Curious George 🐵Curious George, Hog trainer 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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[Music] it was fall in the country when Farmers like Mr rankins were preparing for the livestock competition at the state fair and George was helping I have high hopes for you Ulysses I think you're going to win a blue ribbon this year but Grandpa your animal s win blue ribbons Ali was right every animal did have a blue ribbon every animal except Howie the hog haha yeah where's Hallie's Blue Ribbon Howie wanted a ribbon more than anything but somehow it never happened ah I've entered Howie a couple of times he always starts out eager don't you but I guess he doesn't want the ribbon bad enough to train for it do you Howie foreign so disappointed when he loses I don't have the heart to train him again [Music] you're right George maybe we could train Holly Grandpa here's a rule book good luck foreign [Music] and the Second Step was a breeze [Music] looks like we walked Hallie for 30 minutes I'm poking with a stick but Grandpa why do we have to pull Cowie well if there's another way to get a hog to exercise for half an hour I'm all ears yeah how he's following your Apple there was a way to get a hog to move without a stick it was called an apple [Music] Howie wanted to win that blue ribbon all right but exercising made him really hot [Music] and Howie could comfortably exercise for 30 minutes now all he needs to do is practice walking for the judges yep it's step four we better get started every day Howie had the same routine he exercised had a bath got rushed [Music] practiced walking for the judge [Music] and got an apple and the next contestant is number 88 Howie the hall [Music] come on besides having a hard time keeping cool and liking apples pigs are really really smart we have a winner [Music] well I'll be ah [Music] [Music] bro [Music] ta-da [Music] George wondered who were these incredible fruit balancers zucchinis Giorgio these are my friends the famous zucchinis [Music] we can buy to order food for our rehearsal I'll show it tonight now all he wanted was to be an amazing balancing zucchini [Music] you want to deliver this to the zucchinis for me maybe you like to see them again because you want to be a zucchini [Music] ah food sustenance that which gives us the strength to perform our amazing feats laughs I think he wants to join us [Music] it's not that easy it takes lots of practice to do things like us balance requires total control [Music] I never sneeze unless uh yeah a cat [Music] Leo's allergic to cat hair and sneezing is very bad for his balance it would wreck our shoes [Music] George was proud to be a starter zucchini he gave out every flyer [Music] and that night foreign he knew came to the show everyone [Music] gnocchi just wanted to watch she found a quiet place where she couldn't possibly bother anyone [Music] okay just relax Chef we'll do everything this is like a dream coming through [Music] gnocchi ran to Chef biscetti whenever she saw him so why should now be any different [Applause] is that a uh oh it's gnocchi Leo don't sneeze it hey okay go with you [Music] this was just like that mop so George shifted his hands [Music] now I know where George was all day practicing to be in the show [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] excuse me after a sneeze break the show went on and was a great success and when it was over because of their great we voted to make George and Chef piscotti official zucchinis and you're welcome to practice with us anytime so that was all real oh I'm glad I didn't know I I would have worried [Music] but maybe he should stick to the high wire foreign [Music] the perfect time for a game of find the pigeon [Music] okay George playtime's over time to clean your room you can play with compass after you clean your room laughs [Music] bath time George [Music] I don't think you'll fit in the bird bath George you're definitely a tub monkey [Music] okay time to brush your teeth and hit the sack George [Music] even though being a monkey was the greatest thing ever pigeons didn't have to do what anybody told them George time to clean your room take a bath wash your ears brush your teeth go to bed wake up make yourself breakfast [Music] George [Music] [Music] so the next morning George made up his mind to live like a pigeon [Music] plus pigeons didn't have to wait for the don't walk light [Music] oh my God [Music] George had lost his flock to be a pigeon you had to fly ah ah there were lots of animals who didn't have to clean their rooms or brush their teeth surely George could find one he could be like a chameleon they could change color effortlessly [Music] monkeys couldn't [Music] hey George if only there was one animal that didn't act so much well like an animal uh oh hey looks like my stock oh it's okay Hundley we can handle this I'll sound the alarm uh oh oh there's only one way out but we need somebody who can monkey up say [Music] you've been such a good dog George I almost forgot you were a monkey huh George had almost forgotten he was a monkey too you did it thanks George even Hunley thought George was pretty amazing he might even make a good dog someday but George didn't want to be a dog anymore all he wanted was to take a bath brush his teeth and go to bed in his nice clean room [Music] [Music] hello Professor Wiseman hi what do you have George your favorite kind of dinosaur [Music] oh that's your favorite but they're the same those are the bones that would be inside that huh you know same as the bones in you [Music] feel your arm the hard part that's bone it's your skeleton foreign [Music] now that he knew he had one of those under his face George had to see the T-rex skull up close George don't it isn't safe oh are you okay foreign George always wanted to ride in an ambulance but he couldn't really enjoy it a hospital Dr Baker decided they needed to see George's leg bone by taking an x-ray that's a small break we have to put your leg in a cast now this cast will keep your leg from moving while the bone heals oh [Music] well hello [Music] you have a visitor George [Music] is George all right no one else in the building smelled like that hello honey come up here yeah we're in George's room you know in the lobby Hundley pays more attention to George than anyone that's friendship uh how do we could keep George company when you go to work I'd excuse him from his Lobby duties George would you like Hundley to be your monkey sitter [Music] Hundley was curious about this new calm George oh there was more to monkey sitting George than guiding him around the furniture Hundley cleaned up after him too which had its Rewards [Music] he also helped with those itches that George couldn't reach hmm hahaha [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning to you too Hundley and then something changed remember use the crutches don't step on your cast and be a good little monkey and Dachshund they went to the park every day George drew some good pictures [Music] and Hundley discovered he liked lying on grass and taking slow strolls with a monkey [Music] see the brakes all healed [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign George brought his friends back so he and Hunley could be together [Music] George was back to normal all right [Music] oh George could barely stand it who can wait a whole day to pet bunnies [Music] be a good little monkey hahaha George thought he could keep the bunny's company while bill was away they were so still so quiet so fuzzy bunnies bunnies Bill wouldn't mind if he petted one bunny just once if he was very very careful [Music] okay the bunnies were so still and quiet fast they were almost too fast to see [Music] at least they couldn't get out of the yard [Music] foreign bill was not going to be happy about this [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the bunnies this was a big game of hide and seek which was not good for George the bunnies were too fast George would have to out-think them [Music] counted the Bulls he caught Whitey spotty black ears Cottontail Brownie and a jumpy squirrel oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] um ad being grabbed by a monkey to the list of surprises that squirrels really don't like [Music] not all Footprints lead to cute little bunnies [Music] foreign [Music] George had caught everybody except Herbert nininger and Bill would be home soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] George had looked everywhere what he needed was a bunny expert but who knew a lot about bunnies [Music] it wasn't going to work [Music] George tried to explain this was no time to play with a fuzzball she had to find Herbert nininger this was no ordinary fuzz this was the end of Herbert nininger [Music] hey George keeping the bunnies company thanks as a reward for doing that and being so patient I'm Gonna Let You pet one right now petting a bunny isn't easy it's all about maintaining control step one unlock latch oh hi [Music] but you want a pet a bunny don't you okay you sure are one careful kid hey how'd that Acorn get in there [Music] George thought the country house was a great little place [Music] you wondered what would it be like to have a great big place hi oh like a country Castle [Music] George look what I found my old photo album [Music] that boy that's me [Music] anyway this got me thinking I haven't been to the beach in a long time you want to go we can build sand castles hahaha well I don't know if we could build a sand castle quite that nice but that can't stop us from trying [Laughter] [Music] um George I take it this means you'd like to go to the beach [Music] George hadn't planned on having so much room to build a castle [Music] with this kind of space he could really think big [Music] let me know when you find a good idea for a castle he wouldn't build just any old ordinary little sand castle George said he built his sand castle around here somewhere [Music] wow could this be George's sand castle anyone home George it's me [Music] George it's the greatest sand castle any monkey ever made ever anywhere all right once you get good wet packing sand carry it away from the water so the waves can't wipe out your work [Music] um boy you city kids sure are handy with your feet that's a pretty good job boys oh [Music] and my rabbit won't burrow through it because she has her own doorway foreign put anything wet or Sandy in the trunk for the trip home [Music] it was a great little castle but George wasn't going to give up on his dream of having a great big cast [Music] even if it took all summer he would keep looking for just the right place to build his castle and when he found that perfect spot he wanted to be prepared George when winter began everything outdoors looked different the days were short the grass was brown and the trees were bare [Music] George don't forget your coat it may be sunny but it's turning really cold out there [Music] George had toys for summer and toys for snow but there were no toys for just plain cold there weren't even Birds to watch [Music] George had won he was having fun like winter had never come [Applause] [Music] the bubble froze that was pretty interesting but it wasn't what George wanted it to do [Music] he knew his dolphin couldn't freeze he could play with that anyway he wanted [Music] there that'll warm me up George was thinking two things hello boy was this Coco good and that he was giving up how can a monkey have any fun when his stuff all freezes up then he knew exactly how [Music] mm-hmm [Music] ings [Music] George's plan was working [Music] [Music] George had made an ice bowling set foreign he was finally having fun then jumpy did something unexpected [Music] at first George thought squirrels must really hate bowling but jumpy only wanted to get the frozen nuts [Music] [Applause] [Music] George and jumpy played not hockey till the sun went down then he set up for the next day [Applause] all that work inventing fun stuff and it was all for nothing [Applause] [Music] winter it was like a roller coaster of blah [Music] started already we're supposed to get a ton of snow tonight well good thing I bought a new shovel maybe inventing stuff wasn't all for nothing it helped him survive the dull of winter till the first snow George it's snowing in the house wow yeah winter is a roller coaster and monkeys love roller coasters [Music] George was conducting an important experiment testing the bounce factor of the living room furniture [Music] this part of the couch made a different sound that wasn't the couch it sounded big it sounded heavy and it came from up there huh [Laughter] [Music] you must have heard our new neighbor walking around he moved in last week what George had heard seemed heavier than footsteps what are you doing [Music] George you must have heard our neighbor walking that's all it could be it's not like he's got some wild animal up there [Music] the man with a yellow hat lived with George so why couldn't the new neighbor live with an animal what kind [Music] [Applause] of coffee [Music] [Music] of course the new neighbor had brought home an elephant [Music] oh [Music] my God The Man with the Yellow Hat had to hear this [Applause] George you you dreamed about an elephant [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] um no more nature books before you go to sleep George they're obviously giving you strange dreams [Music] yes hi there we're your downstairs neighbors and oh so nice to meet you George [Music] what's he doing I think he's looking for your um elephant my what foreign oh we heard some loud sounds um very loud sounds very loud oh I I am so sorry sometimes I get carried away working on my art I am an artist I do murals I mix my paint here [Music] [Applause] then I use these rubber stems I made oh foreign [Music] here's one of my completed works [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh we also heard something like a bag of rocks dropping do you use rocks in your work no oh that was a bag of groceries it fell off the counter huh [Music] what on Earth is that sounds like an elephant finger painting it does [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,393,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: u9M95Gn-Dao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 5sec (2345 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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