Exploring The Lost River Subnautica | KYANITE and NICKEL

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today we're going to be scouting out the lost river we're going to be looking at several different chambers and we'll be looking for the locations for nickel crystalline sulfur and kyanite so i actually recommend that you scout the lost river before you bring your cyclops because it's going to allow you to acquire things like nickel and crystal and sulfur things like kyanite you will not be able to acquire without a prawn suit and a mark one depth module in that prawn suit you can do most of this scouting with your seamoth and a mark iii depth module allowing you to go to 900 meters we've chosen to use the prawn suit because we will be looking for kyanite as well i've chosen the entrance by the blood kelp and floating islands there is a ghost leviathan in our way and if you choose the other side there's ghost leviathan over there as well when you bring your cyclops use your shield and your creature decoy the first thing we want to do is come on down here i will tell you that the green brine here is poisonous you will take damage there are a number of materials gel sacs rubies diamonds lithium nickel all kinds of things here take your time explore this place is pretty cool here's silver we're gonna drop down here and we're gonna stick to the left as stated in our prep guide this is ghostweed right here make sure you grab some of that for the hatching enzymes we come down here we have a nickel node a silver node make sure you bring a grapple arm and a drill arm or your prawn suit when you bring your prawn suit things like nickel can actually be found right here on the walls when you come with your seamoth we're still in sulphur it's a pretty awesome place here right here is crystal and sulfur and now honestly even though you can't touch it you can kind of descend right here and grab it like that let's continue on as i stated we're trying to stay to the left side of the wall so that the ghost leviathan won't bother us when you come here with your seamoth this is what you're going to want to do you can kind of park your seamoth up there and just explore this area and grab resources as you need this is going to drop off and watch our depth here [Music] this is a central chamber and everything kind of branches off from here first we're gonna go to the right and we're going to follow it around there's this big beautiful tree a lot of players like to build their bases right here it's pretty safe and the brine is blue and it will not poison you at all you have a number of deep shrooms here and these this this place is just so amazing but anyways we are below 900 meters depth at this location so make sure you keep an eye on that you stay up to the top up there with your seamoth you can kind of explore this area a little bit just keep an eye on your depth bring a rebreather an ultra high capacity tank and i advise a reinforced diving suit but if we go past this to this area right here [Music] it's gonna drop off in this area is actually big enough for your cyclops to get through and it kind of winds around and it will drop off into the inactive lava zone that is one entrance but we're gonna go back to the main chamber from this location we're gonna hug the left wall and we're just gonna follow it along in the past i've actually built my base right between these two spires and used the thermal for power i actually have some copper and gold nodes right here to drill when you bring your bronze suit you'll have two paths one is one to the front and one to the left we're gonna go to the left you can see marked by these pillars they're going to kind of fall along you just follow these there's a warper in this area and when you bring your prawn suited it's kind of a pain in the butt because they'll teleport you out of it you're gonna see this alien facility right here and as you can see the warper we're gonna go all the way to the back side of this and there will be an entrance we can go in there and explore it right there there's another warper right there in here you can explore it's under water so rebreather ultra high capacity tank from here we're going to go northeast east and we're going to be going after some kyanite we will be encountering a ghost leviathan remember we're going northeast east because when we come back we're going to want to go southwest west sometimes i get turned around when i'm coming back up from this hole and i end up having to cross the ghost leviathan twice i can save you guys that bit of headache i would really like to be able to do that we're still at 840 meters so as i said your seamoth with the 900 depth module you can get a lot of this done now from here i urge some caution once again here's nickel more nickel than you're actually ever going to need in the game we're at 872 meters kind of make a break for it here in your prawn suit with a mark one depth module you will need a grapple hook jump jets and a drill arm you don't have these don't attempt this with your brawn suit from here drop down there's a number of ledges that you can use [Music] we're at below a thousand meters and down we go we're looking for a blight bright blue crystal once again this looks like silver now there's these little leeches in the water and they will attach to your electronics and feed on the energy when you bring your cyclops down here you can use your shield generator and pop them off if they get up on your prawn suit just him with your knife right here at 1200 1235 what 35 meters is our first kyanite so actually we got a lot from that node so let's go ahead and look at our storage here we got 10 kyanite from that one node that's actually pretty lucky i have yet to encounter something like that you can't carry on uh just make sure you don't go below 1300 meters or the depth will crush your prawn suit from here follow the steps back up there is a warper here and it's kind of dangerous because if you're jump jetting up and he warps you out here's another kyanite node your prawn suit can fall in the lava take damage take caution here but we're going to make our way all the way back up and back to the central chamber again back in the central chamber again this time we're just going to go to the left continue we're going to go right up this path here this eventually will take us to another exit or entrance depending on what side you came in on once again down in the brine there's some crystal and sulfur don't dip down in the brine to grab it in the shallower parts where the brine is you can find it you just need to look for it from here we're gonna go up my guide prepping for the lost river i talked about ghost weed all over the lost river this is go sweet that's why i told you don't bother grabbing it before you come there's actually a creature egg which is cool ghost weed as you can see all of the ghost weed all that is ghost weed it's everywhere here is the skeletal remains of a giant leviathan and beyond that there is a ghost leviathan over there i'm not going to show you all the secrets here some things i will leave for you to explore and discover on your own [Music] so you
Channel: Granddaddy Gamer
Views: 119,496
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Keywords: exploring the lost river subnautica, exploring teh lost river subnautica, Exploring The Lost River Subnautica, subnautica, subnautica lost river, lost river, subnautica ghost leviathan, subnautica nickel, alien base, giant skeleton, subnautica how to get to the lost river, lost river subnautica, kyanite subnautica, kyanite subnautica location, kyanite subnautica where to find, how to drill kyanite subnautica, NICKEL subnautica, subnautica nickel ore and crystalline sulfur
Id: G2qsLgBXAok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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