Customizing My Shoes

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[Music] I'll really pale and dark clothing someone needs to go outside hey it's me today I'm gonna be painting on shoes I put them on this was super highly requested everyone wanted me to do this no I wanted this just me I painted a jackets now shoes soon I'll be able to fully clothed myself in my own artwork that would be a cool video if I painted an entire outfit so many ideas one step at a time shoes are just kind of a classic item to customize so honestly it kind of feels wrong that I haven't done this yet so I bought these vans they're not vans there's some kind of cheap knockoff I should have gotten real fans but as usual I have zero confidence that I'm not gonna completely mess this up so I buy knock ups let's paint some shoes here they are they're pretty standard white canvas shoes fashion just fashion I don't know why I pronounced it like that what the heck I can read these are in a sturdy size eight because that's what size my big feet are I took tap lessons for eight years this is what's come of it for the design I knew I wanted to do something where the shoes are different from each other but of course still go together that could be anything I'm a little lost so clearly there's only one thing to do [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've collected all the squishy pairs that I've ever made and I'm gonna choose one of these as my inspiration I know better than to show all these options on camera because with every elimination I'm disappointing more and more people sorry if you wanted these I'm not doing these I settled on Eustace and Shelly which are fairly new designs of mine and I just felt like they would work well for what I have in mind now that I have my idea I'm going to prepare my shoes this is vinyl tape by the brand Angeles they sent me a whole box of supplies maybe you saw on my Instagram there it is there's tape I totally would have just used regular masking tape which I'm sure would have worked okay but this stuff is super nice for this purpose because it has a very strong adhesive much sticky sticky sticky sticky so it holds on to the shoe really nicely and it's also pretty stretchy so it makes it easier to form the tape around the curves of the shoe time to state the obvious I'm taping off the sole of the shoe because I don't want to get paint on it so this is what we do to keep that from happening okay now these little stretchy areas I also want to keep clean because I don't think that painting over that would work out too well oh I has a sharp thing of course I didn't have to tape all of this up I mean I could just choose to avoid these areas and be careful while I'm painting but due to my unrelenting clumsiness yeah I think this is the best option for me moving on to the other shoe so it's not the cleanest tape job ever but it's done again I'm gonna be using Angeles I really hope that's the way to say it what else could it be Angeles no it's leather paint I mix this stuff up about a month ago still looks pretty fresh in there oh don't dump it out starting with one shoe at a time Eustace first what ever happened to ladies first I need to cook up a nice Eustis color this will work as my starting point is that Eustace no it's not how about that yeah that'll work now we're ready to paint Eustace oh never mind I got to do the background first idiot I actually have to start with pink instead I definitely don't regret my decision to to tape up those edges because this would be very problematic without it one thing I did notice about this paint it darkens quite a bit when it's on the fabric this was looking a little bit too dark for me so I lightened up the paint you like that trick oh oh one more time so we have a base color I'm using a white gel pen to sketch out my design which happens to be a lovely portrait of Eustace I did slightly change the shape and proportions of him just a little bit to get him to just fill that space exactly the way I wanted it to he's in a new form he's Huestis oh man I am a big fan of this paint I've used it a handful of times now go to my Instagram to see stuff that I've painted outside of what I do in my videos that's the second flood for my Instagram now nice I really like how smoothly it goes on it's easy to work with it's unfortunately pretty expensive which isn't so nice for me it's worth it because I paint stuff like this all the time but for things like shoes it's a shoo-in to work I'm sorry my puns are bad let's face it so I'm just painting in his little face uh-oh looks like I'm allergic to Eustace would you think I was gonna say here I go working on the shading which is my favorite part adding all the details making the whole thing come alive I'm hoping that you're not too mad at me if I didn't pick the squishy couple that you wanted me to pick just out of curiosity I'll put a pole up and let me know which one you would have picked for the trim around the shoe I decided to paint it tan to match the cone color I don't know I think I could have just made a pink or brown and you know kind of reduce the crazy factor but I made the choices that I made for the back of the shoe I decided to paint dripping mint ice cream and you know that kind of brings the design together it almost looks like if you had filled up the shoe with ice cream and then stepped into it the ice cream just kind of oozes out over the top it's cool I decided to add some crisscross lines to make it more apparent that I'm trying to like match the cone the tape although very useful was a minor ly distracting for me because I can't see what it actually looks like without these big blocks of red everywhere I just can't work with this it's fine it is the tape that's making it ugly right I'm gonna go with that I will say if you do get this paint try to get the big bottles if you can the little bottles have this like built-in brush it's annoying let's ignore this single chocolate chip because I have to do the shading first so I realize about halfway through this process that this was actually not the first time I've painted on shoes I almost forgot I did this already about two years ago I must have blocked this out here is a finished product super unique super unique it's polka dots oh yeah this will be my second pair of painted shoes technically whatever happened to those shoes you may wonder leather right here wait another magic trick amazing what do you think you like it before I finish it off completely I want to get to the other foot up to speed the other shoe I mean this is not a foot so this one is of course going to be the Shelly shoe which means we're gonna flip the colors and Eustace Brown goes on the toe spread a little Eustace on there this is what happens when you leave your paintbrushes sitting in water for hours days instead of throwing this away like a normal person I did that this tape is multi-purpose so anyway then I'm bringing the pink in and using that for the back of the shoe so it's like the flip-flop of the other one flip-flop I thought there were slip ons you may notice that these are those same original darker versions of the colors that I used initially on the other shoe you remember that yeah deja vu so here I am lightening the colors I'm showing you the shoes one at a time but in reality I was actually painting these simultaneously so that's why I you okay it's not important you can see how the lighter versions of the colors makes a pretty significant difference in the overall look I just contaminated the yellow shell used to purchase a thing here we go with the sketching the white gel pen works great for this because it goes on easy it's easy to see it's easy to paint over he word easy notice how clean this palette is normally my palettes are just a mess and I threw all my palettes into the sink filled it up with hot water and dish soap left them in there to soak for several hours and all the paint magically disappears [Music] no it actually does come off really easily it just kind of slides off the palate also makes me feel really guilty for wasting all of this back to what I was doing this one was a little bit more tedious because I was going over a darker color with lighter colors but this process overall was really fun to do I have no shoes that look anything close to this so it's a little out there I get that what I really like them I like them a lot I never even wore those polka dot shoes not once which is kind of sad cuz like what were they doing that whole time nothing I cannot let the same thing happen to these here's my game plan I think if I just wear a really like toned down outfit I may be able to pull these off and not look like I'm insane or I could just embrace looking insane there's that option too I mean I did get these to wear which is why I bought them in my size size eight supposedly eight is the average shoe size for women in the United States I feel like that's not true I feel like everyone else is I think I'm a half and then there's me Big Foot I'm not even tall maybe I have proportionately bigger feet I don't actually care though so I'm adding some sprinkles to Shellie now but I was missing one color this light mauve so let me cook that up here's my recipe neon purple dark purple yellow and one egg ooh that is not right disregard that recipe there we go I could honestly come up with ideas for like a hundred pairs of shoes so many ideas there are so many possibilities I could paint shoes forever wait what's happening I'm giving my paintbrush a haircut I think it's taken me so long to get around to painting a second pair of shoes because honestly I remember not being too much of a fan of it the first time because I hate doing the same design multiple times I say that as I'm literally copying one of my old designs what I mean is the thought of decorating one shoe and then having to repeat that same design completely over again identically on the other shoe makes me want to die but as soon as I realized wait a minute they don't have to be the same I wear different color sleeves I wear different color shoes so now I really like this idea because I really love having two things that are uniquely different but go together it's just very visually satisfying for me I added stripes on the seam for this shoe because Shelley doesn't have an ice cream cone on her head she has a cupcake on her head but the stripes kind of make it look like a weird tan snake so here they are together for the first time I'm gonna add my signature to the little space on the top it's like my branding and they are both just slightly off-center it's okay we're almost done we've just got some red tape to go through is that a joke so finally we get to see what these shoes look like [Music] [Music] so the tape worked pretty well but I didn't tape it perfectly on the line in some spots luckily the paint doesn't really stick to the rubber all that well so I was able to scrape most of it off and then just touch up the rest of the mess and now on to the last step I'm using this high-gloss acrylic finisher for professional use not for children it's a top coat and I'm just gonna apply that oh it's a little more watery than I expected why am i struggling with this not for children [Music] okay ready to see the transformation I kind of wish the shoes didn't have that black stripe around the sole I feel like just a plain white sole would have given it a little bit of a cleaner look but it doesn't bother me too bad my voice just cracked and I am really pleased with the overall look of these oh they're in the shoe kind of looks like they're like little racecars anyway I do feel compelled to model these for you [Music] well it's been fun I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 11,020,925
Rating: 4.9303708 out of 5
Id: 26j611-AAoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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