Making the Hatching Enzyme | SUBNAUTICA

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good evening guys and welcome to another episode of subnautica one of the very final ones I hope for this particular game so for this one there's a lot of comments flying around where is how to get the hatching enzyme and that is precisely what I'm going to show you on this video so in terms of where we are we are currently in the main Emperor's lair we want to stop descend down right down to where the eggs are situated now there's going to be a couple of cutscenes which I'm going to edit how just purely for speed but this is where we want to go now what do you recommend you have is a couple of mine cubes haven't don't worry about it I will show you where they are in this video the other thing you're going to need is the drill piece for the well the drill arm for the prongs so if you haven't got that I advise you to take a look at the videos shown now visit that and that will show you exactly where it is and without further ado let's do it so the first point wanna sort of do is what they are in Cuban they're pretty obvious that will then go to a contain to play outside to make sure you do go into this walk game because this will then she will then some come over blow thus underway you forget but Fran serve you freely but the others tried in vain to take okay once once we've got here the second Ncube goes in in then gonna get the recipe for the country enzyme plankton which depends on the organic detritus produced by the ecosystem around it with the passage you opened my young can leave this place no Patrick enzymes all gummed break free of their shelves so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna make our way back up these are the upper level thank you I'm gonna go from the soil C into okay so we've now come up into the upper chamber through the main some pool area where we first came in contact with the sea Emperor so we're going to head back through the main chamber now this is effectively if you've visited these rooms there's a I think the six are five six in total now what we want to be doing is concentrating on these four doorways each one has a warp gate as I mentioned earlier you need the iron cubes this is where you come for it is the drill piece is required stock up on as much it's possible you can also mean if the end game for that rocket launch and so once we've got quite a number of pieces of that yeah okay we'll go into our first one so what do we need so much against I thought we'd all Bosh fungal ice dark so setting up a points the first left doorway one of the things with this prom so is it slow okay so first I need goes alert that's open the war gates and we have appeared what wants to be well possibly near the Jews somewhere so we're gonna have a lot may well be the crack field might be the mushroom forest I think yeah it's a mushroom forest so this now is gonna be the first place we're gonna hear and it's really simple so what we're what were you aiming to get from this get out is the fungal sample so we're literally got a knife the mushrooms it's as simple as that we've got it there we go funcle' fun little sample skip back so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to activate all the four chamber doors and then we're going to go to that scene and I'll show you exactly where to go for the rest of the components at the scene so okay so we're now in the right-hand corner of the main chamber that wall gate we've now activated there we're now going to proceed into this one now as I mentioned earlier the iron cubes they replenish so they do respawn so you can drill away drill away and drill away generators manage your need and you're going to need them so for this part we're in the Lost River and what we're looking for is I believe the ghost weed seed so it's a little bit more tricky to find what I do recommend is that you leave the prawn soup of the main entrance and do it that way there's a couple of nasties around so do be careful we just make our way through here and we're gonna sort of get to this part here okay so what we're looking for is exactly what it looks like on the picture and I believe if you there left keeping a left there is there we go so it's really a case of - well that's it let's go Swede see you back into again okay so it now with the third gate we're gonna slump the N cube in there usually check the storage ban yeah there we go and keep in there now we're going to go to our third gate now what you'll be wondering is there are four gates four gates and there's five ones and that's where the little trickery comes in some gets a lot shortly okay so this should either spawn us in the bull barrier or the raising crack Redfield's so again just be careful on this area it's probably hell of a lot quicker just sir actually walk it working our way down on direct path don't fold we're falling down there many a time try not to do that very frustrating okay we're over now that's not the crack fields I believe yes so there is the main one straight out the thoughts I start get out of it quickly before we get attacked and that's it so one plunk left to go I'll say back into again okay so we're now at the final walk gate and this is it so what gets over and done with once we've done this bit we've got one plan to do though these one gains which is a bull bush and you get this in the ball barrier now you don't have to do them in this particular are day you can do me any Rd one as long as you got those four corners near the doorways lead to various rooms worth exploring if you haven't already done that but literally the wild gates are on the far corners so we're now on our last section sure what that is a bit of light so we're gonna get this ball bush very easiest find now with a lot of these plants you can actually do it before you come sort preempt it before you actually do the whole see Emperor thing is some way to go I suppose yeah so back at the main main corridor there in to see you shortly okay so we're now at the main corridor and we want to go back to where we came from will see in parades where the eggs are and make our way back down there we should have four plant seeds of hops if you like for the final final plums and then we're gonna hatch those babies so what we're looking out for now is these channels here small channels probably best off getting out of the actual prawn soup and then doing it fire the sea glider and there's a couple of deep ones we want to look for and then there we go there we go and I believe there we go I should find a plan which is the sea crown seed which I believe you won't find anywhere else few of us just for good measure replant why not make our way back to the prawn soup okay going so we've now have all five seeds we're ready to go but how do we craft the hatching enzyme Wow fabricator so bear this in mind when you're going through those warp gates you're going to need to decide on the closest location to a fabricator to juanita basis if you've got one days - whether it be in the bulbs on near the Lost River near the mushroom forest or the crack fields you may want to also have a fabricator run your Cyclops and venture back it is a laborious task one of the quickest ways of doing it is of all these components are hand before you come and do the ECM proquest but hilar don't you're going to have that as you're going to be watching this video no doubt when you're in this the sea emperor's base so without further ado is what I made earlier went back to the fabricator or the base near the mushroom fields [Music] and there we go good luck and if hatched my little friend and there we go so off they go see the warp gate eventually a little funky from the mother and all this God and it was a lot of hard work sort of get a lot of laborious tasks and like I say you can actually do it preempt it if you're not within this area and get those seeds ready to hand just watch this final NC my young are swimming for the shallows I think for air credo is my end what will it be like to go to sleep and never wake up as next we meet I will be an ocean current off my little friends on social or a creature so small it sees the gas between their grains of sands farewell okay what you're gonna need to do once she's passed away is these concentrated enzymes that will then clear you of the main bacteria that's infecting I'll just scan ourselves just to make sure and all should be guards can't complete vital signs normal no remaining sign of bacterial infection and there we go go I see they've all gone through the wall cage into the near the mountain biome quite dodgy place but I'm gonna as for me I'm gonna go back for my Cyclops and get ready for the final ending so hope you liked the video guys it was a little bit long-winded but any comments likes more than welcome and why not subscribe ciao for now
Channel: ChemicalApes
Views: 326,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, subnautica gameplay, subnautica game, subnautica hatching enzyme, hatching enzymes, subnautica hatching enzymes blueprint, subnautica hatching leviathan eggs, subnautica sea emperor hatching, subnautica where to find sea crown seed, subnautica how to hatch emperor eggs, subnautica how to hatch sea emperor eggs
Id: 5KTgmuRAov0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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