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what is to my parents divorce proceedings the drip never takes a back seat yo this is the most default skin bloke i've ever seen in my life but with all due respect bro the drip the drip like he would steal any girl from under your nose in the club hey what's up cuties my name is fainted and welcome to cringe where you guessed it we take a look at cringe subscribe right now or mr beast will literally steal all of your money next up we got some leaked footage of um some reddit mods on a night out [Music] yo these boys like swag yeah i love how like the the doors just close at the end and it's like where are they going no legend has it they're actually about to spawn into the new fortnight map like what what waveness is supposed to be i'm going down to my inevitable death with this gentleman but let me just flex my jawline real quick baby yeah anyone who's watching this video who is a navy seal please rescue them guy at my school for this the first day back what is this doing in the cringe subreddit this should be in the freaking chad subreddit like am i the only one who actually thinks this outfit is really cool dude you got some drip on the only thing i would change is maybe like the crepes like you've got to get some supreme guccis on their buddy a normal day at school and this is 220 times chaired and basically got a bunch of kids recording a tick tock and these chairs come along no that is the most disrespectful thing you could ever do to a tick tocker charlie demilia would be proud though i mean just look at the coordination on these girls like wow i guarantee they all get straight a stars in their tests at school gents do epic ladies smile you're losing weight wow what absolute creature has done this someone has taken the time out of their day to actually write this on the freaking door like bro imagine one of these doors was in the monsters inc movie so some dude on tick tock gets asked have you ever got arrested and we got this video oh the big boy let's see what the feds have to say about this shall we what was that oh dear imagine locking this dude up in the back of a freaking nypd vehicle yeah we got a wild one in the back ps5 time schedule foots rub equals 30 minutes of playing time back rub 40 minutes of playing time cook dinner equals one hour playing time no online take out trash one game of 2k only clean the house two hours playing time must take 30 minute break for affection unlimited playtime on sundays only no playtime on holidays if violation of the schedule occurs your ps5 will be sold to something bruh on bruh message from wifey yeah that's not wifey chief that really ain't wifey like if your girlfriend's not letting you play ps5 and you have to have some kind of freaking reward system for it it's time to dip g like seriously get yourself a new girlfriend mate trying to fart quietly on a roller coaster no [Music] creature that is like the most tick-tock video i've ever seen the comedy of doing this on a roller coaster of course my man has the gucci slides on what are those me doing magic in secret at my human school i have a boyfriend by the way of course you've got to throw that one in there all right let's see the magic then shall we tell me again oh wow that is that's wild yeah how is she actually doing that is that like a tick tock edit or something oh my gosh it's harry potter i guess that i've she's became a freaking what's that wolf or something you got to be such an absolute wizard to decide to do magic at your human school that's crazy bro i'm glad throughout the whole video you just have this i have a boyfriend by the way just that little disclaimer at the bottom the gents needed that especially when she like turns into like a wolf or something every dude in the comments was about to be like yo can i get your insta you're so cute she's so powerful dumbledore would be even appreciative of this wizardry honestly mate sign this donut for the triwizard tournament here's three reasons why i wouldn't be a good waifu oh no all right let's find out here's three reasons why i wouldn't be a good waifu number one i'm shy wow number two yo that's crazy [Music] i probably be too busy there's nothing worse than having a relationship with someone who is too busy watching anime what a disaster ironically enough i swear these traits are actually like every weeb's dream like any guy who has an actual anime body pillow would be like oh my gosh this is my queen she's shy and she watches enemy omg look honestly as long as you don't watch minecraft youtube videos you'd probably be a good waifu that's just straight off the cards i told a man he needed therapy last night i went on a second date last night there were no red flags on the first date and we actually had a good time most of this date too until unprompted he mentioned that he likes to take things emotionally slow because he went through a traumatic relationship for years ago let me tell you how his jaw dropped when i said and you didn't seek therapy or do something to work on that instead you're here on a second date telling me about all the ways you'll compare me to an ex who traumatized you you shouldn't be dating at all i got the date short he tried to walk me to my car but i insisted on going myself and then he texted me asking me to verify when i made it home before i blocked him this guy just weaved him his way out of an absolute disaster oh my like bro does she not realize how expensive this therapy stuff is bro wow that is just savage some dude on a date's like yo i like to take things slow she's just like you should have got therapy you idiot mark zuckerberg saying he is not a lizard um there are some there's some pretty good ones uh especially you know one of the crazy things when you do these live q and a's some of them are very silly so we got one mark are the allegations true that you're secretly a lizard um i'm gonna i'm gonna have to go with no on that i i am not a lizard um but i don't believe it mark i don't believe it mate you know keep the high quality comments coming in please this is uh surely on track to be a great live q a if we if we continue getting stuff at that level of quality um there's actually a lot of funny stuff in here in here too imagine being like a multi-billionaire and you start up a q a and you're like guys ask me some serious questions and everybody's just like yo bro you're a lizard look into those eyes i took my 11 year old daughter to get a drink at starbucks we watched an incredibly handsome construction worker walk across the parking lot and into the store do you know what that little girl said to me i don't know what he fixes but mine is broken no what life must be hard making 100k a year at 22. and we got a guy out here who decides to approach logan paul and ask him for a job yeah i quit my i just job to logan paul uh-oh i mean like he was just being nice and i get it media whatever he has to be nice before i approached him he was bragging about making three million dollars i make a hundred thousand dollars a year twenty-two i do make a mistake this is when you know you're a chad you got tears in your eyes literally saying i make one hundred thousand dollars a year that's some pretty fat stacks my guy i'm gonna break down right now oh i'm sitting in the cast i don't know what to do like i did come up here by myself i do have family but we're not the closest and i don't have really close friends you know there's millions people trying to do what i'm trying to do let's watch the clip okay man this guy seems really upset let's see how logan paul reacts to him because you'd think after seeing that it was pretty brutal or something i'm interested i'm sorry i quit my job with legit two days ago i came up here took a risk i'm originally from ohio sneak up here no i didn't sneak in here i didn't sneak what do you mean like on stage are you just like yes i did he switched up real quick on that one did you sneak up no did you say yes it's one of the sneakers sorry i just did you print the ticket and stuff no i just need to talk to you i really i'm trying to talk to your brother i'm trying to talk about business trying to talk about trying to get a job like i wanna i wanna do media i want to i've been his face right there he's like oh no not another one of these dons this is one of the massive downsides of being famous like having randoms coming up to you all the time you're like can i get a job dude like if anyone came up to the street and asked me you're going to get a job failure i'd say no and then proceed to 360 no scope them in the forehead like dog they're saying freaking all right i've been trying to get what are you good at i was having dances i did like that yeah i did that video you know like oh yeah you know oh she really got what it takes yeah i don't i don't need a mentor what okay so first of all he's saying i'm good at tick tock dances and then he says he doesn't have what it takes yeah this dude has to be trolling man why would i do that i want to be i want to be like i'm 22 years old i'm just trying i bet i can't be a mentor right now right in my life i'ma [ __ ] up myself i need a mentor you know what i'm saying like i connections and you need people to be around you no i don't have connections with people i have jake that's it you have a brother you have people i don't right friends you gotta you got friends you gotta i don't you don't have friends i don't i swear guys please if you wanna find a friend hit up aj wallace like i feel sorry for this guy apparently he has no friends someone had him on roadblocks and i'm not joking i'm here by myself i'm here by myself where are you from i'm from norway good looking guy bro you have friends bro you're [ __ ] lying you have friends go make content do stuff with your friends i'm glad you quit your job it takes balls to do that bro but like now you got to act trying to make a stuff i'm not idea but i'm not the guy directly you're definitely you're the guy you're the guy my team is i'm not the guy like you know life isn't about handouts you know what i'm saying i know i'm not trying to hand out i'm not trying to get what are you trying to do i'm trying to work hard for a little money no money i don't know i can get a job somewhere else all i want to move to la and i want to i want to be able to be part of that look i have to go this is a big rip moment but yeah i mean if this dude quit his job to do like youtube or media or whatever like you don't have to just immediately jump from zero to 100 and work for logan pool like dude just go make some minecraft videos okay and become a millionaire if you really are serious about it bro you should move to la and just like you approach me start making connections with every single person i'm serious i've always said this if you have if you're charismatic and you can talk to someone you could make it in l.a that's my but yeah overall i thought uh logan paul definitely handled that really well oh man if this is what logan paul gets imagine being like mr beast i just think of all the kids at my skeptic and being like yo jimmy i want to be in your freaking vlog squad because i think mr beast like literally gives everybody who he's like in his team like hundreds of thousands of dollars in his videos but yeah i mean fair enough to this guy good effort good effort and yeah if the minecraft let's plays don't work out i'm sure you can always go back to your 100k a year job anyways if you can get 100k job once you can probably get it again because it means you've got like a good cv and blah blah blah blah but yeah if anyone wants a job with me i will literally pay you four dollars an hour anyways guys if the video hope you enjoyed click on the screen to check out more and yeah i'll see you all in the next one maybe much love peace
Channel: Fainted
Views: 326,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cringe, awards, cringe awards, cringetopia, funny, funny moments, reddit, memes, subreddit, r/cringetopia, cringe35, cringe 35
Id: c5hGRlM4L4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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