Cyclops Sonar Upgrade Location | SUBNAUTICA

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Good evening Chemical Apes and welcome to another subnautica guide. So for this one it's upgrading that Cyclops even further! It's the Cyclops Sonar upgrade. It's going to allow you to see the topology of any deep dark area that you're gonna be going down and it is really, really critical further on in the game. So where are we and where do we want to go? As always we're going to be starting from this coral tube sticking out of the safe shallows. By starting here it's gonna allow me to give you exact distance and direction. If you do start from a Life pod you could potentially spawn 500 meters over there 500 meters over though so it's not always going to be accurate. So please do you start from here. We're going to be going around about 1600 meters or should I say 1700 meters to the location and we're going to be going just slightly one-and-a-half clicks left of Southwest so it's pretty much in the center of this cloud here. We're going to be doing this in the Seamoth and we're going to be needing... because we're gonna be going around about 420 meters or so. We're gonna be needing that depth module mark 2 it's going to the cap on the depth Mark 2 for the Seamoth is 500 so you should be good at that. Okay so as I mentioned you want to be going one and a half clicks left of Southwest. What you're going to need for this is the ...Do take a laser cutter. You may not need it. Also you want to take a combat knife and ideally the ultra high capacity tank. I do recommend it for the deeper biomes. If you haven't got it, a high capacity tank will do. In terms of what we're going to find down there well there is a possibility of ghosts leviathans a very small possibility but you should be okay. Spawn location is not entirely there! It is around the area but hopefully should go. If you do bump into one. Just run! just do it just go now okay so we're entering the space reef keep on the right side of this here and as I mentioned just keep that one half click left or southwest and just keep on going down we're gonna be going for 20 ish meters deep down now there are Warpers down there of course the are very annoying so what a usual idea is just to quit the perimeter defense system and give them as up click close to them if they do zap me out of the Seamoth which the other tendency to do then by all means just give them up good crap with a bloody knife and that's it and one of the requesters for this video was Ryan how you doing Ryan what this'll do you well pal what we like in the video so far okay so scary times it's not scary is what you may think so we're going to be going 300 meters 400 meters we want to be going down so just keep on going straight what a hats want to have Plex left of Southwest and what we're going to see further down is a wreckage which you can now see in the distance should be popping up for you guys and I can see a day to box in the distance and he whoppers any Reap earth sorry not Reapers ghosts leviathans now all is good Oh spoke too soon and like I said just give the guy a whack come here you just zap some away yeah if you give them a few whacks and they should go away now there we go guys it's a cyclops Fairmont reacts on module good to know not what we're after so this is where the laser cuts in comes in now what we want to be doing is venturing to the back end of the ship if we can find it and it should be around here no it's not of course it's not don't make me look silly come on this happens it up it's hot but sigh where you get lost you think you know the direction and there we go guys through that door we thought no way Jose all right arch you won't be free that one you can go and see it you're always gonna have to cough ready no good to know prom for cut free this so the bonus of this what free guys age you've got the location of the femoral reactor module 12 its Cyclops which was going to be next come on go out from pressure in some seemed off ok so we're back in now just gone into the seem off get a bit of oxygen and we're going to cut free the next door and as I mentioned guys the the dates are boxes they're not always as well there's a little bit of confusion here that typically supposed to be at various locations to do swap around though and you'll get those players that don't necessarily necessarily have them in this location but I believe there is our boy and that's it guys for Cyclops so now upgrade so I'm now gonna take it's our second location it may a little bit bit easier but let's see so see you too okay guys we're now back at the stance in point and we want a possible to look at the second location just just in case you'd not found the Cyclops owner of the grand reef so what do we want to go we want to go what 1/2 clicks rice of northeast and we're going to be going 1150 meters and we're going to be going 200 meters deep so you're not gonna need that depth module it is a little bit easier you know furnace but there are possibility there is a possibility of a reaper so if you have lipo 12 pretty much where you want to go just to the left of that use that as a benchmark only so you're going to doing this again and they see ma one and a half clicks right of northeast if I can get the barians oh my god okay so in terms of what we're going to find down here I'm peel and bone shock both of which are medium medium frets fauna they will chip away at the seam off so I do recommend you keep the seam off well away from them five to eight it's and you can have no seam off many times I've gone in gone into the wreckage let's left the seam off outside and gum seam off is gone so do be worried of that now we slightly venturing through the radiation zone so is beneficial to have that radiation suits and as I mentioned before do keep left of life or 12 watt so be precise one-and-a-half clicks right of Northeast if you do it end up at life for twelve just venture West direct the West so we're going to go through the mushroom forest real safe biome as I'm sure you guys know and this is the second mushroom forest biome there is one further west and we're going to be venturing into the bulb zone as always guys you're going to need to save you're going to need the laser cutter and high-capacity UNK ultra if you've got it amazing so this is our second wreckage so with these two wreckages in the guide you should find where laughter so do keep distance from these bull sharks give them a graph more wise if you need to keep it way up way up and then do the rest in the sea glider so we're going to venture through now there are a couple of hot spots for this data box and when I show them see right now the first one being down this way Torche always good to have chat down here as always if not which is usually the case you're going to need to cut free if we can find the bloody doorway there you go okay guys so we're now through to the final rave and I believe that is a warm thereafter second so now upgrade so with those two locations you should have success. 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Channel: ChemicalApes
Views: 236,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica, cyclops sonar upgrade, subnautica cyclops sonar, databox, cyclops sonar location subnautica, 2018, subnautica guide 2018, chemical apes, chemicalapes, pc, xbox, ps4
Id: 6r4Pokxme7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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