probably knows I'm supposed to preach and he's still doing this to me I probably oughta just receive it you see what he's doing so finally that's when that lady came because it looked like I probably look like I threw up the white flag done and it probably looked like I was gone I'm down oh lady stuck and right there the Lord spoke to my heart and I knew exactly with a man you might not know we met I knew he spoke to me I knew what he meant he said do you know why you live the way you do I knew what he meant he meant consistency I don't ever remember trying to be a Christian for a minute not trying what are you trying to be a Christian for how about being his son how about being loved how about being forgiven how about being accepted we read books how to live the Christian life that's about as mechanical as you're gonna get how about being in fellowship with God how about being in relationship how about being in love yeah why are we so quick into works and not into him why are we all trying to live this life instead of be this life that's why our hearts have been broken by each other so much and we look like somebody's running well and all of a sudden we find out they did this or did that we can't even believe it all the sudden that we'll find out they had a homosexual affair or a affair with another person's wife or or the worship leader lady that sings like an angel was sleeping with the guitar player guys this stuff has happened we've heard about it our whole lives it does something to our hearts and all of a sudden we and now it's not even as real and next thing you know there's a lot of people that won't even come around because hey it's really not like this that stuff can happen when you know him and that's what we won't admit when you're walking in him and walking with them when you're in viable fellowship and union with them that stuff can't happen it happens cuz we're doing more than were B and we're finding our identity for what we do in his name instead of what we've become in his name he has me on the floor he said you know why you live the way you do and I knew exactly what he meant because I live with me consistency I never feel like I've tried to be okay for a moment in the midst of trials he's grooming with a perspective through prayer I see a certain way things don't throw me it it's just the way I live it's awesome it's consistent innocence people that know me for all these years friends of mine that's what they see me as they what-you-see-is-what-you-get consistency well we always know where he's coming from you can call him is we just know where he's gonna be no matter what it's neat it's people like it they glean from it he said you know why you live the way to do I answered just like you would and I gave the right answer I said because your merciful you're kind you're the God of all grace you're amazing cuz you love me you're an empowering incredible God thanks for laughing I'm worshiping him in my answer I heard the Lord chuckle he said and that's not the answer I'm looking for and I said that's the only answer you are what you are about the grace of God no man has a thing unless it's given I know the Bible it's my only answer and the Lord says it's not the answer he said what you're saying about me is true but it needs a place to land to be relevant in your life see it's one thing for me to say that God loves you it's another thing for Mac to be loved by God theologically I'm always correct prophetically I'm always correct and it flies in church but it's a whole nother story for Mac to be left by God it's one thing we say Esther Dodd is so merciful and Esther to receive the mercy of God so he said do you know why he lived the way do ya cuz your merciful conjugation she said that's not the answer I'm looking for it's the only answer Lord no he said everything you said about me is true but it needs a place to land in your life he said let me tell you why you live the way you do and I'm listening now I'm laying I'm listening he said on the night you were saying it you were sin conscious and song you need for me I looked into my heart and it was wretched what I saw was really bad the motives the hypocrisy the pride I saw my life was a zero that night he said the night you looked into your heart and saw that you were sin conscious and saw your need for me but she said you were only sin conscious for a moment and you cried out to me and ever since that moment you've been a Sun in your heart ever since that moment I never was what I saw again I was does that mean I've been perfect or does that mean I've believed and the truth makes you free and all of a sudden the truth fine-tunes your life next thing you know you're living something you can't even talk about in the church cuz they'll call it heresy because everyone is driven by their mistakes and conscious of their sins and comparing themselves among themselves and if you start talking this way people get nervous and feel judged and what are you saying and everybody's sins and you're saying you don't sin it's not even what I'm saying I'm saying grace is taking me to a place and it's never been possible that a righteous consciousness has produced holiness without me trying to be holy then he is not just one my heart he is one my life my mind my perspectives my motives and all the sudden if the eye is single not why do you lens multiple choice yeah but what if if the eye is single the whole body it's fine well unless of course your spouse just unless of course you just got laid off and you're close to retirement you have nowhere to go for a job because of your age and you don't have quite enough to retire yet doesn't say that does it says if your eye is single your whole body's fighting with life is it an amazing how a Christian gets laid off and becomes laid off even though there's still a son and still have favor isn't it amazing how we take on the identity of what we're going through and take that to prayer and we're problem driven almost our whole Christian lives it's amazing to me that a supervisor comes up and surprises you with an envelope you open it up and you got laid off and you just start crying you call your wife and now she's a mess ball and she's crawling the prayer chain and you become laid off and now it's a fear line it's not even a prayer chain it's a fear line everything I believe you know if you would why wouldn't you open the envelope because you're in relationship clothes with God and you understand covenant your life's not your own and go WOW god this is real I never saw this coming Wow well you know we have bills you know we're not quite paid off on our mortgage and you know my age you know all things man I'm so glad I know you and in covenant with you what would I do if I didn't know you I'd probably be in trouble and probably be a mess man as quick as the store closed I thank you something open I didn't just find favor with you I will find favor with men I so appreciate your incredible unfailing unstoppable love for me and my family thank you I don't have to lose a day of sleep a moment of my time in this God things will work out to the good because we love you and we're called according to your purpose why isn't that normal they just respond like that we've responded like that and people think we're trying to be spiritual and get real brother I got face reality you know what pastors will do vessels will do this oh I've seen it I've been in services like this when I was young especially you got to be careful those people that are always okay you got to be careful those people every time you ask mother doing they say I'm great brother sometimes you got to get that brother alone when ain't nobody around looking you got to look him in the eyes and say okay brother get real how are you really what are they implying that nobody can be okay why are they preaching that because they're not she's desensitizing people in a public church service that's open to be stirred and loving the works and without realizing it teaching them to believe that nobody can be ok that we all have our stuff it just grieves my heart because it's not true it's a person's experience and they can't preach beyond what they're living with conviction I was in a service and the pastor said hunger tell you the story about midweek man I this and that and who knows it's not wrong if they tell you how they got angry at somebody but the story should lead to what Redemption and truth but he didn't do that he justified his anger he said and I was sitting there and I thought God can I speak up I would be disruptive but I'd feel like I want to speak up I mean I'm like this is tragic he said and I got angry at this lady and he said yeah that's right I said it I got angry forgive me don't look at me so holy everybody he said now you tell me who in here be honest who was angry at somebody this week and all kinds of people hold their hands up and then he said for those of you that didn't raise your hand we'll have an auto call for lying at the end of the service assuming that everybody has to live that way that were damned in ourselves and there's no way you can put off anger even though the Bible says to and the pastor's desensitizing people through his own life experiencing qualifying his weakness pulling everybody into the same basket you say well brother that would be self righteous you better be careful now that's what he's implying and the Bible says put off anger so why aren't we heading there see here's what I'm telling you when you hear a man talking like I'm talking you got to decide what are you going to do with it not who that's beside me what they're gonna do with it what are you gonna do with the gospel because it starts with you it's you that will stand before him on that day you won't be you and your husband you would never be able to look at God and say well you can't say the same way because you have an amazing husband but you would never be able to say Lord Jim you won't even think that you won't be able to put your life from the responsibilities of your faith in your life on another human being when you're standing in the presence of the Lord you know that's not going to work so why would you let it work now and by time that you don't have to give are you with me so here's what I'll close with no no I'll close I'm close and man I'm almost all out anyway I am so barely started you lie you fry I'm gonna rub my beard all over you she doesn't like my beard so I'm gonna get it on her this weekend I hugged her and kept it off daughter but she's gonna get bearded you say honey how'd you know scratch no I'm far from done but I think I've said plenty but we got tonight but listen this is this is a big deal you're never gonna walk out what I'm preaching without being with him intimacy and knowing him please hear me nothing nothing surpasses your ability that he's been given by God to be with him and as a pastor it's the place that I realized that people don't abide he says to abide and remain in him dwell in you yeah a hundred percent I don't ever listen to anybody and people listen to me all the time but if you hear what I'm saying guess where I'm taking them so it's funny people say have you written the book I don't read books something I'm thinking of writing a book I don't read books I can count on one hand the books I've read in 23 years I read my Bible and I get along with Jesus not close my door I don't read books I'm not against books just don't read them if Jesus told me to read one a couple I read I felt impressed to read you see where were they it doesn't matter they were for me let's see if I tell that and anybody respects me then they'll go read them take the time and be with him I just talked with Pastor this morning we talked about very open humble level and I said I said do you mind if I give you a little assignment he said yeah I'm taking an assignment we're just talking being brothers and I gave him sex in a passage of Scripture it wasn't for you it was for him heard it in or it's gonna be powerful in because you have a heart draw so much get inside so he's got acid you read this chapter you can't be here for about a week have a communion cup in elements right beside your stand I should communion and communing the word and do this with the Lord in this truth you grab the bread and you talk to him and you submit commit grand nobody in the room but you in Jesus lift your hands oh it feels so good when nobody's around men fight over stuff like lifting your hands Lord you do it sometime when ain't nobody's looking you get in the bathroom and say Lord I just yield to you oh oh man it gets real quick yeah you know what I've learned as a pastor countless Christians good-hearted people that see their need for Savior good or never talking to hypocrites you're not hypocrites on a Saturday morning here are you kidding me I'm talking about good-hearted people I found that a 90 some percent of them have never when they were all alone just initiated conversation and thank God that he loved them never said it out of their mouth the whole years they were Christian father I just so thank you for loving me so appreciate your love for me how you would value the life you created me for keep forming enemy I yield myself to you like that's foreign to people they just pray there list they pray about their kids their job their families their health they pray about stuff not intimacy not communion with the Lord fellowship with Holy Spirit Holy Spirit I so appreciated my life you're not supposed to talk to only spirit read your Bible he even supposed to talk to you the Bible says he doesn't speak on his own authority but that what she hears that means he's talking my sheep hear and obey my voice as strangers they won't follow don't tell me God's not speaking yeah you'll never just live this thing because you heard it you'll never live it because you heard it you'll live it because you took it to be with him you got along people say well you need a spiritual mentor you need a spiritual father in your life to answer his question I don't know who that would be in my life I'm just I'm saying I don't usually talk this plain and blatantly you said it I've gleaned from some men that I've honored and respected I've gleaned some truth and wisdom from people I can't tell you I've had a mentor I've lived in no one's hip pocket I I don't listen to people preach the stuff I preached in I've never heard anybody preach I don't listen I found it in my bedroom being with him wanting to know him from the bottom and passion of my heart and that's where I found the Lord in me and then I started living this way and then in two years they're asking me to pastor in the church and come on staff and they're saying we're not asking you to sacrifice we're gonna match your current salary Teamsters Union 15 years of seniority will match your vacation we're not asking you to sacrifice Christ in you as a blessing to our people and I said no three times why because I'm not even thinking pastoring I'm just a warehouse worker in love with Jesus but because Jesus was flowing through my life all of a sudden you have to be leadership well I was just living like a believer I was just a Christian but yeah but you're praying for the sick sicker here you got a gifting you have an anointing no I'm a believer these signs follow those that believe I've been with him are you so bold you have to have leadership it wasn't those things weren't on my life it was just that I was a believer I was believing I was in intimacy with God and that was pregnant and everything I was giving birth to look just like its father spiritual not sexual but you can relate to the language it's spiritual so go get pregnant yay from the Lord from the Lord [Laughter] can I tell you how I've talked in my bedroom with that language I've gone in the bedroom when you weren't there I just closed the door father I'm just here to be with you and I opened myself up to you and thank you for the glory of who you are your love for me you're unstoppable amazing well if I open myself up to you and receive the seed of who you are into who I am so that everything I give birth to looks just like you God thank you for manifesting your life through me never again will I be frustrated and stressed out never again God just driven by opinions and human nature and human reasoning I can live by the spirit you called me to live by the spirit I yield you Holy Spirit I will you lead me guide me I have a more of a confidence in you to keep me than me to miss the mark so I'm gonna run hard and if anyway I'm off track you keep me in line but I'm coming after you that's me when you're not looking thank you for the honor of loving people god I love not my own life unto death nobody I've said this a thousand times when you weren't looking nobody owes me a thing nobody owes me a thing my expectation is not on men i erase every line that we've drawn every chip on the shoulder god I thank you my goal and my college to love when you're not looking that's what I'm saying driving in my truck father thank you for fathering me I appreciate you following me every time I say that guess what I'm saying I'm his son I'm his son I'm his son think that loss I'm not trying to be his son not living up to being his son I am his son that's what empowers me to live up to sonship you got to put it on if you're gonna manifest it ladies you can't shine in the dress till you slip it all right but when you slip it on whoa you go to that mirror oh yeah you gotta put on Christ its Bible language put off the its identity it's a place of Prayer put off thank you Father I wasn't created for my own agenda wasn't created for my own expectations thank you that no one owes me anything I release all men right now from my soul my heart my life my conscience god I thank you I'm not offended I thank you God nobody can fail me cuz I'm not living with expectation towards men God you'll never fail me your love never fails I put all my trust in you I don't trust in any man any flesh I'm here to love people not need them yeah you start talking like that to the Lord when you're alone you're either out of your mind you ought to get a hobby or you're right on track and grace is gonna come into your life and things will start to change this is a raw truth I've asked countless people what their communion life looks like and they don't even know what I mean I'm not asking to test them I'm just assuming and they have found this out early on and then I start saying well do you ever receive his love what do you mean if you ever said to the Lord thanks for loving me some people think that that would be weird that would seem presumptuous who a - well the cross love you hey guys love you known you from the beginning since for God so that He gave His Son it didn't say for God was so frustrated in whitson with humanity finally played his ace card what it means is God didn't change his mind about you that on your darkest day he knew what you're here for and created for any preserved potential and purpose he loves you for what he made you to be not where you've been he sees you apart from where you've been he sees you through where his son has been and reestablishes you in truth through his blood so you could stand before him and be righteous he wants you to slave to righteousness and bind the righteousness he wills his kingdom with righteousness and it produces its fruit to holiness so you ought to be with him got to take off the veil and run to him not hide the day of fig leaves is over the day of Satan is over the day of nakedness and hearing the Lord and hiding and avoiding is over you run to God with boldness come to him you with me your life will never change apart from being with you you can read study you can listen to this message twenty times over and in time this message will start condemning you because it will judge where you're not in your conscience instead of drawing you to him if you don't go to him I mean the message is drawing you to him but if you don't go to him in time the knowledge will turn on you and judge you for where you're not you'll be assessed by the message instead of empowered that's what happens to people so you got wise and you got foolish you got people in here and become and you got people that here and do nothing with what they heard same storm comes to both men so it's not about adversity it's about truth we're not living to avoid adversity same storm coming to the wise and the foolish reads your Bible the goal is not to avoid fire the goal is to be in the middle of it and be unburned then never bout or what's not King and when the fire gets seven times hotter it doesn't change your mind cuz you believe what you believe the first time yeah so it's not about the fire it's about who he is and what you believe and that's what saves you from every fire and then when people see you they can't even see you were in a fire they just see increased passion and understanding why cuz you know he's bored you don't sing he's Lord you know he's Lord and all of sudden they find out what you just went through and they had no clue because you didn't wear it on your sleeve most people wear what they're going through leukemia in prayer bro they come to church and look dismayed sometimes they do it on purpose to draw Grace and attention in prayer and all sudden the highest grace we can receive is that somebody seems to care instead of that I'm his child and he's to me in the face of it all and the thing tried to knock me down tried to break my bones tried to hurt me bad but I'm being groomed in him and established in him cuz he loves me and there's light to shine yeah you did I gotta quit yeah these heart and it's a good heart is this lifestyle Christianity this as you go loving people and realizing crisis in you listen we got to see who we've become if we're gonna be empowered to do a lot of us have been under evangelistic pressure feeling like we got to share our faith lead people to the Lord we got all these phrases in the church and we do conferences and seminars we've been sometimes at best robotic and mechanic call and a lot of us feel pressured and feel like we failed in the area of evangelism here's the beautiful truth love is evangelistic if you pursue becoming love evangelism flows out of who you've become in him you just take interest in others all the sudden this confidence this compassion you'll be telling a story and you won't even be able to really relate it because it happened in a blur and you just stop and talk to them and didn't even think about nerves why cuz you've been with him can you come out of your bedroom and you've been with him you know what I used to do way back in the beginning when I first got saved it was getting all this stuff I would just talk to myself in the mirror all the time I'd be like hey man just like I was talking to a different person dude you're amazing I see Christ in you man when I look in your eyes I can tell you believe the gospel I was dinner and talked to my eyes in the mirror like I was talking to you let's say I can see you understand righteousness oh my goodness dude you need to go out you're gonna have amazing day the world needs what I see in you man see ya now do you think I'm gonna live that way when nobody's looking and then get thrown into a fit and I can't believe and he said well they just make me mad I told you I'm done living that way you live that way if you choose but you'll find out one day you made a big mistake because you don't have to live that way your heart doesn't have to be hard you don't have to be angry you don't have to be frustrated inside you don't have to be opinionated inside I promise you you can be free you don't have to seem to express one thing and have another thing going on you can be in here yeah yeah so I just preached myself all the time I brush my teeth in them again I'll be brushing my teeth now I'm looking to go haha you're awesome man bless you why cuz I used to not like me at all I used to need you to like me to believe I was even likable I used to live to get your attention to prove that I had some kind of value that was driven by my lack and then truth came and overtook me and I was just excited about it so hey man it's nothing I'm it's not vanity it's not like you know you get a phone and just have it on selfie mode all the time it's just you're so overwhelmed with the truth and all of a sudden you look in your eyes and you don't have to look away you actually look in your eyes and you love what you beholding as you know what he's doing on the inside he says the inside is clean the outside so I'm not even working on the outside I'm being with him and letting him work on the inside oh and the fruit and the trees good fruit cuz the fruit follows the tree the tree doesn't follow the fruit you don't try to do good to prove you're good you become something to do something so that goes back to early sagas here's how simple this is as you're growing in this truth you begin to realize there's opportunities all around you to love people there's there's certain people there's sick folks there's people that just are under pressure you hear people talking to problems you've seen people with heavy countenances I've walked through doors at malls and just stop and go hey and I'll just say a little something I'm not even exactly sure what I'm saying but when I say hey and start talking boy it gets clear next thing you know they're crying and you walk away and you're like what just happened that's amazing and then you're like whoa and then in about traffic and who's in line and oh uh again what's the price and Oh son you don't have all this stuff driving your life and you're heading to your car and you're just like you got to skip in your step because life is fun and God knows people and oh my goodness I remember I remember one day just a little trip in the mall I was in a hurry it's always when you're in a hurry I was in a hurry a little bit of a schedule not strong commitments just needed to get home because I had some plans nothing in stone more personal and I'm running and that's when it usually happens you know a little personal plans little agenda or get to the mall door OOP little lady hey listen tilt you okay dear lady a mom and a lady coming down the steps I just left the girl she's crying heading to her car we didn't even pray I just went you said did you lead her to the Lord I gave her the Lord I spoke into her life and she was frozen and she was suicidal and it all came out without words like impressions she knew what I was saying I looked her in the eyes and said don't you do something foolish that thing that's going through your mind I'd never even exposed it there was people around she's just like I said this is God and you've known he's calling you you run with him to teach love you girl she's heading to her car it's so fun and then you're going up the steps into the mall you're just going and actually I was going to Bass Pro to buy something for fishing while he it wasn't that spirit all cuz I really like fishing now it's going to get my thing and this little bobbin lady and I said hey girl the mama she said what it sounded so flaky to me I'm like this is lame I said I just saw up the overwhelming love that God has for you she said why I turned I went down two steps that said I can I can tell you is when I walk by you the love God has for you overwhelmed me oh my goodness you know what I see you've been thinking this you've been worried about this and this has been pressing her heart she's grabbing her daughter's aren't her daughters gone mom did you hear this man did you hear this man I hear this man do you hear what he said mom I hear the man it was that dramatic it's the thing she's pouring out to her daughter the whole time they're together that morning and I went Zhu Zhu and have no clue what I'm doing but I've been with him I can promise and I'm not overwhelmed by life and people and things and he said she said who did it what not him well no that's not even a factor in my life and I'll sudden you just see clear to get impressions and things are flowing like a river because if you believe in him as the scripture say out of your belly will flow rivers life-giver that's different than a well springing up into everlasting life that's your personal salvation the river flowing out as people get blessed and wet by you being wet so I go up I do this I'll say honey these things are true sweetheart this is the Lord he he just gave me that impression and here's what I hear Wham oh it's okay father I thank you you're given a wisdom thank you God she doesn't have to live in anxiety god I thank you there's always an answer we're hugging don't even know each other they're running out the mall talking a hundred mile an hour to each other now I still didn't get to Bass Pro did I get to Bass Pro I kept my little thing I get to the cash register the girls there and I I said hey and she said hey she said how are you I said honey I can't even hardly describe it I'll probably overwhelm you I am amazing and she's like well well whatever I said what about you she said I'm okay I said what's wrong with your foot what do you mean what's wrong with my foot your right foot what's wrong with your foot why are you asking did you see me walking honey you were just standing here when I walked up I just got my lord I just what do you mean that I see you walking what's wrong with you but why are you asking me about my foot honey I just got an impression in my heart from the Lord okay cat out of the bag I'm a Christian I just got an impression from the Lord I heard something's wrong with your foot I believe he's going to fix it why don't you just be honest and tell me what's going on well I just don't believe in all this and I don't think it's real I think you saw me walking and you're trying to just pull something on me and that's it honey maybe we ought to just see why don't you give me your hand I said what's wrong with your foot she said well I broke it and it never healed right knee hurts me all the time and today is a very challenging day I said ain't that something that I ask you about your foot on a very challenging day I took her hand and I prayed so soft so gentle and so fast because she's already not wanting me to breath she's not on board her heart motive is not attractive to Jesus but it doesn't repulse him so it doesn't repulse me he would say well you need to change your heart Donny and God touch you with a 10-foot Pole God's been trying to touch them you just won't touch him with a ten-foot pole you're bothered by where they're not he's not I prayed for him BassPro she gets overwhelmed and touched by the Spirit of God tangible Spirit of God add her cash register and can't hold it together that's it's okay honey I told you it was gonna be amazing I said I need you to really test your foot she starts pushing on it push it on it just starts crying comes out from the register and holds me and won't let me go and she's bawling on my shoulder I'm just rocking her I'm just trying to get a lure I'm just trying to get a lure suicide hey girl love of God foot I finally get my lawyer yeah I just might go fishing after all gonna go fishing I'm heading out to my truck time is ticking but Jesus is everywhere he's amazing so I'm heading out and I go oh no two girls walking along them all do you I said hey girl yeah you rail loud I yelled across them all hey girl yeah you I said you've had some things bothering you and your heart I said there's some people you feel like they've been troubling you Bam Bam Bam and I said some things you see what what who are you I don't know you and her girlfriend was like however I said you tell me these things aren't true she said no you freaked him out it's all true I said We Need to Talk I come across them all now I get closer I bring down my voice it's personal in one and a half minutes crying out of control and she's like how can you know these things I said God knows these things it doesn't make me special if I didn't see if he didn't let me see I wouldn't know don't miss the point Here I am NOT an amazing Christian he's an amazing God if he didn't show me I see then we say yeah but brother you got to be a position you got I get that but why don't you just go be with him I wasn't with him in the morning and then laying out this thing for all these things I was just with him all these things are an overflowing expression of being with him if you'll be with him things will begin to flow and grow in your life but here's what was on Lee's heart in it and I agree from this day on just understand that God wants to love through you and courage through you heal through you touch through you that you might not need as much ministry as you think truth might be enough to make you free and you might actually have something to give you might have your own situation you're believing for in your body of your life but you always have him to give and you might have a brighter light than you realize down on the inside my buddy Todd would say so make sure you're not a basket headed Christian take off the basket somebody ought to know you're saved you shouldn't have to always tell them where to go to church some people don't tell they go to church because they've been working with him for 10 years and if they tell me to go to church they'll say you're going to church I'm just telling you man when I got saved at work I was saved and 11 co-workers came out of the closet and confessed that they went to church weekly and I was shocked I had no idea I couldn't even picture any of them in church that tells me something that we've even let church attendants take the place of knowing him and we've come religious without even realizing it so when you're out there launched family pumping gas it's not just today wherever you are whenever you are man just just be in him and start your day free and understand that God wants to love somebody through you if you see somebody hurting be a Christian Nike commercial and just do it like you don't have you might be nervous but just walk up to him and say hey what happened man what you do you ladies could get away with this so easy you just shopping and you see somebody hurting you slide over hey girl you're in a lot of pain Oh what happened oh they'll tell ya you slip your arm around them gently and say this and honey please don't be bothered by this this is going to be wonderful I just what are you doing it's okay father I just thank you right now god I thank you no more pain Jesus name God you step out and you do that see what God just might do I'll send you look at her and she's looking at you well she's this I love it on airplanes because they're trying to hold it together and they can't and you're stuck on an airplane and and and now there's snot in and there slobber in and they're loud I'll tell story at the time of the flight attendant came tried to move the lady beside me thought I was a pester she said ma'am I'm gonna change your seat I haven't seen that front for you the lady cried three times in moments and then the flight attendant came back to move her from me thinking I'm agitating her and then she just glared at me the flight attendant just said honey I'm gonna and she just glared at me and I'm just because I'm not gonna defend myself if I'm blessing her she'll defend it I'm not gonna be a cat in a corner I'm not gonna justify my life - a word I just sit there she walked away they said no no I'm fine I'm fine really I'm fine no it's not what you think I'm okay I'm fine well you don't look okay I have a seat for you no I'm okay she turns goes up front she barely gets to the front and I go oh no are you serious I thought this is gonna toast this lady because I knew it was Lord I said honey I need to say one more thing and she was like what you could tell she was nervous seems like what and I said no really look at me she looked at me trembling she already cried several times because of the words I had for her about her life her mother it was she was undone I looked at her and I looked her right in the eyes I could say this to a thousand people and they'd look at me cockeyed like what but I said it to her I said I need you to know something today the Lord wants you to understand this that Crohn's disease is no match for the blood of Jesus Christ and she's sitting there suffering horribly from Crohn's and I had no idea I still barely know her name now what do you do if you're in her shoes and you got your meds right in your purse and you've been suffering horribly in a man you don't even know looks you in the eyes and says crunches he's just no match for the blood give me your hand she it's crying hysterically I look up and here's the lady she's I mean she's coming she's she's charming man and I'm a villain I'm an ogre I'm a meanie whatever he's doing to her he comes she comes right back just ignores that I'm even on the planet and grabs her and says come on I'm moving you to the front I have a seat for you she said no I'm not going anywhere she hooks my arm with her arm and she had a lot of hair she buried her head on me and I was covered in her hair it's no good she just covered and I held her and she's crying hooked me and said I am NOT going anywhere you don't understand this man is helping me and she's just sobbing I said honey I'm so sorry you haven't understood I just wanted to let her testify I had a couple words about her life her mother and the Lord Jesus just showed me told me she had Crohn's disease suffering hardly I'm gonna pray for her God's gonna heal her I'm telling you ain't nothing nobody can do about and the flight attendant just done touched and took back and she said you heard this honey it happens all the time it's Christianity it's Christianity hearing and being and loving Oh so everybody around me now what now we're exposed so guess what happens it happens to me a lot I'm leaving the plane and guess what I can't get out the jet way guess why not everybody's just put off as you think all of a sudden you're walking in somebody's behind you tapping they're grabbing the back of your sleeve and you look and there's a trembling woman what's up now I'm sorry do you need to get to the next way you probably have honey what's going on why did you stop me I was hoping you were prey for me oh I would love to pray for you right in the jetway father I just thank you right now God watch not joking you get this far there's somebody's leaning along the wall waiting for you to get there my record getting out of a jet ways for people asking me for prayer we want to break that but it's not about records it's about loving people but if I'm caught up with flight times and where I'm sitting and who was bothering and the baby that was crying I'm probably not hearing a thing I'm probably self-centered and I go to church but I'm not the church this is my flight gonna be in time and I hope I don't miss my connection and who he go God please please please thanks for getting me through the day what is that it's not what he takes for ya don't be upset by what I've said it'll give you away be happy so you have this privilege of loving people wherever you go it's your privilege it's not a mandate it's not obligatory it's not works it's love so if you see somebody hurting man you oughta test it out did you ever feel drawn to somebody in public you just didn't have the courage maybe to address it but you actually noticed somebody you felt drawn to him but you couldn't even explain it all the time next time that happens just go ahead and make contact and watch how you'll get what you need when you make contact if you're waiting to hear you probably won't hear much live by faith just go say hey man I don't know what it is but I just keep Wow and all of a sudden you're speaking in there Wow and all the sudden you're like I am so glad I walked over here yeah I was eating lunch to see a man just eaten and he's just eating and he was reading some and he's just sitting looking over the water and the Lord said he's in great financial duress and he knows me he's my boy go love him tell him I I'm on it I'm moving and give him all the money that you have in your pocket now I didn't know how much money I had but I knew I had a little bit of a chunk of somebody I just blessed me here then we once saw this in your life and I had a decent amount money in my pocket it wasn't just a $20 bill and he said just tell him it's a seed and it's a sign that I'm hearing his prayers to not be anxious and not be over-concerned to live in grace and peace and bla bla bla bla he gave me all the goods before I went over so that was easy I already had the side has strolled over there so confident hey man can I pull up a chair yeah man do I know you no no but I know you I know you love God yeah man you're Christian yeah I was just sitting here praying I know you were praying about finances what you were here you have a real financial situation it seems way bigger than your capacity your ability or your wisdom but I'm sitting over there and God said to me tell him not to be anxious not to get his eyes off the truth to stay and rest in peace and no I'm gonna father him through this another day and he told me I'm supposed to give you all the money that's my oh no no listen it's a see did you tell me or did I tell you Judas is overwhelming me it's supposed to he loves you everything's going to be well have no card no offering I don't even know if I told you my name but guess what he knew that God's here anyway he's praying God's aware of a situation he just needs to stop fret God's gonna work it out and that fun just you can have those things in your life you see somebody hurting you don't need a word of knowledge if you see them hurt and just talked to him asking if they can pray probably the worst they'll do is say no I doubt they'll pull out a 9-millimeter and kill you but if they do you'll never die so take heart but I doubt that's what they'll do but that's the worst the worst they could do is to shoot you and you're not gonna die so where it's all good so you got nothing to lose only to gain the number one reason people don't reach out and pray for the sick they're afraid nothing will happen but because we don't reach out we always have nothing don't live your whole life with nothing sow seeds open doors create opportunities live by faith and walk in love love is evangelistic if love never fails don't fail to love are you with me you can touch people and love people in your way his way the most simplistic way you don't need a training session on evangelism we just need formed in love and prayer and intimacy and love has an amazing expression and the best times you'll find with God is when you don't have a clue what's going on and you ain't figuring it out and it's just happening and you're more overwhelmed than they were and you get to your car you're so giddy and nervous you don't even know if that was just real you're like you can't even dial your cell phone to call your spouse cuz you're so freaked out you're like why haven't I been living this way forever I'm just telling you give God a chance to love somebody through you and see what happens just an encouraging word just headin into Walmart and somebody said now hey man I'm not sure what it is but I feel like you're challenged on about three different sides in your life right now but I hear that you just keep your eyes on Jesus man you got truth in your heart go back to Jesus make sure well man I know I've heard that fix your eyes on you and he'll walk you through this thing you'll give you away Stephen laughing love you bye you just head it in go shop in that fun the only time will tell the magnitude of those things so I'm done I am I know you don't believe me but I am done and I'm gonna close in prayer today was just a teaching time I hope you taken something with you on this yeah so today when you go wherever you go if you're just hanging out having lunch you came and you're in the area and you're staying for the weekend or you live here either way my buddy Todd says it's so simple he says come on man you pump gas sometime you know it's sometime you go to the store and grab something you're just around people just pay attention and seize the moment and look for an opportunity to love somebody in a genuine way yeah so I mean that when I say a Christian Nike commercial it's something we say you just got to do it if you're waiting to feel all excited about it you probably never do it if you're waiting to get all the answers first you'll probably a lot of time I'll go by you just put yourself in a position for God to move I bet you he'll be right there yeah gonna pray over you because I'm done father we can yeah sure are you kidding my goodness yeah we don't need no permission for that pastor Mac he's yeah he just wanted to know if we could do a worship song right after that you guys can get your place right now man let's just do whatever's on your heart is it that song you were doing at the end when you were rehearsing that one you broke out and saying oh yeah let's do that way to go man oh God you hooked us up no this would be good I'm gonna pray they're gonna just worship before you just jump up and run if you have to run run because I preached a long time I talked a long time I get it we were thinking about 12 o'clock anyway but if you can stay just for a minute or two and let what they're singing be a reality in your heart clean exchange I'll leave here empowered today like the whole reason you gather is to be stirred up and loving to work so you look a little more like him when you go if you just come to due time because that's what we do we're gonna miss the point there's a great marriage between coming and going you come to be empowered to go you come here but you live there you get it and it's all in the going the coming is to empower the going father I thank you for this this group I thank you for this time and thank you for this amazing worship team and god you're just doing something in our hearts it's exciting it's so easy to preach here it's just I feel like you're stirring us you're convicting us you're stirring the pot of our hearts our mind our conscience Wow watch this I thank you we're all qualified through the blood of Jesus to be sons and daughters and we're all qualified to become love and walk in love let no lie stand in the way let no former actions stand in the way let no identity cross over the true identity that we find in you so I ask that you bring strength and clarity to our lives or hearts that you bring completeness and fullness and wholeness let every identity be sealed and strong in the truth and the love be genuine and let it overtake men's hearts and men's minds through our pipes in Jesus name Amen amen love you guys they're gonna flow in this song if you need to slip out do it respectfully if you want to hang out and just give your heart a few more minutes just for what you're here you're welcome
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 5,330
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2018, Awakening, Fellowship United Methodist Church
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 8sec (6548 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 25 2018
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