I Brought My Painting to Life | Bake With ME #7

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[Music] hey it's me and I'm baking today again honestly it seems like this series is kind of polarizing if you either love it or you hate it some of you are just like yeah I don't really like the baking videos I kind of want you to stop and then the rest of you are just like please please bake again I need to see you Bank I know I guess I'll continue in my past baking videos I have baked quotes around that word in order to recreate a squishy makeover of mine this is one of my Squishy creations obviously but today is a little bit different because I'm actually going to bake to recreate a painting of mine it's a small painting this came from my customizing phone case video that I made a couple months ago and side note I have turned this design into an actual printed phone case I'll put the link in the description for that I promise you guys that I would try to bake this in real life it might be somewhat of a challenge for me I'm still not great at this baking thing and after my last baking experience uh-huh hello I think my cake is falling apart well I'm a little traumatized but I'm here now I'm here to try so I called this a vaca cake which clearly is a dessert that I just completely made up pulled it out of my butt it involves a slice of cake on the bottom with a French macaroon macaron wrong in the middle and then a scoop of ice cream on top of that and on top of that hot fudge whipped cream a cherry a lot of stacking involved I am gonna kind of work from the bottom up so let's get started with the cake the cake is making a box cake really even baking hardly but we've got a lot of things to do the point is to visually recreate something and box cake will do the trick I'm gonna start heating up the oven grab my bowl pour the cake mix in okay so bigger bowl I never learned oh don't look at my scissors they're broken cup of water vegetable oil hey hey I am improving big time because I'm using actual vegetable oil this time you see this look at this in my last video I realized I didn't have vegetable oil so I substituted vegetable oil with olive oil I don't have vegetable oil but I do have olive oil many many people were very angry about it lesson learned don't don't do that in with the vegetable oil whoa whoa buddy no definitely not because also why is half my audience suddenly professional Baker's when I make these videos I swear I see so many comments I'm a professional Baker and my sisters are I am married to a pro my mom Baker Baker who knew there were so many professional Baker's out there it's crazy to all of you professional Baker's you may feel frustrated watching these videos and for that I deeply apologize I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry next is three eggs [Music] mmm delectable right before I started filming this video I came to the discovery that I only have one of this size cake pan this is obviously a layered cake which means I have to bake them separately let me just spray oh and do we feel looks good to me time for the oven already no no okay into the oven let me put this to the side now while my cake is baking I am going to move on to working on the next element which is the macaron maca maca Don now if you've been with me on this channel I have actually made macarons before even though it's supposed to be something that's very technically difficult it turned out not too bad for me like an air pocket under the surface I can see it all so they're very misshapen and the color is hideous but other than that they're just perfect I am using a different recipe this time because this is a chocolate macarons probably the only difference is you add cocoa powder but I just wanted to use a chocolate macarons apiece so back why did it print in landscaper step Oh right we need to beat the egg whites so I have two eggs we must extract the white from the yolks I have this little thing friend of mine got this for me because she saw the struggle that I had with separating the yolks they just crack the egg in here it's really cute then we go oh it's cute now I just pour it in the bowl come on yeah and we are left with the yolk and these eggs do have to rest this recipe says for 24 to 48 hours so I actually put these out on the counter last night I think they've rested long enough one more good job so now we are left with our egg whites now add five tablespoons of sugar to the egg whites beat the eggs until they hold their shape they start liquidy they get a little foamy get really foamy and then they turn into this delectable smooth beauty basically it's thick should I do the test we got this so that's ready I think we're done with the mixer bye what is happening my cake is done so let me get that out of the oven Wow it really took me 30 minutes to beat some eggs all right cake is out looks good it's just gonna be chilling for a little while literally you know let it cool ah I'll do the next step for the macarons Wow multitasking powdered sugar cocoa powder and almond flour powdered sugar cocoa powder and go get the almond flour I bought a whole bag of almond flour last time I made these this is like $8 for a thing of flour I didn't want to buy more because I thought I still had it I have a few stings but I can't find it Jordan didn't use it nobody used almond flour I hold on do you know where the almond flour would be so Jordan has kindly offered to pick me up some almond flour while he's out why am I so unprepared I'm sorry okay I'm sorry this is all my fault and now I mean we need seeing other people I'm freakin down enough drama let's carry on my cake is cooled now so let me just plop this out no Fiasco's there it looks good no problems great okay and this one into the oven Oh what do I do now yes I'll just pop in my earbuds what a coincidence this video was sponsored by rake on earbud so I've gone through somewhat of a journey with my earbuds ok my first pair of wireless earbuds hurt my ears so I tried a new brand and those would not pair it was super annoying also they hurt my ears and then I started using the rake on earbuds seriously though these are the first earbuds I've used with zero issues you just pop them out of their compact wireless charging case they have seamless bluetooth pairing and for me the best part they're super comfortable and they're affordable they start at about half the price of any of the premium wireless earbuds on the market with just as great of sound so I've been using these constantly while I'm painting breaking cleaning these are there everyday e25 earbuds they come in a bunch of new colors click the link in the description below to get 15% off of your order and thank you to rake on earbuds for sponsoring this video ah perfect timing Jordan to the rescue wow thank you finally we can get to these dry ingredients so we want 1/2 a cup of almond flour now I have another huge bag of almond flour don't disappear this time 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder I have a cake is done oh you mean back to this 1 cup of powdered sugar and we sift it sifting and sifting and sifting and septons know why sifting makes me want to sing it's kind of pretty I feel like this recipe may be a little bit less precise than the last one because I believe in the last recipe I had to put these in a food processor and sift and this one just tells me as sifted which is fine that's fine by me is anything coming out anymore this is like gravel but this is probably why they had you put it through the food processor can we tell that I don't use the food processor much that should be that should do it I wouldn't think let's try this now the gravel is back I am giving up I'm done all right oh I hope it's not bad for egg whites to sit for a long time because it's been a long time it's time to add the dry ingredients to the egg whites I've been told different things that you should mix aggressively that you should mix gently and everyone's very passionate about their opinion I don't really know what's right my soul says gently put all the dry ingredients in and just fold this gently it's much thicker than the last macro I'm better if I remember correctly I don't know professional Baker's is this right get out my very dirty baking tray you can dye parchment paper you might have parchment paper I don't actually have parchment paper I do have wax paper I think they're roughly the same but I'm starting to think that half my problem with these baking experiences is the shopping but I only have one I don't actually have parchment paper I need to make sure that I get all the right stuff in advance okay ah thanks pretty much the same thing fine it's fine we will survive it now I need a piping bag for the batter there this is really thick and lumpy I've screwed everything up it's not like the macaron is the superstar anyway it's just it's just part of the team now here's something else to consider because one of the major problems in my mind is the proportions of things cake big macaron small but in this wonderful imagined creation they're all the same size so I think I need to make this a big macaron let me go ahead and cut pretty far up there who's that now the best part these must sit and drive setting the timer for 30 minutes and in the meantime we can kick up our feets relax no we can't we have to frost a cake this Oh where's my little turntable thing anything about this top this one out oh come on I'm gonna slice the top off of this one frost this I am using canned frosting let's just try to deal with it still don't have a frosting knife or do I the kink in the painting has a nice thick layer of frosting in the center so let's make sure I just make that real thick you dudududududu to stick this on top this is a freaking tall cake what have I done maybe I should just cut a little bit more off of this that's fine I do have a frosting knife oh my gosh I'm kind of running out of frosting already maybe it was a bad idea to put the frosting so thick in the center I don't need this entire cake I just need a piece of it we just make sure that at least one side of it is frosted it's leaning there's a lot of crumbs in the frosting looks pretty darn awful we've got priorities I'm looking at the bigger picture what's important is how they look all together it will be fine cakes done shoot I was supposed to use the frosting for the filling on the macarons - I'm going to do the unthinkable I know that my dreams of fighting I'm ashamed right now yeah I am I am what about the ice cream I'm not making ice cream from scratch are we surprised no we're not now you may be thinking what the ice cream and the painting is pink and this is vanilla Oh No you've messed up again you're the worst and we all hate you I looked for strawberry ice cream or just paint ice cream and the colors just were not saturated and now so I figured it would be better for me to just take vanilla ice cream and dye it pink so that we could get a brighter pink color that's more similar to what's in the painting my ice cream get a big bowl I'm gonna pop this in the microwave now that it's a little bit more melted I'm gonna add a little pink food coloring that looks about the same pink as the painting it tastes better pink then I'm gonna put this back in the freezer the oven is actually ready now so I'm gonna put the macarons in there I'm gonna go ahead and slice our little piece of cake I think I'm gonna try to make like more of a square piece so that it's easier to stack it's a really tall piece of cake I feel like I should just cut off the bottom all right that's good the frosting on the cake kind of comes down like over the edge so I'm gonna try to achieve that by scraping off frosting and putting it on the edge kind of finger paint with the frosting ah Wow I mean this cake has just been through it all man and we have two minutes until the macarons are supposed to be done what do I do with my free time there's a lot of dishes to be done it's time to get the macarons out came out they are truly massive they don't look too bad we'll just let those cool for a sec oh all right he's a cool down and let me just pull them off oh boy oh that's cool don't use wax paper that's six really bad easy removal my bud I mean it's mostly gone [Music] oh my gosh it's so heavy the cake cannot take it no we might need some toothpicks [Music] please don't fall you can do this you've got this with open arms I carry you I'm very worried about putting even more weight on top of this maybe I can like lift up the bottom a little bit that actually kind of worked all right it's leaning a little bit less now there anything else I can do no what no just stop stop right there do not touch it anymore I'm gonna leave this alone and wait for the ice cream to freeze completely it's been a little while and I think I'm gonna give this ice cream a shot hopefully it doesn't start to melt and then just like our our our our cake and macro and combo is still standing go get the ice cream [Music] it's gonna have much of a scoop shape which is kind of a blob of ice cream back in the freezer it goes it's time to do the toppings I'm gonna start with the chocolate I am aware that hot fudge should be hot but I really don't want to start melting this ice cream I don't want it to fall apart so I am gonna just put it on cold I'm aware that it's gonna be thicker and stickier it's melting the ice cream even though it's room temperature crap it's falling I got to get this in the freezer that's not good out of the freezer the chocolate it just looks like a turd sitting on top of the ice cream and it's melting it's melting let's just hurry up and move on nice whipped cream to try to cover that up cherry okay right now I'm so sorry Oh what are you doing man working with ice cream I'm gonna get myself a little bit of a break with this one and say that I did okay considering this was trying to emulate something that was completely just made up and not real if it weren't for the ice cream melting all the time then I think that this would have turned out perfect it still looks quite tasty I will say that there goes the cherry and all the toppings bye bye well that was the shortest life of something that I baked ever honestly I think my biggest mistake might have been melting the ice cream to diet never like firmed up completely and it was so smooth and slippery I think that might have killed it for us first split second there I think it looked pretty good now obviously it's just kind of a mess somehow even though I spent all day on something that looks like a hot mess or a coldness I'm not that mad at it to be honest I think that this was a really difficult thing to make because it didn't really make sense this is not based on reality you have to admire the effort well you don't have to but I hope you do I'm glad that I at least tried it I have no idea how to eat this okay that's oh okay I'm not trying to destroy it this time I promised macron is actually very good though I hope you guys enjoyed this video I did my best as usual to try to create something cool-looking I think for a solid two seconds it was it was it was there thank you for watching and I'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 5,503,114
Rating: 4.9540863 out of 5
Keywords: baking, baking for beginners, funny baking videos, bake with me
Id: ZJGwhBhiKgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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