Curry Blake The Truth About the Anointing

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hello I'm Craig Blake the message you're about to hear if diligently applied will absolutely change your life so grab your Bible notebook and pin you're ready to take notes because I'm praying that the dot of our Lord Jesus Christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him thereby allowing the eyes of your understanding to be enlightened so god bless you we'll be back at the end of the program you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you because what I'm going to teach on today and what I want to share with you it it is why I don't get invited to speak at conferences with other speakers this is why right here did because of this kind of stuff because I expose the the fakery and the stuff that people that ministers use to try to keep a buffer between them and for how many thousands of years have priests and religious leaders used religion and used a fear of God to keep themselves in power and that's exactly what they do with the anointing well how many times in church have I heard oh don't touch God's anointed don't want cuz you know the curse of God will come on you and all these other kind of things all right well you shouldn't touch technically meaning come after put somebody out you shouldn't touch anybody not just God's anointed right you should treat all people the thing your to love God with all your heart mind soul and string and your neighbor as yourself it's that simple if we we are to do good to all men especially those who are in the household of faith that's what scripture says and so I want to talk about this this morning we're gonna go ahead and look at this if you want to have you turn your Bible you can turn we're gonna go through several scriptures where I go through them fairly quick now I will tell you this is a section out of the DHT it's right out of the DHD manual if you have a DHD manual you can go home and find this and it's called the truth about the anointing but we're just going to take it and I don't know if I'll get it all done today but I will get as much as I can but you'll get the idea but we're gonna start in Isaiah chapter 10 and we're gonna look at verse 27 and it says and it shall come to pass in that day so now notice this is a prophecy about a future date and Isaiah was the premier prophet of the coming Messiah so he's talking about that day and it shall come to pass in that day that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing now there notice right there is the word anointing and we're going to differentiate between different types of anointing by the time we're finished this may be maybe three or four weeks long I'm not sure by the time we get done we will have covered the anointing you don't know what it is you don't know what it's not your let me tell you when we get done you are never going to be fooled again by a preacher that does that can't produce the goods but can only use threats and can only claim something to try to keep you coming to him all right you're not gonna fall prey to that anymore and so are we but we're also going to cover what's generally called the presence now what's called the manifest presence all of these things that people use and they use they change the terminology over time and now it's gotten to such a ridiculous degree that you have healing rooms that are not associated with us at all because they wouldn't be because if I find out they're doing this I'd close them down myself if I had the authority I'd close down these other healing rooms that have different rooms for each type of anointing they have a room for the fire anointing they have recessed trying to think oh there's like three or four different rooms and each one you go in there to receive this type a different type of anointing okay that is ridiculous it's merchandising the anointing of God and it doesn't even deserve the name Christian right and you know anybody that's watching me by internet or sees this later on the internet and hears it and you think I wonder which rooms he's talking about I will tell you it's called hitting rooms ministry it's and spoke in right they were allowing so much garbage in there that I wish I had the authority to shut them down hopefully Christians will get enough sense to quit listening to their nonsense and quit going to them because if anything the only spirit you're ever going to get from going to those places is gonna be a demon all right just like the person got whenever he laid across John Lakes grave for months and months and then wants to claim an angel follow them around you know that is denying the person of Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is your Savior not John Lake amen not not some superficial thing called a mantle or honor or an anointing it is the Spirit of God it is Jesus Christ who hung on a cross and died for you and it is he alone to whom you should give any Allegiance or anything else amen people at some point we've got to grow up and quit being you know it's like a circus and just as PT Barnum said there's a sucker born every day and we've got to get away from that in Christianity we've got to get real and start doing what the Bible says amen so if you can tell this this stuff I'm telling you start playing with this and start messing around and stuff yeah I get hot real quick on this stuff because to me this is a slap in the face of Jesus Isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 through 4 and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch shall grow out of his roots and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him notice the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom and understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and shall make him of quick understanding and notice what the spirit Lord coming upon him did don't look at all the different spirits that is talking about the spirit of wisdom and understanding on don't look at that necessarily but look at what the result of the Spirit of the Lord resting upon him is going to be it's going to make him of quick understanding the purpose of the Spirit resting upon is to make you of quick understanding you hear that you know what Solomon said in Proverbs and all you're getting get wisdom and all your understand all your wisdom all you're getting get what understanding you've got to have understanding if you go to mark don't go there now but I'm just throwing this out there at you in mark chapter four you read about it and talked about the four types of soil only one out of the four produces anything the other three do not produce a thing and if you go back and read about that one type of soil the one difference was number one it they understood if you don't understand you cannot be the type of soil that produces that's why 99.9% of all that I minister and all of my ministry isn't is not trying to be somebody it is trying to get you to simply understand the basic truths of the Bible because what you understand is what wins fights for you what you don't understand brings you misery you hear about it but you don't understand it and you have misery because you're not walking in it when you understand it you can walk in it if you don't understand it you can't walk in it and if you know about it and can't walk in it that's called Hope deferred and it makes the heart sick so my whole ministry is based on making these simple as simple as it is right and just exposing the truth of the word of God and hopefully getting you to a place where you can't be fooled by so-called well they would call themselves Christian I'm just gonna say by religious hucksters who are trying to sell you something and get you to somehow you know buy them a new boat or something I don't know what you're doing but anyway just become one of quick understand that's what it says in verse three shall make him a quick understanding in the fear of the Lord and he shall not judge after the side of his eyes neither reprove after the hearing of his ears but with righteousness shall he judge the poor and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked Exodus chapter 28 verse 41 and I'm just showing you the places where it talks about the anointing now so far we've talked about two anointings spirit of the Lord coming upon at one point is what we would call the anointing but I want you to look at a different kind in Exodus 28 verse 41 and thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother and his sons with him and shalt anoint them and consecrate them and sanctify them that they may minister unto me in the priests office now notice what it says here number one it says to put these garments on them but then it says anoint them consecrate them and sanctify them all right now notice one so that they may minister unto me in the priest's office now how many of you know the Bible says in Revelation two times it says we are made kings and priests under our God so we are in this position as a priest every believer is as a priest alright and can minister unto the Lord as a priest know that means you see God's God's opinion on this hasn't changed but that means that anybody including you if you're if you're a believer then you are sanctified you are consecrated right and you have been anointed why because the anointing is a physical sign a ritual you could even say in this case a physical son that you have been consecrated and sanctified and put into a position right bottom line I'm going to give you the summary in case you have to leave early I mean bottom line the summer is this the anointing is not power okay I will prove that to you the anointing is being put into a position we will see this several times everybody that was ever made king of Israel was anointed king now that doesn't mean he had some type of mystical supernatural kingly power it meant he was consecrated sanctified set apart and put into a position as king that's all it meant now let's look at this now there are two types there are two types of anointing and we're going to see this as both of them number one there is a physical anointing which is done with oil usually and then there is a spiritual anointing which is done by God by the Spirit of God and God places his spirit upon a person or as in our case now within a person right and we're gonna look at this in depth now let me say this the physical anointing with oil I keep doing this like I'm pouring oil on somebody hope you understand my sign language here I hope in hell the physical anointing with oil does nothing you got that it represents the placing of the Holy Spirit upon / within a person right it represents and it gives a a carnal person the idea or the understanding that they have been anointed now the anointing with oil does not bring with it any supernatural power the anointing with oil is a ritual that symbolizes in the physical what God has already done in the spiritual you got it now you can pour oil on a person all day long and if God has not anointed that person / put his spirit upon them nothing changes right other than they just got oily okay so I want you to realize now I'm not I'm not negating that matter of fact you know like I said there's two types of anointing both represent the presence and the placing of the Holy Spirit the the in the New Testament you see several times were they anointed people jesus never anointed anybody with oil but his disciples did and they anointed many with oil and healed them right now in as as far as we are concerned in the book of James it tells us that if someone is sick they can call for the elders of the church and the elders will go to them right now what does that mean that it's not done in church they're sick at home and they call for an elder to go to their house doesn't say anything about anointing with oil in the in the house of God right just now saying we don't do that just saying technically that's a tradition that is in the church that doesn't mean anything okay now but when you go to them it says that they will anoint them with oil and they will pray the prayer of faith and the prayer of faith will heal the sick so even then the oil didn't heal him it was the prayer of faith that saves the sick that heals the sick right the now the fact that someone was sick at home and they called for an elder that puts them technically whether you like this or not I can't help but I didn't write the book you don't like it talk to the author right so it's just that simple if you're home sick and you call for an elder to come to you that put you in the place of a carnal believer that's why there is physical oil applied to you because that lets you know when you were anointed and let you know when the Holy Spirit you do that you were ministered to all right and it gives you a set time when you can say this was done right oil does not heal and then so now let's move on so there are two types of anointing there is a physical anointing and then there is a spiritual anointing which is where the Holy Spirit is now understand this in our and you'll see this as we go on in our relationship with God when you're anointed the Holy Spirit comes upon you and don't don't combine the anointing with oil with the Holy Spirit come upon you in the modern in the in the New Testament church okay necessarily it was the anointing with oil is one thing and you would also an ort with all when you were going to ordain someone but it is also to recognize what has already happened so by the time you get anointed with oil the anointing with the Spirit has already occurred right the anointing with oil does not make you anointed with the spirit right put all on a person's head does not make the Holy Spirit come to them right there's no you know magnetic draw of the Spirit in oil okay are you with me I hope I'm clarifying this real simple now when the Holy Spirit comes upon you he is placed upon you it is God's will that he come upon you you can ask for him and he will give it to you amen and when he comes upon you you are anointed with the spirit right now what we're going to change in the church is the terminology because we talk about someone being anointed only when there are displays of power and the fact is you're annoyed okay think of a king a king is anointed one minute he's a person average person next minute he's anointed a king from the time he's anointed as that king he has kingly Authority all right he is set apart consecrated placed in that position and he has kingly Authority now that is our position now that anointing of to be king does not come and go amen why because he's always King right he's made a king he's placed a king now can it be removed yeah you go back to Saul and yes you can be rejected right under the Old Testament you could see that but now let's talk about New Testament with us you're gonna see as I go through more scriptures here in just a minute that the anointing comes upon you abides within you and remains it does not come and go right just as we saw in the video it didn't come and go all right I mean it's not that way right and when the anointing comes upon you he stays with you so you're not just anointed whenever you are falling out in the spirit whenever you are shaking whatever God's Spirit whenever you sense his spirit listen there's a difference between sensing his spirit reacting to his spirit and having the spirit present okay there you can have the spirit present and you can recognize it and it not affect you you can have the spirit present you can recognize it and it can affect you it really depends on how sensitive you are to the spirit which has nothing to do with how spiritually mature you are you can be highly sensitive to this presence of the spirit and Bs a spiritual baby alright and you can be insensitive to the spirit and many and to the presence in many ways and still be spiritually mature now that's when it threw me alright whenever I started looking at that and started seeing it in and then because I look at it in the Bible and I see examples I see the teaching in the Bible then I've seen the examples in the Bible and then I look for common examples now I will tell you this here's you know if we cut to the chase and people say okay well bottom line with the anointing there should be power yes you're right okay then then we must need new anointings because we're not seeing certain power or we're seeing this power but not that power okay that's where we made a mistake number one one of our big problems is that many people believe they have received the back of the baptism of the Spirit and they have not right and because they went through a prayer had hands laid on them were confirmed in church or whatever group you came from or anything else and somebody told you you had him the only way you know you have him is that you can produce power you got that that's the only biblical expression the only biblical evidence and let me let me put it this way the biblical evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is not just speaking in tongues right will you speak in tongues if you have the back of the Spirit usually yes I would even say almost always I mean 99.9 I would say a hundred percent but I don't want to limit God all right now the only biblical evidence according to the Bible of the presence of the Spirit of the baptism of the Spirit is that you shall receive power supernatural miraculous ability after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you right that doesn't mean you fall down doesn't mean you shake doesn't mean you jerk doesn't mean you flop doesn't mean I don't care it doesn't mean any of that all right you have power it's that simple now so if you do not have power in your life then you have not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit or you are quiet all right now let's go on that's a good Scripture Exodus 28 41 we looked at that Exodus 29 7 I want to show you how many scriptures are on this Exodus 29 7 then shalt thou take the anointing oil and pour it upon his head and anoint him so what are we talking about here a physical anointing right so if you if you have your Bible you had already turned 2 in too far you could actually go through all these scriptures and write out where it says anointing you could write physical or spiritual right they'd be a good way for you to understand but understand you can have the physical without having the spiritual and technically you could even have the spiritual without having a physical in Norton because God can anoint you and yet people don't recognize you and anoint you with oil all right that can happen shouldn't but it can't happen you know even one of the things about the proxy that John leg gave was that the person picked it up would not be accepted by his brethren but would be rejected by his brethren well this teaching has actually caused that that that's why we're not invited to the Holy Ghost and fire you know conferences that go on all right that's why we're not a part of Bethel right why because they're teaching a false gospel that's why very simple right there they're teaching a falseness about the about the anointing and you know what I'm tired of just hitting around at it we're just gonna hit this thing straight on they don't like it come here and prove it alright real simple when you've got kids going to nightclubs and dancing so that they can release the fire of God a rent on the people around them so the people at the nightclub can sense the Spirit of God okay most of them there are drunk they're not sensing well they are sensing spirits but it's not the Spirit of God and even if they did feel something why in the world would they think it's God they're at a nightclub and nobody's witnessing they're just out there doing what they do alright so it's time to draw this back in get real and stop all the foolishness and quit just allowing anything to go on so you can have numbers amen it's time to get real with God and if you want real power you have to get away from that kind of stuff no that's look at the rest of it now can you after all I just got back from California alright I'm telling you I did not actually go to Redding believe it or not I knew better because it would have been bad I mean I've been you know going in and throwing over tables or something I don't know anyway you know and I know I'm probably making a lot of people mad on the on the internet that are gonna watch us either now or later and honestly I don't care don't like it turn the channel go somewhere else because you ain't gonna like anything else I'm gonna say either yeah why cuz I'm real it's either real or it's not got either shows up or he don't and the reason he shows up because we're here that's why he shows up cuz he's in us amen and I don't have to flop around or get weird or anything else to manifest as the the power of God amen so Exodus 29 verse 35 and thus shalt thou do unto Aaron and to his sons according to all things which I have commanded the seven days shalt thou consecrate them to notice that one takes seven days to consecrate them notice we're consecrate and you will offer every day Bullock for a sin offering for what atonement here's another thing you're gonna see anointing is always matched with atonement you'll see that in just a little bit and thou shalt cleanse the altar oh there's another thing you always see with the anointing is cleansing when thou has made an atonement for it and thou shalt anoint it and to sanctify it now what is the anointing the altar so now does the altar have miraculous power of course not what is what is it anointed for it is anointed to be set apart sanctified to be made holy you got that not for it not for supernatural power the anointing does not have supernatural power in and of itself we're going to change our terminology the anointing is for separation consecration and being sanctified unto God to make holy see now the church now is so much after power they have forgotten that the purpose of the Spirit is to make holy right and if you want power you're gonna walk holy now you can walk in some power and not walk holy but I pity you if you do because you will be one of those that Jesus says yep you did all these mighty things in my name but I never knew you we're in that generation you can turn on YouTube and see it anytime people that go out and get photo ops intimating they only pray for people when they have a camera and it's because they want to put it on YouTube and because they want somebody to see it and then they you know stretch out somebody's legs two inches and call it a miracle and and they want to make that some kind of big deal and they want to draw a following and whenever the reality is they don't get the purpose of miracles among unbelievers is to get them saved so now he says notice this you will sanctify it and it now watch this first thirty seven seven days show you make an atonement for the altar and look at an atonement for the altar and sanctify it separate it consecrated and it shall be an altar most holy now watch this whatsoever touches the altar shall be holy hmm and think about that in other words you're gonna anoint this altar you're going to separate it under God you're going to sanctify it consecrate it and when you do it's going to be holy and anything that touches it becomes holy now what does the church say oh I can't I can't touch a sinner why because they'll do follow me but in you ain't holy the holiness of God is stronger than the defilement of a sinner Jesus ate with sinners he was around them amen they didn't cut him any slack read him and he pretty much preached truth straight to him right he didn't participate in their sin but the whole point is that we are so worried that about the world defiling us that we don't touch it anymore we have no impact into it we've become totally irrelevant to the church or to the world I'm sorry and we've gotten to the place now where we're afraid now we're just this little little subsection and we just gather up amongst ourselves you know and hope for the rapture hope to get out of here and that's what most churches do and I'm telling you I'm busy if anything I'm saying Lord hold back hold back there's work to be done the church needs and I don't think I have to pray a whole back to much cuz he ain't coming to the church growing up and the church got some growing to do amen so whenever you look at this notice here's the amazing thing about this so whatever is holy whatever touches the holy becomes holy notice that the unholy doesn't make the holy defiled amen now that's a bessa big deal that is exactly the opposite of what the Church teaches as a whole let's move on now the word here for consecrate or for anointing or actually the word for anoint is now we know that Jesus is called the Messiah or Messiah right and that is the word for Anointed One it's the word for Christ and it is the word for anoint in the Hebrew it's number 48 86 in strong's concordance and it means to anoint or to consecrate so whenever we could say oh the anointing oh what did you did you feel the anointing oh the anointing is here know what you ought to be saying because the word anoint doesn't even mean anoint it means to consecrate so what you should be saying is do you since the consecration do you since the consecration that's here because that's what you should be sensing right if you notice you go back to the revivals like Charles Finney and they said at this holy quietness it wasn't a screaming hollering it was a holy quietness they said there was a heaviness that was settled in on the congregation and that everybody would get quiet and they would start crying and weeping and fall out of their chairs on their knees repenting alright not a free-for-all anything goes on and call it the spirit but there was a there was a presence of the Spirit of God that let people know God is God and he is holy see that's what the church is lost so Exodus 30 30 and thou shalt anoint aaron and his sons and consecrate them that they may minister unto me in the priest's office notice two things had to be present before they couldn't minister in the priests office they had to be anointed and they had to be what consecrated right and the anointing was a symbol of consecration no Exodus chapter 40 verse 9 and thou shalt take the anointing oil and anoint the tabernacle and all that is therein and shout hallow it or make it holy and all the vessels thereof and it shall be holy now what did this physical anointing do it's it separated its set apart all of the utensils of the tabernacle and all the parts of it so that it was holy and set apart unto God right now when you walked in the tabernacle you didn't get healed right there was no supernatural manifestation of the power of God because it was anointed to be anointed meant to be set apart into a position with God that's all it meant right now but what you're looking for power is another part okay so I'm just trying to get you beyond don't think I'm taking away power I'm not I'm trying to get you to true power and I'm trying to show you what the Bible says about it so you won't fall prey to all this stuff now Exodus chapter 40 verse 11 notice and thou shalt anoint the laborer and it's foot and sanctify it now notice the labor this is all the utensils these are physical things that were anointed with oil and they were sanctified set apart and you will bring Aaron and his sons unto the door of the tabernacle of the congregation and washed them with water now when you hear the word wash them with water what does that make you think what should make you think two things number one baptism right water baptism and number two it says that we are purified by the washing of the water of the word right so now that's what he's talking about now notice you're going to bring them to the door of the tabernacle and they're going to be washed with water and thou shalt put upon Aaron the holy garments and anoint him and sanctify him notice every time it says anoint sanctify or consecrate which it's basically means the same thing is usually the next word notice it does not say and Aaron shall walk in great miraculous power it never says that and sanctify him so that he may minister unto me in the priest's office and you will bring his sons and clothed them with coats and shalt anoint them as thou didst anoint their father that they may minister unto me in the priest's office now watch notice they were to be anointed the way their father was anointed now you can watch this all the way through you've got the Father the Son the Holy Spirit you got believers but you also have Moses and you have Aaron and if you look Aaron was the one that did everything for Moses right and if you look at the the correlation here you've got Moses which would represent God because God even told him you shall be as God to the people so you've got Moses that was like God who did God's work for him Jesus which was like Aaron and then it said and Aaron's sons are going to be anointed just like Aaron was now Aaron's sons to us today if Aaron was a type of Jesus then we are the type of Aaron sense to be anointed with the same anointing that Aaron walked in and that's why I said that Jesus brought many sons unto glory amen are you with me so far you see the correlation I wish I had it laid out behind me I want to do when those John Hagee charts and go across the back here and just go through the call see we used to have dry erase boards everywhere all right if you go back in our offices they're all over although there's no walls hard without dry erase boards because I'm constantly grabbing a dry erase marker and writing something on them because that's how storyboard things in my head and I go through them so here we just made this prettier for Internet so people can see it and so it looks better but you watch young start replacing stuff with dry erase boards again so I can just start writing stuff for there now watch this for their anointing shall surely be an everlasting priesthood throughout their generations First Samuel Chapter 15 now let's look a little bit more here chapter 15 verse 1 this is when Samuel goes to Saul Samuel also said unto Saul the Lord sent me to anoint you to be king over his people over Israel now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the Lord now why did he say he said God sent me to anoint you to be king now notice he was anointed he anointed him physically with oil and it's a well you can even look at the difference of how Saul was anointed and how David was anointed okay but here it says that he he sent him to anoint you to be king now notice that means to separate to consecrate to make him to place him into a position amen are you with me so Saul's anointing did not give him supernatural power Saul was anointed king so that he could be king and exercised kingly Authority right yeah first time you know chapter 10 now you're gonna run back a few chapters there first time we were chapter 10 verse 1 then Samuel took a vial of oil and poured it upon his head and kissed him and said is it not notice is it not is what not in other words isn't the reason I'm anointing you with all now notice first off he said he took a vial of oil so this is a physical anointing with oil in there right he took a vial of physical oil poured it upon his head kissed him and said is it not in the reason I'm poor in this physical oil upon you because the Lord hath anointed you to be captain over his inheritance you got that in other words isn't the reason I'm doing this physical anointing because God has already anointed you to be king so what comes first the physical anointing are the spiritual anointing the spiritual anointing comes first and in the physical anointing usually takes place to recognize and to demonstrate to people that there has been a spiritual anointing you got that no so God had already anointed Saul to be king even before Samuel got there are you with me no and he said over your inheritance now watch what he starts talking to him to watch this in verse 2 when you are departed from me today now this is Samuel talking to Saul now samuel was an amazing prophet of all the prophets in bible he was one of the most amazing when you when you go back and I mean there was others you know Eli generation but Samuel was what was called a seer he saw things right and then watch he says you will fun two men two so he says today when you when you leave he just anointed him he said now you're gonna leave my presence and when you go here's what's going to happen you're gonna find two men by Rachel's grave in the border of Benjamin at Zelda and they're gonna say to you now think about this here he's still stand there facing him he says notice him when you leave you're going to go by Rachel's grave and when you get there then to even find two men there and they're gonna say this to you now that's a prophet amen he's starting to predict that things are coming now he didn't just say things gonna be great God's got a big plan for your life he didn't say that right he wasn't this general thing he was specific he said you're gonna go by Rachel's grave and there's gonna be two men there and they are going to say these words to you now watch and they will say unto you the asses which you went to seek are found and lo your father has left the care of the asses and sorrows for you saying what shall I do for my son now he is telling him ahead of time what they're going to say specifically word for word now I don't have time to go into it but I will tell you this Howard Carter who was a early Pentecostal he was the man that was in prison for being a conscientious objector in Britain during World War one and he studied the Bible and received revelation on the gifts of the Spirit and when he got out of prison he started traveling and preaching and explaining the gifts of the Spirit and he met with dr. Sumrall in Eureka Springs back in 1934 I think it was and they were put together and while Howard Carter which was an elderly man at that point was in in England God gave him specific words and he wrote down here there I'm bringing a helper to you and here's what he will say word for word and he wrote down word for word what this person was going to say and he was waiting and when he got to America he went to Eureka Springs and last summer I went up to him and was just going to shake hand and say hello and when he walked up and shake its hand were sure to coming out of the mouth and he said wherever you go I will go with you when you were old I will take care of you whenever you and he just started to send all this stuff and he and when he finished he said I'm I'm sorry I have no idea where that came from I apologized and the man said you need to come see me he said come to my office there come to my motel room and whenever they went to the motel room he put out his journal and word for word what dr. Sorrell said was what God told him he would say in England several months before and so Howard Carter operated as a prophet also and that's where dr. Summerall learned a lot had a lot of his training Howard Carter had more input into dr. Sam raw than Smith Wigglesworth did but most people don't know Howard Carter and yet now they know dr. Sam raw for his teaching on the gifts and all of that teaching came from Howard Carter so anyway there's your history lesson now let's connect to the white I'm trying to teach you now he said when you go forward from there then will you go forward for their verse three and you will come to the plain of Tabor and there shall meet the three men going up to God to Bethel now notice now he's still prophesying and says you're gonna see you're gonna meet three more men on your on your way one is going to be carrying three kids and another King three loaves of bread and another carrying a bottle of one now do you think it's going to be very hard for him to miss these guys it's going to be pretty hard in it I mean he is specifically detailing exactly what each one of these men are gonna be carrying so when all he's got to do is look and when he sees these these three men carrying these specific items he's going to know I got to go talk to these guys right these are the ones and they will salute you and we'll give you two loaves of bread now how is Samuel knowingness he is seeing it as he's saying it that's because he's a seer type of prophet there's different types of prophet there are some prophets that see William Branham was a seer type prophet right if you classify him as a prophet then there's also another type of prophet where it bubbles up from inside and they don't see it it just comes up in words and they just speak it out and many times they don't know what it means and they don't see it many times when you see it you know exactly what it means but if they don't see it and they just kind of it bubbles up and comes out and they kind of are they hear it they don't always know the details now Isaiah was a prophet that it bubbled up inside he didn't understand the difference between the suffering Messiah and the conquering Messiah he didn't see that had he been a a seer prophet like Samuel he would have seen the distance between Jesus coming to suffer and Jesus returning his King see but he didn't see it that way so anyway and they will salute you and give you two loaves of bread which you will receive other hands after that you will come to the hill of God where is the garrison of the Philistines and it shall come to pass when you are come near the city that you will meet a company of prophets coming down from the high place with a sultry and a tabret and a pipe and a harp before them and they shall prophesy so now you got this whole get this you got Samuel who is a prophet and he's prophesying prophets prophesy now that's a prophet man a prophet prophesying prophets prophesy but I mean notice it he says and and when they prophesy here's what's going to happen and the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you now wait a minute this is after he left this is a good day's journey at least right he's travelling but now here he says the Spirit of Lord will come upon you so now you got the Spirit Lord coming upon him and watch what happens and you will prophesy with them so now we know that when the Spirit comes there is power because there is a spiritual manifestation right and what spiritual manifestation takes place here he begins to prophesy with these prophets right and watch so the spirit now notice he doesn't prophesied before the Spirit comes upon so the Spirit comes upon now this is what we would usually call in church the anointing but it's not the anointing because he had already been physically anointed and spiritually not anointed in their right but so the physical anointing was oil to recognize the spiritual anointing which was him being put into the position as a king right had nothing to do with power then the Spirit of the Lord comes upon that has to do with power you got that so there's three different things here physical anointing spiritual anointing spirit Lord coming upon you three different things no power until the spirit of Lord comes upon right now physic let's just let me give you a rundown real quick cuz I know I probably going to finish all this today but and I'm not don't make this a well you pretty much can okay the spiritual anointing okay is the new birth that is a spiritual anointing the physical anointing now what when you get born again what do you do to show you were born again you get water baptized and they're right generally speaking yeah have something to do with water right well they're sprinkled dunked whatever you know whatever it is there's something so there is but notice you first you get born again then there is something physical that you generally do to show you've been born again or to recognize you've been born again and usually has something to do with it with the water baptism or something with the water like I said then he says right then the spirit he tells you that the Spirit of Lord in acts 1:8 he said but you shall receive power win notice he didn't say you're gonna receive power when you get born again he said you're gonna see power once fear the Lord comes upon you right he says that you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost the Spirit Lord has come upon you in there right so what is it you get God spiritually anoint you what is that you get born again what is that has that ain't got anything to do with power no it has to do with position when you're born again what position are you put into a son after the son Jesus Christ who was the Anointed One so the same anointing that was on him is going to be on you separated consecrated you got that so when you're born again you're separated and consecrated anointed unto God separated unto him right as a son what happened when did you get made kings and priests when you got born again right so the minute you got born again you were anointed consecrated sanctified a son a king and a priest you were put into a position the anointing has nothing to do with power it has to do with position it does have to do with Authority right that's why you don't have to have the baptism of the Spirit to heal the sick raise the dead cast out Devils technically it can be by authority John Lake healed the sick had mighty manifestations of the Spirit of God before he ever received the baptism of the Spirit the difference was whenever he received the baptism of spirit now he operated freely at anytime raz before it was as the spirit would come upon him so to speak receive with us now as a believer you have been anointed consecrated separated under God as a son as a king and as a priest you have the authority to speak and faith will cause it to happen then you can receive the baptism the Holy Spirit and at that point the Spirit of God comes upon you and from that point on it's not even a matter of just faith its power and that's what the church is lacking most of what we call anointing and giftings is nothing but faith and that's why so seldom do you see the miraculous you see healings they're progressive one because it's by faith and not by power Jesus's miracles the miracles of the Apostles guess what pretty quick instantaneous type miraculous power and then are you with me on that do you see that all right now let's just take this and before I go into the rest of it here let me bunny trail just for a second it's not much of a bunny trail but just for a second this will answer your question - why of Matthew 17:20 Lord why couldn't we cast him out what because they had not yet received power notice Jesus didn't say anything about power there he said something about their faith why because they had not yet received the baptism the only three they had not yet had the Spirit come upon them acts 1:8 that came later what were they operating in faith and Jesus sent him on a trip and they came back and when he sent him on a trip they operated in power and faith because he they went in his name and operated under his spirit you understand that so that was there now whatever they came back that mission was over they were decommissioned right it didn't just happen like before now it was had to be a matter of faith and he they said why couldn't we do it he said code your unbelief right what doesn't believe have to do with has to do with faith yeah that has nothing to do with power so they were so used to operating under that power that they didn't even think in terms of faith they just went out and did it most the time when you are operating faith you're not thinking about faith you're not even recognizing you're operating in faith you're just doing what needs to be done because it ought to be done if you stop and think about faith and if you have enough and all that forget it it ain't gonna work what because now you're focusing on faith rather than the helping the people but if you just realize that you can operate and that's where most believe that's why the church 99.9% of church has not received the baptism of spirit I don't care if they speak in tongues I don't care what other things are going on the purpose of the baptism of the Spirit was power Dunamis power amen and if you're not walking in the Dunamis power of Jesus you have not received the baptism of the Spirit now you've received measures of the Spirit because we see that all the way through now you want about measures of the spirit that's easy you can look at that even in the Old Testament I want to I want a double portion of your spirit that's a measure you get that but in the New Testament he said the work that I do show you do also and greater works show you do because I go to the Father he said if I don't go to the Father I can't send the spirit back why did he have to go to the father so he cuts in the spirit back why he has to send the spirit back so that we could do the works he did and greater you give that up until then until you receive the Spirit of God you can operate in faith which is what you see in the church you see progressive healings you see some instantaneous stuff instantaneous type stuff you see some things here and there and but it's let's be honest it's not the works of Jesus amen and it's certainly not greater and so if we're gonna see the greater like he talks about it's because we are gonna have the baptism of the Spirit to where the power of God flows through you now you say okay Currie I know I didn't get to finish all this and then I'll stick a little more time here but you say how do we get there easy do what you're supposed to have done when you got born again die get away from all the cares of this world get away from the deceitfulness of riches see that's the thing people say well Jesus died and did it all and I'll have to do a thing really show me power if that's true you ought to be able to walk in absolute power just like Jesus and you shouldn't have to do a thing about it matter of fact it should be just be happening around you and you shouldn't have to do a thing because if you have to do anything now you're doing something to make it happen but the fact is it isn't just happening and there are things you need to do and it's not a matter of God see here's our viewpoint our viewpoint has been God is standing up in heaven looking after going home well whenever they obtain a certain degree then our release power until then I'm not giving power and then because nobody ever did that and because nobody was walking in that power people said whom that must not be right so it must not be we don't do anything we it doesn't matter it's all grace it's totally by grace so everything should just be happening but guess what that's not working either so the fact is there are things that you have to do that not cause God but allow God you hear the difference it doesn't cause God you doing something you fasting praying reading the Bible going into these things that doesn't cause God to do something for you it allows God to work do you want because he doesn't have so much to get around in you you go back to mark chapter 4 that's what he talks about he says that the cares of this world choke out the word and that's what God confirms is the word and how does it choke it out it's very simple it's when it says the cares of this world go back and read it it means literally the distractions of this world how much time do you spend watching television how much time do you spend just do Incept it does not matter how much how if you ever you notice the one buzzword of this entire I don't I'm not gonna say generation talking about a group of people and I'm talking about this time that we're in you know what it is busy everything is in this and in this life is busy we're busy we're always busy we should always be somewhere we're not we should always be doing something we're not doing there's always something to be busy about and I'm telling you that is a tactic of the enemy to get you so wrapped up in distractions that you will never pay the price that it takes for you to get out of the way and let God work through you so if you want to see go it's not a matter of you paying the price in the sense of you paying it to God any more than you then a boxer or a fighter and an athlete you know pays the price to anybody to get in an olympic game he doesn't pay he doesn't pay the price to anybody he pays the price to himself when everybody else is out drinking and running around he's training when everybody else's is having fun quote/unquote he's training why because he's disciplined and then you wonder why does one of good things happen to people like that what because they are disciplined they know where they're going they're not dissipated you know it's funny used to the word to be dissipated or dissipation you literally meant a person who was a drunkard and who just wasted their life and that's a good definition our problem is we are too dissipated among stuff that we think is vital and honestly there's not much that's vital you know I realized even on this recent trip that I took man you know I loved it it was so awesome and the funny thing I went some neat places and there was a couple of things I got to see watching Navy SEALs train that was fun you know watching their discipline and that kind of stuff but the amazing thing about it Here I am I could have went anywhere done anything you know enjoy you know just played I could have done that because I was only speaking I last spoke almost every night somewhere but just for a couple you know a few hours I had all day long could a win and where I saw anything done anything but the fact was you know what I did I spent other other than and even sometimes even eight when I'd go get through and bring him back to my room I stayed in my hotel room and not because it was super nice cuz yeah I was paying for it so it was cheap it's motel six generally okay but and I didn't anywhere fancy but the fact was I spent all my time in my motel room and I was always reading and studying and I was spending time with God and I'm telling you I realized you know what I had one tub of books that I brought with me I didn't have my library I didn't have all that stuff and I'd you know what else I didn't miss it and I didn't and 90% of the clothes I took with me I didn't even use you know changed everyday and that was it but didn't need all the extra stuff and I realized how easy it really is to live simple and I started realizing because I'm telling you on this trip I'm driving deeply and God met me you know you know my terminology you know what I mean by that we spent time together it was good there was a revelation that came I had to pull over so many times and make notes and try to dictate into my phone different things and whatever I'm you know trying to capture some of it and then praying in tongues so I can bring the back up later I'm telling you the vast majority of the church is just caught up in distractions and in things that are meant to dissipate your energy dissipate your focus dissipate your discipline and get you to a place where you think you can live like the world and walk like Jesus and my friend let me tell you it ain't gonna happen if you're gonna walk like Jesus you're going to live like Jesus if you're gonna walk like wiglesworth you're gonna live like what was worth or you're always gonna be coming to somebody who is to get prayer that's the bottom line and our job our job is to be soldiers plain and simple nothing fancy no no big eyes and little use as they say our job is to be soldiers of Jesus Christ to endure hardness to do whatever it takes to get the job done not to back off not to quit not to whine about it not to cry about it and not to think that God owes you anything God don't owe you a thing you owe him your entire life and every second you waste is time you have stolen from him it's just that simple now I can tell you there's been a whole lot of stuff going on and you know now I know in people's lives and everything else but I'm telling you what the devil has done his best I don't know if you've realized what's been going on can we kind of zoom out and look at the whole body of Christ instead of just one local church and see what's going on I don't know if you noticed or not but the devil has been killing preachers left and right I mean he's been taking them out usually by cancer that's what's been killed him which is amazing to me because what it usually means and I'm not saying this is always but usually listen the enemy you if you're a threat to the enemy and you know how to fight you seldom die of a slow disease because he knows that and he tries to kill you quick he wants to take you out because he knows that if he take ap gives you something slow that you will rise up to the occasion and you will fight and beat it and it'll become a testimony so he doesn't want to give you a slow disease that's going to kill you five years down the road and give you more time to preach he wants to take you out quick he wants to give you a heart attack or just give you a stroke he wants to give you something that's going to take you out and that's what he's been doing I've been watching what's going on and even in our own congregation even with her own people I told my own staff not too long ago we had David Hogan here he came here and said almost word for word the thing I said I said I told them it had a Stephanie thing I said the devil has gone around he is killed good preachers men of God I'm not saying these men weren't men of God that I'm saying they were men of God that's why they were so targeted and he has taken these preachers out and I could go through the list people that I just found it recently died I didn't know they died and every time it's cancer right now and where you guys named now anyway he's fighting cancer John Paul Jackson right now there's been diagnosed with cancer he said he's fighting it and he's fighting with prayer and thing it's also doing some medical protocols and some of that and I'm tell you here's the other thing I've noticed I'm not a I'm a researcher I look for patterns I look for trends I look for things that are going on and here's where I found every preacher that comes down with cancer that follows medical protocol dies every one of them but the ones that stand firm on the Word of God alone live and the ones that do even the ones that fight and stand and live and then later they go some about usually it's because somebody near them is so worried about them that they badger them into going the medical way and they end up dying after winning and winning and winning and it's because of fear of people around you and I'm telling you you've got to build people around you that are strong and if people around you aren't stronger they're going to tell you to go after God get away from them you need to cut off anybody in your life that would do anything to try to draw you after another God whether it's the God of scapula switch is the medical god god of the medical profession if you chained if you check it out or any other God and you need to realize we got one God and He is Jehovah Rapha he is our healer amen and we've got to get to a point where we believe the Word of God now I know I've got completely off the anointing okay but it's cuz but it's cuz I'm operating under it no okay this makes sense to you and what I told my staff was I said listen I don't want to bury you the enemy is going around he's trying to kill and I'm telling what the end is listen the enemy I'm extremely pleased in one way the enemy does not attack us our staff are people with sickness and disease he knows it's a wasted time right but so what does he do he tries to come other ways he tries to come through gossip he tries to come through stuff going on he tries to come through people forming cliques and people coming together and talking about this thing and do it and that's how he tries to strike because if he can't kill you he tries to isolate you and he tries to get people to not work around you or not to be around you and the fact is people need to just quit being a baby they need to get some grit they need to come in and do their job do what they're supposed to do and as everybody that comes here says I'm here because God told me to come here do you know what come here sit down shut your mouth learn and go do the work of God don't whine about it because you don't get a position don't get your place don't get what you want because I can tell you the one that wants our loudest about not getting what you want I guarantee you'll never get what you want right because what I'm looking for is strong mature believers who will learn to do what needs to be done why needs to be done we need toilets cleaned I'll do it good you're on the list for promotion I'm too good for that yeah you're just good enough to leave do you understand what I'm saying because this has to be real life and people have to get some real guts and go in here and do this job and quit trying to be somebody because there ain't nobody here that means a thing nobody here's name I don't care who you are I don't care if you've been prophesied that you're gonna have the Smith Wigglesworth John Lake Amy Sifl McPherson or anything all rolled into one whoever told you that is a liar you understand the only anointing you need is one of Jesus and it's the one he's already given freely now you do have to live up to it you do have to shape your life and get some discipline and start to live right amen and that means just doing things right it means staying out of bed with people you ain't married to right it means staying out of the abortion clinics you understand it means staying out of places you shouldn't be it means quit hanging around with people that are going to drag you down do you understand it's time to live holy before God it's time to live right and do right and honestly honestly I can tell you I don't care if I have you know one person with me or 10,000 it makes me no difference I know where I'm going I know where I'm headed and ain't nobody gonna stop me from getting there because I know God wants me where I'm going amen now it's going to be you watch some things are gonna be changing around here why could this time to get serious because I don't just like I told my staff get serious or maybe you need to quit because I would rather lose you as an employee and even as a friend as opposed to burying you because the enemy ain't playin he will come around he does come around to check it that's what he said about Jesus that the devil watched him and then left him and in the original Greek actually goes in to say he left him for a later time for a better opportunity think about that you think well I got away with it you didn't get away with nothing the devil was just waiting and and and unfortunately I know he's giving you time to get that out of your life and instead you think that you got away with it and I'm telling you nobody gets away with nothing and then what you soap soap what you sow you will reap Amen what you sow you will reap that's an immutable law whether you're born again or not right that doesn't that's what he said to Galatians he said don't be deceived by thinking you can do something and get away with it don't be deceived whatever you sow you shall reap end of story amen now as a believer guess what you should only be sowing stuff you want to reap you shouldn't be sowing stuff and then praying for crop failure amen we ought to be living right and sowing right and speaking right y'all with me on this you understand what I'm saying I don't know if I could be any clearer okay so no I'm obviously not going to finish this so we will pick this up next week and I want to yeah you know what I'm going to go ahead and finish this one page if you don't mind it's just two more scriptures here at the end of verse 6 there he says and the Spirit of Lord will come upon you and you will prophesy with them should we turn into another man notice that this feared Lord is going to come upon you you're going to prophesy with them and you'll be turned into another man now if you take this and read it backwards it looks exactly like the New Testament new birth and baptism the Holy Spirit it's amazing because if you look at it it says you'll be turned into another man right you're going to begin to prophesy with them spirit Lord will come upon you that's almost I would say get born again and get the baptism of the Spirit but here he says the Spirit is going to come upon you now now remember here he says the spear Lord has come upon you and yet he's already been anointed so the anointing has nothing to do with a spirit of Lord come upon you except you have to have been anointed before the spirit Lord can come upon you do you that and you being anointed as you've been consecrated into position and because you have been consecrated into position then guess what now the spirit of Lord can come upon you so the consecration to power the consecration to God consecration and sanctification of God is being born again and then the Spirit comes upon you be so that you can receive power right you see that in that what the whole church world is divided over well we you know we're not Pentecostal well we we are Pentecostal we are charismatic well you've got groups out there that believe the new birth does everything and then you've got other groups that say well there's a new birth and then there's baptism the spirit and they don't realize between the two and yet you have people that are not baptized in the spirit as we know it and yet they pray and people get healed how can that be what's because they are in position as sons and they are operating by faith real simple right and you say what about the gifts of the Spirit the gifts of the Spirit can ocher and matter of fact that I'm not good I cannot get in that today but I am going to cover because that was you know that was a number one question everywhere I went on this Southwest tour the number one question was if you're teaching that everybody can lay hands on a Sikh in mark 16 and they can be healed then why do we need first since 12 that gifts of healing and they said because it all says here do all have gifts of healing no but here it says that all believers should lay hands on the sick how can you correlate those and by the Spirit of God I was able to articulate it in a way that it is very concise and I will do that here as we get to that point amen because I'm telling you it was as I said it I kind of had an idea before him but as I said it it was a revelation to me and I listened to it come out all right and and made notes so that I can come because he welcomes as revelation is awesome but it's only awesome if you keep the revelation and it becomes knowledge right see just revelation speaking out a word of revelation doesn't mean much and if somebody takes it to heart and it becomes knowledge that they walk in right so here he says notices and let it be verse 7 when these sons notice sons what son prophesying that's a sign first corinthians 14 says it is 2 and the spear Lords come upon you and you prophesy and you're turn into another man when these signs are coming to you that you do as occasion serve you for God is with you now look at this this is amazing the Spirit comes upon you begin to prophesy you turn it to another man when that happens when the Spirit Lord comes upon you and notice he was already anointed but severe Lord hadn't come upon him when this notice here samuel was still talking him for all this happens notice he didn't say listen i'm anointing you so you just go and do whatever you want to do you whatever we're as occasion serves you go do it he said no i've anointed you you are anointed as king you are set apart anointed unto god now when the Holy Spirit comes upon you then you can do whatever you see needs to be done because God is with you see that's the difference most people do not walk in power freely even as we've been told freely received freely give most people don't walk in it freely why because we've been taught such stupid doctrines as having to be led by the spirit to do the Word of God having to have an anointing to do it having to have your pastor's permission to do it right no pastor ever has a right to tell you not to do the Word of God we had people talk to us recently where they said well I've learned this and we got this and we got to them we listened to you and I said I I didn't pray for the sick and they've been getting healed and then my pastor told me not to go cuz I wasn't ready yet that's what people getting healed sound like you're ready to me and I said I told this person I said you need to leave that place whoever's telling you that they're lying to you alright cuz you are ready amen now as ready as you can ever be but nobody's ever truly ready but all you can ever be is ready to step out in faith and actually rely on God to do what it said he's gonna do amen no so if you have been brought up strongly under legalistic religious system and you think that you need your pastor's permission if you consider me your pastor hear me well I give you permission all right you have my permission to go into all the world preach the gospel heal the sick raise the dead cast out devils preach the gospel and then is there any question about me given permission all right you got it okay now finally he says notice here here he said when the Spirit comes on you you do as occasion serve you in other words you do whatever you see needs to be done in that situation isn't that amazing he didn't say ask God he didn't say seek the will of the Lord to find out what needs to he didn't say anything he said you look and you see now here's the thing when his mind was stayed on God then everything he did was right but later on he did what was right in his own eyes and it was wrong because he wasn't following God that's the key see the bad part is I tell you okay you've been born again and you received the baptism in the spirit you were ready to go out you go out and anything you see needs to be done you do it you look at the world and whatever look at the world and look at heaven and whatever's in the world that doesn't look like you fix it in the world until it looks like heaven you say well what am I supposed to do takes the world till it looks like heaven any situation is there gonna be crippled in heaven no then it shouldn't meeting crippled here by the time you pass them by amen about time you've ministered to them and walked on they should not be crippled amen so it's a it's simply a matter of seeing what needs to be done now most of the church world lives in such a condemnation and in such a mental state that whenever if I tell you you can go under the world and you can do whatever needs to be done to fix any situation and you can do as occasion serve you whatever you seen what if you think needs to be done you go do it and your first reaction generally is but what if that's not God's will what if he's trying to teach them something what if I do and you have all these things and I'm telling you at that moment you have just entered the biblical definition of doubt which means to simply to thoroughly think through and take apart people listen people that think things through seldom do things things that are done or done by people who leap first and think later all right Smith Wigglesworth said faith leaps fear looks we have to realize now you say you tell people that man they're gonna be doing all kinds of stuff and making all kinds of mistakes well that's one way to learn you know it's funny you want wisdom how does wisdom come by experience how does experience come by making wrong choices usually that's where you get the experience of where you get you realize most of your wisdom comes from a mistake you've made not from always the right choices the right choices are the next time because you knew the wrong choice from the last time you're then so don't be afraid to make mistakes and people say well you're you're just going to send them out there and they can what if you did in God's will if the hidden God's real it ain't gonna work real simple but if it is God's will it should work and how do you say Eddie no God's will I saw something the other day it was a young when the mold shows it was an old Roman centurion type movie type thing and they kept saying your word my will that was how they were committing other words and then they would grab their arms you know cuz they didn't shake hands like grab the whole length of the arm but that's how they commit that was their consecration that was their commitment they would say your word my will and their words whatever you say that becomes my will God is exactly the same way his word is his will if it's his word it's his will it cannot be in his word and not be his will if you do his word you're doing his will he said how can I know if I'm doing his will are you doing his word you look at any situation and say okay there's that person know what what do I need to do what should I do to help that if I love God and I love that that person is I love myself what would I want done to me and I guarantee you when you go do that that will be God's will and you'll be able to find what you do in the Word of God it will be there if they're sick it'll be to heal them you know by the way just doing this out here this came out during one of the meetings they're not Christians are so chicken they're so scared you know it is ridiculous because you know and we're so immature that we have it takes me so much longer to say things because I have to give a clarification for everything or qualify everything or you'll take it wrong and if you take it wrong then you're gonna go off and tell somebody something wrong and it's not really right or you're gonna get mad or something and it's ridiculous if I said does this even happen I didn't say actually I was at a life team and a person was sitting there and they said well when I go out and I go out and heal the sick this is what I do and there was a person there who obviously was spiritually immature and said well not when you held a sip and when the Lord uses you till the sick and I stopped him right there and I said you know is there anybody here that thinks that they in and of themselves can heal the sick anybody and no hands on earth I said so if we say we healed the sick we all know that we're talking about the Spirit of God within us that's doing it so can't we cut down the time it takes to talk about it and instead of having to add that thing ahead of time we can just say healing the sick is it because if I said yesterday I cast out a devil nobody would say a thing nobody would say well it was the Lord through you the cat you didn't care but the Lord I said well if you go back to the Bible the Bible says they cast out devils and they healed the sick it didn't say the Lord did it through that now we know the Lord did it through them you understand but they weren't afraid to just say Lord did we not cast out many devil did we not heal many in your name did would Lord even the Devils are subject to us so you see they had no problem saying they did it even though they knew it wasn't them doing it right it was now listen it was them doing it it was their hands but it was a Spirit of God working through them let's grow up where we don't have to qualify everything with a 15 okay if we're graph to qualify everything with a with some little disclaimer I'm gonna have to learn to talk like the guys on TV you know I'm direct it this parking up in desert with you go do it you can't understand a thing they're saying it's nobody can understand what they're saying you have to take and go in slow motion right I mean you wonder what those guys well okay those guys that are saying that they are either on speed because we know they're not smoking pot right cuz then they beat our girl oh yeah maybe I just come back from Denver and it's crazy up there I'm tellin ya you could tell who smoking pot and who isn't up there everybody that passes you is not smoking it when you're on the road it's the ones you're having to pass that are driving real slow you know anyway you grow up there it's crazy up there now you know I'm telling you this trip was so I okay we've been we moved from Denver three four years ago now and just the change in the city itself the entire city has just did just degraded it's a the the look that everything about it's amazing it is not the same city it was three years ago so anyway alright joking anything out of this today okay I'm gonna go ahead and stop come over we'll pick this back up we're not doing this if I chase this off with you it's gonna take at least three or four weeks to get it done but how many how many of you would like for me to continue along these lines into okay good deal I'm gonna do it anyway so I just so let's all stand up we're gonna pray now I do have to be in Austin I mean as soon as we get done here I'm gonna I've already got everything packed I got to go down there I'll be back from there so but I'm gonna have to leave very quickly so I will be glad to pray you know for you if you need it if it's just one of those you know bless me again type of things please say that till next week you're blessed I mean okay I hope I'm not being too too non-religious for you alright but I just want you to realize God wants to walk with us he wants to walk in us he wants to be a part of our lives he doesn't want it to be when you come here that you're one way and when you go home you're a different way I can tell you you talk to pretty much anybody around here I'm pretty much the same 24/7 alright this is pretty much now I have ups and downs myself usually when I look at the church and church world that's my downs alright it says whatever it is but that's whenever I'm trying to figure out how to keep on going he knows so because there's just so so much it needs to be done but I'm gonna pray father we thank you for this day and father we bless your people you said you've already blessed them with every spiritual blessing and father I say in the name of Jesus they let those spiritual blessings come into physical reality in their lives father let us see you and know you in the fullness of who you truly are to us and who you want to be to us the you are our healer you are our deliverer you are our banner father that you are everything to us father I thank you that even this week that you are going to constantly by your spirit remind us to strip away the things that don't matter the the distractions the things that would keep our minds somewhere else and let us stay focused on you and on what you have for us and brother let us realize that this time is when we become truly fit citizens of heaven and father we thank you for and we bless your people we say in Jesus name be blessed so be it amen amen amen all right well we will pick this up next week and we'll see how Wednesday I should be here Wednesday I'm sorry Oh certificates yes Alejandra come on up here come on up here we have Alejandra's certificate hey man Alondra has completed the first year one or first year of our Dominion Bible Institute come on up here there's people that they're on the camera can't see you there's her certificate now you do have to still get it signed by Stephanie but I've already signed it so thank you right god bless you amen we really do see dbi as the next stage for leadership development and so we are really emphasizing that all of our leaders go through it because there are just the details there and some of the nuts and bolts that we really want to make sure that all of our leaders have so and if you're not a leader but you still want to know more about the Bible and by how to function as a Christian check check to Sean on them and get ahold of DB Asif get into it start studying amen god bless you we will see our Wednesday our next Sunday one of the two I trust this message from the Word of God has been a blessing to you if you need further assistance do not hesitate to contact us at WWE lmao RG or you can write to us at P o box 742 947 Dallas Texas seven five three seven four if you need prayer or would like to request a prayer cloth feel free to contact us now right now I'm gonna pray God is gonna set you free right where you are God is not bound by time or distance so in the name of Jesus right now I set you free in Jesus name be healed be made whole be free in Jesus name so be it amen god bless you
Channel: Batitay Family
Views: 1,260
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: S3FKazBBymo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 17sec (5177 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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