Is Black Panther Alt-Right?
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Shaun
Views: 498,800
Rating: 4.870738 out of 5
Keywords: shaun, shaun jen, black panther, black panther alt right, wakanda alt right
Id: 7NOPLuZ9eGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Pretty sad someone had to have a serious sit down and make this video
I couldnβt watch the video. Honestly the right side of youtube is too much. It genuinely started to upset me how stupid they are. These people influence others. Pjw has 675k views on that video. Like holy shit thatβs a lot of people with cancer now
He mentions that Shuri couldn't rule because she is female, but I don't remember that ever being sad. There was a joke in the movie where it looked like she was challenging T'Challa for the throne so it seems like women could be rulers in Wakanda.
"you the real racists"
libs btfo yet again
Good job by Shaun. I especially liked his points about Wakanda not being an ethnostate, and how that claim exposed simplistic thinking by ethnostaters.
There's also been some claims from (twitter) leftists that Killmonger is actually a good guy because of his goal of a violent black uprising. I thought this article did a good job dismantling that view, as well as a coherent thematic analysis overall .
So these people would look at a story with a redemption arc ( ) and think the original state of the character is the intended message?
Of course they would...