Curious George 🐵Toot Toot Tootsie Goodbye 🐵Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies 🐵Videos for Kids

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[Music] it had been a very sneezy winter [Music] first george had been sick and now it was the man with the yellow hat's turn george hoped his special cold-fighting little bit of everything soup would make him feel better [Music] i'm sure it's delicious george but i can't taste anything george wished there was some way he could help the man get better [Music] but all that cooking had made him one sleepy little monkey [Music] [Applause] [Music] george had just fallen asleep when he heard a strange sound [Music] [Applause] george remembered the last time he and gnocchi had flown around in a spaceship he had become very small and had flown all around his own [Music] being body again might help george find those germs that were inside the man with yellow hat [Music] if george could kick them out the man might get better [Music] what a big mouth george wanted to explore but there was no time he had germs to find george knew that germ it was toots he and his friends had made george sick before now they were playing a concert in the man's stomach well i'm a rambling germ always out on the go i'll bring you down and head up to another show well i've been lots of places floating free as a wheeze riding on your silverware are flying on sneeze [Music] [Music] many people all across this great big land especially in the folks who don't wash their hands because soap makes me wiggle and soap makes me sneermitch [Music] [Music] i'm coming to you i'm coming to you i'm coming to your town [Music] hey you know jam you're that meddling monkey quick run for it quick follow me onto the pen [Music] where did those germs go this is it we'll go right back to the big guy then we'll have ourselves a real german party cause i'm a ravalinger it looked like there was no way to stop toots but then george remembered something oh feels like something's crawling on my hands how odd i'd better wash them [Music] no no wait don't wash your hands whatever you do please don't wash your hands [Music] george knew that there were still other germs out there but at least he had made his building a tiny bit safer [Music] when george woke up from his strange dream he decided to go check on the man right away [Music] but there was something he had to do even before that wash his hands and his feet after all you can never be too careful [Music] oh that's that's a fairy book it carries people in cars across the river george loved cars but cars and boats together it was the apple pie and ice cream of transportation [Music] ahoy today's our annual model boat show big prizes for little boats george over here [Applause] what do you think of her george sailors call boats her i bet a city kid like you never knew that you made that bill yes sir well that is pretty impressive isn't it george oh thanks but it's nothing compared to mr quinn's model whaling boat that's it over there [Music] draw the nets ladies aye aye captain and over there is mrs rankin's ark [Music] and look at all those over there it's some pretty tough competition this year now don't underestimate yourself bill that is one fine looking boat good luck oh sure you can stay with bill i'll set you up right here okay i'll be over at the bleachers saving up some seats and sizing up bill's competition i'd sure like to win a ribbon george to buy this kit i had to save nine weeks of money for my paper out oh i almost forgot to do my paper out could you do me a big favor and watch my boat while i'm gone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] george couldn't figure out what he'd done to it it looked perfect but he knew one thing bill couldn't enter the contest with this boat [Music] george had to build him a new one and fast [Music] unfortunately george had no idea how to do that okay a wide boat steam coming out and a propeller [Music] all done i'm just gonna drop my bike at home would you mind watching my boat for a few more minutes [Music] hmm [Music] holy cow you did me a real favor george i forgot to close the windows thanks for showing me i would have really been sunk if it happened in the contest model boating requires utmost attention to tiny details and keeping the water out [Music] [Applause] congratulations george i didn't even know you built a boat i convinced him to enter it and did you see this it says best boat by a monkey that's funny they must have run out of regular ribbons i'll take care of this i'll ask him to make you one that says best vote by a city kid [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so what do you think very impressive i'm glad you liked it george oh we should go the rocket presentation is starting soon are you coming with us george or do you want to stay here and watch the clock [Music] well if it's okay with professor wiseman it's okay with me now if you want to see the little people play again move the minute hand once around to 12. have fun how long does it take to build a clock like that oh about three years oh that reminds me huh i'll be right back george be a good little monkey exactly george wanted to see the little people again [Music] that looked like george's friend compass the almost homing pigeon because when all the other homing pigeons honed in on the statue they almost made it [Applause] [Music] it was compass all right george was happy to see his friend the pigeon he couldn't fix the minute hand and that's what made the little people play [Music] george remembered there was another way into the clock the back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] huh when you take something apart it's a good idea to pay attention to what went where where could george find out how a clock's parts go together [Music] the library of course [Music] he hopes studying the big clock would show him exactly what to do with the little clock [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] george was glad that noise had stopped [Music] [Applause] whose toes are these okay and this goes there now you see [Music] what a beautiful clock did you make it [Laughter] i know everything about clocks but not one thing about understanding monkey [Music] george how did this heavy metal toolbox get so [Music] [Music] [Music] hello professor wiseman hi what do you have george your favorite kind of dinosaur [Laughter] [Music] oh that's your favorite but they're the same those are the bones that would be inside that huh you know same as the bones in you [Music] feel your arm the hard part that's bone it's your skeleton [Music] now that he knew he had one of those under his face george had to see the t-rex skull up close george don't it isn't safe oh are you okay [Music] george always wanted to ride in an ambulance but he couldn't really enjoy it at the hospital dr baker decided they needed to see george's leg bone by taking an x-ray that's a small break we have to put your leg in a cast now this cast will keep your leg from moving while the bone heals [Music] well hello [Music] you have a visitor george it was george all right no one else in the building smelled like that hello hundley come up here yeah we're in george's room you know in the lobby hundley pays more attention to george than anyone that's friendship uh hundley could keep george company when you go to work i'd excuse him from his lobby duties george would you like hundley to be your monkey sitter [Music] hundley was curious about this new calm george [Music] there was more to monkey sitting george than guiding him around the furniture hundley cleaned up after him too which had its rewards [Music] he also helped with those itches that george couldn't reach hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning to you too hundley and then something changed [Music] remember use the crutches don't step on your cast and be a good little monkey and dachshund they went to the park every day george drew some good pictures [Music] and hundley discovered he liked lying on grass and taking slow strolls with a monkey see the brakes all healed [Music] [Laughter] hmm george brought his friends back so he and hundley could be together [Music] george was back to normal all right [Music] it was nearly time for the annual firehouse band concert so rescue squad 86 got together to practice george couldn't wait to hear the beautiful music [Music] don't worry george we'll sound better we're just warming up all right let's get started a five six seven and eight [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] i'm george this practice is for band members only that's the rule a five six seven and eight if he couldn't play in this band george would start his own [Music] first he'd need an instrument you can't play with my tuba george it's a very delicate instrument have a good practice great you don't want to miss this concert the doorman's ring of keys sounded a lot like a tambourine i'll start lunch do you feel like a giardino burger george [Music] george needed to find something to put all of his keys on so they could jingle in the right way [Music] do you want to make instruments with the recycling too [Laughter] [Music] george never realized how difficult it was to get musicians to concentrate on their work [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hello fire department [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah guy said it sounded like a garbage truck full of cats and dogs from outer space landed on the roof why don't we ever get normal calls [Music] we should have guessed hello george george tried to explain that he was leading an all-animal band just like their firehouse band [Laughter] hey these things would make good instruments hey andy are you thinking what i'm thinking [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 1,789,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: xFpMhiueBNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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