How To Activate and Release the Power of God

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well good morning how's everybody doing today uh you did good getting here early this morning after last night being here hello that's one of my grandsons all right well we're going to look at several points this morning i've been talking and the whole purpose of the sunday morning bible schools are to train up the local body here and so if you're from here and you're here normally on sunday then this is for you those watching by internet also that tune in regularly and part of the church worldwide that joins with us it is for you also is to train up if you're a visitor and you're just stopping in you can learn from it if you would like to continue learning then you can also sign up online and and watch my internet also but we the whole purpose is to train you and equip you because over the next um you know a couple of years especially we're going to be seeing a massive influx of people that are coming here to get help and so we want you trained to be able to help them you know as well as myself and our staff and and honestly you know jesus had 12 and that was overwhelming and and they were overwhelmed i might say and so he had to ordain another 70 also so that's the process that we're following so you can turn to and you don't actually have to turn here but you might want to take some notes but we are going to be looking at some things here in just a moment uh last week we were talking about how to receive from god have to receive your healing or anything else that god has promised how to receive that so we want to talk today specifically and do some teaching today along the lines of how to activate and release the power of god so we won't teach you how to receive from god but also how to give out what you have received from god and be able to minister to others so we're going to go over this and this is um part of this will come from the dht and that you may and hopefully have already heard either before or during the last few days that we've been teaching here but part of it will be from that but then also we're going to go a little more in depth on how to uh the first part will be on more how to activate it and get it effective in your life but then how to release it and we're going to get some specifics so if you do have a dhd manual we're just going to take from part of that right there on the secrets john g lake's secrets of spiritual power now this is not just going to be rehashing the same thing here we're going to go over these but hopefully i'll be able to move quickly into how to and this is about how to activate it but then also how to release it and that's the key we want to get to so we're going to go through the these secrets we call them secrets they're not secrets anymore we've been preaching them for you know all around the world for the last 20 25 years so they're really not secrets they may be ignored but they're not secrets so we're going to start with number one number one is just simply this there has to be a degree of what is generally called spiritual hunger now we don't emphasize that the terminology of spiritual hunger but because we're not saying that we're going to get on our you know appear at the altar and cry out god we're hungry for you god we need more that's that's not the type of spiritual hunger we're talking about jesus said that if you eat his flesh that if you drink his blood and eat his flesh and if you if you come to him and you drink of the water that he gives you you will never hunger and never thirst and so when people every sunday gather up around an altar and somewhere a platform or something and start crying out to god how they hunger and thirst it just tells me they don't know the bible and they don't even know what they're looking for right and if you ask for the wrong thing then you know don't be surprised when you get what you're not looking for right so we're going to call this uh just because it is a common term when i say spiritual hunger what we're talking about is an intense desire not for more of god but for you to walk in and release the things that god has already deposited within you right so it's more of a getting out of the way but there has to be some type of desire there or you wouldn't even you know you you have some desire you wouldn't even be sitting here today so all we're talking about is that to really move into the things of god there has to sometimes be a little more intense desire than the average church goer has because you have to have something more or you would just come to church sit here on sunday and go back you know about your daily life and just live a normal quote-unquote life and so there has to be somewhat more of an intense desire and that desire is for the fulfillment of spiritual results you want more results in your life you have to push for it now when i say push it's not a yearning groaning that kind of thing but it is a desire to learn and to walk in the things you have which is this is actually going to tie over into both services this morning so we would say that it's not a desire for more of god it's a desire for more results that god can pour through you that's the key we're not going to god and saying god give me more god give me more no he's already given you jesus and in jesus well all the fullness of the godhead so all of that is in you so you're not trying to get more of god well you're really really what you need is less of you and so it's really a dying to some things that is really going what's going to help you so first off now we do have a scripture and that is matthew chapter 5 verse 6 that simply says blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness now notice that after righteousness that means after being right with god now when you get born again you are made right with god okay so that hunger and thirst there is to get to a state as a christian you are in that state okay and then you simply go from there and you and you the key is to awake to righteousness like the scripture says to know you're righteous and not keep trying to get more of god but to say you know what god has made me right with him now let's walk this out and you know i've met people that have absolutely no desire for the things of god and i'm just you know to use an old word i'm flabbergasted okay i just i don't understand somebody that doesn't have a thing you know a desire for the things of god i just don't get it but i've met people like that and then i've met some people that have just enough desire for god that they think it'll keep them out of hell you know just enough you know and they don't want to go too far because i think if you go beyond that you're getting radical you know you're some type of fanatic well a fanatic is what people that are ice cold toward god call people that love god okay so there's you just know so now notice he says blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled you hear that that hunger now if you've read any of dr lake's material any other sermons he has a sermon that he actually called spiritual hunger and it's funny because he had a little booklet that gordon lindsay produced for christ of nations and it was a book of sermons and when that book first come out i have one of the first copies of that book and it's funny because they've changed the name now because it didn't sit right with people and they even changed the name of one of dr lake sermons in it towards spiritual hunger as opposed to because it talks about spiritual hunger and it talks about men basically sons of god and walking with god and that kind of thing and it's funny because they used to call it spiritual hunger the god men and other sermons and because they used god dash men people kind of got freaked out and they thought well he's saying we're gods and he said but that wasn't the intent if you read it but they changed the title just to keep from getting any flack and they actually changed dr lake's sermon and dr lake went in and and actually taught off of john chapter 10 verse 34 where he said i said ye are gods and then he explains all that so but people just see a word and they don't think it's like they panic and they run off and then they talk about something they don't even know about so don't do that investigate now how do you develop a spiritual desire an intense desire we would even call it a spiritual appetite you know an appetite for the things of the spirit well you do it the same way that you develop a physical hunger a physical appetite you have to increase the energy output that will require greater input okay what that means is this you have to do things you've never done for instance when i started to go into the uh military i went in talked to a recruiter got everything set up we went through all the tests did all the stuff and he said this is all good but he said you are too far underweight and you have to gain weight and you have to be at this weight to get in and so on the day of your enlistment he said we will weigh you again and we can give you a waiver for this we give you a waiver for that but you have to come up at least to this to get the waiver which was hilarious to think about now but um because i remember i had to get up to 109 pounds so and then when i went in the military i ate really good and gained up above that and then i went to work for the corrections department for texas and became a correctional officer and that's where i eat the best let me tell you the texas prison system i don't know about the prisoners but the guards eat really good all right which is really strange because the prisoners make the food for the guard so you think we'd be a little hesitant to eat some of it but they had some good food there a whole lot of biscuits and gravy and that'll pack on some weight real quick so i had a man tell me one time i said brother curry they told me that if i'd quit eating biscuits and gravy i could add another 10 years to my life and i said well what kind of life would it be for 10 years without biscuits and gravy there's a certain level of quality of life that you have to go for so anyway but so the way i had to because i was eating normal but the way to gain weight i had to force myself to eat more than i was used to eating and i had to actually eat more and then i would get used to eating more and then i would eat more on a regular basis and that's how i ended up gaining the weight well it's the same thing with spiritual things if you want to grow in spiritual things what got you where you are it will not get you where you want to go so you have to start increasing certain things if you want a greater appetite you have to force feed yourself some so maybe you're not reading the word enough during the week maybe you only hear it on you know in church on sunday or something but if you want to have an increase of appetite for the things of god start setting yourself to discipline yourself to read the word of god on a regular basis just like you would say well i'm going to take you know supplements or vitamins or something you have to take it three times a day with each meal you have to discipline yourself you know you're going to forget a couple of times when you first start you have to remind yourself and then you have to set a schedule and you start doing it years ago probably 30 some odd years ago now over yeah closer to 40 years i made a decision that i wanted to start studying more and so i started reading more and i started setting certain times of the day and i had those certain times that i would read i'd read when i got up and but mainly i would read when i went to bed at night and honestly for the last you know over 30 years now you know by the time it took hold so to speak i could not remember one night that i've ever gone to sleep without reading something spiritual bible good book you know on spiritual things something along those lines and it is actually hard for me to go to sleep without reading something and because i've developed the spiritual appetite for it now by the same token i don't have bad dreams i don't have nightmares i don't have any why because i fill my soul with the things of the word of god and then any enemy has no room to work right people come to me all times you know i just always had these bad dreams i said well you know what are you doing before you go to bed what do you what's the last thing you watch what's the last thing you read what are you thinking about and invariably it's something that would bring these things about and so i have good dreams you know when i first started you know the monster would chase me now i chase a monster right that's that's not a nightmare amen that's a good dream right so so but you have to set and develop yourself to start and you have to kind of push yourself in the beginning and get the discipline to start reading more than you had before and you just start reading it and then you set up the discipline and then that will increase your appetite and before long you don't have to force yourself you desire it right now this is a key this is one of the secrets as we said now the second part uh for well let me go even further now not just reading things but this applies to everything if you want to have a stronger prayer life force yourself to pray more than you're used to and then develop the habit of praying people say a habit of praying yeah i mean a habit of like times to pray and not the habit of saying the same prayer right so it's not the habit of quoting the same thing over and over it's the habit of being in the habit of saying i'm going to take this time to pull aside and pray and you can do that and then you can do it maybe you know once in the morning one at night and you can add another one at lunch and then you can add another one in the afternoon then you can add another one in the morning and pretty soon you've got all this stuff and you have more time praying then you have time not praying right he said yeah but i work a job that that's good you can pray in tongues you can pray in tongues at the same time you're reading and doing your job what you said well how does that work because you're not using your mind to pray in tongues it's you're praying out of your spirit and your mind is unfruitful so if your mind is unfruitful and that point then you can use your mind to do other things that's one of the ways that you can tell if you have truly received the baptism of the spirit was speaking other tongues if you can't read something and understand it in your normal language and pray in tongues at the same time your tongues are probably not by the spirit and it is more soul-ish in the sense that it's you right it's just a good test so now let's see number two feeding on the word of god we've kind of talked about that but there are three parts to feeding on the word of god first there's read there's study and there's meditate reading means you take a portion of scripture and get the overall idea of that passage right you just read it you go okay i know what's going on here i get the picture then you go in and you study and the study means you start taking the scripture apart you maybe get a greek or hebrew whichever scripture you're reading from and you get a greek or hebrew concordance and you take that whole scripture apart word by word and you look up each word and it's always good if you can at the same time when you're looking at each word that you take a little notepad and you write down the definition of each word and you fill it out and then when you get done you should have a better translation of that verse based on the on the dictionary of the greek hebrew it's just a good quick way of seeing if the translation you're using is any good right there are some good translations out there and there are some terrible translations out there right there are certain translations that honestly you know if i if i personally had the money and i heard you had that kind of bible i'd say you bring that bible i'll buy you another bible and give you another bible just to get you out of that thing and then there are times when certain translations are good for you at that point in your development but hopefully you move quickly on through it right some of them and i've read these uh excuse me i read these early on and realized that they were not saying what the bible said so i quickly retired them and found better translations but probably two of the worst is number one the message bible probably one of the worst it's not even translation it is a version right it's not even called or translation and then of course the other one is actually it's called a translation but the man who wrote it had no qualifications to write it and so he he actually wrote it for his children and his grandkids and he just wrote out nice little things and again it does not hold true and that's called the living bible the living bible the living new testament those things so neither one of those are worth reading and if you want it you say well but it's easy reading well just because it's easy if it's not worth reading it's not worth reading whether it's easy or not right and it's definitely not worth you reading to your kids it'd be better for you to read to them in old king james and translate it for them and explain it to them right because at least then you'd be going from something somewhat accurate so and there are other ones um for instance like the god's word bible really not that accurate it's it's better than the message but it's really not good even even the amplified is not that accurate even and the amazing thing is the amplified bible is used all over the world and yet it is not that accurate in many places it adds stuff in to help you get an understanding and sometimes it's just not accurate right now the the whis new testament is you probably heard me mention it before it's an expanded translation of the new testament by far it is the most accurate and best new testament it's not always that easy to read just because of the way it's worded because it really focuses on giving you exactly what a greek speaking person would understand the new testament to say and it brings all it brings out all of the meaning of the words in it so it's very very good very accurate again not that easy to read right so far as i've mentioned recently the esv the english standard version seems to be a pretty good translation easy to read still very accurate actually it really surprised me when i first picked it up i wasn't expecting that much but as i read it there was even some places i read someone like wait a minute let me go check it out and go check that and sure enough it was more accurate than the king james it's more accurate than some of the others and i thought this is going to be a pretty good bible and so now i haven't read all the way through the esv so if you have read a place where there is a mistake or whether it's a bad translation or something let me know because we're trying to make sure that we let people know what's going on so but you first read get the overall idea then you study you take a verse apart word for word you get the definitions and then finally you meditate once you get it all broke down and you know what it says then you begin to meditate on that scripture and meditate doesn't mean you know sitting cross leg with your fingers and you know humming home all right that's not it i love you this is kind of a by the way and i know i don't have a lot of extra time but we are going through a time in this country where people have lost their way and they're looking for stuff and everything that we used to know as solid has been shaken it seems like and a lot of people even that would never do certain things will do these other things now just because they're willing to try anything not too long ago somebody sent me a clip and i believe who was it yes um late night tv talk show host uh conan o'brien he had jeff bridges on his program and this clip is about 15 minutes long and jeff bridges said they were talking about how he seems all calm and peaceful and all this kind of stuff and he said well yeah i meditated a lot they started talking about it and he said matter of fact let's do an exp let's do a a little exercise kind of brian it's all ad-lib you could tell because you know based on o'brien's response and jeff bridges said we're going to do it this way and he said this group over here you start doing this and they had them start doing the own thing one day he said then he pointed to another group and they started doing it and then he pointed to him and they made it you know how that that old song you know row row row your boat and then you if they call it a round song they did that with each group picking it up and they kept the sound going for almost 15 minutes and they had everybody in the audience going along with them and meditating in this sense and making that sound which is a demonic sound and which is used to summon demons to give the meditator wisdom right which the bible says would be a devilish wisdom from this earth and it comes from spirit beings and yet the amazing thing is they they pan the the crowd i didn't see one person that wasn't doing it the whole crowd in other words whatever they tell you to do you just do and and i'm watching i'm thinking right now not only the people that are there but anybody else watching that's going along with it or you know participating in and that kind of thing demons are coming to them and saying and it's all under this guise of oh it's just exercising to bring you peace and calmness it's a false gospel right and we're going to have to be more aware of what's going on and realize the spiritual warfare that is right now greater than it has been in a long time the last time it was at this level was in the mid 60s that we just saw this kind of of spiritual attacks would it say on everything that is godly and and holy i was watching i'm really kind of getting off here and don't have a lot of time i was watching um a lot of times whenever i get in at night just to kind of you know get my mind to let go i will watch a like from the old news reels i have a pretty vast library of the a lot of the world war ii type stuff the the newsreels the uh victory series while we fight and and they talked about the nazis and talked about everything going on it was really it's really fascinating and they talked about the japanese and and the italians i mean it was you know everybody pretty much but it was things that the american government put together and it is amazing how many times in films that were talking about these things how they would say these people um atheistic godless and then they would refer to america as you know god loving and you know our forefathers i mean it's just amazing how many times they invoke the name of god in these films and say the reason we have to fight is for freedom and it's just phenomenal the difference of what you would hear today and what you would hear back then so like this neither here or there at this point but it's just amazing to see the difference so point three next point so we've already talked about a spiritual desire then we talk about feeding on the word of god meditating upon it thinking about it speaking it out loud to yourself and just taking time meditation is like chewing something with the mind you just chew on it you get all the nourishment out of it you think about it you you say it you say it over and over you say it different ways so number three communion with god you have to have communion with god reading the word can be communion with god but it can also just be reading the word and so you need a time of communion with god now that'd mean you have to set a part of time even though that wouldn't hurt but there's talking prayer there's listening prayer and then there's practicing the presence of the spirit of god okay talking prayers when you talk listening prayers when you quit talking you shut up and you let god talk okay most people don't do that they come in heavenly father i need help i need this thing okay in jesus name thank you amen and then i get up and take off right you after you spend time talking it's like somebody calling you on the phone and whenever you answer you say hello and they start talking and they talk for 15 minutes and you're trying to answer and you go well yeah we don't yeah yeah but but you see and and they just keep on talking and finally they say well all right it's been good talking with you click you're like you know i i didn't even get a word in edgewise right okay that's the way god feels most of the time because you just talk talk talk and then you don't stop and and whatever you're trying to find out you don't take time for him to tell you so at some point you need to stop talking and let god talk right and listen and hear what he says so talking prayer listening prayer and then there are times when you just need to focus and practice on the fact that jesus lives in you that he's here with me and you need to do this everywhere now again some of these principles i learned even back whenever i was in martial arts because people in martial arts always practice in their their gyms their dojos or you know whatever whatever you want to call them whatever branch you're in and they always practice there and they always practice in the uniforms which as people say look like pajamas very loose fitting but you don't usually dress that way and many times they'll practice barefooted and most people don't always walk around barefooted and so you have better traction when you're barefooted usually but so what i what we did when we train is that we actually would go other places because if you just do it in one place you get familiar there if you just do it in one type of clothing i would tell my students where to tonight to the class what you wear to work where what you wouldn't know where on a on a weekend if you're going to go somewhere wear that because you'll find out that what works when you're barefooted doesn't work whenever you've got slick sold shoes you know you try to kick to the head you'll end up on the ground just because you your foot slides out right and so we had and you also find out that with tighter clothes you can't kick to the head right and so you have to be used to you have to you have you will you have to train the way you're going to fight because you're going to fight the way you train and so we'd always have to wear normal clothing wear different things like that and get used to training and i would take them to places we would go places uh stores and i'd send somebody in and then i'd send two other guys in and said okay you're gonna you're gonna act like you don't know each other and you're gonna walk past somebody and you're going to come up behind him and one's going to come back and grab you by the wrist and you're going to respond and but now if you do that in a gym you know in a school that's one thing do it in walmart because see you have to get your money because if you're attacked in a walmart or in a parking lot and you're not in a school it's a different surrounding and you think differently and so and generally you'll be in here and you're all aware when you're in you know in here training but then you go out into a walmart and you're not aware you're too busy thinking about this i'm too busy thinking about that and that's what criminals look for is people that are preoccupied and not aware of their surroundings and so we would train them to be aware of their surroundings so it's the same thing you need to practice the presence of god everywhere you go if you're going to go somewhere take a moment when you get there just remember he's with me whatever i see in here i can handle if somebody needs help i can do it i can help them because he is with me and just take a moment to recognize that his presence is there with you right now what most people funny thing is when people say oh i feel the presence of god you know we're in church and we're doing this and i feel the presence of god the reason you feel the presence of god is not that he just got there it's not like he just walked in and you felt his presence it's because at that moment you're taking the time to focus on the fact that he is present and your emotions and your feelings start to recognize him right now you can be and should be at a place where you are constantly conscious of his presence so that you never feel a time when you don't feel him present right if you if you if your general uh state is not aware of his presence and you have to stop and purposely focus to get his presence then it shows that generally you're not sensitive to his spirit so you want to start practicing that presence and you want to practice it everywhere you go any news story you walk in just stop in the door in just for a minute and just go you know what he's with me and just focus on that and then go through there and then you walk out of there and go to the store next door when you walk the door just he's with me and just take time and start taking the time to recognize his constant presence when you do that it'll start getting the times when you recognize will get closer to closer and pretty soon you're conscious of it all the time right now that doesn't mean you're going to feel goose bumps or warm oil or anything else all the time right it's just like having a person with you and you're conscious of their presence with you it's exactly the same thing you don't have to feel something you just know they're there right and so and you can talk to them and you can laugh and feel one thing uh you can they can tell you what they saw on the news and get you sad and you know you can cry and it's all part of their presence but it's not necessarily part of them it's what you're talking about that causes the emotion you get that all right so communion with god now we're talking about talking prayer listening prayer and practicing the presence of god now number four this is a big one and we've even had questions on it this weekend number four is fellowship with like-minded christians so many people come to me and say i'm at this church i'm doing this and you know and they say this and i know that's not true or i know this or i tell them what i'm doing and they don't like it and they tell me to stop should i stay at that church or should i go all right first off follow truth if you hear and i don't want to say how much it wouldn't take very much non-truth for me to hear for me to leave a church right but it's because i am secure in my relationship with god and i'm i do not need a relationship with a particular church body to keep a relationship with god right here's another thing people say well you know i feel like going over to that church and but they tell me if i leave this church i'm being wrong and i know okay listen carefully you follow truth you go where you're fed you go where you get truth and just because you leave one building to go to another building does not mean you've left the church there's only one church right we are and if you if they name the name of christ if they are born again we're all part of the same family and you know one part of the family shouldn't get mad if you're fellowshipping with another part of the family right and usually that's territorialism and honestly if you still kept sending in your tithes and offerings they don't care where you go just the way it is all right so but you have people say you know should i leave shall not you should follow truth go where you're fed follow truth walk in truth and and not just hear truth because you can hear somebody preaching truth and yet say but you're not ready so just just stay and don't do anything just listen and feed on the word of god that right there would be enough for me to leave a church because their job is to equip me so that i can do the work of the ministry so that i can help people their job is not to corral me and keep me pacified right if anything their job is to stir me up and give me a greater desire to do the things of god right so now number well still number four fellowship with like-minded christians you need to get around people that believe like you do if there's none in your area win somebody right win them then disciple them into truth right a lot of people say well you know there's nobody in my area well now that's an indictment on you when somebody right go out talk to somebody you can find somebody somebody's go one of the best places to find people uh that you can fellowship with is christian bookstores go to a christian bookstore go to the you know they always have the different sections go to the charismatic spirit-filled life section see who's hanging out there right start talking to them right you know create a relationship start talking with them you know exchange phone numbers exchange emails however you want to do it and say hello let's keep trying matter of fact i got some stuff i'd like to share with you and start sharing with them and see you know send them some materials send them a dht tell them to go to the website go to youtube watch this i'm here to answer questions if you need it and just start that relationship and then from there say hey why don't we meet somewhere and we'll just get together if you know any friends bring them in that's the way it works right and so you start gathering people together and you create a life team right it's that it really is that easy now you know you and now you may want to win somebody that's not saved that's great you can do that too the main thing is is that you get people together and you start discipling you start teaching you start fellowshipping with them so you need to hang around people that believe like you do right the scriptures are even very clear you don't marry people that don't believe right you you you don't get unequally yoked with unbelievers that now that doesn't mean you don't talk to them that i mean you you know shun them right it just means you don't marry them that you don't that you don't spend the majority of your time with more people that don't believe like you believe right you need to find people believe like you believe and like i said if you can't find them create some right train them and go from there and they should be helping you sharpen and you sharpen them and your growth should be there this is this is really simple stuff if you get down to it uh number well part b of this is if the people in your church are dead and resist resistant to this truth leave that dumb dead thing all right is that that clear enough for you right yeah okay find a place that accepts it if there's no place like that near you start one you're a missionary all right hey jude number five public confession of who you are in christ and who he is in you now this is one of the key things and it is the reason why we put together this little booklet acknowledging what is in you and what it does is we took scriptures that have to do with who we are in christ and who he is in us and we put them into the first person and then we you know put them out and we started going along with them and we say things like my words are seasoned with grace and they bring edification to every person under the sound of my voice i will speak that which is true and i will speak the truth in love and you just begin to say that what do you do you're acknowledging what the scripture says is in you and you're saying this is a truth in me and to me and i believe it and the more you speak it out and especially out loud the more it goes out of your mouth back into your ear and helps retrain your brain now and i'm not going to get into the mind renewal thing this morning but i will tell you this you you really can't think two thoughts at the same time and so if you're saying this you're thinking this and every time you say it and you think it that thought is reinforced and creates a stronger connection with other thoughts because it goes in and tries to find connections and it starts to build on itself so the more you do this the stronger it gets and the faster you renew your mind right it's just that simple some people say well you know how often do i have to do that the rest of your life what you know you know how long how often you know why i think that way in other words thing i'm training myself into being the person i already am and but and the only reason i'm not i haven't been living that way is because this my head has not lined up with my spirit well this is how you get your head to line up with your spirit right and you just take it and say it and say it and say it and say it out loud you say but you know i just have to repeat it repeat or pick yep repetition is the mother of memory right and you build the memory and once you have a memory then you it'll start to cause you to function different and to move different and to do different right this is probably one of the if not the fastest way to change your life as simple as that is and people say well that's just too simple yep that's probably why god chose it because he chooses the foolish to compound the wise right it's just the way it works and some people say well you know i don't believe in that confession stuff yeah i know and it shows we can tell you don't believe in it okay so now so we we do that and we've made these little booklets so you can carry with you and to be able to do it anywhere and now i understand i don't care one of these books booklets why because i've been doing this long enough that it's in me i can stop anywhere and just start going through stuff and you can take it in areas that you need the most help in you know if you're sick and you need help you can take the scriptures on healing and put those out if you need help and finances you can take the scriptures on finances and there are a lot of them right god wasn't afraid to talk about finances right and you start saying those things out and saying what god said about it and you can do it in any area you can do it in areas of the mind and having peace you can start beginning to say the things that the scriptures say about a peaceful mind and being at peace and staying in peace and i tell you if you do that or regular but every time a thought comes up that says oh what are we going to do it's bad it's going to be bad right you go okay wait and you get that book and you put that front of your eyes and you say it right and you say it until that other voice shuts up right and every time it says it you hit it back just like playing uh tennis or ping pong yeah okay he lobs one at you and you lob it right back right you know or as some of you with your history you'd be like playing poker i'll see that and i'll call you on this you know that i'll raise you right so i'm not asking for a show of hands we're just talking here now so public confession of who you are in christ and who is in you there's some basic ones right here there's about six i have here i'm just going to go through them quickly and they are in your dht manual if you have a manual on page 174 but the first one that everybody ought to make is that jesus is lord now you don't just make that one time you make that the rest of your life and you you should get up in the morning and just make that statement now jesus is lord he's lord over me he's lord over my family he's lord over my nation my finances my home my health and you just start establishing the lordship of jesus in each of these areas and you can say maybe that's the main one you need to work on and you just get stronger and stronger and the the stronger emotion you can tie with the word you're saying the stronger the connection is made in your brain between the two right so now listen carefully i'm not saying that if you stand around and yell this and scream it that it's going to make it happen faster or that god's going to do it faster it has nothing to do with that the emotion part is how it helps connect with you so that it may help you believe it faster so that and when you believe you get what you believe and you get what you say if you believe what you're saying so the first part in the whole message of confession people don't like it a lot of times but it's real simple first you say it and you say it until you believe it then you say it because you believe it and when you're saying it because you believe it you'll have what you're saying right you want the confession message that's it in a nutshell those three parts right there so another one you can say is a great commission matthew 28 mark 16. i go into all the world i do preach the gospel i do cast out devils i do lay hands on the sick and as i preach the gospel to every creature they get saved and i lay hands sick and they do recover and i do cast out devil and you just you just quote the great commission right and you say but but i don't do those things well then you're going to have to go do them or you're going to be a liar right you want to be a liar so go do them right so now the next is the golden rule everybody knows this one at least if you were in school when i was in school they used to teach this now it's you know illegal to teach i guess but it's matthew 7 12 that basically just says i treat people the way i want to be treated i do to them what i would want done for me and you just say that out loud and you say it and you say it and it gets in you and it causes you to start thinking whatever you say if i said you know a blue elephant i mean right now you're picturing a blue outfit you can't help it you can't just go right there and i said listen do not think about a blue elephant right too late it's gonna happen right as soon as i mention it you are ready to go there so whenever you say these things you're automatically directing your mind in a certain area which means you're directing your mind away from something else right because you can't think about it i know this thing about multitasking multitasking is a myth i know you may be very good at doing a lot of things at one time but that's not multitasking means doing this two things at the same time that's not what happens what happens is your mind switches very quickly but it's never doing the same thing at the same time your mind has to shift focus and the more things you're trying to do the more it shifts focus that's one of the problems we're seeing right now in even mental development is that people are not being taught to think deeply and focus on one thing most people do not have focus that they can just simply think about one thing and kind of drown everything else out and just focus on one thing most people can't do that today and it's a lot of it has to do with television programming because you're trained about every two and a half three minutes they're going to come on with a commercial but they're going to be 30 and 60 and 90 second commercials and they're going to do a half a dozen of them and they're going to have your mind you know jumping from one thing to another and then coming back into the program whatever it is you're watching and they do that to keep you interested but also they change the picture so that it'll draw you and they try to keep your mind going from one thing or another to keep you interested because if they do one thing too long you will lose interest and start wandering in your thought and they don't want that so they are helping develop what most people call adhd and all that kind of stuff because they're teaching your mind not to focus on any one point for any length of time right and yet you go back and and this is really why uh in the old days you see these monks sitting in the monasteries and all they did was write the scriptures constantly and they did it because they were focusing as they wrote them right they focused on the words but also in how they wrote them and they were able to focus and take everything else out and they were some of the best thinkers that have ever existed because they were they learned and trained themselves to think deeply right so you need to think deeply on these things uh next one the abiding anointing you just say out of first john 2 27 i have an anointing that abides the anointing of god abides within me and that's exactly what the scripture says and you just say that over and over again power over the enemy luke 10 19 i have power to tread upon all serpents and scorpions and over all the ability of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt me you just begin to say these things and initially you'll say them in king james or whatever version you read but eventually it should be a part of you to where it just comes out in your normal vocabulary now and then number six praying in tongues this is a number one way to stir up and activate the the power of god in you you speak out the word of god why do you think healing meetings are so good after somebody preaches it's because it's not because the people have faith it's because the person preaching has been saying the word of god they are built up activated and ready to release you hear that now if the people have faith raised up and they're ready to receive it makes it even better but at the same time it's because they have been speaking the word of god and that's why many times they'll have prayer meetings and different things but praying in tongues is a primary way to get built up it says building yourself up in your most holy faith praying in the holy ghost that means praying in other tongues and there's maintenance tongues and then there's warfare tongue there's all these different areas but you can build yourself up by speaking in other tongues and you build it up so that it's ready to release and to release it's very simple you all you have to do is decide you decide right now i'm going to release the power of god into this situation but again you need to focus and not say into this situation where you got all these things going on you need to be able to focus and say i'm going to release the power of god right now right and you'll be able to focus and release you can release the words through laying on of hands as i said last night even through cloth or through you know just just a look you can you can believe you you know looks work right men you know looks work and they're right when that woman looks at you that certain way it's like okay i gotta go i mean you know right when it's right there so you they get that or your children you know they should know that look right they should know and they you give them that look they're like oh i'm in trouble you know and then they act real good because i hope you'll forget before you get home right so so and then finally number seven action to activate and release the power of god you have to have action you have to move and do the thing that you're trying to believe you can act yourself into believing amen this is very simple um basically that's that's really the the end of the lesson this morning but i want you to get that's how you activate it and then you just release it right and you release it at a time now here's the main key about releasing is that once you release you don't keep going back to it you you focus you decide i'm releasing the power of god it's done and you don't keep revisiting it now if a person keeps coming back yes you you give to any man that asks you you minister to them again but if it is for you to believe for something you release it and and if it comes back up in your mind you go that's done because you can tell if it comes back up and it's god trying to get you to do something that's one thing there will be a totally different sensing about it but if it's from a oh i you you didn't do enough you didn't finish okay that's when you go no no that's see that's the devil's voice i did do enough see god will never say you didn't do enough what he'll say is here do this but the devil says you didn't do enough what if you didn't do enough what if it doesn't work it's not going to work because you didn't do enough so he comes from the negative side and when that comes up you go no i did enough i did everything i'm supposed to do therefore i'm standing right and you don't move off of that when you move off of that you move into doubt and unbelief so once you release and you say this is done you count it done you settle it and then the enemy comes along and says something you go nope it's done okay and he's just lobbing that thing at you and you're just lobbing it right back right so you get anything out of this this morning all right something we can work on so i'm going to go ahead and release you we got about 10 minutes until our 10 am service so and we have a lot of this material also in the bookstore if you want to go in there and some other things that we have going so we'll see you back here in about 10 minutes i trust this message from the word of god has been a blessing to you if you need further assistance do not hesitate to contact us at or you can write to us at p.o box 742 947 dallas texas 75374 if you need prayer or would like to request a prayer cloth feel free to contact us now right now i'm going to pray god is going to set you free right where you are god is not bound by time or distance so in the name of jesus right now i set you free in jesus name be healed be made whole be free in jesus name so be it amen god bless you
Channel: Batitay Family
Views: 14,338
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Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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