Joseph Gordon-Levitt Gets Cocky While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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Reddit Comments -Geek & Sundry revealed this already

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 82 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GreenMonkeySam ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He did a interview about it awhile back as well, and played a game of old school, itโ€™s floating around YT somewhere

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 76 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Adamlolwut ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I can't decide if I would love or hate playing against him in commander

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 31 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/professional_novice ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

"Probably not even all that valuable, it's just the first rare I ever pulled, it's a [[Nightmare]]"

Given he has a bunch of other beta cards that's not exactly cheap either

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Koras ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I think theres an ask me anything and a question was "Most expensive thing you've ever done for a girl" and he said "learn to play and bought magic the gathering cards"

To which the asker said "that doesn't seem that bad" and was replied he clearly doesn't play mtg by pretty much everyone in the community and JGL himself.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/AutumnLantern ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

In some interview he said when he got his first acting jobs he didn't want to go buy all the powerful cards and just beat the shit out of his friends . . . except the moxen he wanted the moxen. I totally get that. If I suddenly had the ability to buy the moxen I totally would.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/slevin_kelevra22 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

14:40 to be exact

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 16 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/cflasche ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jestergoblin ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Joe Manganiello that played brad on how I met your mother also plays magic.bough Joseph gordon-levitt and Manganiello have appeared in day9s spellslingers

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/mizukata ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 28 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
the first five were all kind of like just like good and tasty and like somewhat hot that's a different okay um movies hey what's going on everybody for first week feast i'm shawn evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show with hot questions and even hotter wings and today we close out season 12 with joseph gordon-levitt he's the actor director and producer you know from films like 500 days of summer 5050 inception and many more he also stars alongside jamie foxx and project power which is available on netflix now joseph gordon-levitt welcome to the show thanks man thanks for having me how are you around the spicy stuff are you a hot sauce guy i like some flavor like i like a hot sauce when it has flavor i don't like just gratuitous heat for no reason which i have a feeling some of this might be but if it's flavorful you know i'm into [Music] it by the way i don't know if you know there's a heatwave here in southern california it's already way too hot for my air conditioning to handle and i haven't started eating this at all all right gonna be a sauna in that room i'm already sweating i don't know if you can tell but i did this pretty good and and like serious should i do an insert shot with my phone that's delicious that like i would definitely eat that all day so you are very much ahead of the curve when it comes to hollywood stars on youtube launching a channel for your production company more than 13 years ago when the platform's biggest claims to fame were fred and charlie bit my finger did you feel like you were breaking ground on the next big thing back then or is youtube's evolution and explosion popularity surprised you i mean i i wouldn't claim to be so prescient or anything but uh yeah i figured a good long time ago that the internet was gonna be a thing an important thing i find youtube incredibly beautiful my kids were like interested in what makes fruit go rotten we found a channel on youtube that's just nothing but fairy elaborate stop-motion footage of all kinds of fruit and food going rotten i wouldn't be able to show my kids a video of something so incredibly specific before youtube and not to mention just like oh i want to hear that debussy piece play it on you know a banjo like you can just find everything not to mention like you know idiots like me eating too spicy food but the heart and the soul and the good sides of what youtube is is gonna like move past the attention economy eventually we just have to sort of course correct and make it so that uh it's not sort of this behavior modification technique big data machine learning you know extremist tendencies that that are dominating but i don't think i don't think youtube has to be that i think youtube like has has it within itself to just be the good stuff [Music] are you a cook how did you get this job no i just do interviews like for us we were just trying to solve for a problem we're like how do we make celebrity interview shows more interesting and then this was like the disruptive element you know you definitely did you did it that's delicious that's a super good one i like both of them so far like i would i'll protect my pantry and eat them so something that really sets you apart as an actor is your relentless dedication and my favorite example of that is the years that you spent training as a clown under slava palunen for his off-broadway production of slava's snow show how would you sell the traditional russian art of clowning to people who only know it from like birthday parties in the circus wow i'm surprised i'm very impressed you're asking me about this this is like this is a deep passion of mine that i like don't really talk about and then i get to go on stage with these clowns and no one knows it's me if you're a fan of charlie chaplin but you watch some of his movies that are a little less slapstick and a little more sad that's what the russians are kind of like except it's not black and white it's like the psychedelic color scheme of a terry gilliam movie um but sort of charlie chaplin acting it's very very real it's very heartfelt it's not at all about like it's they they this is what i love about them they give performances that i know it might sound strange but because they can dress up as something other than just a normal human it somehow liberates them i think to just put their deepest most like down inside their feelings out i've been on stage on broadway with them i've been on stage a couple different theaters in france with them it's brilliant how did you find out that i know about it they're like i love this thing i love the clowns it's really funny that you know about this whoa that's interesting i like that this is super delicious so far three for three yeah enjoy that while you can here okay so i know that you're a die-hard francophile and even took a break from acting so that you could study french literature at columbia university paris has long beckoned america's misfits and artists who want to live the floor lifestyle and the birthplace of the enlightenment but do you think that maybe the mystique of an american in paris has faded over the years like if he were alive today and in his 20s do you think hemingway would move to paris no probably not i mean there's definitely still something in paris for people who love movies there's no other city in the world that has such a love and like a a rich like deep love for movies you can go to a movie theater that's playing bogdanovich's paper moon on a wednesday afternoon and there'll be 30 other french people there but yeah would hemingway go i don't know i don't know where bohemia is anymore yeah did we lose it you might just kind of have to turn off your phone and there it is i mean no one knows about it no one will know that you found it that's maybe where you find bohemia can you recommend a french film or accessible piece of french literature that maybe the audience should check out during quarantine man this is such a sweet i i expected this to be like snarky and ironic this is such like a sweet good-hearted nice and like enlightening interview um well i'm happy that we could surprise today let's see i mean like if you want something really weird and frenchy like watch alphaville that's like a very strange sci-fi kind of movie a more recent very weird french movie there's um kahax kahalax is um uh holy motors uh that's a very weird and very cool movie [Music] hotter than l oh the grim reaper oh [ย __ย ] [Laughter] whoa i mean we're supposed to be doing this right it's been anarchy in the quarantine episodes son your podcast creative processing you interview creative people that you admire and i found that your discussion with casting director mary vernou was really fascinating do you have a moment in your life a moment in your career that you would describe as auditioning rock bottom well i don't want to you know disclose who was hurtful but they're they're definitely like i've auditioned for like one director in particular i'm not gonna say who it is though sorry but like i admired uh him a lot like he made uh he this was it was only for his like third movie he was making and um his first two movies i was like i loved so much i went in and you know was doing the scene and he stopped me in the middle which is like it's best if you can let the actor finish the scene before you give them feedback stops me in the middle i'm just some loops yeah i just don't just don't really buy it just completely generic useless dismissive kind of hateful there's there's something that's like i hate you that's basically saying like i hate you and i i think you're terrible at this um and uh and that was it and but before i went i i had told myself that i was gonna tell him how much his movies meant to me i had i had made that agreement with myself before entering the room before everything had started going so badly and so before i left as i was like walking out i was like i just wanted to tell you you know how much i love the movies and how much they meant to me and he goes um i buy that even less [Laughter] [ย __ย ] you guy i'm not going to say your name he probably doesn't even remember that all right joseph we have a recurring segment on our show called explain that graham where we do a deep dive on our guests instagram pull interesting pictures that need more context so i'll show you the picture you just tell us the bigger story and first things first last month you posted this 10-year tribute to inception what do you remember about the unique mechanics of shooting in a 100-foot long rotating corridor for that legendary hallway scene oh that was just the most fun there were a few different ways that it was shot there was the rotating one but then there was also like there were parts on wires they built a long horizontal corridor then they built this like 10 story tower which looked like a hallway but the floor was a wall and they would point the camera up like that way so it looked like it was shooting on you know just down a hallway but it was actually shooting up a 10 story tower but the most fun was the rotating one because you didn't have any harness on you you were just like free to to be in this in this crazy it was really it was like a dream uh i had so much fun doing that and then finally i know that you're a star wars super fan when we had john boyega on the show he made some waves for saying that anakin skywalker is a much more powerful jedi than rey where do you stand on the strongest most powerful jedi in the star wars saga yoda look i i'm not the kind of star wars fan that can like back up my claim with evidence i haven't read the novels i you know i'm not on the wiki pages you know i actually i haven't even seen the mandalorian um but just for my subjective loving perspective and fandom of star wars obviously yoda obviously yoga oh now it's hot that's all right that hurts i've been holding off on the milk mama do it now seafire gourmet reaper hot sauce um it's smoky that one they roast the chili and you can really kind of taste that that fire in there yeah you can change that as someone who seems especially interested in immersive technologies what are the filmmaking innovations you get most excited about when you think about movies in the future um that's hot okay i feel that be careful be careful on the pores be careful on the pores [Music] it didn't hit me at first it was just smoky and delicious really good flavor and it yeah that's okay okay i admit i was getting cocky i was like these are all just tasty i could see it i could see it i could see it in you you warned me you said careful on the back half and you didn't listen to me you didn't listen to me i thought it was gonna be like the first one's level one then oh [ย __ย ] it's really hot the first five were all kind of like just like good and tasty and like somewhat hot that's a different [Music] okay um movies the future of storytelling it's gonna be it's gonna be video games i don't think it's gonna really be filmmakers who figure out how to do that but it does it feels like kind of the most groundbreaking story careful around your eyes careful around your eyes oh thanks yeah yeah i don't want to get chilly in my eyes but like storytelling that's that's completely in a whole different realm than anything we've seen before i don't think it's gonna necessarily be the feature film form that one that one taught me a lesson thank you for the warning you're very kind we want it to be the the most comfortable least comfortable interview at the end of the day you know i thought you just wanted me to be in as much pain as possible because that's what the people want to see we want you to lean into it just a little bit maybe oh [ย __ย ] okay that was a slightly less aggressive pour but still like it's on there for sure that's very aggressive be careful with that even even your sort of uh foot off the gas pores are pedal to the metal pores okay should i wipe some off yeah yeah yeah okay thanks got you got you um yeah i already feel it immediately yeah that's that's that's that he that's just like remember i said earlier i was like they're just they're just eat like i don't feel a flavor okay what's the holy grail of your magic the gathering card collection the most uh the most valuable ones money-wise are i have real moxes i have beta moxes the time walk is my favorite though probably the one i'm most attached to is not even all that valuable but it's like my first rare card that i ever pulled it's called a nightmare it's a horse with fire all around it more swamps you have the more powerful it is it flies very appropriate for the situation going on right now can you remember the dungeons and dragons characters that you used to play with as a kid like which one was the most creative fury fury was my biggest one that i spent the most time on he was um an assassin he was a dark elf chaotic evil really good with daggers my friend nick next guy was named dark image and mine was named fury and we were just horrible killers for hire and we would just go and kill kill people all right we would imagine to kill people speaking of hyperbolically killing people are you ready to move on to the next hot sauce this is the bomb beyond insanity please be very careful yeah i can already smell it okay okay that one does have some flavor at the very beginning fun okay that tastes more like i'm i'm feeling like a stationary store like in cleaning products maybe like the scent of a marker it's like poison yeah kind of like poison or like like you know a household item that you definitely don't want to be ingesting sorry folks like i don't you know [ย __ย ] on anybody's product but like i don't have any good reason to eat that oh don't worry about that everybody who comes on the show has horrible things to say about that sauce really yeah so you've performed a duet with lady gaga you've wrapped on stage at madison square garden alongside logic and i know the music instruments behind you right now they're not there just for show pound for pound what do you think is the best band t-shirt in your wardrobe [Laughter] my friend madison got me an ugly kid joe t-shirt parsley because i'm named [ย __ย ] parsley because i'm named joe but arsenal partially because i'll show partially because i actually liked that like a couple songs off that ugly kid joe cd they did a cover of the cats in the cradle which has a dad makes me really sad ugly kid joe what's your heavy metal album mount rushmore um how many heads are on mount rushmore four guns and ropes kinda counts as heavier metal i guess you can put appetite on there like careful careful with the eyes careful with the eyes thank you thank you [ย __ย ] sorry that's why i use this right yep uh what else um uh ride the lightning mastodon the first mastodon record rage they're not really metal i don't know [ย __ย ] black sabbath and uh i don't [ย __ย ] know man metallica and um i mean just it's uh ride the lightning master puppets and justice for all kill them all there purely metallica mount rushmore [Music] [ย __ย ] that sauce that was [ย __ย ] i want to make sure i don't have any of the remaining of that whatever the [ย __ย ] that was that uh uh white out um that i ate before remember white out like i found though it kind of like didn't work because if you like wipe something out it's not really like you can totally like write over that next thing you know it's kind of an imperfect product you have to have patience yo really quickly we have to be at gordon in five minutes so story time you should put that in the joe you should put that in the show that my publicist just came on the zoom it was like very quickly we have to be at cordon in five minutes thank you all right two more to go how you doing okay yeah okay this one yep i just felt a little um like trembling in my arms just thought i should know that [Music] okay [Music] it's the same [ย __ย ] [ย __ย ] this is like it tastes exactly the same as that one you lied to me i don't want the smoke joe i don't want the smoke do you have a favorite food scene from your acting resume the diner face-off and looper stands out off the top of my head i got to act with mickey rourke mickey rourke is one of the great actors of the 20th century and i got to work with him in a movie called kill shot he played a murder and i played a murderer and there's this one scene where he's he's just sitting there eating lasagna and i'm like this talkative texas psychopath and i just don't shut up the whole time and he never says anything and i'm just like needling him and needling him and kneeling him and he's just eating lasagna until he shoots me in the face he ate i think probably like two pans of lasagna and he made sure to order it from like his favorite italian restaurant in town and he ate all of that lasagna i admire the hell out of it you should have him on hot ones he would be an amazing guest on the show okay [Music] it's behind your milk it's behind my milk i got you oh there it is yeah okay oh it's a weird like color of diarrhea all right oh sorry this one is your product i shouldn't it's okay hey i apologize no we let you we let you swing how you want to swing here on this show okay um i have faith that this is gonna be good this is gonna i'm gonna enjoy this but if you don't be honest about it i'll be honest about it okay i'm gonna go hard these squirts are not helping the uh diarrhea imagery i'll be honest okay macaroni in the pot okay that's a lot that's a lot of hot sauce it's a lot cheers cheers right off the bat there is more flavor it's like tangy and now here comes oh okay joseph gordon-levitt here we are at the end of our spicy chicken wings saga and we've touched on your many creative projects both old and new but to close things out i just want to talk about sesame street you're on record as saying that it's your favorite show of all time and you called hosting the 50th anniversary special one of the highlights of your life so now with your brain on fire and your mouth ablaze what is the most important life lesson that you ever learned watching oscar the grouch elmo big bird in the gang my favorite episode of sesame street is the episode where uh oscar starts an ice cream stand out of his trash can he's selling cones of ice cream to people and he really wants to sell them spaghetti and meatballs ice cream and nobody wants it because nobody thinks that spaghetti and meatballs ice cream will be any good [Music] and all they ever ask for is strawberry and they keep asking for strawberry and he doesn't want to sell them strawberry he wants to sell him spaghetti and meatballs ice cream and he never gives up and he never gives in and he sells them spaghetti meatballs ice cream oscar the grouch is my favorite sesame street character i am oscar the grouch oscar the grouch plays by his own rules joseph gordon levitt to top out the wings and close out season 12 and now all there's left to do but is roll out the red carpet for you joseph gordon love it this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life you want to be creative you have something inside you that tells you you want to be creative in life i started this thing a long time ago called hit record i know it sounds like i'm plugging my company i know i never shut up about it on social media that's all i ever do is just post about it on social media but it's something that's really truly dear to me if you want to do something creative today you want to write you want to draw you want to act you want to make movies or make music whatever it is you want to do it's hard to do it alone and if you want to do something creative today come check it out i care about it probably more than anything else i work on thank you great job joe great job great job all right joe thank you so much good luck on cordon i'm definitely tuning in tonight thanks so much you guys really appreciate it see you joe hey what's going on hot ones fans this is shawn evans checking in with a very exciting announcement hot ones truth or dab the game is finally here baby what's in the box what's in the box what's in the box well the kit comes complete with 250 question cards and then here's how the game works you just go around the table you take turns being the host being the players and when you're a player you get asked a question you have a choice just like in the show answer it honestly or suffer the wrath of the last dab and take a look at this there's even a mini bottle of the last dab included i suggest you have napkins on hand you have to have some milk on hand and of course be careful be very careful around the eyes hot ones truth or dab the play at home game is available at shop.firstwe and amazon play at your own risk wings not included [Music]
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 3,775,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot ones, hot ones season 12, hot ones new episode, hot ones joseph gordon levitt, joseph gordon levitt, joseph gordon levitt hot ones, joseph gordon levitt interview, first we feast hot ones, first we feast, fwf, the last dab, the last dab xxx, last dab reactions, 500 days of summer, don jon, 10 things i hate about you, looper, hot ones reactions, joseph gordon-levitt, hot ones the game show, sean evans, sean evans interview, sean evans hot ones, sean evans questions
Id: HDduzIB8HjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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