Cuphead FOUND BITS | New Secret Bosses & Lost Bits Update [TetraBitGaming]

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you guys and welcome back to another found bits video right here on tetra bay gaming the series where we revisit some lost minutes that have been found as some of you may know along with the recent release of cuphead on the Nintendo switch a new update to the game was added now this update has added several things to the game that as I discussed in my cup het lost of its video were once unused before we dive into these changes I would like to thank parsec for sponsoring this video if you don't know I've worked with parsec in the past and they offer a fantastic free service which allows you f it gamers to access your games anywhere on most devices parsec is latency obsessed and can even screen games up to 4k at 60 frames per second and here's my favorite parts in addition to being able to play our PC games on your phone tablet or other remote device with their Co Play feature parsec allows you to easily play co-op and multiplayer games online with your friends even if the games don't normally have online play this is perfect for games like cuphead if you want to play online with a friend parsec has a simple to use friendship and invite system or if you don't have any friends online at the same time they also have a new feature called party finder which lets you join parties with other gamers around the world to play local multiplayer games online so if you want to check this out you can find the link to download parsec at the top of the description and thank you to parsec and you guys for supporting me as a creator anyways with all that fun stuff out of the way let's go over the changes so first off in my lost myths video I discussed this raddish enemy that was once planned to appear in the botanic panic fight alongside the other vegetables there now at the time all that was known about this enemy came from various unused animations that some fans namely Nerva tell were still able to actually load into the game well since then in this latest update the enemy was actually officially added in a bit of a secret alternate path alright get a pen and paper out the process is quite tough in order to now see enemy you have to not attack me P the onion here yeah that's it really easy after a short while this onion boy will retreat back into the ground and right after the radish enemy will pop out and then fight you alongside carrot lad over here the radish plays already expected basically just spinning around from side to side just as I thought I'm sure initially this radish must have been scrapped pretty late in the game's developments but it's cool to see the developer is at studio mvhr decided to add it back in unfortunately though there's still the other unused vegetable boss Betty beets who was also believed to have once been part of this fight - from these unused graphics we can see she would cry and apparently reluctantly throw what appears to be her own baby offsprings which would explode into some beet juice yeah I guess it makes sense why Betty beets hasn't been brought back maybe in the next update next difference in the update is the fight with Jimmy the greats now I don't think I mentioned this in my last of its video but originally there was also this set of glowing unused graphics for the cuphead marionettes known as puppet in the fourth phase of the Jimmy fight although these glowing graphics aren't quite what was added there's actually another secret that was as Jimmy is using his mind-reading powers at the end of the third phase if the player shrinks down into the mini plane form instead of proceeding into the fourth phase with the regular pup head jimmy will pull up a tiny version of pop head instead and skipped right to the fifth phase here the mini pup head will dance around and then sit in the middle of the three rotating pyramids and then start shooting projectiles either clockwise or counter clockwise additionally since the fourth phase is skipped Jimmy does have considerably more health than normal which I guess is a fair trade-off this mini pop head is a weird but nonetheless cool addition and lastly and in my opinion the biggest change with the newest update is with a Sally stage play fight so originally the fight here always went the same way where after the first phase Sally hop into a car with her newlywed husband and zip off to the next phase at their home in my lost bits video I went over an unused alternate path for the fight which would result in the chandelier at the church actually falling and crushing the husband then instead of driving off Sally would mourn for a bit before the battle transitioned to a nunnery where these also unused nun placeholder graphics were meant to be seen and would have apparently thrown rulers at the player instead even if the unused path was modded into the game the nun placeholders wouldn't appear and instead they would throw placeholder projectile graphics of Cup heads lead game designer Jared moldenhauer 's head yeah weird but awesome at the same time then the fight would transition to the last phase were now an unused deity form of the husband would also appear and also shootout Jared's head projectiles well just like the previous things I mentioned this alternate path has also since been added well most of it anyway after parrying up to and standing on these angel platforms a few times now we can see the husband getting properly crushed actual nuns have been added that throw rulers like they were intended and yes the deity version was also added but now instead of shooting out the placeholder graphics of Jared's head small little angels will push out what looks like a fireball on wheels towards the player I still think it's interesting that the deity form of the husband was cut in the first place as he always used to appear just off-screen in any case I'm really glad this alternate path was finally added before wrapping things up I would also like to dispel some misinformation that I've seen other youtubers upload namely that a the pachinko boss Pachi Pachi has been added to the game and be that the mini slime enemies were added to the goopy lagron fights as of the making of this video I have found no way to legitimately access these and I would love to be proven wrong but unless someone can show me some concrete evidence I do believe they are still unused so guys don't be misled by these said you - purrs anyways that's basically all of the newly added bits - cuphead that were once unused it's really cool to see studio MD HR going back and adding all of these once unused bits to keep things fresh and I think it's especially awesome for us to know that they were actually in the files of the game all along I really hope they continue to add more stuff that's currently unused with future updates and the upcoming DLC you already know I have my fingers crossed to see Robo Squidward make his official appearance in the game and that will be it for this found bits video guys and I hope you enjoyed this quick little update video if you did be sure to slap a like down below and let me know which one of these new additions is your favorites and if you haven't already be sure to check out my cuphead lost bits video where I cover a slew of other unused stuff by clicking on the card right here if you're new around here and would like to stay up to date with me and the channel be sure to subscribe here as well as swing by my Instagram and other social media things which will all be linked in the description below but as always guys thank you all so much for watching today and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 1,088,214
Rating: 4.9185152 out of 5
Keywords: Cuphead, Cuphead Switch, Cuphead Update, Cuphead Bosses, Cuphead Secret Bosses, Cuphead secrets, Cuphead unused, cuphead unused bosses, cuphead new update, cuphead new bosses, cuphead new boss phases, Djimmi the great, djimmii the great secret, Sally Stageplay secret, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Lost Bits, Cuphead Lost Bits, Cuphead Found Bits, mini puphead, bosses, cuphead update secrets, Nintendo, Switch, 2019, secret bosses, all bosses, mugman, coop, hd, unused bosses
Id: n0LO2AG_zbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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