YT User "Doo Wut" & Creepy "Dress Girl" Channel - Online Oddities Ep. 1

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since this video is all about sketchy internet stuff allow me to remind you of our Lord Savior and gracious sponsor for this episode Nord VPN using their combined powers of military-grade encryption and easy-to-use interface and even a mobile app for your convenience Nord shield you from all those online weirdo peeping toms this is a huge problem especially when it comes to public Wi-Fi which you probably use google it it's horrifying head over to Nord VPN comm slash Ryan bot to get 75% off a three year plan math says that's $2.99 per month want more use promo code rainbow to get one month on top of that absolutely free not interested in protecting yourself first off your completely reckless second ever have problems with pesky pesky Gio blocked content get around that today by using Nord VPN because rules are for losers and we all know it plus my European homies may need this soon given how things are looking legally feels so bad for you again that's Nord VPN comm / lane bought along with promo code rainbow for 75% off a three year plan and one additional month absolutely free the story I'm about to tell you begins with an email from a fan but first let me start off by saying this is probably one of the most peculiar things I've been asked about in a long time as for why well that's because I simply didn't expect what would come from it now hopefully I'm not overselling this as nothing about it is overly mysterious or even really scary for that matter it's just very rare that something presented to me defines my expectations allow me to explain I've been going through my inbox in an attempt to clear out messages that were either just sitting there or ones that I'd missed I worked my way back to December of 2018 which by the time of writing this is quite some time ago there I saw a rather standard email bearing the subject line found something strange and unsettling now keep in mind that given what I do here that title isn't necessarily something all that out of the ordinary so of course that isn't exactly what piqued my interest the actual contents of the email were much much more enticing I don't know if you take requests like this or not but I found something rather strange in the comments section of this video switch the comments in newest first and hang on for the ride the person who sent me this chose to stay anonymous but I'll admit that upon reading this I actually did smirk a bit and almost let out a slight chuckle why because this is by far the most enticing and most ominous way I've ever been suggested anything and as you can guess I was already having fun now on the other hand reality of course was getting in the way my first impression was doubtful surely whatever it was couldn't be that good and even if it was decent there's no way I'd be able to find what this person was referring to after months had gone by despite this I went ahead to check anyway the link led me to this music video was so far so good I scrolled down and noticed nothing out of the ordinary at least not immediately still I did what was asked of me and switched the comment setting to newest first but then I went from slightly disappointed to completely confuse the comments were completely overrun by a single user one with the name dowhat who immediately came off as a troll scrolling down more I began to realize that their string of comments just didn't seem to end on top of this the most recent comments were from the same day just an hour before in fact going down the page it displayed time stands from two hours ago three ago ten hours ago one day ago two three four days ago it became apparent that this account hadn't stopped posting since the email I missed in December the comments seem to be a conversation the user was having with his or her self not necessarily the sort of spam you'd expect from a bot some comments from this account are questions while others seem to be direct replies to something they do come off as the usual nonsensical things people post in the comments to be edgy mostly consisting of what seems to be an argument which as everyone knows isn't all that out of the ordinary except this person isn't talking to anyone the reason behind the confrontation seems a bit unclear but this person is clearly angry about either a specific individual or group as you can see from this it's not pretty I figure there was a high chance that someone else had already noticed this so I decided to check what was out there and found this reddit post there a user asked just a few weeks ago about the bizarre set of comments and the replies were rather interesting one user points out the perhaps this is just people having a regular conversation but not using the usual text paths breaking things into individual comments instead of forming a thread the user then continues pointing out a flaw under theory according to them they notice a second channel in the thread that seemed to be the matically similar to do what this is the page in question who I can't name outloud since YouTube might come and rest me anyway the user also mentions how these two accounts may possibly not be related to the fact that the second account had come around later and posted much less basically the two don't line up well in terms of timelines and this leaves it entirely possible that the second account was just made as a troll which seems too likely due to its name just to give you an idea of the contrast here the dowhat account had been posting since at least December we know there from the email and the second channel wasn't even created until January of this year the user continues pointing out a number they found within one of the comments another user chimes in pointing out that they received no response the user then links to yet another account this time by the name of Tracy who apparently left a comment about six months ago that seemed in line with the other two accounts at one point she even mentions both by user name or at least said both phrases in the end the user ends up back on the same theory that this could just be some people choosing to speak to each in a strange way that doesn't involve the usual common thread of course there are people who think this might be a bot of some sort which does make a ton of sense because if these were people it's a little hard to grasp why anyone would be going back and forth for this long without slipping into each other's DMS or making a thread for convenience if it turns out to be a bot then its purpose is entirely unclear at this point the final and probably most believable conclusion is that this is an attempt at some kind of fiction or alternate reality game given that I've been looking into these things for so long allow me to provide my opinion on the likelihood of this being the case is it possible absolutely but for me it doesn't 100% feel like that's what's coming on here it just seems to obscure the music video that this is all happening beneath it does have quite a substantial amount of views but it's been around since 2015 in most cases when someone is going for a viral arg or something similar you'll see them pop up in places like Twitter or somewhere that they can get eyeballs on them maybe even the comments section of a recent video by a large youtuber again it's completely possible that this is an attempt at fiction or maybe even some strange art piece but to me it just lacks the characteristics of such a thing given the fact that it seems way too comfortable with obscurity if you want my actual personal opinion it seems to me like crap posting and I know that's not what it's called but I can't say what it's called because again YouTube police anyway as for why it would go on for so long who knows the Internet is a weird place filled with a lot of weird people with all that said however for now it's just impossible to know so given my cultural background Asian myths urban legends and even horror fiction have always gotten under my skin the most now that's not to say that their Western counterparts aren't entertaining but things like renew and Jew on definitely left a mark on me when it comes to my idea of a boogeyman or things I imagined lurking in the dark it does not help that I am currently recording this in a dark closet recently a viewer sent me something quite reminiscent of what I just described and to be frank I haven't even looked into every aspect of it because it just creeps me out too much just to be clear what you're about to see is a work of creative fiction something akin to a series of short films or an Arg given their staged quality the channel in question is this one as you can see it none of the video titles are understandable to an English speaker other than this one but we'll get back to that later for the sake of ease we're going to allow Google to translate the page so we can at least sort of get an idea of what these are going for now with that said think of this more as an introduction to this channel instead of a deep dive if anyone is able to properly translate what's been shown here along with the pen comments and the videos feel free to email me and with enough interest I could be doing a dedicated dissection of this series for now though what's the basic idea of what's going on well according to Google the name of this channel translates to address girl who we see in every video now again I had a lot of trouble with this one because it genuinely creeps me out and was difficult for me to watch to the point where I didn't even watch every video but most of them seem to follow a similar theme we see a dress girl in one way or another usually in the dark and the visuals in most cases are overlaid with some kind of creepy audio [Music] again this seems to be the usual format for the videos which is what makes it entirely terrifying when this pattern is broken by for example not having any audio you most of the videos here also seem to contain at least one pin comment made by the uploader or some kind of description in both cases though what said is always pretty vague and ominous unfortunately not offering up much when it comes to context according to some users comments this channel has deleted some videos in the past so it seems to be something that you need to be there in the moment to properly consume but that said I won't entirely be surprised if things change again after this video goes live as for other aspects of the channel it's pretty empty we do know that the channel was created in 2017 but the description unfortunately doesn't make much sense when translated the pages community tab contains just a single poll one simply saying hi friend with three options saying the same thing now I'd like to go back to what I pointed out earlier the only thing we're able to understand here without using any translation tools is this video's title which may be familiar to some of you but not all of you and now I'm not referring to the traditional demonic context of the name but rather something much much more recent in a nutshell here's what I'm talking about if you input that name into Facebook you'll be met with a ton of accounts under the same name most of which have friends lists full of users who also have the same name of course this isn't at all new and is definitely something that's happened more than once on Facebook with different accounts unrelated to this one this one unfortunately does come off a bit more tryhard and edgy just based on the name and theming using a satanic theming is kind of the most bottom-of-the-barrel you can get when it comes to creepy online content with all that said it's difficult to conclude if the dress girl channel has something to do with the spread of these accounts or if this is simply an homage to them and now people are going to argue whether it's homage or homage based on everything we saw here today it's completely possible to at least attempt to string together some kind of loose narrative but for now I'll leave the theorizing up to you guys and especially any native speakers who can perhaps translate this way better than I can or Google hand for that matter again feel free to reach out
Channel: ReignBot
Views: 506,921
Rating: 4.9306083 out of 5
Keywords: vpn, best vpn, vpn for pc, vpn for android, online privacy
Id: 59VTeBVVMf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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