Ranking Every Cuphead Boss from Worst to Best [TetraBitGaming]

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hey guys and welcome back to another ranking video right here on tetra bei gaming it's been over two years since cuphead came out and in a time many have gone to love the games aesthetic bosses and overall gameplay myself included now while I do enjoy the running gun stages my favorite part of the game has always been the boss fights now obviously not all boss fights are equal some may be more interesting dynamic or just more difficult I know there are several videos out there ranking based on difficulty alone but in this video I'll be ranking all of the boss fights from worst to best based on a combination of how interesting the fight is the bosses design as well as my personal overall experience with them difficulty included for this list I'll be leaving out all of the unused bosses sorry buddy since they may be properly added in the delicious last course DLC which depending on how many bosses get added I may make a separate video on but the rest of the lads and let's that are used in cuphead are fair game anyways enough talk with all of that said let's go kicking things off we have the stack of poker chips chips bet again can we all just take a second to appreciate just how awesome the name chips Bennigan's is anyways being one of the sub bosses from the king dice battle chips is already a pretty short encounter by defaults but he's definitely the easiest of the bunch just avoid the horizontally flying poker chips there's really not too much to this fight the weirdest thing about mr. chimes isn't his design but how that claw is possibly holding him up it's just a pretty simple fights avoid the music notes and slowly moving mr. chimes by this point in the game we've seen much worse bullet-hell stuff the memory game mechanic is a cool touch though I don't really think it adds much to the fight at all one thing I do really like is the claw game setting and the arcade casino like background really makes me wonder if this was at all associated with a scrapped coin op Boff part of the game if you haven't noticed yet I'm basically grouping all of the King die sub-bosses together since by being a sub boss they just aren't on the same level as a regular boss anyway is following the whole casino theme of the King dice battle the pirouette of fights definitely checks off both things she's named after there's not much to this fight just parry the chips to jump over her and avoid the roulette balls do that and this not so memorable fight will be over within a minutes while I do like the design of PIFAN dots as well as the overall look of the monochromatic gray background with some slight color accents the fight is really basic jump over the moving spikes avoid the slow-moving crystals and weird bird things and don't hit the spikes on the back wall that's it also I just realized this fight really reminds me of that one Robotnik battle from Sonic CD so that's kind of cool focus pocus is again another King dice sub boss this time being a take on the classic rabbit and a top hat magic trick there's not too much to say about this one either he stays in place the whole fight so it's pretty easy to keep fire on him with most weapons and his attacks are generally pretty easy to avoid the only hard part is avoiding the skulls when you get unlucky and the gap is on the bottom left or right overall a not very memorable encounter at mister Weezie's his name carcinogens are his game bears again not too much to say about the actual fight here as it's mostly just jumping from platform to platform while avoiding the demonic cigarettes in the middle but I can just smell this area and that just gives credence to the artwork here as it definitely fulfills its purpose very well goopy ligand was the first boss I fought in this game so I guess I give it a bit of a nostalgia bump for that being one of the first to boss fights you can choose I get that it's supposed to be on the easier side but either way I think the overall design is just lacking especially when compared to the other bosses in the game it's just a bouncing ball of goop with a boxing glove he does literally fight you from beyond the grave though so points for that mangosteen is apparently not named after some cool reference but instead the name derives from this exotic fruits which I guess looks like an 8-ball anyways this fight is another pretty straightforward King dice battle with the only obstacles being the bouncing cubes of cue chalk and mangosteen himself who opens a rift to some colorful dimension to summon some glowing orbs the fight may not be all that engaging but the design here is so simple yet so unnerving at the same time like look at this guy I think the Tipsy troupe has the most individually unique attacks in a single fight out of all the King dies sub bosses in addition to the martini glass spawning Olive bats that shoot their eyes at you you also have the decanter and glass filling their drinks at you in different ways their design may not be anything more than just slapping some faces on bar equipment but I have to give some extra points for the background different patrons will pop in and out including some demons or skeletons this walrus looking guy a ghost being the second of the first to boss fights you can choose from the route Pak is also pretty easy overall however I do like the variety in this fights much more than with goopy this is the first time in the game we see several different bosses with their own segments but other fights in this game just do it better as each of these guys has a pretty easy attack to dodge oh yeah there's also that secret turnip phase so points for that although the character designs themselves aren't anything too crazy you gotta admit a telekinetic carrot is pretty flippin cool dear laughs is I think my favorite of the King die sub-bosses there's just a lot more going on with this fight you got him sending evil exploding gifts filled with horseshoes at you spooky jockeys riding below as if there's a horse race going on and even some hooded racers who will fly at you forcing you to keep an extra eye out for them I also love the dead racehorse concept the not so spooky bedsheet ghost spectators in the background and the overall awesome looking parallax scrolling of the background itself it just makes the whole stage feel that much more alive even if everything's dead I've personally never really been a fan of auto-scrolling levels so I'm definitely biased with this one and you don't even fight room or honey bottoms at first just some policemen be Schloss and some worker bees just trying to get back home after a long day at work sorry guys I guess your experience with this fight varies depending on what weapon you use as with most fights but I usually use the seeker weapon so for most of the fight I just have to focus on jumping from platform to platform and maybe parrying an incoming attack once in a while the final phase is kind of cool as she turns into a b-25 bomber but I guess I feel that it's overshadowed by the not-so-special first two phases again I had to decide to either keep the sub bosses for this fight or keep them separate but I think each boss should have their own spot anyways the actual battle with King dice disregarding the board game is very straightforward King dice really only has one move he moves a hand as if it were a bipedal creature honestly this could have easily been a boss design on its own as he makes a bunch of cards March at the player yeah wild I'm placing him a bit higher on this list due to his iconic design importance in the game's plot and I think he is certainly one of the bosses that's very memorable and one that I usually think of when thinking about cuphead the fight with grim matchstick was when I realized just how hard this game can be during my first playthrough especially the phase with the jumping fireball guys although I think the difficulty level for grim is great his design and the overall background isn't anything special I do really like that he pulls off a three-headed blue-eyes ultimate dragon look for the last phase though the battle with ribby and croak early on is the one that definitely sets the tone of what's to come for the rest of the game bonus points for me for referencing several things from the Street Fighter series here like rivey and croak being dressed in similar colors to Ryu and Ken respectively and also using this similar attack to Ryu Hadouken also apparently some believe the pair to be a reference to the Battletoads after you dodged some hadoukens and flaming bug things brokes will turn into a fan and then finally both will combine to form us lot machine because why not I don't know I just love the weird shape-shifting here overall a wacky fight that also really tests your dodging skills you either like RNG in these fights or you don't and personally I'm not a big fan of leaving it to luck to determine a bosses fight difficulty and that's kind of what you get with the first phase of Baroness von bonbon but on the other hand I do like the variety each of the minions offers we got waffle buddy gumball bro candy corn lad Gobstopper guy and of course cupcake chap each with their own unique abilities and ways to harm the player the final phase is also a big shift as the castle will start crawling towards you viciously while the bareness literally throws her head at you thankfully it's a no brainer to dodge the Hilda burg fight is the first of the airplane variety in the game and oh boy is that a cool one Hilda starts out as some weird helicopter wind vane unicycling blimp thing but will then transform into one of three different cloud forms based on constellations including Gemini Sagittarius and Taurus each with her own style of attacks and behavior then at the end she will transform into a huge crescent moon which takes up like half the screen and I love its design both externally and internally also UFOs those are cool this fight is always frustrating for me since again I like using the seeking rounds and the barrel usually ends up sucking most of them up forcing me to use a different weapon and this fight is definitely quite a challenge as there are so many you have to avoid there's of course the barrel and the captain's octopus shots but then we also got the ship shooting cannonballs a giant shark flopping onto the dock a squid splatting Oh tink and finally the ship's uvula firing out its giant laser speaking of which I love that after a while the ship just launches the captain and tries to take matters into its own hands best sharpen those dodging skills for this fight he'll certainly need them ah good old be pissed the clown the setting of this battle is another one I really like I just love the whole carnival theme Biffy also switches it up here a lot from driving a bumper car to turning into a balloon to riding a goofy horse and then finally turning into an entire carousel ride thing all the while you have to keep dodging ducks penguins these inflatable balloon dogs and of course the roller coaster which constantly moves below I really like Becky's design as the balloon and ride but the other ones just aren't quite as unique the calla Maria fight has a lot going for it I really like her design in all three phases of the fight and I think the transition from the first setting to the coral filled cavern is awesome however there's one thing I really don't like and that's her blasts which turn you into stone and renders you in mobile for a few seconds now this effect is fine on its own but the blast is essentially impossible to dodge and it leaves you stunned for a few seconds and open to get easily hit by an oncoming obstacle and this makes getting hit feel quite cheap at times that said if you don't really care about getting a flawless s-rank here the awesome bullet health sections and creative use of the fish and snake hair is really cool and I think it makes this battle very entertaining visually and in terms of gameplay Jimmy the great offers another awesome airplane level with a whopping five phases although I feel flying through the pillars in the second phase kind of slows down the pacing of the fight the other phases definitely make up for it everything from launching his flaming skull at you to Illuminati pyramids and peeping from some interdimensional portal in his sarcophagus there's also another hidden phase that was added in this fight in the form of a mini version of cuppa tea or pop head like how could you not give bonus points for this little guy Phantom Express is one of the last contract the player has to complete before paying the last visit to King dice and this fight I find pretty easy which is surprising given how late it is in the game well at least the first few phases are easy the skeleton is easy to dodge as are whatever these are the last phase is a bit harder as I always find it hard to focus on hitting the heart while also dodging the tiny fireballs and the bone ring I really like the whole Halloween setting of this fight as well as the variety in the phases I don't know there's just something about having to blast the heart of a locomotive in its boiler feels almost poetic and of course we can't forget the cart which is another unique mechanic that I think just makes this fight stand out that much more sadly stage plays design isn't anything crazy at first just a couple about to be Wed with the husband cowering in the background as he may or may not soon meet his demise what I love most about this fight is that it has as much side more in it as we see in this game as we go from the wedding to either the nunnery or Sally's house and then to fight the couple in an afterlife setting before finally concluding with the audience giving everyone a standing ovation for their performance I also really really liked the secret alternate path that was added to this flight by standing on these angels in the first phase I really hope more fights have seeker paths like this in the game's upcoming DLC yeah yeah as much as I like plant boy I unfortunately don't think this flight is the best in the game cagney starts out as a cute happy innocent looking flower and then BAM we end this now boys no pooping around this guy's gonna shoot falling seeds like a Gatling gun maximally extend his face shoot boomerang like seeds and try to grab you with his vines oddly despite the name cagney carnation looks nothing like a carnation the fact that we go from this to this just goes to show how dynamic the boss designs in this game can be and I think this is one of the best examples of that a killer plant huh what's next a Great War rats driving a makeshift tank made out of a soup can the fight with Verner vermin sets you inside a rat hole as you fight him and his many contraptions including killer bottle-cap saws then eventually the looming cat will bust the wall down and eat Vernor before proceeding to try Nika player as well the ghost of rats the cat has beaten before will also emerge which I thought was a really cool and dark touch then in a twist of irony after defeating the cat its face slides off and it is revealed that the cat was just another one of Vernors inventions great setting awesome fight and I thought the twist at the end was amazing but wait does that make Verner a cannibal for eating those fellow rats I need some answers okay so you fought through all 26 of the other bosses and defeated King dice at his own game now time for the final challenge fighting the devil himself although I don't think it's the toughest fight in the game this battle will definitely put everything you've learned in this game to the test the devil has a variety of interesting attacks like launching his head at you in spider form turning into a ram a dragon and then ditching his skin and becoming a skeleton before transitioning to the next phase where he is absolutely massive and we'll take up pretty much most of the screen as the platform's drop off one by one the whole health setting is really visually appealing and I think this fight certainly feels like a fitting climax for the game I love the airplane boss fights in this game and this one is no exception I don't know what it is but I just find something so satisfying about dodging all these feathers in this phase I also really like the variety and all the phases in this fight from wall-e being stuck in a cuckoo clock to fighting his jerk son and finally finishing him off in a stretcher being lifted by some medic birds the fight with Wally son kinda sucks but I think the other two phase is more than make up for it there's also literal chicks with nails strapped to their head what's not to love much like many of the other bosses in this game dr. Kaul and his robot can be seen as a reference to many other popular forms of media the robot appears to take inspiration from the likes of the Iron Giant and or the robot from Queens and news of the world album there also appears to be references to Mega Man enemies and dr. Kaul himself in the last phase appears to be a reference to the likes of a mix of dr. wily dr. Robotnik and Bowser in his clown car I also really liked that the first phase has you targeting the robots brain heart and gut which can also be seen as a reference to the wizard of odds sporting an awesome dystopian wasteland of a background numerous references to other media the design of the robot and dr. Kaul and just being one heck of a boss fight' makes this to be what i think is the best boss fight in cuphead and there you have it guys my list of every current boss in cuphead from worst to best and I hope you enjoy what are some of your favorites and least Raver bosses in the game let me know down in the comments also if you enjoyed this video be sure to check out some of my other countdown and ranking videos by clicking on the card raw 8 here swing by my other social media things which are all links below and if you want to support the channel check out my snazzy merch at tetra bit gaming com or consider becoming the latest member of the Tetra bit squad click on the join button below for more information anyways guys thanks for tuning in and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 1,183,162
Rating: 4.8451891 out of 5
Keywords: Cuphead, Cuphead Bosses, Cuphead Bosses Ranked, Ranking Cuphead Bosses, Cuphead DLC Bosses, Cuphead DLC, Cuphead Bosses Worst to Best, Cuphead Boss DLC, Delicious Last Course Cuphead, Delicious Last Course Bosses, Delicious Last Course Gameplay, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, gaming, Studio MDHR, Xbox, Nintendo, Switch, video games, cuphead switch, Cuphead Top 10, Cuphead Memes, Cuphead music, Cuphead Ranked, Cuphead Lost Bits, PLANTBOI, Cuphead TetraBitGaming, Cuphead 2
Id: e5NSdf_m36A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 38sec (1118 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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