Sargon of Akkad Can't Read

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Oldie but goodie.

I've missed Shaun on Youtube. I tune in to his Twitch streams every now and then, but it's just not the same.

👍︎︎ 402 👤︎︎ u/soullessredhead 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Sargon of Akkad

Carl of Swindon

👍︎︎ 150 👤︎︎ u/Tammo-Korsai 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Shaun's videos on Sargon and Molyneux are all great, even though it makes me happy that both of them are pretty irrelevant now it's a little sad that he won't be making more videos on them because it's very fun laughing at them, specially Stefan.

👍︎︎ 96 👤︎︎ u/Mew_T 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

the video that got me started on watching shaun.

I was a fan of Carl of Swindon before this video

👍︎︎ 43 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Always a classic!

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/Most-Epic-Person-Eve 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Out of curiosity I visited Sargons subreddit a few days ago. One of the top posts of the day was a bunch of people getting upset that a cartoon illustration encouraging social distancing had a black person on it

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/quitpayload 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

I miss Shaun

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/informationtiger 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did Sargon ever respond in some way to this?

Not out of due process/right to response or to platform his retort, I'm just interested in how juicy his denial of his own actions was.

Probably going to end up let down as he just says "yeah it was off script and out of context therefore not actually real" or some shit.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/D_Neon 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is a CLASSIC

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone so when our pal sargon of akkad isn't harassing innocent women by photographing them and tweeting out where they live and work he still finds time to make a youtube video or two how's that for an intro so today I'm going to be looking at one of Sargon's recent videos in his this weekend stupid series where he reads out some recent news items and then complains a lot and sargon recently tried something a little different with this series instead of posting shorter edited videos he tried releasing a couple of longer less scripted off-the-cuff videos now the danger with this approach is that you're more likely to make mistakes you know misquote something this read something takes something out of context and Saigon has since abandoned this style of video saying that making that type of content made him feel lazy of course the other danger here is that some handsome chap will come along and make a list of all the mistakes you made in order to have a bit of a laugh at you now is that unfair you know Sargon posts an experimental long-form unscripted video and then I go through it and nitpick it for mistakes well maybe that's on sir but I do think there's still some points to be made here with Sargon specifically I think it gives us a bit of a peek behind the curtain and there are parts of this video where I Garg you Carl flirts with open white nationalism in a much more obvious way than I see him doing it more scripted videos more generally though the particular ways in which Col miss reads articles and news stories is illustrative of how a lot of other people miss read articles and news stories and end up coming to silly conclusions there's a definite lack of basic journalistic understanding at play here for all Carl and it's like hate on universities for being social justice hug boxes they really could do with going and taking a writing course sometime so we're also going to focus on Carl's method of reading these articles and how in particular he mistreats this is how I kid myself into doing these sorts of response videos you know I try and make it into some wider point so it's not just me laughing at a guy for being wrong so I think what we'll do here is before we get to Carl pick out one of the story study reads and we'll briefly scan through it ourselves have a little chat about it and then we'll watch his take on it though we will say if you show up on time and you just want to see the worst thing that Carl said today and can't really be bothered with all of the reading skips the timecode currently on the screen to see Carl being so offensively wrong about something that it's actually legitimately concerning anyway for everyone else we'll start with this article from the news website QZ calm we tested BOTS like Siri and Alexa to see who would stand up to sexual harassment women have been made into servants once again except this time their digital Apple Siri Amazon's Alexa Microsoft Cortana and Google's Google home peddle stereotypes of female subservience which puts their progresses parent companies in a moral predicament so what have we just read well it's the headline and first few sentences of an article about how the digital personal assistants on smartphones and tablets no likes handle talking about the topic of sexual abuse and we can already see that the author of this article clearly thinks that they underperform in that regard now the start of an article like this is meant to be attention-grabbing you know it's got the weird premise in the headline and then the punchy first two sentences women have been made into servants once again except this time they're digital it's good it hopefully from the author's perspectives anyway makes the reader want to know more you know asking questions like what's the issue why is it a problem who's at fault what can be done about it things like that and the article if it's a good article anyway will then go on to address all of these questions and not to skip ahead here but the reader if they're a good reader will actually read the article to see if it answers those questions the article goes on to explain the issue which is that these personal assistant program armed program particularly well to discuss sexual harassment rape sex education and topics like that and they reach out to the developers of these devices for quotes about their approach to the issue and they test the devices to see how they respond to being insulted and and they come to the conclusion that the developers need to do better when they're programming how the Box respond to these things ending with rather than promoting stereotypical passivity dismissiveness and even flirtation with abuse these companies could become industry leaders against sexual harassment so what do we think about this article well I personally think it's well-written it's easy to follow I guess it's point across well it's well researched the premise obviously is a little silly you know you imagine someone sitting there swearing insults at a bunch of smart phones for an experiment and it does seem a bit funny admittedly but I do think there are some interesting points here and it's something I've got a bit of a personal interest in to tell you the truth how these sorts of automated systems deal with sensitive topics is really interesting and potentially really harmful for instance there's a problem I've seen reported with a lot of so called child friendly web browsers which is supposed to filter out adult content but also end up filtering out a lot of potentially very helpful content - for example a kid searching on one of these browsers to say I want to commit suicide or how to know if I was raped or something like that won't be able to get the help they need or just recently you know YouTube's restricted mode ended up filtering out LGBT content which sends a bit of a horrible message to be honest now as this article points out these BOTS can be programmed to respond positively to these sorts of sensitive questions and I quote each of the bots had thoughtful and informative responses to I am suicidal and I'm going to kill myself Siri says if you're thinking about suicide you might want to speak with someone at the National Suicide Prevention lifeline shall I call them for you and the rest of the bots said something similar so there's clearly some force and effort put into the program there and the point of the article is to argue that if they can write helpful responses to questions about suicide they can write similarly helpful responses to sexual harassment and questions about sexual abuse and rape and the like and I personally think if this isn't a problem now you know it's going to be eventually isn't it these bots are only going to get more prevalent in the future and they're going to get smarter I'm going to be increasingly relied upon to answer sensitive questions like this so I'm glad that at least someone out there is thinking about it you know I'm not saying it's some Weld ending problem right now or anything but it's certainly worth pointing out and thinking about and even if you think it's not an issue at all you know the worst that happened here is some journalist wasted an afternoon swearing at a bunch of smart phones so you know even if it's pointless it's nothing to get upset about really or so you might think we tested BOTS like Siri and Alexa to see who would stand up to sexual harassment why god all of this is so [ __ ] pointless women have been made into servants once again except this time they're not really women they're not women thought all are they Apple Siri Amazon's Alexa Microsoft Cortana and Google's Google parrot Ontario time peddle stereotypes of female subservience which puts their progressive parent companies in a moral predicament I don't think there is any moral predicament here there is absolutely none people using a female sounding voice on these um I don't know what become like default so ever this is there is no moral predicament here there is no person being injured in any way whatsoever by this female voice no matter how sexist to them you are there is no moral predicament ifs [ __ ] off so the three things I want to mention here at first is Sargon's insistence that the article is pointless and that there is no problem now whatever you might think of this particular article this is think Sargon says for basically every article he features as an issue at all oh this is just something that's a total non-issue and shouldn't be written about at all probably wasting far too much time on this already would suck it it doesn't matter you whiners there's recently photographed for shooting Vanity Fair wearing an outfit that reveals much of her breasts and nobody really cares stop your ads don't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] brilliant you know what done just just pointless absolutely pointless which begs the question Sargon if it's all so pointless why are you talking about it for example here's an article I don't care about from the BBC News website Amy Schumer bombed over Barbie film departure now I don't care about this at all in any regard I find it almost intensely uninteresting and personally it was a huge waste of time me reading it because it was basically not of any consequence to me whatsoever but I recognize that other people might care about it you know I'm not going to make a video complaining about it other than here as an example obviously but I'm not angry just because it exists and this brings me to my second point if it's so pointless why are you angry about it Sargon [ __ ] off you know it's a bit strong his nipples no need for that sort of a language Karl book will come back to this later my third point is to mention when Sargon sarcastically says why after reading the headline of the article now this might be of minor point but it reveals a misunderstanding here that headline is supposed to make you ask why so that you will read the rest of the article you're not meant to understand the whole thing just from the headline Sargon you have to actually read through it and how do I know he's not read it you might ask well bear with me but few have considered the real-life implications of the devices writing off the responses to sexual harassment all right go on what is the real-life implication one was rude to my boss alright so so who was hurt so where's the damage points to the victim you see Sargon is angrily asking questions of the article that are answered by the article it's just that this piece is really rather long and he's only read a few sentences of it so far so he keeps cutting it off before it gets a chance to answer the questions that he's asking and this leads to a couple of funny moments where Sargon cuts it off fairly to argue its own later point back at it for instance the article contains list.txt many scientific studies have proven that people generally prefer women's voices over men most of us find women's voices to be warmer regardless of our gender and we therefore prefer our digital assistants to have women's voices but before Sargon gets to that point in the article and because he might not expect the author of the article to put something like that in there he interrupts it in order to am I going to say it yes mansplain just occasionally barrel to use you for using women's voices for BOTS high-pitched voices are generally easier to hear especially in background Alize sandbox temp ops reflect historic traditions such as women operated telephone operator loans small speakers don't reproduce low-pitched voice as well these are all myths actually the slalom is I mean that's left legitly not a myth also there's a the low pitch voice travels further as well high-pitched noises don't travel a sigh which is probably a good thing if you're you know in the middle of anywhere and you're speaking and it's speaking about you you if there are lots of good reasons and longing that I'm going to reading some well know that people just find women's verses more soothing and so okay what it's not an actual woman's voice it's an imitation of it but anyway the real reason darkness gone from rolling Siri Alexander Alexa Cortana a Google phone her women's voices because women's voices make more money because people prefer them yes Carl because people prefer them it even literally saves that currently on the screen as this situation repeats itself later on Debra Harrison a writer for katana says that the 2016 virtual assistant summit that's a good chunk of the volume of early on in queries when it's called Hollis sex life these are obvious jokes you see this is the issue with the kind of sentence-by-sentence criticism of an article you tend to see on YouTube you wind up making a bunch of assumptions at the end of one sentence that are contradicted by the next sentence I don't have to bring out this thing again do I anyway let's look at one more example of this concerning these two sentences many argue capitalism is inherently sexist but capitalism like any market system is only sexist because men have oppressed women for centuries many people think this but the truth is this it's a pretty simple rhetorical construction they're quite easy to follow you might imagine now let's see Karl's take on these sentences which apart from being one more instance of and putting the article off early to guess that its meaning can get it wrong also contains probably the worst defense of capitalism I have ever heard many argue many argue that capitalism is inherently sexist if you can only think that if you think the women are incompetent or incapable or somehow inferior to men that's the only time you would ever say that if you think women can't compete then I say sure maybe you think capitalist isn't inherently sexist but that's because you have an inherently sexist view of women capitalism it's not it literally doesn't care it doesn't care there is nothing about capitalism [ __ ] about your gender whatsoever and in fact many women really benefit from capitalism because women's bodies are attractive and men like to look at them and so many women all over the Internet they have done since the dawn of time at least in some [ __ ] markets I've taken advantage of this fact using their sexuality as a commodity this is something women have done from the beginning of human history and it's just life it's just what happens it is not sexist it is just something they do yeah that's right ladies capitalism isn't sexist and we know this because of the existence of the pornography industry you know there's absolutely nothing stopping you women out there from succeeding on the capitalism because you can just join a campsite and get your tits out for money you know there's nothing sexist about suggesting that is there you know why would why would anyone ever not want to do that seesee money rarely isn't it so anyway after talking about this article for more than 20 minutes while somehow still managing to skip over huge sections of it Carl reaches the end and despite his previous claims that none of this matters in the slightest and this is where he flips the script Siri fits in the pockets of hundreds of millions of people worldwide millions of echoes of the lexer software installed we're sold over 2016 holiday season alone it's kind of their parent companies take an active stance against sexism and sexual assault and modify that BOTS responses that are raftsmen see we have to tell you what to do it is about power it is about control but not about the power is what's going on to women or anything with it these people want power control over these companies they want to be taken on as their advisers this little priestly class we will teach you how to be ideologically correct no no [ __ ] off just go away go away so after all that it turns out that this does matter and not for anything actually in the article mind you but because the existence of the article proves an evil feminist social justice conspiracy to exert their malevolent ideological whatever this is cause basic approach to the majority of the news stories he reads the content of the story is almost meaningless about the existence of the story is outrageous Carl is staunchly apathetic in this regard what annoys him more than anything else is when someone suggests the change of behavior the thing that really annoys them about this article is that the author is suggesting something needs to be done and that they think someone else is responsible to acting in a certain manner it's you can't tell me what to do anymore mom but as a political position and this is by no means specific to Sargon it's an attitude helped by plenty of people usually straight white guys who since they're currently coming out on top of things figure well maybe we shouldn't bother trying to change anything at all ever no the current set up is just fine thank you this is why Carl is so much more offended by feminism and social justice than he is by white nationalism you know white nationalists are telling him hey you're great you're already the best the way you are but the social justice crowd wants him to shock horror change his behavior which is certainly a crime worse than any Nazi cook cook up but don't take my word for it let's take a look at the waves Carl talks about different people for instance his how he talks about a black woman who made up a hashtag but there is one thing that separates Lewis from the lares embargo Borrego leaf and Hilton's roll she's black I feel and Hilton's as well she's black I cannot name the past Litella who has created something viral and capitalized off it says April rain managing director of Broadway black and original an originator of the annually trending Oscars so white [ __ ] guy and here's how he talks about a black man who committed the crime of teaching at a university what peaches does what sweet brown does is always viewed as low class an example of what all black people must be doing who the [ __ ] thinks I'm so well Andre who teaches race ethnicity and new media at the University of Michigan right here is once the [ __ ] gas chambers so that's argon talking about what he perceives to be the social justice left you know [ __ ] off [ __ ] die go to the gas chambers etc do we ever see him talking this way about the far right well certainly not in this video at least these actually busy posting pictures of them on Twitter in order to masturbate too apparently anyway Carl seems to want to position himself as a centrist between so-called social justice warriors on one side and neo-nazis on the other as if they're at all comparable but he spends the vast majority of his time and energy only complaining about the social justice people while giving the Nazis an easy ride in fact he goes so far in this video as to possibly accidentally share a fair amount of white nationalist rhetoric so let's take a look at some of that so here's another story that Sargon covers Riz Ahmed is a British actor who is in rogue one among other things gave a speech to Parliament in which he argued for greater diversity on British television now did you Americans ever wonder why there's quite a lot of minority British people on your television and in your movies well that's partly because there aren't really as many roles for them over here there's a lot of period dramas but the vast majority of roles in those are obviously for white people so minority actors often go to America like Riz Ahmed did and he criticizes exactly this necessity in his speech and I quote our most recent roles include the HBO drama the night of and comedy series girls both American TV shows like Idris Elba who delivered the lecture last year armoured used the platform to criticise the fact that he still had to go to the u.s. to land major parts now the newspapers being the newspapers focused on the most eye-catching part of the speech to put in the headlines and that's when Armit makes the case that terrorist groups like Isis are targeting propaganda at young Muslims and he argues the necessity of a counter narrative to this saying we need to tell these kids they can be heroes in our stories and that they're valued now of course since R is our Matt is saying something needs to be done Sargon's not going to be standing for any of this obviously and he blusters his way through the article miss reading it and getting everything wrong but what I want to focus on here specifically are the times where Sargon accidentally let's let his true colors let's take a look all of a sudden I'd hit my mom shout Asian I'd run downstairs to watch I really wanted tears really really it's not honestly something that you do kiss me that sounds like you think of yourselves like colonizers or something they just really like I said some Germany if there was an English person on TV my mum didn't run down your English on the TV I will run downstairs as well as an English personal tini I feel represented so bizarre he said he'd run downstairs to watch I'd really want you to understand how much that meant to someone who doesn't see themselves reflected back in culture it's a message that you matter weird because I mean I watch a lot of American TV shows and movies one and no point doing sector I think why don't have any British people why are all the British people love villains my goodness I'm kind of going join a terrorist organization so Carl's colonisers point there hints at the fact that he doesn't consider Riz Ahmed all the young minority people he's talking about to be real British people and we can tell this because of the two examples he came up with to compare to what Riz Ahmed said firstly he brought up his experience living abroad in Germany and secondly his experience of watching American television you see Sargon that's a bad point to start with because the tons of British people on American television including rizz armored for instance but you know regardless both of those examples would involve you as a British man watching another country's television and then asking it to change to represent you neither of those situations terrible to raise our med here who is British he was born in London and he's talking about his own country's television and you're acting like he's some immigrant colonizer well he's not he's British he's a Londoner which is a shame but he's still British Sargon regrettably doesn't stop here but picks up on the fact that our mate mentions a rise in hate crimes after the brexit vote and takes the opportunity oddly to downplay it he says that in the life of the rising racial and religious hate crimes post-breakfast oh I wish I'd looked this up actually and everyone's like well you should just pause and you look at that as I you know I will okay hang on run hate crime soared by 41% after breakfast the official figures reveal family is that exactly well a thousand five hundred and forty six racially or religiously aggravated census record in the two weeks up and to including the days of referendum then the fortnight immediately after ports 2241 so not really that many I mean that you say that he's what millions of people interacting all day every day all over the country and out of those millions of interactions to thousands of them were quote unquote hate crimes and I don't even know the details of these are so I don't even know if I would necessarily clash on these regular but let's assume that all exactly say that this is not the massive spike that we would be left to me it was like 50,000 or something of like a an ass that's a real problem you know that's that's a genuine is that a huge number 2000 is not very many when you have millions and millions of non-white immigrants into the country so 2,200 hate crimes isn't that bad really apparently Carl doesn't scroll down here to explain that and I quote these included assaults arson attacks and dog excrement being thrown at doors and Chiffre letter boxes and there's also a Polish man who was murdered but you know 2,200 it's not that many rarely is it in the grand scheme of things that's a surprisingly pragmatic and ro fistic take on those numbers from Karla if only more people took this pragmatic and relativistic approach to discussing terror attacks for instance a car because compared to the millions and millions of Muslims going about their day-to-day lives without doing any terrorism the relative few who do engage in terrorism must hardly be worth mentioning this is happening every day now somewhere in Europe an Islamic terror attack occurs how long do you think people will put up with this before deciding the problem is simply Muslims if we pretend that this has nothing to do with Islam people will stop listening because they know this has something to do with Islam it obviously has something to do with Islam I mean it's always Muslims doing this the yelling things like Allah Akbar they're looking forward to those virgins in paradise they pledge allegiance to the Islamic state it's really hard to convince people but this has got nothing to do with Islam so we need to start talking about it in fact I would expect moderate Muslims to be I don't know presumably dobbing in these potential terrorists saying to the authorities look there is less a mosque over there where they say some really radical [ __ ] I don't like it cuz I think a terror attack might come out of it that's what we need to be seeing if you are a Muslim in Britain and you've bought terrorist attacks if you think this the worst thing a person can do you need to remain vigilant within your own community I'm sorry that this is the case I'm sorry you have to be the one but if you don't people will think that you are complicit that you do not mind that you are in some way permissive of this because I tell you what if this was English people in my community doing this you're [ __ ] damn right I would be reporting on the cops notes again Carl drawing a line between Muslim and English as if those are mutually exclusive samsa anyway it looks like the hate crimes Carl doesn't get out of bed for less than 50,000 but terror attacks well ha four dozen of those and he's ready to condemn all of Islam for it now surprisingly this is not calls worst abuse of statistics in this video and I'd like to welcome back everyone who skipped ahead at the beginning hello to all you lazy folks okay at one point in the video Carl talks about a new story in the independent entitled Germany have seen an increase in violence since it opened its doors to refugees due to attacks on refugees and this article starts out an average of nearly ten attacks a day were carried out on refugees in Germany last year according to the country's interior ministry attacks injured 560 people including 43 children and prompted accusations that the country's hardened stance on the refugee issue was encouraging hate crimes according to the ministry there were more than 3,500 attacks on refugees and asylum hostels so that's awful isn't it you know it seems fairly unambiguously condemnable their hate crimes against refugees and asylum hospitals should be indefensible shouldn't they Carl but the point is this is wonderful this is I'm on a wonderful obstacle this is like if kids are there finally talking about violence and refugees because now we can start talking about the violence of the refugees I've been to other people right so we've got 3,500 attacks on refugees and some hospitals we get this from the story of 21st 2016 and it's based on elite police document a confidential police report was leaked right and let's just go to show you exactly who is who the [ __ ] these people are on the side of migrants committed two hundred eight thousand crimes in 2015 according to a confidential police report leaked to the German newspaper Bild the figure represents an 80 percent increase over 2014 and works out to around five hundred 17-mile crimes committed by migrants every day so very however ten attacks a day do you see why people are attacking the migrants you see why you're explicitly it's so [ __ ] one-sided now I don't want to sensationalize this too much but that series of sentences right there is the single stupidest thing I have heard someone say on YouTube Carl was wrong in so many ways in such a short amount of time but it's almost inexplicable but let's take a crack at it anyway we'll take a look at the two numbers that Carl just compares they're an average of nearly ten attacks a day were carried out on refugees in Germany last year migrants committed two hundred and eight thousand crimes in 2015 now then what's wrong with Sargon comparing these two numbers well what's not wrong with it let's start with a basic one one number is talking about refugees and asylum seekers and the other number is talking about all migrants not all migrants are refugees or asylum seekers and if you actually read what the German newspaper that leaked the statistics saves about them refugee suspects from Syria Afghanistan and Iraq were actually under represented in the crime statistics for instance about half of the immigrants in 2015 we're refugees from Syria but Syrians were only twenty four percent of the migrant crime suspects so Syrian refugees were much less likely than average immigrants to be criminals and indeed the organization that compiled the statistics is quoted as saying the heavily prevailing majority of asylum seekers do not commit crimes point two would be that one number is talking specifically about attacks on refugees and asylum hostels the other number concerns all crime not just assaults for instance it includes twenty eight thousand seven hundred and twelve cases of fare evasion on public transportation and unlike sargon I can't say I defend assaulting someone in a hate crime because they didn't pay for their train tickets my third point would be to remind sargon but the first number is talking about hate crimes targeted against a specific group of people and the second number is not now what's the significance of this well not all those immigrant crimes were directed against the native German population obviously in the report the only categories that lift the migrant status of the victims of the migrant crimes on murder and attempted murder of which the overwhelming majority occurred between migrants for instance though 28 migrant murders and 27 of those were migrants killing all the migrants so that shouldn't matter really it's still people killing other people but if you're going to use this to justify defending hate crimes against refugees you should at least try to make sure that they're documented crimes are committed against the native population sargon is comparing targeted assaults of refugees with every crime committed by any migrants no matter how minor and using that as a justification to defend hate crime and yes he literally calls this self-defense but you see it's not like this is one side it's already quote-unquote nasty just like you know I just hate brown people I hate light there we need to just attack them people are operating in what they perceive to be self-defense because Sargon can't tell the difference between a refugee and a migrant and because he can't tell the difference between targeted hate crimes and generalized non targeted assaults because he can't read properly he centered up spewing racist propaganda and I would love Sargon where I had full-on outright neo-nazi type he's a useful idiot doing the groundwork of legitimizing their racist rhetoric and I usually try to refrain from moral judgments during these videos but I honestly think Sargon should be [ __ ] ashamed of himself for this he should know better and if you're gonna defend a crime call at least get your [ __ ] statistics right next time he didn't even get the years right once at the numbers was from 2015 and the other was from 2016 so whatever I'm sorry about that everyone I've calmed down now you know I get angry have people who are racist out of ignorance than outright hatred you know you sort of expect this [ __ ] from actual open races but when it's just some [ __ ] defending hate crimes because he can't take the time to read properly well that really gets my goat thanks a lot for watching everyone and I forgot to record an outro - this video has to do one right now before I post it except my neighbors have a small child and it's past their bedtime right now and they share a wall with the room I'm in right now and so I actually do my my ASMR voice I'm sorry so thanks a lot to all of my supporters over on patreon the scrolling by right now you all know the patreon plug by now you go there and send me a dollar and then I exchange that dollar for goods and services I'd also like to thank rune me on again for translating that German article that leaked those crank statistics for me and thanks a lot Rumia you're always very helpful and everyone watching this right now should go and send you some love on Twitter anyway thanks a lot for watching again everyone and I'll see you next time
Channel: Shaun
Views: 1,285,832
Rating: 4.3804245 out of 5
Keywords: sargon of akkad, shaun, jen, shaun jen
Id: l9E2iEi6vMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 50sec (2210 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.