Dan Mohler - How to Face Troubles in Life

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better the god reality changes your life if God becomes more real to you your whole life changes just by knowing him God reality changes your life you don't have to try not to send you have to try to think cane thoughts when God's real you're changed you say well how does he become real spending time with him getting to know him talk to him when you're driving man commune with him when you're heading to work don't wonder if it's going to be a good day thank him for the day thank him he's in you don't complain about your boss and ask God to zip his lips today you thank God that your life impacts your boss stop complaining about the things you need to change around you and you live changed only doing good with this handheld okay look now thanks be to God who always leads leads in that interesting word he leads us into triumph he calls you through wisdom through Christ through the truth to see the situation you're in and see it through him not react not panic that's it oh my god I lost my job oh my god I lost my job and all of a sudden if you're not careful you become a product of what you're going through instead of stand strong and what he accomplished and you missed the whole point of why he's in you I'm telling you a large percent of Christians believe that were Christians for God to take care of us instead of regard to teach us how to live in him you're the only hope of the world truly seeing him and knowing him your life is the only barometer that anybody will ever have it's your life your your the roster of heaven you're the best he's got you you're you're in the game you're not on the bench you're not a sub you're not a backup squad you're not a B team you're the body of Christ listen the body of Christ the embodiment of Christ you embody him he lives in you and let your light so doesn't say fall apart when you run into trouble just let your light so shine just as they complain and call the pastor when things aren't going right just let your light shine so don't get issues and attitudes and fall apart let your light shine look I'm all about blessings and favor and breakthrough people think you know you might have a poverty MANPAD mentality if you don't just preach prosperity all the time no I can receive the blessing of the Lord but godliness with contentment is great gain and if I don't have everything I need I have him so I have more than enough so we're going to shine and walk in truth and make peace and show mercy and be in love so it's far from a poverty mentality it's victory through Christ because you're going to see it he always leads us what he always leads us in triumph and through us and through us get this you're the go-to person so your attitudes mean everything your your life the way you are towards others it means everything because through us he diffuses the fragrance of his knowledge everywhere you're who he has for the world to see him you're the go-to he's handing you the ball do you see it in your Bible he's not just making sure you never get laid off that's not what this means this means that he so renews your attitude your mindset your perspective your motivation that nothing again can move you because he's already moved and all of a sudden come hell or high water Jesus is Lord and people see it in your eyes and you'll be facing the biggest injustice of your life and you can't even complain you're just overcoming things with love and mercy and forgiveness and loving kindness why because that's what he did to you and all of a sudden you don't just have a bunch of issues and he said she said in the same old same old wisdom we all grew up with first corinthians way back in chapter 1 and 2 says that christ has become the wisdom of god for us are you guys all right I hope so you know Shadrach Meshach and Abednego right I use them all the time in this example come on they face Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadnezzar wanted them to worship the image he made you guys know the story right they said no because he's the Lord the Lord God is Lord he's the Lord your images we're not worshipping your image who worship the Lord well then you're going to die whatever we're not worshiping you see when somebody says you're going to die we fear death so bad we don't have a revelation of life and truth but death becomes our motivation and all of a sudden were forced back into self-preservation and fear they said they said what is your fire to us O king we don't even have a need to you in the matter what are they saying this thing about the fire it's who God is it's about who God is they say about the fire where you're going to die live or die it's about who God is and all the sudden the Christian realize man it better to die in integrity and honor in faith than to live in coward and compromising why because you're never going to die so trick it's just the trick you're never going to die anyway so they take a stand like we've taken a stand they take a stand we ain't worshipping your image when we're going to turn up the fire I'm gonna give you one more chance boys when they start playing this stuff you better bow they did their little whatever they did and they just stood there they know what the king did he got enraged and you made a real swift command to what turn the heat up seven times more well if you think about it that's probably mercy you're going to fry quicker see we ought to change your mind we think watch watch you get a cancer diagnosis and you take a stand and do the faith thing because I'm not being rude right now I'm being just plain you do the faith thing instead come on what Christian when they get a diagnosis like that doesn't start to pray but you go back and get another test and you found that counts just a little higher that's when you find out what you really know how much you know him and what you really understand about belief because it's the same as Nebuchadnezzar okay boys you took your stand you ain't afraid to die well let's see now because now the fire is really hot who's ever prayed and seeing their thing get worse anybody what does that have to do with truth what does that have to do with the nature of God and the love of God and the power of faith and the Holy Spirit who's never prayed about something sincerely and saw it get a little hotter anybody wonder if faith isn't even found until you have every reason in front of you not to believe wonder if any matter you can pray in need wonder if anybody can reduce the Bible to principles we're quoting hoping he shows up what about knowing him come on I'm preaching now I hope you're getting this come on this is what God's calling us to gods he wants our countenance to shine he doesn't want us living this way he wants us fixed on him and if Nebuchadnezzar comes into your life you don't have a problem you already have Jesus and an answer so Nebuchadnezzar is never your issue the fire is never your issue what you're going through has nothing to do with the equation it's who he is in you and what you've become so guess what happened I still don't understand the story because when they opened the door his two guys got fried the thing was hot that thing was hot we had when the door opened the two servants of Nebuchadnezzar got consumed by the fire and somehow those boys rolled in there they just fell in there I don't know there was nobody to push him in because they got toasty bacon as soon as the door opened says the Kings decree was so urgent when his men open the door they've completely consumed immediately and Shadrach Meshach Abednego fell into the furnace I think an angel knocked him in just to finish the story no I really don't know guess what happened guess what happened never to Nezzer looked in now watch if they're fearing for their life are they in a good place no they might even bow to that image they might just live for weeks in fear they might just live for weeks in depression they might just live for weeks in discouragement come on that's the same as balint to that image and we think those things are normal no that's what we became when Adam ate the tree and the wisdom of the world began to teach us in tutor us you were never made that way you were made in God's image and you were made to be like him and think like him and lived through his heart just living discouraged is a self-centered deception it means you have your eyes on how things are affecting you and it's determining your barometer of motivation well your barometer of motivation or be the possibilities of manifesting his image in the face of it all and letting him always lead you to triumph in the face of it all she don't like this message I'd rather the fire go out no no I'd rather the fourth one show up in the fire and take off any bands any bonds and have you free while that thing is raging doing its best heat possible you're standing there with the king did you ever notice that he didn't bring myriads of angels with holy water and doused the fire there's a reason it was never about the fire it's about who God is in your integrity and your trust in him and all of a sudden the fourth man shows up in there and they're free in the middle of the best heat the King has to offer why didn't he put the fire out he went honor it that much because he's lord over it why does he have to put out what he's lord over and if you see he's Lord you might not react the way you used to in situations you might have a spouse that's acting up and doing some unfortunate things why does that change Jesus in you you might have children are making unfortunate decisions that does not change the truth of the gospel and if you start feeling sorry for yourself and coveting the gift of God at the cost of God you will be deceived come on I'm crying out and I know it's passionate but it's truth you can't let anything become a list of why you're not where you could be or should be because that's already a level of condemnation when you make that comment true well I know I'm not where I should be but you don't understand that list is idolatry it's defining you apart from him it's telling you there's something on the earth greater than the potter and all of a sudden you're only as good as you're going through instead of as good as your believing in him don't you think the world needs to see us in the same situations that are in and the absolutely unfazed shine and walk in power and they don't even know what you're going through they find out four months later and they're freaked out because there's no way they could tell and they don't even believe that that could have happened to you because there's no way because they work right beside you the whole time and you never you mentioned it because it wasn't your story I'm being real this is where God wants to graduate us it's not about everybody come on we're all going through the same stuff and some seems worse than others but what are we going to do go through the room and take a survey who's going through the most hell and then what sue has the worst story in the room then what I bet he's greater than that story I'll bet we can confound the wisdom of the wise through the truth of this message I bet you can get touch strong and live like you've been touched right because Christ died and rose again I bet you have a daddy that never said he loved you and you realize God loved you because he put Christ on the cross and let that supersede the natural knowledge that everybody thinks should rule your life I bet you all the sudden you live by the spirit instead of psychology know some people the best even Christians you say well you're in denial you know it's okay to grieve Christians will do that now you need a good try wonder if you just don't have any reason to cry in you right now stop trying to make them like you know you'd be did I say that Wow I said it bill I'm serious it's the only come on guys we call it spirituality we think it's sensitivity somebody goes through a tough time and there's a place to be sensitive but don't give them permission to be less than Christ in the process let me give you an example oh honey they did what Oh baby I can't believe they did that to you honey he's gonna bleed bad I can't imagine how you must feel oh honey that's pray come on that is not that's deception there's a place to be understand there's a place to feel sorry that people do things that people do who knows that people do things and it makes your heart go oh why you but if you let that thing define you now that thing's Lord and subconsciously begins to potter and dictate who you are so that things carrying a lot of weight now and influence and a lot of things and it ain't Jesus so why don't you wrap your arm around the person and say listen I am so sorry they did that to you do you understand that's just a reflection of where they're at or where they're not this has nothing to do with you listen you're and all of a sudden you're giving them truth and building up and they don't even need you to pray because you've just imparted truth and truth keeping them free it's not even about ministry now in recovery and getting my broken spirit healed I'd love you to believe with me that you don't have to be broken but I'd love to challenge you to believe that with me for at least a whole year coming up because by the end of the year you'll know it's true and you'll just live it that way for the rest of your life if I can just challenge you into going after it this year even on this fast and just going after what it means to not love your own life unto death and live for Jesus and follow him and lay down your life for people Young's follow me can I read the rest of this he always leads us in triumph and through us and through us do you see how key you are come on if you get in a car accident and you got questions about where God's grace is what open the door and oh my god I'm so inconvenient and I bet my insurance is going to rip me off and that's the best you can do and yet you go to church there's no way that the scripture can come to pass because you're not letting him lead you into triumph in the face of adversity watch in the world you have tribulation in me you have peace or immediate peace in the world you have tribulation be of good I've overcome well if he's overcome the world why do I have tribulation he's not talking about smooth circumstances he's talking about light and a way of thinking that keeps you free in the face of it all be of good cheer up overcome the world why because truth came he showed us the way you know sudden is about how you feel what they did wrong and he said she said and now I got a list of four things of why I'm not spiritually growing I also have one reason why I'm okay and it's Christ in me the hope of glory you understand you understand how awesome it would be to never do another thing again just because you're hurt but actually do what you do because you care because you love because you're bigger than a fence because you're bigger than her because Christ is overtaking your heart because you've healed yourself to him in the secret place when nobody was looking he came into their fiery furnace and what the King do hey can we throw three in there yeah oh there's four in there not forth dude is shiny I watched VeggieTales it's really shiny I'm such a mess I watched I watched I watched that thing on VeggieTales and sat there and cried when the furnace lit up with light and it came through a scribe VeggieTales ja that fourth man is really shiny it was one little piece or something one there is really shiny boss sure rag Benny come on your God has saved you from the fiery furnace watch what happened what's what happened because they never made it about them how they were going to feel how they were going to fry in a minute where God was they weren't on the way into the oven going God this is midnight where are you I hope you deliver me they were like look whether we live or die we're not worshipping any image but him whether we live or die we're not loving her life unto death this is not about anything else but him King and they went in there but look what God did through that perspective Old Testament without the revelation we have just integrity commitment just through that God led them in triumph and guess what he did through their life to fuse the fragrance of his knowledge and guess what happened to the king's heart the king - threw him in there that was all caught up in himself and having him validates him guess what happened to the king's heart it turns through their lives now if they were loving their own life and fear in crying out help us Jesus why are you letting this out because I thought you loved us were the Covenant children of Israel why are you letting these outsiders destroy us that would be a mentality that probably want to produce much life huh that fire have been pretty hot guess what happen when they come out of the fire I love this is my favorite part of that whole story there was no burns singeing x' or smelling of smoke that means when you look at a Christian you have no idea what they've been through because what they've been through has nothing to do with who they are what he's been through has already established them and all the sudden you don't wear your trials on your sleeves and say pray for me brother I'm going through a wilderness what must be the Israelites get out of that and get into Jesus is where he came out of the wilderness in the spirit and power why because they were thinking of themselves and their wilderness he was thinking for you in the name of the Lord do you realize Jesus fulfilled in 40 days what they failed for 40 years that Holy Spirit led him immediately for water baptism into the wilderness but he went in there selfless same trials same God same Devils he came out in the spirit and power they wandered for 40 years and died only thinking for themselves complaining and frustrated come one there's a powerful story there there's a dramatic difference between Jesus's wilderness and the children of Israel but there's one difference in motive self-centered selfless wander and die anointed with power I preached it for years every time Satan touches me he takes a risk of establishing me and his attempt to break me he runs the risk of making me so the devil he says he says listen these Christians are pushovers I'll tell you what I got an assignment for you go over to him and just tell him you'll never be worthy remind him of those two things that he regrets all the time and feels shame before and we'll just watch him just come and die he'll still go to church and he'll sing for a while and stuff but that's just getting right here in his mind where Christians live okay boss this is a great plan well you're not worthy well remember when you did yes that's what he's expecting no Sunny's father I just thank you for your unstoppable love you have for me and I thank you for the day you came and ravaged my heart and changed me and turned my life around I will never be the same and god I'm not even the man of the things that sometimes I remember you have made me a brand new man and my heart is for you God and my heart is not for sin and that little limp and assignments like boss I told him everything you said and he lifted his hands and he began to worship God because I read when they hear his name they tremble so it has to be like that and then and then the devils like he he worship God no way when you tell Christians that they'll never be worthy they get depressed and discouraged and call a friend for prayer none of them worship God this one worship God will go back and we might all remember but never when they were 12 oh my gosh remember don't tell father I just thank you that I'm in Christ I'm a new creature and god I thank you I don't think this is working I think the more I tell them the more closer they're getting to God and the more they believe the truth of the gospel why don't you just live that way who cares if you think something negative if your hearts are okay if you're thinking if you feel bad about what you're thinking and feeling then it's not even you so let's let him lead us in triumph and through us diffuse the fragrance of his knowledge in the face of every trial you get it one last Scripture real quick oh let's just read this one and we'll probably just stop for we look at verse 15 oh this is this gets better he threw us diffuses the way the fragrance of his knowledge how are people going to know him through your life listen I my buddy talks sitting right there I used to hear him say this we do power love and stuff like oh oh with this but I'm going to say it cuz it go which is the kind of morning it is he says if you're the only one at work if you're the only one at work that knows you're a Christian something's really wrong well that sounds so in-your-face but think about what he say when I got saved at work eleven guys came out of the Christian closet because they saw my life and got convicted and had a sincere something for God in their heart but it was so quenched by life and fear of man self-consciousness for watch when I got born again eleven guys came out of the closet and declared they were Christians watch and it shocked me I would have never thought they went to church and they all went to church every week with their families and I would have never had a clue but my life convict and why because through me he started to diffuse the fragrance of his knowledge everywhere to do now what would have happened if I'd have just stayed the same and boss treat me unfair and I'm complaining in the lunchroom filing a grievance gossip and backbiting bitter but wholly on Sunday that's what pastor's talking about one foot here one foot here just the way we think the motivation of our life is either detrimental or life-changing you can be for him and actually live against him and not even realize it doesn't make you evil it means you don't understand you can just take things personal instead of take him personal and before him in your heart and live against him and send a message apart from your desire you follow what I'm saying so I'm not saying it's evil I'm not saying it's intentional it's a lack of understanding so that's why I know you're getting get understanding that's why we're teaching so let me read verse 15 and I try to finish for we are to God look at this this is who you are to God in me because he says we we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing so within your sphere of influence within your sphere of influence you're the fragrance of Christ to God you're the go-to man to give it or that sure beats complaining and just getting caught up with issues who's ever had fun just living by issues for that's a blast in that the whole he said she said world now today with technology I mean somebody post something derogatory to your whole life's over or you fight back and post up yeah sure I'm getting there but I'm no doughnut cheerio and stop that bad Todd no no I'm finished but I Love You Man almost finished second Timothy chapter 2 real quick I want you to see this real quick and we're gonna pray together I'm going to turn it over to Pastor and let him close out as pastor and just pray over your eyes you guys getting something out of this listen I want us to go into this this new year you're going to see it as a new year then go in and pursue a whole new brand new way of thinking where you refuse to be discouraged disappointed where you embrace such a perspective in your life that every day you wake up is a joy no matter what's in front of you because of the right to walk in truth and don't let anything in your life become Lord subconsciously or inadvertently where it begins to dictate who you are because it's not Jesus so we're to say well I'd be this way if it wasn't for this you guys follow me when I say that as an example did you ever notice when you ask people how they're doing almost across the board they tell you the three biggest challenges in their life when they tell you how they're doing will keep me impaired brother because right now I'm facing this and this has been us and it's just been while so but I'm hanging in there but keep me in prayer so when you ask people how they're doing they tell you there are three biggest challenges instead of wow you know I've been facing some tough but it's amazing God is so good and he's teaching me how to respond in the face of adversity and make peace and injustice man I love the Christian life I have never heard a Christian in 18 years answer like that ever hey how you doing man well keep me in prayer man it's been a little challenging I mean the business we might have to close it and we've been really yeah but we're going to get through it will do alright you know God loves us but keep us in print and also you're wearing all your stuff on your sleeve and you're only as good as these things treating what a tragedy if he's really all those things we sing about a man you guys in second Timothy chapter 2 now I'm done with you you can tell I'm not spanking you right you guys don't like you guys you just where's the happy part this isn't the happy part you can live free from yourself and you're finally free look if any man come after me let him first deny himself if this thing is all about you and not about him you're already deceived just say you why is it first to deny yourself I thought it was prayer prayer to go to heaven I thought that's we have to do first save the sinner's prayer and get her name in the book of life no deny yourself that's first we made up to get the sinner prayer thing you name in the book because we think for ourselves a lot I'm glad my name's in the book I'm really glad that he showed me the truth you follow me deny your self first why never made for you you never made for you you're made for His image you're made to be his people we were made to be light in the world and if you think for yourself it's not going to happen and you'll reduce this book to principles you apply hoping to get help instead of an introduction into a relationship of Union and communion where he makes you like him God has never desired us to have an assembly like this in hopes of what he can do for us the assembly to stir our self up and love and good works and be transformed by him into his image it's not about blessings it's about transformation so that when life treats you unfair you overcome evil with good you did it you
Channel: Living Gospel
Views: 65,329
Rating: 4.8958206 out of 5
Keywords: Dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, pastor dan, pastor mohler, dan mollar, dan molar, dan moler, dan moller, smiley dan, smiley pastor, smiling pastor, white hair pastor, best pastor, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, america’s pastor, power and love, identity pastor, gospel pastor, gospel message, best gospel message, clearest gospel message, happy dan, trials, troubles
Id: lc_KjkWzySU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 16 2017
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