The ULTIMATE Beginner's Guide to Sea of Thieves (2024)

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so you're new to Sea of Thieves now you're probably wondering where do I even start how do I earn gold what mistakes should I avoid well this video will not only explain how to play this open world Pirate game but also how to master it so without further Ado let's get right into it number one choosing your pirate the best place to start is the beginning and choosing your pirate will be the first thing you ever do in Sea of Thieves it's important to know that whichever pirate you choose is the pirate you will be stuck with you cannot change your mind afterwards unless you want to pay real life money for a pirate appearance portion from The Emporium if you don't want to spend IRL money then the only other option is to delete your pirate and I would not recommend this as you will lose all your Cosmetics gold and progress so if you got to spend 6 hours finding that perfect pirate there's no judgment from me number two high seas and safer Seas once you have chosen the best pirate now you need to figure out the best game mode for you as a new player you will be prompted to complete the maiden voyage which I highly recommend you do as it will explain the basic functions of your ship after you have completed the maiden voyage you have two options high seas or safer Seas safer Seas is a private server for you and your crew so you don't need to worry about running into other players ships or enemies there is no PVP and you can enjoy exploring in the vast world without any threat if you're extremely new to the game or not comfortable yet potentially running into other players then safer Seas is for you however you will only earn 30% of the gold and reputation that you would earn in high seas this game is based on high risk High reward so as soon as you feel ready get yourself onto the high seas as your gold reputation and commendations are all going to increase so much quicker number three pick the right ship so you're setting sale for the first time and the menu prompts you to pick a ship it's going to be so tempting to choose the massive gallion because it's the biggest and it looks the most powerful right wrong you have three choices of ships because they are all suited for different occasions if you're playing by yourself or with one other person then please pick the Sloop never solo a gallion because you will sink and die Briggs are recommended for three players and then finally only ever pick a gallion if you have a full crew of four they are very difficult to control and you literally need a solid crew of four players to manage this ship don't underestimate the Sloop it might be the smallest ship in the game but it's arguably the deadliest if you want to learn how to master the Sloop then I've attached a video in the top right corner of the screen or check the pinned comments below number four supplies no ship is complete without being stocked up with wood food and cannonballs for setting sale always make sure to spend some time at The Outpost grabbing supplies to speed this up you can visit the merchant Trader on the docks and buy a storage crate you can then run around all the barrels on The Outpost collecting their content into the storage crate then simply empty your storage crate into your ship's barrels storage crates do cost gold but they are so worth it for efficiency the best food in the game are pineapples followed by mangoes pomegranate coconuts and then bananas so definitely prioritize getting pineapples and mangoes another option at the merchant is to buy crates of food wooden planks cannonballs and bait I always buy all of these crates except the bait crate as you won't really need this unless you're doing some fishing number five settings and key binds now that you're ready to set sail you will want to adjust some settings to make your life easier obviously do whatever makes you comfortable but as as a Rough Guide first off you will want to head into settings then graphic settings and make sure that your field of view is set to 90 this will give you a wider View and trust me I don't know any pirate that plays on anything less than 90 next head into either keyboard and mouse or controller and I highly advise setting up a key bind for your food and for your wooden planks when you're in an emergency you are mostly going to be using food and planks so this is why I recommend prior prioritizing these two items for quick access number six hourglass you see this pretty little fascinating looking hourglass on your ship's Quest table leave it alone do not touch it don't place your vote on it in fact just don't even look at it okay unless you hate yourself and want to punish yourself immensely if you vote this down it will place you in a 1 V one match against another players ship and you will battle to the death this would arguably be a great way to practice your skill except there is basically no skill-based matchmaking system and I can guarantee that you will be matched against an absolute PVP God who has over 10,000 hours in the game and will send your ship right back down below the waves before you can even say stop shooting I'm friendly so yeah don't touch this number seven emissaries this is how you will earn gold the fastest but you're probably wondering what even is an emissary well in Sea of Thieves you have five different factions that you can sell items to in return for gold and reputation these are the gold hoers the order of souls the merchant Alliance The Reaper bornes and Athena's Fortune you can find each of these factions at every single Outpost you visit and they will have their own little tent so you will know exactly where to go all of these five factions have an emissary flag that you can raise that will look like this where you can represent that company and earn bonus rewards but there there's a catch to get one of these cool looking Flags you will have to pay 20,000 gold as a onetime purchase and you will also have to be level 15 in that company but once you've bought it it's yours to raise whenever and as frequently as you want the more you work for that company the higher your grade goes up completing quests commendations and most importantly putting specific Loot on your ship will increase your Emissary grade all the way up to a maximum of grade five now you're probably wondering what's the point in all this well if you do hit that magical grade five Emissary status you will earn a bonus of 2.5 times gold and reputation for every item you sell I recommend to make this one of your first goals when entering sea of Thieves because it can really make the journey a lot more rewarding number eight sovereigns and Captain SE this is arguably the most important thing in Sea of Thieves and I will die on that Hill if you want to become a Captain there is only one thing you have to do and that is to buy your own ship to do this head over to the main menu and look under the my ships tab here you will see the option to buy a ship it's an investment for sure but trust me it's worth it now once you've done this this is where the fun begins now you can pick your own name for your ship but be careful since once you choose your name you are stuck with it unless you want to pay real money in the pirate Emporium for a ship re name indeed also please don't call your ship the Black Pearl everybody uses that name you can be more original I believe in you enjoy it take your time with it and I recommend picking something that represents you and your sailing adventures once you do pick your name let me know in the comments what your ship is called now you may wonder why all of this is so important well a few things the first is being able to sell at this tent right here which is called the sovereigns you can find this tent at the secondary dock which is on every single Outpost this place is actually the quickest way to sell in the entire game instead of having to run to every single different trading tent you can sell every single piece of loot right here so if you're being chased down by an enemy ship you can easily just pull up and turn things in within seconds other captaincy perks include being able to save ship Cosmetics to Your Vessel and also being able to purchase captaincy supplies at every Outpost which saves so much time number nine the wind is there weather in Sea of Thieves yes there is and it changes constantly so you'll want to pay close attention to it every good pirate knows how to angle their Sals you will get to and from places much quicker if you have the wind especially if you're playing on high seas and want to chase down an enemy or run away from one whenever you're stood on your ship and you look up you can clearly see which way the window wind is blowing use the ropes to guide your sails into the wind and you will hear this noise to help bigger ships like Briggs and gallions the game will play this noise when all of your Sails are angled into the wind but what happens when you don't have the wind on your side well on a Sloop you should angle your sails fully forward if you're on a Brig or gallion then angle your Sals either all the way to the left or the right depending ing on the wind direction bigger ships move faster having the sails angled even if you don't have full wind so as a sneaky extra tip if you're a Sloop and you want to run away from a larger enemy ship sail in the opposite direction to the wind as the Sloop is the faster ship Against the Wind number 10 world events the best and easiest way to make quick gold is through world events these are dangerous but exciting events that will randomly activate in your server or only one event can spawn at a time and you can easily locate the active world event by looking at the clouds there will be large indicators such as massive skulls or massive tornadoes once the crew completes the active world event or if nobody interacted with it and the timer runs out then the cloud will despawn and a new world event will begin shortly afterwards ultimately world events are a very fun and quick way to earn high teer loot gold and reputation all whilst progressing your commendations be aware though that this does make you a Target as every other ship on the server can also see the active world event and they might want that booty for themselves number 11 shipwrecks something that gets overlooked a lot in Sea of Thieves are shipwrecks you can spot if there's a shipwreck nearby either by actually seeing it porke out of the water or as indicated by a large flock of birds flying above the ocean shipwrecks are always worthwhile checking out and here's why need extra supplies it's got them looking for fish it's got them searching for Treasure that's right it's got them you get the point I found so many rare fish in the Shipwreck barrels and you are always guaranteed to find some valuable loot in these things and remember if you start drowning just eat some fruit works every time would not recommend this in real life situations however number 12 message in a bottle and I'm not talking about the certified Banger by the police located upon the shorelines of many islands in Sea of Thieves and sometimes floting around in the water too you might spot something shiny if it happens to be a message in a bottle then you've just earned yourself a one-way ticket to getting paid these bottles may not look like much but upon opening you will receive a random quest which is guaranteed to be worth your time no matter what type of quest you receive it will always bring you high tier loot that will earn you a lot of gold I highly recommend you always pick these little bad boys up as they really do get overlooked by the average pirate and they have no idea what they're missing out on number 13 mermaids the rumors are true only the best Pirates fall off their ships regularly so how do you get back well if you are ever too far away from your ship or if your ship is to sink then a mermaid will appear you can hear the sound of a mermaid spawning here and you will also see a plume of blue smoke above a mermaid to indicate its location interacting with the mermaid will black screen you back to your ship and you're good to go but that's not it mermaids are also a good way to tell if an enemy player is close by let's say you're doing a world event and you notice a mermaid in the water without any blue smoke above it now you should be extra paranoid as it means there is an enemy player somewhere on the island and you should expect an imminent attack so always keep an eye out for rogue mermaids number 14 pegs you see this this is a boom Barrel it goes boom it does a lot of damage to your ship if it goes off do not carry these on your ship they only sell for like 100 gold they barely give any reputation and you really do not need to escort them round the Sea of Thieves put in your entire ship in danger all it takes is one snipy snipe from an enemy player or a rogue Cannonball from a skeleton ship and it's game over especially if you're solo if you do for some random reason need to carry a keg on your ship do not put it in your crws nest if it blows up in there then you will be saying farewell to your beloved Mast also leaving your ship immobile and prone to enemy attacks so if you got to take them put them right at the bow sprit of your ship that way you will still take damage to the front of your ship but at least your Mast will stay intact number 15 be aware when sailing on the high seas everything could be a threat so a good pirate has to always be aware of their surroundings and dangers regularly check your map for anything that looks like this this is a Reaper ship and it's the one faction that is all about PVP fighting and sinking other ships if you vought up a Reaper Emissary then your ship is visible to everyone else on that server Reaper ships cannot see you on their map unless they get to grade five emissary at which point anyone with an emissary flag raised will be signified on their maps by a shadow so if you see a grade five Reaper ship maybe you want to think twice about raising an emissary and doing a loot stack as you will be the perfect prayer even if there aren't any Reaper ships you should still be aware of your environment that ship in the distance could be planning an attack on you no matter where you are you always have the risk of enemies rolling up on you unexpectedly for this reason never drop your anchor learn to raise your sales instead your anchor being down is the worst position you could ever leave yourself in if an enemy does approach you you want to be able to drop your sails and get out of there not waste time having to raise your anchor and risk getting killed by your enemy number 16 weapons your weapon load out is crucial when determining the outcome of a fight currently there are four weapons to choose from but only two can be equipped at a time you have the shotgun AKA blunderbus this is the only weapon that can kill an enemy player with one shot it's great for close-range combat and the best weapon for preventing people boarding your ship as it has a knockback effect there is the pistol or flint lock which will deal around 50% damage to enemies and is a bit harder to master but the fast reload times are a huge advantage next we have my favorite the sniper or Eye Of Reach dealing around 70% damage this will leave your enemies in the red Health Zone which will cause your enemy to panic finally we have the sword or the cutless it will deal 25% damage per swipe and is probably the easiest weapon to use as all you have to do is keep spamming that swipe button my motto is if you've got a sword you've got a chance my recommended load out for new players would be sword and blunderbus as they are the easiest to learn but equally as deadly with more practice and time spent in combat you will natur get a Vibe for the different weapons and honestly pick a load out which suits your playing style and whatever you feel comfortable with number 17 Fairy of the Damned okay so not every fight is going to be successful and you might end up getting killed by your enemy but that's okay the game is not over you will be sent to the ferry of the Damned which is a temporary place where you serve a short sentence before being allowed to return to your ship the time you spend on the ferry is determined by the size of your ship and crew so if you're a solo slooper you're going to be respawning much quicker than a gallion crew fun fact you can also change your weapon load out right here on the ferry number 18 changing servers every now and then you may come across some Salty Sea Dogs if you ever find yourself facing a toxic crew or getting spawn camped then you might want to switch servers now don't get me wrong during battles you may have to kill your enemies two to three times before their ship actually sinks and this is not spawn camping this is simply just securing the sink but if you're being killed over and over for no apparent reason without your ship having any holes this would be class as spawn camping if this happens you can Scuttle your ship by bringing up the menu going to my crew and right at the bottom you will see an option for scuttling your ship this will instantly sync your ship so that you will respawn somewhere else on that server if you want to get a new server though which I recommend you do then press vote to Scuttle to a new sea you will lose your supplies and all of your loot but you will regain your sanity number 19 alliances have you ever heard the saying mik save lives well it's true the speaking trumpet allows you to speak to other Crews on the Seas at long range tell them you're friendly or you're new to the game and would appreciate if they had any tips to share instead of sharing their cannonballs into your hole this might not always work but usually any pirate with good morals doesn't want to sink a new player this might lead to the other crew asking to form an alliance but what does that mean well if you are [Music] alliancedata on the second page you can raise an offer Alliance flag the other crew will then have an option to join Alliance in their flag box and boom you formed your First Alliance number 20 have fun the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to have fun there is no right or wrong way to play sea of Thieves if you want to run around exploring the scenery you can if you want to sink another ship you totally can and you don't need to feel bad about it it is a pirate game after all equally if you don't want to engage in combat you are totally within your right to run away don't let anyone else tell you how you should or shouldn't be playing or spending your time on sea of Thieves everyone is welcome on the Seas so find your unique playing style which makes you happy and roll with it be okay with knowing that sometimes you will sink sometimes you'll lose all your loot and supplies and you will probably encounter lots of unexpected things but that's just the beauty of the game nor two play sessions will ever be the same and even after 5 years of playing I still lose battles and I lose my loot to enemy Pirates try to get in the mindset that loot isn't yours until you've sold it and at the end of the day it's night at the end of the day it's just pixels on a screen so don't take things too personally that's what being a true pirate means if you have any advice or tips of your own I'd love to hear them in the comments all these tips will help you become a better pirate but if you feel like this video was too basic for you and you want some more advanced tips for sea of Thieves then check out this video on the screen right now
Channel: Happy Kraken X
Views: 14,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sea of thieves, stream, twitch, sea of thieves highlights, sea of thieves pvp, kraken, kraken sot, happy kraken, happy kraken x, happy kraken x sot, sot, sea, of, thieves, funny, gaming, tutorial, tips and tricks, tips, tricks, advice, new player, new, season 12, season 11, season 13, beginners guide, guide, pirate
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 05 2024
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