Cursed Comments #22

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[Music] when you kill someone as the imposter and you see their little pet just sitting there all alone i'm sorry little one why do freaked people have pets in that game freaks say there should be an option to kill it too bruh hey what's up cuties my name is fainted and welcome back to cursed comments the series where we take a look at the most cursed comments from all across the vast depths of the internet also if you wouldn't mind subscribing so the youtube algorithm likes me i'd really appreciate it thanks dude um why is billy eilish's brother dating someone that looks exactly like billy yeah i'm not gonna lie to similarities between these two is um a little bit disturbing i thought that was really irish at first and then i realized it was actually his girlfriend uh maybe he doesn't know it's not his sister uh okay that makes sense now my apple broke the apple cutter and now i have a weapon well keeps the doctor away geez that actually does look kind of dangerous though bro what would be the best way to use this though would you like pick up the apple and then just lob it at someone's head yeah if i saw that coming towards me i i'd be pretty concerned maybe it's gonna be a kill streak in the next cod shout out to my boyfriend who killed me first and among us and had the audacity to report the body and go so who killed my girlfriend look at how they massacred my girlfriend lol my dad did this to my mom i'm familiar with this kind of thing although i don't know what among us is wait a minute if you don't know what among us is is this guy trying to say it was in real life i can't trust anything this man says he's got xd in his username i lost my parents i lost my son you know what that means you can be together as father and son ah problem solved yo he also lost his wife so bend down batman the only acceptable birthday cake wait so when you blow out that candle you'll be killing that charmander happy birthday you sick you kill it and eat its body yeah where do you think all the meat in the pokey verse comes from oh it gives a whole new meaning to start a pokemon it's a starter dish mmm tasty charmander petition to be able to take care of another crewmate's pet when they die me killing people so i can take their kid ah this would be a nice addition to my collection some people collect pokemon cards some people collect yu-gi-oh cards some people collect children me sabotages the electrical so i can kill easily everyone at walmart um is this in the north america server yes disney gave us memories dreamworks gave us memes and pixar gives us fake moms mata is the thickest pixar mom i'd like to thank every single animator at pixar studios thank you so much for giving us all of the fake moms bro it really is a joy to see on the big screen what girls want cute little date with bae what guys want reddit should rename share to spread it delete to shred it and calmer to credit they should call premium users predators i want to be a predator i'm a proud predator when you come home after getting bullied for being blind jumping into the wall dude that's so messed up what if a blind person saw this what's your biggest fear being forgotten damn that's deep mine is the kool-aid man but i feel kind of stupid about it now mine is big bird with this big bird well isn't this an interesting way to propose to your girlfriend if she says no he tells them to fire yeah that's one way to pretty much guarantee your girlfriend's gonna say yes to the marriage proposal just be careful honey if you give me the wrong answer i'm gonna blow your brains out she gave her a ring she gave him a kidney double tap if you like it well that would eventually kill the guy because of the immune system graft rejection unless both of them are related somehow oh well don't you just love to see brother sister relationships like this so cute man also funny how it's posted on like instagram the motivation fusion one of those really inspiring instagram pages right it's just some dude like basically dying in a hospital bed yes this is motivating yahoo answers is the daisy power line 856 good for squirrels um no it's too long to hide in their nest and the trigger is too far forward for their paws to be able to hold and fire at the same time most of the squirrels in my hood just carry a small handgun like a glock 26 or 27. hope this helps dude imagine you're walking through the forest okay and then all of a sudden a squad of squirrels start running up you they pulling up and they're all wielding glock 27s dual wheeled that is not what you want to see man but um in all seriousness bro i didn't even realize hunting squirrels was even a thing bro like what is the point of hunting a squirrel bro my man's just minding his own business foraging on some leaves and nuts in the nature wilderness and then all of a sudden gets 360 quickscope noscope by some chad four things bro just once i want the opportunity to dramatically swipe everything off the table to make room for a giant map that i'll use to explain the plan my ex-wife did that with the divorce papers poor dude everyone my school just went into an unplanned emergency lockdown everyone in my class is thinking the same thing since uh we're all american yo who's the imposter just found out that there is a species of many great white sharks called salmon sharks and i think everyone should see this and uh yeah just take a look at this salmon shark dude it's pretty small but it still looks quite menacing yo they need to make a new jaws with these sharks and midgets and it's just a salmon shark coming up to devour a [ __ ] who knows man this could be the next big blockbuster box office movie 10 figures profits jaws 2 starring midgets and salmon sharks imagine having scx with someone and they moan your twitter name instead of your real name yeah at somebody help okay probably not a good one there oh slash why my school bus has a coffee button what's the coffee button bro what is this seriously i'm genuinely confused by this oh what's this pushes button bus breaks to a stop and the doors seal with rubber films as the bus slowly starts to fill up with boiling water and the kids inside start to scream sadly the rubber films are sound cancelling and nobody outside can hear the pleats for help finally when the screams cease the water is a fine brownish color and smells like coffee a tap peeks out from the side of the bus and serves a delicious piping hot cup of coffee um said the principal as he slowly sipped the liquid that's a good cup of joe dude why you like this it brings a whole new meaning to a cup of joe it's a literal cup of melted down joe bones but can we go back to the original and uh more riveting question here what is a coffee button and why is it on a bus does anybody know i'm i'm genuinely curious like bro what happens this looks like it's on the sort of like ceiling roof area you know we normally press the buttons and like the lights would come on or the fans would come on this must be like some kind of elon musk tesla bus where you get self-serving coffee woman complains patrol car is too hot during her arrest for leaving child in hot car you get what you freaking deserve no she deserves more than that just being on a hot car for a few minutes i suggest the oven the whole neighborhood gets a free meal later on too yeah just the council comes up and knocks on your door hey want a free meal yeah it's a body enjoy so we got this little youtube video here of these two chilling out in a plane cool cool cool pilot will you marry me fiance no pilot see those two towers yeah that's what he's saying to her right there after she says no to his proposal this gives the video a whole different look now it's amazing how a comment can just give a whole different taste to a video okay so we got this video here of a woman partaking in some long jump event nice love a bit of sport bro i hope when i die my ashes will be spread on the woman's long jump sand even in the grave this man is horny i love it oh wait no he's not in the grave even in death this man is still horny what a way to go out after finding out that she had to be naked in front of leonardo dicaprio kate winslet decided to break the ice and when they first met she flashed him leo be like well she mustn't have broken the ice very well because they still hit the iceberg didn't they the tragic event of the titanic going down would have never happened if kate had just done a better flash job the ice wasn't broken enough i eat twice as much meat just so that one vegan thinks he or she is making a difference is actually making no difference at all yo why do people hate vegans the last one i knew was delicious okay well i thought this guy really likes me but this guy really likes me he's even going for humans guys i finally filled it after five months um yes it is what you think it is that's disgusting okay um i really hope we're thinking about something different why did brothers just come in your room to flex in the mirror and touch random things then walk out to establish dominance um my sister is not a random thing wait touch random things then walk out oh what is with all the brother sister loving in this episode man ah this is what coat looks like when it's sunbleached i found that on the railroad tracks ah i'm not sure about that one mate take a swig and uh let us know if the sun changed the taste yummy yummy yummy that's definitely some peepee there bro i i wouldn't taste that let us never forget the time the world's smartest man made a deep joke i can finally get an erection the doctors disabled my papa blocker i love a bit of stand up comedy stand up comedy oh my that's so so bad dad's second car crash this week can't believe it man that freaking caption killed me no it only killed the dad what is that little emoji face as well that gets a lot of hate these days it's like if you use that emoji face you're weird it's colon free it kind of it's a little bit like the ubu face i don't know why what does it mean if someone sends you a colon free what are you thinking a 500 year old skeleton was found in london wearing fire high leather boots excuse me her name is madonna show some respect animals be 20 minutes old and already know what to do meanwhile human babies come out with a spot on their head that ain't finished yet and a communication skills of an alarm clock um that's the reset button in case the kid is lame i never realized that babies come out of a reset button your kid just comes out and you're like ah he looks a little bit lame maybe a bit ugly screw let's reset him that's your genetics pal just saying million dollar idea a tampon but when you pull it out you see it's grown into a surprise dinosaur like those ones that grow in a glass of water after your period will you get a stegosaurus or a velociraptor only your cervix knows uh after your period do you know how many tampons a girl goes through in half a day on her period let alone an entire five to seven days of one hey chill the freak out you could build a freaking jurassic park and you're angry what's up yeah i mean stop complaining bro who wouldn't want one of these surprise dinosaurs just dropping out of you it's almost like your own little eggs are hatching anyways guys i'm gonna leave it there for this episode of cast comments hope you enjoyed if you want to check out another click on the screen and i'll be seeing you all in the next one much love peace
Channel: Fainted
Views: 656,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cursed comments, r/cursedcomments, cursedcomments, cursed comments #22, reddit, r/, top reddit posts, best of reddit, memes, r/cursedcomment, funny posts, fainted
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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