Dan Levy Gets Panicky While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Great episode and good to see Sean back in studio, wish that couldโ€™ve been live with Dan. Kudos for him though for actually tossing his wings and not just dumping sauce on them. Overall I thought he did pretty well and wow did Sean do some deep research on this one!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 85 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Time2Prance ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Does this have any spoilers for the last season of Schittโ€™s Creek?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 33 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GoblinFan ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Taking a moment to say if you haven't given Schitt's Creek a try to definitely do it. You may have to power through some of the beginning, but the foundation it lays for the characters and the growth they have through the series makes it 100% worth it. I have a hard time listing shows that I have the affection for like I do for Schitt's Creek.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 31 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Semper-Fido ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It's nice to at least have Sean back in studio.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/wil555 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Is it just me or did Danโ€™s wings seem like the best looking wings ever?? So meaty

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/matgoose ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Really good episode. It could only have been better if he had done the interview as David.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 27 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Watermelonwater17 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I wish his dad could have joined in

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/adamsandleryabish ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I canโ€™t wait to watch this one! (Really any episode)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/economic_pasta ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 16 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Danโ€™s wings looked well prepped. Not sure if thatโ€™s a reaction to the Eric Andre ep (or if this was even filmed before then) but it seems like theyโ€™re getting the remote interviews down better.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/geeyoung373 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jul 17 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
huh do people get panicky sometimes a really kind of panicky hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we welcome Dan levy to the hot seat he's the co creator and star of pop TV's hit series shits Creek which just wrapped its sixth and final season and we'll hit streaming on Netflix later this year dan levy welcome to the show thank you so much for having me I want to say this is one of my dreams come true so it's a big moment for me I just shot a movie with Kristen Stewart and the first question I asked her was about hot ones what it was like how she thought it went and Kristen being just like the coolest person I've ever met basically was like yeah Jews it's fine and I was thinking to myself if I ever get the opportunity to do this show I don't think it's gonna be fine for me so she's basically like made it impossible for me to be anything but cool today [Music] I'm ready Africa that's very good [Music] so shits Creek has inspired such cult fandom I think would be remiss not to just get into the weeds of that show here on the first wing factor fiction you and Noah Reid had to down an entire bottle of Prosecco to work up the nerve to do that simply the best number in season four yeah I am I'm not a performer in that nature and I certainly don't dance often so I knew that we were shooting the scene the two of us just like casually started having some glasses of Prosecco and by the time that we were ready to shoot we had realized that we had downed pretty good students out here bottle and what you see on the show is the direct result of a lot of method acting I've heard you say that this last season is like a love letter to the fans and without giving too much away are spoiling it for the people who are waiting to watch the show on Netflix is there an easter egg that's your favorite that you've woven into the plot we had this running gag of our town sign where the joke was you know the couple on the town sign looked like they're having sex and in actuality it's just a sister bending over to get some water and the brother behind her but the illusion is something sexual so originally in season one there was a sign that had to be put up on top of the sign to clarify don't worry it's his sister so by the last season we did a little play on the confusion of brother sister husband and wife that I thought was was a fun little callback and then finally do you have a favorite vocabulary word that you've learned writing for Katherine era's character Moira all of it was it I want to say that they've stuck I want to say that my vocabulary actually expanded through this process it did not her calling me a disgruntled Pelican was a fun little description that made it into the show that I was quite proud of it was such a joy to write for Katherine and to write for a character whose vocabulary is so left-of-centre it just constantly forced our team of writers to be thinking of different saying very simple things and it was I will miss that a lot so far so good for me so I know that you're very involved in everyone's wardrobe on shits Creek not just your own character what's the math or process for finding clothes that make sense for a show shot in small-town America for us it was a lot of consignment shopping because we didn't have a budget to buy the kind of designer clothes that we needed to but it was really important for me to authenticate the characters in the show by actually having them wear clothes the people who pay attention to fashion might be interested in so the whole process led to building that kind of relationship between the humor in the show and the and the Wardrobe how do you describe the aesthetic appeal of Rick Owens to someone who knows nothing about fashion it sort of just looks like everything's dropped a bit the proportions have like elongated your t-shirts are much longer the crotch of your pants is about a foot lower than where you'd expect it it is the most comfortable clothes I have ever worn and I took a lot of it home with me when the show when the show ended and then you do a lot of things well but one thing that really stands out to me and they're endure wearing one today it's your impeccable taste when it comes to sweaters are there any bruisers and don'ts when it comes to shopping for sweaters and then of course the upkeep well the upkeep is important you have to know how to store them you need to know you know the quality of the fiber moths love sweaters so it's about getting some cedar kind of in and around the drawers where you're keeping them I feel like for menswear now more than ever before we have so many more options available to us than when I was growing up so the knitwear game across the board I think has just been raised and I'm very glad that it has and then finally as a mall employee turned fit God do you have a snap reaction to this news of Kanye West designing a Yeezy line for gap I will say that I you know the the gap collaborations that they've done over the years and gap and GQ have done a lot of collaborations together with menswear designers they've all been great so I'll take a pair of sweatpants [Music] all right so this one number three I pull a habanero yep okay [Music] okay so that has a kick to it that the other ones didn't it's our first sort of taking it up a notch moment it's like a deep pepper but it's almost like a fruit it is a deep pepper mm-hmm I got um just so you know I have three different beverages for today I have a milkshake I have some soda and I have some water and I just wanted to make sure that I was able to see what calm what combats the heat best well please report your findings I'm always I'm always late for the milkshake the milkshake is doing well for me so from reading articles about your time at MTV it seems like you'd agree with something that I've been thinking about for the longest and that is that red carpet correspondent is the single worst job in all of media oh man I was so bad at it I will I will give a lot of credit to red carpet reporters because for an award show for example you get a book this thick of every single person who is going to walk down that red carpet and you have to learn not only who they are what they look like but also their entire filmography and usually some kind of like quirky trivia and then it's just trying desperately to get a soundbite out of someone as they pass right by you it was not it was not fun but there are I mean there are some people that have mastered the art of it I was certainly not one of them do you think that your experience doing interviews did anything to change or inform how you approach being a talk show guest I mean you do such a beautiful job of it but I think obviously the questions have to be kind of interesting but also people have to talk and I you know as someone who has interviewed a lot you know if nothing was worse than getting one-word answers out of somebody and then running out of your questions but you still have a chunk of time left you've gotta have a level of charm and I think that's my big thing through any kind of interview situation is like you've got to have genuine interest and the people you're talking to because I feel like people at home can just see right through it when it's when it's not very genuine I quite like this one this is very flavorful mm-hmm - so you're the latest and illustrious line of Canadian hot ones guests which include Michael Cera Matty Matheson Shawn Mendes and now you Dan levy as a Degrassi alum and Toronto native do you recall your first ever meeting with Drake it was at an airport and he and some of the Degrassi kids were getting off a plane as I was getting on and we kind of said hi to each other in passing and we had never met before but I think being in Canadian television you kind of had a general awareness of who each other are and then years later I was sitting in a restaurant and he was sitting across the restaurant it was just that game of like I don't want to go and like say something and then happen like not remember and anyway at the end of his meal he came up and just said hi as he was walking by and I was like well there you go I guess he does remember how do you describe her explain Degrassi for people who only know it from those Drake wheelchair Jimmy miebs well it started in the 80s and it's like a very earnest serious approach to high school drama that always has like a cautionary tale element to it if you're an actor in Canada you will inevitably kind of go through the process of appearing on Degrassi and it is a coming-of-age moment for all Canadian actors and I did it quite late in the game it was an experience that was quite interesting [Music] so this impulse in the mouth it's a very fragrant bouquet of flavors that almost tastes like it almost tastes like you've just gotten a big whiff of someone's armpit it is like a gamy musky flavor that's not going away all right Dan well while you wash that down we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that grammar we do a deep dive on our guest sense grandpa interesting pictures that need more context I'd be remiss not to ask you about your dog Redmond what are your thoughts on Los Angeles dog culture like is it insufferable or is it kind of sweet that everyone kind of celebrities --is their pets I think it's probably a bit of both I think everyone needs to just put their phones down for a second and just generally reevaluate what's going on I think if you're getting mad at people for standing in the shot of your dog's Instagram post you've got bigger problems on your hands do you have a favorite keepsake from the set of shits Creek the cafe tropical jerseys I think would be at the top of my list I have taken home a handful of those menus from the show and we we had them made kind of oversized so that you couldn't actually open them without looking like a total idiot I kept a bunch of those I kept a bunch of the little icon I cut some framed illustrations from our little motel room I I am NOT good with letting go so I've actually taken most elusive things from our set and just kind of have them in my garage yeah it was a tough thing to say goodbye to those sets so yeah [Music] this is a heavy dousing that has some of that pepper poison in it a lot of pepper poison on that one okay all right okay one thing that stands out to me is that you proactively chose to end shits Creek and it's such a character driven drama that you probably could have done another hundred plus episodes can you talk through the why of that it's something that I'd associate with British comedies even or if you think about the office or Phoebe Waller bridges fleabag yeah the storytelling of television is so important and you know I am such a fan of television then I understand how quickly a legacy of a show can be tarnished by overextending itself and for me it was so important that people walk away at the end of our show still loving it as much as they did when they started so a lot of that I think was just deciding this is as far as we can go right now with quality keeping the quality up making sure that the stories are strong because I would hate to take a show past its expiry date and how people suddenly say yeah I watched it until episode six and then it sort of got that's all you want my tongues on fire my tongue is on fire I have watched people knife and fork their wings so as to not get the hot sauce on their lips I respect the choice but if you're gonna do it I feel like it should be the whole experience so I've just I'm saying this because I do have a knife and fork in front of me and I've opted not to use them right now let the record show all right here we go that's that gets right into the back of the throat that is that's full-coverage that's not going away anytime soon no we're in it we are you can select each of these sauces thank you for asking actually I'm not sure how much time you spend in Williamsburg Brooklyn but there's a hot sauce store there called heat mist and the guy who runs it he's kind of like our hot sauce sensei so we go to him and then we get all these hot sauce makers take old ones out shuffle it up every season and and then what we want though is exactly what you're experiencing which is this Symphony little tongue will let throat he snaps that whole Rubik's Cube into place so your father comedy legend Eugene Levy played Jim's dad at American Pie a film that explicitly deals with awkward father teen relationship dynamics uh-huh what do you remember about being 15 years old and that being the number one movie in the world it must have been a unique role to see your dad play especially at that age [Music] you know I think a lot of at the time my [ย __ย ] a lot of people came up and asked me whether the movie was based on my life my story is way less interesting I did not have sex with a pie unfortunately Oh uh-huh how would you rank yourself against others who've played your dad's son on camera I feel like Jason Biggs did a more successful job at it than I did and I ran into Jason recently and it's in a way it feels like every time I see him like he's a strange sort of extended member of my family but I'm very at peace with the fact that Jason did a very good job of playing his son and I think he still prefers Jason to me let's be honest okay all right this is to bomb beyond insanity okay be careful oh no what is this oh man that's not pleasant this is not pleasant careful around your eyes careful around your eyes do people get panicky sometimes I'm feeling kind of panicky okay remember remember you're in the comfort of your own home so before your career took off in Hollywood I know that you strung together a series of odd jobs some of which you used for inspiration and writing shits Creek as someone who worked in a video rental store what are people who've never browsed the shelves at blockbuster missing out on I don't know I don't know what they're missing in addition to co-hosting the Great Canadian baking show I know that he worked in a literal bakery what do you think is the goat bakery smell probably like probably like a like a baked butter though chocolate chip cookie you're a quest song or something like that anytime that something's drenched in butter but that cooks I think there's like a very like quintessential smell I ate a lot of that bakery like a lot like I didn't have any restraint at that bakery you also have the rare distinction having worked at ICM and then later on working in Hollywood and ICM for those who don't know is one of the world's biggest talent agencies uh-huh what would shock me about what my agent says or does behind my back probably that all the times you tried to get in touch with them and they say they can't come to the phone or they're out to lunch they're not out to lunch and they can't come to the phone they just don't why do I find that one not to be as bad is it because my mouth is now numb you've already been smoked out we were in the shower and now it's raining you know who cares uh-huh it comes in waves it really they take shifts the heat I've used this analogy before but it's like professional wrestlers you know when they start showboating in the ring that's when someone takes a steel chair and smashes it over their head that's when you're in yeah that space where you think that you're okay that they come back and get you oh no what our figure skating faces and then where does doing a segment on them during the Vancouver Olympics rank in terms of your broadcasting accomplishments where did you find these things Google's figure skating faces you will find a collection of the most wonderful faces made by figure skaters who are sort of like like caught mid axel there's a lot of like high intensity spinning that happens that actually like morphs your face into all of these different very funny contortions so we would do this at this segment where we would my brains working anymore where we would just show kind of screen grabs of all of these different figure skaters at the Olympics who ended up having these kind of very funny contorted faces and yeah it was a big it was a career highlight certainly enough for you to bring it up now I'm burping and Canada won the Olympics that year and we won hockey you know is a very proud moment for for us Canadians do you have a two sentence review of the lifetime original movie cyberstalker it's bad how about bad and if I was allowed a third word it's very bad yeah that was one of my first gigs as an actor and I played a wheelchair ridden cyberstalker murderer not to give the movie away and then finally Cosmopolitan's guilty pleasure or timeless classic when made right with the fresh ingredients they are very very refreshing and I love a pink cocktail I'm not gonna lie reminds me of being on vacation alright Dan levy ah that's perfect how much am i dab agin it you know what it's up to you Dan it's up to you right cheers Cheers this has been a treat I can't say it was entirely enjoyable but I had a great time hey we'll take that we'll take that well I'd say that before I eat this so here goes [Music] [Music] all right dan levy here we are at the final stop on our hot wing journey and boy have we covered a lot of ground from your MTB roots all the way through to your emmy-nominated triumph that is shits Creek but one thing that we've overlooked is your column and flare magazine where you used to do life advice on everything from financial responsibility to dealing with technology overload so drawing on your time as an Internet era philosopher what's your directive to the fans watching right now who maybe feel withdrawn in this year of just physical and social isolation I think what I proved through your very thorough investigation of my career is that I really hustled in a variety of different mediums to figure out what I wanted to do with my life I think that one of the great things that has come out of this whole time has been a kind of connection that I don't know if we necessarily would have had had we not all been in our homes a connection to what's going on in the little connection to what's going on socially a connection to what's going on in our families and in our friends I think before people were so scared of even picking up the phone it was a text culture we were in a way kind of quite separated from one another and you know I think in this has really kind of brought people closer in a strange way everyone's been at home and we've all been communicating and we've all been having conversations and those conversations have been quite meaningful so you know I think you have to kind of see the good in the bad and and hope for the best in terms of the future so you know yeah well if Dan levy says it then you know it's the truth and look at you Dan taken down ten scorching hot wings and keeping the sweater on all the way through Pitts look dry still looking good glasses not even fogging up and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you my friend this camera or possibly a camera B if you've set one up let the people know what you have going on in your life well I am sad celebrating the end of the end of our show it still has to has to drop on Netflix in October which is which is very exciting because it'll still be a group of people who haven't seen the last season yet but for now it's you know just keep pushing forward and creating some stuff that people like and that kind of means something so that's the goal and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for it this was really really something I would say by the by the fact that my milkshake is finished that was the most effective tool in combating the heat Cohen named Cola brand did not help me very much I find the carbonation almost made my tongue like even worse and I didn't even get to the water so so there you have it there you have highly recommended milkshake born from a delicious accident the classic garlic Fresno Edition came to be when we accidentally took a batch of the classic and mixed it with ten times the amount of garlic recommended in the recipe whoops well you know what at that point a star was born the classic garlic Fresno Edition is now available at heat nice calm heat nice calm to pick up your bottle of the classic garlic Fresno edition around here we call it the Blue Label [Music] you
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 3,073,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, cooking, chef, cocktail, complex, complex media, sean evans, sean evans interview, sean evans hot ones, new hot ones, dan levy, dan levy interview, dan levy hot ones, dan levy schitt's creek interview, schitt's creek, hot ones hot sauce, hot sauce, spicy wings, last dab, last dab xx, first we feast, first we feast hot ones, hot ones fwf, schitt's creek interview, the classic hot sauce, spice lords, hot ones season 12, new hot ones episode
Id: jl84QblsNP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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