Cuphead: The Fake Outrage

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Honestly, you see this getting called out on reddit sometimes. the odd comment: "You know I feel like it's just like four or five people being retarded online and there are way more people getting outraged over it and making a big deal out of nothing" sometimes pops up and gives me that bad taste in my mouth. Whenever I see massive outrage threads there's always that little voice in the back of my mind, telling me to go and look at the source myself. I always feel guilty when I catch myself not looking at the actual article, and I see way too many people falling for the same thing.

👍︎︎ 281 👤︎︎ u/GAY_SPACE_COMMUNIST 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

The games "news" community runs on outrage....just like the normal "news". Anger spreads more it is an easily and often used tool for people to get higher profile.

Everyone eats it up, love listening to others angry and yelling into a camera.

👍︎︎ 94 👤︎︎ u/Dani_SF 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad that he says these racist caricatures and their relation to Cuphead's sources are "worthy of a conversation" while stating clearly that saying so isn't an attack on Cuphead. I just wish there were a forum where these conversations could take place. Most discussions on video game forums get shut down by people who aren't even interested in discussing the topic.

👍︎︎ 311 👤︎︎ u/litewo 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I think this is a really important video. The gaming community tends to start a wild fire over the smallest spark. I understand why people are uneasy with an idea like EAs micro transactions catching on. But if everyone doesn't like it then it WON'T catch on. The only reason it has, is because people keep buying it. Finally we're seeing people realizing they don't have to buy Battlefront just because it exists. Why did we need to set the gaming world on fire to get people to realize this?

Edit: My point being: why is information in the gaming community only exchanged in outrage?

👍︎︎ 135 👤︎︎ u/Drewelite 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I didn't even notice this fake outrage over the game, and I spend too much of my time online. I usually see more of this shit than I'd like...

All I saw was people feeling mislead by the cute look of the game, but cute-looking games being fiendishy difficult has been a thing in gaming for about as long as people have managed to communicate a cute look via the available graphics tech.

It makes this video kind of feel like it's a cog in the very same machine it is criticizing. I suppose it might be a damned if you do, damned if you don't type of scenario.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/MumrikDK 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2017 🗫︎ replies

Frankly this video points to a problem with so much of the gaming community. People absolutely love drama, and people always want an 'other' to scapegoat.

Of course the "SJWS ARE RUINING GAMES" crowd is the worst at this, but pretty much all areas of the gaming community are at fault here. We love a good outrage, especially if it can be put on some 'other' (SJWs, game journalists, Nintendo Fans, Redditors, and many more), and that won't stop until we stop giving deliberate attempts at controversy views. That goes for the Sargon of Akkads, Ian Miles Cheongs, but also your Jim Sterlings who created multiple videos decrying 'Nintendo fans' because of an apparent DDOS on his site that he provided no proof of. Even the cases of people going to a Subreddit, posting terrible 'criticisms' of a game, then going "x fans don't want you having an opinion!!!" when they inevitably get downvoted serve to extend this problem.

Gaming discourse is, generally, quite terrible and, to be honest, I have no idea how we could possibly fix it.

👍︎︎ 110 👤︎︎ u/Plum111 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

"I feel like a lot of gamers are so threatened by journalism that simply asks questions or sparks debate because they'd rather be totally passive and uncritical consumers of a predictable and unchanging product."

Ding ding ding. This is it pretty much, could've just said this and stopped.

Fanboys cannot be argued with, you cannot have a discussion with them, unless it's complete praise.

Have you ever watched, lets say, CoD and Battlefield fanboys "debate" which game is better?" "No!" the BF fanboy will say "Our game is far superior, it's a game for mature gamers, not like that kiddy CoD trash!" "LOL ! " the CoD fanboy would reply, "You're just an elitist neckbeard virgin in your mom's basement!"

Do you see what's going on here? These people invest a lot of their self worth into their favorite games.

For you CoD or BF (or any other game) might just be a game you play for fun and laughs for a bit and then move on with your life - for them, it's part of their persona, and when you try to discuss anything that could EVEN BE PERCEIVED as negative about "their" game, in their mind, you're not just criticizing the game, you're criticizing them as a person.

Immaturity. Immaturity and stupidity, and apparently the natural conclusion of consumerist culture - where people identify themselves with these products to such an extent that they get extremely defensive at anything other than constant praise.

Companies love this by the way, they love the legions of unpaid PR agents that defend their games and their actions to the hilt and they absolutely encourage it.

Why wouldn't they? I would. If I owned a popular franchise and there was a """rival""" franchise, I'd have my marketing trump up that """rivalry""" as much as possible, get all the man-children to ""debate"" each other. Then I can do whatever I want. Day 1 DLC? Yep. Microtransactions in full priced games? Of course. Lootboxes? Absolutely.

Those that would reasonably criticize my actions would be branded by my fanboys as "haters" or fanboys of "the other game" and would swiftly be silenced. Meanwhile, the other game is doing the same thing, and I can join their CEO for a golf game and laugh about our "rivalry" and all the morons buying into it. It's great, really.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Relnor 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 75 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies

I think it a very solid video that illustrates how every community has a group of people looking to be outraged and offended.

Although I feel when it came to Dean's video there was a loss of nuance. Lot of the outrage centered around the video had less to do with the video itself but instead how venturebeat decided to react to the criticism.

It sort of feels like it was intentionally left out because it didn't fit in with what the video was trying to say.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Emelenzia 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2017 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone today I'd like to talk about cuphead and more specifically a few completely real controversies related to carpet that definitely happened and matter air but first of all what is cuphead well it's a video game a rather good video game in my opinion it's a side-scrolling run and gun game in which players control the titular cop head with his pal milkman in co-op mode now cop head and mug man are both in trouble after finding themselves on the wrong side of the tracks and losing at dice in the devil's casino indebted to the devil that yuo have to track down the devil's runaway debtors and collect their soul contracts for him it's a pretty neat game and I'd recommend playing it if you haven't it has a reputation for difficulty apparently but I beat it fairly easily to be honest and it didn't even take me that long either but then again I am brilliant at the computer games and thus have earned the right to talk about them so given that I'm not a game review channel you might be wondering why am I talking about cop head and that's because cop head is racist ablest and out-of-touch elitist games journalists all hate it because it's too difficult you know Kelvin is racist that game is it's animation styles based around those racist cartoons for in 1930s and 40s so clearly the games is the embodiment of racism oh I can one-up that it's actually ablest that's right it's ableism and it's just in its most concentrated form in a form of interactive entertainment and then I had to go and just shut this [ __ ] off and take a couple steps away from my social media feed because no matter where I went every single [ __ ] corner of the internet was Kate with [ __ ] sticking to a wall so [ __ ] bad that even the Flies decided you know what I can go elsewhere this is the kind of stuff that I was seeing all the time based around cuphead that's a rant each app called Alpha Omega sin telling is half a million subscribers about the hatred cuphead is apparently receiving all the time in every single corner of the internet and he certainly seems rather worked up about it so i'm sure it is actually happening but i have to ask for the sake of argument who is it who is actually attacking carpet who are these scoundrels and this is a game that I got to play and I enjoyed the living [ __ ] out of yet now due to the game's difficulty because it's actually a challenging game not [ __ ] impossible an actual challenging game they think that huh that's ablest and they think because of the art style that it is racist literally just haphazardly applying [ __ ] labels wherever they see fit and this is gamers and journalists that are saying this kind of [ __ ] you you've got to be [ __ ] kidding me this is what's happening a game does not deserve this kind of [ __ ] yet it's happening anyway it's happening anyway apparently and so it's fake gamers and air quotes journalists who've been attacking carpet then now mr. Alpha Omega sand rants for a solid 16 minutes in much the same vein as what you've seen but I know actually identifies who it is specifically he shouting about he does a lot of impressions of imaginary silly people calling cop ed racist and refers to a nebulous they a lot of times but never actually calls out anyone in particular and that makes the comments under its video rather confusing here's a few examples Alex barranco says I'm gonna say this and I don't give a flip what anyone thinks these buffoons claiming cop had his racist and ableist are proof that the world has people that should be euthanized if my opinion hurts anyone's feelings I say forget your feelings but smokey says sjw's are cancer kill them with fire ty says holy [ __ ] really these SJW knows no bounds sometimes I just wish they would nuke the world back into the dark ages and we could just start over sjw would not last long in that kind of world [ __ ] Christ and Lilith aka the fire Hawk says [ __ ] sjw's I have epilepsy and I just beat Borderlands 2 yesterday hell I dare these people to say to me cup had his ableism I might just loose control around these people these people and this is something you see over and over again in these comments these people these people these people dude I didn't know until I saw this video that people were saying this [ __ ] I totally agree with you alpha these people are dumb and like who who are they all talking about you know who are these people how did this happen how is it that this guy can whip up his audience into such a rage that they're wishing for every sort of violence up to and including nuclear annihilation directed at a completely undefined enemy is it me or is that rather odd so what we're gonna do today is try to figure out how cop had became the latest battlefield for capital G gamers on one side and quote these people on the other and along the way we will see if we can find any examples of these people and see what if anything they've actually said about cop so to start off here back in August at the gamescom event in Germany a ventureBeat writer named Dean Takahashi played a preview version of coppered in order to write an article about it the footage of his attempt was uploaded to venture beats YouTube channel and his below-average gameplay garnered some attention shall we say now attack aha she's article acknowledges his poor performance starting out I suck at co-ed let's get this out of the way and later saying go ahead laugh your heart out at my expense while my performance on the captured video below is quite shameful as I never finished the level I think it shows quite well why cop ed is fun and why making hard games that depend on skill is like a lost art so you know what happened here a dude was bad at a video game for half an hour he blames his own poor play not the game he calls it fun he's self-deprecating ly good natured about it you know posting the video online because it's funny that he sucks at the game and he's also not reviewing the game by the way he just previewed it for a bit at a games Expo a different journalists at VentureBeat wrote the actual review of cop head-on the site's given get a score of eighty five out of a hundred and saying these days beating a game sometimes doesn't feel like much of an actual achievements but I was happy and proud when I killed the last boss and covered the fact that it was so hard made it so rewarding and Dean Takahashi later posted a short video of him playing and beating the level that he had earlier struggled with so well done to Dean for improving I guess so why is this all a thing well about that attention I mentioned earlier lots of folks reacted rather poorly to some guy being bad at a video game for example air-quote journalist Ian miles Prower Chun got some ants in his pants about the situation saying games journalists are incredibly bad at video games it's painful to watch this how do they think they're qualified to write about games how can a paid professional games journalist be this bad at video games Dean Takahashi spent 26 minutes playing the first level and never got past Darth and Gary I don't know how it's possible to rely on the recommendations of game journalists when they don't even have basic reflex is needed to play it explains why they're all enamored with walking simulators no skill necessary just press W and the game will take care of itself and so on and so forth so that's quite the extrapolation there Dean Takahashi the singular person being bad at cop had for a bit at a games Expo it's now all games journalists being terrible at all games all the time and engaging in some conspiracy to promote walking simulators or something all this despite Takahashi's preview of the game and the later actual review on the site both praising cop heads difficulty Chong steak was popular though with more than 12,000 people sharing his tweet mocking Takahashi's gameplay and detached fee arising about walking simulators and so begins the cast of the numbers the VentureBeat video received over a million views PewDiePie put out a video where he reacts rather obnoxiously to that video which has over 6 million views at the time of writing this and another one that has over 4 million some channel called rags put out the cop head chronicles gamers vs. journalists mocking Takashi's gameplay - a couple of hundred thousand viewers so cop head is the hot topic to argue about so we keep talking about it until it doesn't get us attention anymore and that's how YouTube works folks and not to skip ahead too much but if nobody is actually saying anything worthwhile creating a ranty response - for example if nobody is calling cop head racist you can just pretend they are and your audience will believe you anyway but let's get back on track so on October 29th Ian miles Chung shared an article on a site called super nerd land written by Twitter user cheeky scrump and that's called post mortem the dark souls of games reviews and when cheeky scrum posted this article to Twitter they added why are game journalists so dead set on attacking difficult games because it benefits them well is it true that games journalists are dead set on attacking difficult games like cuphead well I don't know about that be honest cuphead has an 88 on Metacritic for a start it got five stars on giantbomb 8.5 on polygon 8 out of 10 on GameSpot and so on and all these reviews praised the difficulty level games journalists love cop ed and its difficulty going by what they actually you know say about it so who are the games journalists who are apparently dead set on attacking difficult games you know who are they are they more of the ease people well let's read this article by cheeky scrump and see if we can find out and I quote most recently cop had the much-hyped run-and-gun platformer with a Golden Age era cartoon aesthetic was described as somewhere between Mario and Dark Souls by now infamous games journalist Dean Takahashi Corp had and it's like have created unexpected controversies about whether or not games journalists should have basic ability when it comes to playing games the long and short of it is that cuphead has become a jumping-off point for a full-scale attack on difficult and exclusionary games by the gaming press as the argument goes games that are difficult Rob lesser skilled players of the chance to complete them therefore making them exclusionary now if we click on that link there were taken to a polygon article written by Bank Akira entitled when is exclusion a valid design choice so is this it have we found it finally is this the full-scale attack by games journalists dead set on attacking difficult games well no cheeky scrump is being rather misleading about the contents of this polygon article in a way that in my opinion perfectly illustrates how a lot of people online simply don't know how to read properly so let's take a look at this polygon article and how it's written it starts out with the headline which is a question when is exclusion a valid design choice and it proposes another in its first paragraph are you owed the act of finishing a game because you bought it now this article is an attempt to answer those questions and it presents multiple viewpoints as an example it at one point the difficulty will turn some people off and those people never get to see that art they will never get to enjoy those animations the design of the game itself keeps them out when the addition of an easy mode or option to skip the bosses would allow everyone to see as much or as little as they want so why are so many people against this idea and following that it offers an opposing argument and yet the difficulty is part of the experience of playing cop at difficult games create an emotional reaction in the player and that reaction might be the point of the difficulty so if a game is designed to be played in a very particular way and copepod asks you to treat failure as a chance to learn and rewards repetition and memorization aren't you subverting those goals by asking for a mode that removes that method of play I hope you're able to see my point here this article is discussing something it proposes a question then shows multiple viewpoints and presents arguments for each this article isn't attacking koppad or difficult games in general it's just discussing an issue related to them so how would one miss read this article well you'd see the title which has the word exclusion in it and then you just smash that into your pre-existing idea of what games journalists want and think and come to the conclusion that the point of the article was that cop had is ablest trash and the developers should only make walking simulators about lesbians from now on obviously it's silly but it genuinely is how a lot of folks appear to read you know seeing the headline and then just imagining the rest of the text for another example of someone playing the headline guessing game let's return to Ian miles chunk who on November 12th posted the following tweet here come the attacks on cop head and how it's racist and he shows pictures of two articles he doesn't link to them obviously he just shows screenshots of the headlines because after all that's all you need so then cop head is not your stablest it's also racist apparently now the first article is from a site called Kotaku and it's entitled it's impossible to separate cop head from the era that inspo which is itself mainly just sharing the article in the second image which is cuphead and the racist specter of Fleischer animation I'm gonna go with Fleischer that's written by Youssef Cole from the website unwinnable and that's an interesting article which I'll link in the description I'd encourage you to take a look at it but for now of note here is that neither of these articles actually call cop head racist they say that it's animation is a recreation of an early 20th century animation style that was at the time frequently very racist and they go on to discuss the implications and the meaning of that now first of all it's not that Ian miles Chong would say here come the attacks on cop head and how it's racist considering that concerns about its animation style had been raised as early as 2014 with one journalist in particular stating that cop heads character designs seem like callbacks to some really problematic racial caricatures from the 1930s not sure what to think of them that journalist they're being Ian miles Chong Twitter user Zak's MIFF responded disagree completely why do people overanalyze everything to which Ian responds because it's important to look at the world with a critical eye that was before the ant colony decided to nest in his head I guess so is 2014 Ian miles chunk correct well I decided to do a little investigating and watched a bunch of old animations from the time now fair warning here I'm about to show some very racist stuff I mean some of this [ __ ] is just absolutely dreadful now okay a lot of people back then was super racist and so was their entertainment we know that and if the animation style was all that linked to cop head to these cartoons I consider this kind of a stretch but honestly the animation is only one part of it copied shares a lot of other similarities with these cartoons and some of them are rather awkward so let's take a look at a few of these similarities first of all cop head and mug man are gamblers who tempted by easy riches play dice with the devil and then have to be punished and this gambling motif comes up time and time again in relation to the crude african-american caricatures in these cartoons from the period for example all this and rabbits do features Bugs Bunny using a pair of dice to hypnotize a rabbit hunter and this is something that's repeated in the car to an angel puss a supposedly comedic cartoon version of Uncle Tom's bungalow and with the titular character purchasing his freedom and how could he afford to do that well he got rich with a pair of loaded dice obviously the cartoon clean pastures has a group of angels trying to entice the residents of cartoon Harlem to go to paradise paradise get it it's like paradise and a cartoon called Cole black and the Seven Dwarves get it has this guy would dice four teeth what is it with the dice anyway the car - and I watched that was most relevant - copied here is sunday-go-to-meeting time which besides being [ __ ] racist as balls obviously features a story that is pretty close to the warning covered in that cartoon various caricatured black people are heading to a church oh god all except the main character who's playing dice if you can believe it behind a fence before being demolished by a different racist stereotype later slipping out of church to steal chickens the characters hit on the head and experiences a vision of being sent to hell to answer for his various crimes include playing dice obviously and stealing watermelons [ __ ] L the main character then meets the devil who sings a song you didn't slip your life away now have to pay pause you got to give the devil now if you're watching this and you've played cop head you'll have noticed many similarities here it's not just the animation you see what the cop had developers have done is watched these cartoons and said well we love the music the dice the main characters being punished for irresponsible gambling the cartoon devil the way the cartoon devil leans in like that is high gets all big you know all these trappings that were designed and utilized at the time to mock black people we love all them we just don't like the caricatures themselves so we'll swap out the stereotype for a little cartoon cop man instead and we're good to go at speaking to Kotaku game designer chad moldenhauer said we went into the game knowing that what we wanted from the era was the technical artistic merit while leaving all the garbage behind but to what extent can that be done you know is it possible to fully extract the caricature from the environment I guess is the question now to be fair these cartoons are only a part of cokeheads design influences there's some Tom and Jerry in there some Popeye Betty Boop and so on but the racist cartoons had their influence to the guy with the dice for a head singing that the devil has his price he could have stepped right out of one of these cartoons and that's well I don't know it's worthy of a conversation isn't it you know for someone with knowledge of these racist cartoons to play cop head and be reminded of them and made to feel uncomfortable well that's a perfectly legitimate reaction honestly and I'm certainly not going to argue with those people again I'm not attacking cop head here I like carpet I'm just talking about it and I feel the need to reiterate that right now because of something else I saw on Twitter video game designer mark Kern is one of the people on the making up things about games journalists to justify hating them bandwagon and he's tweeted a whole bunch of times about how everyone is calling cop-out racist and apparently he was getting called out for that because on November 12th he posted the following sarcastic tweet yes nobody is saying cuphead is racist I'm making it all up and let's take a look at the picture he's responding to which is apparently evidence for him not making it all up and it's from a Twitter conversation which reads like this Peter L Newton says I'm not personally upset by this game but the developers can't be naive about the origins of their art style either they know when it's from and what happened that downplaying it is why I find disrespectful Steven Whittle when responds this is an issue I have when teaching students who ignore context of what they use slash appropriate and don't understand that ignoring a problematic meaning doesn't make it go away my games don't have a message doesn't fly especially with regards to procedural rhetoric that being said I'm uncertain how they could have used those motifs without it being problematic in some way or another then kaseylee adds the thing that bothers me is not the art style itself but that the developers said they're not even interested in talking about its history which feels irresponsible to me now then none of these people were attacking core pet rights here they weren't calling for it to be banned or saying the developers are terrible people or that you're racist if you like cod or any other ridiculous extrapolated nonsense they're just talking about the game and its design elements and its development and that's all that someone like mark can can read this discussion and have cuphead is racist be his only take away from it is really disappointing i'm of the opinion that art is anything that people treat like art and we as gamers should be willing to at least entertain these sorts of discussions even if we disagree it's not hurting anyone is it to have conversation the real divide here isn't between gamers and games journalist it's between people who are prepared to have conversations about gaming as if it's a real art form deserving of for full criticism and people who mistake that criticism for insult and overreact to it to certain folks though this polite conversation about core peds art style will always read as an outraged accusation of racism and this balanced discussion about difficulty levels will be read as an outraged accusation of ableism and I'm not sure there's anything I could say here to get them to take a more nuanced look really it's in their financial interest to imagine outrage in order to be outraged about it and to loop back around to our pal Alpha Omega sin for a second and little sketchy performs in his video illustrates the hypocrisy of this pretty nicely these [ __ ] somehow sit at a table with people that are actually dying of illness and trying to explain to them oh man well I see that you've only got mere weeks to live because well what you're currently dealing with is incurable but I was playing cop head yeah I'm really sorry that your families often a separate room in there crying their eyes --as and they don't know what to do because you were actually the breadwinner of the family and unfortunately they aren't gonna be able to make ends meet and they're gonna have some made that it's kind of the glue of the family is going to end up having to leave them but cap heads really difficult so he imagines one of these people going up to someone with the terminal illness and complaining about cop heads difficulty to I suppose illustrate the relative triviality of that complaint what he doesn't somehow see is how easily he and his complaints can be inserted into that same sketch imagine going up to someone with a terminal illness and saying sorry I know you're about to die and your family's sad because you're the breadwinner and everything but some people called a video game ablest that's what I'm choosing to spend my time being outraged about and before wrapping up here I'd like to highlight this tweet from cheeky scrump the author of the earlier article shared by Ian miles Chung and I quote the rich kid who used to laugh at you for wearing at Mario t-shirt in high school now rents the two million dollar apartment in San Francisco where they pretend to be poor and write about how they're a real fan of video games not these toxic gamers now this is obviously a very silly point but it does expose the thinking behind a part of the gamer side of the gamer games journalists divide I have spoken previously about how self-identified gamers have attempted to adopt the language of oppressed groups well what this is right here is an example of gamers clumsily having a go at class concepts and it reminds me of that amazing gamergate era image showing the impoverished gamers holding of the rich games journalists and critical theorist social justice warriors which is just wonderful gamers who see games journalists as out of touch millionaires ruining games while sipping champagne in their mansions are arguably in microcosm anyway carrying out a criticism of capitalism Albia a deeply flawed one they're acting as the oppressed workers and have incorrectly positioned journalists for some reason as the rich taskmasters so when dean takahashi is shown to be bad at a video game it's thus a deeply upsetting breach of the natural order you know the capital G gamers react to that much like we would all react to finding out a billionaire banker wasn't paying any taxes or something how outrageous you know that's not how things are supposed to work and their explanation is the standard liberal failing when criticizing capitalism you know the wrong people are at the top fire dean takahashi get rid of them and fire any other journalists who supported them you know there's no such thing as a systemic problem it's just that the wrong people are in charge how did they get the idea that games journalists are in charge of anything no offense the games journalists fear and how many layers of this metaphor are we on now I've lost track let's try and extract ourselves from it I think so what's my overall point here I don't know anymore to be honest maybe it's gamers should learn a bit more about the world outside game probably I feel like a lot of capital G gamers are so threatened by journalism that simply asks questions or sparks to bathe because they'd rather be totally passive and uncritical consumers of a predictable and unchanging product and any hint of outside influence possibly interfering with the imagined purity of that product and its creation process is taken as an outraged attack or maybe it's simply being reminded of the fact that games even have a creation process at all that's so infuriating for them you know games aren't created in a process by artists they just happen and we as gamers buy them and games journalists only exist to give every game a high score and provide us with a sense of shared experience and reassurance in our enjoyment of the medium we don't just want to have fun we need to be told we're having fun and anyone fear izing about things possibly being done differently is just ruining the fantasy really thanks a lot for watching everyone now any sharp-eyed fans out there will have noticed that in my last video that went out I said in my next video I was going to be talking about anti-feminist youtube and then this video was about cuphead instead so what happens there while this video was originally a segment from that video which is about the practice of making up an imaginary enemy to be outraged about and as such you'll have noticed quite a lot of that in this video you know gamers making up things about games journalists and all that yeah but as you can tell from the limp this cop head section was getting a bit unwieldy so I decided to make it its own thing that video is still in the works it's probably not gonna be my next release but maybe next month or early in January January Wow this year is rarely flown by heaven it time flies when everyone is miserable and only terrible things happen apparently thanks as always to my patrons who should be scrolling by right now possibly for the last time there's getting a few too many of them so scroll by in a reasonable time lately so I think I'm gonna have to switch it up I might do a sea of static text boxes that's something I might try out or maybe I'll set appearing in the credits as a TA reward or something I don't know having too many patrons to manage is one of those good problems to have though I guess so thank you all again sincerely and I'll see you next time
Channel: Shaun
Views: 625,412
Rating: 4.7750826 out of 5
Keywords: cuphead, shaun jen
Id: _-P9_oUV9Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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