I Painted an Entire Outfit (Pt. 1)

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[Music] hey it's me ah the outfit I'm wearing is very plain isn't it it's okay though because I'm wearing rainbow earrings to spice it up they're actually really heavy I'm a little concerned about my earring holes what if they get stretched out also the whole point of this video is to try to see if we can make this not this there's nothing we can do about that this a little bit more interesting interesting interesting I'm gonna be painting my full outfit some of it you can't see but it's down there I've had this idea for a while insert evidence here that would be a cool video if I painted an entire outfit yeah and you guys have been repeatedly reminding me to follow through with that real quick though I do have some new products coming out very soon which I'm not gonna show you in depth yet these will be launching on a new online store the link will be in the description there's a mailing list that you can join and if you sign up you'll be able to access the products earlier also the website has this cool feature we're the more mailing list signups we get the more the designs will reveal themselves anyway what all do we have here to paint a jean jackets a white t-shirt I'm on the counter again this is what I have to do because I don't have a camera person so I just have to move my body around instead of the camera black shorts and white vans I'm gonna paint all of it my goal with this outfit is to create a unique and interesting piece for all of them but also create a cohesive outfit that looks cool in the end I'll figure that out I think I'm ready let's do it starting at the top of the pile I have this plain white pair of vans and a couple pairs of shoes in the past but those were actually some knockoff brand I do prefer these because they have a pure white sole Oh while the knockoffs had this black stripe all the way around okay snip off the tag and let's go I'm using some vinyl tape to just protect the knot areas well none of the areas are currently painted but why am i struggling since I've chosen to paint the shoes first they are going to set the tone for the entire outfit the whole vibe is at stake here no pressure no no come back it's okay I need some inspiration go no further than this this is what it's all about beautiful lossy luscious liquid it's paint and this happens to be leather paint by the brand Angeles but anyway of course a lot of artists in general love what they can do with the paint but do they love the paint itself do they love the paint for who it is I do I love paint paint in its raw form I would swim in it if I could I would eat it if it weren't extremely harmful very powerful stuff so as I'm making some adjustments to my custom colors I'm thinking why don't I use paint as my inspiration for the overall theme of my outfit I'm sketching out some little drips on the shoes nothing too crazy just some straightforward drips now enter paint enter shoes exit one shoe so you can tell by my hesitant hovering I don't really have much of a plan here I'm just gonna kind of go for it and see what happens just feel the paint capture the essence of paint with the paint what the heck is she talking about I've made a couple choices here we've got multicolored drips going on oh what's happening and some weird snake-like creatures developing and it's starting to turn into a liquidy kind of psychedelic vibe but let me take you on the journey through my idea process just come along with me for a second yes you're coming with me I considered multiple ways that I could capture paint I could be very literal and just paint paint like I have done before I could go completely abstract and just slap paint all over the place without a care in the world it's another form of painting paint really when you think about it oh boy the word paint doesn't even sound like a word anymore but I felt like going in either of those two directions would just end up being too repetitive over an entire outfit so I thought maybe I could do something kind of in between I settled on drips because you know paint does that drips are used a lot but I cannot help but love the look of drips does that make me basic maybe I don't care though there are a lot of different ways that you can kind of incorporate drips into a design without being super repetitive so to tie the whole outfit together I'm going to one use drips in some way on each piece and to use a consistent color palette which is this all the colors since I didn't really plan this out beforehand I was kind of just like watching as it developed before my eyes I'm not loving this there's a strong dislike getting stronger and stronger but even though I was like silently panicking over how ugly this is looking I just keep going it's giving me like that was my stomach it's giving me play-doh vibes does that make sense to anyone maybe not I'm trying to explain it okay the way I see it there's a fine line between something that's just bright and colorful an actual obnoxious new word new word it's mine and this was just creeping over that line for me I mean truly hideous maybe the color choices are the problem I thought we had something special and then you do this you guys what that so I tried to saturating and lightening the yellow light in the blue light in the pink light in the green I always forget that this paint does dry significantly darker so I should have adjusted for that in the first place can we fix this please I tend to use pastels when I do many colors because I feel like if the colors are a bit lighter or more toned down you can use a lot of them without it being that level of obnoxious but then somehow I could not shake the feeling that there was a color missing like I kept thinking oh this isn't the full rainbow of colors is it red orange yellow green blue purple yes it is no that can't be oh but it is okay I think that this is a big improvement it does still need a lot of work here we go one thing I am noticing is that it looks liquidy but not liquidy enough oh here he is this is the Trailblazer people I decided to add more drips through the design instead of just having them along the bottom and I think that that really helped with this kind of like painty vibe that I'm going for getting more liquidy so after I just quickly touched up and painted over the white areas I'm gonna add a butt ton of highlights to kind of get that real juiciness use juicy juiciness um that I'm looking for Wow okay I think I hate this I'm just gonna paint over it and start again I'm just kidding this is the other shoe did i trick anybody well I tried but no I'm just gonna do the same thing on the other shoe I was kind of thinking about hydro dip you know like creating a hydro dip feel without actually hydro dipping obviously I kind of suck at that anyway who needs it oh look at that we're in the awkward phase already ooh it kind of looks more like rainbow camouflage which is definitely not what I was going for but that's okay because once it does come all together I do really like the look of it and that was a hiccup thank you it definitely reminds me of the type of art I used to do when I was a kid actually I was a teenager when I did all of that it just looks like it was done by a kid I was resisting the urge to add outlines or shading because I think that the flat kind of graphic style is what's gonna look best here and even though I kind of wanted to do more I'm gonna resist the urge to be extra all righty they're almost done time to remove the tape [Music] oh boy bringing in my finisher and spilling it all over the place as per usual Oh working that crunch out of my paintbrush uh-huh does anyone actually take proper care of their paintbrushes let me see that person I need to speak with them here are the completed shoes I love them I would totally 100% wear these out although the moment they got a tad bit dirty I might be a little bit outraged there's nothing about these that I don't like so don't point anything out and ruin them for me let me just live in blissful ignorance of any flaws thank you the next piece in the pile is these black shorts and this is actually a pair of my shorts I just pulled out of my closet hence the cat hair on them they're the perfect length not too long but no cheeks hanging out because I'm not really on that trend I'll keep my cheeks in my shorts thank you so they've got some really nice pockets I see you I see you there which is actually what I'm gonna be focusing on so I'm quickly taping around these pockets so that we can keep the design clean and I'm gonna decorate pockets I'm starting with a white pasca just drawing a line then it's clear to me now that I need to use a ruler yeah let's do that I'm creating lines and more lines and then trying to plan out like how I'm gonna paint it very scientific don't bother me right now apparently this line was not okay you've crossed the line I've got two pieces of cardstock and just slipping those up my shorts just in case there's any leakage oops don't take that out of context and I'm using the same paint as I did on my shoes let's start oh let's stop I realize now that using pastel paint over black fabric yeah no no I'm gonna need to do a white base coat first it's much easier to paint a coat of white instead of doing a million coats of each color at first I was trying to like preserve where my lines were that won't last here I'm using the leather paint it's quite thin so I'm gonna paint this side with my white fabric paint and we'll see who has better coverage from pepper so it seems even though the leather paint is much easier to work with fabric paint has much better coverage everyone has their strengths all right no one has everything and everyone has something so I'm gonna just throw a layer of fabric paint on there and now it's dry time to bring back those lines bring back the color and go for it again so I'm filling each shape with a different color using the exact same colors as my shoes oh good job well done it's okay I'll fix that later let me say just because I'm painting an entire outfit out frit outfit her my outfit here that doesn't mean that I'm going to paint every single inch of each article of clothing I'm just painting the pockets on these and that will be it because I think it would make the clothing too stiff you want to leave you know some fabric clear of paint so that it's still fabric and not just like a solid sheet of paint except for the shoes because you know shoes are kind of stiff anyway well that's sloppy the shorts definitely have a different style than the shoes hopefully it'll still all go together in the end obviously this is a mess though so it is time to go and neaten all of it up with the second coat coat coat shorts coats on shorts there's a joke there but I can't find it I'm the joke now there that's looking better other side Foley was always that easy this is my black paint this is me pouring my black paint all right I'm outlining all the shapes in black which I thought would look nice since the shorts themselves are black it might make the pockets feel a little bit more connected to the shorts instead of looking like blocks of color floating in front of them you may notice something's missing here the drips I said that I would incorporate drips and I will keep your shirt on calm down first I'm gonna do some touch-ups cover up a few little mistakes that I've made now it's time for the drips so I am going to make the black lines drip maybe I should have made the drips just a little bit bigger because they're quite small and maybe when you step back it's not gonna look as drippy I was satisfied enough to move on so I'm removing the tape unfortunately it didn't leave behind the neatest finish luckily I can just go right back over top of that with black paint and fix up any messy spots oh look at that fixing my little mishap there it's like it never happened kind of it'll look better when it dries okay here are the shorts not my top favorite of all the things that I'm gonna do but they're cool and different I'm definitely not gonna hate on them hopefully when everything comes together they'll just be the perfect little puzzle piece onto the t-shirt what's there to say about this it's a shirt it's white it's wrinkly but um yeah let's let's paint it it is quite thin so I definitely need to put a layer in between so that the paint doesn't seep right through I actually taped that in place so that we don't have any like shifting nonsense happening some complex calculation aha okay stick a couple pieces of tape in place opening my entire paint container over the pristine white shirt I'm scared so I'm painting stripes on this shirt because I'm actually slightly obsessed with shirts that have colorful stripes across them I don't even know how many shirts I have like that too many so I wanted to do a shirt like that but in my style one stripe down and let that dry nope I'm not waiting I'm just gonna move on I was gonna wait for the pink to dry and then tape over the pink stripes to make sure that each stripe had a perfect line but I ended up not having the patience for that next color you'll never guess it that's right it's green okay no originally in my head when I was thinking about painting my entire outfit I wanted to use the shirt as like the centerpiece you know a crazy intricate design but I realized that the shirt is actually going to be the most difficult to paint on because the material is so thin the brush is like getting really caught up on the fabric and the fabric is starting to wrinkle and making it more difficult and also the thinner the fabric the more the paint is gonna affect the feel of it it's definitely going to stiffen if I ever paint a t-shirt again I'm hoping to find a brand that makes like a heavier shirt not to sound like a cranky old person but they don't make shirts the way they used to okay shirts these days they're so thin anyway got the stripes done we're definitely getting some stiffness in this shirt rigor mortis is setting in let's just remove this and that there we are you're so tense now's the time for the drips so I'm making each color kind of drip down into the other stripes some people ask me why I use pink in a rainbow instead of red and is that a degradation of the rainbow I don't think anyone actually used the word degradation because nobody takes rainbows that seriously just me the answer is very simple I often do pastel rainbow and pink is the pastel version of red although pastel red is a different color than pink this is pastel red which is red and orange mixed together but that doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me because every other colors pastel version is just what you get when you add white you add white to blue you get pastel blue you add white to green you get passed out green but then suddenly to make pastel red instead of adding white you add orange what is anyone still here listening to me okay and my favorite part it's the highlights which really make them pop and come alive there it is rip out the paper from the hole good thing I put that in there now like I said I would not recommend painting on a super thin shirt that you're planning on wearing on a regular basis the painted area feels weird visually I really like it even though it's simple I really really really like it I'm totally gonna make this shirt into merchandise just because I need it in my life so there is one more item to be painted and it's a big one but cliffhanger I didn't have enough time to paint everything and finish the editing for this whole video in one week if you're watching this in the future you can just click on the link above to see part two otherwise you'll have to wait until next week to see how I paint the jacket and how the full outfit all comes together I'm actually really excited about the jacket it's kind of the star piece and it's gonna be the most intricate so I hope you come back next week thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next week bye
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 7,103,906
Rating: 4.9521699 out of 5
Keywords: painting on clothes, how to paint clothes, making custom clothes, custom shoes, shoe customization, painted shoes, painted jean jacket, tiktok painting
Id: fu5zpqk-a1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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