George, the Hog Trainer 🐵 Curious George 🐵 Kids Cartoon 🐵 Kids Movies

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sorry Grandma but how he gets too hot exercising outside Hogs do that sometimes sweetie if George couldn't bring Howie inside where it was cool he'd have to bring the inside cool outside to Howie George [Music] thank you [Music] George needed to make his hog exercise her turn even if it wasn't plugged in now what made that fan turn [Music] George had a wheel he could make his van turn two where could he find a wheel [Music] oh powered by electricity George's hog exerciser fan was powered by George [Music] and Howie could comfortably exercise for 30 minutes now all he needs to do is practice walking for the judges yep it's step four we better get started every day Howie had the same routine he exercised had a bath got rushed [Music] for the judge [Music] and got an apple [Music] exercised had a bath got brushed [Music] I practiced walking for the judge and got an apple [Music] how we practice so much he knew it by heart foreign ready for the fair Ulysses George and Howie were ready too oh how we had exercised been bathed and brushed now he had to walk for the judges and then he'd get his Apple huh you're up next number 88. and the next contestant is number 88 Howie the hall George where are you going with that sorry but you can't take that into the ring it's against the rules huh but that's how we always practiced how [Music] Howie was worried his friends didn't seem to know what to do but how we knew it was always the same he exercised got bathed got brushed [Music] and now he was supposed to walk for the judges and then he'd get his Apple [Music] besides having a hard time keeping cool and liking apples pigs are really really smart we have a winner [Music] well I'll be [Music] ah [Music] some belts would be a good start uh George have you seen my [Music] oh yeah uh never mind now he just needed some Wheels to make it move you need Wheels uh-huh maybe my grandpa has some we could borrow we could ride our trikes over [Music] you want to ride over upside down look we could try [Music] George that's a great idea after removing the fenders and tires George had his conveyor belt now for the cardboard ducks it was almost like the game at the fair but there was something missing [Music] that was better [Music] when the Ducks move it's harder to hit them I don't think I'll ever be good at this [Music] it was working Ally was getting better with practice [Music] hey it looks like you're ready to go back to the fair [Music] uh time for one more game you've got uh three minutes just enough time foreign [Music] looks like somebody's been practicing sure has thank you two ducks to go George could hardly stand it [Music] just one duck left [Music] you know um I'm not sure I can do this maybe we should just come back next year just try you're right [Music] I mean we did it here George this is for you ha ha sure for helping me to become a good duck knocker downer oh wow that is very nice of you Ally [Music] you know that duck game was pretty easy I just had to practice try hard to not give up ah favorite Fair ever Ali learned to practice and got her ducks in a row and George got a bear I can't wait for the Apple Festival next month you'll want to go with me because [Music] a vacuum I picked them up [Music] okay [Music] but then again maybe not [Music] a rug might cover his toys George you'll be amazed how easily it fits right back underneath the bed oh [Music] that's what George needed and it was simple he got plywood from the basement so he could put his toys on it and tuck them away under his bed [Music] the pyramid was too tall [Music] oh it was perfect [Music] huh oh how did this one move so smoothly [Music] it rolled things that raw move smoothly George found things that Roar [Music] balls rolled right out [Music] hmm and hockey pucks we're no better [Music] but trained box cars were just right [Music] we want to do something for more than three minutes let's play catch hahaha [Music] what are you doing George [Music] wow why didn't I think of that face it you're no monkey [Music] over [Music] ah he'd found it the missing one yeah that's the world's crankiest polar bear guardian of the one [Music] cool stop [Music] stop on stop can Fearless George ever get out of this yeah yes with the aid of his loyal pterodactyl pencil ah well that was certainly an unexpected twist I turned the missing one to where it belonged another mission accomplished by Fearless George hero of Heroes oh [Music] let's play again this time George is a wizard trapped on the South Pole by penguins and if we run out of time we just roll it under the bed whether he was being a wizard or cleaning up toy [Music] toy nice [Music] it's then put in this giant sifter to remove husks or hulls which are the parts of the grain we don't eat [Music] that is so cool and then finally it's put in bags and it's ready to be shipped to the warehouse ah wow any questions yes could we have one bag of Masa please oh I'm so sorry we don't have any Masa this is all flower oh what I'm sorry since there's been very little rain the drought delayed the Corn Harvest no corn no Masa where does your corn come from we get ours from local farmers [Music] George knew a farmer who just might have some corn get my new water tank George it stores rain water for my crops [Music] [Laughter] what what is it George pointed the way to Rankin's Farm [Music] this is wonderful [Music] it's true the drought delayed the Harvest but thanks to my water tank we had just enough to get through I've been harvesting all day I'm almost afraid to ask but you say you've been harvesting all day yes so my question is do you have corn now yes you must really like corn [Music] not only did Mr rankins have fresh corn but he also had dried corn that could be ground in tommaso right away come on boys we must see that the corn gets through to Marcos abuela the tortilla Express is on the way oh [Music] so they took the corn to the mill where it was ground in tomasa and put in bags come on boys [Music] then they took the bags to the warehouse where they were packaged for the stores [Music] look at that and to the store where they filled the shelves for customers here you go gracias [Music] thank you and finally to Marco's house [Music] George was surprised he always knew that Mr rankins grew corn he didn't realize that the food in the store and in people's homes came from Farmers like his friend Mr rankins [Music] she's here until that day George hadn't really thought about how important farmers were to so many people surprise amor Marco's grandmother loved Marco's special tortillas this is amazing what a tortilla but one person loved the most of all I could eat a whole stack are there more [Music] guys [Music] has anyone been touching my cow we were playing baseball oh did you touch a fence hey can we borrow your grandpa's Wash Tub sure what you working on [Music] wow that's the creamiest thing I have ever never seen yeah we know but we'll get that slimy water out fast with this [Music] all together one two three [Music] thank you [Music] that was the hardest I've worked in my whole entire life so far today the hard work had made George thirsty but he wasn't sure he trusted that straw [Music] but this time it didn't go by itself different George tried again from lower down like he did before hey George invented an automatic straw oh you have the straw below the picture and gravity is pulling the lemonade out [Music] straws could drain a glass while else could it drain foreign [Music] is George gonna drink the pool George don't drink the pool George wasn't going to drink the pool he was going to train it it's emptying itself how fast is it emptying I think we need a bigger straw like a dinosaur straw I don't think dinosaurs use straws dinosaurs didn't have hands right right so how'd they drink their milk oh you got a point [Music] all George had to do was get the end of the hose below the water level suck the water in and then let gravity take over quit sucking water out of a hose was a lot harder than sucking it out of the straw too bad we don't have a dinosaur a dinosaur would have that pool empty in a second hmm foreign [Music] he was going to give it his best dinosaur try oh it works of course you were below the water level and gravity pulled the water out hey not bad for City kid help hi guys my hose sprung a leak mind if I use yours bill I gotta water my plants George had one more idea [Music] wow what a great way to use a siphon hey there's even now we just have to clean the inside of the pool fill it back up and we'll be swimming in no time that's all [Music] the water was cold and clean so With a Little Help From a siphon summer went swimmingly
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 93,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: T7RMsYkAUqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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