Subnautica's Degasi: Full Lore Documentary

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in the mid-22nd century the interstellarship degasi is detouring through the 4546 system when disaster strikes degasi was a medium-sized ship that was owned and operated by the torgel corporation a small Clan core of the Mongolian independent states the torgel corporation was by no means massive but it did have plenty of experience hauling materials across space and talks were even being made of the company constructing a brand new phase gate at the head of it all was Paul torgel who became the company's CEO following his mother's retirement often traveling with a skeleton crew Paul was well known for his ability to make impulsive but profitable decisions for the corporation's next mission Paul planned to accompany his son Bart as they traveled to a new deep space station where Bart would serve as Chief Operating Officer for the next five years the degasi was selected for the mission and the crew was stripped down to just six members as a result of the seemingly simple task at hand for a while the mission went quite well and the ship was making good time the crew were never distressed and nothing was out of the ordinary until Paul observed a planet in the 4546 system the object in question was Planet 4546b a near-earth-sized terrestrial planet which appeared to contain a liquid ocean knowing that these types of planets were the most likely to contain life Paul makes the decision to detour and investigate up close [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] upon reaching the planet's orbit the degasi is struck by a massive laser sending it hurtling towards the planet's surface fortunately the ship's structure remains intact and Paul is able to execute an emergency water landing Paul's relieved to discover that his son is alive but three of the other crew members were not so lucky the only other Survivor is Mercury maida the experienced mercenary hired by Paul to defend the vessel from Pirate attacks knowing that the ship will soon sing the three survivors board a life pod and Float off into the unknown the only other survivors of my son bought and Madea the cut Christ's mercenary our commissioned for the journey after days drifting in the Life pod rain hammering on the roof the weather cleared and we washed up here I hadn't made us Salvage the degazier earning us a steeple source sooner than I'd anticipated our only problem is meter she says the weather's going to turn I say she's finding excuses to risk Our Lives I imagine she's not gonna weaken her life without her physical altercation and she's itching for a fight in every judgment she makes things go from bad to worse if she had my experience she'd have more faith humans have spent Millennia specializing in how to Shackle nature to our will this planet would cause us any new problems after several days the trio can't believe their luck as they exit their life pod onto dry land the island provides momentary food and safety and the survivors work diligently using salvaged materials from the degasi to construct a main habitat alongside two smaller observatories over the course of several weeks things are going quite well but problems start to arise a little after a month into their Journey fresh food no building materials nothing left of the ship and your kid says we're gonna starve without more grow beds speak up kid his true father the natural growth rate is too slow to keep supporting us all I'm saying is Oceans got us surrounded no use hiding sooner or later we'll get our feet wet the rest of your life may have been a fight Mater but I've made my decision you want to forfeit your emergency pay to take a swim go ahead believe me I'm thinking honest as the weeks went by Bart began to realize that the group was consuming food faster than they could regrow it to make matters worse what little remained of the degasi had either sunk or been carried off by the current leaving them with almost no materials to speak of this results in tensions between pollen Marguerite as the latter expresses a desire to relocate not ready to give up on the island just yet Paul works with Barton Marguerite to construct a much larger Farm on the other side of the island while clearing some land for the grow beds Marguerite discovers a purple tablet half buried in the ground and quickly takes it back to base for investigation what is that thing I don't know I found it outside in the sand part of another ship none I've ever seen is not even scratched I don't fool around with that it might be worth something Stand Down Chief if it were gonna crumble to dust it would have done so when I picked it up it's glowing we're not the first people to come to this planet people maybe could be aliens could be the damn sea monsters for all we know one thing for sure we ain't gonna find out by staying here the discovery fascinates the group but without much to go off of they're forced to put it aside while they finish the farm finally after a month and a half of battling starvation the trio managed to establish a reliable supply of food things were looking good but the weather had other plans Marguerite's fears were realized when after over a month and a half of clear weather the torrential downpours returned this time even worse than before the food security that the group had worked so hard to achieve was in Jeopardy as excess water threatened to flood the grow beds and kill all of their crops son I said wait for the storm to pass your life's more valuable to be than a plant patch you stop being in charge when the ship you were captaining sunk I'll stop being in charge when you take charge of yourself say chief chief what you know how to drain those grow beds of 40 tons of storm water or how to conjure food from the air I know how to prioritize I'm just saying if that's so what's your boy's life worth you today if tomorrow you're going to be so hungry you start wondering what it tastes like let them go deep with your plants yeah son go deal with the plants Victoria Grove has disembarked the habitat and when rescue arrives I will leave you here do you understand me I'll rescue common Chief not in time I'm not staying here neither this rain keeps falling sooner or later this place will be buried only choice we got is whether to get buried with it in addition to their food concerns the rainfall threatened to create another problem large amounts of rainfall onto already dry soils have the tendency to raise the water table creating ideal conditions for landslides not long after a massive section of rock and Earth gave way crashing down the Mountainside into their base fortunately no one is hurt but the group are forced to relocate to one of the Mountaintop observatories the conditions here aren't great and the long slippery path back down the mountain makes tending to the crops in extremely dangerous affair eventually it all becomes too much and Marguerite decides to confront Paul six weeks later the dead crew a habitat that's half Berry food washed away I suppose the executive decisions would be better left to someone with your extensive experience of hitting people in the face I know enough not to take unscheduled detours to Uncharted planets that's something you don't want to learn the hard way easy to judge a decision in hindsight harder to come up with a plan of your own going already we take what we can carry and hunker down in a cave somewhere I scouted a sight a couple hundred meters deep lots of metal deposits how do you imagine we'd live with ready access to building materials like damn Queens couple of water filters a bioreactor fresh fish but Chief will eat seaweed salad and drink our own urine if that's what it takes all that matters is do you got something better send the coordinates to my PDA I'll review your proposal following the events of the previous week pulse finally convinced that they cannot stay on the island after reviewing Marguerite's proposal the three craft diving gear grab what materials they can and head for the southernmost jelly shroom cave entrance [Music] real quick if you're enjoying the video would you consider subscribing it helps me out so much and your support never goes unnoticed all right back to the video the trio construct their new base one notably larger than the first three along with a few small outposts across the cave system Paul takes longer to adjust to the new environment but Bart welcomes the change being able to get up close to the alien life forms it was childish but I stare out of the window and sometimes I think how lucky I am to see this world up close back on the island I wouldn't have believed the creatures that lived down here they glow there's one that's 90 eyeball snakes twice the length of a habitat compartment certainly it's not all friendly most of the plant life is toxic learn that the hard way but I've managed to coax some marble melons into growing indoors and when they don't cover our dietary needs well we eat the fish themselves it's a bit gross but there's nothing they wouldn't do I've been attempting to document my findings father approves he says understanding is power that the more we know about this planet the more we can use it to our advantage I'm just doing it because it's fun it's not easy without proper equipment and network access but the old-fashioned way observing taking notes testing theories shows me the world in a way a spectroscopic analysis never could Bart continues his research developing theories and analyzing the environment around them he begins to run low on certain materials and due to his father's insistence did he not leave the habitat Bart turns to Marguerite for help but I didn't have enough enameled glass so I started looking for a natural substrate that would strengthen the glass we have and those stalker teeth we've been finding fit the bill only well we needed more that's when margarito interested she actually listened to me more than I can say for father and I worked up the courage to talk about my more tentative theories when I told her they were attracted to metal deposits that their teeth get dislodged when they pick them up her eyes narrowed and she dashed out of the room three hours later she came back her pack loaded down with stalker teeth I asked her about it and she Shrugged and said my theories were good said she had the meeting out at the palm of her hand I think she meant it literally she is incredible she went out to the kelp forest armed with just a heat blade and went Finn to Finn with a bag of stalkers on the one hand that is the coolest thing I have ever heard on the other I hope the stalkers didn't come off worse than Marguerite did she had a huge gash on her forearm think things went as smoothly as she made out and what's the point in surviving here if we have to kill everything that makes it so wonderful wish I knew more about these animals but father won't let me leave the habitat maybe with all this glass we could build a containment unit and get up close to them Bart uses the enameled class to construct the beast's Observatory and continuous performing environmental scans during one of these scans Bart detects what is now believed to be the Lost River Laboratory cash he is quick to inform Marguerite but before they can investigate further the group encounters a new problem the trio is shocked to discover water leaking through the hull one morning likely due to the bases rushed construction the leak proves difficult to track down and almost impossible to fix water can be drained out but this is a slow energy consuming process and most other tasks have to be put on hold during all of this Marguerite begins to do some thinking about the events that led to them crashing in the first place if something on the planet had shot down the degasi who's to say it wouldn't do the same to a rescue ship combine that with Bart's Discovery in the whole leak and Marguerite has all the reasoning she needs to convince Paul to go even deeper we're already 200 meters below sea level you want to go deeper look around us Chief water leaking through the hall water outside the hatch we're drowning real slow if rescue arrives whatever shot us down it's gonna do it again and again until it's shut off you see an off switch around here Chief why would an animal likely be half a kilometer down your kid found something on the scanner there's something down there something that shouldn't be you're not I'm going all the same and I have an idea you two are going to follow but if you do be mindful your Authority stopped at sea level frustrated by Paul's response Marguerite begins making plans to live on her own stockpiling materials and Food Supplies as much as she doesn't want to abandon Bart she knows their only hope of rescues stopping whatever shot down the degasi and going deeper as the group's only chance at doing so [Music] damn clue the kid's not so bad is Even useful but I swear everything that comes out of his father's idiot face is a narcissistic lie he wants to stay in this cave his problem I'm the one doing the heavy lifting when sea monsters are hunting you you don't hide you hunt the sea monsters then you build a bigger boat out of sea monster bones and you hunt bigger monsters keep going until there aren't any monsters left to hunt you I'm going deeper I'm gonna find what shot us down and I'm gonna tear its damn heart out I started the prep work the kids taught me how to make enameled glass I've started stockpiling metal oars to build myself a seamoth I'll raid the indoor grow beds before I leave meanwhile the decision on what to do weighs heavily on Paul's mind on one hand the idea of Marguerite leading the group seems dangerous and appalling on the other hand he knows they cannot hope for rescue if they can't even figure out what shot them down in the first place you know what maida told me today she wants to build a habitat 500 meters below sea level more than a kilometer Northeast of here and she needs botany to do it she's got it into her head that she can save us if she just acts recklessly enough I've hold Star Wars to Neptune plus steel to the Federal Federation family operates nine different mining colonies across the ariadne arm Ada thinks she's better suited to lead her contract still says a otherwise but I just cannot damn well tell whether it's the stupidest idea I ever heard on my only hope I turned 80 years old last week I thought I had another ET in me but marooned on this planet there's no swapping out of my liver when the old one fails here immortal a maida is useful so it's my responsibility to make a decision return to the island and hope whatever not the degazi out of the sky would do the same to the rescue ship or take us deeper much of answers and all the while we hope an old age gets me before the sea monsters do eventually Paul decides that staying in the cave isn't doing them any favors so for the second time the group packs up their things and sets out toward a new location the dangerous fauna found in the Deep Grand Reef displeases Paul who believes this to be needlessly risky however they discover an orange tablet in the seabed nearby which somewhat confirms their suspicions of the Region's importance wishing to avoid another leak from rushed construction this third base was planned extensively with better Foundation supports an alien containment unit as well as separate working in Living Spaces with everything complete the group moves into the base and Bart begins his research much to the group's detriment the fighting between Paul and Marguerite only gets worse and Bart ends up having to do most of the work himself to make matters worse the survivors have been on the planet for several months at this point and the Cora bacterium is starting to take hold and listen we're sick what how you've been coughing right feeling itchy blisters yeah the Biometrics would have warned us if we were sick it's something new it's not in the database come on Liam What's it gonna do turn us inside out dissolve us into jelly it's an alien back interior it's everywhere every organism on this planet it's altering our genetic code I heard that creatures surviving if they're infected I don't know yet want me to cut some of them open for you found out we'll make some tick no just tell me what you need son materials equipment just can I have some quiet I need some time to think following this Revelation finding a cure for the bacterium becomes the group's main priority and investigating what shot down the degasi is put on hold using this opportunity to get away from Paul Marguerite offers to go out and collect samples of fauna for BART to research these start off small until Marguerite decides to tow an injured Reaper Leviathan back to their base Margaret beta has boarded the habitat what are you so happy about Meda say kid I brought you something outside towed at home on the back of the sub you killed that thing it's still breathing I was about to finish a job but I can stay in chat if you'd like no then make yourself useful and pass me that hardened blade are you out of your mind you brought that thing here why this is as good as it looks or if others come Marguerite goes back outside and kills the reaper but the damage has already been done unmenotes to Marguerite a second Reaper be entailing her as she towed the first one back to the base with its Target in sight the reaper Bears down on the sea base not being noticed until it is far too late oh stowaway Chief the kid can't kill this disease without fish to study I'm just bringing him home but I can't find out how they resist the bacteria if you slaughter them all it ain't always they oblige in coming in alive it means you're being Reckless father the outcomes know better if we hold up in here and don't go outside that we have to find a middle way there is no compromise not while she's on my seabase your sea base I'm going outside Bart torrical has disembarked the habitat but come in as dangerous but damn it boy I knew you can hear me [Applause] chief get off the radio and put on your helmet what [Music] [Applause] the attack completely dislodges one of the bases eye compartments forcing its occupants to evacuate Paul begins swimming towards a light near the sea floor believing it to be Bart and is almost attacked by the reaper until Marguerite appears with a piece of scrap in hand she begins attacking the Beast and is pulled away never to see her comrades again my breather in time I told her others would come to rupture through me clear of the habitat and the monster turned and bored down on me at just as his tentacles came with and reach neither appeared out of nowhere shall a sea Glide in one hand a jagged piece of scrap metal in the other she meant to butcher that Beast or die trying so last I saw her she has a metal launched in its neck as the monster did its best to shake her contorting into the darkness I'm certain she got her wish when we are another then I thought I saw a light deep baloney a hook may be part of swum clear followed it now I I wonder whether I saw anything at all our oxygen is low the habitat is gone I can't see the sky something surely has the scent of My Blood unknown to Paul his son was currently making his way back up to the floating island the light Paul had seen was actually from a crab squid which subsequently ambushed and killed him meanwhile Bart reaches the surface and stops to rest at one of their old observatories it is here that he records his final voice log this is the first first seen sunlight in months after all that time in the Deep I'd been dreaming of it now I'm back here I'm finding it hard to enjoy alone father was right we should never have left this place we shouldn't have gone so deep they do not want us down there despite my best efforts ill health is taking hold of me the Visions are getting worse Marguerite and father are now part of the ecosystem of this incredible planet it's reassuring to note that when I go I'll join them until then well there's always the view mourning the loss of his father and believing Marguerite to be dead Bart essentially gives up hope of getting off the planet alive however he still refuses to sit around waiting to die using the last of their materials Bart travels to the Eastern safe shallows now part of the crash Zone and constructs a final base there this is where Bart torgel spends his final weeks getting to conduct research and experience the beautiful planet's ecosystem one last time hey thanks for making it to the end feel free to leave a comment I love chatting with you guys and hearing your suggestions well that's all from me I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Breathtaker
Views: 140,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Subnautica, #Subnautica Below Zero, #Degasi, #Aurora
Id: XUlhJ-loC5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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