The Truth About "The Truth About Wonder Woman"

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hello everyone so I have a little confession to make I had an idea for a video while looking at stefan molyneux so the truth about x-series in particular his videos about popular contemporary movies now my idea was to watch all of those videos and make a sort of rapid-fire reverse cinema scene style debunking video where I point out all the times the fan screwed up or miss remembered something or misrepresented what was in the movie and so on so I sat down with my notebook and put the first one on had the truth about Wonder Woman now as I watched this video I very quickly realized that my original idea was not gonna pan out you see Stefan gets so many things wrong about just this one particular movie that any response seeking to address all of his movie videos would probably be several hours long so I had to abandon my original plan and just concern myself with the truth about Wonder Woman today I'm very sorry and now the reason I started out by watching that video is because I was honestly looking forward sistah fans take on the Wonder Woman movie and that's because back in April as the fan posted this tweet pasta in tomato sauce now with feminist virtue signaling and there's a photograph of a can of pasta in tomato sauce with some female superheroes on it Wonder Woman included and I like this tweet a lot for a few reasons and let me briefly run them by you firstly I like the idea that a can of pasta is apparently feminist because it has a picture of a cartoon lady on it likewise this is apparently virtue signaling although as to what virtues are being signaled here who knows the can just has a picture of Supergirl on it that's it unless no artificial flavors or preservatives is virtue signaling now I'm at a loss there yet the next thing I like about this tweet is that's the fan appears to have purchased the can of pasta in tomato sauce in order to complain about it which would be funny enough by itself to be honest but as people were quick to point mr. fan ed the cans also had versions with male superheroes on such as Superman and Batman apparently the existence of male superheroes on cans of pasta doesn't qualify as virtue signaling for whatever reason this is mala News projecting problems I've spoken about in a previous video any depiction of a woman even a completely neutral presented cartoon of a fictional woman in a meaningless context Don a can of pasta even is apparently malicious feminist virtue signalling now as if the mere fact that Supergirl or Wonder Woman exists at all is somehow a problem so anyway after seeing Stefan's take on a can of pasta with Wonder Woman on it how could I not be excited for his video review of the Wonder Woman movie that came out this year we know how much the fan likes seeing women fights against men in movies and this movie has the all-female warrior race the Amazons in it so you know we're in for a good time so let's get to it and we're gonna go about this semi chronologically here we'll work through Stefan's video from start to finish with some skipping around as needed and and it should go without saying here there will be spoilers from this point on so there were and let's begin so the artistry charm and special effects and one powerful twist of the only things that rescue Wonder Woman from its own stultifying cliches first of all I give you the cliches one a female run society it's a paradise now there's a very good reason for this you see the island the Amazons live on is a paradise a literal god-given paradise with his dying breath zoos created this island to hide us from the outside world somewhere Ares could not find us we give thanks to the gods for giving us this paradise it's not a paradise because women live on it it's a paradise because Zeus a male God by the way it created it to be that way during the first scenes on the island of well let's just say it somewhat reminds me of the Greek island of Lesbos the skies are blue the waterfalls seem to spill diamonds and no woman seems to age much past 45 haha the Amazons are gay anyway this is the first point in the video that's the fan is confused about the fact that the Amazons don't age and he further expands on that point now of course there are no old women on this island because that would beg the question where are all these women coming from is there a [ __ ] in a leather suit in a box used for sperm harvesting a male babies killed off so where are the old Amazons and without men how are the Amazons being born well near the start of the movie Diana's mother the queen of the Amazons explains all this to Diana as a child the Amazons were created by Zeus and we see them emerging from the sea as fully grown women and Diana's mother in this flashback appears to be the exact same age as she is when she's reading the story so the Amazons aren't born they were created by a god and they don't appear to age which explains both why there aren't any old Amazons and why they don't need any men on the island and if the literal picture book explained to a child method of exposition was a bit too complicated for Stefan there are other clues cleverly hidden in the narrative for example Diana ages from a child to a fully grown woman without any other character on the island aging a day isn't that odd now Diana ages I presume because she's not an Amazon exactly she was created differently from the rest of them as a child but even she ages very slowly and the big tip-off here is that the movie opens in the present day but the bulk of it is a flashback set in the First World War Wonder Woman looks exactly the same in both times didn't Stefan wonder why this was did he not noticed that that was unusual I don't know and these Amazon's take the only man on the island and interrogate him when logically of course they should be burying him in affirmative action programs now this is a minor point above the Amazons interrogate him because he's dressed in the same uniform as the soldiers who attacked them because he's a spy no mother no deposit my side against the fights against his own people these are my people and why do you wear their colors I can't tell you that so they interrogate him to find out why that is you know they're not just doing it arbitrarily but like I say that's a minor point cliche number two women are great warriors now I've criticized female fighters in movies before for taking on men three times there are science with little or no prior training in this movie Wonder Woman whose actual name is Diana does go through years of rigorous training but gains supernatural powers somehow when she hits her late teens she magically throws back to her trainer half the length of a football field by blocking a sword blow with her golden bracers this new power has two primary meanings the first is to push back of an abused child who has grown bigger and stronger than her aging abuser the second is the displacement of an older woman's physical attractiveness by a younger woman so there's a lot to unpack here first off Wonder Woman's size doesn't matter she's a demigod with supernatural powers she can hold the tank over her head you know the amount of training she does is with regards to fighting against human men anyway completely inconsequential she's training to fight against Ares the God of War she could crush a human man's head like a grape even if she hadn't trained a day in her life because she's not human secondly Stefan's two primary readings of the meaning of the scene of very telling the push back of an abused child and the displacement of an older woman's physical attractiveness by a younger woman now okay I'm generally rather accepting if unconventional takes on movies I mean I have to be I'm pals with the prequel defender himself but I can't help but think Stefan is reaching a little too far here Diana and her aunt appear to have a good relationship so I'm not sure the abuser angle flies really to me this scene is just showing that Diana has some unexplained power differentiates her from the rest of the Amazons that seems to be the primary meaning of the scene and as we'll see later in the video it's a meaning that's the fan missed somehow but we'll get back to that later cliche number three the hot Amazon supermodel librarian a beautiful woman who has no idea how attractive she is the dream of beta males everywhere who've never listened to Stanley Kowalski from a streetcar named desire who says this to an erotic woman fishing for compliments I never met a dame yet that didn't know if she was good-looking or not without being told and there's some of them that give themselves credit for more than they've got trust me the lead actress may be playing a naive otherworldly warrior but in real life she knows exactly how attractive she is she was a model who married a man who sold the hotel for twenty six million dollars here's a hint you're not going to take off her thick glasses tell her she's beautiful and have her fall in love with you so for cliche number three I have three points to make isn't that nice the first is that Diana isn't human and has never interacted with human society and therefore doesn't have the same ideas about what is appropriate behavior or is attractive to the opposite sex she's never even met a man before the events of the movie if you never met a man before what about your father secondly it doesn't matter who the actor is she's playing a character we know she's rich and famous in real life but that isn't supposed to affect the narrative of the film you know the stephane do this for other movies henry cavill can't fly he's just a regular human actor this film doesn't make any sense thirdly the idea that diana is still very attractive even if you cover a rope and put glasses on her is actually stated outright in the film it really specks suddenly she's not the most beautiful woman you've ever seen the film's point here one then it makes a few too many times for me to be honest is that yes diana is very attractive anyway cliche number for the incomprehensibly jealous and angry villain now the intergalactic badass in Wonder Woman is the god Ares who becomes jealous of Zeus's favorite created toy humanity so this is basic sibling rivalry cliche 101 the Elvis sibling resents the younger sibling for the attention paid by the parents to the new arrival who has displaced him I have two points to make here and the first one is kind of a minor nitpicky one and Ares isn't an intergalactic villain he doesn't travel to or from another galaxy at any point and now I only bring this up because Stefan has previously misunderstood the word intergalactic now I think he thinks it means like phenomenal or grand or something anyway secondly here Stefan says Ares the God of War being angry is a cliche and if Stefan has a problem with the conflict between Zeus and Ares or Ares being violent and angry or even the Amazonian warrior women he really needs to take that up with the ancient Greeks you know this narrative isn't the result of some modern malicious Hollywood machination they're characters from Greek mythology and I thought Stefan was all about the ancient Greeks and Western civilization and everything well I guess I must have been mistaken that Diana Princess of blow-dried hair shopping and not eating sorry sorry sorry wrong Princess Diana Diana Princess of the mesquita possesses powers that make no sense at all so Ares the God of War kills her father Zeus now Ares has been provoking fights among mankind for thousands of years but Diana was moulded of clay and Zeus was supposed to have breathed life into her a few short years before the movie began Diana is an Amazon with superpowers but the Amazons are mere mortals felled by a single bullet so first off there was a conflict between Zeus and Ares during which Ares was injured and went into hiding now Zeus was also injured and used the last of his strength to create the island nice for the Amazons to live on now then given that diana age is incredibly slowly as shown by hair appearing the same age over a period of 100 years from the first world war tat the modern-day Dianna's childhood could have lasted hundreds or even thousands of years who knows you know stefan saw a child aged into a woman and fought oh that probably took about 25 years but no she's a demigod living on a supernatural island she doesn't age like regular humans secondly diana isn't an amazon and that's what the scene of her discovering her unique powers were supposed to represent but if you miss that's the fan there also was this line of dialogue but you are not an Amazon like the rest of us so you will do nothing a movies must be very confusing indeed if you just ignore half of what happens in them anyway let's move on now Chris Pine mmm Chris Pine is in fact a charming pile of j.crew waspy hotness and helps carry the movie with his one-liners that shouldn't be one-liners now is the audience you become attached to him and then of course he has to die so that the population of the world always gets used to male disposability and even the way he dies makes no sense he's piloting a Plane full of poison gas which he chooses to blow up rather than say land safely because why landing the plane safely would allow the poison gas to be deactivated blowing it up in midair will just spread the poison gas for hundreds of miles causing countless deaths the prevention of which was the whole point and MacGuffin of the movie to begin with but you see men must always be expendable so plot and logic must be expendable as well so then Chris Pine sacrifice in order to blow up the poison gas plane Estefan doesn't understand why the plane can't just be landed safely but the movie does attempt to explain this which you guys play cordless sugar don't go off the crashes and a white everyone out from fifty square miles and gala grounded bad news it's on the timer if we Brown it here is the same thing Stefan also doesn't understand why they have to blow the plane up yeah but the movie explains this as well is a flammable chief yes in its hydrogen it's flammable so the gas is going to be released on a timer and will disperse over a large area killing everyone around and but it is flammable so if they explode the plane the gas will burn up so Chris Pine flies the plane to a safe distance and then does just that is it convoluted movie logic a little bit sure but it does explain itself and it shouldn't be hard to follow and furthermore the selfless sacrifice of a man also serves an important narrative purpose that is missed by Stefan and let's take a look at that and if you think I'm kidding about male disposability think of this remember the evil woman doctor Poisson who can Cox the genocide of gas remember how Wonder Woman spares her life she gets to live the good guy doesn't so then Diana Spurs the life of the evil doctor poison and this proves male disposability apparently and but I feel like Stefan may have missed the point of this scene if you couldn't believe such a thing you see Ares is using her to say to Diana look humans of rubbish they're evil they make weapons to kill each other with let's team up and we'll go and get them and in response to this Diana remembers Chris Pine and how nice he was blowing himself up to save everyone and she says no actually mankind can be good I believe in them and I'm not going to join you you see the woman's actions are being used as the proof that mankind is evil and the man's noble sacrifice is being used as the counter-arguments that mankind is good and of course Diana spares the life of an unarmed opponent I mean what she gonna do just squish her with the tank or something you know she's the hero at the climax of the movie I mean what were you expecting to happen actually I'd kind of like that if Diana just just dropped the tank on a completely unexpectedly be quite good now as usual almost all the on-screen deaths are male female deaths are inevitably deployed as a plot device to heighten the stakes to raise attention men die anonymously in quick succession women die slowly or off-screen huh using sympathy for women to provoke male aggression does not seem very feminist to me yeah well maybe it is hard to tell these days now I'm afraid this is one of those times that Stephane is correct only if we ignore the times where he's wrong for example the battle at the start of the movie in which many Amazon's are killed by German soldiers in quick succession and but if we ignore this bit though Estefan makes an excellent point so all men are evil or incompetent except for non-white males of course with the exception of one the Chris Pine character who must die now all women are wonderful and good except for one doctor poison who gets to live now these few sentences are a real masterpiece of appearing to have an arguments when in fact you don't rarely and let's think about this for a bit all men are presented as evil or incompetent except for non-white males of course with the exception of one Chris Pine who has to die so built-in sister fans all men's statement there are two exceptions all men are presented as evil only if we first discount the various presentations of man is not evil and if we do that Wow point made you know however even with Stefan's caveats there it's not true and for example all these white soldiers rushing across no-man's land are presented pretty heroically and these liberated villagers seem like they're having a good time and they don't look evil or incompetent and and there's also Charlie who's generally a good guy but I guess he falls on the Stefan's classification of incompetent because he doesn't want to fight anymore due to having PTSD which you know would be a bit cruel and thoughtless but anyway ultimately the fairly uncomplicated message of the movie is that mankind can be good Stefan misses this because he's viewing the movie only along the racial and sexual lines that he's imposing you know it's not enough that the principal male character is a heroic white man you know not all the male characters are heroic white men and as such the movie is clearly anti-male anti White's propaganda and what is the role of women in raising such nasty and violent men completely absent from the film of course men are just bad the women who raised them or just saints for feminists and leftist environment is everything you know you are criminal because you were raised poor in a poor neighborhood except for men well they're just bad regardless of environment regardless of the motherĂ­s and female daycare workers and female primary school teachers who raise them regardless of the welfare state policies that women vote for environment creates badness except for boys raised by women then the badness of boys has absolutely nothing to do with women at all well again the point of the movie is actually not that men are naturally just bad but regardless does Stefan really want the movie to go into how the evil general ludendorf say actually would have been a really nice guy but for the malicious actions of his abusive mother who raised him poorly like what on earth is that you know we all remember this classic clip of Stefan I used in another video all the cold-hearted jerks who run the world came out of the vaginas of women who married [ __ ] and I don't know how to make the world a better place without holding women accountable for choosing [ __ ] all the evil men in the world came out of Eve women's evil vaginas now it appears Stephan has convinced himself pretty well of this convoluted delusion because it seems he's now actually expecting to see it represented in reality and it's an interesting approach to art criticism I guess a convince yourself of something truly mad and then when you don't see any evidence of it that proves the existence of the insidious conspiracy to cover it up so to any staff our Molony fans watching this video the reason that the movie doesn't go into the backstories of the violent German soldiers and explore their abuse at the hands of their neglectful mothers who only went out with [ __ ] and ignored all the nice guys is because it would be really really weird anyway that's about it for me today kind of a lighter one this time but the other video I'm working on right now is about police shootings so I needed the levity to be honest and I certainly had fun watching Stephan try to cram his ideology into the movie however he could and I might come back to this again and check out the many many other movies that Stephan tells us the truth about I hope you could hear the air quotes though let me know what you think about that idea in the comments also consider supporting me on patreon if you like like all these lovely people right here I don't run ads on my videos and I'd like to keep it that way also follow me on Twitter or send me a curious cat question if you like I really like questions and okay folks I'll see you next time I actually actually waved goodbye at my microphone then see ya
Channel: Shaun
Views: 800,677
Rating: 4.922051 out of 5
Keywords: stefan molyneux, wonder woman
Id: 33FH1Jl62cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2017
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