The Truth About Rhema and Logos

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[Music] [Music] this morning we're gonna get right into the Word of God we're gonna look at something that actually came up over this weekend it reminded me I had actually thought that this tradition of men or sacred cows would call him Jerry column I thought it was already dead but apparently it has reared its ugly head again so we're going to talk about the truth about Rhema and logos I know when I was growing up in a particular movement that we talked about rainbow we talked about logos and basically the idea back then was Rhema was a word that God spoke to you right then and I heard people say well you know God quickened this to me or different words that aren't in the Bible but they would use that terminology and they would say well God quicken this to me they would say well arena is a now word you know that where they built up this whole idea about the difference between Rhema and logos and it's not true nothing about it's true we were going to look at that that this this morning so if you want to follow along I will give you some of the Greek words also this the nine o'clock is usually more of a teaching session and so we're trying to grow the body of Christ up both those are here but also those that watch by internet we have people all over the world that watch us and so we are I want to share this with them one of the questions we had or one of the the way this came about was that a person I had made a statement and I said basically that God had never spoken a negative word about you and that everything he said was always positive and I knew that at some point I would have to really define that more because you know we can see different things where people say well what about rebuke and reprove and things wouldn't that be negative not if it's meant for constructive criticism or to help you grow it wouldn't be negative so that's one of the things that we wanted to look at and really when I said that God had never seen anything negative about you I was talking about the new you right not the old you the old you had a whole lot of negative to say he said you were sin said that you were unrighteous he said that you were all together that's trying to lure the exact words and in the King James there's different words for it but basically it goes back to saying that until you get born again the only reason you have any words is because Jesus died for you as I know that's pretty hard but it's true if you think about who we are before we're born again but once you're born again then and say here's the thing here's what a lot of people don't realize there's a whole lot of controversy over whether a let's say just one major area is what people call once saved always saved another a more accurate term would be unconditional eternal security right and so when we talk about this what we're actually talking about is what can a saved person become unsaved and so I'm not getting into that today as a matter of fact we will be touching on that in a future time but mainly the reason I'm bringing that up is because people need to as I said that is a common controversy common debate and really you can read you can argue both ways pretty effectively as long as you leave out some scriptures and so whenever you started looking at this idea of once saved always saved which again is not what we're talking about today necessarily but their only reason bringing up is this God is such an optimist that when he made salvation available he could probably not imagine why anybody would ever want to get unsaved because it is just too good to be saved and yet the Bible talks clearly about people that depart they depart the faith people that fall away I mean there's all kinds of terminology for these and so again we're not talking about all that today but the reason I'm bringing this up is because I want you to realize that God is an optimist and because of that when you get born again he has only said positive things about you because he said this is what I've given you this is what I've made you this is who you are in your spirit in supposed to live out of your spirit not out of your soul not even flesh and so he would automatically assume why would anybody want to live any other way so he is talking about you in your saved condition in your saved conditioned he has never said anything negative about you all right and so all the things he said are positive they're they matter of fact one of the best definitions of prophetic ministry or prophecy that that because there's two types of prophecy most people know about there is prophecy where God prophesized something that's going to happen but then there's also what Jenna and I don't like this term necessarily but what people sometimes called personal prophecy which is where God speaks through a person to another person and one of the best illustrations of that are the best definitions like I said is that whenever a person is prophesying by the Spirit of God what they're saying may be future but as far as God is concerned it's what's already in you and he's trying to pull out of you what is already there so that it can be seen on the outside which really all he's trying to do is emphasize one area of your personal growth one area where he says okay this is not you right now you're not acting this way but this is who you are and so he calls that forth many times that's why when you hear someone give a personal word of prophecy that you're standing next to that person you look at them and go wow more did that guy miss it because that is definitely not that person I know them and that ain't them right and well it is them but it's in them and God is trying to pull it out you don't get people to change by reminding them of their wrongs you get people to change by pointing a future to them and actually getting them to go in a certain direction and so you never get people to change by pointing out the wrong and hammering on the wrong right so anyway let's look at this we're going to talk about the truth about Rhema and logos now as I said this came about because a person was saying well you know there are times you know unless God has spoken a specific word Rhema word is what they used and you could that they were using it in the idea of how it was used among the group that I used to be a really a major part of or at least it was a major part of my life should sit that way so first I'm just gonna read a couple of things to you here first but you'll be able to follow along I'm gonna give you some numbers and make it a little technical but believe me it's easy to follow through and that's why I give you these numbers and words so that you can follow them through if you're just going to sit and listen then you're kind of wasting your time you really actually have to pick it up and start to investigate it yourself that's when it becomes yours okay so in the Greek New Testament there are two primary words translated into English as the word word right and one of these is number thirty fifty six or three zero five six and it is this is in the Greek concordance and it is actually the word logos and it means literally something and listen the definition because we're going to define these two words and I want you to hear the definition of them specifically first off logos it means something said including the thought by implication a topic or a subject of discourse also the reasoning or the mental faculty or motive or by extension a computation now that fancy way of just saying something that is put together and actually the logo says number one the written word of God but it's not just the written word of God so I could take one scripture pull it out read it and that would not be the logos the logos is the Word of God rightly divided so for instance if I said oh this man in John 9 that this man was born blind for the glory of God what unless that's not logos what because people would say Oh see it makes it look like God made this man blind so that he can heal him and show his his works in him and that's the way a lot of people have taken it but that's not exactly what it says it's not what it says in the Greek and literally because of the Greek doesn't have punctuation you have to see where the symptoms would stop you have to see where there would be commas periods all these because that is not in the original Greek and the original Greek is just one well not one long line its many long lines and there's no division between the words so you actually have to stop read it go through it find it by context but now notice for that word that scripture to be logos you have to take that scripture in connection with all the other scriptures and make it all fit together so that it doesn't contradict when you have it all right li divided now you have the logos because the logos is not just the written word it is the written word but it's not just that it's the written word rightly divided meaning that it's all been put together it is it doesn't contradict itself and you have a good understanding of the overall concept of the overall thing being talked about in this case John 9 it would be about healing so until you have a good overall understanding of healing you don't have the logos what you have is just basically individual scriptures which anybody can take an individual scripture pull them out say something and turn that into a doctrine and that's where you usually get cults from it's where you get errors where you get wrong teaching as a matter of fact you know Hitler during World War two actually pulled scriptures out of the Bible and use them to validate what he was doing to the Jews because of what they had done to Christ so that's a good example bad example it's a good example of somebody just pulling a scripture out and it not being the logos so just you can't just take a scripture matter of fact we know that the Bible says in the mouth of two or three witnesses let it thing be established that means that you can't just take one scripture and build a doctrine off of it you actually have to have two or three plain scriptures at least that say the exact same thing in context for you to be able to build a doctrine and believe it or not there were a lot of things that Jesus only said one time there are some things that you could not actually build a doctrine off of because he was talking to an individual about that situation now if you fit that situation yeah you should take it to heart but you don't build a doctrine off of it unless you have two or three clear scriptures now so first and remember number 30 56 the word logos means something said it means the reasoning it means to put it together it means that it is rightly divided and understood now the other word is number 44 87 in Strong's Concordance and that is the Greek word Rhema and most people are familiar with it and now notice listen to the definition of Rhema it is an utterance individually collectively or specifically by implication a matter or topic especially of narration command or dispute now if you look at these two definitions there is no difference between them and it's really amazing that they were more actually they're more than just two words but these are the two main more juice but most people taking the word Raymond to mean you're walking along and God just dropped something you need to go oh wow that was a Rhema word or God tells you to do something or something is as they would say quickened to them none of that is Rhema actually there are actual words for that situation was not a Rhema word because you never see anything in the Bible about receiving a Rhema word wait for a Rhema word don't act on the Word of God until it becomes Rhema you never see any of that that has been built up in the church usually as an excuse to keep people from doing things and it also takes the responsibility off of a person to actually do what the Word of God says but the word raiment literally or not the word Rhema but that situation where God quickens something to you as we would say or shows you something those are actually other words which include understanding revelation and enlightenment right so Rhema is not what we've given it the wrong definition and we've given it the wrong idea whenever you're walking down the street and I'm just using as an example and God shows you something okay or remind you of something that that's in that sense that's not the Rhema that's enlightenment it's a revelation it is understanding right usually it comes because you have been meditate on that topic revelation almost always comes because you are thinking along those lines and as you are meditating on that and thinking about it then more and more understanding comes that's why the whole book of Proverbs notice the book of Proverbs proverbs never says and make sure that you study this so that you can get you know a quickening by the Spirit of God or so that you can get a Rhema word it wouldn't be rain of course in Hebrew but I'm just making a point that what it actually says is and all you're getting get understanding so it's the understanding that counts now but in the church we have turned this thing to where Oh until you get a Rhema you can't do anything until you get a Rhema about going out and witnessing oh you wouldn't witness them so you get a Rhema about laying hands on a sick well you shouldn't lay hands on the sick because until then you don't have faith for it let make it sound like faith comes whenever God drops Rhema into you and he quickens something to you and now you have faith for it and there's a scripture that they try to base it on but hopefully we'll have time today to go through that if we don't we'll do it finish up next week so the actual definition of Rhema like I said is simply the same as it is for low gospel we're gonna see the difference and when as I was studying this years ago actually over 2530 years ago I was amazed at what the Bible didn't say about it and what it actually did say about it and it literally changed everything in how I followed God and so we're gonna share some of that with you today so as you can tell there is practically no difference between the two words in the Strong's Concordance dictionary in today's Christianity we have a teaching that has infected virtually every aspect of the Christian life and doctrine and we have had Bible teachers tell us that the word Rhema means a special divine impartation or a leading okay they these Bible teachers have said that a Rhema word from God was necessary before you could act on a scripture and they have taught that you do not have to obey or perform every scripture just those that the Holy Spirit quickens to you now again this is what is often taught but there is no basis in Scripture for any of that all right you know well I don't have time to go into it I won't get through even part of this lesson but a lot of people Christianity can be very exciting it's if it's dull to a person honestly it's probably because you're not living real Christianity you've probably been religious but at the same time Christianity is not every day a crusade you know we just got back from Europe not long ago we had three weeks there everyday just about was an amazing day every day we were hearing testimonies every day we were praying for the sick every day we were seeing things happen and it's very addictive I mean it's like that's all you want to do because you see instantly the good you're doing but regular Christianity meaning whenever I come off the road like that and I come back safe to here my life is vastly different why because we don't have three four or five thousand people sitting here and waiting and really most of them are just simply waiting for the healing service many of them don't even come to hear the message they're just waiting for us to start praying for people and so if we don't have that here generally speaking every day of our life now we could we could set up meetings exactly like we do in Europe but Christianity was never really meant to be like that there there is time for ministering to people there's time on your daily life that you should be doing it but at the same time ministering to a person in a grocery store is not the same as ministering to 3,000 people in a meeting why because the whole dynamic is different you're different the people are different everything is different about it and when people think that everything about Christianity should be some constant excitement usually those people don't stick around long with Christ usually they end up falling away they end up doing something else and they get bored and they end up into sin and so we have to realize that Christianity is first and foremost about you being changed inside so that you take on the likeness and image of Christ and that every day your characters being shaped more and more to look like Jesus not every day you should have bigger and better healings right now saying you shouldn't just saying that that is not the purpose we have to realize the purpose of healing is really only twofold the purpose of healing is as a sign to get people to get saved or it is to get a person well so they can be of service to the kingdom that's really the only two purposes for healing and so but too often there is a high that's connected with ministering to the sick whether it's on the street whether it's in a healing conference or whether there's a there's a certain level of endorphins that are released whenever you are ministering to people why because it's a good thing to do and you're created to do that thing but you're not even Charles Finney the great revival has said that man had the very nature of man his makeup was never meant to live at the pace of constant revival now think about that either you mean God didn't want to constantly revived no I'm not saying that I'm saying that he wants you revived but that doesn't mean you have to live in a state of a constant revival like a revival meeting where there is excitement where there is this emotional high that's constantly there we went down to Pensacola during the Pensacola revival every day was the same done there every day but there was an excitement there was all of these things went on it went on for five years but guess what the only people that were there for five years there was four of them and that was of course John Kilpatrick Michael Brown dr. Michael Brown that was Lindo Kula who was the worship leader and then of course there was Steve Hill who was the Evangelist those were pretty much the only people that were there cause there were a few other church members there but even they didn't go to service every night why because you're not made to live at that level of excitement all the time your nerves which would just be shot because of the excitement we were never meant to live that way but yet that's how Christianity is portrayed nowadays to where there has to be this constant hot and the problem is that is indicative of the culture that we live in where we have to have constant stimulation and it was never meant to be that way the real Christianity is a settling down and walking with God that's what it is if someone needs healing you minister to him but you don't always have a camera so that you can catch it on film this is not prayed for thousands of people all over the world many times it's been on film but I have prayed for as many people pretty probably pretty close maybe not now because the meetings have gotten really large but especially for about the first ten years I would say I actually prayed for more people individually with no one else with me when we went to the grocery store when we went to Walmart or somewhere else I prayed for more people like that then I did when there was a camera around you know now there tends to be a camera around somewhere if I'm speaking or something but and and to be very honest I have not focused on myself on a daily basis going out and finding people to pray for one be honest with you don't need to I have enough people calling me on the phone that I can stay busy all day just praying for people so the idea all the whole purpose of the DHD the whole purpose of getting people to go out and minister people is to get you to act to get you to become what you already are and part of that is breaking that flesh thing that says oh I don't want to I don't want to talk to anybody I don't want to reach out to anybody you know because we have this idea that oh he's gonna push his religion on me and that's what people think witnessing is is you pushing your religion on somebody but we have to break that flesh thing because most people don't want to do that most people don't want to speak to a stranger they don't want to have any type of public speaking meaning whether you're in front of one person or 1,000 people most people don't want to do that so the first thing we have to do is break that we have to get you to submit your flesh so that you will do what the Bible says to do and so now should you do it every day all day if you can that'd be great yeah but at the same time you're gonna have to probably work a job and most of the time if you pray for everybody and run saying you shouldn't if you pray for about your work you're Pro gonna get fired that's probably what will happen but I'm not saying you shouldn't just sing be ready for the consequences but we have this idea that Christianity is this thing it's amazing we have the idea that it is some elevated sense of excitement and at the same time we're supposed to be quiet calm gentle peaceful and those two things don't always work together you know now I can be calm and peaceful in the middle of a storm and honestly it's a whole lot easier to be calm and peaceful in the middle of a storm than it is to be calm and peaceful in the middle of excitement of a revival why because your emotions are already excited so what I'm talking about now I need to get back onto the Rhema and logos aspect of this because this is heart and soul this is the very essence it takes us right back this is one of the first things that I truly believe God showed me and I'm talking 2530 years ago at least that made such a difference in my life because I was searching at that time about the truth about being led by the Spirit and this is one piece of that so let's get back into it notice here it says there have been much said about the difference between the two words logos and Rhema so what I did was I went into vines expository dictionary of Bible words biblical words and pulled out the section on Rhema so let's read now deme vines was a much greater Greek scholar than I am or probably will ever be but he says here the significance of Rhema as distinct from logos is exemplified in the injunction to take the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God now this is in Ephesians chapter 6 verse 17 it says in taking the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God now the word word there is the Greek word Raymond so the sword says take the sword of the Spirit which is the Rhema of God right and I'm going to try to hurry this up because I want to get this to you and so let me give you the summary I wouldn't say at the beginning but at least almost halfway through here's the bottom line what you're gonna find out and I'll make these notes available to you also what you're going to find out is that first used no one starts with Rima everybody starts with the written word of God then from that it moves necessarily to the logos from the logos it moves to Rhema it's a steady progression three stages okay and this is about Revelation as I've never said it this way before but even as I'm telling you I'm checking it and I'm going to yep that makes sense to it so you know well I'm carrying on a conversation with you I'm having a conversation with God it's same time so bear with me but what that means is this no one starts with Rhema no one even starts with logos they start with the written simple Word of God ink on pages you read it you read a scripture you don't have low gosh yet you don't have logos until that ink on Scripture lines up with the other income scripture that has to do with the same topic does that make sense everybody with me so far so first you start with just a written word of God you start with the written word of God you're reading it and as you start putting it together it doesn't contradict and as you put it together and it fits and doesn't contradict now you're getting the logos that is the logos rightly divided in context this is why so many people get messed up and then make shipwreck of their faith it's because they don't have it rightly divided or in context and they pull things out and they've heard scriptures and they put these things together and the bad part is many preachers have actually made entire sermons based on scriptures they've just pulled out here and there and they put it all out there and make it say something that it was never intended to say because every piece of the logos has to go back to the original intent of the author which also of course is God so we have to go back to that original intent and find out what that is and then put all those together as we begin to understand it yeah so here it says the the significance of Rhema as distinct from logos is exemplified in the injunction to take the sword of the Spirit which is the word or the Rhema of God now he says here references not to the whole Bible as such but to the individual scripture which the Spirit brings to our remembrance for use in the time of need a prerequisite being the regular storing of the mind with Scripture in other words God cannot bring anything to your remembrance until it's already in you so first it has to be in you then he can bring it to your remembrance now as he brings it to your remembrance this would qualify okay as Rhema but now understand this you don't get Rhema look at this way Rhema is the logos you act upon right if you're not doing something with the logos you cannot have Rhema you can have an Enlightenment you can have understanding you can have revelation but until you do something with the logos in other words until you have the Word of God rightly divided in context you can never have Rhema it cannot exist right it is not God just quickening something to you it is you what it is is that you start to you pull the Scriptures together you have a general understanding of the overall topic let's say healing for example so you get a good understanding of healing then as you have this understanding of healing and has supposed to work and had function it's supposed to function in your life now as you go about your daily life now because you have already done this you've already laid hands on the sick you've already done this before now the Holy Spirit when you come into a situation let's say you're at a Walmart grocery store somewhere and there are sick people there then what happens the Holy Spirit says hey what about laying hands on the sick oh yeah oh there's a sick person and so now what's he doing he is bringing to your remembrance the word that was already in you that you have already acted upon so that now you know to step out and do that but he wasn't you you didn't have to wait to do that until he quickened it to you so to speak dm7 I'm saying the fact that you already had an understanding of healing and how it functions if you'd been looking around and saw the sick person you can go to them and to them and the minute you ministered to them that logos of understanding healing became Rhema to you let me put it this way Rhema is simply the logo she lived by logos went once you learn the truth of the word of God about any individuals topic or even all of them which would be great but any as long as you as you begin to learn the truth about that topic now you start to act on that and then your logos becomes Rema Rema is the Word of God say for me let me give you an example for me laying hands on a sick is a law and see people don't like that well we don't have law law is gone no no there's all kinds of law in the Bible not just the law of Moses I mean there's the law of threat of life in Christ Jesus that's the law I live by right there's the law of faith so there's the law of sowing and reaping these are all laws and they're still laws and they're still in in effect today well logos once you have an understanding and overall understanding in context you have the logos now logos because you know it now you know what to do and once you start to act upon it that logos becomes Rhema and because of that it becomes a law healing is a law to me in other words it's how I live and it is something I do it's not a matter of oh if I don't do it oh woe is me well yeah kind of but you know it's not I don't get into condemnation if I don't do it but the key is that I know it's a truth and it's a truth that I live by that if anybody ever asked me to pray for them I will not turn them down what because it's a law to me it's a law it's the truth and it's something I can't back off of I can't say well you know I'm not going to pray for you because you know sometimes people get healing sometimes they don't know I don't know which so I'm just not going to pray for you know it is a law the Bible says to do it it doesn't even say do it just because it works it says do it and so it's really not a matter of whether there's results they're not now thank God there are results but even if there weren't I'd still have to lay hands on the sick I'd still have to believe in healing bottom line what because the logos has become Rhema because I have done the logos I've seen it work I know it works and it is a truth and the Holy Spirit can know people are in an area and he can even bring your attention to them and show you yeah this is the person you need to lay hands on but if you had been looking for a personal a hands on you would have found him and he wouldn't had to remind you and say that's when you're moving into the fruit of the Spirit of temperance or self-control or self governing when you become self governing you don't have to have the Holy Spirit to tell you to do it you will do it because you have decided to obey the Word of God amen this is how you live your life this is this is the Christian life it's not where God you walk around and where okay God what do you want to do what no you don't see Jesus doing that you see Jesus never he's never at a loss of what to do in any situation what do you think he had a running dialogue all the time God said okay to do this now eat this now don't do that now go here no no he just lived life in communion with God and whatever the need was that got around him he was able to meet that need what because he knew God was with you that's how you live the Christian life it's real simple now let's go back in this first off God has never said I'm going and listen carefully because I wrote this down God has never said I'm going to say this but I absolutely don't expect you to do it nothing about that I know that sounds foolish even talking about but thing with do you think God would ever say listen listen what I'm going to say but don't do it but I have to say it but I don't want you to do it would that make any sense whatsoever we do you think God has ever said listen I'm gonna say this but don't do it know what he expects us to do what he said and so now I want us to look at this what most people have mistaken for a special leading what they call a Rhema is in reality revelation understanding or enlightenment like we've already said all of which is to give you clarity for how to do what God has already said say God doesn't give you revelation understanding or enlightenment just so you can know more he gives you these things so that you will know how to do better what he has already said right the DHD doesn't and I use that as an example because most people now that I talk to have already heard it before but the DA the purpose of the DHT it's not a a revelation or I should say it's not a Rhema as people would say it but it is simply a revelation and understanding enlightenment to do what to do what the Bible has already said to do right it's not something new people Oh what healing Wow who would have thought of that so healings even possible see that's not that's not the purpose of the DHD is to prove hearing as possible it is to get you to look at the Word of God and begin to do the Word of God because it was already written in the Word of God and it's just helping you do what God said now let me give you some scriptures and these may surprise you I know when I was studying it it really did me I'm talking 30 years ago and in mark chapter I'm just going to go through several of them you can mark these down mark chapter 4 verse 14 it says the sower soweth the word and we know that the sower went forth to sow seed the Bible says but the seed that the sower was sowing was the Word of God so we know that the sower is sewing the word now guess what word he's sowing logos what it says is the sower soweth the logos notice if he's sowing seed and the seed is the word that would be Jesus speaking the word and if Jesus spoke a word then if Rhema was whenever God told you to do something then Jesus should have been sowing Rhema for you to act upon it rather than sowing logos now watch because remember if you can't act on logos until you receive a Rhema then it would do no good for Jesus to sow logos would do no good mark chapter 16 verse 20 and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word logos with signs following why did he confirm the logos he didn't confirm Rhema but yet if we're supposed to wait until we have a Rhema to do it then whatever they did should have he should have been confirming Rhema but he didn't he confirm logos right now here's what you're going to find too if you do a study and all this everywhere the word logos is presented it's presented as a command but everywhere or or is a general understanding a principle we could say but the word Rhema is always connected to someone doing a logos think about that let me give the example you eat food when you eat food you're eating a substance of food your body doesn't know it doesn't want that food it wants the energy from the food so when you take in the food your body has to digest it break it apart and extract the energy from it so the food actually becomes energy your body doesn't want food your body wants energy right and but because we eat food to get energy the food does you no good until it is changed into energy there is food that you can eat it just goes in and comes out and that's it right it there is no nutritional value to it whatsoever and because of that you can we can be the most over fed and undernourished people in the world and yet you can eat more and more of it and get less and less nutrition why because the food itself didn't have the nutrition in it to be extracted from it but now you I want you to think of the logos as the food the logos is the food that once you take it when you act upon it now the food has been broken down into energy it is becoming something else Rhema is the logos or let me put it this way and logos becomes Rhema when you do it you get that so logos becomes Rhema when you do the logos it is like the food that is completely broken down and is actually become something that is useful to you and it's the same thing logos will know I don't say it doesn't do you any good because obviously it's the Word of God but what I want you understand is you can have all the logos that's in the Word of God but if you don't act upon it then that logos is not doing you any good you actually have to act upon the logos it has to become Rhema before it does you any good amen now so if for instance you were told to get saved well how do I do that well you got to make Jesus Lord or it's most of you probably Jesus you have to accept Jesus as Savior okay but you heard that and when you heard that and you had a journal understanding of it that was a low cost anybody okay I get it I'm a sinner I need to help I can't change I can't make myself right so I need to take Jesus as my savior my substitute so that when I do that then I can get saved and you can know all of that and still not get saved so it's not just the logos you reading the logos of what of how you need to get saved doesn't do you any good until you actually say you know that's right okay Jesus I believe you died for me I believe you rose again and I make you Lord of my life and when you do that then you get born again one because now you have acted on the logos amens that maybe help clear it up for a little bit alright notice the word that he confirmed that the Lord working with him confirmed was the logos in Luke 11 28 it says but he said yeh rather blessed are they that hear the word logos of God and keep it so blessed are those that hear the word of God the logos of God and keep it what does that mean act upon it do it right not just those that hear let's keep going in James chapter 1 verse 22 it says but be doers of the logos now if we're only supposed to be doers of the Rhema it should say there it should have told us B therefore doers of the Rhema and not just hearers only but now notice it tells us be doers of the logos and not hearers only so you can hear the logos and not be a doer but the minute you do the logos it becomes Rhema Amen I'm going to keep hammering away at that because I want you to get this because what this comes down to is this if you believe this is why this is so important if you believe that you are only to act upon a word that has been quickened to you then at some point you're gonna you will think that you're gonna stand before God and God is going to say what did you do with my word and you're gonna stand and go well you didn't quicken it you didn't quickly you didn't give me a Rhema so it's your fault God that I didn't do what you said to do and believe me nobody's going to stand before God and point a finger at God and tell him it was your fault and so we have to realize that this comes back to us God has given us everything we need to know and to be able to do his word but all the traditions of man had been built up to somehow take responsibility off of us to actually do the Word of God and that's why this is so important that you get a hold of this I'll just be real blunt you need nothing to act on God's Word as soon as you see it in the Word of God as soon as you have any type of understanding of it of okay it says lay hands on the sick okay that's pretty simple how do you do that well there's a hand there's a sick there you go as soon as you get that much you're responsible for laying hands on the sick yeah but but I don't understand all about healing that doesn't matter it doesn't say when you understand everything about it and matter of fact I can promise you this until you start doing it when you don't understand it you will never understand it you learn you get understanding by doing so all right let's keep going in Romans chapter 10 verse 17 now notice up to this point we have really been talking about logos but to look at Romans 10:17 and this is where people get this a lot a lot of where this doctrine came from it says so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God the Rhema of God oh so see here we hearing faith comes by hearing so until I hear a Rhema I won't have faith okay no that's not what I said remember that Rhema is the logos acted upon so if faith comes by hearing yeah now notice this scripture does not say faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing and keep on here and if you keep on here in the word eventually you'll get faith that that's the way it's taught but that's not what it says it says faith comes by hearing comma hearing comes by the Rhema of God now what is the Rhema of God what do we say was the Rhema is acting upon the logos so faith comes by hearing hearing comes by acting upon the logos you get that so whenever you act upon the logos it becomes real to you so to speak and at that point there is faith because until you step out there's no need for faith there's no need for you to have faith if you're not gonna do what the Word of God says you only need faith to do what the Word of God says but when you hear the word of God you have an understanding of it and you step out the moment you step out faith is there to cause it to come to pass what because now you're acting until you act you need no faith right if that makes sense hopefully it helps you know finally let's look at something that's probably more important well I'm gonna have to finish up here we may have to do this again next week he says here I was trying to look at the other definition there's one more it says finally look at something that's probably more important in the era of healing than any other area and that's out of Romans 8:14 and that says for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God and the actual Greek says as many as are constantly led very few people I know of as Christians would ever say I am constantly led most of them say well there's times you know I can look back and I Kember this time and I know I was led then and I know I was led this time well let me tell you if you're a child of God he is always leading you but we all have also have to take that in context in Romans 8 where it talks about you being constantly led it is talking about you being constantly led to mortify the deeds of the flesh the spirit if you were born of God the spirit is always in you helping you to mortify the deeds of the flesh he is always leading you to kill the deeds of the flesh and that's one of the ways that you know you're born of God because the Holy Spirit is there constantly chipping away and and you you might say to the area of where you are chipping away yourself so that only Jesus has left that's the essence of the leading of the Spirit now it can be easy or it can be hard it can be grievous as King James would say right or it can be pleasant it all depends on your attitude toward correction if you think oh well God wouldn't do that because that's hard and it makes me feel uncomfortable then you don't know anything about God why because that's exactly where God leads you it's right into the middle of where things are not comfortable why because he's trying to get you to totally lean on him and not go by your feelings and not go by your emotions but to go by the Spirit of God so whenever you're feeling well this can't be God it doesn't feel comfortable no that's probably exactly God right well because the hard way is almost always the right way the easy way hardly ever is the right way now when I say easy and hard in that what I mean is this the more you it's like it's not good jesus said to Saul on the road to Damascus it's hard for you to kick against the pricks he said in other words if you kick a thorn bush the thorn bush isn't going to get hurt you're going to get hurt what and it's hard for you to kick against that why because it makes no sense for you to kick against it because you're just hurting yourself so if you're gonna kick against a thorn bush guess what your life's gonna be hard but if you learn to take correction and not keep kicking against the thorn brush now your life will be easier even though you'll go the hard way it'll be easier because you're doing what's right that make sense okay so alright we're gonna finish here because I need to stop but we will probably pick this up next week because there's a whole nother section as a matter of fact we're we're gonna pick some of this up at the ten o'clock session also but I want you to get a hold of the fact that there is the difference between Rhema and lo Goss is simply this yeah the Word of God the written word of God you have the logos which is the written word of God in context rightly divided understood and then you have the Rhema which is the the logos acted upon and you'll see it as you study these words out you will see that every time the word Rhema is used it's always used in conjunction with doing logos doing the Word of God that's rightly understood amen so joke anything else this morning because we're gonna be going further into this as we go next week so other net god bless you and we will back it be back in just a few minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John G. Lake Ministries
Views: 11,493
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: John G. Lake Ministries, JGLM, Curry Blake, Divine Healing Technician, DHT, New Man Seminar, Life Teams, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Dominion Bible Institute, Diversities of Tongues, God's Son Man's Servant, Renewed Mind, Healing in the Atonement, Killing Sacred Cows, iChurch, JGLM Media
Id: Zxns8g67Nb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 46sec (2866 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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