Curious George 🐡 George's New Neighbour 🐡 Kids Cartoon 🐡 Kids Movies 🐡 Videos for Kids

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[Music] George was conducting an important experiment testing the bounce factor of the living room furniture [Music] this part of the couch made a different sound that wasn't the couch it sounded big it sounded heavy and it came from up there huh [Laughter] [Music] you must have heard our new neighbor walking around he moved in last week what George had heard seemed heavier than footsteps what are you doing oh George you must have heard our neighbor walking that's all it could be it's not like he's got some wild animal up there [Music] the man with a yellow hat lived with George so why couldn't the new neighbor live with an animal what kind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] of course the new neighbor had brought home an elephant [Music] The Man with the Yellow Hat had to hear this George [Music] you you dreamed about an elephant [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] um no more nature books before you go to sleep George they're obviously giving you strange dreams this is better bedtime reading the happy sleepy monkey good night [Music] [Laughter] this new sound certainly wasn't an elephant walking around it was an elephant that was doing what [Music] [Music] foreign boy I didn't sleep at all last night [Music] huh [Music] George never realized there were so many sounds in the world he'd never listened hard enough wow [Music] that was the balcony to the apartment upstairs where the new neighbor lived with his elephant [Music] bringing home a new rug is always a one-man one monkey job so George was happy to have his friend The Man with the Yellow Hat around a help uh I'll take the front George and you make sure the back doesn't hit anything or drag on the ground [Music] hold on we all clear back there [Music] okay I'm putting it down whoo thanks George boy I am so happy I got this rug George liked the way the big tube looked in the room [Music] look good flat too where Professor Wiseman was right it's a perfect rug oh I've got to take a picture to show her oh wouldn't you know I forgot to buy batteries okay I'll be right back be a good little monkey what a great rug [Music] hauling a rug always makes a monkey thirsty for grape juice [Music] a lot of grape juice [Music] the rug made for good toe squishing probably be fun to jump on this wasn't good George had to get that juice off the rug [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh now what soap soap clean stuff so more soap clean stuff more [Applause] bubble bath would make it smell good [Music] that was definitely too much soap okay perfect but there was something missing water [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] how are you today well I'd like to buy this it'll go perfectly with my great new rug wait wait these legs yeah I'm afraid they'd snag my great new rug oh I could fix that swap those legs out for ones that are less snaggy just take a few minutes if you don't mind waiting I can't wait to get a picture of that footstool on my new rug oh did I mention I just got a great new rug [Music] [Applause] [Music] George had to get all those suds out of the house so he could see if the rug was clean [Music] George was happy he spotted the glass of juice that could have caused a real mess [Music] watching for the Man with the Yellow Hat to come home was easy for a sharp-eyed monkey like George because nobody else was that yellow [Music] well almost no one [Music] seeing the man was great seeing him with a present was even better hahaha well hello how was your morning were you a good little monkey that's my monkey [Music] hold on George that present's not for you it's for Professor wiseman's birthday you can see what's inside when she opens it tonight at dinner was years away maybe just one Peak now if you really want to unwrap something come in the kitchen here you Orange Peel is gift wrap you'll be helping me and unwrapping too orange skin didn't feel like gift wrap but there was something good inside maybe that thick skin was there to hold back squirts [Music] now the onion head skin that felt like gift wrap but it didn't smell like any present [Music] and no wonder they keep cheese wrapped up [Music] these coverings were all different but they hid the same thing yeah something smelly but that couldn't be the same reason the present was wrapped could it George could you please peel me one apple [Music] this was much better the Apple smelled good oh oh yeah [Music] George after you've done one apple leave the bowl of unpeeled fruit out okay those are Professor wiseman's favorites that I bought especially for her birthday oh [Music] um George could you pick up my pants for me they're being altered at the department store [Music] open it without you have a seat I'll be back in one moment with the pants and with the Yellow Hat was right this errand had completely taken George's mind off the [Music] [Music] um [Laughter] nothing to eat nothing to smell nothing all George uncovered was a mystery why just wrap empty boxes George couldn't wait for his newspapers to be sun-dried George had promised Bill he'd deliver all these papers if it didn't get done bill could lose his job maybe the Man with the Yellow Hat knew where to get dry papers [Music] George forgot to watch where he was going [Music] fortunately he was wearing a helmet unfortunately the bike was not [Music] haha the walk home was a long one for George hey George [Music] are you looking for someone to repair that wheel not me no not Leslie come on you think you could get George's wheel rolling again I know I can [Music] I think we can fix this [Music] it seemed to be going well but George felt he should help a wrench George knew how to use that [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks good now let's fix these folks [Music] terrific next we checked balance [Music] that looks good now the taupe all right uh-huh just needs a patch [Music] [Applause] [Music] where is that wrench [Music] oh thank you George [Music] all we need now is some air in the tires George hadn't helped as much as he wanted to perhaps one or two minor adjustments [Music] he did however know how to use a pump [Music] oh you're welcome George rushed home to tell the Man with the Yellow Hat about his paper problem George I have a surprise for you [Music] [Laughter] oh George bill came by apparently some people didn't get their newspapers today yep one lady saw a duck riding in a newspaper boat but it wouldn't get out and let her read the headlines suddenly George remembered he hadn't told the Man with the Yellow Hat about his paper problem hold on George how about we just buy a few dry papers and deliver them right now and so George was able to finish his route just like a real paper ball maybe I should buy a new bike for myself too [Music] sorry George had been drawing all morning but when he drew too long oh he got a cramp in his foot [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that's funny a banana driving a car oh it's me well George I am honored to be in such a great work of art hey and you know we're great works of art belong on the refrigerator you need to hold to hold is a MAG let me see I remember having one somewhere oh well this is the only one I got [Music] hmm you're right it really doesn't do it justice okay we have a mission go buy great magnets so you can hang that George careful don't swing from the refrigerator yeah okay two missions magnets refrigerator door handle [Music] oh hi professor Wiseman hi guys wow you're in the wrong place that belongs in an art museum [Music] we're here to buy cool magnets to stick George's picture to the refrigerator say while you're here do you want to see our new magnatorium yeah oh were you talking to George George was in a hurry to get home and hang up his drawing but he was curious [Music] Welcome to the magnatorium [Music] I think magnetism is my favorite invisible force George knew he could spend all day here but they were on a mission oh right we'll come back another day and play with all this stuff before you go try to touch this magnet against the back of the cars [Music] now try to touch it to the front [Music] [Music] everything isn't magnetic just certain metals oh George check this out this isn't a magnet see [Music] but anything attracted to a magnet can be turned into a magnet by rubbing the magnet on it like this in the same direction [Music] it's all so amazing oh I almost forgot this one amazing thing does that do this it's the pizza pan you lent me I'm returning it thanks [Music] George was still in a hurry to buy some small magnets and get home [Music] most mornings George went out on the porch to find the paper this morning the paper found George wished he could be a paper boy someday but he didn't even know how to ride a bike not yet anyway [Music] [Laughter] [Music] this why this was my bike when I was a boy I sure had fun but it was a long time ago you want to try it [Music] hmm yeah it's gonna need a little work first [Music] [Applause] [Music] now to blow up the tires this was something George could do he'd blown up lots of balloons [Music] no luck let's try this air pump [Music] be my guest [Music] ah George liked knowing the Man with the Yellow Hat was holding him up [Music] by the third day ah he rode so fast The Man with the Yellow Hat couldn't keep up very good George I think you're ready to ride on the road hahaha now remember always watch where you're going stay on the right side of the road and Signal turns like this for left and this for right [Music] that's it oh and be a good little monkey cyclist bye-bye [Music] oh bad [Music] like most cyclists George loved the wind blowing in his fur for the first time ever he was even faster than bunnies [Music] wow great trick sorry I came out so fast but I'm gonna be late for school hey could you finish my paper out [Music] trusted with a paper route it was like George's wish had just been granted it was a special day for George a visit to the museum but first a stop at pisketti's for a sweet Sunday treat George they're not going anywhere [Music] Noli a brown crunchy shell with a delicious filling see two just for us [Music] hey gnocchi you have your own house now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] someone's looking for cannoli the last two got taken I don't make any new cannoli today I'm too upset what's going on Yorkie she has been sneaking into the main room and scratching up at the seats it's a disaster you see look what she's done can you believe a little gato a sweet little kitty could do such damage yeah foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] she wants to come in I feel terrible she only wants to come in because you say she cannot oh Deepika cat this kitchen is in torment I suspect there will be no cannoli until this problem is solved back outside [Music] don't worry George I'm sure they'll solve the problem [Music] at the Museum George was too distracted to concentrate ah [Music] Professor Wiseman hey guys welcome to my new exhibit it's called how great scientists got their great ideas these are portraits of some great scientists Isaac Newton Benjamin Franklin Marie Curie and Albert Einstein once you think like a scientist George you can solve almost any problem George had a problem he wanted cannoli you know scientists think about problems and get ideas to solve them they observe then collect information and if that information doesn't help solve their problem they observe more and get a different idea oh dear excuse me young man get down from there oh George wondered what great scientists would do if they were monkeys who had no cannoli because gnocchi had scratched the booths [Music] I say do we know for certain that she did it like the chef believes you must think about what you observed [Music] George did see Noki scratched the door but could she have scratched the booth too [Music] observe does not support the chef's idea about gnocchi making the scratches if George could prove gnocchi was innocent Chef piscotti would be happy and George would have cannoli oh I love cannoli George had to observe more maybe it came from something no one had ever seen [Music] some undiscovered dinosaur you're a scientist now George [Music] but how could a monkey figure out exactly what an Undiscovered dinosaur looked like foreign [Music] oh I dropped some puzzle pieces I can't finish the elephant without all the pieces [Music] the pieces George found didn't look like pieces of elephant [Music] you found them [Music] well now you can't tell what you've got by looking at only one piece you have to put them all together [Music] see so to see what his Discovery looked like George had to find the rest of the bones if he found one bone in the park the rest must be close by [Music] Sharkey kept treating George's Discovery like a toy which may explain why you never see any dog scientists [Music] she didn't have it her paws were dirty buried it ah [Music] thank you [Music] another bone [Music] [Applause] this was George's very own dinosaur dig site dinosaur waiting for millions of years to be found but something wasn't right [Music] the bones were all alike hi George what do you have there you found all these here in the park a Sharky so this is where you've been hiding all your chew toys oh Santa hi those are Sharky's missing bones all right [Music] and we just bought her a brand new one too [Music] so that's why Sharky treated George's Discovery like a toy [Music] what a find we've been looking for her missing toys all year long thanks for finding them George huh oh you made a helpful Discovery George who knows maybe someday you'll even dig up a dinosaur [Music] we gotta go bye-bye see you George have fun George [Music] hey there huh have you been digging up my Park [Music] ah huh then you've got to hold a villain [Music] discovering dinosaur bones was harder than it looked but even if the bone George found wasn't a real dinosaur bone it was pretty close [Music] are you really a doctor I've been waiting so long I don't even care I have this terrible it goes away it comes back it goes away [Music] foreign the sweater was muffling the sounds inside there was one way to fix that [Music] huh oh should I keep breathing it might help if I take this off [Music] oh my God I'm cured you're a genius monkey doctor monkey [Music] oh I'm not cured [Music] I'm allergic to this sweater you're the best doctor I've ever had and I'm not just saying that because you're a monkey George had cured his first patient but then [Music] doctor is that you [Music] a doctor never ignores a patient in need [Music] hey you're a monkey [Music] my problem is my arm not my throat I'll wait for Dr gazoon because you're a monkey did you hear that weird noise too what is that [Music] I've had the hiccups for two weeks I get this stop [Music] what aren't you gonna help me what kind of a monkey doctor are you [Music] that's him that's the monkey that tried to make me go ah he's a genius monkey doctor he discovered my allergy George do you have permission to be a doctor [Music] what's going on out here George what are you wearing you haven't performed any operations have you [Music] what was that you don't know I figured it was your medical machinery aha [Music] Dr gazoon hello I I came in here during my break to play just one round I I must have lost track of time [Music] feels as great as monkey curiosity satisfied oh my my hiccups are cured [Music] George liked the stethoscope and Dr coat so much that Dr Baker let him keep them and though Hundley was grateful the lobby was peaceful [Music] he started to worry that someday George might really be his doctor [Music] it had been a particularly rewarding day at the going out of business store George couldn't imagine how this day could get any better maybe it could [Music] Mabel's department store had added a fresh homemade candy counter [Music] oh I don't know about you but I simply can't walk away from blue candy [Music] but I can't carry this into Maples [Music] the pyramid sort of enhances the pinkness don't you think um I'm working on a rhombus shape but it keeps falling over a rhombus [Music] it's a work in progress anyway welcome to Kaylee's candies I'm Kaylee we'd like four small boxes great this is my first order today no one could wait till they got home to try the chocolates [Music] hey George's box has four not six you got short changed he can have two of mine I just wanted to taste anyway so can I have your other three [Music] George didn't think it was fair for anyone to sacrifice there was only one right thing to do [Music] [Music] oh you want to buy two more [Music] You're missing two [Music] how do I know you didn't eat them hmm you most certainly haven't eaten any chocolate boy you sure have nice teeth [Music] pick any two you want sorry I shortchanged you I put some of these boxes together at home and my cat distracts me [Music] oh dear I need to pick up more stock but I can't just leave hey would you mind watching the counter you're obviously extremely honest and I've hardly had any business all day all you have to do is watch the chocolates while I'm gone so much foreign [Music] the mysterious rhombus George wondered if he could make a rhombus it didn't seem hard [Music] why did other shapes stack better maybe they went together by shape not color [Music] George concentrated on his work George hadn't expected any customers I want a box of chocolates for my wife do you have mints are these mints well what are those [Laughter] that doesn't look like a mint [Music] the next blue one had the same filling and it still wasn't meant [Music] well don't you have a flavor chart [Music] Summer Afternoon [Music] the perfect time for a game of find the pigeon [Music] oh [Music] okay George playtime's over time to clean your room you can play with compass after you clean your room [Music] bath time George [Music] I don't think you'll fit in the bird bath George you're definitely a tub monkey [Music] okay time to brush your teeth and hit the sack George [Music] even though being a monkey was the greatest thing ever pigeons didn't have to do what anybody told them George time to clean your room take a bath wash your ears brush your teeth go to bed wake up make yourself breakfast [Music] thank you so the next morning George made up his mind to live like a pigeon [Music] it turned out that birds had special pecking equipment [Music] keeping up with pigeons was hard work if you didn't come with wings [Music] plus pigeons didn't have to wait for the don't walk light [Music] [Music] oh what [Music] George had lost his flock to be a pigeon you had to fly [Music] being a cat looked like a lot less work than being a pigeon [Music] now this was the life and no one made gnocchi clean her room [Music] plus cats took a bath wherever they wanted whenever they wanted a cat bath was okay if you didn't mind a hairy mouth and a spitty face maybe being a cat wasn't for George either lots of animals who didn't have to clean their rooms or brush their teeth surely George could find one he could be like a chameleon they could change color effortlessly [Music] monkeys couldn't [Music] just never had to stop playing to take a bath [Music] but George wasn't good enough at holding his breath to be a fish for very long oh what else would make a bathtub feel more like home to a turtle frogs [Music] oh hi George need any help now [Music] oh these there you go the flippers look like frog feet [Music] well you're in anyway you'll want this too [Music] the flippers helped him swim fast enough to catch up with frogs it also helped that the frogs had never seen another frog so big and Harry before [Music] now his tub even sounded like the turtle's home [Music] maybe sand and snails and frogs just weren't enough [Music] George brought back all the Green Lake stuff he could find even the slimy things [Music] he'd accidentally caught a fish the turtle had to like that huh [Music] how could sand and snails and frogs and lily pads and slimy things plus a fish not be enough the only thing the lake had that this tub didn't was Mr Quint maybe a monkey could never make a turtle happy [Music] except by leaving it alone so George decided to go back to what he was doing in the first place searching for Bill's lost disk [Music] what he discovered was more than just a lost toy [Applause] [Music] and they could hold their breath for a long long time much longer than a monkey [Music] ah what a day I can't wait for a nice long Stoke in the top whoa who are you oh my God George has it really been that long since I cleaned the tub or did you do this [Music] [Laughter] [Music] ah okay everybody's back home I hope you've learned there's more to a happy home than just a dirty bathtub [Music] thinking back George realized even though it would be fun to have worms living under his bed they'd be happier in their own home dirt [Music] still it was exciting to think new friends might turn up right in your own backyard or even under it
Channel: Curious George Official
Views: 585,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: curious george, curious george full episodes in english, curious george guest monkey, george the monkey, curious george english full episode, curious george full episodes, Man in Yellow Hat, Hudley The Dog, Hudely and George, curious george 403, juicy george, best cartoon kids movie family, curious george in english, george monkey cartoon english, curious george theme song, curious george halloween, curious george movie, curious george halloween song
Id: UoZ3P6PIxxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 29sec (3389 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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