Dan Mohler @ Central Assembly of God - 2 - Communion

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bless you guys yay for Jesus amen thank you come on let's grab a seat and roll with this thing whoo-hoo we're not going to we really won't stay super long I won't be really any later than you normally are on a Sunday that won't limit God at all my view of a Sunday morning is just this corporate gathering it's synergistic its corporate celebration its worship it's all together just acknowledging the glory and beauty of who he is right looking around the room realizing you're not the only one believing what you're believing and it's just an encouraging time right so you hear what the Lord saying and boom we roll on and look a little more like him when we go and that's really the goal on a Sunday morning to me so I've pastored for a while before I started traveling and and I was never really long on a Sunday morning I felt like it was just a good celebration time to come and look a little more like him when we leave so now last night I preached a long time because as a special service and if you got done before me you could have slipped out [Laughter] we're gonna receive Communion obviously very special to my heart the revelation behind Communion pastor Curt mentioned last night about God and the disappointment factor thing that he talked about I'm not gonna get into that but he mentioned another comment in the same light that they have served in angry God etc I want you to think about something that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son there's no place in the Bible that says the reprimand of God leads a man to change I was talking to one of your leaders yesterday he said he was reprimanding one of his children and right in the moment the Lord said hey if I reprimanded you that way would it draw you farther away from me or closer and they said Wow farther away he said that's what you'll do to your child there's some preachers that are afraid to preach the love of God because they have this belief that it will empower people to stay the same it's the total opposite like I'm changed in my life you don't live with me you just see me on weekends I live with me I actually like me now do you know many people don't like themselves do you know how many people need people to like them to think they're likable that they're weighing their value based on the response of others instead of the cross and the finished work and God saying I love you through his son it changed me like he loves me like he saw my value when I had none he knew my destiny when I couldn't see tomorrow and on my darkest day he didn't lose sight of what he created me for and created me to be and his love never failed that makes me happy you know what it does it restores you diligence and integrity and all the things that were lost through sin it puts all those things back into your life I didn't find a way to sin and get away with it I found a way to be free to not be driven by the flesh and to live by the spirit and to be one with him that sounds like good news to me so I'm not preaching some greasy grace thing something that just says oh it's okay God just loves you anyway he always loves us but he wants us transformed and it's not works and it's not law and it's not legalism it's the goodness of God when you start seeing the value that he possesses towards your life to the tune of the blood of his son you'll start living up to that level when a person has a low esteem when a person has a crushed identity when doesn't value themselves they live up to the low level in which they see themselves so almost every addictive cycle is rooted is a lack of identity and a low esteem towards an individual when you don't see yourself worthy you won't live worthy when you think you're less than you'll live less than and if you make a tree good and tell a person who they really are see making a tree good or making a tree bad has to do with identity doesn't have to do with works doesn't mean try harder get it straight means become what he paid for and if you see what he paid for and you make a tree good and you teach people who they are through the cross and through even the truths behind communion the fruit will be good it doesn't mean try harder means believe what you've become now that he came there's a big concern about grace on the earth and there's a lot of people that speak out a turn and they mark people as grace preachers and grace movement and grace this and that and there's a lot of concern out there and it it concerns my heart that men are speaking out a turn men of reputation men that are reputable and and men of God that are gifted and then they speak out a turn and and and here's the simple truth about it when you hear a person preaching grace if the grace isn't leading to transformation its perversion it's just that simple grace is the etching tool of God grace is God's empowerment grace is God's ability to change a life so if you're preaching grace it's it's not a permission slip to stay the same and say oh well he loves me anyway when you're really preaching grace it's God changing a person into what he paid for into what he sees from the beginning grace changes you're saved by grace through faith when you see the truth about who God created you to be grace begins to make that truth your reality when you believe it and then you are what you are by the grace of God we beheld him in grace and truth it's grace for grace this gospel has always been about grace just because somebody preached it in a way that gives permission stay the same doesn't mean you throw away the package and that's not swing the pendulum so people get real liberal and preach the grace that allows you to just live whatever and claim his love and then this camp sees that and goes ah and they tighten their messages to pull those over and the pendulum swings this way and then they go more liberal and it's just oh and there's this healthy beautiful place right here where Jesus is going hey guys right here when we receive Communion today it's gonna be an intimate fun time in it and we're gonna talk about a little bit about some things I want to share what happened on the cross real quick and then we'll get some some fellas up here to help us get this in everybody's hands I want you to slow down for a minute and just think about this Jesus came to the earth as a man he must really value the destiny that he created man to live that an innocent God the Son of God innocent holy righteous pure son of God would become a man he was put by Holy Spirit into the womb of a woman guys don't get familiar with this don't just turn it into a Christmas Easter thing this is amazing it's it's actually it's the heart of the gospel it's God became flesh why to redeem flesh why is he care about redeeming flesh because he knows why we're here and what he made men for and he never lost sight of that truth and that purpose don't let love be a mystery I can't believe God would love me that's because you value yourself based on your own lack of performance of your own resume you're confused that God can love you because you weigh yourself based on yourself you don't weigh yourself based on your created value and purpose God knows why he made man he made men for His image to cover the earth with his glory it's simple God has never changed no matter manners changed in sin and time has passed by he still knows why men are on the earth and he paid the price of his son to redeem that truth in our lives so he once again could live inside of us not so he could jot your name down on a roster but to put himself back inside of us yeah and live inside of us they paid a price so we could be one guys that's incredible to me that is far from a Christmas story a baby in a manger a suffering Savior on a cross it's so much more it's intimate it's personal it's God becoming one with man and man becoming one with God it's covenant it's Co Union Communion it's all that his mind is yours and all that is yours is mine and to become one really good and today isn't today never was the day to have an attitude to be touchy to be whatever well I don't know if I like that right no no today is a day to just fall before him and surrender performance' you know what man you know the truth about me the truth about my life and then I said it yesterday the reason life is a grind to people the reason people are trying to get through life is because they're living life outside of why they're here there's no grace outside of why you're here that's why it's a trial and that's why it's a struggle that's why it's a push and shove that's why work feels like a grindstone because you don't realize it's a mission field where you shine and all you can do is complain and wait for another job with more pay to get fuller vats and bigger barns because you're not getting any younger and all of a sudden you're being driven by something that's not man that's good preaching right there just in case you didn't catch it I just want to let you know that is really truth preaching in your church right there come on because those kind of beliefs don't don't produce fruit and life and good things so it's so simple this thing is so simple if what you're believing in what you're thinking isn't producing life it can't be the truth if you're just toned down and whatever and all I'm getting by brother we'll keep you in prayer hanging in there man well we're trying to make it ah what is that that's living outside of truth that's rapping no faith around what really is that's failing to wake up in the morning and taking the time to not just try to wake up and and pull yourself out of bed but to take the time to realize that today's the gift and you have another day and life is a gift and you have another day to be like him and be one with him and to know him and be loved by him and you don't just wait for God to come and and wrap you in his life so many people waiting for this big Kabang like I just can't wait till God manifest his love to me he already did he put his son on the cross that is a manifestation of the love of God and you put your faith in me I love you from the Lord come on Jesus is hanging on a cross that's I love you guys I know every one of you I knew you from the beginning you're worth this price pleases me to bruise the Sun so I can put my life in you don't run from me run to me don't hide come out love you that's the cross that's what the cross is saying don't get familiar with the don't let it become Church language don't get religious don't know this whole message and not be changed by it you say how do I do that you get personal with him you get along with him when nobody's in the room thank you for loving me thank you for valuing my life thank you for seeing fit Jesus to hang on the cross and suffer for doing no wrong to take all the wrong I've ever done away God thank you that it worked it's perfectly pure and amazing it's absolutely happened his blood Jesus is speaking better things over my life and you see me and value me and love me I know tons of Christians I've met in my life that never even think that way when they're alone let alone talk that way to the Lord and it's knowing him not serving him that will change your life serving him won't transform your life in fact your question if you're serving good enough long enough doing enough and you'll always be in question in quandary but knowing him is transforming knowing him is the change of our lives communion has everything to do with initiating that relationship it's a good springboard it's a good it's a good contact point of faith communion is an amazing tool with you will given by God to activate your heart toward him I've had countless people if I'd take a show of hands and you were actually honest this morning there's people that make the attempt to get along with God and commune with God but their flesh kicks in it doesn't feel real he feels far away feels mechanical doesn't seem like anything's happening I've heard all that and then some so then they pull out of that place and just reserve to their prayer list and pray about stuff and people and things instead of communion and love and yay yeah am i making sense and they said yeah but when I get there I just freeze up and I don't know what to say and I don't have any words and I'm there I am I'm sitting on the bed in like okay well I'm here and I think we're just waiting for this love bubble to come around us it's not like that it can be but it's not even healthy if that would come before faith and belief because if that would come before belief then you always need the bubble and then you look at people that look like they're in the bubble and you want to get around them and hope you brush against them and maybe they'll pray for you and the poeple preaching good aina that's not our goal our goal is to know him it's the knowings Paul writes about knowing this and knowing this and we know this and knowing this it's an intimate revelatory word that's from the heart the knowings of God if you don't spend time in the love of God communing with God believing his love declaring his love talking to him when nobody else is in the room and saying and believing that he loves you and values you how will you ever get the knowing of your value settled in your heart that's why looks bother us and that's why people affairs move us and manipulate us and that's why many good people live this way because life is speaking louder than truth but yet truth is what makes you free there's something about knowing him Jesus didn't say eternal life is a prayer that sends you to heaven he said this is eternal life oh it's there it's John 17:3 I read it it's there it says this is eternal life that you might know him knowing him I said turn 'life him who's him the only true God and His Son Jesus Christ there's some about waking up in the morning instead of going oh my god you're gonna have to help me today that isn't prayer that's a self-centered self-focused deceived complaint session that sounds spiritual because you mentioned the Lord in it six o'clock already are you kidding me six o'clock what God I'm gonna need you that's not prayer stop like why did I have to pee it 3:30 and then I couldn't go back to bed so for you know I'm gonna be tired one night just one night I would love to touch face so good that you would just let me sleep oh not I know what people do they wake up so self-conscious and then they turn their self consciousness into a complaint session that they call prayer we're gonna have to empower me to get to work today because I don't know in that boss I don't know why you let him do that to me if I'm in covenant with you and you love me I would think you're just Wednesday's knock him off is when the whole goal of your life is to love him and to shine and be thankful and to be merciful and be a peacemaker and walk in the light as Jesus is in the light I promise you God the father's not our busboy or a table waiter he's not the one that makes your day work the way you hope he's the one that lives in you and shines through you in loves like he loves ya there's something about being thankful there's something about wrapping faith around your day waking up in the morning and yes your body's tired and man you could use an extra hour but it's time to get up because you got a work schedule and your or whatever to whatever timeframe and you're committed and you got to punch in your card you can't lay there all your body wants another hour but your heart starts getting bigger than your body and father I just thank you for the gift of life today man you know right now I could just lay in this bed for another hour but you know what and you roll over and you sit up in bed I just honor you and worship you and thank you for the grace of life and all of a sudden you start rapping purpose around your day and you thank God he loves you in holy spirit I so appreciate that you're in me and with me and all of a sudden yuning with them and you might finally make it to the bathroom and instead of going ugh you go man you are really growing with God and I just thank you God for what I see in the eyes of that person right there man that is righteousness being revealed you love them God Wow dude you're amazing people say well you're boasting in men you're making men something no no I'm boasting in God in men I'm boasting in the truth of the beginning let us make man in our image he wants to live in you and live through you if you don't recognize who he is in your life come on it's not vanity how will you ever walk in truth let's stop boasting in this false humility thing and think we always have to talk ourselves so far down as if to lift him up he's supposed to acknowledge every good thing you have in him you're supposed to believe the truth he's the one he's the one that made you one with him he's the one that seated you in heavenly places in Christ Jesus he's the one that paid a price to live inside of you you probably ought to be okay with it look I'm just I got over it a long time ago I'm not trying to offend you or frustrate you or Sam self-righteous he absolutely loves me well how do you know that Dan because your life works and goes good no because Jesus came and died on the cross period that's my starting point that's that's that's where love is rooted and grounded and proven he came I know people that say well the car broke down this week and I got laid off and my wife's acting crazy I thought God loved me God's love is not questioned by your circumstances it's established through the cross [Music] come on if love's not established through the cross how will you ever walk in faith when faith working through love you to be rooted and grounded in love how are you rooted and grounded if life has the ability to question what's settled so this communion today is the personal contact point I believe Jesus said this he said as often as you do it you don't need lead in a church service you don't need pastor Kerr to Pastor Dan pastor Adam or anybody to lead it let your own heart lead it you can do it in your bedroom I people get people get funny they get so religious we don't realize it we do just what the Pharisees did they listened to Jesus to hear what they didn't agree with and got mad a preacher the kingdom school won't sit you could be sitting eating a bowl with Cheerios ready to go to work and you could just look at the cheerio floating on yours for some reason that's offensive to religion because religion loves you to do the form of everything so perfect but not be changed to put all your pride in what you do instead of your heart and what you become it's legalistic and it stinks before the Lord how's that I've never said that on tape it stinks before the Lord religion wretched you could look down at that cheerio on your ball on your spoon and you could just remember it's just all of a sudden you just you take it off your spoon Lord Jesus right now I'm just remembering your death and what you did for me you check that one little cheerio before it's too soggy knees it just drives religion crazy but but I'll tell you what it'll do so much good for your heart because at your breakfast table and you're the only one sitting there ready to go to work you're doing that you're either one or two things you're either deceived deluded and you ought to get a hobby or gods real and he's changing your life it's one or the other it's one or the other you take time to go in your bedroom and sit on your bed and talk to the Lord you're either talking to the walls in the air and you want to learn to fly a kite or go fish or something or he's real and he's in that room and if you stay there and stay faithful to be in there and you seek Him he'll see you there and you'll find him and it's not that he was hiding it study awakens and opens up your heart with no wings like people look at me they see my passion they see my problem is the knowings in my life that if I have a problem that's my problem everything I'm telling you is my truth don't be afraid you'll get like me you're not compared to me just be the best you you take that little cheerio you're sitting at your breakfast table you only got 10 minutes you got to get in the car you got to work schedule you snap the thing Lord Jesus thank you and you died and you gave your life that I might have life I got this little window called life I'm not gonna miss this thing it's before me you have opened my heart continue to open my heart Holy Spirit I so welcome you Lord Jesus you pay for my Redemption my restoration for God to live inside of me by his Spirit I just thank you for the body you gave I just thank you for every scar every mark every bruise every drop of blood I receive your love today and thank you for empowering me to look like you shine like you think like you and be like you Holy Spirit I welcome you take that spoon and it's milk and it's white but it's a contact point and Lord Jesus that blood that ran down your body I just thank you my blood for your blood my life for your life I give myself to you thank you that I'm clean before the throne it would Duke so many Christians so much good to do this thank you Father when you're looking down at me you see me holy blameless and above reproach and I'm gonna keep believing it and it's gonna keep producing the fruit of holiness Romans 6 I'm gonna stop trying to be holy that's a dead-end street I'm gonna believe I'm righteous and righteousness alone will produce fruit in my life that looks more like you thank you for empowering me to live this thing yeah that's breakfast you follow me it's contact point of faith there was a season in my life where Holy Spirit said I want you to receive Communion every morning just receive it every day every morning every day and it was pretty much in the morning is when I was doing it and it was for several months I had a pastoral schedule at office hours it was getting sketchy man I'd be 45 minutes in and I'm still holding the bread and the cup and I still didn't take the bread because my heart is just exploding with everything the flesh paid for everything the body of Jesus accomplished scriptures are running through my mind and I'm communing them with the Lord and the knowings in my heart are going like this because I'm remembering I'm remembering its contact point of faith you take that it actually puts words in your heart words in your mouth all of a sudden you're not stalemated self-conscious sitting on your bed wondering where I'm gonna go here now cuz it gets weird for people they're like well I just don't know what to pray I get alone and I just trouble is we get feeling self-conscious sometimes we take 10 20 minutes to get past ourself to think we can approach him you come through the blood you come sincere but I'll tell you what you take a communion elements it's automatic conversation Lord Jesus this represents everything you've done Holy Spirit I thank you for quickening me and bringing all the scriptures and I've ever read concerning this truth to my understanding man I want the knowings in my life to be built and to be slowly building you and all the sudden you're holding up bread and you're talking to him and you're thanking him for the cross thanking him for being totally innocent and not changing his mind for love that never fail and all the sudden the qualities that make him Lord that make us love him you start realizing other qualities he called you too cool sudden you realize he paid a price for you to be the body of Christ why isn't this talk like crazy right the expression of Christ he paid for you to express him not sing to him not pray when you're driven in need to express him how are you gonna do that by being filled with the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead by being one with him by knowing and confident that he lives in you and he'll never leave you alone or forsake you and he's just close as the mention of his name yeah the more you see how he sees you the more you'll see yourself in truth and then what happens is you look through your eyes and see everybody else in that same truth that's why it's so easy to love I don't know most of your names but I know your value I know the price he paid I am sure not sacrificing right now I'm not doing the preaching thing I'm not nervous and I'm not running out of time and I'm not running out of words I'm looking at you guys and going this is so easy I know who you are maybe more than you know who you are some of you just so I know there's a time to be born in here you said I know life comes from God and he's the author and giver of life I know that no matter where you've been and no matter what you've done his mind isn't changed about you and he paid a price to redeem your purpose your destiny so you could write legacy and stand it for him someday and be honored and glad that you could believe I know that about every person I ever run into that's why people don't bother me and get under my skin I got new skin well they just get on my nerves well but they don't get on God's nerves you ought to question that phrase well they just bothered me I just stay away from them they just kind of wig me out well they probably don't wig God out I'd probably look at that and be concerned you learned that stuff through Adam not through Jesus you learned that stuff through self-centered self-conscious flesh pride and preferences and presumption and comparisons and first impressions wonder if you walk in the room and just start seeing the truth about everybody wonderful the people that are farther from the truth of the people that you feel a heart for more and mercy rises up and you actually gravitate to instead of run from I bet you that's Jesus huh he got a little hit hard and critiqued by the leaders of the day for the people he hung around why do you think he hung around those people oh because she knew who they were when they didn't have a clue he knew what they were created for and called to and they didn't have a clue any gravitated to him and he hung around he said that the people that are well don't need a physician it's the SEC like why are you hanging out in their house hate that so if I could have the team that's going to help me do this this would be amazing I'm going to talk a little about this communion as they're getting ready just just listen up they'll come to you in a minute don't be distracted by them getting ready they're just this is just their gonna do a great job I can tell they're they're a unit we appreciate you guys they got like 16 of a man it's going to be a done deal thank you God Father we thank you that today is full of revelation we thank you that today is full of understanding more than that I pray personally pray and I know the leaders and many people would say yes to this we pray for a revelation a deeper revelation of knowing you of your personal intimate love in a way that would empower every one of our lives to shine a little more love a little more to be a little more like you let this tool called communion let this contact point of faith come alive in our hearts and let us find ourselves remembering you until that day when you come in Jesus name Amen go ahead guys do what you got to do is it okay if I talk why they're handing that out pastor listen I want you to understand something before this all comes to you and we do this when Jesus hung on a cross you have to understand that God didn't curse his son on the cross God made his son to be sin what God cursed on the cross was sin he cursed sin in the flesh your Bible teaches you that he destroyed sin in the power of it he's the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world anything hanging on a pole has been cursed by God he who knew no sin was made to be sin so he literally was made to be like us so we could be empowered to be like him you have to understand many things about this like like I shared this up I'm sure I shared this when I was here before I share it a lot it's powerful Jesus was beat beyond description when they beat him guys they didn't just do 40 minus 1 stripes and they didn't just put stakes in his hands and his feet they beat him and pummeled him and whipped him and smacked him in the passion movie is probably only about half way there did you ever see the passion you say how do you know it was only halfway there cuz of the Bible the Bible says he was marred more than any of the sons of men that means when they were finished with Jesus his he was so disfigured his flesh was so mauled that he was marred more than anyone ever was at the hands of a man marred more than any of the sons of men that means when they were done with Jesus his appearance surpassed the worst that ever was you know how when people would be called witches in those days and stuff and they'd say they were practicing sorcery and stuff they'd just tie him to a stake and burn him they put a bunch of wood down just burn them on a stake right you burn a person on a stake and then the fire goes out you tell me if you can tell who they are you tell me if you could tell if they're even a male or a female he was marred more than anybody ever so would it be safe to say that when they were done beating him you couldn't possibly tell who he was and what he looked like would it be fair to say that when they were done beating him that you could even tell if he was a male or a female because he was so disfigured marred more than any watch there's a reason for all this it's all tied up in the cross it's like his body he was who knows that he got separated from God when he was hanging there do you know that since scripture why did he get separated it's a parallel to pay the price for you to forever be joined why did he die so you never will oh my goodness like I'm never gonna die he's gonna shoot you in the chest with a 9-millimeter you're gonna die you were wrong I'm never gonna die yay so why do we fear death because we live sentiment oh and we're living for now instead of living for him that's why we fear death they marred Jesus more than any of the sons of men why when sin got done in the garden with Adam when sin got finished with Adam when he gave himself to sin and he did the voice of his wife instead of God's watch this here's a man that was made for God's image who was walking in absolute love and living in the spirit to a tee he was a son when sin got done with him he didn't look anything like he was created to be he completely lost his appearance in His image so Jesus came and lost his appearance to power low and pay the price to get our identity back and to be restored back to the beginning there's no selfishness in love there's no love and selfishness they don't agree God made man in His image and God is love God made man to love when man got cut off from the source of love and sin separated him from God he got cut off from love God still loves him but he got cut off from love and became in need of love you and I were born into that the need of love it's driven us guys you're created to love and we've reduced to needing it instead of being it and then if we're not careful we preach the gospel where it's just God loves you God loves you God loves you God loves you who knows I'm not being sarcastic and making fun of God loving us it's a key but we make it all about God loving you and never transition into becoming that same thing the goal of the Cross is not you being loved by God the goal of the Cross is you becoming the love of God to where once again man is found in his image you put off the old you put on the new he's renewed in knowledge according to the image Colossians 3:10 of the very one who made him don't you get served or so far removed from this truth that you just follow our flesh and follow our experiences and all the sudden we're following one another oh well that was God this is us hey brother will never be perfect and all that stuff we say not even talking about perfect talk about love don't tell me you can't walk in love don't tell me you can't deny yourself and follow him don't tell me you can't not love your own life unto death as the Scriptures call us to it and that awesome so man got cut off and became in need of love Jesus comes becomes what we were so we could become what he yes and all of a sudden were filled with the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead and we're back in the beginning as if God and man were never separated as if man never sinned because the blood speaking better things holy blameless and above reproach how could the Bible say your holy blameless and above reproach there's any trace of wrongdoing between you and God he has such a clear view of you through the cross he sees you through the righteous blood of his son and it makes you righteous he rules his kingdom with the scepter of righteousness and every man that comes in bounds before him he Knights you with righteousness and he says stand before me and be right not because you did right because you believe right and he did right and all of a sudden it puts a new fresh integrity a new desire and all of a sudden the goodness of God is leading your heart to change yeah it's the Covenant I have with him it's the relationship that I have with him that empowers my life to live this way I'm not trying not to sin I'm enjoying being his there's a big difference I'm not waking up to do right I'm waking up mate right yeah yeah and this that we're about to partake of right now oh we're so on time too I told you I would be a good boy today your pastors trying to get me to go late don't matter when you get done if it's on your heart y'all says no we're getting out of here stop it get thee behind me Kurt he loves me he's giving me so much freedom don't know don't cut you short I'm like I'm cutting it short I'm having fun I just threw him under the bus didn't I yeah no no he's excited it's cuz he's a man of God and he likes me and we're sitting there in his light go for it man don't worry about the time but but I never really go late on a Sunday on purpose and then Holy Spirit doesn't mind it's not religion take this little whatever this is this is different this is different this is this is to promote faith right the body of Jesus he's a bent up way for Jesus has become a bent up way I'm having fun with you it's a contact point of faith pastor's wife is mouthing to me it's really good I almost ate it so here's what I want you to do obviously we're all in a room and we're all together and we're laughing and we're having fun but picture yourself all alone and how powerful this would be when you're just alone and nobody in the room that's powerful guys I'm just gonna paint a little picture and then we're gonna do this together but I want you to do it from your heart but I'm just go painting a little picture right now just picture being all alone sitting on your bed just at the kitchen table you just hugged your spouse and say hey I'm just gonna slip off to the room and they know what that means because you've been slipping off to the RO and it's a good thing it's not like I wonder what they're doing in there and I wonder what computer button they're hitting and all that stuff that's happened in marriages it's actually all of a sudden you just want to go be with him when this stuff got real in my life that I'm talking about you know what I would do I would close my bedroom door when I came out never do that it's open it was open when I left yesterday I didn't leave it open all the time but when I got saved to get this understand he was a contact point I just closed my door why it's not a deep thing I had to open it to go back in why does that matter cuz I was going back in to meet with him and I liked the door being closed because then I would sneak up there look it's me I just came to be with you this came to talk with you my goodness I'm either out of my mind right now or he's real and he's gonna meet me I'm telling you four or five days into that the knowings in my life were undescribable now don't you put a time limit on God and don't you see what Haverford and for far this top it's face I'm talking about faith if he never put the knowings in me I still want to go be with him I'm still gonna go commune and what but the knowings gain why cuz faith was there and I'm gonna meet with him and I could have been doing a hundred other things that might not have even been sin right but I want to be with him and I want to get to know him and I'm like a little boy that honors his daddy and wants to be just like his daddy and daddy's a CRO and can't do any wrong but in this case I really do have that daddy I don't grow up to be fifteen and think why did I used to dig my dad like that he's kind of nerdy stuff like that happens to people and then dad's drone his identity from his relationship with his son his sons changing and now they're all crashing and burn and why cuz this might be missing you don't live from one another you live from him I need you to lock arms with me so we can have impact and cover the earth with his glory I need you to run with me to have greater impact but I never need you to know who I am and to be secure cuz if I need you to know who I am I'm only as good as you see me and I'm gonna stay insecure and I'll be as strong as the weakness that surrounds me he doesn't change people change people go to a church and think the pastor's amazing in six months later they say you know I'm not sure something's changed with him I think we ought to look for another church and people Church shop and then pastors and leaders try to market a better product we're not trying to do church we're becoming her and if what you do call church isn't empowering you to become her we're way deceived if all your lights and smoke and all your powerful sounds and tunes and blastin instruments aren't producing Christ in your life and you're looking more like in when you wake up or probably play in church instead of being her and we're probably letting a lot of things take the place of knowing him yeah so have the best you can have but make sure the point and the reason why is is this I love what you have up here I love what you got going on I really do I mentioned it every time I'm here I said man you got a full man this is full-blown make sure it's always for this reason that we leave here inspired to look a little more like him than when we came that in our own homes were gonna be peacemakers not fight over where we're gonna eat today and have animosity in the car not receive Communion and then just live the way we've lived come on I want change I don't have to agree with you to love you and it takes two to tango it takes one to pursue peace so make sure your that one especially in a household in a home where there's children and parents and siblings of different ages you'd be an example parents don't let your children quote get on your nerves and I think if you don't wanna listen either this that don't don't let your heart shift on why you're here on the planet and even if there's animosity and even if your children are doing things out of control make sure as they grow older when they look at you and think of you deep in their heart all they know is you've looked like you and if you've missed that in any way make peace on it immediately say you know what I know I got a little intense awhile ago and I was a little frustrated I'm emitting I never want to touch you that way sweetie son I never want it and you weep and you hold them and you make sure they see the power and beauty and sincerity of repentance because it's never about failing it's always about becoming you don't hear a preacher say well then I'm blew it no no we only blow it if we stay that way when we know it's not produced in life I think our children need to see the humility of repentance children if you have a parent that doesn't get it and live it or they go to church and sing and raise both hands but they bass you with their words and you watch them slam your other parent with their words don't you let what they don't see defined what you do you'd be a living example an epistle you get in your bedroom and you grow in Christ and you shine in the midst of that don't let your heart get hard don't you judge them don't you say well they take me in makes me so mad they're such a hypocrite don't you let their hypocrisy heart in your heart come on guys we have sold cheap so many times and when I read my Bible we're not for sale you're already bought with a price and you're not your own so you might want to after today consider getting a loan and you can pull off a piece of bread you can buy this cool stuff if you want you can take a cheerio out of the bowl honestly I honestly don't think Jesus cares at all what matters is that as often as you do it you do it in remembrance of me till a commie says in my death till icon what's the point to keep you focused and what it's all about so you know that life speak louder than truth he tells you to set your mind on things above why does your mind wants to go on tilt and go other places that don't matter yeah so on the night Jesus was betrayed he took bread and he broke it it's fascinating on the night he was betrayed his idea of responding was to give his life not say I can't believe you're betraying me you got to make sure in the night you're betrayed you're not just crying and calling a friend and ask him for prayer make sure you're following Jesus not just using him for a better day because on the night he was betrayed his idea of responding was laying down his life when he rose from the dead he said to Mary go tell my brother and he didn't say go tell my 2-faced back-stabbing cowards he said go tell my brother and you know what he's saying I haven't changed my mind about you they sat at the table and said we'll die for him and he said no I'm gonna be struck and you're gonna scatter and they said no we'll die for you and amongst themselves they all convinced one another will die for him he knew they wouldn't on the 90s betrayed come on that's a hurting Minister in today's Christian world live lay down my life for the last three years and gave myself thick and thin stayed up for hours prayed and I watched over them and I manifested the gospel and board signs and witnesses of the gospel of power and signs and there's nothing I've liked or failed to do and these guys want to run out on me as soon as it gets tight you can't trust nobody they said they're for me John laid his head on me all the time said I love you John get off of me on the night he was betrayed he took bread and he broke it and he didn't let what men didn't see and who men weren't decide who he was and he continued to say when you see me you're seeing him what an honor people God made us for this this thing is in a prayer that takes you to have and it puts heaven back into you and reestablishes why we're all here and I don't want the wisdom before him to be my wisdom now because it wasn't ever producing life I don't need a right to be less than him never reason for being like him so on the night he was betrayed he took bread and he broke it and he passed it around when you take this bread in your personal life even today I want you to think of a things that come to mind that his body accomplished and first John 4:1 it says any spirit that doesn't acknowledge Jesus coming in the flesh isn't from the Lord that's strange why isn't it any spirit that doesn't acknowledge Jesus as Lord or something else why is it a spirit that doesn't acknowledge Jesus coming as a man why is that the sign of an antichrist spirit because the Spirit doesn't want you to know what is flesh accomplished I am right with God like I have oneness with God his life is inside of me because of this right here like I have access to heaven I see that I have Jesus the Son of God he's a high priest where he's passed through the heavens and I come boldly to the throne of grace so you want to look and you want to go you know what then you were whipped and B you were broken on that cross so that I could be restored redeemed healed delivered and unbeatable and you showed me humility and integrity you suffered as a wrongdoer you hung there they had to strip you naked they had to try to totally diminish you and mock you and make you look so insignificant and you didn't say a word you did it cuz you saw the other side and the joy set before you and the fruit of what you are doing you knew that one day I could stand here and a total unveiled face to God and be right in the sight of our Father because of the sacrifice you made I love you I honor you and I thank you for what you did in your body for me see it's personal guys you look at this bread and you start thinking man they were one from the beginning whatever that means you look up the word the beginning in Hebrew and it just means back and back and back till there is no beginning but in the beginning whatever that is he was there one with the father from the beginning and now on the cross he separates from the father the father pulls back and separates because that's what happened through sin to us so he literally became like us and was apart from God why so you and me you and I could forever be joined in D 1 and never live separate again if he didn't want that why would he pay for that oh so you look at this and you think of these things and you go oh my goodness you will beat beyond description and unrecognizable kind of like this thing and and you did it so I could get my identity back and so that could look like I was created look and see like Sheree says you know it's good you taste and see the Lord is good like yeah so when you're receiving Communion don't ever just do it as an ordinance don't do it in works don't just do it cuz there's a little sign in and you feel accomplished because you received communion it's full of truth it's full of it's full of exchange it's it's full of and you have to let those things become real in your own heart search out the scripture ask Holy Spirit to show you everything that this body paid for amen let's just do this together right now you take that and you look at that and from your heart you thank him for something that you're beginning to understand right now like understanding that God forever wants you to be joined to him but he was willing to put everything you ever were and ever did on his own son so you could become his own son and then in his master plan on the third day he raised Jesus from the dead according to the spirit of holiness is that too cool or what hell had to freak out man or like what we thought we won are you kidding you made a big mistake pal you crucified the Son of God shed innocent blood and now his blood is speaking better things over a guilty humanity and they're coming out of darkness into the light by the thousands [Laughter] you just take this bread you just think about this as being the body of Jesus in a contact point of faith and personal intimate and if maybe for the first time you would just look at this bread and just say out of your heart wow you really do love me I have nothing to make up for I'm not passing a test today you passed the test for me you gave me a passing grade I'm already in you value my life were you when they gave yours there's another side of this that I practice a lot I look at this bread and say Lord if you gave your life surely I'll give mine if you were willing to die for righteousness sake then I would say I'm willing to die the best I understand and I know your disciples said that when they were given the chance they did it but help me fulfill that desire coz in my heart I want to give my life for you not that I need to go out and be martyred this want to be surrendered and if you gave everything I want to know what it means to give everything and if you gave your body I say I give you mine because to find your life is to lose it but to lose it for your sake is to find it so continue to grow me in these strips there's some simple examples guys rap faith right around your own heart right now and around that bread you're holding and talk to him please right now just talk to him commune with them thank him for what the body's meaning to you right now it could be one line it could be four lines it could be two aspects it could be three just be real and do this right now from the heart and catch a vision for how powerful this can be in your personal life yeah thank you thank you yeah good okay guys once you just hold that up just a little bit in front of you we're going to do this together father as the body right now of Christ we honor you and we take this bread we've personally exchanged our heart with you and now corporately we're saying we are the body of Christ you paid to redeem us to make us an army to make us an expression of you in the earth and and wherever we are is our mission field and our sphere of influence is amazing and combined Spears of influence right now our spheres of influence combined if we would multiply this room and the sphere of influence we are touching lots of people through the day with just pass them by being in the midst of and in our circle of life God we thank you for the honor of this revelation being so bright in our lives that it has to make a difference right where we are so we give ourselves to you in the best way we understand as you gave yourself for the same cause and for righteousness sake and for love's sake for the name of Almighty God's sake we received this bread and say we've received your love your forgiveness your mercy and we understand were one with you and nothing can break this covenant because it was made by you in Jesus name take that by faith please ooh that is good Wow hit that good you were right isn't he sweet hmm look he took the cup and he passed it and it was the blood of his covenant I just want you understand that Jesus never sinned he was made to be sin his blood was holy and spotless so his blood is holy and spotless on the mercy seat in heaven not the one Moses and those guys made the replica Jesus went into heaven Hebrews 9 put his own blood not the blood of bulls and goats his own blood it says that blood and bulls and goats can't remove sin but the blood of Jesus can says the blood of bulls and goats can't take the consciousness of sin away but the blood of Jesus can so when you take this cup what I want you to understand is it's never about you trying harder it's about you believing right see believing right will produce fruit in your life without you trying harder like you don't wake up and try not to sin you wake up and be received and enjoy being his and be accepted you don't wake up and try not to sin you wake up and enjoy being right in his sight and Romans 6 teaches if you present yourself as a member under righteousness it will produce righteousness itself will produce holiness in your life all of a sudden you're living wholly without biting your lip trying to be so I guess all glory would go to God and you'd never get proud you just stay broken and humble because he's amazing because he's the one that made me this way he's the one that put these things in me yay this blood is the blood of the new covenant it speaks better things you're not judged for where you've been you're judged for where he's been and you can't change where you've been but who you are can change and that's called a gift so let your heart be humble today and understand that this blood redeems you and buys you back and brings you back to original value as if you've never sinned and causes you to stand before him holy blameless and above reproach in His sight through Jesus you have access to God you get it so if you've been feeling guilty you've been feeling condemned if you did something you knew you weren't supposed to do and you did it anyway and you've cried and you've wept and you can't stop thinking about it today's the day to stop today's the day to say you know what God has seen my heart surely I've been sorry and if I could go back and do it over I would but I can't so truly I've changed and I thank you for this blood the blood of Jesus that speaks over me better things I'm not judged I'm not condemned I'm not less than I'm your child and you're doing a work in me keep growing me up into you and all things guys this is communion you can activate your heart every day I would encourage you to receive communion every day and let your own words replace mine and let your own heart activate and let the knowings of God structure grow right here amen let's hold this cup up and acknowledge covenant we're in covenant with him you have to understand that God made a covenant through his son as a man you can't break the covenant you can break fellowship with it you can step out of the covenant the covenant is unbreakable it is forever between God and his son and you enter into the covenant with God through his son you can break fellowship you can walk out of fellowship with God or can step in through the blood of Jesus Christ amen so father we hold up this cup and we thank you for the blood of your son Lord Jesus we thank you that you came and you shed your blood it was your blood that redeems us it's your blood that speaks better things it's your blood that shows us that we do have value purpose and potential in you and that you would come and shed your innocent blood to redeem guilty people shows me the power of love and the love sees past performance and love sees past present day I thank you that you were able to look past what we looked like and appeared to be because you knew what we were from the beginning let our eyes go deeper and let us see deeper Lord God let us not just be fault finders and first impression people let us learn to live with righteous judgment and see people for what they're created to be and not what they're failing in teach us to never let go and to never give up let us never throw anyone away go but let the redeeming power of this cross burn in our hearts through our lives and in the lives of others as we take this cup we just say we're committed we're in and we just thank you that you would love us this much and father is just overseeing this and leading the session I just ask this one thing that we in this room would know your love enjoy your love and express your love like never before in Jesus name go ahead thank you Father Thank You Lord God Pastor Curt [Applause] you
Channel: New Creation LIFE
Views: 14,635
Rating: 4.8764477 out of 5
Keywords: Dan Mohler, 2018, Central Assembly of God, Communion
Id: qiJzrmB6dJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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