✅ Dan Mohler - The Unstoppable LOVE of God!

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[Music] I appreciated that some people could think that was long but you'll worship in with your whole life every day hey it's just good that songs really got me hits do you make all things new we do the school through the week you guys who wear that got the online school and there's yeah it's really it's been fun yeah I got students here set the students to yeah got some online is it [Applause] [Music] we had a good week the last two weeks you talked a lot about healing had some strong strong times this past week talking about healing I'm not gonna I'm not going to go there to not there's just something really in my heart concerning healing what there's a lot of people here that need prayer and just know there's a lot of people there's a lot of things that need to change in the room tonight and I really feel that in my heart and we're gonna see some things changed tonight in there we just really are I'm gonna preach some truth preach Jesus a little bit who just feel compassion of God for people right now it's just it's really good I was appreciating your tears you know what I saw I your heart is so big in what you're called to and God's making sure that you have every bit the revelation you want to give people and he was sealing things in you tonight and making it yours so you're empowered to give it to people that's exactly what I saw and because you have such a heart because you know what you've been through and you hurt for people but just hurting for people isn't what changes people's lives it's revelation it's the empowerment of the Spirit of God through truth and that's what gives you authority when you see you can become and reproduce amen so what made Jesus so amazing he was the word yeah he didn't just preach it he was the word and we can be the Word made flesh amen so I was I was excited for you when I heard you say that you're like said he came in to me tonight some people think my gosh did she just get saved she had a vision like no he gave her a revelation that is imperative she walk in so she can fulfill what she's called to and it's important to keep her eyes on him guys so that we can get increased revelation amen but pastor Donna Lauria routed out of town and I don't usually plan sermons and my there's an intention it could get shifted but tomorrow morning there's something I think we can really hit strong and it's looking at the new covenant and living from the new covenant and putting the old and right perspective so it stops stumbling us because the Old Testament stumbles a lot of people and he made all things new you can't ask Old Testament questions to challenge New Covenant truth but the church does it constantly which means we don't understand so we're ministering the word all the time but getting trapped and just start intellect and human reasoning well why'd God kill so-and-so and how come Elisha died of Elisha died of I think it cancer whatever the people bring up all kinds of stuff you know and we're going to get that real hard tomorrow I believe in church service unless Jesus changes something but I can tell you this it'll be my desire to hit it really hard so come don't bring armor and a shield of the wrong kind just come prepared with an open heart soft and tender before the Lord don't come boxed in amen okay he made all things new he really really did go to Matthew would you we're going to share some things on on healing a little bit I talked a lot of times on Saturday and I'm here once once a month we call him a healing service we always pray for the sick it's the will of God to pray for the sick I'm just I've been settled on that for 16 years I've honestly never had a problem with that since I've been saved it's when I read my Bible by myself in my bedroom it's obvious it's the will of God to pray for the sick it's the will of God it just is in James he asked is any among you sick he's right into the church if he didn't want to heal and he didn't Carrie wouldn't be asking the question in recording it in the Word of God there's any among you sick let them ask for prayer have the elders of the church pray over them praying the prayer of faith anointing and Willow praying the prayer of faith prayer faith will save the sick and the Lord will raise them up so that's why we teach you on faith this thing is in abracadabra it's not something that just falls in your lap you don't just read your Bible and say what it says and get what it says you become there's a lot of integrity and character lacking in our lives were discouraged very quickly that makes you very vulnerable to the devil when you're discouraged quickly because it means you're alive for you and you're trying to incorporate God into your life for a better life and the devil squeeze the life out of you it's you can't the discouragement is is it seems normal it's the way that seems right to man keeping your eyes on truth understanding who you are and why now the Christ game is huge in the body of Christ that's the stuff I teach you on a lot on Saturday night tonight I'm probably not going to go there strongly I'm just going to talk on healing but you see how I'm talking there now it's it's in me it's a mandated message in my spirit because I see too many despairing discouraged misinformed misunderstanding mindsets out there that are getting pummeled in life but they're good people with good hearts good people with good hearts and and life's trying to squeeze the life out of us and that's why you deny yourself when you get saved you don't pray a prayer to incorporate Jesus into your life you don't pray a prayer to go to heaven you deny yourself you're becoming a soldier you're stepping into war you're stepping into battle what battle it's a demon war against the kingdom of God and you get the privilege of fighting with the king so adversity feels personal trials feel personal everything feels directed at you it's trying to stop the God in you it's trying to stop your potential destiny right in the legacy trying to get your soul discouraged Jesus went through the things that were pain and shame called the cross he told us to carry ours our cross by the way is in sickness and disease and I can explain that in a minute but he told us to carry our cross right he press through that looking to the joy set before him so there's a greater hope there's a bigger hope in front of us Paul went through it seems like hell on the earth he'd opened his mouth to win souls and get beat he'd open his mouth to preach Jesus gets stoned he'd open his mouth to preach Jesus to get his back flogged and we get uncomfortable in a crowd I'm just saying there's a difference but he would open his mouth and get hammered for it was his sufferings for the name of Jesus and in in Corinthians he talks about it well let's just look there I know I turned you to Mathew we can find it again what's good will be there when we get there the words not gonna fail I love that yay okay watch this second Corinthians chapter 4 well he's talking in in in the end of chapter 3 the reason I'm back and I was not to be funny it's in for it says therefore you always have to look what it's there for don't just jump into a therefore miss what it's there for serious because you miss you could read it out out of context you can interpret it based on what it sounds like it's an but it's just written on the heels of something so when he says therefore it's a very important word in other words he's saying in light of what I've just said so it's progressive truth okay that's just I just know we've done a lot of damage just pulling scripture out you know well brother you shouldn't be praying for everybody you're not supposed to lay hands on any man suddenly you know he's talking about who's ever heard that pre you know quoted don't lay hands on people suddenly brother you don't wanna get their sin in you he's talking about ordaining people for leadership don't do it quickly make sure they're proved in their character because if they're not ready and you ordained them you stand there with them and we've read that one thing out of context turned it into a fear doctrine and now we're afraid to touch people when we're called to it's amazing how twisted things yeah there's a couple more whoa I just don't want to take time for him you get the point right so he's talking about the Old Testament in the veil over men's face in the Ministry of condemnation through the law and and and he's talking about Christ's coming taken away the veil and in verse 17 it says now the Lord is the spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty that's amazing so the Lord is the spirit we talked about school about this a little bit when we said we said one day this week we you know I thought Jesus was the Lord well listen keep reading the Spirit of the Lord what the Lord is the spirit yeah the Spirit of the Lord father son Holy Spirit three and one it's the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ amen he's the Lord so we all we all how many of us oh it ought to be all of us we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord are being transformed into the same image that's the goal of the gospel to restore us back to look like father to transform us back into love we're not here just to catch a break serious I'm not being smart I'm not being mean we don't just read the Bible to find a promise to to invoke so our day goes freer and better it's all about being changed from the inside out it's all about becoming sincere and pure hearted and full of love it's all about caring for the kingdom of God and the people on the world it's all about becoming like Christ we get so self consumed especially we have trials especially of physical stuff well it doesn't even have to be it could just be employment it could be financial it could be relational they all have their paradox if you don't understand what we're talking right now because those things become your identity your press your pressure they mold you and from that place you're trying to get to God and then you're frustrated and you even wondering why God is letting you go through all this well God's not responsible he's not in position to think he's here to make you like him so you look through his eyes and respond in those situations like Jesus you follow me that's why he's here guys that's why we're Christians Treiber spirit-filled to live by the spirit were the body of Christ we're the embodiment of Christ and we are with an unveiled face can approach him just like she cried and wept should I have a father I'm his I'm his daughter he loves me and she could have just lost it even more because God went poop and turned the light on on that thing but man if we could just see that and get alone with him and believe and get he never get an agreement with God and yes this of God become your yes and you get alone see get alone with God life's fast man today's technology people aren't ever alone they got themselves feeling busy there's always someone to text and call because technology has us roped in as if now we're busy I'm about ready to just get a hold of my heart on that one because we're being deceived we got all day but we don't have no time because of technology and when the Sun Goes Down all we've done is chatted with 300 people and I wonder what we've accomplished I mean I wonder if we're that busy I'm driving down the highway today I passed more people texting while they're driving down the highway than not I watched the young girl I was praying for she's right on the bumper of another car and she's over the white line over and over a little young girl in 1819 texting like crazy driving 65 or not now you can't tell me that's you have to be doing it it becomes a stronghold man wonder of Jesus what have we dealed to him and he'd get a hold of us like that and we couldn't stop praising his name you know instead of Facebook consume we'd be in his face seeking his face I'm sorry I'm gonna change it now I'll go home I'm just saying there's things that make us feel important want it busy wonder if they are deceptions at a certain level see when you turn everything off even your mind and even if it won't turn off you can still open your heart with your mind running and get alone and seek Him I have learned it's hard to say without crying cuz it's I'm so aware of it I have learned that we'll do Christian things talk Christian language go to church the in Christian thing's place we're good people we mean well but we fail to get alone when nobody's looking and seek Him face to face and that's what'll lock you in and make you militant and change your life forever you could think about him all day but when you get alone with him you'll become more like him you can talk about him all day you have a Christian ringtone Christian seat screensaver Christian t-shirt Christian bumper sticker little fishy on there and never make contact with God from your heart to where you let him father you where you talk to him I appreciate you sending Jesus I appreciate you shedding your blood Lord Jesus for me making me clean and site thank you for purifying me and cleansing me and giving me every reason to win thank you for your amazing unfailing love I've learned that Christians don't do that when nobody's looking they're thinking about stuff it is your privilege to be with him nothing compares to your ability to be with him seriously nothing in mark 3 he called them to himself we might look at it tonight he wanted him with him he ordained him that they might be with him and guess what he did from that place sent him out to heal not just cuz there was need on the earth and people hurting because they were with him you know I've learned we can pray because there's trouble or we can pray and release the kingdom and pray by faith because we understand God is loving covenant and the why behind your prayer is totally different when it's in Jesus's shoes especially in the church especially in the church okay I'm really I'm in a good mood and I'm doing good don't hear this hard okay we're going to talk about healing this stuff is important cuz Satan will take advantage of this stuff we don't understand you're destroyed for the lack of knowledge God gives us knowledge and we reject it we have to grab what he gave us through Christ and run hard never look back for all of me because watch what Paul said Paul said Paul said therefore since we have this ministry what ministry it's the ministry of righteousness it's the ministry of an unveiled face being one with God it's sonship it's Corinthians 5 talks about the reconciliation the ministry of reconciliation ambassadors as if God's imploring through us be reconciled to God be one with him right so he's saying therefore since we have this ministry as we have received what mercy we do not lose heart now it has nothing to do with what they're going through the fact that he received mercy is what keeps him from losing heart this Paul's got circumstances then beyond come on come on we can't relate to beaten being beat with rods and beat with whips and beat with and stoned happened to him all the time he goes through the list in second Corinthians 11 it's intense him and him and sour are chained probably in a musty wet messed-up we think of prison we have a picture of prison cells no it wasn't like that then it was a hole in a in the ground with no light musty stinky feces and stuff everywhere don't be deceived it wasn't prison like we know and they're hanging there for preaching Jesus doing the will of God just be an obedient kids doing the holy spirit saying to do and in the process they get beat 39 times and stuck to a wall somewhere with chains then they're praising God see that's amazing I know there's a mentality that I bump into a lot that says God why can't you watch my back I thought you had me covered thought you were my rearguard cuz their backs are hanging open you understand it's meat hanging open most people died that beating they took died from it and and and and there there's an attitude out there that doesn't understand the bigger picture it doesn't understand that that that that that who God that that suffering through sickness and diseases and the sufferings of Christ we say yeah because you do it with character when was character on the auction block when was that ever an option when's that ever called to be missing why does it take sickness to bring our character so we should always live in character why is it exemplary and now we introduce doctrine it says well the sickness is used so you have the opportunity to express grace and live in character we should be doing that it's sick or well that was never an option why do I need a circumstance like that for character I thought that comes when I die to myself and live to him I'm just saying we say so I grew up hearing this stuff my whole life and never quite clicked it was just christian lingo but i got in this book and stuff started to go whoa I thought man things are different than we say did you ever notice things were way different in this book than we talked you really are did you picture Paul and Silas they're sitting there worshipping Jesus why cuz he's laying down his life for people to get saved being beat on his back is irrelevant to him in the fact that I'm not saying he looked forward to it it had to hurt but he kept on preaching didn't he he didn't quit did he when he when he asked God to intervene in Corinthians and and and take this thing from me that buffets me that it's in my flesh he's really talking about persecution we've explained it many times here in this church he's impossible he's talking about sickness because God's promised healing and he's promised persecution Paul's just asking God to take something he promised he'd experience it's simple and every time he open his mouth he paid a price for it in acts 21 he stood up triumphant and said look all I know is no matter what city I'm going to the Holy Spirit tells me chains and prisons are waiting me there who knows he said that knacks now watch we would find a way to use wisdom and not go come on I'm being real something's different in here than the way we think in this country but we can think like this book guys we can be exemplary we can be sanctified set apart we can come out from among them we can live with a mindset that heaven understands and has initiated do you understand because the mindset in this country is why would God let that happen to you well you were trying to win souls you think he'd protect you well you had to be out of the will of God or they wouldn't persecuted like that you probably should have been in that city you should have been in another city and we just go on and yeah yeah yeah yeah they got about that situation and the people themselves that are in those changed Paul and Silas think about it come on there's many of us in those chains at that time that would have been crying and saying God why aren't you protecting me I'm just trying to do your will I don't know about you but I want the attitude them boys had I want to think like they thought and see like they saw I want to live that way man if something's coming against me I want to see it for the kingdom I want to see a bigger picture than just how it's affecting me because if that's the case I'm a sitting duck I'm gonna get pummeled in life and when I read my Bible it's for my sake instead of his name's sake see I wasn't even trying to go here and this is all I can talk about half the time it's but it's important because it'll rescue your soul because what you're not seeing clearances it's a detriment to our lives what we're lacking in understanding we're getting taken advantage of guys here they are in Chains beaten I can't imagine how miserable it had to be to their flesh guys come on how wretched this and all they can do is praise the Lord why because of what I'm about to read to you watch this but we have renounced the hidden things of shame boy that's good yeah we have renounced the hidden things of shame I could preach it on that I used to go into a little Holy Ghost I turned my back and danced face the other way and just get a little excited because there's no newspaper article for me there's nothing hidden what you see is what you get there's no closet oh let's feel so good to me when I talk like that you renounce the hidden things of shame you're not living in secret you've come out of the dark remember you're in the light not compromising I'm not playing around he gave his life for this and he's asking me to give mine it's not some prayer to go to heaven guys we need to get past that it's the transformation of life it's a brand-new life he makes all things new all things from the inside out all things right man we sold that prayer to go to heaven to ourselves for a long time no it's about integrity it's about standing up in the midst of pressure it's not thrown away your confidence it has a great reward it's about being strong in militant it's about a soldier enlisted no longer entangling himself entangle himself in the affairs of life there's a militancy of the gospel that we haven't preached for a long long time and it's all here and Jesus had to live that way to make it to the cross it had to be loved we can carry our cross guys we can make it to the finish line we can cross that high goal that mark that we can win that prize that he talks about Philippians every one of us sitting here we all can grace is with us God's willing we just have to get right understanding and in all your getting get understanding proverbs says so watch what he say in here he's saying we've renounced the hidden things of shame we're not walking in craftiness we're not handling the Word of God deceitfully but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God but even if our gospel is veiled it is veiled to those who are perishing whose minds the god of this age has blinded who do not believe least the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ who is in the image of God he here that who's an image of God should shine on you hear the war we're in you hear the demonic thing going on against the kingdom your privilege to be in the middle you just choose this day who you're gonna serve you just come out of the dark and into the light His grace will convey you into the kingdom of the son of his love amen but he changes your motivations your mindset you you teaches you to not love your own life unto death I've been through things in my personal life and people call me pastoral II constantly and they're calling me for things that aren't even a fraction of what I'm in the middle of in my own personal life and they're falling apart devastated when they call and it's funny to me I'm able to minister to them always because people think cuz you smile all the time everything's great everything is great jesus loves me and he'll never change his mind me I'm a son I'm always gonna be in my life's eternal with him I have everlasting life with the eternal one I'm never gonna die I'm gonna be here forever with him because it's his desire now that's not my choice that's his love so I'm having a good day I really am traffic could be bad people do bad things pull out in front of you say things they should things happen life is life but Jesus is Lord there's something about having a healthy perspective so you can keep running this race this is not the Christian life we ascend into him we grow from glory to glory the day of the righteous is brighter and brighter we're growing from faith to faith it's not a couple steps forward and it's just not like that it's not like that if you read your Bible there's a place to ascend now watch I just want to cover this real quick and cover a couple scriptures we'll pray for everybody it'll be fun for it is God who did this who's behind the scenes doing this it is God who commanded light to shine out of darkness who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ it's amazing verse 7 but we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us now look at verse eight here's Paul's Christian life watch this we're hard pressed on every side well you better good in faith brother it's what we do to each other all that live godly all that uses of godly will suffer persecution Wow no I can't say it's trying to be so graceful with it I don't not here to hurt us I just all that live godly will suffer persecution I guess that speaks for itself we have this treasure in earthen vessels we're hard pressed on how many sides Wow but we're not crushed man were perplexed but we're not in despair you know what happens when you let yourself getting despair you ask questions that are already answered you start questioning God things that he's already made known and when you get in despair you run your thoughts this is a perilous terrible place it's a scary place watch this not in despair persecuted but not Wow do you see how he has to have his eyes on something to have this mentality hard pressed on every side but he's not crushed perplexed but he's not in despair persecuted but he's not left alone you're getting this struck down but not why strike him down but you can't destroy him you know Stephen when they were stoning him was at a very strong amazing place really honorable place man amazing I just look at this kind of stuff in my Bible and it humbles me I'm thinking I really want to get the right perspective we're always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body for we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus sake that the life of Jesus see how God Springs off of this persecution despair conflict pressures trials troubles in the middle of that where it seems like it's crushing you it's actually the very thing that is the tool to manifest who you really are in him now I'm not I'm not saying this in a proud way that because I'm preaching it tonight I've never heard that I never heard anyone preach that to me in my whole life Jesus taught me that in my bedroom that principle and I've heard people preach it since but he taught me that principle in my bedroom seeking him I was being taught that if trouble was coming you were doing something wrong opening a door hidden sin or not in faith I saw a lot of struggling striving beat down people comparing themselves against themselves and not doing each other good we're always delivered to death for Jesus sake that the life of Jesus may also be manifest means seen known recognized realized in our mortal flesh so then death is working in us but life in you why because they're examples patterning he says man don't you lose heart at my tribulations there it's for your glory man you can see I'm the real deal catch from my perspective emotive and keep running this race and that awesome now watch and since we have the same spirit of faith according to what is written I believed and therefore I spoke we also believe and therefore speak knowing that he who raised up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up with Jesus and present us with you for all things are for your sakes that means for your edification for your understanding to impart wisdom that grace having spread through the many may cause Thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God now watch this here's he gives away at the end of this paragraph how he's thinking therefore because of the we don't lose what now you'd be amazed and they'll not being me I'm being real you'd be amazed if I'd ask how many people in this room have lost heart in their Christian journey and you were honest you'd be amazed how many people raised their hand if you were honest you'd be amazed if I'd ask and I'm not being critical in condemning right now I'm purposing to preach something that changes a perspective it's not having no compassion on somebody who's lost heart and understand you know being insensitive and not understand see we're so sensitive to the natural knowledge that surrounds our scenario that we're failing to take truth that preserves us phrases like this yeah but you don't know what I've been through yeah but it's easy for you to say that because you haven't been yeah but it's really tough when and you have a natural you have a you have a resume built of your trial and your anger you're protecting yourself against the gospel are you following me Paul went through more than I can even imagine and he said we can't lose heart that impresses me I see people lose heart when they get laid off I mean lose heart instead of get in a bedroom alone father I'm not doing cartwheels in the sense that I laid off it wasn't unlike that job but I can do cartwheels in this you love me and I know you open the door and prosper now my faith is in you my trust and God I thank you that I don't have to worry a moment of time Bam Bam Bam and you just release faith this way you can be real with your feelings man I love that job God but don't Kemp there flip it into faith and see that God loves you he's your father he's the God that provides proclaim life worship Him don't lose heart because now you're a church and you have no skip in your step put you laid off and you're telling everything in the spirit world that you're in this for you when things ain't going good you ain't got a praise but when things are going good you'll give Jesus a shout yeah and you're setting yourself up for affliction you really are Lucent heart's not a good thing watch this therefore we do not lose heart isn't that amazing I'm telling you when you preach this stuff it doesn't go over real well we don't like hearing it but it'll save our lives if we can hear it it's hard to hear sometimes when you've been through something for a long time when you've been in a trial when you impress her but then the best you can do I'm not being mean hear my heart the best thing you can do is compare your stories and justify why you're where you're at and then your story's tougher than so it's those are used well but on this way because and you don't realize you're not trying this you want free but you're defending everything it's made you and you're highlighting everything you've been through as if it should have that power are you guys follow me I'm just trying to be helpful here because this stuff is snare honest I've pastored for a while most of the time that I've been a Christian I've been in the full time level of pastoring and it's amazing that I was in that opportunity but it teaches you a lot you're around a lot of folks my phone rings at home and these kind of mindsets I'm ministering to constantly like constantly people that have lost art yeah but where's God that kind of thing but where's God disheartened and then when you do that then you're reducing everything you pray to a method hoping for the breakthrough instead of a relationship and expression of truth and covenant love now you're just another Christian in need of a breakthrough there's a place for you to not see anything change and pursue him the same and be in love in fact that'd be a good time to be that way because you revealed it it's all about him and I'm not letting what I'm going through determine Who I am even though it's real even though it's costing me even though it's limiting me it doesn't have my heart my heart is yours and my life is yours and you're speaking life your blessing your body and your your your I said this in the school I said man if you're going through a sickness and we haven't seen a breakthrough and we've all prayed and you're still feeling sick man please pray for the sick encourage people bless people and preach Jesus to people that's not making you a hypocrite if you're sick praying for the sick it means I believe the Word of God above my experience it's actually a sign of integrity hypocricy is play-acting it's putting on a mask Jesus says if you believe you'll lay hands on the sick it doesn't say unless of course you're sick yourself one of the greatest things you can do is lay hands on the sick when you have something that's unresolved because what you're saying is I'm a believer no I believe in people cynically or rationally or with human wisdom yeah but if you believe then how come you got now they have Jesus a healer what's up with you well the fact that he's the healer is that I want to pray for you because I'm in position receiving and I'm believing by faith and I'm not letting what I'm going through dictate me and write the book because the books already written so we don't have to offer truth it's already here Jesus did that he did a good job of it so the problem is that when we start talking like that and thinking and we allow our situation to become who we are then we start writing a book contrary to what's already written and then we say things like well all in God's good time all in good time well when God's ready and willing we say all this stuff that Jesus never said that he's the expressed image of the Father so I wonder who's talking I'm just I'm just saying this is important stuff guys I'm not being smart you know I preached this way every time I try out my heart like this because I see what trials are doing to us and if they do that to us they're obliged to keep coming people I've well I can't take much more that's not the best thing to be proclaiming because you're telling your enemy what you're doing is working you're doing a great job of destroying me keep it up another blow bring it on come on no father I don't understand all this who knows that sometimes you don't understand god I feel like I believe I feel like I'm quote but it's not a method it's not abracadabra synonymous Jesus name abracadabra I am NOT rubbing a lamp I am your son I am your daughter I am your child and you love me and this is no reflection of the love or lack of love it's Christ crucified I'm in and your spirits upon me and you got a leg round the truth and stay there in the face of adversity you can't let anything cause your heart to grow weary in well-doing right so we don't lose heart even though our outward man is perishing if the inward man is being renewed day by day yeah be good to have the inward man renewed day by day watch this watch what Paul watch what Paul calls hard pressed on every side perplexed persecuted and struck down here's what Paul calls it our light affliction which is but for a CEA's perspective he's living for eternity guys now the purpose of now right now this life is to leave a legacy the purpose of right now is to write history that brings glory to your King the purpose of this life isn't just to find the right spouse and build a nice little kingdom and have a bunch of kids at a great retirement and leave with them invested Intel that's all great do that if you want but please manifest Jesus while you're doing that see we get this idea that life this life is for us this life the reason you're alive is for him and his image his namesake like life is for God made us to manifest himself he he said let me make flesh and put myself in it and let it reveal Who I am and he made man when man fell he became self consumed self centered self preserved self whatever deny yourself pick up your cross follow it self is the biggest lie on the earth so it's all sentiment emotion and empathy and me and my little family and one little thing goes wrong in your family and you're shipwrecked for 20 years but mostly a wreck because you don't understand why your life and then there's no authority no faith and no prayer to see that restored but you become the product of that dysfunction and I got one of them on my machine now psych ward mental ward nervous breakdowns because of a child you know why it is we're finding an identity in all those things instead of loving all those things if I love you you can't cause me to break down if I love you I'm gonna rise up and be all the stronger Jesus didn't have a nervous breakdown when all of his kids went awry hello in fact you see him at his best where sin abounded grace came in a greater way sir Jesus and he said follow me [Laughter] tomorrow we took a hit in the fall we got some natural rational human reasoning mindset thing we sold out too we listened to this compromising voice man did in the bin the garden and Adam followed even stead of listening to God Eve listened to the devil God tried to find out what happened well she made me do it and she said the devil made me do it we ever live like that huh it's amazing look what Paul calls it light moments light affliction brief moments of light affliction Oh a brief moment of light affliction hard pressed on every side he doesn't even have an open side guys serie come on I'm being real with you see I wanted to preach outta Matthew it's not my fault you have no idea I wanted to preach the rosiest nicest sermon on healing man I could still but I can't I don't even know what I'm doing right now I'm just here it's not my fault I so wanted to preach on a couple scriptures in the Gospels watch this a brief moment of light affliction hard pressed on how many sides come on he doesn't just have any issue he's hard pressed on every side he's laying down his life to build churches all over Asia in Philippians he has one man he has one man thirty years into church history guys think with me on this stuff Paul sincere Lena and thirty years in the church history has one man that he can send to them Timothy because he has no one else like-minded everyone else seeks their own thirty years in the church history all I can find is Timothy to send to him because every other minister has his own seeking and agenda trying to build something instead of minister something you're not here to build a kingdom you're here to minister one that's already here we're the stove's God's building a spiritual house stone upon stone the more we see who we are the more will flow like him together the more we love not our own life unto death we've more we have time and resource and energy to do what God's calling us as a corporate whole to do but look how individualistic he's made our lives and how separate we are even though we have good friends we all work our jobs manage our money to live our lives and then we kind of gather together in heigh-ho it a little bit but we're supposed to be consumed with and then the devil throws up costs over the years and weird things and then everybody's afraid and if you go to church too much or hang around people start talking to Savior in a call who's ever saw that yet soon as I got saved at work soon as I changed I think he's gonna call it's the first thing as soon as I saw change me I think he's gonna call somebody brainwash me my brain was washed I think he's brainwashed yes you better believe it clean water come on I'm being real with this I want you to not read fast and not just skim over and and get religious with stuff and you ain't praise the Lord we overcome with a brother lamb the word of our testimony booth we love not our own lives unto death we leave that one out almost all the time but blind in the word hallelujah how we ever got the blonde in the word hallelujah and they loved not their own lives unto death there's one time that you asked the Bible says and don't get anything is when you ask a Miss your own desire wonderful we've turned this into a book of methods to try to get help to have a better day instead of a way to be changed from the inside out that's a good healing for us to have it really is a perspective healing he cares about our physical bodies it's all through the Bible he wants to heal as he's gonna do stuff tonight I I felt the compassion of God in the beginning now I know what was happening there because I could feel there was a lot of people that need physically healed like obviously my heart was crying I could cried I could have cried I could have went behind the curtain and just cried but I believe it's because of what all is entailed and the suffering and in the mine in the battle and God's desire to give us his kingdom well I'll pray here in a minute it's bear with me see I shouldn't be preaching this straight strong tomorrow people will come with armor on you'll have the armor of God on don't bring the wrong armor I'm serious for our light affliction it's for a moment look what it's doing it's working for us far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory men every time every time that I have every natural right to be hard angry bitter in an unforgiveness and my heart's at peace my motives are clear and my heart is mercy that's a sign and Wonder that's glory unto God there's something about that that's powerful every time I have every human right to be an unforgiveness and unforgiveness isn't even an option because my heart's moving in love that's the glory of God revealed I've learned this is not mean I'm not like condemning us when I say this I'm just saying this is what's been going on for years I've learned when I tell there's as much animosity in a room full of Christians as there is people that don't go to church because we don't understand why we're saved that's why some people have animosity towards God because he ain't doing a good job with their salvation yes he is he already sent Jesus and he filled you with his spirit amen so it's just it's just evident that our minds are on us having a better life instead of a changed life Paul had a very challenged life and sounds like a very free and blessed and incredible man who wouldn't lose heart he said Holy Spirit tells me no matter what city I'm going to chains and persecuting and prisons are waiting me there he said none of these things move me because I don't count my own life dear so that I can fulfill the will of the one who enlisted me and he walked right into the city knowing he was going to get hammered that's amazing guys I don't know about you that's amazing an eternal weight of glory look while we do not look on this we got to learn from this one right here this is big now I really see why I camped here I'm finally just kind of hooking up here I'm on a journey with you every time I preach it's making sense as I go but now I see why I read this whole chapter because it's making a statement look while we do not look at the things which are isn't that the biggest challenge guys get real that affliction that hasn't changed you were prayed for a hundred times that situation that you cried out for and it hasn't turn you get your eyes on it your mind starts working and you look at it you start fixing on what's seen come on and you say yeah but you don't know how hard it is yeah but I've been going through this for a long time well you can just be glad you never had to go through all that language that incircle said you follow me why don't you he's saying not to look at the things which are seen but at the things that are not seen for the things which are seen he's obviously talking about the trouble he just wrote a whole chapter on it watch for the things which are seen are come on we can get this the things that are seen or what now here's the paradox without relationship with Jesus the revelation to see the bigger picture where it's not just a belief statement the revelation of a bigger picture I don't know if it's possible without relationship intimacy with Jesus now I'm just talking plain you don't preach the Bible and try to do it you preach you get alone with him and become it by grace so you get alone you make these declarations you you set things straight caserta your challenges and and work and relational stuff and and stuff that's going haywire and kids that are just a wall and you can't even imagine why they're doing what they're doing and you can't even so you just pull away and you just say Lord it's just all under your mercy the truth is this you get what I'm saying I'm not being mean I smile the whole time I say this the whole reason there's so many Christians needing prayer for everything because we're not doing that and we're putting our comforting confidence in the fact that somebody prayed over us and at least somebody for a minute it feels like they care mm-hmm it's not wrong to get prayer but there's times that that's all we do get prayer from people I used to have on my phone machine hello you've reached the molders where Jesus is Lord if you call on him right now you might not have to talk to me but if so leave your name your number and I'll be sure to get back to you you know you know why you know why because I'm real and people can grab me and talk to me and I'm a real heart that can talk to them and they grab for that in a heartbeat and I found that people got so convicted calling my machine when they'd hear that because they hadn't even thought of talking to the Lord just call Dan just call Dan oh my god they'll get her they'll get a phone call their aunt just came from the doctors and just called honey keep me in prayer oh my god I'll call Dan that's it serious it's nan say it story it happens today just it's all the time this would change a lot in our lives right here now see this isn't condemning it's convicting you know where you're at with this in your personal life but I'm telling you that you can't just not see the things that's temporary and the things eternal with the revelation unless you're in him grace lets you do that it's not a belief statement it's not a declaration of faith it's a revelation it comes from being with Jesus I remember praying for an eternal perspective for weeks on end when I first got saved I can I can I can take you to the spot where grace in a like you just had an experience tonight it was more than before right yeah I'm driving down the road past the old Rob supply building before AG way in West York and I was seeking the Lord for weeks now I felt like I and God was probably working it in me the whole time but there was a moment why you're driving and he does it when you're driving I don't know but I'm like huh and I just realized life is so much bigger than today today is just if this is wisp and vapor stuff I and live in to stand before him I am living for a call to fulfill a call I'm living for eternity it hit me so big I was driving it was overwhelming but I was seeking that and you know what it's helped me do stay consistent full of joy full of integrity for 16 years sure has no nonsense I don't have time for that I'm not gonna let my heart go there I'm gonna let my emotions go there that's it's a dead place I see it for what it is that's why I'm very passionate almost overwhelming to people sometimes in that sense they were talking in school use the word intimidating I said man I don't mean to intimidate people so you just live a certain way I tell people if you're hungry for God I'm your best friend you'll cling to me if you're not all that hungry you won't cling to me I'm the kind of guy you'll stay away from because just being around me makes you aware of where your heart is and that doesn't mean I'm a condemned ER just means I'm surrendered as I love people but I live that way I don't have time for that time for him amen so we need to what the things that are seen are temporary and the things that are not or what eternal okay oh my goodness you guys take that clock down and then I I eat a lot of time go to Matthew quick we'll go back there it'll be there too you watch you watch oh it's gonna be there yep it's still there isn't that it doesn't none of its changed yeah let's start in Matthew 4 real quick I'm gonna read to one two three verses will flip to Matthew 10 and we'll pray for the sick how's that is that fair because it's 9:30 I don't need to keep you here all night the very passionate it is school to school lately the passion in my heart I don't even know what to do with it God runs all these emotions ceilings you feel his heart you see things it's like schools been really fun but we nailed something this week how about its students we nailed something this week whoa it's been everyone there's been some things really highlighted like the mentality of Jesus at the Last Supper a couple weeks ago and how we would have been if we were in his shoes and Peter was gonna deny and Judas already made plans to betray yeah we'd be hurt in ministry we'd be hurt in ministry and while we were breaking the bread to break it with the boys we'd have broke down crying and wondered how everybody could be doing what they're doing to me and all I done is try to do good for three years and for in your lives and I acted it out in the steps it was very convicting people were bawling it was pretty scary [Music] see what called to follow Jesus guys the reason he was the way was is because of love and that's the goal of our instruction love loves way before everything else you're rooted and grounded in love loves the beginning point loves where you start healing comes to love because faith works through love all your gifting and all your ministry should flow through love the Bible says you can have all knowledge of all mysteries have all faith to move all mountains unlimited but if you have love you got zip and he actually reveals the gifting of the world conference speaker the Christian icon like he reveals in Corinthians a Christian that if a Christian was living with all mysteries of all knowledge --is of all mysteries and all faith to move all mountains while he's arrived that's Jesus himself to us and we make him the keynote speaker in the world conference and we're calling his phone for sure because he needs to pray for my child right the people can get blessed through is gifting but it says that if he does it outside of love he has nothing it's a paradox it's amazing if you really think about you can understand why I don't have the time to teach in detail but it's because love is pure it does no harm to a neighbor love is squeaky clean love isn't for himself it's for others you can do things for your identity there's things that take the place of him in our lives all the time we're trying to find ourselves through one another through service in the church through all kinds of stuff guys and you are who you are in him first period to know the love of Christ is to be filled with all his fullness fullness house with no empty rooms town with no empty houses how's that happening knowing his love when you know his love you can't be hurt by people that don't love you period no exceptions the only reason we're hurt is because we're still needing love instead of becoming love when you know his love you become that love it's not about hurting anymore oh you still correct people and set things straight still got a discipline and sit down and call ting but you don't do it because you're frustrated you do it because of love you do it because of wisdom because the truth because of a bigger picture how many times were we're just mad at our children we just see oh you knucklehead I told you enough stop and in you're right when you discipline them because they're wrong but the way you're doing it's not right because you're just frustrated you're just angry doesn't produce life we tend to live that way our whole way through and still go to church and misunderstand it's becoming love what's this Jesus went about all Galilee Matthew 4:23 teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom what did he do healed all kinds of sickness all kind of disease among the people while this is amazing then his fame went throughout all Syria and they brought to him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases torments and those who were demon-possessed epileptics paralytics any what it's amazing that's right out of the gate of the wilderness and the Baptism and the temptations and in the in the desert right he comes right out of the gate and what did he do Oh must be important to Jesus go to Matthew 10 because you can go all through here and you can find where he did that again and again and again people say why do you always talk about healing I don't always talk about healing Jesus talks about it a lot I don't even talk about it as much as Jesus does anymore probably because there's a message mandated on my heart what I've been trying to say all night long but when I look in this Bible it's coming out of Jesus's mouth all the time in all the Commission's it's important to him that we heal the sick we're still fighting over the will of God to heal because not everybody with pray for it has been healed so we're still got the question raised that Jesus already told us to go do every commission says go heal the sick Matthew 28 s the only one but in a sense it does because it says go make disciples of every nation teaching them to observe everything I taught you so if he told them to go lay their hands on the sick and heal the sick they're supposed to teach us that so he's got it in every Commission mark 16 he's got it everywhere Jesus went about verse 35 of Matthew 9 Jesus went about all the cities teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom that means the king's domain the way it works in heaven is here the kingdom of God is at hand it's here the kingdom of God is near you the kingdom of God is within reach that's that's what that means when you say the kingdom of God is at hand and you go saying the kingdom of God is at hand it means it's near you it's within reach it has come near make sense okay so he's preaching the gospel not the gospel of salvation pray a prayer to go to heaven he's preaching the gospel of the kingdom the redemption of life the restoration of life the removal of sin the redemption of life now look and and because he preached the gospel of the kingdom what's the quick response right after that healing how many sicknesses every sickness and every disease but so he's setting the standard he's the pace setter he's the firstborn among many brethren the things he does will do if we believe as the father sent me he said I send you he started right out of the wilderness teaching preaching in heal and fame went out of they brought a whole bunch more and he did it again here we are several chapters later he's doing it again he says the harvest is plenty and the laborers are few therefore pray to the Lord of harvest to send out laborers into the harvest field it's pretty amazing he says that says pray to the Lord and then as he saying that he calls his twelve to him this is right on the heels of healing the whole multitude it says he called his twelve and he gave them what power the word is Authority it's like Luke 10 he gave him authority over all the power of the devil authority is a big deal and it comes with heaven it comes through the name of Jesus he is Lord he says in Matthew 28 how can we miss this he rises from the dead he's crushed death hell in the grave he has wiped away sin forever righteousness is on the earth and Jesus is triumphant and he says all authority you know I think we have a picture with little birds on his shoulders and like all authorities been given unto me he can't even imagine the fire that must be in his eyes he's raised from the dead he's he's paid the price for every man's sin forever and he's washed it away through his blood and he's released the kingdom on the earth and he rises all authority in heaven and earth has been given unto me go therefore what's he doing he's making you and him one he's saying you're my people I did this to give it to you the very next word all authority has been given unto me go therefore we're still thinking about it well wonder if they're not healed and then we're still thinking about it just go let's just go let's just go do you know the first sign of a believer isn't that they're healed it's that you put your hands on the sick we're so busy fighting over about healing we've we proved we don't believe because we don't get our hands on the sick we walk by him all the time if we were believers we'd get her hands on him the Bible says it's a sign of a believer it's to get your hands on the sick the fact that we don't means we got a lot of unresolved stuff going on so he he does all this and then he calls his 12 he gave them authority over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease and then in verse seven he says as you go preach preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand I did this in the school it's oh it's a real good gym help me buddy put your Bible down run up here for me okay so so catch this picture Jim's a pastor by we're walking on the street now I don't say to people it's actually he wants you to understand the kingdom it's a principle but but Luke 10 you go heal the sick and tell them the kingdom's here they say man how come that pain man you're telling me God just healed me and then you explained but watch the principal when you're passing Jim and you're telling them hey buddy I got good news for you today the kingdom of God is near you the kingdom of God is within reach the kingdom of God has draw near where's the kingdom of God according to gospel about two feet away from him because you don't look here you don't look there the kingdom is within you the kingdoms in you so when you go saying hey I've got good fortune to you today the kingdoms here really where is it you're looking at it's about two feet away see but identity crisis doesn't make let that be exciting to us thinking about the past and what Uncle Joe did and what your mom ever said right and but the kingdom still near thank you you did a great job Jim do you see the principal the kingdom's here the kingdoms near oh it's so good so so we're gonna tell him the kingdoms here what's the first thing after he says the kingdoms here what's the first thing he did in verse 35 of chapter 9 when he preached the gospel of the kingdom the very first thing was what healed the sick now he tells his man to preach the same thing and do what same thing its authority we get stumbled because we haven't seen everybody healed so we think we have to address that no I think we need to keep seeking him and honoring him above all that so that we continue to walk in this authority he says the Czar's because the more we ask questions the more we fight the more we build camps and dig riverbeds and streams that God didn't run the water in there we're just making our own way because we can't agree now because our experience and some of us are coming up with analogies to make us feel better about what we don't understand and trying to find comfort and what did he tell us he told he told us because he told them to tell us in Nazi 28 he said well he's talking to the 12:10 he ain't talking to us now in Matthew 28 he told them save 12 you go out and make reproduce yourself in the world and teach them everything I taught you mark 16 he says you go preach and those that believe and our baptized shall be what and these signs shall follow those that believe is he talking about the 11 or the believers through their message do you know the reason we're sitting here is because they went and what's the sign it will follow those that believe lay their hands on the sick and the cigarette cast out devils all that stuff what happened to that somebody along the way somewhere didn't get healed and we had a whole lot to say about it man then his knowledge and yet when I get in this book it says the kingdom and heal the second doesn't it it really does doesn't it he says there's any among sick why because Jesus is the redemption of man his blood was shed to restore our lives his blood was shed to remove sin and sin was the problem but it's not just sin it's what sin brought sin brought a self-centered self-conscious reality and in the garden in the beginning they were in the image of God aware of him Christianity designed to make us aware of him and dead to herself and alive unto God Romans 6 says you reckon yourself dead to sin alive to God I give you authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall hurt you not everybody off touched has been healed I've seen enough stuff to not change my mind but I haven't seen enough yet I'm growing I'm in process and I refuse to give myself permission to ask the questions that I watch people asked all the time follow Jesus yeah but brother follow Jesus yeah but what about follow Jesus tomorrow if I find grace we're gonna we're gonna hit something really hard in his church service tomorrow about not letting the Old Testament take away from the new when it was all pointing to the new yeah Jesus is amazing guys he raised from the dead for our justification we're free from sin here's what I want to do tonight there's an authority just gonna flow in this room just because Jesus said it's ours because we're willing to move in it but I want you in a very humble and repentant heart when you get prayed for tonight to determine to never let life in its circumstances eat away at your emotions your soul your perspective ever again you say yeah but it's challenging see when you say that you're already telling me you're gonna why do we talk like that what do you mean yeah but it's challenging if I embrace that with you and agreed with you I wouldn't have the confidence in me and the consistency and the legacy of my last 16 years I'd just be a man with a lot of issues isn't amazing Jesus is greater than that you can't say that yeah but brother you don't know my situation stop doing that to yourself so we pray for you tonight I want you to be be real repenting and real humble in your heart you people that are praying I want you to rejoice that we've been given the honor of carrying the Kingdom the kingdoms we're in in us so we're gonna we're gonna go preach saying the kingdom of God's here and the first thing he did right on the heels of preaching that was heal the sick when he told his guys healed the sick right here's what I need I need a bunch of warriors I needed a bunch of church folks you're not getting prayer for sickness tonight you're not coming to be healed but you're a Christian and the kingdoms in you I need to get up here we're gonna pray for everybody in this house there's a lot of people that need healed tonight I need warriors I need people that are gonna represent Jesus's heart listen you believe it's the will of God to heal you believe the spirit of God's in you and you believe it's your privilege to minister him to people I need you up here faces of people thank you God thank you God thank you God can I use you for something can you do something for me fulfill an assignment see my Uncle Dick sitting right there and Pat wave your hand Pat the man right beside there I want you when everybody comes up here you go back and give him Jesus love on him and pray for him will you he's gonna come back and pray for you dick just cuz I want him to okay love you thank you you can wait just for a minute you see these people stand-in here this is really amazing how God's done this God's put the beauty of who he is in everyday people in that cool and watch even if you need prayer that that's the same truth in you but he says is any among you sick let him ask we're growing we're increasing we're multiplying in the Lord God is so gonna honor this because he wants us active in the release of his kingdom and it's a great thing it's a mercy thing it's it's his good pleasure it's the father's doing it's his idea this isn't our idea it's not presumptuous the blood of Jesus and the given body of Christ qualifies us to stand here filled with the kingdom to minister that kingdom to people so sickness in the body if the kingdom being ministered heals the sick then the kingdom the authority and the kingdom drives it out amen so it's real simple so we're not going to get heady we're not going to get were wordy when I go to try to pray long prayers behold I give you authority and I really feel like the Lord wants to demonstrate his authority tonight and I got really choked up in the beginning of service because I just felt the love of God and some of us have been hurting for a long time if you need prayer tonight for anything that tries to yoke you hinder you limit you your own prescriptions anything anything that you'd call sickness degeneration hurt pain I need you to come make your way to the front get in front of one of these people to pray for you people up here I just want you to be real simple command form and Jesus name be healed I'm not trying to limit or bind your heart you can be free and pray what's in your heart but don't pray real long prayers it's really not a time for counsel it's a time for the authority of the kingdom Shane if you're up if you could play something sweet man whatever you got to pray in Jesus name [Music] [Music]
Channel: Living Gospel
Views: 6,309
Rating: 4.8381505 out of 5
Keywords: Dan mohler, pastor dan mohler, pastor dan, pastor mohler, dan mollar, dan molar, dan moler, dan moller, smiley dan, smiley pastor, smiling pastor, white hair pastor, best pastor, rare dan mohler, best dan mohler, america’s pastor, power and love, identity pastor, gospel pastor, gospel message, best gospel message, clearest gospel message, happy dan, full
Id: iZtxfSPWD3w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 20sec (4700 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2018
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