Doctor Monkey | Curious George | Cartoons for Kids | WildBrain Zoo

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[Music] right on time as usual what didn't you bring oh George hello have a seat in the waiting room I'll call you when the doctor's [Music] ready [Music] George learned that the thing you need most in a doctor's waiting room is patience huh a mysterious sound George listened as quietly as he could Dr Baker will see you now oh great come on George we're finally getting out of the waiting room [Music] H George gave up hope of hearing any Mystery Sound past that [Music] sneezing I'm still waiting for Dr Gund well I'm sure he'll be right with you excuse me has Dr Gund seen you yet no where is he he should be right with [Music] you you're waiting for Dr Gund too he should be right with [Music] you oh hi doctor you remember George how could I forget before your last checkup I never knew the X-ray machine fit out the window [Music] huh Dr Baker Have you seen Dr Gund his patients are waiting no you should check the X-ray room and you should take off your shirt for the examination yeah sure doc George thought he'd like to be a doctor because Dr Baker seems so smart and he got to wear a really great white coat okay let's get started up in the [Music] scale whoa I think you need to cut out the desserts you've gained some weight what I have maybe one doughnut a month I run marathons it's impossible ah same as last year woo this is how I check his ref flexes [Music] [Music] George um my KNE is starting to get sore oh sorry I never get to play with a [Music] monkey Dr Gund okay take a long deep deep breath um oh I don't like the sound of that breathing no I George was whoa ever used a stethoscope George huh I use it to hear things that I can't see [Music] that's the sound of my [Music] heart you can play with your heart while we go to the X-ray room not everything had a heartbeat but George found sounds he hadn't noticed with his bare [Music] ears a doctor coat just didn't sound the same without a doctor in [Music] it this part of the couch made a different sound that wasn't the couch it sounded big it sounded heavy and it came from up [Music] there you must have heard our new neighbor walking around he moved in last week what George had heard seemed heavier than footsteps what are you [Music] doing George you must have heard our neighbor walking that that's all it could be it's not like he's got some wild animal up [Music] there the man with a yellow hat lived with George so why couldn't the new neighbor live with an animal but what [Applause] [Music] [Music] kind of course the new neighbor had brought home an elephant [Music] The Man with the Yellow Hat had to hear [Music] this George you you dreamt about an [Music] elephant [Music] oh um no more nature books before you go to sleep George they're obviously giving you strange dreams this is better bedtime reading the happy sleepy monkey good [Music] [Laughter] night this new sound certainly wasn't an elephant walking around it was an elephant that was doing [Music] what uh-uh [Music] [Music] ah oh boy I didn't sleep at all last [Music] [Music] night George never realized there were so many sounds in the world he'd never listened hard enough h [Music] wow that was the balcony to the apartment upstairs where the new neighbor lived with his elephant [Music] George what are you [Music] doing George Don't spy on our new neighbor please how about when I get home we go up and introduce a perfect time for a [Music] trip bottles and newspapers went to the basement but some things had to be taken to the recycling center hey looks like you could use a hand or maybe another [Music] foot I'm guessing you're going the same way I am uh I have to pick up a package for Betsy the recycling center is right next door sticking all in Betsy's wagon I'll give you a [Music] lift [Music] it's going to be easier pushing you downhill [Music] uhoh [Music] [Applause] [Music] George are you [Music] okay the wheel I'll get it Bo boy rolled a long way I bet you could get it to roll from here to the other end of the park if you wanted might even set some sort of wheel rolling record say what do you think for the [Music] record it's really going it's it's gone hurry after [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it you go that [Music] way [Music] I got [Music] [Applause] it where could it be oh my gosh the package place will be closing soon come on we'll find the wheel [Music] later kick this isn't so bad as long as we keep the weight kick over the back wheels and you keep kick kicking the other wheel back in will'll be there in hey we're here with time to spare our problems are over a this is going to be a [Music] problem good idea George let's take your stuff to the recycling center then we'll have room in the [Music] wagon hey what are you doing George that won't work cuz it's from a baby carriage it's for babies I got something better [Music] Springtime seemed like a bad excuse to get rid of something fun so why not make a new Spring [Music] Mobile what's more spring-- likee than fresh fruit George thought his mobile had everything a mobile needs had he forgotten something balance that's what you need like [Music] [Applause] this wow great that was something for our next demonstration of Perfect Balance we need a volunteer from the audience save it for the show Claire she means we can fix that [Music] [Applause] [Music] T George wondered who were these incredible fruit balancers zucchinis P giorgo these are my friends the famous [Music] zucchinis we can bite to order food for our rehearsal our show is to night I going to deliver it to myself thanks ciao when he woke up that morning George had never heard of them but now all he wanted was to be an amazing balancing [Music] zucchini being a cat noi didn't see what was so tough about balancing but George needed to see how the zucchinis did [Music] [Laughter] it you want to deliver this to the zucchinis For Me Maybe you like to see them again because you want to he a zucchini oh I know I know I know because GE I too dreamed that I could be an amazing [Music] zucchini follow your dream GE but hurry up before the pizza get [Music] cold Steve come on work with me here a give it up Betsy you're too small to move a big brother like me hi George hey what do you got there m smells good hey what happened you moved closer and now it's like we weigh the same thanks [Music] George ah food sustenance that which gives us the strength to perform our amazing aming [Music] fets I think he wants to join us it's not that easy it takes lots of practice to do things like us balance requires total [Music] control never sneeze unless a a cat Leo's allergic to cat hair and sneezing is very bad for his balance it would wreck our [Music] sh noi was determined to go back in there and watch what was going on on on a windy day the country house windows were almost musical as good as the wind sounded it felt even better smelled good too there had to be lots of things a clever monkey could fly out his window like heavy winter socks Birds he [Music] drew his lucky brick and there was even better stuff downstairs what's the excitement George yeah it's a great day to play in the wind I'll get the door for you [Music] uh George if you're wondering how a big yellow hat would fly you know the rule buddy no one is allowed to play with the Yellow Hat have fun uh clean up after yourself and don't Blow Away George couldn't decide what he'd fly first and then he didn't have to [Music] jumpy squirrel tries hard to spend all his time in trees leaping [Music] about but when it's time to eat he has to go where the nuts are [Music] [Applause] buried [Music] [Music] oh hey George perfect kite flying weather huh careful will lose control flying kite's all about control this is a lazy Susan he didn't know what a kite was when he woke up that morning but there was nothing in the world George wanted more than to fly a kite sorry I can't turn over control to an inexperienced City kid this isn't as easy as I make it look I studied the bowr windscale for 3 years I never make [Music] [Music] mistakes rats that'ss never coming [Music] down for a city kid you sure can't climb a [Music] tree not a scratch thanks George as a reward I'll let you flyer Bill Billy coming I promised I'd help Mom gut a pumpkin I won't be long you watch the kite till I get [Music] back George figured he could watch the kite even better while it flew [Music] [Laughter] he hey George lose your kite hi hey that's your best bird yet oh the tag yeah that means it's a homing pigeon oh well they're special birds that always return home hold on just because he came back here doesn't make this is home homing pigeons have special homes H that's the pizza wash [Music] [Applause] up did I leave that open we don't want that pigeon getting in here did you wash those hands uh [Music] sh wash them good yesterday you passed me the butter and it had grass on [Music] [Music] it George oh you want [Music] privacy now where is that pizza [Music] cutter whoa I was afraid he'd sneak in okay you open the door I'll catch [Applause] him George he needs to go home this just isn't a good home for pigeons oh if that's how it had to be then George would turn their home into a good home for pigeons this called for [Music] research oh ha [Music] [Music] ha [Music] oh [Music] the pigeon made his choice now there was only one logical way for George to get a tree up here he'd have to build [Music] one the pipe cleaner tree looked nice but a tree needs to be bigger with Clay George can make a tree as big big and thick as he [Music] wanted but he might have added too much water [Music] this called for [Music] research now that George knew everything about trees he searched for for the most tree likee stuff he could find you don't know impatient until you've been a monkey waiting for a donut how about eggs with those donuts hey count the eggs and write down how many we [Music] [Music] have [Music] ready so how many eggs do we have H there are no eggs well why didn't you write zero oh you don't know I thought I was teaching you everything and I forgot nothing George no time like the present to learn oh you see Zero alone means no eggs none at all but zero with other numbers makes the mean a lot more see if we write a zero after one that's 10 write another zero that's 100 that's a th000 10,000 hey nice zeros you've got it wao [Music] morning I'll go in here and buy eggs while you get the donuts okay one dozen donuts please we'll meet back home and be a good little [Music] monkey someone on a donut Mission Can't Stop and Play dogs don't [Music] understand George was really hungry but his order only had a measly one on it huh huh then he remembered what the Man with the Yellow Hat had told him about [Music] zeros George Chucky good to see you oh is that an order for your friend with the Yellow Hat 100 dozen our biggest go to ever oh he must be having a giant donut [Music] [Laughter] [Music] party George realized what his zeros had done but try explaining that to a [Music] dog [Music] okay now where did I leave that piece of [Music] paper I misread the order it's 1,000 dozen oh this is the biggest day in the entire history of donuts we'll have to have more Donuts flown in from other towns [Music] let's see there's 5 10 15 H my mistake it's [Music] 100 this was still more Donuts than one little monkey could ever eat but George came up with a great idea he'd just give them away who doesn't want a [Music] [Applause] donut the train station lady wanted donuts but it didn't work out papers here you are free donut with every [Music] paper before long those two stacks of boxes were gone yes sir well that is pretty impressive isn't it George oh thanks but it's nothing compared to Mr quint's model whing boat that's it over there draw the Nets laddies i i c and over there is Mrs rink's [Music] Ark and look at all those over there it's some pretty tough competition this year now don't underestimate yourself bill that is one fine looking boat good luck oh sure you can stay with Bill I'll set you up right here okay I'll be over at the bleacher saving up some seats and sizing up Bill's competition I'd sure like to win a ribbon George to buy this kit I had to save N9 weeks of money for my paper out oh I almost forgot to do my paper out could you do me a big favor and watch my boat while I'm [Music] gone see you soon George knew Boat watching was serious business there were a lot of nice boats here but not one person had built the greatest boat a fairy boat maybe he could build [Music] one [Music] commanding a fery had been George's lifelong dream ever since he first heard of them earlier that [Applause] [Music] [Music] morning [Music] luckily Bill's Boat looked good as [Applause] new maybe he just put it down the wrong way hey George how's it going I'll be back after I deliver the rest of these papers thanks for taking good care of my [Music] boat George couldn't figure out what he'd done to it it looked perfect but he knew one thing no bill couldn't enter the contest with this [Music] boat George had to build him a new one and fast unfortunately George had no idea how to do that first George had to find out what Boats were made [Music] of if you've got to build a boat in a hurry a bucket of toys is a handy thing to have [Music] jumpy squirrel's new favorite thing to do was watch George sink boats and he wasn't [Music] disappointed oh it turned out metal didn't float so well especially when it was full of holes plastic plastic might work just like the other toy boat but metal cars are heavy even so it was sort of floating it was just sort of floating underwater hey George
Channel: WildBrain Zoo
Views: 816,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sunny bunnies, sunny bunnies in english, bunnies, sunny bunies, sunny bunny, sunny bunnys, sunny bunny cartoon, suny bunnies, sunny, cartoons for kids, cartoons for children, cartoon, cartoons, kids shows, children animation, children, children cartoon, funny cartoons, funny bunnies, cartoon for children, cartoon for kids, kartun, cartoon movie, youtube cartoons, baby cartoons, cartoons for baby, cartoons for babies, children cartoons, kids cartoons, cartoon cartoons, Оддбодики
Id: hwSvAPQE6d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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