Dan Mohler - Walk in Love @ One Church - June 2018

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yeah listen the gospel is amazing the gospel wants to teach you who you are it doesn't just call you to a bunch of rules or call you to something the finished work of Jesus is designed to teach us the truth about who we've always been we just didn't see it forgive them father they know not what they do and these there's a blindness on people that they're doing things because they don't even know who they are because they're thinking wrong their thinking is twisted the word perversion means twisted we always think sexually or that were perverted or pervert it means twisted the root word of perversion it's twisted you get twisted a perverse generation of twisted minded people okay so so the gospel teaches you to deny yourself to not love your own life unto death if you save your life you're gonna lose it if you lose it for his name's sake you find it come on this thing's not complicated it's really simple but it's so powerful well if you find your life you'll lose it if you lose your life for his name's sake you'll find it that means we aren't living the life we were created for and that means you can't just bring him into your life you have to give him your old life you have to die to everything you've been died of your motives your reasoning your intellect that human thing that we all live by that self-centered self focused self-defending self protecting thing you got up and you shared that prophetic word about unbelief not correcting it a bit it was it was good and he said some of you in the end I love the way he ended it you know he said look God's done this God's done this man ha I don't doubt any for you know I believe and and and and unbelief this is a very real part of a lot of our lives I think another part there's parts that that that God wants to remove so when he addressed that he's addressing the issue of unbelief it says in the Bible they've all heard the gospel but summit didn't profit them because they didn't mix it with faith they they hardened their heart and unbelief so unbelief some real thing what was going through me when you were doing that was the lack of understanding there's a lack of understanding in our lives we're destroyed for the lack of knowledge we always think it's the devil sometimes we blame it on the orchestration of God or the administrative nature of God we think we have a picture him as he's up there calling the shots every day and everything that's unraveling is because of him there's people being destroyed for the lack of knowledge let's get the knowledge destruction can stop preferences in all you're getting get understanding so understanding is a real big deal you grew up I grew up hearing what you don't know won't hurt you it's a flat-out lie we were taught by a language that's not in this book you were taught what you don't know whether you've heard that phrase I don't care what generation you're from you've heard that phrase you heard phrases like don't get your hopes up and what you see is what you get the Bible teaches the total opposite of all those things we grew up here god helps those who helps themselves that's not a scripture who's heard these things growing up yeah it found its way here right yeah you made your bed no he made you a brand-new bed he gave you a new life when you're sincere and you repent you don't reap what you sow do you reap what he says what he produced you stepped into him you walk in what he accomplished his lies his nature his wisdom his will comes inside of you when you get born again you don't just say yes to a theology you don't just embrace the doctrine his life comes inside of you yeah let's make you steady Eddie right there I like I'm gonna go with Eddie he's steady you know what attracted our lives when people were consistent you know God is faithful there's no turning or shifting of shadow he loved you today who loved you tomorrow when you have a theology that doesn't have God consistent you can't really know him you'll never draw near to him you'll run from him if he's inconsistent in your belief if he's mad at you today if you didn't please him today if you displeased him today come on while you were yet a sinner he sent his son it didn't say he was at wit's end and so frustrated with the humanity that he finally sent his son he was looking at your life he knew what he created you to be he knew what you were called to and called for and here for he knows the same truth from the beginning is the same truth today forgive them father they don't know what they're doing means they're blind and deceived and don't understand but we walk in the light we are the light we're here from the beginning and we understand we know who they are and they're worth this to me that's powerful cool and that's the gospel that's not just to get you to say yes to and nod your head and go under some water and come out and so when the rolls called you're on the roll it's amazing what we turned this gospel into some beneficial self-serving thing instead of a transformation of our lives so who he is comes alive in us and the Christ in us the hope of glory yeah the gospel wants to get in you and change your perspective your motive your reason for being and show you that the way you were living is just some other way but he's the way he's the way he's the truth he's not our truth he's the truth I feel like my life has been extremely consistent and steady and that's what people that know me that have known me from the time I got saved they say he's the same Dan he's just a little more passionate and he loves Jesus a little more and he's a little more crazy when he preaches at times because he's been with him and you know you can't suppress the passion I don't put on a jacket to preach and impress you he's impressed me like when you've been with him then you're not just talking about when you've known him you're not just talking about one you've read about you can't control the past because they toned down you're wrong about that tone down these things are real this is amazing he paid for this paid for what to put his life inside of us and change where we live from and in that he changes everything the why behind my life if he can change the why in our life the motive that you wake up in the motive that you walk through your day in if you can just get inside you and tweak your motive and change the YB your life dramatically changes everything if you wake up and people owe you something you're gonna live disappointed you're gonna live frustrated you're gonna live very self-conscious and very people conscious but if you wake up and no man owes you anything you just wake up and nobody owes you a thing because he gave you his kingdom and without full communion that first thing so we started singing without full communion communion intimacy with God I am unfulfilled so if I'm unfulfilled without full communion there's nothing else that can fulfill me because it's Ephesians 3 it's Scripture it's not just the song it's Ephesians 3 it says to know the love of Christ to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge is to be filled with all the fullness of God we're filled with all the fullness of God sure doesn't sound like empty doesn't sound like deficit doesn't sound needy sounds wanting for nothing I looked up the word fullness I studied it out a little bit it means a house with no empty rooms means a town with no empty houses must be the body of Christ not church attendance body of Christ there's a difference between going to church and being christ-like Christianity is not church attendance Christianity isn't serving a doctrine Christianity is becoming a life that you live that's in him because he's in hell so when you're just angry frustrated argumentative discouraged disappointed jealous there are warning signals that you're on a wrong track and you're puffed up in knowledge not edified in love and build up in the Spirit of God the Bible actually teaches if you love there's one reason first John 4:7 there's one reason if you love it's because you know and the next verse says if you don't love there's one reason not one of to not one of three not 105 one reason if you don't love you don't know him he didn't say you don't go to church you didn't say you're not sincere you didn't say you don't see your need for a savior he didn't say you were never sincere and didn't repent and get water baptized he said if you don't love there's one reason you don't know him so eternal life isn't a prayer that takes you to heaven eternal life is that you might know him see it's all Scripture it's so solid somehow we preach to eternal life a passport to heaven instead of a relationship with God where you're intimate with when we're who he is becomes the expression of who you are would you say ma'am one of the last things recorded that he pray that they be one as you and me Father or one then the world will know you sent your son what's he talking about song about love so I will intent and purpose when they become one like were one then the world's gonna what I'm gonna know that's your sense your son he didn't say when you all attend to service I'm not being smart mad and mean with you right now I'm glad you're here I'm glad I'm here we're here to teach train equip to corporately celebrate him to be edified and let God flow like he flowed and let people be encouraged like I feel like we're encouraged but you come here to keep gaining understanding stay focused and get stirred up in love and good works you don't come here to qualify he qualified you you don't come here to be accepted you already are you come here to know and more and to see that there's people running the race and lock arms and realize he's raising up an army and that you're not the only one you're never Elisha in a cave God's doing something on the earth and he's getting us into a place of oneness where there's a true unity of faith a unit faith a unity of faith what's that mean that doesn't mean you all go to the same place on Sunday it means you all live for the same reason you live to manifest his image you live to walk in love you live to follow Jesus see some of us disagree on giftings and the way we water baptized and full immersion sprinkle name of Jesus Father Son Holy Spirit all this stuff and if you were the devil if you were the devil you're not but if you were you'd mess with the belief system of every person that says they believe and try to get them to fight over what they believe and disagree and this the heart of God along the way and build their own things and do it from all the wrong places and produce nothing but your own rightness because we're called to be one the unity of faith the unity of faith watch this you can believe in sprinkling you can believe in fully immersion you can still walk in the unity of faith you can still walk in love and keep your heart guarded because your heart out of your heart flows issues your life and you still keep yourself through prayer and through understanding from being disappointed and discouraged self focused its self centered and you can lay down your life and give Jesus to everybody in your life you can still make peace you can still show mercy you can still cover a multitude of sin with love you can still let mercy triumphs over judgment you might believe sprinkling and you might believe total immersion you can still walk in love but it's amazing how we prove we really don't know him when we don't agree on the ladder and can't walk in love then it's a giveaway that we're puffed up in our own knowledge when it's love that in fact edifies so it doesn't matter who's right and who's wrong it matters who's being like him because as he is so are we in this world and as the father sent me so I send you and the things I do you'll do if you believe firstborn among many brother and predestined to be conformed to his image there's a few scriptures that make us one with him yet we grow up in church we learn what we learn at church somebody else learned something else and we think we're enemies and then somebody's excited and fired up and we're more worried about their doctrine than where their heart is right now and then we can't even hear because we're already on guard because we already believe we're right and next thing you know there's animosity and two Christians can't even talk because they're from different arenas there's more contention I personally don't have that problem whether I'm on a plane top of somebody street I've had people get gifted but I'm not here to fight you I'm not gonna I'm not gonna fight with you if you're gonna fight with me and I'm sitting on an airplane with you and you just want to fight over religion I've had a few times where people were totally in the moment unreachable so what do you do this is what I wanted to get on tonight it's not going to be deep to some of you the Gospels simple but I'm telling you is profound and life-changing you-you-you sow seed and you don't misunderstand the amazing God principle of sowing seed of maintaining your disposition of not getting back into the fight it takes two to tango one to pursue peace and you trust it at the end of that conversation even though it was one-sided and full of aggression and put down and beat a little man boom-boom-boom that you responded well in your heart and you trust that God would take that one little seed of your own disposition that you've sown in through the understanding you have with him that you're not in a fight against one another he this man is not my war my war is not flesh and blood it's not doctrinal disagreement he is not my enemy he's not Satan in the flesh and he has no ability and this is the big one to hurt my feelings because he doesn't owe me anything I already know who I am and I'm secure in that truth so I'm just having the time of my life so whether he agrees mirror or not or I agree then I could still walk in love I can still hear the Lord I could still pray for the sick I can still bless and usually in those situations there's one I'm thinking of specifically where it didn't happen and we just ended a certain way and right before we got off the plane I said listen man I and I wasn't rhetorical I was sincere as could be and no intentions of and I'm sorry if and I just want you to know man I love you and want the best for you and I'm glad I'm that she god bless you and I gave him a big hug that's the best I could do I was listening for a word of knowledge I was listening for inside scoop stuff because if your hearts pure God will give it to you now if you just want to do it to upstage you in here and nothing and you'll make some up be wrong probably but the excellent way it's love and God can tell himself anything so if I become one with this heart motive I'm in you can't believe how many times like with Christians with people that aren't Christians you don't have a problem they see your sincerity they're not questioning your doctrine they didn't grow up in another circle so that's why people say unbelievers are so much easier to talk to than confessing Christians that's why people say that and it seems true on the surface but what I believe for when I'm with Christians that have those things I just believe for word of knowledge I just believe that God will just expose things not bad sinful stuff just listen then I know there's been a pressure in your finances I keep feeling like you just recently lost your job are you looking for that how do you know that the one we're talking about he just showed me the Lord is so good he loves you man wait how did you because he goes to a church that doesn't believe in the gifts so rather than theologically discuss it for two hours on the plane why not just demonstrate it [Music] freak him out get him trembling before the Lord and then grab his hand and pray and his presence comes and now you got II and all the sudden God's a lot more real than he was that sure beats an argument for two hours an argument in disguise you know calm argument we're all you're doing is debating scriptural differences it's a zero stay out of it nobody ever wins it's a zero but sowing seed is a big deal this what I was hearing when you were up sharing and when you were sharing about world-changing stuff sometimes and I'm not putting any of it down it's so powerful look if you walk into Walmart and everybody falls on floor and screams by far that would be a good day but I think that sometimes what we picture and we feel so far removed from that so he says this phrase what about me see I paid attention in the service can you tell I paid attention what about me we'll see when you say what about me you know it would be amazing to see behind I see and all that stuff that we talked about with Jesus's life and as he is so are we in this world but you don't even understand maybe that where he quoted that in the text that that's written the whole things about him being loved so when we hear those scriptures we think power and I know a lot of people pursuing power without his heart and it's dangerous because then anyway God flows through you is where you'll find your identity your zeal and your momentum instead of his heart and his love so you want to be careful with that you don't want your gifting to identify you you don't want to find your momentum through your gifting you don't just want to be used by God you want to become more and more like him as much as possible by the spirit of grace that's upon our lives what's the matter if you're reading everybody's mail and you're frustrated with your own spouse and then unforgiveness and shouting they're down when nobody's looking but you reading everybody's mail all you are friend just gifted but you're proving you don't know him but the gifts are without repentance you're a son way before your prophet you with me I've watched this thing in my life as a pastor people get their identity through the way God uses them instead of the way they've become in here when we mark each other for the Grace and gift on their life instead the heart they walk yet because if you don't understand this even your gifting will become a trap to you the enemy will just cut down who you are if you can't touch the gift just push a few people buttons in your life and break your heart but you can still hear the voice the Lord prophetically but your hearts broken you're hurt you're offended you're angry and then what people do is they separate to say oh well see God uses weak vessels God uses dirty pits God use broken vessels hey we're just so then it tells people hey this is who we are thank God he still uses it's flat-out deception I'm not preaching legalism and it's not works and it's not perfection preaching purity of heart and the pure in heart shall it's a big deal to left the gospel people find your heart that when you wake up in the morning the why behind your life is to pursue his image his presence of walk in his love and live by his Spirit to actually purify your heart to where you in prayer settled that nobody owes you anything today therefore nobody can break your heart because you didn't wake up to get anything from anyone you don't need an encouraging word you're encouraged in him that way if somebody gives you and encourage you word it's healthy and it just adds synergism to the momentum that's in your heart when you need a thank you it's not healthy to be thanked it's healthier to reevaluate your heart and wonder why you need to thank you and what you do is walked out by love nobody owes you anything love you don't nobody owes you anything in love you know oh no man anything but to love you lay down your life love doesn't seek it so when you're serving in a ministry and have a need to be appreciated that's a problem that's an easy target you don't need to be appreciate you go to reevaluate you're serving in a church in a ministry and you start feeling like people don't notice what you're doing time though that's warning you're not doing it to be noticed if you're doing it to be noticed back out of the ministry and get a better grip on your motive you're gonna be another hurt person that goes to church probably another one all right good you seem like you guys are really good you really do well it's the simple stuff power so and see when you're talking about world changers stuff my heart's spinning over there I'm going whoa you see what about me is really answered simply in the power the kingdom dynamic of sowing seed you say well I'm not this kind of personality I'm not this listen everybody can sow seeds of love everybody can be sincere and sow seeds of faith everybody in this room can guard your own heart and and if you couldn't he wouldn't ask you to every one of us can follow Jesus or he wouldn't invite you in but what we think following Jesus is is walking down the street and everybody that Soglin is walking straight because you walk by that's where we picture no we do we run highlight clips we run the best things we've ever seen try to blow each other's mind and set something up here that people feel like they can never reach and then they fail to just walk in the everyday seed sowing kingdom reality of just be a genuine upright-walking and love being sincere and being like Jesus because that steady anything I know we're joking about it but it's true when your co-workers see steady Eddie instead of following Freddy or whatever now if your name's Fred I didn't prophesy over you but steady Eddie is a little more solid than faltering Freddy because the best thing is all well yeah he goes to church unbelievers use your inconsistent inconsistency to relieve their own convictions and their own consciences now I'm gonna talk about works here I'm talking about you living by the spirit I'm talking about you waking up in the morning and understanding that you have this blessing in life called a mission field your sphere of influence you're gonna walk in the light as he's in the light and you're gonna let your light so shine before men without being overwhelmed pressured you just the why behind your life is settled I'm going to work to shine I'm going to work to be treated fair ain't going to be able to work for divine favor ain't going to work so the boss and pray that the boss treats me right don't matter how the boss treats me I'm gonna be like Jesus [Music] see you can't touch that and if you don't understand that then the whole time you're using your face to pray for another job to run from what you can't walk through and you think that's Christianity and then all you want to do is just give you favor every day and get you to put all those people around you that suit you instead of challenge you you don't need a new job you need to sign right where you offer this that's the reason you want to leave I'm not saying you don't need a new job all the time sometimes it's good to get a new job but but most people will look for a new job because of what they're frustrated with or unsatisfied with and a lot of times it's people connected why don't got always work beside Johnny God please today if I've worked beside Johnny I'm gonna wonder what I did God what did or did I open that you what are you trying to teach me that you gave me a life sentence working beside Johnny that people talk like that to the Lord and call it prayer Lord why are you letting this happen to me why are you doing this to me what are you trying to teach me God what door did I open to let the devil and it's usually people's stuff could you imagine Jesus if he had that perspective and mentality in his life that would have been some sad prayers what's the matter father these people are wacko I'm like healing they're sick and they're trying to figure out what Devils possessing me what's wrong with them are they that blind I mean I knew they were blind but that blind like I'm not feeling much love down here not a lot of appreciation like you let me hear their thoughts their thoughts are not cool I wish you'd turn that off I don't want to hear their faults could you imagine I don't think people appreciate me I mean I'm gonna ply their food and they come back just because they want another meal see if you don't understand this about Christian he said follow him since they sing to him and pray to him when you're overwhelmed he said follow me follow me that's Christianity follow him you'll see him frustrated and discouraged on the night he was betrayed he broke bread and passed and laid down his life he was about to get struck they were going to scatter the people he invested his life into in today's Christendom that's a hurting pastor that can't trust people anymore nobody owes him anything he's loved you said we did that because he's Jesus no he did it because he's loved don't make him a special man figure out who he is that's what he wants you to follow she will use a special man oh I get it but he didn't do it as Jesus he laid down as God I mean he laid down his reputation he laid down his glory he made himself of no reputation he was empowered by the Spirit of God he called himself the son of man God defeated the devil through a man what man failed God fulfilled through man and a man's blood read your Bible he's on the verse see at the right hand a man's blood the man read your Bible don't get mad at me people feel like you're doing Jesus and justice no no he came as a man you know what first John 4 says the spirit that doesn't acknowledge that Jesus came in the flesh is the Antichrist spirit why because the devil doesn't everyone you and me to understand the power of him coming as a man didn't come as God he came as a man and we feel like we have to still make him God God anointed Jesus of Nazareth a man God doesn't have to anoint God God's anointed the Spirit of God doesn't have to come upon a man he is the Spirit of God if he's God yeah just God every slumber was Jesus asleep at all in your Bible Wow can you tempt God he was tempted at all points yet without sin he came as a man don't get mad at that yeah be just like her that's right see I know what's going on I feel that way all the time yeah see when you got the little baby up front going wow when you say he came as a man and the little baby little baby what three four six oh I thought she was like four six months old oh I get it I get it yeah I just get it oh my goodness no see unless you become like her he's not talking about childish it's talk about innocence watch not an ounce of self conscious not an ounce just dependency not an ounce of self-consciousness not talking about childish LSU become childish it's become like a little child he didn't say a child he said a little child because it's not long in there where you lose innocence where he becomes self-conscious or that lie that we were born into an atom starts to be prevalent and dominating when you get laughed at at a young age and you realize they're laughing at you and then you either become broken and insecure and introverted or hardened and a fighter and jaded and all of a sudden the laughter is molding you instead of the truth and all of a sudden at a very young age you're nothing more than an expression of what you've been through and how you've responded instead of what he created you for because we were all born into Adam and you must people are again and somehow we turned that into a self beneficial prayer that takes me to heaven someday when this thing's a wrap instead of becoming the person he created me for and paid for me to become Christ in us the hope of glory yeah so when you get born again people you take all those insecurities you take all that stuff you take what your daddy said and didn't say and what so-and-so did and didn't you take all that and you throw it away in the baptismal you die to it once for all you say man I am not letting what people didn't see decide what I do see if he's the light of the world I ain't gonna let what I've been through govern my life if what he's been through is where I find life I'm not gonna say well you don't know what it was like when I was growing up brother you are not growing up you're 45 stop look I'm not diminishing you I'm saying stop living by that story that was all in sin that was all in life without him that was all why would you take an identity that doesn't come from him why would you wear what's not yours nobody paid for that most people just took something but when he died you died when he rose you rose in you time to believe you're not a little girl that was such strong you're a want young woman that was touched right restored restored and redeemed to truth you don't have to live by a lie you weren't a young man that was touch strong you're a young man that was touched right see we all have stories we all have go through 's we've all got our little stuff I can tell mine you can tell yours I'm not being insensitive I can tell unfortunate things and probably get a sigh out of you but then what so you just feel sorry for me because I've been through hell and then we're going to sing it's all about heaven oh it's true so we're just gonna go around the room and find out who's been through the most hell and then what sympathised a little more with them because they were through a little more than us and then mark them for the hell they've been through instead of the heaven they're created for and sympathize and feed that thing that can never go away and that identity because ain't enough sympathy that can change nothing you can't go back and rewrite one page so the gospel tears them all out just says let's start over and write a new book and so many people are hung up on writing a book about their former life don't you write some new pages why don't you learn what freedom really is and wake up and not be self-conscious and not feel like Oh buddy owes you a thing and you ain't got a make up for nothing you got one thing to do today enjoy him being in you enjoy you being in you you wake up - there you go to work and you purpose to love because you've spent time with them not complaining seeking and growing see because here's what love this loves not a good she feeling just like fullness isn't a feeling like I don't I don't know and I think you feel full when you eat some people still keep eating [Laughter] it's like hidden loving you it's so many people are looking to feel that love instead of know that love but nothing can take the knowing of the love that I know he has for me through the cross because I've spent time with him I've communed it I've acknowledged it Wow thanks for loving me the way you see me is overwhelming that's incredible that you see me as if I've never sinned that it's your good pleasure to give me the kingdom and put all that you are inside of me so I can wake up every day and live my life in you for those that live by the spirit won't fulfill the lust of the flesh I thank you I'm not in a war against my flesh I'm not fighting the devil my flesh are people I'm fighting the good fight of faith I'm just walking out what you paid for come on that's the gospel that's Christianity it is waking up to shine waking up to shine not waking up needy see when you wake up needy it's dangerous because then you put your expectations on people and then somebody doesn't say the right thing or somebody says the wrong thing and then you're only as strong as the weakness you're surrounded by that's a bummer then we think we need prayer and we think we need ministry know we need higher truth because truth will make you free yeah just think if you let the gospel teach you one thing at your age son that every day you wake up nobody owes you a thing that you're called to wake up and shine that's so powerful let's look at what love is in the Bible it doesn't seek its own and because it doesn't seek its own watch takes no account no account what of the wrong done to it then why have we been so broken up by each other why do some of us have that story laid out like it just happened yesterday when it was two years ago why do we still identify when we talk with the things that went wrong the people that did wrong if the love takes no account of the wrong why are we so influenced by the wrongs done and why do we see it so loud and clear because if God saw you and me that way we have no hope if God saw you and me for the wrong we've done he sees us for creative value potential purpose he sees you through the life that we were called to and the thing we were created for that's why God so loved the world he said how can he love when it's all that sin he doesn't see the sin he put the sin on his son take away the sin of the world get the veil off get the lie off get the wrong identity off so you're not even no longer sinners saved by grace your son's adopted in daughters adopted in with a life and the nature of God lives in you saw scripture Paul didn't write to the sinners of Ephesus he wrote to Saints and we fight over that thing and fight over that thing and prove that we don't know him like we sing the way we handle each other when we disagree is a dead giveaway nowadays social media nowadays society just write things just tear people up share their disappointments and preachers and people take us in and heretic this and their this and their that and I just wonder how many tears are shed for people that you think are that wrong because Jesus shed his blood for those very people so when people just backbite like that they're a dead giveaway they don't know the Lord that they're saying they're talking about because he doesn't do that he sends his son and lays down his life he doesn't write a blog or whatever they call I'm not an internet guy so forgive me but people just tell me the stuff that people do out there and how quick it is to cast your opinion and Paul said don't be wise in it your own opinion watch this Bible says slow to speak slow to anger quick to listen what if most of us been our whole life quick to speak don't want to hear it and I'm ticked off that's a sure sign of the fall of man perversion love lays down its life for another and most of us have lived at the expense of one another even after we were saved you cup an attitude in your home that's not life-giving you put pressure on your family members to have to respond to you as if you're the only one in the world it's a wrong form of attention it's living at the expense of others and you go to church and prove by your life you don't know him like we sing come on you can get mad at that I feel that in the room a little bit that's okay come on why would you submit to religion why would you just be mad at that why would you be frustrated that a preacher's talking like that come on if you can know him and your life could be productive and you can live in your house and walk in the light as sees in the light why would you cop an attitude that doesn't bring life if he came to give you life and want life more abundantly why wouldn't you pursue that and manifest that why would you draw from others at their expense for your game just Moody just Moody let's stop calling it normal just silent treatments to your spouse I I know I used to do it to mine she used to do it to me we weren't always born again but we're born again oh I'm telling you I'm not talking about perfection and don't get judged by me and condemned by me or try to compare to me I'm telling you I'm passionate can you say I'm fast I'm on this topic you see how that gear shifted and I got that I got really intense it's because we sell cheap and think we can't live this way when Christ is in us why because we're believing the old lie we're believing what we were taught by instead of the teacher and he said don't call anyone on earth your teacher you got one teacher and he's the price watch this and if I can't find it in his life why is it OK in my life if I didn't learn it from him then where'd I learn it if he's the teacher it's called the way that seemeth right to a man oh and you can find to a friend adore to hurting friends to agree with your feelings and give you permission to stay there but if it's not producing life it can't be the Lord so I don't need to be right in my family at the cost of truth and you're not gonna see me argue with my spouse it's forbidden territory that's so ingrained in me it's not gonna happen you say you can't say that well I've been saying it for 23 years that's a long enough time to convince myself I'm sorry if you're not convinced you don't live with me you just see me on weekends and you might be sitting here and just gave your spouse a good earful on the way here so I understand it's a little uncomfortable but if we don't challenge you into some things and call some things to the table that we continue to just do holy and then we're mad and have animosity two hours later when we're not in that setting I'd love to challenge that I'd love you to give yourself no permission to ever live there and if you catch yourself there catch yourself out of there real quick because all the silent treatment is to your spouse you get familiar with your spouse so you think you know each other so you just send that body language so so so if you're the guy you carry yourself a certain way and you got on the face that she's familiar with the sin she sees the fascia system and your hope and she's in a peaceful merciful mood and she plays into your face this is honey what's wrong are you okay is everything good all right I just walk by and go right out into the kitchen open the fridge besides control and manipulation what Jesus would never ever live that way and the only reason you're living that way is because you weren't born into him and you were trained outside of him so that's get new life through Jesus Christ and get fathered from above it's called put off the old put on the new come on I'm on this thing right now you okay you guys okay no I'm feeling like this needs a dress animosity our homes to stop winking at it and thinking it's normal and everybody has their moments no that's why you have yours because you believe that why don't you be the steward of your own heart not theirs it takes two to tango and I'm not talking about dancing yeah it takes one to pursue peace and blessed are the sounds like a good place to be blessed blessed are the four they are the sons of God so SunChips not a confession it's not a new language in the church SunChips and expression it's a life we live because of what we've become so you love what you done captured my heart a long time ago she just she's like I don't even know what you're talking about preacher I'm just so loved and I love everybody and I just got joy in my heart I ain't thought a bad thought in my little life six months of innocence Shh that's a gift right there oh my goodness and you right in the front rows he kicked in her leg biter it doesn't even sound right right it's like I'll just run biter I'll be good I ain't gonna bite you Oh her little body language see it gives her away see your body language you give you away in your family right hey sue keep your distance you know how we teach ourselves that stuff in our families keep you distance her mommy comes into the kids just leave daddy alone for a while just leave daddy alone that's not cool she has to tell the kids that and you're ushering because all you're doing without realizing it is you're sending a message to your children that Christianity is nothing more than church attendance it certainly is in Christ's likeness that's the message you're sending without even realizing it because in that moment you're right and you're mad well I thought you were surrendered and dead to yourself and alive under God I thought you were a Christian this is it okay to talk this plainer you guys okay what do you want me to like say something I couldn't say something rosy and like that not real this is real doesn't matter how well you wave that flag in worship it matters how you love say you could care less Satan could care less that we're here tonight in fact sometimes I think he invokes gather because he loves to teach religion he loves when people come to stuff like this and then push his buttons and get you to be all different ways when you leave then you look in the mirror and you don't know whether you're coming or going you're sure not steady Eddy and you don't even know if you like yourself let alone other it is not threatened because people go to church he's threatened when they pursue God's image and pursue God's love starts showing mercy and making peace and walking in life when they don't say well it's hard to forgive give me time it takes out when they don't even have a grid for unforgiveness because they're so aware of how forgiving they are that they become the beauty of that same thing that rescued them and all of a sudden they see men the way God saw them Nelson they don't have issues they have transformation and change see that's freedom you don't know freedom until you're free from yourself it's real simple it's basic I preach it everywhere I go god made man for His image the image died when man sinned he got separated from God he got cut off from love even though God still loved him he got disconnected and separated from the source of love and what was love a second ago became in need of love come on this is what happened it's Genesis 1 2 3 it's there you've got to go to the beginning to understand this thing because whoever grew up in church wondering why Jesus will go to the extreme of the cross so I could be forgiven and go to heaven and whoever had more questions about that than overwhelmed life changed heart because people said well cuz he loves you and I'm like well why is he care like why would Jesus come well I'm he had a sinner died on the cross I feel like I'm always going to just sin and mess up my whole life anyway and he did that just to forgive me and send me into his eternal party someday why is he even want me in the room and the best the preacher could say is my whole life well because they even see he's left you but nobody ever let me see his first love they just said what he died on the cross because he loves you he gave you more sand he wants you to go to heaven sees good well that made me question like but I don't even know him he's even out there why would he do that and then my young heart I believed he did it but I'd watch a crucifixion movie at Easter time and wonder why do you want me in heaven so bad that you would do that because he's good brothers see he loves but it was never a love a revelation that made me go wow and just transform my life cuz watch he says if you love me if you love me you'll do what I say to do you'll keep my Commandments he doesn't say if you love me you'll keep my Commandments what he's saying is if you love me you'll keep my Commandments and nobody loves him first except they see his first love so what's the big deal about the cross in his first love Jesus comes and says look I know what I'm paying for I know what I'm dying for I'm dying to redeem their destiny purpose potential I want to put my life back in them put my nature back in them so they can manifest the image the only reason scripturally a man is on the earth is to be found in God's image the only reason he made man is for his image you didn't make man just have fun Eden make man could he was bored and lonely he wanted to multiply himself through flesh so the glory of the Lord could cover the earth so why'd he give you flesh so you could act out and manifest what's on the inside you know them by their see all these principles are still working they just got perverted so there's this war to reproduce after its own kind so God's desires to reproduce himself after his own kind in you the enemy's desires to reproduce himself after his own kind so we went through all this stuff in the church age with holy hush tight button holy reverence couldn't even shout and clap demonic if he played drums people literally freaked out when somebody played electric guitar but let somebody pull out in front of you along the road charismatic worship service right there buddy [Music] just the wrong one the wrong God so you go to church holy house reverent somebody in front of you you you might even wave with one finger yeah be better that way thank you come on so we're taught all this crazy stuff it's religious stuff with the enemy's plan he wants to reduce people may for the image of God for the simultaneous is your own one that has no chance there's no redemption for the devil he loves when human beings believe hopelessness gets so self consumed with their circumstances their situations get so overwhelmed that they have no hope because then they look just like the devil it's a lie there's a natural knowledge surrounding it that qualifies hopelessness and the way that seemeth right so man is our tutor and if you have a Christian mentality that it's just about God blessing you and meeting your needs and making your life work and make it to the end you'll really be swallowed up by those things if all the gospel is is a beneficial thing if the only reason you're a Christian is so life goes better for you you're in big trouble change your motive increase you're a Christian to shine the gospel is not a survival kit it's the answer of a transform life where you live from a new why where your motive is totally changed where you put off the old man and his deeds you put on the new man listen Jesus didn't say whoever comes after me and believes on me needs to pray Apertura sure he's going to heaven he said if you're going to come after me then you've got to deny yourself you can prepare to go to heaven in total regard for yourself yeah and all you have is a confession of heaven but heavens not flowing out of you and all sudden that's a positional place instead of a life see live come on preacher after preacher after preacher has had this altar called I'm not trying to be mean I'm just saying what are we doing when Jesus didn't even ever say this we said if you leave tonight and you don't know where you're going and you might hit a tree on that road down there and you don't know where you're gonna end up if you hit that tree you need to get that settled now and pray this prayer so you can get your name in that book and go to heaven and we all go oh yeah oh yeah and everybody's praying a prayer in case they die they end up in the right place and we call that the greatest miracle the greatest miracle is when you die and he lives when you go to the waters of baptism on the night you get saved or the day you get saved because it was right in the message because it's all about conversion and you as a witness under God and men say I've been living my life for myself I've been angry frustrated jealous and proud he never created me for me created me for his image and I want to die to me so I could live to him I'm going under he look bold you say preacher hold me down wait to every bubble stop so I got faith I'm coming up change new life I know my hair is really white my beard is almost all white but that doesn't mean I'm the wisest man that ever lived I would I would like to tell you I'm certainly not but I believe I understand this one thing the biggest problem on the earth isn't the president's not Isis it's not racial conflict the biggest problem on the earth is that every day even church people wake up and live for themselves when they're made for God's image they pray for themselves they think for themselves they give for themselves our message is so tied into self-centeredness it's astounding we're taught to give to get the only reason we cast our Bread on the water is because it's gonna come back in any day not many days from now when do you just give cuz she give when you just lay down your life because she laughs why is it always what you can get instead of what you can become why have we reduced the gospel to a survival kit instead the answer of a brand new life come on they're in one place in the Bible you can piece together two three four scriptures now the mouths of two or more bear witness of a self-serving gospel a gospel that just blesses me and gets me a better job and fills my vats and barns that has never been the gospel from the beginning Gus was walking in surrender and integrity and character and when you don't have enough nothing changes your steady Eddy Paul didn't have enough two times that didn't mean he wasn't spiritual what proved he was spiritual is he didn't let it change you some people have both hands raised because the rent just got paid and they didn't think it was gonna and they are happy in church but next month that Rennie rolled through yet they're in church what's the matter just man just letting what's going on decide who we are let what we're going through decided rendered unproductive can't reproduce and lose out on the power of the seat you live from day to day and you're only doing as good as things are going that's a reduction in a deception you ask the average well-meaning Christian how they're doing they usually tell you the two biggest challenges in the life and say keep me in prayer that's the answer she can not being me not here to correct you I'm here to tell you who you are and what he paid for he said forgive him father they don't know what they do and you know you're getting get understanding you're destroyed for the lack of knowledge so you present yourself humble teachable and we keep growing up into him in all things yeah and it's a thing that's coming out of your life and that meant a leading that motive isn't life-giving and productive than it needs challenged and removed but you're the steward of your own heart you're not the steward of somebody else's heart you can't let where somebody is and decide where you are come on you can't let sin against you producing in you you overcome evil with good you never repay evil for evil you don't see why only did that because they started well I wouldn't well how come there I hope you talk to them come on there's a wisdom we were trained by that wasn't from her from the Lord or from the beginning it's called the wisdom of the world the wisdom of this age are you with me and it gives you a permission to be discouraged gives you a permission to be self focus self-conscious self-centered gives you permission to not walk in love you have no such permission you're created value says this is what you're here for I'd be like you so here's what makes God so awesome and this is what I saw when I got saved that just changed my life forever I never saw his first love everybody tried to tell me it was on the cross but I didn't get it and all of a sudden when I got saved I was 33 I grew up in church you said well you grew up in church you weren't safe I went through the motions like a lot of you went through the motions but I didn't love God I didn't know God I didn't seek God I got baptized at a very young age because if heaven was real I wanted to go there I sure didn't want to go to hell yeah you say well then brother see you were probably saved stop it's not even a conversation stop it doesn't matter the goal is that whether you go into heaven or hell the goal is are you being restored back to what you're here for are you just living your life the point is not heaven in hell the pole the point is taking people from the power of Satan to the power of God and walking in the light as she's in the light the goal is not heaven versus hell the goal is being transformed back into what he paid for like the cross isn't fulfilled when a man prays a prayer to go to heaven the cross is paid in full and a man's nature's restored back to love but we're so heaven hell minded the brainwashed fired actually I feel like we've been brainwashed by from the time we were little it's just been this big thing over heaven and hell heaven in hell and we preached it so much there's people out there mad because and then there's like well God's gonna send me to hell anyway he's just a controller he doesn't love me well he knew Adam was going to eat the tree why'd he put the stupid tree there anyway see all this is God for and just just just wash you now and just human wisdom just constantly putting God into the court of the mind if Adam 1/8 the tree wouldn't you be able to think that way you wouldn't be able to have that attitude he'd see clear your heart would be free but it's just never-ending debate it's not heaven in hell heaven and hell heaven in hell it's what are you here for what would you create it for Jesus did not say if any man come after me make sure he pray this prayer so he doesn't go to hell and my my Heaven's waiting for him he said deny yourself pick up your cross that means you won't get treated right sometimes but you won't let that change a thing you won't get loved by men sometimes which you won't change your view of men you are done reading a book by the cover there or Center chapters with value you are following Jesus your eyes are fixed you are picking up your cross you denied yourself now you're following him that's simple Christianity and we some don't think that's radical because you've been trained your whole life by emotions that flowed out of a self-centered wellspring your whole if you were trained by wisdom that didn't come from him so he says give your life as you know it so you can find your true life come on this thing is so important you can't put new into old how many scriptures have I quoted to back this thing up a lot of Udrih listen to this thing it's all there it just pinks one big beautiful picture but if you just cheats heaven in hell you can't even breach all these scriptures my motive for being the Christian is not so I can go to heaven and it's not so I don't go to hell that horrifies most Christians when you say that that has nothing to do with why I'm a Christian I'm Christian to become the man that he created me to be and walking the purpose that he had for me from the beginning and fulfill the blood payment of Jesus Christ him for to be the purchased possession of his blood and pay good dividends the glory of his inheritance in the Saints not your inheritance his inheritance what he gets back from the investment of the blood of Jesus what he gets back in a return for the deposit of the Son of God sure yeah so yeah to me my attitude matters to me my motive in my home means a lot to me the message I send to my fellow man is huge because it's worth the blood of Jesus to put his life in me you better believe this thing Sobers me and if I love him and see that on my darkest day he never changed his mind about me then on the night when I said I'm in he scooped me up and held me breathe life back into me we didn't have to talk for three hours and work out details he put a signet my fingers slippers on my feet and he threw a party cuz the Sun came out well and I know it he received me in a moment I live so contrary to him and he received me in a moment and this is what he showed me dan I didn't die on the cross because you were a sinner I had to die because you said I died on the cross because you were a lost son and I came to save that which was lost I didn't die because you were a sinner I died because your life has great value to my plan and I know what you look like when I'm in you and your surrendered and that's worth paying for and I started realizing his love could never fail because this love doesn't seek his own so I didn't frustrate God like your parents try to teach you well you just need God really met well you just broke the heart of God it's not a good thing to teach your children because then they start thinking that gods like you it's not a good thing well-meaning parents countless well-meaning parents well you just made the heart of God broke and you just made him angry well God saw that what are you trying to do to them develop a fear conscious relationship with the Lord that's not fueled by love that's fueled by works which they're destined to fail so now they're condemned in their heart you got to teach people who they are not what they're doing wrong you gotta make a tree good not tell it to change its fruit if you're going to tell the tree to change its fruit you probably ought to reaiiy denta fie the tree you probably ought to tell people who they are so they can bear fruit accordingly the truth come on you all okay well I'm done I'm gonna quit just because I feel like you guys need me to quit I feel like I said more than you can almost handle right now I feel like we have morale please don't get used to living in the things that don't produce life and keep it hard encouraged it's a good barometer of what you're thinking and believing doesn't encourage your heart it can't be from the Lord can't be truth he came to give you life of the life more abundantly that's not positional that's your heart encouraged it says consider him in Hebrews 12 3 consider him who endured such hostility against himself from sinners least you be weary and discouraged in your soul that means discouragement is a dead giveaway that you're being deceived so if you're discouraged where's your focus who you focused on if you're living discouraged on you and how everything's affecting you what it's putting you through what it's costing you well if Jesus lived that way he's pretty bummed out right out of the gate like the first day Jesus preached they were like it said all eyes were fixed on him can you imagine 40 days in the wilderness defeated the devil through the word and by the Spirit he takes the school and says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me it was probably like wow and everybody's like it's just everybody's eyes were fixed on me like dis Judas Wow and as he's speaking they start looking gone hey is he talking about us yeah it says they perceived he was talking about them a minute ago they're impressed they're like I never felt no authority like this in the room I never saw the one who carried himself with such a confidence who don't say they wait a minute he's talking about us yeah what do you want to kill him they went from being all in all of him to ready to push him off a cliff and get rid of him because they didn't like what he was saying you be careful when you get ticked off at preachers even when they're wrong even when their approach is wrong you be careful let your heart be bigger than their weakness I'm telling you don't don't keep like where people aren't determine where you are well they're just what they make me with that loudmouth well he's always trying to tell me what to do and all sudden he's already controlling your life because you got attitude and it ain't good so the man's already fashioning you see here's what he said he said you scribes you Pharisees woe to you woe to you woe to you woe to you woe to you and at the end here's what he said he said for this reason all the righteous blood that was shed from righteous Abel remember Cain killed Abel way back in the beginning right disabled from righteous Abel all the way to zechariah the son of berechiah he said whom you killed between the porch and the temple with the temple and I'm like wait you're the Pharisees standard and Jesus looked at you and he's serious he says for this reason all the righteous blood that was shed from able to zechariah the son of berechiah whom you murder that's what he used murdered and he says and I looked it up it was seven hundred years before and he's pointed I'm saying you murdered him what he's saying is it's a spirit it's a mentality it's a perspective that if you were there in his day you'd had done the same thing what he's saying is you're guilty I looked up the son of beric I just Sakurai the son of bear Kai and looked up the situation guess what happened they were all at the synagogue because that's what you do you go to church and the Spirit of the Lord came upon Zachariah and he called him to the order to repent and get their lives right before God and they were like hey hotshot my loudmouth preacher look it's one thing we're at church you ought to just be glad we're here trying to do our lives and tell us what to do so they stoned him and killed him why because God was saying look I don't want you to go to church I want you to be the church I want you at the altar I want you broken before me I want to restore your lives I want to transform your lives I don't want you coming and serving from a distance I don't want you attending church I want you to be my church when he preached that out they got offended and killed him for the message that he preached but the message stays the same they killed Stephen because he speaking truth but you can't quench out the truth all you can do is kill the man the truth still here who's Jesus the truth they crucify him what's God do raised him from the dead bummer you just can't win so this is something calls us into I got a close I got to finish make sure make sure that you're not in that list where you just get indignant in your heart where you're just a snap judgment person you're intellectually psychologically where you're trying to control me and just get you to believe what I'm saying no no what I'm saying is even if you disagree don't let your heart be angry it gives you away because if I am wrong you should probably weep for me can you tell I actually believe I'm not wrong and if I was wrong you should cry for me if you actually know God now if you don't know God you'll just get mad at me but see it's a giveaway these are amazing how quick it is to cry because of people their whole life your whole life and my whole life we cried because of people instead of cried for them now that's the difference ain't it when somebody did us wrong that's all we held up hi to our friends and told them what they did wrong guess what love does covers a multitude of sin doesn't expose it doesn't exploit it doesn't parade it around and guess what love does cover guess what love does love gets on a cross takes all the guilt of humanity upon herself and has made what men are so men can be made what he is this is what love looks like [Applause] forgive him father never sinned totally pure gulping curses Sonny put sin on his son he made his son to be sinning curse sin in the flesh so sin has no dominion over you they said follow me yes they sing to me pray to me he didn't say just pray a prayer to get a blessing you follow me you take of me you eat of me you learn of me if you're heavy laden if you're burning there's a reason your perspectives wrong how about coming unto me I'll give you rest my yoke is easy my burden is light because I'm not carrying the weight of self I'm walking in love I'm not burdened by what then are saying I'm not burdened by what people think I know who I am in him and when you see me you've seen the father look if you're heavy laden how about throwing down that yoke and come unto me I'll give you rest and if you come unto me deny yourself pick up your cross follow me it's the gospel I think I'm gonna I think I'm gonna do it I think I'm gonna be steady Eddie [Applause] I've been saved 23 years I'm passionate about this thing I'm not 23 years and bored with it it's a life changing eternal message and I'm going to give him glory for it through my life for eternity because he wasn't a mere man and he didn't lose sight of what I was created to be just because I did wrong he said you were more than that son and I ain't losing sight of what you're created for so he shed his own blood to prove a point that he's serious and paid the price to forgive me to get his life back inside of me come on that's a big deal and we turned it into theology and doctrine in circles churches on every corner really cuz we can't agree it's really doctrinal that we can't agree but I bet you everybody can agree and become in love that Jesus was loved so why don't we throw all that other stuff aside just for a second and let's pursue the main thing and start becoming love 1st Timothy 1:5 I found this stuff man somebody shouldn't let me read this book I read it I read it it's just the goal of our instruction the purpose of the commandment is love that means if you don't become love you miss the whole point of why he came and you pride yourself in your ministry you pride yourself in your doctrine you pride yourself in your circle your seminary degree your position your title ah and your heart doesn't love you just fault finding and criticizing that's a scary thing do you realize Jesus was like not somewhat right that every day when he spoke in the streets he's completely as right as you could ever be right who would agree who believes that he didn't even have a slant to what he said it was just crackly clear truth and guess what all men did when he stood there and spoke was listen for what they didn't agree with and could never even hear what he said to the tune of putting an innocent man on a cross being sure he was guilty forgive them father they don't know what they're doing thank God thank God Jesus isn't like any of us carrying the cross analytical thinking wait a minute I can't take no more drops the cross halfway to Golgotha playing into the hand of the enemy loved in his own life just picking up a 3-minute love of his own life are you kidding me father look what they're doing to me I'm telling you think hit me with one more Club yeah he said the pilot if my if it is no no if my fight was in this guy-- would send legions of angels a would come my father would dispatch they would protect me Jesus system faith hang he's like look really I'm a bad dude and if this wasn't the Father's plan and you didn't have authority and power to do this you wouldn't be doing nothing it's the truth I mean Jesus could you imagine Jesus dropping the cross could you imagine just for a second Jesus having a few issue moments you know father I don't I'm telling you I'm just upset man I've been thinking all the way up this hill dragging his cross I know I'm the lamb slain before the foundation of the world and I know I didn't totally know what I was gonna walk into when I walked into the flesh and looked in their eyes and we made them for their image of sheep without Shepherd it's hard to bear sometimes I weep I cry at Lazarus tomb all they can see is death that I'm the Alpha giver of life they can't even see me they just see deaths are ruled by it breaks my heart for them but you know they have pushed me a little far today I mean Barabbas are you kidding me he kills the man I raised the dead he calls this conspiracy I'm trying to make a little peace here and they want to release him and do this to me I've just had about enough if they didn't change by now they're probably not going to change and I don't really quite feel so rosy towards them right now and I'm not thinking I'm going to go any farther see you never saw that attitude in him did you did you ever see that in us where did we learn it if we didn't get it from him if he's the teacher we ought to learn from him what a deny ourself not live in rightness live in righteousness rightness makes people wrong righteousness makes wrong people have the right to be right righteousness makes wrong things right so if I can't see it in his life why would I want it in mine people said well he couldn't have said what you said because he's Jesus he couldn't say what I said because he's loved that's what makes him so incredible and no one has ever left us like this and now he empowered us to become the very same thing and people I'm telling you playing for the 15th time if we miss becoming love we've done good church without becoming her and we missed the whole point of why Cain that's what it means to be saved delivered healed made whole kept safe and sound in the truth of why we're here through the shedding of his blood by the power of a spirit good enough it's all good it's just a gospel now here's the deal yeah that's exactly how I feel now here's the I appreciate all that but listen I'm not taking away from that at all you guys are so sincere you got to walk this out it there's nothing I preached that you individually can't pursue by faith and start going after apart from any circumstance a person in your life you can't say well you don't know what I'm living with at home when I just told you who's living in you all the time because if God said to you that he was done living with you when you were in obstinance you'd have no hope well you don't know what they did to me well if God said you don't know what they did to me to us we're done and if he made us in His image and he wants us to model His image and if we forgive they'll know forgiveness then we probably had a walk like he walked I have scriptural proof it's first John chapter 2 it's amazing people say well that was Jesus we'll read your Bible any men that says he abides in him ought to walk even as he walked why because he's not talking about God he's talking about a man empowered by God and that's what we miss all the time so we can't even preach the gospel that's written because we lord our own human experience above his word he said any man that says he abides in him first John too ought to walk even as he walked it says if he loved us this way ought we not love one another so you in this you got to ask yourself am I in this for what I can get from him or my in this to become more like him because depending on your answer depends what you walk in and what you enjoy because if you're just in this to get something from him you're probably living up and down you're not steady Eddie no listen there was a time in my life both my kids took off and we're living on the wild side of things in my my wife an identity crisis and I'm traveling the country preaching identity and had no voice in her life because she believed a strong lie now that's reality I wake up every day not because I'm a hypocrite my kids are living in compromise so I'm a threat to them so they won't even talk to me and didn't even want to be around me because I stood for something so because they weren't gonna live for that I was a threat to that so it was easier to avoid me and my wife's lived in an identity crisis and I can't even speak the truth she just looks at me blank stares and says you're supposed to tell me that doesn't mean it's true so I'm pastoring full-time and my own wife won't even come to church and my two children are often Neverland that's when you find out what you understand and what you believe that's why I carry myself the way I do that's why I'm so intense because I was in those shoes you weren't in my shoes I was and I woke up every day with Jesus same purpose same focus and if my kids wouldn't want to hug me I hugged everybody else's kids that would let me hug them why watch what I understand as a parent your children have no less value than mine stop coveting your children is if they're the most special things on the planet everybody costs the blood they all have equal value your children are not less important than mine and my children aren't more important than yours they have inheritance through my life there's a spiritual truth there I get it but God never told me to covet my children over yours in fact he told me unless I love less all these things I hold dear I'll never be his disciple and some of us are Christians for the well-being of the list he told us to love less and we let personal tragedy hinder faith because we're Christians for well being instead of transformation and it's a dead giveaway when we respond in life to these things come on that's just intense strong preaching right there are you hearing are you okay let me pray something over you and we'll try to wrap this up I'm sorry I got late I got late I'm sorry I don't know what time I got up here though I probably didn't preach as long as I normally do because you guys took your time which was good it was good I had fun being here and you could tell I paid attention to India ah I'm not here just to preach I participate I took part I joined you came in here early I was sitting back here in the back totally available who saw that it's just me I'm not here to be the guest speaker I'm just part of the family and he asked me to come because he felt like I had something to say and I said well we'll come and see so I came and I guess I had something to say but people say to me all the time man that was clear that was amazing it's one thing if I preach clear it's another thing if people want it and become it it's a higher payday for a fella like me I didn't emphasize on the seed so and think I'm gonna talk about it tomorrow I know I can feel it burning in my heart and I got a quick cuz I'm so late if you can come back tomorrow come if you can't who ever see her will preach it and if you're not here we'll just preach it anyway there's something about sowing a seed that's so powerful that you can't even measure and it's a kingdom dynamic that gets missed all the time because we're always looking for fire and glory and and power and we miss the everyday sowing seed x as many faces as I'm looking at I mean this is an army this is an army it's really an army if we start if half of us get half of what we're going to talk about this weekend it's going to have huge impact I just know because it's the way we live it's the way we teach to live and I just know how it impacts so father I just thank you right now for your grace in this room I just thank you for grace for change that it's not works it's not legalism that there's no come or obligation here it's just what we're created for it's your goodness calling us back your goodness leading us to repentance Jesus coming and dying because you never lost sight of what you made men to be and no matter how far we ran and live from that truth you paid a price to bring us right back to that first day with you I thank you that sin can't change that the devil can't change that just us failing to receive it it's the only thing that could change that but in the end we'll find that even if we were unfaithful you remained the same don't let one of us find that out in a painful way don't let one of us stand before you and go oops but everyone in this room be touched by the conviction of the Lord to wear the word of the Lord and the truth of your word brings revelation to our lives so no one's surprised on that day but let us have boldness in the day of judgment because as he is so are we in this world so I asked for grace today to walk in love live by the spirit and see others through your eyes and I thank you for it okay and I asked for grace in homes in marriages to bring healing and restoration and no matter where a family was before this night I think you can find a place of change I thank you that you rekindle hearts you change perspectives take off the blinders the unresolved conflicts the layers and let our eyes see one another clear through your love I thank you we're not waiting on each other or privilege to be come let everyone seize the moment we're in Lord and let everyone live and walk in a manner worthy of you inje just name Amen amen amen yay okay you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 23,873
Rating: 4.8790321 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, OneChurch, 2018
Id: OiHA7TnaaCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 51sec (5511 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 07 2018
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