Cyclops Shield Generator Location 2018 | SUBNAUTICA

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[Applause] hello chemical aids and welcome to another guide force of Nazca so for this one we're going to be looking upgrading that Cyclops and we're gonna be looking for the Cyclops shield generator now those two locations are gonna be taking two out of the four possible ones I do believe these are the best in terms of spawn rate but if it's not the case and please do comment so where do we want to start from we want to start from the center of the map as always which is the coral tubes that are sticking out in the safe shallows closely Aurora there is actually another set or in the distance there it's not these these one now doing it this way starting from here it's going to allow me to give you precise direction and precise distance so where we're going to go we're going to be going one click sorry one point five clicks right of Southwest so just under two clicks right of Southwest we're gonna be going 1325 meters and a depth of around about 100 centimeters so you're not going to need the depth module for the seamoth high-capacity UNK would be amazing and you're gonna need a laser cutter as well so without further ado let's get going okay so in terms of what we're gonna find down there now it is the safest location of the two that I'm going to be showing you there are whoppers there's a couple of whoppers there is the very slim chance that you're gonna run into a ghost Leviathan but that is a very very slim chance and apart from that it's pretty much it and I have seen some reports of Sun sharks but none as of yet that I've encountered but whoppers as I say you will fire what at sensitive with whoppers is if you've got the perimeter defense system for the seam off just give them give them a whack I also get now and give them a whack with the combat knife will usual so I've made them go away for 30 seconds or so just what you'd need to do whatever you need today okay so we're gonna head through the grassy plateaus biome and then we're gonna take a deep dive down as I said it's 1,000 fringe and 25 meters so from your starting location it's always a good idea to leave a beacon there and wicket you can see sort of distance if you do if you're wondering if you've gone too far or not enough so free this mass reef would go which is the green murky water and as I mention guys is this is one of the safer biomes it may look dancing but it's but it's such one not seeing about to be fur what we're going to come across is a large wreckage it is the only wreckage in the Sitra this path that you're going to find now let's just check on distance 1425 we're going to be going keep on that and there we go so just where you see this peak here you'll see this wreck in the distance and this is where we need to be okay so as I mentioned high cross Hank ultra if you've got it would be amazing now there's actually to the spawn differs so you can always check that one for the actual cyclops generates that i can go in if you want to venture in it's around the back entrance and it's really there we go whopper okay so just swim through here torch is always always handy to have do you recommend it even when you've got a sea gliding you've got the lights on dibbs gives a hell of a lot more light which will cut through this already and there we go guys boom Cyclops shield generator accomplished so that's a fist location I'm going to now take you to the second location from the starting point we'll see in a second okay guys we're now back at the starting point please do make sure you start from here again so distance Direction is accurate and we want to be going to clicks left of Northwest the distance is 1600 meters and depth wise around about 330 so you are going to need that depth module map one for the seamoth TT it's of 300 meters you can do the rest in the sea glider or ideal it would be depth module map tube which would say it's a 400 meters okay so let's do it I'm going to explain what we're going to find down there when we so in terms of how dangerous it is you are entering the dune sort of location the biome so there are obviously Reapers the spawn area is quite a safe quite a safe distance from this wreckage like I'm going to be checking to see now having said that it is always beneficial to one make sure you've got a fully repaired seam off not 50% if a Reaper does attack is gonna take two attacks and it's gonna be over secondly perimeter defense system is always always beneficial if it does attack you can electrocute it and then it'll just go away and then you're not going to take an extra bit of damage it will wipe out well about 50% of the seam off and that's it really and finally ease save save guys the amount of obviously comments that I get ah Reaper bumps into a Reaper and they've lost the same off simple I know it's always a case but do save real important so what you're going to need again is high class the tank and a laser cutter those are two critical components they can so like I say if you keep two clicks left of Northwest now it is very close to iPod 13 so if you do up that location which is near the main mushroom tree you can go down there and you can head slightly Northwest but I'll tell you to see what's looking for now mixed mushroom forest is a safe biome and where we're going to be going you're gonna encounter Sun sharks as well as possible Reaper and whoppers so just be aware of that and you can hear him in the distance I believe yeah you can hear it okay so once you get to this this here you've gone as far as you can do you can see the dist the wreckage in the distance and you can hear that Reaper and he's usually spotting somewhere over there but one of you guys may be unlucky like I say do say before you get any further doo doo save okay so we're going to venture in and what we're going to do is venture into the middle of the wreckage do quit that perimeter defense system just on the off-chance okay guys so we're going to head through the wreckage make sure torches are quit always under now you wanna do you want to give this good wreckage of going over it's not always going to spawn in the same location and you may have to cut down through a few doors now this is one it's already been cut and there we go guys Cyclops shield generator bomb there we go so second one so Oh blow out the video guys and you've got the required data box any comments likes more than welcome ciao for now bye bye guys [Applause] you
Channel: ChemicalApes
Views: 333,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, subnautica cyclops shield generator, subnautica shield generator, cyclops shield generator recipe, cyclops shield generator where to craft, subnautica cyclops shield generator locations, cyclops upgrades, subnautica cyclops shield generator coordinates, where is, subnautica guide 2018, databox, cyclops shield blueprint, chemical apes, chemicalapes, subnautica gameplay, subnautica xbox, ps4, pc
Id: FCDdsYNdU10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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