Petscop: A Cryptic Family Mystery

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You know, I've been waiting for this video, and I don't have the time to watch it all the way through right now. But in the first five minutes he says he should have known better than to "poke the bear" by saying publicly that petscop wouldn't update on Easter? If he'd been following things he'd know that it was almost guaranteed we'd get Easter content because of the channel description and profile pic update. It didn't happen because he dared them to.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 111 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I usually love Night Mind's stuff, and I feel like this video was very not like him. There's no investigation whatsoever, and all he does is complain about the lack of concrete evidence to make any claims. It truly makes me wonder if he only completely analyzes stuff he's sure he can completely solve.

Petscop works off drip-feeding cryptic information, yes: you aren't going to get anything off of it if you do nothing with said information just because it's "too little" or "too cryptic".

You get answers by digging deeper into symbolism and theme, something I had expected someone like NM to do.

I'm very disappointed.

EDIT: Just so we're clear, I still like Night Mind's videos. One bad video won't change that for me. But this, in my honest opinion, was a bad video by someone I know can do far better than that.

This is why I used his THHPII as an example: not to compare it to Petscop, but to compare NM's approach to that series compared to this one. He's capable of far, far more research and enthusiasm than this, and I think Petscop is a series that deserves this kind of dedication.

Also, I do think NM likes Petscop in general: I just think he rushed himself into something he wasn't fully invested in. That's absolutely okay, it happens.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fiblertSOS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Night Mind questioning the P2 to talk system gives me whiplash after knowing full well that r/Petscop decoded it

Night Mind doesn't even seem to consider the possibility that the demos in 17 are footage of testers, or the entertain the fact that the same episode implies that Daniel is Rainer

idk maybe these are things that seem more intuitive to me because I've been following the series and reading the subreddit for ages

I will agree with him that the way Petscop delivers information feels a bit off? I mean I'd say it seems to require a lot of lateral thinking? idk

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/n0sh0re πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m a bit disappointed to hear that nick doesn’t like how the series tells its story, but that’s his opinion

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Scako πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Very disappointed with this video, I usually like Nick but his 10 minute complaint that he hasn’t found enough stuff because he’s not being spoon fed is a bit of a let down

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JammyCroissant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

i wanna mention my own thoughts on this since i posted it - i used to really like Nick's content but this video wasn't what i hoped it'd be at all. petscop to me is something that gets better the further you dig into it, and it feels like Nick hasn't really tried to dig into it much at all. he was surprised about the Easter updates despite signs of it happening, he didn't mention a ton of stuff (the symbol blocks, for one, plus i feel like there could've been more said about the school?) and this video almost felt like he made it because he had to, as opposed to him wanting to make it. it's a shame. this might be the video that makes me unsubscribe, really. i haven't been watching any of his recent stuff at all, and this is a video that i was hoping would bring back my interest in his content.

if anyone has some videos like this that actually explore petscop proper, i'd love to check them out. i've seen part 1 (and some of part 2) of the nightmare masterclass one but i haven't gotten around to watching more of it yet since there's just so much of it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/OrangePyromancer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Taken from a post I did on the NM subreddit:

As I said above:

I watched this in hopes it would be a (slight) comeback for Nick, and... I'm gonna be honest: this is the self-serious, vapid and not-good type of video I expected from him at this point.

He basically says nothing but how much it sucks (huh?). How you get exactly what you expected (WHAT!? the series has taken dozens of twist at this point), how you are "told things" instead of allowed to figure them out (WHAT!? we've been given clues and bits and pieces along the way constantly, which led to lots of theorizing and awesome discoveries) and how "nothing happens" for most of it (WHAT!? excuse me, but... there's ALWAYS some sort of content. If nothing happens, the tension usually builds to a WTF moment. If nothing happens, we get narration via Paul. If nothing happens, we get text boxes by Rainer... etc).

This is the last Nick video I checked. I'm done. Unsubscribing!

Also, as somebody (Catmily) says below: the fact he pulls the self-serious "This updated because I called it out" when THE VIDEO DESCRIPTION AND THE IMAGE WAS A CLEAR INDICATOR AN EASTER UPDATE WAS COMING is... cringeworthy at best!! If this was meant as an ironic aside, it failed.

Oh, also he gives it another shoutout in the end.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/_Waves_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


The music goes quiet when the video appears on-screen. Its form is slightly askew and sinister. Yet, it must certainly be benign.

Suddenly, the video rotates and zooms in just a little bit. It is now threatening. More threatening than a simple video should be.

If you turn the volume up, you can hear a voice saying "I haven't really been interested in Petscop for a while, but a lot of people were talking about it so I decided to make a video about it anyway. I have done zero research. I am going to do a very basic summary of the new videos and then complain because I don't get it" in the most own-fart-sniffingest voice imaginable.

The video judders forward once again. It is now terrifying. Its approach is slow, yet inevitable. You have 553758221 seconds, or 152822 hours, to escape it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HenryKissiger πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

there was no real attempt at an investigation here. dude just throws up his hands, β€œit’s too cryptic for me so whatever i guess!” completely glosses over so many crucial details about petscop like the symbol blocks, time syncs, the pets, the whole paul is care theory. spends the last 1/4 of the video having an irrelevant whine about not being entertained. he should encourage people to dig more, not just write the whole thing off as unsolveable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 89 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/diggory_wood πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 29 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
you think I would have learned by now that poking the bear is a very real danger in this field tis a webseries or Internet mystery into action it will jump out and bite you it happy with the wyoming incident it happened with cam drom it happened with Jack Torrance and now here we are with my current run of video coverage plans bumped up by week because I decided to tease a webseries one week ago I posted a community time message giving everyone a heads up on the progress for house of leaves explored pi3 the end of that series and what I was looking forward to doing next and then because Easter was right around the corner and I was thinking about holidays and releases on YouTube I remember that the last time pets kept updated was on Halloween and they had barely been uploading before that with just a few videos in July it had been more than five months since we saw signs of life from them and I thought you know what you want to make a bet so I wrote on a whim your pets kept actually updates before Easter or on Easter weekend I'll give you guys a video with all my thoughts on it so far doubt they well but they seem to like holidays starting at 12:01 a.m. this past Sunday I got to eat crow for my Easter dinner five plates of crow it turns out as pets comp uploaded again and again and then two more times for a total of five uploads yeah so now here we are but you know what and I call them out or not this Easter still provided the points that were needed I haven't covered pets comp at all since I first talked about them as a new web series back on May 23rd 2017 we're just one month shy of two years passing since I looked at them if the lack of coverage has actually been for the same reasons I'm finally able to make a video simply put until Easter any attempt to solve what's been happening with pets copies and solid evidence and logic wasn't possible kudos to anybody who tried but every upload I hoped were something tangible that served as a lynchpin and instead we got what felt like cryptic spaghetti noodles mysteries require convincing connections between evidence and details we had a lot of details and we had some evidence but mostly what we had was cryptic presentation we even began to see the channel owners censorship blocks over major pieces of evidence and saying we were not allowed to see any of it yet there was an active attempt in the storytelling itself to keep us from knowing enough to put connections together theory attempts would have been premature and because of that I felt any sort of coverage would have been irresponsible the clues were not substantial enough to paint a believable picture of what's happening here and why all I would have been able to do making a video would have amounted to summarizing what happened in the uploads and then shrugging my shoulders but this Easter pets cap delivered and now we can really nail down some previously untouchable elements as always if you haven't watched the series in question take a moment now to go rectify that and see pet Scout for yourself channels like mine that review media serve as commentary critique and celebration of media not substitution or replacement for the media itself you're not going to get the pet shop experience choosing an explanation video over the actual channel and if you go ahead anyway you'll be missing entire chunks of information and context watch the videos before you watch me and pay respect and viewership to the creator's first this content would not exist without their content now if you've already seen the videos or you just got done watching them and have returned we can begin in the first video on pets cop we explored the premise and initial findings from the channel our main character Paul is uploading videos of his playthrough of pet Scout that show a friend or relative he told about the game that Scout doesn't seem to be a major release of some kind it's an obscure title made by a company called Gera Lena in 1997 it came with a note that made two comments about secret modes in the game one of which was written on June 13 1997 and mentioned a website on the sticker created by the notes author Netscape turned out to be an unfinished game for kids with a very simple premise and layout you were the only visitor to even care a pet center in the gift plane that was abandoned long ago there are pets here you can adopt and catching them results in a book of pets in the pause menu being filled out with information these pets require some puzzle solving to catch and are not the usual sort of animals you'd imagine but this is all just the surface layer activating the code from the sticker unlocks a world underneath the gift plane known as the new maker plane it's dark creepy and feels every bit like the sort of discovery written about in every creepypasta ever composed about a haunted video game except there are no skeletons jump scares or blood just a lot of space you can easily lose yourself in some buildings objects collectible gems and graves throughout the first eight uploads we gain a lot of information that still comes with plenty of mystery down here there's a place called the child library an elevator to kids bedrooms that you need the proper face icon to access from an array of options a mirrored area called quitters room and the big mystery surrounding a girl named Kerr who has gone missing and apparently has no eyebrows and there's also a windmill a camera a talking statue called tool moments of possession / tool that indicate the game might be haunted name drops for a variety of characters and a version of the player character with a weird green gemstone for a head running around making things much more confusing than they already were and with all the notes and bits of colored dialogue found in the game on top of all this there was already plenty to be confused about and that's even before bringing up the roadway with a car that always just manages to miss hitting you after crossing over the course of events from the first few months we do learn event the character with the green gemstone forehead is named Marvin and he constantly seeks help from you which is confirmed by tool he wants to know where his house is his daughter is sign he also wants to know where the school is so far Paul can't help with any of this despite Marvin searching and saying he'll follow Paul to the locations we learned from its narration that even if pet scalp is an obscure game his family has history with it he speaks to someone who had it before him and says there's not a passageway they mentioned being in the game his mother also apparently took ownership of pet scalp during 2004 so it's been in Paul's family for quite a while he also doesn't seem to recognize the name of the dead boy in the game Michael Hammond who lived from 1988 to 1995 in Pat's Cop nine we pick up more clues and increased the mystery surrounding things were already unfamiliar with Paul manages the trick from the first half of the note that came with the game turning into a shadow monster which lets him into the windmill inside we find a girl balance on a gear and a pile of gems which Paula collects by talking to a white version of tulle he uses the face from the canvas to go to the room of the girl and is told you found her it's quickly apparent this is not care she still appears to be stuck where we found her in the shed in her nlm face nobody loves me in the note from the previous room which belonged to care were told you're in the bathtub thinking about her I have a guess at which child you'll pick next when you find her room the passage to my right will lead to her she'll appear from the darkness limping and I'll shoot her in the head the new rooms carpet has gears in a specific gem shape for its pattern there's also a passageway to the right on the table is a red tool in a mall of the windmill you just came from the note on the wall says you must have guests but I was looking through your things I found that picture of you from 1977 standing in front of an old windmill with your friends you went there and it was a bad idea your friend and the windmill both disappeared into thin air her sister was holding the camera she took another picture moments later just you know windmill and no friends you married her sister and years later your friend was reported as your daughter your wife won't admit this is true but I know it because I found the evidence your friend never returned with you and the windmill was gone I went to see it myself where is it what did you do rain our new maker going down the hall to the right the loading screen is the jam icon from the carpet pole appears on a path leading up to a birthday cake with a slice removed a present with a sticker on it a picture of a bench with the missing cake slice and a pinwheel on it and a gift box with no sticker the unmarked box has a green key inside the gift box with a sticker has a huge red spinning diamond shape that gets censored by Paul all of this happens in episode 9 right now we're going to jump forward to episode 17 the first released on Easter sound files are accessing the game that includes snippets of Kerr's voice saying oh and by by playing by by an unknown amount of times unlocks a new selection screen with one of the options being room impulse we see an office sort test gift plain grave hallway 1 all way to house house bathroom house gara short for garage and 2 level 1 rooms selecting the house and choosing generation 10 shows us Marvin's house where birthday is being celebrated boss character is there as well as the triangle headed version that might indicate his past playthroughs the compass icon is played with until the player makes it outside where there are signs showing a birthday cake and an image of care the white text appears saying hi there wake up you're free there you go thank you I want you to retrace your steps the family as usual wants to learn what happened to you between November 10th and 12th of 1997 on November 10th of 1997 you ran away from your daddy school building and on the 12th you arrived at your house the question is where were you on November 11th and what were you doing there I hope to guide you to that location with a spell which I will begin now you are a girl named Kerry mark and you were born on November 12 1992 you have a mommy named Anna a daddy named Marvin an auntie named JAL an uncle named Thomas a cousin named Daniel I know what you must be thinking have these statements always been true or have I cursed you is there such a thing a curse that changes your past stop thinking you were kidnapped and spent five months stunning in an abandoned elementary school you ran away crying ashamed covering your face you were blind at some point your movements stopped making sense bumping into walls and doors dodging invisible obstacles find the moment when where you led astray on the road the character continues to run backward and stops on the white tax returns the girl went missing around here story goes your daddy used to sit on a bench with a birthday cake trying to lure her home instead of missing girl signs he put up birthday girl signs promising cake to the birthday girl of course the birthday girl never came home to his disappointment when I learned about this absurd story I spent a lot of time digging eventually I found out what really happened to that girl want to know ask and so the character runs around in a way that summons the asking box for tool what happened to her they type and then a grave emerges from the ground capped with the gemstone shaped from the room visited in pet's cop 9 following the discovery of the windmill girl and the passageway leading out of that room it even has that girl's face on it same eyes same nose Lena let's go it's 1968 to 1977 they didn't see her now let's go back to that room after the girl from a windmills what's inside a birthday cake with a slice taken out and a picture of a bench with that cake slice and a pinwheel and in the room before it the one that belongs to the girl from the windmill we have this note you must have guessed but I was looking through your things I found that picture of you from 1977 standing in front of an old windmill with your friends you went there and it was a bad idea your friend and the windmill both disappeared into thin air her sister was holding the camera she took another picture minutes later just to you know windmill and no friends you married her sister and years later your friend was reborn as your daughter your wife won't admit this is true but I know it because I found the evidence your friend never returned with you and the windmill was gone I went to see it myself where is it what did you do rain our new maker Lina Alaska where's a girl who died in 1977 had a grave with a face and headstone directly related to the girl from the windmill we're told by Rainer they discovered a photo of you from 1977 standing in front of a windmill with a friend and that friend disappeared into thin air along with the windmill you and the friend sister couldn't find her whoever you and the sister are they didn't see her now let's look in episode 20 also released on Easter we're watching a playthrough by Marvin that was recorded by the game a function most PlayStation ever games and games in general did not have but is a core unspoken feature of Pat's comp the white text appears saying hi Marvin Raynor here you have to be careful this time if you start running out there without a sense of purpose you'll get lost I'm writing this on July 10th 1997 and Kerr is still missing we are searching last weekend we almost got lost ourselves your search is harder beyond here there are no landmarks but this model of a brick building though crude should still be familiar to you where is this building from here I want you to find A Grave you know the grave I'm talking about it's definitely out here somewhere it's unmarked of course that's the trouble you're the only person who can find Marvin finds a wooden hatch leading into a room with a sign that reads roadmap what follows is a sign that says caskets when these are done they will be great anybody who sees them is sure to become part of the family the caskets are presented on pedestals and we come to find they're all previously censored off Jack's casket - is the red diamond shaped from the gift box with a sticker it seems to be an icon of care in the middle but the timing component has a sort of crown behind her later Marvin comes to a point where he can ask tool a question we watch him typing about to ask did you dig when he changes it - did she find - Leena from the first Mountain cares room leading to the one in Lena's it is heavily insinuated they were written by Rayner - Marvin his text we find shows up in the same color as his personal icon in past recordings Green your wife says care isn't growing eyebrows you say that's a puzzle and your quote is in green you're secretly very excited to hear this news you're in the bathtub thinking about her all Clues right now point to Marvin being the one these notes saying you were directed at we even have a quote from Rainer in Pets cop 11 to confirm it under the information tab for querer when the emergency began you were all looking for care a I told you all we would never find care a when Karen goes missing she goes missing forever my brother didn't want us to find him because he knew we were all looking for Michael hey I'm back this is my present for you I started it in 1996 for Marvin if you think they're worth any effort see if he can save care B or care NLM care B is in the school of course this lines up with the information from the new releases you are a girl named Carrie mark and you were born on November 12 1992 you have a mommy named Anna a daddy named Marvin an auntie named Jill and uncle named Thomas a cousin named Daniel you were kidnapped and spent five months stunning in an abandoned elementary school on November 10th of 1997 you ran away from your daddy school building and on the 12th you arrived at your house the question is where were you on November 11 hearing that care was kidnapped for five months but ran away on November 10th only to come back on the 12th you might ask yourself what happened to that five month span but a careful rereading of the information sets it straight care was kidnapped and spent five months stunning in an abandoned elementary school on November 10th of 1997 she ran away from her daddy school building and on the 12th she arrived at the house Marvin is her father and we know from previous videos that he wants to find the school in the game so where is the kidnapping incident when did that take place the answer comes in pets cop 11 straight from Paul himself yeah on that topic I don't remember meeting this girl at all I don't remember knowing her at any point I remember you saying that we were that we we are exactly the same age I don't I just don't remember even hearing about anyone going missing all right I don't know a single remember her going missing or anything like that I mean I was a kid but even then it could've been one of those periods when we weren't visiting very much but it's weird right because I don't know if you can you can verify these dates but 5th of June 10th of November right when she went missing and when she was found later in this video we're in Marvin's house and the calendar says it's June 5th querer is in her bedroom a clock on the wall reads 6:10 and there's an air-conditioner in the window at 6:15 Marvin comes in through the window knocking out the AC and steals care we're told care left the room care was abducted by her father Marvin from the home he shared with his wife On June 5th 1997 she spent five months in an abandoned school building he had access to which we've seen before in the game and in November on the 10th care escaped returning back home for her birthday on November 12 Raynor whoever they are were actually working on the game during all this hi Marvin Rayner here you have to be careful this time if you start running out there without a sense of purpose you'll get lost I'm writing this on July 10th 1997 and Kerr is still missing we are searching last weekend we almost got lost ourselves your search is harder beyond here there are no landmarks but this small of a brick building though crew should still be familiar to you where is this building from here I want you to find A Grave you know the grave I'm talking about it's definitely out here somewhere it's unmarked of course that's the trouble you're the only person who can find it and so now we have a timeline of events a very very weird timeline especially considering the end of Rainer's now to marvin about the windmill incident i found that picture of you from 1977 standing in front of an old windmill with your friends you went there and it was a bad idea your friend and the windmill both disappeared into thin air her sister was holding the camera she took another picture minutes later just you know windmill and no friends you married her sister and years later your friend was reborn as your daughter your wife won't admit this is true but I know it because I found the evidence in 1977 Marvin's friend Lena leska whit's disappeared during a trip to a windmill the photo of Marvin and Lena was taken by her sister who later became Marvin's wife Anna and their friend wise according to Rayner reborn as their daughter Carrie Kerr mark is born on November 12 1992 in June of 97 she was kidnapped by her father Marvin and held captive in a school building until November of that year but rainer says they began working on pet's comp in 96 and their note from recent upload states hi Marvin Rayner here I'm writing this on July 10th 1997 and Kerr is still missing we are searching beyond here there are no landmarks but this model of a brick building though crew should still be familiar to you from here I want you to find a grave you know the grave I'm talking about it's definitely out here somewhere it's unmarked of course that's the trouble you're the only person who can find it so Marvin starts looking for the grave and when he gets a prompt from tool he tries to write did you dig where then changes it to did you find Lena put the comment about Marvin's daughter being the missing friend reborn aside for a moment and we have events we can lay down in stone for sure due to the logic and evidence presented Marvin knows what happened to Lina let's go it's the girl from the windmill his wife sister Rainer knows what happened to and wants Marvin to find an unmarked grave he's the only person who can find it you know the grave I'm talking about and Marvin ends up asking did you dig did you find Elina and who is your boss Rainer has a vendetta against Marvin it seems they've had one given before care went missing and what they want out of Marvin involves putting him through a video game experience that secretly records your play through placing Marvin at a familiar location and saying go find an unmarked grave from here that only you know how to find this brings us some closure on the total left-field nature of the video from Halloween with its unexpected message no controller input has been detected for a very long time family neighbors police or whoever keep game console running call provided phone number why would police be listed in here it would only occur if there was something involved that required believes to be notified and Marvin who we know is capable of kidnapping also seems to be the prime suspect in Raynor's investigation into the disappearance of Lena leska wits where does Rena even figure in though who are they and why on earth did Marvin kidnap his own daughter the second question is easier to answer and comes from the casket room casket for five words right on the chalkboard in the dirty building that you inhabit this makes it very clear that Marvin is the one being spoken to here and Raynor has seen inside the building casket 3 after kicking you out of the house your wife started painting the walls black to cover the stencils I helped she made it feel urgent that Saturday busy with work she pinned a note it contained a list of objects it's difficult to gauge just what we're looking at here until you review PET scan 14 always using the demo recording aspect of Pat's cop to access secrets hinted at by Rayner and it involves pushing a bucket into the bedroom inside we have a blue bed and a green bed the colors representing Anna and Marvin initially we see a windmill model on the side of Marvins bed this windmill vanished off the face of the earth here's a similar puzzle for you Marvin there are two pictures of a door in the first picture the doors closed in the second picture taken later the doors open nobody opened the door the door did not open itself the door in fact did not open at all what happened this puzzle is solved by Paul in his use of the bucket in the demo recording we see that Marvin side of the room is empty except for a black sensor square covering a portion of the wall look at that design of a floor and wall it's the same image from casket 3 showing us the stencil that was painted there and previously censored we can even see half of the room is black on an aside it was completely green when Marvin had the windmill model inside Paul brings the bucket into the room and it suddenly develops a black paint roller which begins covering the wall the moment it covers up the stencil the sensor Square disappears this provides Paul with a black key which unlocks the garage door where computer can be found showing off the pet cop website in the video depicting the abduction of care we see the house interior painted black including Karis room the house itself outside is also black when we first see Marvin's house back when he's looking for it we find it's green all depictions of the home in black can in this timeline be seen as coming after Marvin was kicked out and cares abduction and Rainer was here during all of it he was in fact around the whole family quite a bit according to what Paul says in episode 11 after looking a trainers note describing care a and how the emergency was handled also have known as Rainer's Christmas message which corresponds with the information in the video description by the channel owners the purpose of this YouTube channel is to preserve and display the recordings within the video game pet shop while keeping some of their content private they were first given to us as a Christmas gift many years ago the game had an interesting journey before and after that day Rainer was most likely a family member or at the very least he was close to the family certainly close enough for Ana TAS and to come paint in the house after she had a serious falling-out with her husband and close enough in all that time to seemingly develop a video game in the garage with models of rooms in the house including Ana's office this was something he had been working on since 1996 for marfan there's one more item of note in the casket room casket number one which finally brings us full circle with clues we discussed back in the first pet scout video ages ago it's a daisy in a red face the same kind we had to pull the petals from in the shed where we first found care covering up her face an allusion to the story of Daisy had Maisy by dr. Seuss coupled with that phrase good grief in alas in a hallway in episode three about casket one Rayna writes you showed care her Rhett blurry reflection in a vase you said do you see that look at how ugly you are now Cara squinted her eyes the reflection wasn't clear at all but as he began to describe her grisly deformities she began to see them nobody wants to see you like this he said but she soon escaped and bravely returned home in her bathroom mirror she saw a clear picture daisy-head Maisie was all about a girl with a flower growing out of her head who was made to feel ashamed of her condition so she runs away by the end she comes to realize people still love her and she returns home resulting in the flower going away it would seem care experience her own version of this trauma during the ordeal with her father so we have a timeline laid out in fence pins and cents me and if a good amount of things we've seen so far but there are still a terrible amount of questions that remain especially in the wake of new answers why was Marvin kicked out of the house how did the police not manage to track him down at that school building where was care during November 11th who was Rainer during all of this and why was he around so much how much more connected is Lina to this entire story is it really possible that care is Lina reborn did Marvin kill Lina it certainly seems to suggest that he killed her or he knows what happened to her and Rainer knows - but if Lina wasn't murdered how did she disappear one way you can take the same in on her grave they didn't see her is in the context of a driving accident a driver who runs someone over especially a child usually says I didn't see them it would make sense considering how quickly the player runs over to the roadway and tries to get the car to hit them you've already got a few allusions to watching out for cars and images focused on tires and pets comp where it is Michael Hammond coming to the picture you see the st. Michael we're seeing in dozens of save files for the game that are secret recordings of playthroughs why does this game have so many secret recordings anyway how many people have accessed this game how long has pets got been passed around in Paul's family how on earth did we get an overlay of a player's bedroom that caught them at ignoring pets comp in the video on Halloween how does a video game like this even have that kind of sentience or ability Paul was on to something when he questioned tool and wondered aloud about the voice behind it is there something alive to this game how we've already crossed into the paranormal territory concerning ideas of Lina being reborn as care and having evidence for it under rainer how do we even have something as crazy as marvin trying to interact with paul when paul is the only one playing pets gob and for that matter how do all these crazy ran a button presses result incoherent words and where is Paul now anyway we haven't seen him for quite a few videos now and finally what is the meaning behind the tiara bail issue marfan claims that this is bail she claims that she is tiara Rainer also doesn't quite know what to call her during the game and all we know of her comes from her appearance in the quitters room and the classroom at Marvin's school oh and to add even more on top of all this what was up with the Easter Egg being found in Daniels game during episode 19 is this the cousin Daniel mentioned as part of Karis family is it important that this is Mike's playthrough and speaking of the family when it comes to Jill and Thomas if you watch the moment that references Jill and listen to what Paul says about in pets got 14 turn cares birthday party we enter a whole new realm of paranormal fears and major questions second [Laughter] I think I think [Music] if that was based off of a conversation that I had last year on my birthday if it wasn't just a coincidence then that means I'm getting pranked but I don't know how that magic trick works exactly this all brings us to the moment where I need to explain something wholesale about pet scalper rather than piecemeal because I'm sure it did not go over your heads just now how many questions we currently have compared to the answers we've got heads Cobb came out on March 12th 2017 that is now more than two years ago they've already passed their two-year anniversary and year three has begun we're up to video number 21 as of April 21st 2019 it took us two years to make what feels like genuinely satisfying connections from all the material that's been presented so far now you could say that connections could be made as soon as pets cop 11 and I would agree with you but after watching care subduction during that time you still don't know what Marvin was truly doing in the game the way everything happened it looked a lot like he was only showing Paul how to solve the puzzle and catch care Marvin was an NPC to us the whole time until that moment trying to guide Paul to see things and find locations why wouldn't he show the player how to solve a puzzle like this the idea food being demonstration of a past event in the story is immediately overwritten by the players ability to follow what he did and reap the reward of catching care it came off as instructional rather than a story cutscene it's only now with videos that had to give us full-on exposition that we understand what was really happening and that's a lot of what's been going on with pets comp as a webseries when the video uploaded isn't showing us another cryptic vague detail or message to add to the ever-growing pile of vague cryptic details and messages with no real connections we can draw we're being hand-delivered the next bit of progress through direct messages and when none of that's happening we get sequences that are just kind of slow to watch there have been a good amount of moments like this in pets comp where you're sitting back and just waiting for a Paul or whoever has the controller now to get to their objective we have the power of editing guys we can speed up the process and cut out the wait times without sacrificing realism or suspenseful pacing same thing was done for the Halloween video you could have cut that time in half and had the same impact of what was shown to us now what I'm not going to knock Pet Scout for is the amount of time between uploads they have followed the fate of every single dark media web series an online project that came saw and conquered and became popular sudden slow down syndrome and it can be for anything and everything life happens school happens jobs happen depression and anxiety happen financial woes happen sickness and death happens romance happens breakups happen your car blowing a tire or its brake line happens and busy months where you just can't get to your creative work happens when you actually begin to make things yourself you lose every bit of naive ignorance concerning the pace that creators should be working at don't ever stop working on content completely but don't ever beat yourself up over not getting things done because the life gets in the way and other priorities took up your time some steps of the process behind a five-minute video can take as long as five days that's something audiences cannot and will not understand so in terms of anybody who's ragging on pets comp when it comes to their upload schedule cut them a break and then cut them another break on top of it that being said the actual turnout of the content when it comes to presentation of the mystery clues and information when upload to occur does warrant a serious discussion pets cop does not work like anything else in the field because despite its appearance and its mystery it's not playing out like anything else in the field pets cop in its own universe is an alternate reality game yes but pets cop the experience is not an Arg there are projects that are purely video based that can still be called alternate reality games because half of the objective behind the creativity is to present a game for the viewer in which they're actively using information includes in every upload to make breakthroughs every new piece of content has a section that makes a viewer excited because suddenly they're understanding the plot more and now they can make an even better guess at what comes next better than they were last time every step gets them closer pets cop is nothing like that this is the most serial linear webseries I've seen in a while most webseries you find in this field they want you to figure out their story as they develop pets cub wants you to sit back so it can tell you its story it provides new pieces of information that don't connect to previous pieces of information then continues to add on to the piles and dance around existing lines of intrigue driving you further and further along and wondering what the point of looking at a new upload is when it's going to be more of the same and I'm sorry but that's just not good even when I don't know the specific details of what's going to be shown I still know what I'm aiming for when a new PET scan video appears I should never have that feeling as a viewer I should be excited because I know that in whatever wacky glitchy weirdness is shown I'm going to have that moment where I see something I go aha now it's connecting and it shouldn't take two years to get there I want it to be able to make a big explanation filled enthusiastic all-out video before this point I just didn't get anything to seriously work with until that Easter basket there's such a tightrope-walking ordeal that comes with deciding how much information to provide the audience for an experience and how much to withhold and anybody who engages this sort of project has to deal with that it's a battle you know if you let out this clue it could be an instant connection for people whereas if you add in this other story beat right now instead you can keep building the mystery tower so nobody manages to knock it down that fast and you don't want to be taking out that quickly because you made things easy it's forever an act of trying to keep things at one consistent temperature while regulating hot and cold forces in the same room I know how it is I get it everybody has to deal with it but with pets comp I feel like having such a continuous run of cryptic and vague going on for so long has hurt enthusiasm and enjoyment for the project I've had a pet Scout fan I know tell me on Easter they've been starving for content that gives an answers and every few uploads they just get tiny morsels to take in so the effect that pet Scout produces in them is the same as always starvation Marble Hornets worked playing a cryptic and vague for so long because in every upload or at least every two uploads actual story progress was made that felt like we were making and way along with Jay getting closer and closer to another major breakthrough in the investigation with pets comp every time a new upload has appeared I've expected to be shown more cryptic things and images with a lot of running around by the player character or Marvin and nothing actually answered when we were first about to be given cool answers in the form of what was in the gift boxes what happened we got censored from the creators and seeing those casket items now it wasn't even necessary we wouldn't have been able to tell what any of those items meant before Easter there's just so much in pet cop that cannot be approached yet with confident theories when I play detective I want to find all the clues and get all the witness testimonies before I call the scene right now I've got too many scenes too many different clues and not nearly enough witnesses or statements to put a whole picture together and maybe that's the plan but the effect it's given us so far is that of watching a very long movie where we know if we just keep sitting here even though it's been two hours now some character is going to say something or find some object that finally reveals what a whole lot of things mean and that's just not interactive for an active audience who wants to be as interactive as possible pets cop is still a wunderkind and an absolute achievement it hit the ground sprinting and tore up the scene in the best way but that sprint boosts at the start has come - a jogging pace now and I need to see some moves to stay engaged and feel satisfied I'll wait for a lot of series as long as I keep the supply line of satisfactory content per upload coming even when they upload every two or three months or even five but until we get that full hit of worth the wait it hurts to just keep being handed breadsticks and water at the table in the restaurant you guys have it in you to hit us hard with jaw-dropping pieces and we both know it pull off your gloves and give us a shot just go for it all that being said do bear in mind that pets cop is still great really it is great but it's also gonna pick up the pace and rev the engine this is an absolutely achievement in the field that Justin needs to crack its knuckles and jump into the pit instead of teasing us at the edge of the stage I would love love love to see a behind-the-scenes breakdown of what went into making this thing when it's all over I want to see how complicated and labor-intensive it got it's still such a winner no matter if it's animated somehow or premade game anything that they did for this I want the story dragging or not I will never say pets comp is anything less than an achievement for all its son now they've just gotta shift gears pick up the pace and turn up the wow factor scare us shock us disturb us hit us with something but most of all satisfy us every time you come around you can do it and I know it you shut me up on Easter so come on and tell me off again and I'll smile the whole way through that's all for now everybody I'm glad to say this is my first touchdown back for regular uploads now that the house of leaf series is complete I've got about four ideas in mind right now that I want to get to four videos and I just want to completely get into it the whole next month I'm excited I'm inspired and it feels so good to be back major thanks to all of my supporters on patreon whose names you can see here in just a few moments major thanks to all of you as well for supporting and remember if you ever want to show some love on patreon you can make it happen for literally just $1 a month less than it takes for a candy bar or a copy of the drive-thru and you'll be helping me out immensely and making sure Nightline stays in operation and then I keep on doing big crazy projects thanks for joining me in the dark again this evening once more I'm Nick Nocturne and like a webseries I dared to tease that was only playing dead I'll be seeing you all again real soon sleep tight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 444,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: petscop, petscop explained, nightmind, night mind, petscop theory, petscop theories, nick nocturne, petscop analysis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 57sec (2637 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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