Customizing Shirts

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[Music] hey it's me what's happening today guys today today i'm gonna spend this video designing graphics to go on t-shirts that i'm actually going to have made so i'm actually going to show me getting in the samples and trying the t-shirts on and seeing them in person for the first time and they will be available on my store by the time this video comes out so you can actually get them if you want if not that's okay we're just here to have fun and do art i'm excited to kind of do this with you guys because usually this is stuff that's all behind the scenes the reason i've decided to incorporate this into a video is because i have some ideas in my head of graphics that i think would look really cute on t-shirts and i just want to spend good amount of time working on them and you know it's sometimes hard to squeeze things like that into free time i'm gonna drag you along with me on this we can just do it together solutions to problems yay so uh let's just jump into the process starting with the making of the artwork alrighty here we go oh look at that we have an empty procreate document already set up maneuver around that cord i hate cords they're so ugly when is the world gonna be done with cords because i'm done okay so what should i design i i'm panicking i'm in distress here okay no i actually know exactly what i'm gonna do for this first design i'm going to start with a few of my favorite things strawberry ice cream burger but those are definitely not enough on their own okay we are going for quality here so then i'm gonna add three of my favorite little folks into the three of my favorite little foods so we've got georgie in a strawberry if that's not quality i don't know what you're expecting then i'm gonna shove pickle into the ice cream pickles and ice cream isn't that like a pregnancy craving three guesses who's gonna be inside the burger now come on you know this okay maybe not well it's derp derp loves burgers so much now he can be one so that's the rough sketch that i have here now i'm gonna go over that with what i thought was the final outline but then somewhere along the way it became rough sketch 2.0 and so i'm gonna go over that with the real final outline but once i was finished with that i decided i hated it so then that became rough sketch number three it's getting ridiculous and i'm gonna go over that and do it again creating the third final outline i don't know how long this is going to go on and at the end of that i'm still not happy but you know instead of starting over i'm just going to try to fix up what i've got here because that was just getting cause oh what did i just say and this is what it looked like after being fixed i couldn't get everything perfect and i was really trying okay i give up i suck so i'm gonna move on to the coloring portion trying to get the right color for georgie come on that's insulting okay there we go that's georgie and i'm gonna continue on finish coloring him oh just look at that little face i really like georgie in the strawberry costume not just because i love georgie and because i love strawberries but i realize they are actually the perfect too because georgie's natural pineapple top doubles as the strawberry top as well and that just works out so beautifully it makes me really happy so there's georgie but you know what i'm actually i'm not digging those highlights i know i'm usually all about juicy highlights but not today next i'm gonna work on derp and his smile was just giving me heck okay i just i could not make it look right don't look at me like that finally i made a smile that i can deal with now i wanted these graphics to be simple and hop on a t-shirt but also have enough detail to look complete you know so it's it's kind of a balance it was a struggle i was dealing with and watch this i keep filling the whole screen with green nope nope oh no stop doing that this drawing honestly i had a hard time with it even though it's a pretty simple drawing it's familiar faces i think i would just kind of feel on the pressure like this is going to be on a shirt someone is going to potentially wear this it could be on somebody's body all right it has to be perfect all right but of course that wasn't really working out i'm one of those defective human beings who just can't do everything perfectly i know it's sad pray for me now that i've finished the drawings i'm just going to select all of the many many many layers that i've created and just kind of reposition all of them together i'm thinking they need a little spot to sit on so they're not just floating out there in the abyss of t-shirt not that color that looks like they're sitting in mud okay well now they're in a puddle i like it and here is the final design you know when it all came together i think it does look pretty good now it's just a matter of choosing the shirt to put it on which colors it looks best on and then let's flash forward several weeks to when i receive the first sample okay i have in this box the actual shirts okay let's look at them i see their little faces oh my gosh oh my gosh look at this oh it's so cute oh it's beautiful oh it's freaking beautiful we got custom tags there y'all see that i can't wait to wear this shirt okay we've got yellow it kind of like matches with georgie so i really like the yellow we've got blue and this one matches with derp i'm way too excited and purple that's fun and funky and festive so of course i'm going to do our favorite thing where i try to model clothes normally at first but then i get really awkward and then things usually start getting kind of weird because i don't really know how to model but um i am just so excited by this design obviously i'm very satisfied with them i'm gonna be wearing these shirts all the time excuse me i need to put this on right now this is only one of three designs that i'm gonna do in this video so let's move on to the next design i'm gonna create a grid of sorts very wonky looking hand-drawn grid i know there must be a better way to do this in procreate but i just didn't feel like taking the time to figure that out oh and uh excuse my band-aid i bought these band-aids for myself because i saw that they had rainbows on them of course i noticed that they were incorrect rainbows but i thought oh come on it's not that big of a deal but no lie the entire time i had this band-aid on i was uncomfortable i kept looking at it it was just bothering me the colors they're in the wrong order and they're touching my skin anyway on to the drawing so i'm gonna draw a set of nine of my characters in this grid and they are none other than the blobs and we of course are starting with the classic blob the blob who started the blob obsession you can blame him for all of this next we have angry blob you know we've seen him several times before and his mood really never gets any better maybe therapy is in order and next i need a model for this one it's froggy one of my faves i just love him don't we guys guys and then there's angry lemon why are all the blobs angry i don't know as we know blobs are a bit temperamental and this guy he's an angry lemon he's an angry lemon he's an angry lemon oh look this girl is one of my absolute faves okay i need to stop saying that these are all my faves that's why they're here say favorite not fave you dumb fool she's the serious artist me and this little sweetie literally she's covered in fudge and frosting look she's happy there's a happy one yay and we've got the strawberry blob straw blobby i always have to combine the word strawberry with different words this strawberry one i think is kind of odd looking in a way i mean they're blobs with faces they're all kind of odd looking but especially this one and then look who it is it's a baby blob yeah and finally we've got uh one that needs a model again it's fish blob one of my fave oh i said i would stop saying that um she's cool there they all are now getting rid of the grid and i'm doing some quick rearranging i was having a little bit of trouble fitting the angry lemon somewhere he's so short and wide okay so we'll move him up here that's a little bit better and finally i'm going to get into the outlining now this time i'm not going to redo the outline a million and three times i had kind of eased up at this point i've realized that you know just because it's on a shirt doesn't mean it has to be absolutely perfect okay just nearly perfect so i'm just gonna do my best and try to enjoy the process and i did the blobs calm me they comfort me my little friends and i love them okay i'm gonna stop now before i scare y'all okay here's the outline all done and it's time for the color which i just had a ball coloring these little blobs it was so much fun it's just so smooth and easy to color this way no mess endless colors to choose from digital art is great isn't it now you may notice angry lemon uh grew a leaf on his behind i don't know i thought it might help to fill in some of that awkward empty space above his head i kind of like it actually i think angry lemon will always look like this from now on moving on and is anyone noticing that you can see my reflection in the side of the ipad gross anyway i am just so beyond excited to wear a shirt with my blobs on it i designed this for my merchandise yes but let's be honest i designed this for myself really this is going to be my freaking new favorite t-shirt i just know it i love the blobs they're so stinking cute and i love the variety of colors and themes that they come in oh i only wish that i could have included more more blobs it was just so hard to choose only nine to select for this because at this point i've made a lot of different blobs and there are quite a few that i'm missing a little bit right now but you know i think we've got a decent enough selection so that's okay and there that is the next design that i've made i call it a grid of blobs so let's see how it looks on an actual shirt okay time to reveal the grid of blobs also i did put on this shirt because i couldn't i couldn't resist oh my gosh i love how they look oh my gosh this looks so cool look at my blubs oh i got the purple one as well they really pop out on the purple the colors are so vibrant and fun i hope you guys like them as well i want to be twinning with you the grid of blobs grid love blobs okay let's get back to the art and i'm going to make the third and final design for this video and moving into the final design i have an idea for this one and to show you what i mean come on in guys come come on in here hey hey everyone and hey to you guys okay i'll stop um so if you saw my recent create this book episode you'll know what this is all about but basically i have two sets of rainbow kind of monsters or creatures and i made them like three years apart for completely separate projects i just recently realized how similar they are to each other and so i wanted to find a way to bring them all together today is the special day i'm gonna start with a rainbow because these are the rainbow creatures um and when i say rainbow i mean each one is a different color of the rainbow so together they make a rainbow they're not rainbow individually gosh this girl talks a lot then i'm gonna draw each one of the characters kind of hanging out around the rainbow i quickly realized they're not all gonna fit in a straight line unless i made them super small i started to kind of sprinkle sprinkles oh there are no sprinkles here chill i started tossing them into the rainbow so that it looks like they're kind of like popping out in between the colors and i'm very happy with that choice i think it actually makes it look really cute okay it's color time ah now the characters we've got booboo cupcake and donnie over here up in the rainbow we have fluffy kind of like you know wee out there then there's ricky with as big a smile as ever we got the mutant owl and then this guy who is nameless he's crazy under the rainbow i have harry harry's really not that important to me so of course i'm gonna try to stuff him into the crotch of the rainbow the last three all come from the newer rainbow monster set there's nelson who's got gas bumble bear and then this fluff ball that looks suspiciously a lot like fluffy those two really need to meet up one day okay i think they'd probably really get along with each other and there that's the completed outline now while i'm coloring this and you're seeing the very edge of my band-aid popping in and out i thought i'd take the time to explain about my injury i know that you have just been stressed out of your mind worrying about my little boo-boo not that boo-boo this boo-boo i actually burned myself you know it was just a series of unfortunate mistakes i was in the kitchen okay mistake number one i was baking cookies mistake number two you know how that usually goes i was pulling a hot pan out of the oven and i left my raw cookie dough in a bowl on the counter and then i saw opie waltzing toward it with purpose oh and this is where i realized fluffy is in the wrong spot he's yellow so i want him to be popping out from the yellow stripe um back to my story i need to get to the point i knew opie was definitely gonna stick his whole face in that bowl of cookie dough and help himself if i didn't stop him so i quickly set down the hot pan and started rushing over there stop him and then i burned my arm it's actually the worst burn i've ever gotten the funny thing is it really didn't hurt that much the incorrect rainbow on my band-aid was actually far more painful important thing is i did save my cookie dough from being contaminated by catface all right back to the drawing i realize here that i've made a big mistake bumblebear does not have her unicorn horn so let me fix that there we go we'll finish up harry over here yeah sure whatever poor harry he didn't do anything except be stupid okay stepping back from this i noticed that there's only one yellow creature where's the other yellow one turns out i forgot about this little weirdo scooch on over we gotta make room for this guy so i just kind of shoved him back there behind nelson and fluffball and there now we've got everyone let me just throw on a few highlights to liven things up give us some shine where we need it the last thing i decided to just throw in is some little stars around just to give it a bit of extra pizzazz what wait pizzazz i say pizzazz oh this is a cute one okay i'm loving it it's obviously super colorful and fun and i'm just so pleased with how many characters i was able to squeeze into this little design okay so let me go ahead and pull out the shirt i have the third and final box here rainbow of monsters whoa those colors they just like pow they pop they pop at you this actually looks better than i expected you know t-shirts are one of those things you can just like get away with doing the most colorful crazy vibrant things that's what t-shirts are for yellow version classic white so many rainbows so many creatures okay well that is it those are all the designs of course if you are interested in purchasing any of these shirts the link will be in the description to my store if you want to check it out now even if you don't purchase any of these shirts i'm cool just having fun like sharing this experience with you guys and i had a complete blast doing this and i'm so glad that i got some new fresh exciting designs in my store for t-shirts because it's been a while since we've had some new designs so we needed some this was such a fun video to do i hope that you guys enjoyed it because i really had a lot of fun with it thank you so much for watching and i will see you guys next week bye [Music] i
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 3,603,611
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: __74iTIQLKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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