Dad's On YouTube: An ARG for the Modern Father

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Hope this one is better than the last vid!

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/DJ10reddit 📅︎︎ May 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

seems to be improving

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/greyli 📅︎︎ May 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm enjoying this one because I'm okay with getting an overview/summary.

I'm not a huge uber-fan of much except Petscop so I'll take Nick's criticisms with a grain of salt.

I guess if his deal is theorizing without checking others' theories is legit. I thought he didn't give Petscop enough credit for depth so I'll assume there are deeper delvers than Nick for Dad and any other series.

And also I don't really think of Nick's opinion or anyone's as the final word on any series. Nexpo did a good job theorizing on Kraina Gryzbow, Nick did a good job theorizing DHMIS, Nightmare Masterclass did a good job theorizing on Petscop, etc. but I'm not going to think they're necessarily 100% right.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/Newzab 📅︎︎ May 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I liked this plenty; if he's doing one video a month, there's going to be great ones and good ones, and this is good; nothing wrong with good.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/gravitysrainbow1979 📅︎︎ May 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was a better video than he's been making, but after watching the Petscop video and knowing how much he got wrong it kind of taints this for me that, like, what if he's ignoring a ton of discovered stuff here too? But I guess the reason I originally subscribed to Nick was for him to explain series to me that I'll never have time to watch the whole thing, so I just gotta accept that if I'm gonna be lazy

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/AnvilPro 📅︎︎ May 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Dad's been waiting for this video! Dad's happy!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/CondePro 📅︎︎ May 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad Nick gave Inside a Mind a shout out near the end. That's how I found out about Dad in the first place, and playing nice with other YouTubers is good for Nick's image and just like, just good for Nick obviously. I'm happy for him if he's finding his groove again, and I enjoyed this one.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Newzab 📅︎︎ May 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

guessing that the backwards voice at 10:29 is pewdiepie saying his intro or something.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SuperverseTiger 📅︎︎ May 10 2019 🗫︎ replies

So...this is just another project of Nathan Barnatt (aka, the guy playing "Dad").

Here's one of his bigger videos from his main channel:

He also did a dance video from when Obama won reelection:

Hell, he has a fairly well-known (in niche circles) character, Keith Apicary:

He's been doing Youtube for almost the entire existence of Youtube. He's also a comedian and actor. I know that he's well-known in the west coast Upright Citizens Brigade scene (he's performed at their theater quite a bit), and he's done a TON of commercials including one for M&Ms ( and Capital One (

That's all it is. I hope this blows up for him, he's a great entertainer and he deserves a big break. He's a huge wrestling fan (even auditioned for the most recent Tough Enough for WWE, and was supposed to be doing a thing for the WWE Network, but that never came through), and has done some back and forth stuff with Dolph Ziggler (a WWE wrestler). He was apparently hired to work for Cirque du Soleil years back but got a pickup to do a pilot for Adult Swim that never ended up becoming a full series, but the pilot's still on Youtube. Seems like a great dude, dances like a maniac (in a good way), and I really enjoy his other work.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SalvadorZombie 📅︎︎ May 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay full disclosure I may be a literal shape-shifting black head monster with four eyes hosting a channel that's knee-deep in Hummer dark stories hauntings cryptids kidnappings and killings but I also really like to have fun it's true I enjoy fun I enjoy humor and I can in to enjoy light-hearted stuff at times it can't be gloom and doom all night long you know when I wake up there's still some light at sunset and when I go to sleep that Suns already up at dawn night mine has some light edges and people who take themselves too seriously are way more annoying than those who have trouble being serious it's a delight to cover channels that are weird wacky and meant to make you laugh or smile even while they perplex or disturb you like info channel Pizza time Pizza on stories for on children lasagna cat and of course a lot of women City comedies content that's why today I'm very excited to introduce you to the average milquetoast office job father I never got dad ah that feels a week and ready for work okay now let's see I've got my briefcase computer calculator pen paper coffee cup and eternal dedication to the corporation now I just need a kiss on the cheek from my loving wife to send me on my way Cheryl Cheryl where could she be huh dad's always the first to leave how will dad make it through the day without love from wife okay calm down let's think Ruthie that'll just wait but dad can't wait you'll be late for a job what is going on here how does dad know if wife loves him without butt kiss when we first visit Dan's house on February 18 of 2019 it's kind of empty but it feels pretty cool right now dad's concerned about where wife is because that good morning kiss is pretty important we don't know where dad works or what he does but the scene is set up pretty well from Episode one to give us an impression of what were in for dad talks about himself in third person and seems to have a slightly robotic way of referencing his family and actions using titles and simple expressions as if he were the writer of a children's book describing a character then on its own is kind of strange even for a one room theater set up like we have here but at the moment featuring an odd ball of light really gives us something to think about dad seems to sleep on his feet before it appears and after the or pops up and winks out he's all set and ready to go we'll be seeing more of this object but let's keep this moment in mind that features its activation power the next day February 19th dad comes home tired and disheveled after a long day at work doing whatever dad does [Music] oh boy what a day dad sure is tired dad will feel good once he gets a nice kiss on the cheek from his beautiful wife I love the show I think boss really liked my presentation maybe I'll be promoted to executive worker then when dad has enough saved he can quit and become number one youtuber dad is already growing one thing is for sure I'm an executive debt for my loving family family dad's home that doesn't sound like my family that sounds like silence wife daughter where do they go where's dad's family [Music] and now we have a problem on our hands for sure you think wife would be here now but she and daughter are at home just two episodes in and we have the foundation for a conflict already laid out nicely dad is somewhat dependent on the presence of wife and daughter but they're absent and immediately we wonder what's going on we've also get a bit more backup on the idea that dad refers to things with simple titles in a simplified world boss is boss and if office dad keeps up the good work maybe he'll get promoted to executive worker but then we hear about his dream which goes well against the grain of the plain middle-aged office stand that we're being shown he wants to be the number one youtuber yes dad wants to join the ranks and single-handedly to feed pewds and t-series establishing his dominance as the Internet's true head of household this gives us a totally new perspective on what we're witnessing you might already suspect from the ending to each episode that dad is self-aware and knows about his audience but now we can confirm it there seems to be an act going on here with a meta level of awareness let's see how dad handles the absence of Cheryl and daughter following his tiring day of work I wonder where is dinner taste so much better when I'm surrounded by the one limo maybe they went out to the restaurant but why would they go without me this family not love dead does anyone love dead family [Music] ah yes food brand cans of food in American classic too bad family isn't around to join tab for dinner but it gives us more insight especially during the moment that orb of light appears to get tat back on schedule by now most viewers will gain a sense of what they're witnessing at least in part dad is very much acting and thinking according to a toddler's understanding of what a father is based on watching cartoons reading storybooks or what they've been told by mom and dad in that gentle softly pace voice that instinctively kicks in when talking to children simple concepts simple understanding pointing at expression through what can be considered media archetypes or cultural stereotyping you can boil down to the contents of a Simpsons episode or perhaps the bounds of a newspaper comic that dad might read dad is a simple character with simple desires and understanding apart from his youtuber dream the glowing orbs reappearance provides more evidence as a control force over dad it woke him up and got him going to work and now it's made sure dinner happens on time despite his concerns soon dad's family arrives putting a quick end to the mystery of the day mom daughter where have you been hi dad we went out to the restaurant because we thought you were working late tonight I didn't work late I worked Frank Euler what did you guys have to eat we had dinner and dessert I had vegetables and fruit mom had sandwich and toffee what did you have dad I had can of food I tasted horrible eating it alone that's nice honey I'm tired now good night mom and dad I'm going to go read in bed don't stay up late dad but what about our nightly family chat I wanted to tell you guys about true values great deals and now we've got a really good idea of what we're in for especially with the prompt at the end why did dad's family eat without him dad tossing the plate off the table is pretty unexpected and from how dejected he is over being left out of the restaurant visit we can tell this isn't normal wife and daughter don't seem very concerned but dad is certainly affected with a remark about wanting to discuss true values great deals daughter holding an open cell phone while talking and wife telling dad not to stay up too late while she goes to read in bed we've got pretty firm confirmation we're witnessing what seems like a play inside a child's dollhouse everyone here is stereotypical this is the portrait of an American family but now that white picket fence ideal has been broken and we've seen a moment of lashing out by dad in response what's more dad does know he has an audience witnessing events this is all happening on YouTube dad is not alone in what he's experiencing combine that with what he's feeling and how he reacted to being left out and we can see a story developing but stories are composed of cause-and-effect scenarios fueled by action and desire so if our hunch is correct we should see something come out of this next and we get a very strong response in the video dan is the best youtuber [Music] [Music] it was kind of random right silly even kind of stupid but funny in its own way and that's because dad understands YouTube to be like that he's also sending a message dropping a hammer on Felix the cat and a pie it's a reference to the only Felix everyone on here knows that can be equated with a pie the number one youtuber that dad wants to be let's look at what we've got so far in terms of constant effect dad wakes up finds his wife isn't giving him the usual good morning kiss that lets him know he's loved he comes back from work dreaming of a higher station in life at his job and beyond that his true dream meeting the number one youtuber his wife and daughter aren't around and dad is made to eat alone we're hurt and sad when his family comes back they reveal they went to the restaurant without him and completely ignored dad's feelings which makes him act out of character angry dejected and Confused what does dad do next he looks us straight in the eye and makes a silly youtube video with a message doubling down on his dream dad is mad but dad is motivated and he'll get his fill of hammering his way to the top of the site even if he can't have a decent dinner with his family after getting home from work in other words yes kids your dad is having a bit of a midlife crisis and he's putting it all on YouTube let the fun begin [Music] jumping to conclusions hey daughter who are you talking to Griffin is Griffin your boyfriend hey Sarah who are you talking to you me Diane I'm talking to Diane I thought Diane ain't after were on vacation [Music] family is acting strange daughter doesn't want to open up even when Dad shows interest in her life wife is on the phone with someone who is very obviously not Diane wonder who she could be talking to it couldn't possibly be the man who still has all his hair doing manly things and his manly shirt in the video we see immediately after this could it skip forward in cyma bit from this point and we're able to make more sense out of this scene using the video mom home alone in which she's admiring a piece of the wood that man with the axe Cod in the video that follows featuring him neighbor visits that feels confused mama's been acting really strange lately what was she seeing in the living room yesterday and what was she holding hey Dad how are you hey neighbor dad doesn't feel great why is that mom's upset with dad what did you do dad didn't do anything she found a magazine and it made her upset but it's not mine you sure it's not yours yes dad's never even seen I don't know maybe it is dad's magazine [Music] [Music] I guess it is dad's magazine now let's bounce back to the end of the video that came before mom home alone dad might not know entirely what's up but his shadow appearing does seem to suggest you understand something isn't right and at the very end we've got an unexpected message written in binary code nice axe what was all that about a magazine by the way that's a threat that picks up from mom vacuums in which mommy's naturally vacuuming and she finds dad magazine [Music] this has consequences immediately and family dinner and the video that follows it hey mom and dad can Griffin come over daughter you know the rule you're not allowed to have boys over into you reaches yes Griffin can come over thanks mom general I think we should talk about this first I think we should talk about this [Music] dad I need to talk I'm shutting down the server what why you know why dad's been bad what upon my uploads how I become the number one youtuber what about my special upload don't ask me it's not up to me you can upload again when you reach 5,000 subscribers well maybe you should have thought of that before top oh look at that it's already up that second video is titled dad is offline and it occurred on March 4th 2019 we don't see dad upload again until March 8th and that's only because as he commented dad used neighbor's Wi-Fi to upload dad now knows neighbours password Shh this is a very interesting turn of events wife has access to the server not the modem not their Wi-Fi we server that connects them to YouTube that's more than a bit strange isn't it not only that they're connected via server but that wife has power over at almost instant power and she's put up a number gave her returning base on dad subscribers we've been witnessed the character play all along that lets us know we're not meant to see anybody here as real people but this is the first time we're given anything that seems to suggest that in his family maybe aren't exactly human even in their own context the video dad uses his neighbor's Wi-Fi to bring us dad is out really hammers in this idea that is outside for the first time and looks lost but also exhilarated he also discovers what we all take for granted the power of speech and hearing dad dad dad yeah dad has boys hi dad has voice well what's that dad likes it out here oh yeah yeah it's nice out here right he said your dad too did you say you're a dad yes I'm dad yeah yeah I can't imagine my life without this little guy up how many do you have [Music] dad has one daughter oh how old is she 3 eons oh yeah feels like that some days uh do you want to go a true value and get everything we need out of price we can afford I gotta get this guy home you know he's uh he's about to pass out here we're just gonna take off Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada [Music] okay that was a human to humans technically a father and son out in the wild who were very much not the stereotype we see in dad I think we can lock down very firmly now that there's a world of Dan and his family and there's the world we know and that seems to end up here when the server is down on his side this is extremely telling but we should gather more info to get a sense of just how this is possible and what he and his family are right after we stopped to take a music break because dad's new method of climbing the YouTube charts involves making his own dad centric music and he drops three hot singles from his debut album dan feels can't be stopped true value and Diane there are links to the full album available through Bandcamp in the video descriptions which includes some pieces of interest for us two versions of dad feels golden one whipped out alone and one with the artist Colleen Greene track 9 is called obey the surfer lyrics for it go like this pay the bills to feed the server dad uploads so he's eternal log on to his E computer dad becomes the best youtuber Dan obeys the YouTube server family lives for their observers if dad can reach little further he becomes the quantum father sub to dad obey the server just hit play and feel the power spend more time with your computer life online is so much cooler than outside were people murmur look in here it's always summer since your life is such a bummer hang with dad it's so much fun that's quite a bit to take in let's see what we've got here a the bills to feed the server dad uploads so he's a turtle dad obeys the YouTube server family lives for their observers if dad can reach little further he becomes the quantum father the server is a lot more powerful than we thought it was and it doesn't just seem like a connection wife can manipulate base on dad's behavior it sounds like dad and his family actually need the server or dad feels like they do if he can reach further as a youtuber he becomes the quantum father this only makes sense in the context of quantum computing which is the next evolution of computer technology and most researchers involved in artificial intelligence study quantum computing as a possible route to obtaining their goals it's actually a major focus over at Google the parent company for YouTube quantum a research effort from Google AI that aims to build quantum processors and develop novel quantum algorithms to dramatically accelerate computational tasks for machine learning quantum computing is a new paradigm that will play a big role in accelerating tasks for AI we want to offer researchers and developers access to open source frameworks and computing power that can operate beyond classical capabilities YouTube is part of Google's effort to develop neural networks and machine learning recite its algorithms and the content scanning programs in place all feed into that effort it's been well-documented for a while now that YouTube is somewhat of a testing platform for Google's machine learning work and is also a very rich ground for data harvesting that can become the quantum father if he goes farther on the site his family exists were there observers aka viewers and he's doing a lot of this in service to the server obey the server pay the bills to feed the server dan only seems to exist outside and understand his own voice and hearing when the server is shut down and wife is keeping it from turning back on until he reaches 5,000 subscribers this channel this character this whole enterprise seems like it could be part of Google's overall endeavor to use YouTube for developing AI dad has been designed to direct viewers towards this end to sub to dad obey the server just hit play and feel the power spend more time with your computer life online is so much cooler a few years back when YouTube changed its algorithm to favor longer content and watch time over view counts a lot of people were confused why they made that decision the answer from researchers is that they want to keep you on the website as long as possible from the moment you start watching a video to the moment you shut off your device or close the app keeping you here as long as they can feels machine-learning for what content you enjoy which informs a catered experience and overall collects data that could be used by the company and also shared with many other companies just hit play and feel the power spend more time with your computer dad wants you here as long as possible because that's what YouTube wants but is that all that dad wants is this the entirety of what's going on here we do have evidence that suggests otherwise and again it comes from the music specifically the videos uploaded to the channel for the singles released the first video can't be stopped contains a secret message hidden along the top and font that can barely be read the island in the next video a true value we have where is CF BDS ir where do those messages fit into the grand scheme right at this very moment we can't play some but that's okay because Dan makes it to 5000 subscribers and celebrates by dancing in public for a solid hour to the song dad feels good and yeah that really happened in one long continuous take several people walking by interact with a camera or outright trying to avoid getting in the way but some get in on the act itself the best moment occurs about halfway through when a real human dad and his child stop on the opposite side of the road and the dad puts down his backpack to dance along that Plus everyone who stopped to dance with dad including in their cars made this cell kraid and that's on top of the already major point that this poor man danced for a solid hour to the same song and kept busting out new moves he went through more cardio in one hour than we do in a full week now the real point of this video comes from watching a character you don't expect a personification of you too who looks like a secret agent from the company instead of an employee there's a real matrix feeling going on with this guy as he observes Stan throughout the second half of the video the next upload fantasy story features the family preparing for a trip to the park the orb appears to wake dad who asked his wife what kind of book she has which she describes as her favorite mom book and says is a fantasy story dad says he has a fantasy to fifth gear wide open the code at the end of the video is alphabet paste and says mom's book inspect the cover of that book and you'll recognize it's a romance novel a reflection of where mom's mind is lately the next set of videos are those we've already touched upon concerning mom home alone and the neighbor but we also have dad's chores dad feels okay dad says some time to think mom and dad just need to have a talk dad I'll explain to them was it dad neighbor delegated to cha-cha-cha gravia house to see my good that they were a total of children even our realized work he can't really true family dad [Music] what they did [Music] never gave it a shot chill resort [Music] this is an odd one for sure we've known the orb keeps down on track but now it's given him something that's cos and mediate anger towards a neighbor and we're suddenly hearing a voice intermingling with his thoughts it seems like it's trying to communicate with dad and wake him up at the end of the video we also have a video link to Danny's awake and nothing else on the screen it's like we're experiencing though reset on the channel more music arrives dad is on dad feels good dad feels golden featuring colleen green and dad bod which has a moment of binary code flashing that's a link to an article on varieties website Aaron Paul Chelsea Handler and Meg Ryan top-line Sun Valley Film Fest it's um it's really hard to understand why the link brought us here and just to check that we're not going crazy or getting that link wrong I looked at the comments on the article and found another dead viewer asking what he sent us here for so the link is not an accident the lyrics the dad bod suggests what we already suspect dad is not human and neither is his family and it might not even be a case of AI or machine learning after all left my planet now looking for some fun moving like a human in that dad bod human sweat seeping out of his neck in the video dad is on we also have the lyrics move your human limbs and in the video for Dad feels good we have a flash of binary code at the very start revealing a link to image BB the picture is another message in binary code and you are not prepared for what this one says lieutenant Emily Ridley mrs. bass come in now let's bring in the line that shows up early and dad feels good some things that make dad feel good are can of food and Kepler V our Kepler is the name of NASA's telescope for saying a very far-reaching area of space where the first earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of a star was discovered kepler 186f the first planning in the Kepler study zone to be in the habitable area however is Kepler 22b which is about twice the size of Earth the connection to the kepler planet zone is confirmed through binary code hidden in the episode 10 loves mom which when decoded provides the end of a link to a YouTube video titled sounds of the planets this includes kepler-22b 186f and tensie we're not going to visit dad feels golden featuring colleen green because all we need is available in the solo version dad is riding a motorcycle in lyrics 1/5 wide open field open flowin never turned back fifth gear wide open which answers what dance fantasy was in the video from earlier he wants to jump on a motorcycle and ride free that was the meaning of fifth gear wide open but of major note in this video is the secret message spelled out using lowercase letters in the lyrics dad is our only chance of survival so that's pretty heavy huh all of this put together is it been mind-boggling and that's not even including the content of Danlos mom which introduces a new light orb well dad goes on the first light orbs directive of suddenly admitting that he loves Diane followed by a rewind of recent events and dad's appearance in what looks like a city from the future oh and all of this happens while dad writes to us in the chat replay because apparently this video was a YouTube premiere so viewers got to interact live as this happened and dad was asking for help in fact this isn't even the first time dad used the premiere function a closer look at the channels uploads reveal a good amount of them were sent as premieres and some provide clues on the video dan is out we have a message saying dad has the sneak to be out which immediately corrects our course of thinking for that episode the server going down does not mean that Dan is set free after all not in any way that we might have been thinking that's capable of sneaking out on his own maybe the server activity has something to do with keeping him from getting out normally but it's not the end-all be-all for escaping then we have comments on videos like who is Dan in which he says YouTube is slower than dad dad is HD daddy is perfect dad loves food earth this earth that brings in the Kepler's own planets theme for sure with that saying how much he loves earth and how he left his planet but then we have the comment from dad feels good ever which brings to mind this incident during the one-hour session of dad feeling good dad so good cuz that is done working is new yeah dad is feeling also good because the kids are out the school dad is feeling uh so good because he's got the living God the Living God the Living God the Living God the Living God the Living God the Living God the Living God the Living God the Living God the they bring Gotham they bring Gotham they bring gossip they bring Gotham they bring Gotham they bring Gotham they bring Gotham they bring Gotham they bring Gotham they bring got the baby dad it stuffed a lot of things of listen joy of when he sings always annoyed it chomp feelings just like all of you were things that Wilson filled everything dad is drunk but still growing dad feels so good now taking all of these clues codes and moments together we find ourselves looking at a very odd situation dad seems to be alien in origin but his exact nature is unknown is he a machine learning program is he a robot is he illegitimate alien is he an alien robot a infused with machine learning being remotely controlled by someone on a kepler planet what does YouTube have to do with all of this and why is it so important for debt and whatever force he's associated with to dominate the website we need to see a good bit more from dad and his rise to fame if we want to figure all this out especially in the wake of secret messages to Lieutenant Emily Ridley from base command what we can do right now is take all we have and cast a theory into the water obedience to the server unnecessary rise to fame on YouTube alien origins machine connectivity secret codes based on binary dependence on that server from before okay here's what I'm thinking and since we're only just finished with act one there's a lot of room to be wrong but this is how it boils down as one potential plot summary using everything that we have YouTube has either been infiltrated or set up from the beginning by aliens from a kepler planet using Google's machine learning programs to gather massive amounts of information on the human race dan and his family are part of this process and possibly a product of their work an early prototype you might say of a human designed from everything they know based on the information gathered so far it would explain why the characters are really characters of a dad why daughter and neighbor they're simple archetypal stereotypical because that's the mass pulled information depiction of what a dad wife daughter and neighbor might be on earth according to aliens dad having issues with his family that are just a stereotypical as a cartoon or sitcom fathers issues is reflective of the knowledge base but tossing down into these circumstances might be the server's way of testing the program subject dad to drama see how he reacts if he has new emotions thoughts feelings see what he does observe the behavior put it on camera put it online show it to people and see how they respond to him and gather all of that data no matter what we can pin some things down from our information regardless of a theory that ties them all together and the facts we have inform us going forward a lot first dad and his family absolutely aren't human second this has to do with something in space be it alien or a far-reaching experiment by YouTube or Google third dad really needs to become a YouTube star and is obedient to the server which is directly affiliated with YouTube and his family works towards that same goal punishing and rewarding dad with server access that server by the way apparently is a channel that dad follows and his face for some reason appears in one of its videos adding a little bit more confusion and mystery on top of what we already have fourth dad is encountering drama serial of American family issues especially in the romance department with both he and his wife thinking about cheating the server seems to be pushing him toward issues of drama particularly where the neighbor is concerned finally whatever is on the side of Dan and the server is trying to reach out to lieutenant Emily Ridley and also wants us to know that dad is their only chance of survival that's all well and good we have some facts in place and using them we have a bit of a theory we can project now want to look at some things that make life harder for us of course you do I knew you would remember that secret message from one of the music videos earlier where is cf B D si R there's a companion piece on Dad's Twitter account in the form of a video titled cfb D si R 214 9 4:03 cfb DSi r21 4904 o3 turns out to be a planet that's possibly part of the constellation Dorado scientists are trying to determine if it's fixed in place there or if it's what's known as a rogue planet a free-floating celestial body roaming the universe without the gravitational pull of a solar system so again we have references to very deep areas as space surrounded in mystery pertaining to tad and a direct message for dad to wake up and we don't know who's telling him to do so the idea of a rogue planet here a free-floating celestial body that actually lines up with a video that dad liked on the channel he's got only a few videos that he's liked one of which directly deals with the idea of what would happen if a rogue planet entered our solar system what would happen to our gravity would we be okay is this what dad is trying to get at is this what the server or whatever aliens are connected to this are trying to get at is there a rogue planet that's entered our system and now we're being infiltrated at this point it could be anything to do with rogue planets or alien interference and oh man it's a lot to take in right now and just try and form a theory out of from act one especially because we also have instances of the mystery breaking into a metal level pertaining to direct violation of the fourth wall on debts community to have he posted in all caps saying delete recently along with a video called dad feels great by nathan par net the actor and creator of the character who introduced dad in skits on his own channel going into Nathan's full channel for more evidence surrounding data opens a big can of worms it starts with a video saying goodbye to YouTube called ignore this video open it up and you'll see this in the video description I'm not quitting YouTube my channel has been hacked my MCM is leaving this here for the investigation this is in complete contradiction to the context of the video I unfortunately am going to just kind of end my youtube and wrap it up YouTube wants it I have to say goodbye thank you everyone who has watched thank you everyone who supported me and donated thank you for everything thank you for watching I need to just call it quits a channel as is at an all-time low the views and subscriptions are drastically going down if I had the means that Buster Keaton had or like Jim Carrey or people who have a big platform or I could have props and help in sets built and you know you endless resources I could be filming and creating the things that I have in my mind and the things I've always wanted to film my ideas are too big and I want to make things like Jackie Chan and you know movies like place beyond the pines things that I love I want to make my own versions of these types of stories or so you'll be seeing more from me hopefully on the bigger screen but for now at YouTube one thing but for now thank you for everything thank you for watching and thank you for supporting me [Music] this video ends with a link to another video on which dad himself commented reseat the lawn or raid existence the video shows Nathan trying to hide from dad who comes to investigate the window all well audio is played in Reverse here's the translation another video arrives on the public side of Nathan's channel that seems connected to the bleed-over of the dad storyline eight five one to sixteen dot MOV dad is seen in the comments again they shouldn't see through another video is uploaded to Nathan side titled this channel no longer exists and features not only Dan and a reflection in the poster in the upper right corner but in appearance by the glowing or and finally we have this video marked by a bunch of underlines for it's at all [Music] [Music] [Music] so yeah if we wanted to get more complicated things just got more complicated not only is that connected to outer space and might be an alien machine Learning Network or Android or an alien altogether he is also a haunting doppelganger of Nathan the characters creator and wants evidence of that deleted and Nathan also appears to be subject to the whims of the glowing orb which is working on behalf of the server or wife here's the good news about our situation we are only just getting started everything we've seen tonight is part of Dada act 1 according to a comprehensive video on the channel Dada act 2 begins on may 6th or has already just started depending on when this video lands okay so real quick let's have an addition here because that act 2 opening on May 6 was much more revealing than anticipated and really gives us some direction and we have got to talk about this the video shows a sky that includes a planet we shouldn't be able to see from Earth possibly a rogue planet or a kepler body followed by an astronaut that crashed lands in the desert we follow a man in black that reminds us of the agent of YouTube who reveals dad is in the astronaut suit and has hair we cycle through what appear to be memories of dads concerning a son and a previous wife who also had spacesuits it seems in the ends dad is carried off an astronaut for him along with cancer food well another dad is left behind this seems to confirm that data is from space or he did something involving space but it really muddies the waters were concepts about dad being alien or of alien origin what if dad is actually human and always has been but someone got hold of him after a failed space mission where did he really come from Earth or the planet we see above and who is the doppelganger left behind is this Nathan Barnett this definitely clarifies some things but leaves us wonderfully confused for more we'll have to see how the next few uploads for Dan unfold dad also has an upcoming 10,000 subscriber special a marquis met right in time for coverage by inside of minds a fellow youtuber who specializes in coverage of online storytelling and friend of night minds there's even a dad feels thankful video on the channel now acknowledging this happened and making us aware that dad is infinite he swears he will fix YouTube he is the best pop star and we also catch another binary message that translates to someone got in dad is far from done in act 2 is most likely going to clarify some things while giving us way more to puzzle over but from everything we can see so far this is a very fun ride to be part of the underlying story the secret code sin actually makes sense as being ran in binary because it might be a machine learning program the surface level story and the sheer silliness of dad himself and his stereotypical character set to monotone pop music is all just great dad ultimately is fun it's goofy and it's smart a wonderful mix and in this house we celebrate dad especially because Father's Day is coming up and we know for sure what dad's favorite store is so getting quality goods at affordable prices will be a breeze when it comes to choosing its gift here's to you dad keep on dancing until you hit that quantum status definitely subscribe to that if you want to see more and also just to see how crazy this gets for the story as his numbers continue to climb it's pretty clear that the amount of subscribers influences the story and from what we've seen just in act 1 this is a path that's very rewarding to go down inventive fun weird smart slightly disturbing and wonderfully dumb all at once that's our dad thanks for watching and thanks especially to all my supporters on patreon who feed my server and ensure NIC stays on YouTube to continue being capped at to all of you being a patreon makes cat dad feel good seriously well thank you for all you do for the channel and please stick around to see the names of all the awesome patrons who keep the moonlight on and electricity flowing at the end of this video thanks for joining me in the talk again this evening once more I'm Nick Nocturne and like dad's embarrassing urges to record his midlife crisis on the Internet I'll be coming back to embarrass him and make a life at school of living hell real soon sleep science [Music] book my hips when I'm breaking up though bombs drop that beat down everyone shake my dad bought like their pom-poms meet my body to the rhythm of the song of the smoothest dad living under Sun let my planet it was a fun dance moves by Michael Jackson shake that dad bye dad shake that dad bye dad whooping like a human that yeah take that dad check that like a human that dadbod yacek that stead perfect that step by sickness death Barbara his down sick - dad bod sickness chick - dad bond breakage down dad desires to build the deck Shima sweat seeping out of his neck dad's arms are filled with strength maybe we'll see how strong he is then that night at the barbecue dad will party the entire night through neighbor will stop spent watching huh his dad's moves breaks scientific law my chick that dad aw dad
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 426,343
Rating: 4.9532604 out of 5
Keywords: dadfeels, nathan barnett, inside a mind, night mind, dad feels good, arg, webseries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 41sec (2861 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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