Sonic Mania Plus LOST BITS | MORE Unused Content and Debug Mode Secrets [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] you guys and welcome back to another episode of lost Vince right here on tetra Bay gaming the series where we explore the scrapped unused and unseen content in video games so it's been almost a whole year since I made my sonic mania lost bits video that a lot of you seem to like since the release of the Sonic mania plus DLC which has added some new characters modes and more a lot of you guys have been asking me to cover this game once more at first I didn't think there would be anything more to see in this game but turns of boy was I wrong on that note special shout outs to ex andrey and codename gamma for both showing me many of the things that i'll talk about in this video and also for letting me use their footage also before i begin just to throw it out there this video will cover a mix of more unused content that i missed in my first video previously unused content that has since been added to the game and as well of course more interesting unused stuff that has since been discovered along with the release of sonic mania plus anyways with all that said go grab some blue spears it's time to find some more lost bits so just like in the last video let's start off with the title screen for the game i mentioned that the files for the original title screen were found for when the game was still being developed under the name sonic discovery i also talked about this here aesthetic looking sega genesis which at the time no one really knew what it could have been used for well it turns out that a few parts of that spritesheet were originally supposed to be used for the title screen an image of the original title screen still exists in the game's files and this is what it used to look like as much as I like the title screen that goes used in the final release I absolutely think this title screen is so much better thankfully part of this awesome backdrop now does go used in the newly added pinball bonus stage also the beginning bar of the original title screen would have had the words power on this bar itself is a reference to the Sega Mega Drive which also itself power-on labeled on it this would have been a nice little easter egg and it's a shame that it was scraps moving on from the title screen now onto the main menu which also has seen a complete overhaul featuring a new layout with some previews of all the modes turns out that there are two unused scenes meant to be used for mania mode the first of these features a still camera with Sonic and Tails running by in a continuous loop and the other unused one has the camera moving alongside tails and sonic running both of these are slightly different than the final one we normally see in which Sonic and Tails are having more of a leisurely jog at this time it is unclear if these scenes were meant to change randomly or if the developers were just deciding between the three and after choosing one they just left the other ones unused in the game one of the main things that inspired me to revisit Sonic mania was the newly discovered unused vape mode and know it isn't for that kind of abe but more so for the vaporwave aesthetic this unfinished unused mode was believed to have been used in the newly added encore mode in short it basically slows down the music to three-quarter speed and also pitches it down to make it sound more aesthetic and in addition to the music the color palette is also changed accordingly here is a quick snippet of what it sounds and looks like [Music] [Music] now if you know me you know I love the vaporwave aesthetic so you can imagine my big disappointment in learning that this was cut from Sonic mania Sonic mania plus has also brought back a playable Angel Island act in the new Encore mode if you haven't seen it yet the new encore mode is basically most of the levels remixed with altered color palettes item placement and some new areas so yeah some stages like Green Hill Zone which is already a remix of the original got remixed again anyways so it looks like with the inclusion of the Angel Island zone 3 unused layouts for it can be found in the game's files the first two of these are identical layouts those that were planned to be used in the unreleased Sonic 3 port the third unused layout is more interesting though as it appears to be a testing stage for the new Encore mode next up I quickly want to go over some previously unused things that have since been added to the game first is the animation that was unused for tails meant for the intro to act one of chemical plant zone for whatever reason tails was the only character to not have an animation but since the release of mania plus tails has finally been given the animation he deserves that being said although it's similar it's still not the same as the one that was unused before the other notable unused thing that has since been added is the I'm out of here sequence that is a reference to Sonic CD in which sonic jumps off the screen causing a game over after leaving the game on without moving sonic for a while this previously unused animation can now be seen in the main menu when hovering over the exit selection it's not as cool as the original secret in Sonic CD but it's still awesome that it was added to the game on the flip side of things there is one thing that was used but to my disappointment has now been removed the hidden video game donkey Easter Egg that I mentioned in my previous video has since been removed from the game's newest updates I assume Sega didn't approve or authorize this Easter XP in the game and they wanted it gone ASAP and it's a real shame because I think it's one of the best Easter eggs that I've ever seen alright and now let's get to some more unused graphics and models first off starting with the unused models we have an unused model of the large Maxine in the background of Titanic monarch Zone Act one known as monarch VG this model was apparently converted into a 2d image to be used in the final game next is an unused 3d model of Sonic this model is different than the one used in the UFO special stage and is actually the model used in the Sega Saturn game Sonic gam my guess is that this model might have been considered or even used as a placeholder in the special stages before the developers just decided to make a brand new model next up are five unused models which might put together make up a 3d model of one of the DD wrecker spheres that you fight in green hill zone just like the monarch BG model it is likely that this DD wrecker model was also used as a reference for creating the sprites that were used in the final game the last unused model is that of a blank ring that can be found amongst the files for the newly added pinball stage at this time no one really knows what this would have been used for but as with the other models my guess is that this was a base for the regular ratings used in the pinball bonus stage and while we're talking about the pinball stage this thing here was also meant to be used for the pinball stage but it was scrapped to me it kind of looks like a hole of some sort but I have no clue what its effect might have really been now onto the unused and altered graphics in the game there are a ton of them so we'll only be going over the ones that I think are the most noteworthy first up is an early pause menu that could be seen in some early pre-release footage pretty self-explanatory here are some unused animations for tails and sonic looking up and side-to-side these were obviously meant to be used while they ride in the tornado but for whatever reason in the final game they just stay in their default animations next is an unused set of sprites that would have been an animation for mini tales carrying mini sonic since mini tales can't carry mini sonic in the game it's kind of clear why these were scrapped each character in Sonic mania has two different animations for balancing on the edge of the platform one for facing each direction the only exception to this is for Super Sonic who uses the same animation for both directions that being said there is a second animation for Super Sonic but for whatever reason it goes unused Sonic mania also has two unused text graphics with the words perfect and speed a perfect bonus graphic is usually used in Sonic games and you collect every single ring in a stage however in mania even if you do so this bonus is never seen or awarded it is believed that this is unused because the stages amania are so large and getting all the Rings would take an extremely long time or it is often impossible and although this graphic is also found amongst the special stage files it is impossible to collect all the Rings in any of the UFO stages and the blue sphere stages don't have a result screen and already use a separate perfect graphic if you collect all the Rings the speed graphic is believed to have been used for one of two purposes the first being part of the heads-up display showing Sonic's current speed or alternatively as a time bonus for the end of the level similar to that seen in Sonic chaos next is an unused monitor with a bunch of other sprites oddly enough this monitor is actually larger than the one used in the boss battle at the end of Studio opera's own act - here's what it would have looked like if all the sprites were layered correctly my guess is that this monitor would have served the same purpose as the one seen in the act 2 boss fight but it would just look different either that or was just meant to be seen elsewhere in the stages background next up let's have a look at some altered enemy designs first up is the juggle saw enemy as you can see eventually they were given some moving googly eyes and their walking animation was improved then there are the Woodrow's who got even more of an overhaul as they were given much more detail compared to their earlier design but that's nothing compared to the initial change that they went through I present to you the original placeholder designs of the wood rows probably the best design out of all three if I'm being honest next up is the altered design of the pinatas in the Mirage saloon zone at first the pinata was designed to look like a ball hog enemy but this was eventually changed to a simple green star design in a similar manner the fireball seen in the lava reef sown were also changed from an earlier design next is an unused erz safe select icon meant for the egg reverie zone in the final release to get to the egg reverie zone you have to play through the entirety of a Titanic monarch zone so maybe at one point it was intended that you could load a savefile in the final stage instead next up is a set of normally unseen icons that are used for some sort of stage editor the first few arrows obviously signify where Sonic Tails and Knuckles or any combination of the three would start a stage other icons here force a character into a spin mark boundaries and more in the newest updates even more icons were added for palettes and for something that would move up and down I assume there are actually two more icons that don't even appear here one saying CV yr and the other drop now I don't know what cvy R signifies but the drop I assume would be for a platformer that you have to drop - through or use my t's new drop ability next up is an unused large chain link that can be found in the sprite sheet for the heavy Rider boss it is believed that this was meant to be used in a transition sequence after beating heavy Rider here is a mock-up of what it might have looked like had it been used and next up let's talk about some sprites and objects that are unused but can still be loaded into the game with at least some function first from the Sonic 1 sprite sheet that I mentioned in the previous video we have both the original orb anat and enemies here we can see how they act when loaded into the game the unused bat bot enemy meant for the sonic to mobile port as well as the stag way and Red's enemies that were scrapped from the same port were also restored into the game in a similar manner next we have a weird object known as animals hbh found in the egg reverie zone this thing and its shadow normally just fly around and follow the player here is an interpretation of what the object might have been used for as part of an unused boss fight in the egg reverie zone and speaking of unused bosses in my last video I mentioned a potentially unused boss that was meant for studio alisonj well since that video this unused boss has also been restored into the game and as speculated a sort of rock-paper-scissors mechanic was supposed to be used also as many of you mentioned this rock-paper-scissors mechanic is a reference to Alex Kidd who was actually Sega's mascot before Sonic the Hedgehog and although in this clip knuckles is seen in his fight it should be noted that this boss fight was intended to have been a sonic only fight another thing I mentioned in my previous video is the sprite sheet for the unused love tester game amazingly this too was restored and loaded into the game the love tester device functions just like predicted depending on the combination of the player and the outcome of the device the player receives either 100 points 400 points or nothing at all next up we have three more unused objects that can also be restored into the game the first of these is a target bumper from Sonic two's casino zone here it works the same and starts green then after being hit it goes to yellow and then to red and then it disappears next is another unused object from Sonic 2 this time the spear block hazard from the metropolis zone it's basically just a block from which a spear points out one at a time in a clockwise manner lastly is you guessed it another thing from Sonic 2 I'm beginning to see sort of a pattern here anyways this wisp enemy is a badnik that appeared in the aquatic ruin zone it is believed that they were used as placeholder enemies for the shudder bugs before they were introduced in this game another thing I mentioned in my previous sonic mania video is the unused Sega SP 500 printing machine as well as these jars of ink yet again at the time it was unclear what their use could have been but since then their use was also figured out so first off the jars as kind of expected by jumping into them you can change the color palette of your character to the respective printing color there is also an acetone spray that washes off the ink if you want to revert back to normal the best part though are the SP 500s when jumping in after getting inked they actually print out a platform to be used for the level and apparently the platform tiles would change depending on which color you jump in as I can kind of see how this mechanic could slow down the pace of the level but man it's so awesome and cool-looking that I can't help but feel pretty disappointed that it was scrapped but on the bright side at least we now know what these were for moving along let's talk about some of the additions that were made to the secret debug menu which can be accessed after fiddling around with the game's files in the PC version of the game aside from now being able to access the new plus features a new debug flag section has also been added this menu allows you to enable the game's debug mode at will as well as allows you to toggle the heads-up display as you also see there are several numbered instances of draw group and these are basically the layers of sprites that you can also toggle don't want to see your character anymore no problem don't want to see a background gone want the screen to get all trippy I haven't found a really practical use for this but I'm sure it can be used to uncover some hidden stuff behind some sprite layers and it's still really fun to kind of just mess around with lastly there is another hidden feature in this debug menu that can be seen by pressing the f12 key by doing so a red bar will appear with a message this message will differ depending on what the game is doing at the moment apparently it just prints out whatever function is being called that uses a print function this was very likely used to help track down problems in the game's code during the debugging process I know some of you have asked me to see if the Encore Mode stages have any cool new things that are normally unseen so I tried moving around the debug camera again in the new encore stages but unfortunately there wasn't all too much new to report that I haven't already discussed one thing that I did find is beyond the ending of the second act in the Mirage saloon zone there's the gun launcher that is used for the transition into the next zone however here it is still usable like normal however if you get shot out of bounds you won't instantly die the only other thing that I noticed was in the Angel Island zone there I found several instances that if you move the camera just slightly off where it's supposed to be the trees and vines get cut off in an almost humorous way is this efficiency or laziness I'll let you guys be the judge of that and with that concludes this sonic media + lost bits video and I hope you guys enjoyed it there are of course several things that I didn't get to talk about so as always be sure to check out my sources in the description below for more info again absolutely massive shout outs to etc and code-named gamma for being such big helps with the making of this video be sure to check them out for some more awesome sonic mania content and let them know I sent you anyways if you guys enjoyed this video please be sure to let me know with a like and also comment down below what other games you would like to see me make a los bits video on next if you're new here and enjoyed be sure to check out more of my lost myths videos by clicking on the card right here and if you would like to stay even more up to date with me and the channel subscribe here and follow me over on my other social media things which will all be linked in the description below but as always guys thank you all so much for watching today and for all of your amazing support and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 1,047,073
Rating: 4.9106417 out of 5
Keywords: Sonic Mania Plus, Sonic Mania, Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Mania Lost Bits, Sonic Lost Bits, Sonic Mania Ununsed Content, Sonic Mania Plus Unused Content, Sonic Mania Cut Content, Sonic Mania Plus Cut content, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Lost Bits, Sonic Mania Secrets, Sonic Mania Easter Eggs, Sonic Mania Beta, Sonic Unused Content, Sonic cut content, Sonic Mania Debug mode, Sonic Mania Debug, Sonic Mania Plus Glitches, Gaming, Sonic Mania PC, Unused Content, sega
Id: F30_44zolHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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