Daisy Brown: Raising Monsters, Reading Secrets, & Teaching Makeup

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so here we are again okay you have been fever dreams time radio three you gotta do it gotta do it gotta do it I'm ready for it and to give this TV a couple of kicks first but we're still on happy hair time the ante here time so what's on the list today I mean tonight right right and more importantly how do I even want to open okay so how about this [Music] don't you just hate it when you're late to the party I mean really late like I know I'm always late to the party or I make it at the very last second that's a classic thing with me but this time this time I really missed my exit cruising down the highway and here we go circling all the way around to catch it again I don't think I've ever missed a video topic that's called to me as much where as often as Daisy Brown if you want to talk about showing up late to the party then man I really was the less through the door look just look at this for a second okay this channel pops up on June 27 2017 right makes a giant splash with its first video which is now well on its way to a million views nightmare Expo covers it one month later as the centerpiece of a great new finds video showcasing on channels a bunch more videos were allowed in the wake of that talking about Daisy Brown inspired by that coverage in the rapid viral power of the first video and then then on May 1st of this year as I was finally needy been watching Daisy Brown and seeing how wrong I was to sleep on it rain bought ways in the amount of time has been ignoring something massive going on behind me I might as well have only just sat down to watch a Marvel Cinematic Universe movie for the first time you know Oh seriously I'm so late on this but I'll tell you this much I initially believes that there was no chance of covering something like this out sign of cabin fever dream season everything I had already seen without watching it everything I had been told all pointed to one direction wait wait on this one do not touch it until spray it's of a certain brand and has a certain appearance right off the bat that gives a strong impression one thing you can't shake off right away and on one hand I was right to make that choice on the other I may have been severely wrong either way you all told me to watch Daisy Brown I have watched Daisy brown and he were all very very right to tell me to look at this because whoo boy I have got quite a bit to say so for those of you who don't know what this is Daisy brown is the story of an innocent shy girl and her little monster friends it's just like one of those animes or mangoes that some of you guys like except this is on YouTube so we get to see every heartwarming moment in action a day or even just a few hours after they happen the tone is set quite nicely with the first video uploaded how I feed Alan hi guys its it's Daisy Brown I'm just talking over the camera and I'm gonna show you guys how I feed Alan he is blind in case you haven't noticed his eyes are very foggy you can't see anything it doesn't hurt him he yeah he doesn't have any sensation there he was just surprised so he is blind and he is a little bandaged up right now he's having some skin trouble and as you can see he's just kind of like nibbling around looking for food so I'm gonna show you his body is very unique he can only process sugar so I'm gonna feed him these little sugar tablets so he is blind he might he can be confused here we go he's following it there you go caring patient informative we like Daisy already and for a very special set of people I'm sure Ellen was even more likeable probably put a great big dopey smile on some faces as he choked out what we're told as a sugar pill and he continues to do so not biting Daisy as she points out while feigning continues in this informative video about the Eraserhead baby's hip new cousin is there anything else we can learn about Ellen in this video sort of a trip to the video description shows us that Daisy isn't very strict on her punctuation and grammar but she does an excellent job of conveying the Navy president her behavior on film through writing Ellen is also apparently under the weather so he's not speaking up right now and his mouth was dry this info prompted a very popular reply in the comment section from Meghan Muller oh poor baby if his skin is dry maybe he's dehydrated maybe you can dissolve a sugar pill in a cup of water for him to drink I don't know if he's allowed to drink one ortho this brings us the next big video on July 30th 2017 let's chat about dad science Ellen and the basement okay hi guys it's Daisy Brown and this is Allen he is right now drinking a mixture of sugar water someone commented on the feeding allen video and said that it might be a good idea to mix water with the sugary so you can be a little bit more hydrated and so i've been doing that lately and he seems to be really liking it and i hope it's gonna make him even more healthy because as you guys know his body can only process water and sugar it can't really process food that well that's part of the way that he was created and so we just gonna be sipping on that during this video because i know that you guys are really interested in him um it did not occur to me that monsters were not a commonplace thing Oh naturally because all of you know that I've been around hosting night Minds you're a little bit more aware that monsters are indeed a more of a common thing than most people realize but it's worth it to pay special focus the Daisy just said she didn't know that creatures like Alan aren't common at all she made her first video without any sense of it being weird or how people might react this kind of offhanded commentary is important for understanding Daisy in her world and you can learn quite a bit as time goes on especially in the way she speaks about certain things or what she doesn't say anyway answer some questions because well not some questions but more one question in particular um a lot of people have been really curious about my dad and so I thought like okay I'll talk about my dad a little bit because my dad's great um he's a scientist he's really smart like I said he invented Allen he works with genetics and DNA yeah he raised me um and it was just about a year ago when he I woke up one morning and Allen was in the kitchen um I know it was a year and a half ago it was about a year and a half yeah um I woke up and came downstairs and Allen was in the kitchen he didn't look like this he was a lot smaller a lot umm gooier kinda and I was scared at first and my dad explained that he's been working on creating a type of um life a type of organic living creature material and so that's really interesting yeah my dad's super smart um he um what have you guys been asking about my dad I don't Oh um about the basement some people have been asking about since I've been talking about how I've been looking in the Attic for my dad's notes on Ellen because I want to know if there's anything that I should know about um Ellen because he is growing now and I want to know if I'm doing things right or if I'm doing things wrong if I should change things and so I've been looking for my dad's notes when he was making Allen um a lot of people have been asking have I looked in the basement and no I haven't looked in the basement um because the basements been sealed off ever since I was a little kid I've never actually been down there um and so I've asked my dad about it a couple times and he says that it's just there's black mold down there and um I don't I don't know if a lot of you guys know about black mold but it's not something that you want to be around it can um affect your lungs it can give you a mute immune system troubles it can give you links disease it can like it's just in general bad for your body I do trust that you all caught that one rather odd reference here let's run it again just to make sure immune system troubles it can give you links disease it can like it's just in general bad for your body links disease ah yes the truly major thing in dayz Brown that sent a whole lot of viewers to my Twitter and Tumblr to drop in have a lunch of questions over my head and demands I watch this series you know job a reference like that and expect nothing to happen after all for those who don't know links disease is a very important part of the art project this house has people in it by whim City comedy and it basically equates the hypochondria and the fear of something being terribly wrong with someone which is all tied in to the failures and shortcomings of human perception in terms of judging the haunt behavior or differences in other people and ourselves in a nutshell it carries the idea that you're looking at somebody doing something odd or exhibiting weird behavior looking off etc and you're thinking it must be a disease or they might be crazy it also brings to mind all these silly ridiculous things you might do to solve or treat an imaginary disease or prevent infection from others who have it links disease is a major web city comedy product it's a very solid reference to one of the biggest things that they've ever made now combine the explicit reference by Daisy to Link's disease with the name of her monster Allen and you might understand why my inbox got whacked Alan Resnick is a core member of wham City comedy who is also very well known as the creator of Ellen tutorial in art project web series with metaphorical meaning centered around a pretty naive sheltered and weird man who seeks to share his knowledge and helpful ways with the Internet and he's actually kind of like hmm I said he's kind of like okay come on I know you can do this if you see an Allen tutorial whose behavior reminds you of Allen's character in that series I'll give you a hint it's not the Eraserhead babies reboot over here Daisy is very much like Allen in Allen tutorial she's a little bit more mature and stable for sure but her demeanor is immediately reminiscent of Allen tutorial videos as well as her video presentation and if you don't see it yet believe me you're going to very quickly it will be undeniable and Joseph you uploads Dacey's characteristics the monster being named Allen the formatting of the videos and a direct reference to Link's disease yeah you can bet I got messages about this and if you know me well enough by now you can probably guess how I felt about it too and it brings us that part of the reason it took so long for me to cover Daisy brown kids take a seat it's time to learn a very scary new word in our little corner of the art world I didn't want to talk about this until you were older but the time has come we need to talk about game Jackie what is game jacking in the field of immersive online storytelling game jacking is the kind of behavior you'd expect from a fan fiction writer who finds the weird side of YouTube before they find Wattpad it's a combination of the words game and hijacking you're grabbing an element character setting or concept from somebody's establish work and directly plugging it into your own project to pony off of another critters property or feel included in their creation like I said fan fiction writing meets a rj and web series territory you're inviting yourself to the party and pretending you're to give the hosts your RSVP ages ago when they don't even know who you are or worse claiming you helped set up the event in the first place considering how heavily this field of art and entertainment relies on being able to trust that elements of a story claiming connection to the story do actually come from the author of the story you can see how this is way more offensive and painful than fan fiction can ever be fan fiction is like playing with dolls modeled after characters from a popular show when telling your own story in the privacy of your basement pillow for game jacking is like walking up on stage in the middle of a live theater performance and pretending to be a character in the play reactors are confused and upset the directors mad and the audience is disgusted and grown out of the experience nobody leaves happy I've seen game jacking attempts many times it happened a lot during camp germ activity it's happened a series and projects I haven't covered but kept an eye on and it's an established phenomenon that nobody ever wants to see happen to their ongoing series and when I see it I turn into a very cynical angry monster anything that looks like game jacking or appears to be intentional referencing to another property for the sake of plot element theft immediately puts a bad taste in my mouth you want to lose my respect real real fast go ahead and try a bit of game jacking if an author doesn't invite you to be a part of the reality of their creative universe you don't get to build an addition to their house and say we both live here now I've seen it happen before and I never want to see it again as hopeless as I know that desire is the pile of messages I receive talking about a new web series involving a monster named Alan that might have been created by Link's disease gave me a very specific kind of impression I was not keen to take a look and have my fears realized but here's the beauty and you guys watching this video you already might suspect that because it exists I found my fears did not come to pass and it's true in watching Daisy Brown any worries of game jacking mounted like sugar in a mug of water yes the references are heavy and they are obvious but there's no genuine crime to behold here we Danna just dodged a bullet we sign step to missile and now that does leave the question of why the references actually exists in the first place if this isn't game jackin or some sort of web series version of fan fiction then what purpose does it actually serve simply put it's a message Daisy Brown will be playing by a similar set of rules you'd find in the realm of whimsy ad comedy the nature of the game has been laid out symbols meta in the hint to look for information in places we normally wouldn't expect to find it while keeping our idea of what's happening more open than what we see at first that's the message we've been given a form of cipher key and really I am glad I waited this long to pick up Daisy Brown because it's only at this point in the series that anybody can begin interpreting things in this way with substantial information normally new web series give the night vision treatment for me but Daisy Brown is like a lieth on par with pet scalp right now and it's been rolling out a lot of content Daisy needs no introduction or spotlights we're going to give this a strong night mine treatment taking into the channel as a whole everyone who already needed to be told about this to get invested has already heard and if you did it by the time you open this video you're going to be on board at the end I don't think I'm really spoiling anything by doing this now I'm just giving us all a quick tour through the story so far and a good reason to grab a seat before things get truly wild truth be told though we need to tackle things a bit more differently than we would normally - we're not running by the same sort of strict blue path storytelling I talked about in how to make a web series mostly because things that are big happens slowly and the story is contained inside Daisy's home it's not one of our classic get in the car loser we're going monster hunting roadtrip stories gone on film most of these videos are a slice of life or instructional pieces small updates and vlogs by Daisy giving us insight into her feelings and pasts as well as alnus development it's about 40% investigation and hardcore story progress and 60% lonely girl and her monster friends storytelling let's go ahead and clean house so we have a path to forge without too many little detours right away by observing these 60 percent of Daisy focus content on the channel you'll find random updates and fluff pieces like at the zoo zoo video number two my garden cooking videos and of course the immensely popular Alan makeup tutorials if you want to get a stronger sense of who Daisy brownies once she feels about herself pal in her life so far and how she came to be the way she is we need these videos to get more evidence to add to the pile will pick up late night itching new year and friendship bracelet to give you a taste of what days it goes through and her thought process and behavior when she's not directly on camera we're going to open a section of late night itching and while we do so I want those of you who have been around with me for a few web series already to notice how different this warm a video from so much of what we've already seen in the morning right now I just don't really know what to do with myself right now I can't sleep stop bitching I've been having a lot of scary dreams lately and so I kind of don't want to go to sleep because I don't want to scary dream to happen again I don't know why they started happening out of nowhere but I just know that I'm really tired I know that I need sleep but I just I lay in bed for hours and I won't be able to fall asleep until you guys what's your guys's favorite place in the world like have you traveled anywhere and where have you gone have you seen the ocean have you seen a country where they speak a different language have you seen food that's very different from what you're used to what's that like have you ever seen an animal that's not a cat or a dog or a like squirrel or Mouse or anything like have you seen a really big animal I haven't seen any of those Daisy has a knack for getting personal while being recorded in a way that we're not very used to in this field this entire video can make you feel as if you're lying on the dock next to her just hearing her speak late at night and it's clear that's the relationship she holds with her audience a friend she's invited into her home who can stay overnight like this and lay in her room staring into nothing having the kind of conversations that only these moments bring occasionally we get scenes where Daisy comes across much more as an Ellen tutorial sort of character but then lets the mask that she's holding slip like we see in friendship bracelet I just thought that today would be a good day to make friendship bracelets or something I mean it's just it's just so cloudy out it's just so cloudy out I just want to make something that's colorful like it one second it'll be ready in a minute so here are the colors we're gonna be using we're gonna be using orange blue pink green and this pretty gold yellow so I actually okay I actually read about this online and so the way that this works I'm gonna be making a chevron bracelet which is where it's like an angle going down so we're gonna take all the and oh no they're all different sizes okay that's okay we'll just I'll just cut them all so that they're the same size oh wait you do have this though because sometimes when I'm in because sometimes when I'm in my room I get hungry because I didn't grab any food and so I started keeping it a green bell pepper in here remember that one time I made a pizza wait I don't have a I don't have a knife in here so I know that I usually save a lot of my major praise where things done really well for the end of the video but can we stop for a second and just appreciate that entire bell pepper moment so Dixie is obviously not at a great State and she feels the need to keep snacks around and her idea of a snack or possibly the only thing she has in the house right now that works is a green bell pepper so she just sits on the floor and munches on a bell pepper acting like that's perfectly normal this right here is p.m. city comedy influence it's absurd it's completely silly and yet totally serious both hilarious and heart-wrenching Lee sad as meaningful as it is ridiculous I love this moment and she doesn't even play it up either she just does it going precisely with the flow of character in the moment awesome purely awesome bell pepper great touch alright let's keep going [Music] I learned how to braid my hair from a book when I was younger it had it had pictures on how to upgrade your hair you might not believe it when I was little I used to have really long hair like it went down past my butt um let's see if I can remember this am I supposed to like make it tight I think it's fine I don't think it's fine nothing it's fine it's all fine oh wait now I got it no I remember um see it's hard I only have five strings oh no I had a weird dream that some lady was in my house when I woke up except for some reason I wasn't scared of her and um I just asked her who she was and she said that she wants me to grow up healthy and then she um like fell through the floor and left behind like this puddle of like it it almost looked like pomegranate juice or something but then it had like little jello II lumps and chunks in it I still don't know who that lady is or what she wanted I mean I know that she wanted me to grow up healthy but I don't know what that means I don't know what that means because I've never seen her before um I lost my place but it's still fine she was pretty so after witnessing all of that with Daisy showing us what she's like when something is affecting her and she's not really owning up to it let's see how she is well being a bit more candid and on camera instead of completely hidden in the dark with the video New Year I just wanted to post a really quick video about 2018 and because I've just been doing some thinking and I I just want to get my thoughts out there so that you guys can hear them and like hold me accountable um so this year I've decided that I'm not going to let stressors get to me I feel like last year I let that happen a lot I let just things get overwhelmed with me so this year I'm not gonna let stressors get to me I'm gonna I'm gonna help Allen grow I'm gonna help myself grow I'm gonna keep my plans alive I'm I'm gonna read more books I'm gonna keep exploring the Attic even though I know that my dad's notes aren't there I'm gonna I'm gonna go to a library um maybe what I really wanted to say um with this video is that this year I'm not giving up anymore and I'm not gonna give up on finding my dad's I know that it's not in the house I'm not stupid I know that it's I know that it's not here but I'm not gonna give up on finding it I want answers just like just once in my life I just want like a straightforward solid answer you'll notice that taxes video had an interruption by the only other character so far who could provide one and I decided to let that section play to highlight something very important that Daisy the creator wanted to bring up in that moment this is not a normal vlog channel and I know you're responsive at ease and obviously Nick we're watching some college-age hermit girl raise a petri dish monster but I mean in the sense that it's not just placing down the camera and recording this moment from Alan's viewpoint as he crawls around it is a direct statement we're watching an art piece this was an artistic choice we cannot be watching things any strict of vlog channel mindset as the format why is that moment coupled with Daisy's brave and open New Year's resolutions video because it's meant to highlight what we have just seen in other uploads the way that Daisy is feeling what she is thinking and going through is important to the story we're meant to be paying attention to this instead of just seeing it as an effect of the story events Daisy and her feelings her struggle are the story that's why so much of what she's feeling what she's been through and why she came to be this way is the most hidden secret in the channel every single video has closed captions they run in videos that are silent they run in videos where Daisy is talking the entire time they run on every upload and they're hiding story elements that you'd never catch without them the first major instance of closed captions giving us insight comes along with the second upload on the channel at the zoo the silence of loneliness the silence of longing the silence of desire and contemplation what do we make of this what are these closed captions talking about well closed captioning is primarily used to convey what a character on screen is saying or an action right it's a way of communicating what can't be heard under certain circumstances for an audience these monkeys aren't characters Daisy is our only character these animals aren't alone or longing we have each other but outside of their enclosure is Daisy watching this is what she's feeling and thinking let's get extra set now and visit Zoo video number two for more if Daisy secret messages they cling together familiarity the emperor tamron's when new father struggles to hold his twins struggles to hide them reaching up for help is pointless no one will be able to understand but I can't do this on my own he screams into emptiness I need to hide them he says they're not ready they don't know enough I am a poor teacher she doesn't know enough this huge world will consume her this is the whole world this is it everything outside of this place is dangerous and cruel the world outside of this is allowed pain cling to me or face the loud cruel hungry world I don't think it takes knowing from other videos that Daisy has father issues to understand that she's emotionally projecting in this one you're going to see that a lot in the closed captions Daisy relaying experiences throughout childhood of speaking with her father or hearing conversations he had with others all of these rather silly videos that don't seem to convey much more at first and further evidence of Daisy's behavior are all hiding secrets from her past or maybe a doc her overall secret through the uploads on the channel we as an audience come to know quickly the bare facts of what we immediately want to know Alan the monster is the creation of Daisy's father a scientist who was found in the kitchen one day with the tiny growing specimen that would become Alan Daisy ended up naming him and saw it more as a baby or a pet not sharing her father's overwhelming sense of power and creating a brand new life-form which we know from the captioning in the calm video I've done the impossible and I've created life where there once was nothing I can't believe you're crying about one of my greatest accomplishments I made this creature it exists now it's now going to live in this house you were going to have to help take care of this creature these are simply the facts of the situation there's no changing them now we also find that it wasn't the first time Daisy's father tried to do this and the captions for plant update we get this no no no no this can't be right not now let me work oh my god I can't fail this again I can't make another gross monstrosity I can't keep screwing up no go to your room can't you see dad's working I was sure this one would work why do they keep turning out to be disasters god it's hard as beating but it looks like a miscarriage its heart is beating that's a small victory Daisy if you interrupt me one more time I'll pull your goddamn hair out interesting tidbit about that last cruel comment three videos later Alan ends up ripping Daisy's hair out if you're thinking there might be a parallel you'd be correct quite a few of Daisy's closed caption messages reveal that her father was pretty abusive through both words and actions and we see a lot of evidence that Alan is equally cruel it's never something that she says directly always a story always a memory as if the entire time she's making a video Daisy is remembering some trauma or to finding moment in the back of her mind she's mentally preoccupied most of the time or not to be though considering her father put her through a lot of pain dropped a monster in her lap to raise with no instructions and then suddenly abandon her without explanation leaving Daisy to look after Ellen and hopefully uncover whatever notes on him were left behind and that's mainly what the plot elements of Daisy brown entail Daisy tries to find whatever her father left behind to help her deal with Alan's growth and what he might turn into while the mystery creature grows and very unexpected ways and starts developing a serious temper hi guys Brown here so I um I'm stuck in my room right now because Alan's being a little violent and so I mean I keep my door closed at night and so I'm just doing that right now so if you're here I'm in the background it's best to just ignore him because he really wants attention so yeah the growth of Alan seems to outpace theses work in trying to discover what her father left behind and that's no accident it's much more storytelling than one might expect as much as it may drive web series fans mad to not receive clues about the sci-fi or horror element of a tale that's because as alluded to earlier the story is really about Daisy Alan is just part of it has a they'll be at a sometimes terrifying one [Applause] [Music] did you draw these did you draw this [Music] Robbie I'm serious stop stop listen to me [Music] [Laughter] you can talk does it still hurt did that hurt you Ellen yes darlin I'm so sorry I'll never do that in in beds bed all right yeah that's that's fine okay oh um do you have anything you want to say to the people on YouTube because they've all been really worried about you Thank You Owen kind of messed up isn't it but don't worry it gets worse as we find out in the video I'm outside Daisy has made it clear and prior uploads that her father taught her not to go outside during the day whenever she can help it and to avoid the sight of people but here she is breaking a rule in telling us why it started bad and it just got worse [Music] but you guys's favorite food I like what I really do like that I mean that even after I've been eating it for so long I still like it yeah Daisy is still scared of cars and now she's scared of Ellen she's been scared of Allan though and let us know back during the nighttime itching video I started panicking about dads notes dad's notes on Allen Harlan was made and what Allen's gonna grow into because he's still growing and he's growing a lot and I don't know what to do I don't know what to expect but I just had a really scary thought and I don't know if it's true I'm really scared that it is that what if dad didn't hide his notes in the Attic like what what if I've been looking for nothing for months now and like I just started thinking about like why would when I went in the Attic I kept finding all these things that like I've never seen dad talking about like a box of hair or a bunch of books of poetry or like art or like all these photo albums of people I don't know and like I just started thinking like why would why would dad have left his science notes appear with all these things that I've never seen before and like then I just started getting really scared about like like basically today I realized that I've been I've been searching for nothing and I feel like an idiot I feel so stupid because I should have known but I should have known as soon as I went up there and as soon as I started looking around and seeing things like why would that have hidden something very important in a place with no lights why would he have hidden it at all I'm like I just started thinking I have no idea where the lab that my dad worked is this is why beyond the sense of morbid curiosity viewers keep pressing tazie to find her tatts notes on Allen he is a total mystery a dangerous mystery he can hurt Daisy he has hurt Daisy and as we saw from the drawing video he can be shockingly deceitful and laugh about it but Daisy Daisy might not ever find her dad's notes and this everybody has where we get deep into the core of what makes Daisy Brown a great example of Knight mine material and absolutely fit for cap and fever dreams okay how do we approach this it's got layers so we need to walk through them carefully to avoid a mess I guess I'll continue painting in the missing pieces of who Daisy is and what's going on with her to start who is Daisy Brown well we know that she is lonely abandoned by her father abused by her father given a responsibility that she never asked for that physically hurts her including a moment of abuse in the same way her father once threatened to abuse her she doesn't go outside if she can help it has a little understanding of the modern world and society and has a genuine phobia of other people her mother isn't in the picture either and we don't hear anything about that instead we have to read it Daisy's willing to bring up her dented videos in closed captioning well she's only willing to talk about the idea of her mother and the subtitles let's take a look at the mentions of Daisy's mom starting with the closed captions for another cooking video in the transcript you'll find that when her father was around Daisy was apparently allowed to write down questions and put them in a box where her down to take out an answer the question that in secession were witnessed to is do I have a mother her father replies Oh Daisy bad questions Daisy she then apologizes to her father who becomes unresponsive the absence of Daisy's mother is a very sore subject and one that isn't spoken of she doesn't even know if she has a mother and that brings us to something very important to understand about Daisy brown psychology the closed caption messages in the cooking videos are connected with the ending from the second one unlocking the secret of the first in that first cooking video Daisy makes hashbrowns while relating the experiences of what seemed to be a mother giving birth and passing away immediately after oh god I'm dying it's too much blood I'm gonna die here is that did it survive yes it lived I did it it survived and it's just beautiful oh no I'm losing so much blood dying is an art like everything else I do it exceptionally well oh honey we stopped shaking me that won't make me survive Oh God please watch over this newborn oh Jesus please don't let it think I left or I didn't care let it grow up big and strong let it do something great I can't believe it I finally gave birth and I'll never get to see this child grow I'll never teach it anything I'll never be able to tell it I love it goodbye darling goodbye a world in consideration of that whole section of closed caption messages we can say this even if Daisy was told her mother died in childbirth she never would have been able to remember all that and people don't speak that way as they're dying this is highly romanticized just like the perspective Daisy had of the emperor tamarins of the zoo she is imagining the situation making up her own memory of her mother at a time when her senses wouldn't even be capable of picking up what she apparently heard and even before that we have the more impossible situation from the captions in Allen's drawing in which Daisy describes her mother quizzing her father Curtis about a painting she loves and why she admires it the lighting and shading tells the viewers so much about the story see the young girl is illuminated like an angel meanwhile the faces in the mirror hmm he has no idea when I'm going on about he's so cute nodding like it cares about Spanish art history what's your favorite part of the painting Curtis the two then go over the symbolism of the piece which Curtis seems to have forgotten this obviously is not something Daisy herself could remember she wasn't even born she knows nothing about her mother except for the possessions of a woman she finds in a suitcase in the Attic among the items she finds two things that stand out in particular the Middleton that had bags of tea inside and a small music box and a little tiny music box and I recognized that it was from the movie Alice in Wonderland um I know this because I watched it growing up now I've listened to that tune a few times trying to see if my first impression is correct and I can say after giving it some playthroughs that I'm pretty sure it's the tune for the Mad Tea Party I'm not going to play the comparison clip from the film because this is YouTube and we all know what will happen if I do that even though it's for obvious research purposes but you know the presence of at in with some bags of tea within the same box doesn't seem like an accident and as we already talked about when you drop the message that you're going by wham city comedy guidelines every time you put something in front of the camera you made the choice to do so there is meaning in the action backs of tea the tune for what seems to be the man Tea Party in desi instantly recognizing it's from Alice in Wonderland because she grew up watching it yeah combine that with everything else we know about Daisy especially considering her behavior with closed captions and a picture starts the form you might also take note of the sweater she wears after discovering Ellen can really draw much later which has a design of stacking teacups if we wanted to have another Alice in Wonderland and more so a reference to the mad tea-party we got it let's readjust our perspective now since we have more evidence on the table Daisy Browne is a lonely girl abandoned by her father who abuse her mentally emotionally and physically she was really being taught not to go outside if she can help it has a little understanding of the modern world in society and has a genuine phobia of other people her mother has never been in the picture and lacking a mother's presence in her life at any point Daisy creates fictional memories of her mom that she plants in the closed captioning of her YouTube videos on the meta angle of the story we have references to Alice in Wonderland a story about a young girl who experiences a crazy adventure that has a lot to do with joyful and willing madness and if all of this wasn't enough to paint the picture of a very lonely and isolated girl trying to hide her depression and anxiety it gets worse when he explored the full realm of the closed captions in the second cooking video one of the questions Daisy asked her father was can I marry another girl to which her father replied Daisy that is a stupid question and no you can't in the upload artistic video Daisy relays a moment in the closed captions when she decide to tell Ellen a story in this story there was a beautiful queen who lives on the moon and she was in love with the queen of the stars we might even have seen one of these characters in a previous video the calm video when Daisy shows us a picture she made when she was younger about a space lady and of course let's not forget Daisy's attempt to make a friendship bracelet out of rainbow colors in this video she seemed particularly depressed so Daisy Brown is now revealed to us as a lonely girl who never knew her mother was abused neglected and abandoned by her father kept isolated from the outside world to the point that she can barely relate to others and doesn't understand Christmas or the uncommon nature of lab-grown monsters has rules about not going out during the day as a fear of people and cars has been put down by the only parent in her life when approaching the topic of her sexual orientation and being told a was stupid has been so severely lonely that she's made up of fictional personality and memories of her mother can't really talk to us about what's truly on her mind without the quiet method of closed captioning and is being attacked and driven out of her house by the only companion she has who she raised from birth being Daisy Brown is an act of suffering and she's been suffering so badly for that she might just might be approaching the territory of whirling madness in the meta clue angle that the creator of this channel can take to make us aware of that did sell not just with one reference but a few and when I finally realized all this in my initial run-through of the channel I felt totally swept away because Daisy Browne has done something that no other webseries ever has it brought me into a sense of expectations made me throw them away and play along with a truly absurd concept stay in the story as a willing believe her ignoring the ridiculous nature of Allen who is so obviously some kind of paper mache puppet and then use that power against me to present the foundation for a major potential plot twist guys Ellen may not even be real Daisy Brown might be knowingly willfully mad and she may have used our habit of just going along with a webseries for the sake of the experience against us on April 16 2018 we received the video from Daisy called need strawberry about a cat she's taken into the house the closed captioning messages are unlike anything you've been exposed to yet you all keep asking is it real is it fake well of course it's fake to you but I made all this I couldn't unmake it if I want it to am I crazy yes definitely but nonetheless I truly hope you enjoy what I made I also hope this introduction isn't too jarring I just couldn't help myself you won't hear from me again just wanted to introduce myself now back to the show sincerely the author this changes everything especially when he took into consideration some very early videos closed captions in which again Daisy seems to be projecting in some way as Alan when Daisy tries to feed her monster new sources of sugar we get the following this foolish child frivolous and vain this world was built for me not her and I was built for this world bitch entitled bitch stupid ignorant you are the blind one a stupid bitch who raised you that was an early video - Daisy was doing this long before introducing fantasies of the mother she's never met and as stated this wasn't the only time she projected Allen's voice into a situation the video Allen update in which Daisy talks about taking care of a wound on Allen's neck is also revealing dear Lord I must have screamed myself hoarse my head is throbbing my neck burns everything hurts but that doesn't matter I'm growing look out world and so we come now to a point of confusion and contention is Daisy Brown actually putting on a show taking full advantage of our willingness to suspend disbelief and just go with a story because that's actually the story where's Allen real and Daisy just has a ton of issues we're witness to just how much of a fourth wall break is the message and meet strawberry it seems to direct too strong and it's wording to be the actual creator reaching out and saying thanks for watching that one line of course it's fake to you gives me the impression that this is all part of the game but maybe it is a fourth wall break and we're being given a much-needed tap on the shoulder to put things into perspective this entire time have we really questioned whether or not Daisy was playing us did we all just go along believing her and playing right into her hands where are the closed captions even coming from did we think about that if they're for Daisy it means that she's either suffering way more than we thought or she's manipulating the audience fully aware of the power of the unreliable narrator position she has if Daisy's not making the captions and somebody else is pulling the puppet strings then we're dealing with something we can't even begin to understand and just look at Alan seriously look at him we had to willingly throw away our suspension of disbelief to accept that this gross arts-and-crafts puppet was somehow a real organic monster we had to swallow that lie we all know that in some way or another there's somebody moving Ellen around whether it's Daisy using one of her limbs or a friend who's been cleverly hidden without a willingness to just play along used against us this entire time by a character who's going to be revealed as a manipulator - Daisy use our first impressions and our natural reaction as audience members in pursuit of fiction as a way to circle although around for a plot twist that would be impressive it does leave us with one problem bow if Daisy the lonely girl is trying to trick us how did she manage to pull off this effects she's totally isolated in the world or so we thought and if she is alone then how is Ellie moving I'll admit it we're kind of in a mess of potential realities now just because of the captions from that one video meet strawberry and it always hurts they at this Junction I really hate these multiple choice points especially when we have so much evidence to go on already so let's try and simplify things for a moment we need to do a process of elimination or at least that's what I was going to do when I first wrote my script for this video Daisy brown has once again done something a few web series ever achieve it made me overwrite my script trying to solve a puzzle and then step away to let my brain cool down so far only every min hybrid and this houses people in it have ever done that to me I wrote up a little over three pages of possible scenarios for what could be going on and why in excruciating detail before realizing I was attacking this way too hard after coming back to it one night later I'm able to talk this through much more clearly and here's what I've got we don't have the evidence we need to firmly lock in the nature of the narrative in its characters not yet we have evidence to suggest what's happening but we're not ready to make the call so instead of exploring a whole bunch of all-encompassing scenarios we can tackle something much easier to handle conditional statements and branching paths after condensing everything I was chewing over through the course of three pages and a good two hours or so of thinking here's what I've got to work with the absolute foundation of our true way forward is to base assumptions on whether or not Allen is real let's start with the easiest possible path here if Allen is real then Daisy is legitimate if Daisy is legitimate then it means the author is making the closed captions and may have power over what we see as well what is our evidence behind this we have two items to rely on first we know that if Daisy is legitimate she cannot possibly be writing the closed captions because her writing style and spelling is terrible we see it all over the place in her videos in her descriptions and on Twitter she would need to suddenly make a drastic and conscious effort to write correctly for this and it just doesn't fall in line with what we know of her assuming her character and Alan's are real if she had to change up writing style it means she was deceiving us in this scenario that is not what we're considering as her what I said about the author having power over what we see remember the moment from the New Year video when we had a random clip of alan crawling across the floor it seemed like Daisy was totally unaware of that no comments about it anywhere I looked in the comment section below description and on Twitter too just to see if anybody brought it up to get a response out of Daisy nothing was sad that leads into what we get in the beginning of the video my dance tape Frank Sinatra music playing followed by a very clear shot of Frank Sinatra's face on a cassette tape cover this also takes place in clear view of a very bright blue chair relating to what's already been established we are working by whim city comedy guidelines and if we're working on wham city rules it means everything that ends up on camera is chosen it's not an accident pop quiz what material covered here on night mind it's very closely associated with Frank Sinatra music and why answer everyman hybrid for the character of habit there's a love of Frank Sinatra and his tactic of playing Sinatra's music to make his presence known as well established habit is a character who stands outside the initial awareness of the protagonist in that series a powerful antagonist who can manipulate what we see and constantly does so now am I going out on a limb here by saying that Daisy Browne must be aware of when city comedy and everyman hybrid and is taking inspiration from both not really considering her official Twitter account is following the official everyman hybrid account Geoffrey Koval's account and Evans account who plays habit and she's following the entire crew of ym city company too so yeah I think we're very safe and saying she's aware enough of all the work I've mentioned to be referencing the material coordination of the Blue Chair shot makes with Frank Sinatra might be a message I'm working with symbolism to tell you something remember that what I show you can be a symbol and so that brings us to the full wrap-up of conditional statement scenario one Daisy and Allen are legit the author is running the closed captions and there's some kind of habit figure who has only just made themselves known we've only admitted to the power to use the closed caption so far but they might be responsible for the random clips of Allen from the monsters own perspective why is the author writing the closed captions and what do they have to gain at all in messing with Daisy's channel are they actually responsible for what we're seeing we don't really know but if they truly are character and this was not a fourth-wall break by Daisy Browns creator then we're seeing a story that's clearly being manipulated by somebody in the universe this might also explain the Alice in Wonderland references maybe Daisy isn't crazy the author is definitely crazy and putting her through some crazy things like Alice experience in Wonderland but as far as we can tell poor Daisy is going through events that leave a real impact and if the tidbit from the author really was just the creator of Daisy brown saying hello we're looking at a serious derailment of the loren world belt I really really really hope this was not a fourth-wall break just a wave at the audience using the most secretive information loaded aspect of the series that would be shuttering immersion way too hard might as well pour sugar in your car's gas tank so now we have to go through the really confusing scenarios based on the other side of the condition of Allens reality if a Helen isn't real it means that Daisy is making it all up if Daisy is making it all up then she's responsible for the closed captions if Daisy is making the closed captions then the author is either an intruder or Daisy herself now where does that leave us a few possibilities unfold in the first case Daisy brown is just a lonely sad girl with issues trying to put on a show for the internet to deal with her problems she displays her issues through the closed captions and the fact that she's doing this at all and who knows what poor suckers she ripped in to help her pull off the illusion of Alan being real and moving on his own in this case the author is an intruder who uses Daisy's closed caption messages to make their presence known but Daisy's been writing them all along in the second case the creator of Daisy Brown is literally a character playing Daisy the creator of the webseries exists in the universe everything is fake it's all made up but now she has attracted the attention of something real from the outside that calls itself the author again the author is an intruder in the scenario hijacking Daisy subchannel messages in the final case Stacy's aware her work is fake and she's putting on a show but she has some mighty belief in her power as the great author figure having made a reality in which she cannot leave or stop what she's put in motion is she crazy yes definitely but she made all this she can't unmake it if she wanted to this would be the mad tea-party interpretation taking the Alice in Wonderland references to their full extent of meeting I almost want to bring up the idea that Daisy might be channeling more than one personality in the series but we don't have enough evidence yet to really entertain that and that's well that's where we are at everybody we're going to need more time to figure out what the deal really is here but these are the possibilities I can offer from the evidence gathered so far in jeans we haven't even talked about potential symbolism behind Allen aspects of this series from a writing and execution standpoint that impressed me how this excel isn't being different its power and subtle writing how it pertains to aspects of character that we never would have known otherwise this video has gone on way too long without me addressing all the other stuff right now though and to be quite honest we're going to have an easier time talking about everything else and a more correct time of it if we take the time to see what else we get on the channel more evidence I need more evidence to be sure of the things that I want to say we need to come back to Daisy Brown later so it can clear though I will say this Daisy Brown deserved my attention way before now I should have sat down to watch that months ago it's really doing something different that's counts of any people and Daisy is some kind of incredible mix of allen from allen tutorial and a real tired distressed girl flogged or that we can believe the turns we take and seeing how allen reveals what he's really capable of to give you chills and now we can't help but wonder exactly what he's becoming we want to know more yes the stories about Daisy more than it is about Allen and the missing dad but we do really care a lot about finding more documents from the father and seeing what kind of threat that Allen develops into and you know I can't keep this setting up anymore send it back close it back up with TV I'm done with cabin fever dreams now I just spent so long doing hardcore analysis and theory crafting without cracking any jokes are being suggestive we are definitely back to normal give me the office back we're done here for now everybody thanks for jumping the talk again this evening major thanks to all of my supporters on patreon who make it possible to ask myself for two hours whether a paper mache Eraserhead baby fan work is alive or faked and not worry about the validity of my career stick around to the end of this video to see all of their names thanks for joining me in the doc again this evening and wait I already said that I am Nick Nocturne and I'm tired you're tired we are all tired let's go to sleep now knock sit tight good night everybody I love you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 432,910
Rating: 4.9317389 out of 5
Keywords: night mind, daisy brown, explained, webseries, alan, nick nocturne
Id: lRLUo84TRRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 20sec (4040 seconds)
Published: Sun May 27 2018
Reddit Comments

And in the other thread I asked, if he did something about Daisy... (Dang! Nailed it.) Since as always: Great vid.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Zanjar 📅︎︎ May 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Huh. Maybe I should give the channel a chance. I stopped immediately because I suspected gamejacking, too and it really turned me off.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/RealMadamePsychosis 📅︎︎ May 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

It's a shame that there were people who were turned away by it so early on by what, to me, just felt like a couple of casual references. The idea of it being gamejacking never even came close to crossing my mind.

I'm still kinda new to webseires though so idk XD

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TRAINPASS 📅︎︎ May 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Well, that was a great video to send off Cabin Fever Dreams 2018 with. Can't wait until next year!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 27 2018 🗫︎ replies

Now that gamejacking was mentioned (that's a first for Nick?) I wonder what Nick thinks of shows and projects that have end credits and give away some of the references there. It's just that I can't help but credit the inspiration in the special thanks sections, (Nick himself included). And end credits are just like a canvas which is an art form in itself. I like just reading end credits (and I am a rare person in that aspect), but I love when people actually using the space to make a point, a nod or two. You can actually just fit a whole scene in the end credits, so why not doing that?..

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PPStudio 📅︎︎ May 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

One thing that really makes my head scratch.

If Daisy is so afraid of cars and the outside world, why would she go out to a very public place like a zoo? And if Daisy didn’t take the footage at the zoo, then who did?

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/redline2500 📅︎︎ May 28 2018 🗫︎ replies

I always got the impression that Daisy Brown was a big fan of both Wham City and the Everyman Hybrid series, which is why there was a few references - eg. the blue chair and the Sinatra tape. They are subtle and "blink and you'd miss it" kind of deals. Plus, Daisy (as a character happens to like anime/manga - the shot of Kitchen Princess during one of the cooking videos) so there might be some "fan service" kind of deals on it. It doesn't feel like game-jacking - more like a subtle nod. I expect game-jackers to be more obvious and up front with the "jacking".

I did wonder about the Alice in Wonderland references and Alan's changing forms (his last form on the bed totally looks like a 5th grade puppet with a simple hinge as a jaw). I'm leading with the "Daisy is crazy" theory. She's lonely and wants a companion to play with and ends up telling a story (to herself about a dead mum and Alan). Perhaps Curtis (her father) did end up disappearing or abandoning her (she's not an accomplished cook or is good at taking care of herself), and she invented Alan and this ongoing story to play out. Perhaps the Author is another entity or something about her "multiple personalities"...

Edit: KItchen Princess is a romance manga - a girl in modern day Japan trying to find love AFTER her parent's death. (Could be a clue that both her mother/father died? We know that Curtis told her about Daisy's mum dying in childbirth - presumably of Daisy?) And it deals with a lot of boys and a lot of lying from characters....

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/astrangeone88 📅︎︎ May 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
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