Friday Night Funkin' LOST BITS (Weeks 1-6) | Removed & Unused Content [TetraBitGaming]

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Love the guy.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/heare2vote ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies


๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Pyr0Dude ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another lost bits video right here on tetrabig gaming the series where we explore the unused scrapped and unseen content in gaming friday night funkin this latest trendy boppin game has been popping off on the net lately and despite originally having no plans to cover this game you guys just wouldn't stop requesting it in the comments so uh here we are and to my surprise this game actually has a decent amount of scrapped stuff also do keep in mind since this game is still being actively updated some stuff mentioned in this video may still get re-added to the game in the future so if you enjoyed this one let me know and maybe i'll revisit this game in a few updates anyways let's get to it go grab your mics smash that funk and like button it's time to bebo bopskyboo and find some lost bits all right well let's first start off with the prototype of the game that was made for the ludum dare 47 hope i said that right game jam in october of 2020 first some changes that were seen from this prototype we got stuff like an updated graphic for the game's title logo the protagonist character icon on the bottom was updated to better match his likeness and the girlfriend in the background was changed to sit on some speakers rather than just some really basic looking steps at least i think those are steps either way since this prototype build only contains this one stage that's about it for the changes here that said this prototype actually contains a pair of graphics that don't ever go normally used first we have bg which unsurprisingly is a very basic looking version of the background graphic for this stage this is very likely just a draft sketch or placeholder background the developer ninja muffin 99 whipped up during initial development during the game jam next up is graphics spelled with an x and as you can see this file contains what appears to be the same number and timing feedback graphics which are normally used as well as some early graphics for the boyfriend and daddy dearest and although the text graphics appear to be the same they are actually seen separated in the files leaving these ones in this image unused interestingly this set of graphics has went on to also remain in the current release of the game where it too remains unused next up let's talk things that were kicking around in the game in older updates but i believe have since been removed as of the current release hope you like early concept doodles because we got lots of them here we got this graphic of skid and pump facing the camera this screenshot of the duo taken directly from a senior payload video believed to have been used as a reference when creating assets for them for this game and then we got some early doodles of the duo in several different poses as well as an animation of the pair groovin where for two frames a blank protagonist head will also pop up then similarly found amongst the graphics for the mom character we got some more concept sketches of her in a few poses additionally though in this file are also concept sketches for a few unused characters that i guess were once considered to be implemented in week 4. we got this guy apparently named stan who just looks like a disgruntled nerd and then we got several designs for a crazy stalker type character there's this more dorky looking one two stalker cat-like characters as well as this character found in a normal outfit as well as an even more normal outfit since stan here is holding a mic it's likely he would have been one of the antagonists the boyfriend was planned to face off against but as for the others it's currently unclear if they would have been characters you'd face off with or if they'd just be background characters but whatever the case may be i'm really curious as to what was going on with this anyways moving along there's also more early sketches that weren't used like a sketch of pico's gun being pointed towards the player this collection of sketches of the boyfriend and a few of the antagonists a sketch of the boyfriend watching something on his phone another sketch of several of the game's characters including newground's mascot tankman who as of yet still has not been added into the game and finally some doodles of what are apparently developers of this game including one where this guy just does not give a funk about being barrel stuffed in the back of the head now in addition to these scrap characters i mentioned found left over with the sketches for the mom there are actually a few more characters that have been removed from the game first up is lucky boy a cool backwards hat wearing sock puppet that loves to shred on his little grechbo diddly square guitar lucky boy was apparently designed by dom rom art and was actually never meant to be included in the game at all in the first place apparently unbeknownst to him lucky boy was added to the game by one of ninja muffin 99's friends brandy since lucky boy was never actually planned to be included he was ultimately removed from the game before the version 0.2.5 update to the game sorry suck boy maybe we'll see you back sometime in the future additionally there was also an unused audio track that was added in and removed along with lucky boy and this was a file titled video games which was a clip of the song video games by the blackout band out of copyright concerns i won't be playing it here but be sure to check it out if you are interested and lastly is this original santa hat less design of the monster now this character was eventually added in the final phase of the week 5 chapter update but originally it's likely the monster was intended to be part of week 2. and it would make sense that something is scrapped here as week 2 only features two songs as opposed to the regular three and although the monster got the winter horrorland song when added to week 5 the original planned song for the monster just currently titled monster still goes unused this is one of the few songs to contain actual lyrics instead of a bunch of beeps and bops it's all about eating people turning them into broth or shoving them in a meat box you know typical stuff now apparently the monster and this track were initially cut since ninja muffin had troubles mapping the song but a user by the name of chaotic gamer cg actually managed to do it and even got the blessing of ninja muffin based on this post here it seems like he was planning on adding it back into the game but as of making this video this is still not the case however since the song is basically ready to go i wouldn't be surprised if it was re-added in the future either way if you haven't heard it yet here's a quick sample of it and how it was potentially meant to appear as recreated by chaotic gamer [Music] additionally there are apparently even more unused frames of the monster that aren't even present in the game at all as shown by the game's lead artist phantom arcade in a tik-tok there he showed off apparent real animations of the monster that he said no one had this is a friday night [Music] another fun fact is that despite many believing the monster to be a reference to lemon demon the fella behind classic grounds hits like ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny ninja muffin had gone on record to flat out deny that this is the case oh yeah and if you thought this was creepy there's also this unused concept artwork of the monster emerging from a bleeding jack-o-lantern it's currently unknown whether this was just an early design or a planned second phase to the fight or something but regardless this is just all sorts of whack now before moving on to the current release two things lastly for the stuff removed from earlier versions is this graphic of the girlfriend crying on the early step graphics seen in the prototype i assume this was likely just intended to be used when the player would fail a song and secondly i mentioned the currently unimplemented tank man character but there are actually two other characters that have also been teased but as of yet aren't available first is cassette girl a character that's yet to appear in any games or animations created by soft dawn and also a second upcoming character named hank j wimbleton the main protagonist in a series of flash animations and games called madness combat basically the original john wick now this really takes me back i remember watching and playing stuff from this series on school computers like 15 years ago ah good times anyways now let's finally move on to the final or should i say current release of the game as of making this video where there are several things that are still found left unused in the files in addition to the unused monster song we went over earlier there are actually three more unused songs left over in the game well at least references to them the first of these is called smash and although there isn't much left for it apparently this was the first song that ninja muffin charted for the game when developing it the name is derived from the song in question actually being the break the targets background music from super smash bros melee for those that haven't ever played the gamecube classic this is a sample of what it sounds like as a big nintendo and smash bros fan it's awesome to see that ninja muffin used this song as a test but it's unsurprising why the song was scrapped next up is a song titled ridge and much like smash not much is left over for it either also similar to smash ridge gets its name from the song being taken from the game ridge racer type 4. unlike smash however this song can actually be forced in via mods so if you really wanted to play this song in the game it is still possible for those curious here's a quick snippet of what it sounds like [Music] and the last song that's left over unused is known as test inst and yeah based on its name this appears to have been a track used to test instruments this was added in the week 5 update but obviously i don't think the song was ever planned to be normally accessible it is quite a buff though not gonna lie there's also an accompanying file called test voices but unfortunately it's just completely silent now those are all the full songs but there are actually a few more smaller unused audio files that go unused as well first up our title and title shoot and these are leftovers of the title screen and confirmation sounds from the ludum dare prototype respectively why are they still in the game good question but regardless here's a quick sample of both [Music] then next we got a file listed as sound test and this is basically just a metronome probably used to keep the beat when making songs for the game and lastly there are four unused sound effects for the girlfriend listed as gf one through four all right moving on the game's current release 2 has quite a few graphics that go unused with some of them being quite strange first though are some unused character icons for the bottom bar during a battle with each having a normal and defeated variant these are for a really basic face the old boyfriend graphic used before the week 4 update as well as a set for the tank man which again will probably be coming to the game in the near future now i just mentioned the leftover audio files but there are also still some leftover graphics from the prototype 2. these include both the original title graphic as well as the lose and restart graphics once used for when you fail a song next up are some unused ui graphics telling the player to press the backspace key to exit a certain menu it's not exactly clear why these were scrapped perhaps the developers just felt it was already obvious or intuitive for the players to do this then next up we have some unused speech bubbles now these all just look like conceptual designs but ninja muffin has expressed interest in adding more dialogue to the game to deepen the story as we've seen in week 6. so who knows maybe we'll see these designs added in someday although this lock graphic was once seen in older versions of the game it now goes unused although it's still found kicking around in the story mode selection graphics before you had to play through week 1 to play week 2 and that's where the lock was used but now you can just play any of the weeks in any order you want thus removing the need for this lock next is a set of unused shaded and unshaded graphics for the dancing fellas seen in the background of week 4 that suggests that there's a scrap segment in which they would suffer a horrible fate and would literally be torn into pieces it's unclear exactly how this was supposed to play out but i am certainly intrigued now moving along we got the unused graphics that are a bit more unconventional these are all seemingly left in as a joke as they don't seem to serve any other purpose than being a hidden secret anyways first up is this screenshot of a highlighted message on twitch in which lil green fry demanded to be added into the game well i guess they got their wish this file is listed in the game simply as lol next is a screenshot of a youtube video and this file carries the title of a bunch of zeds the video that is screenshotted here is titled four new grounds and was uploaded by joshua the diaz ytrd and this is just a one second video apparently showing off his oc known as joshua who appears to just be a colorless version of the boyfriend based on the nature of this re-characterization and the file name i guess the developers were poking fun at the simplicity of this original character i gotta say i especially like the recorded by moby zen here nice touch and lastly is an unused screenshot of a 4chan post from january 15th 2021 known as screencap tier image the file name obviously stems from the user here specifically stated they were trying to not make a screen cap to your post gg anon you made it into the game now stuff like this is very seldom seen left over in games but i certainly appreciate it when it is friday night funkin also has a few unused animations for some of the characters first for the girlfriend there are animations of her being happy her ducking down as well as ducking down but with her hair blowing in the wind then we have some unused animations for the boyfriend which also show off some currently unused mechanics for the game we got him preparing to and actually throwing his mic in what looks like an attack animation as well as him dodging an incoming attack when asked about these ninja muffins stated that initially his idea for this game would have featured more gameplay layers like attacking and dodging he also mentioned that they might revisit these mechanics in the future so that'd be pretty cool evidence of dodging and attacking can also be seen in other characters like lucky boy and the unused graphics for the girlfriend ducking might have also been tied to the dodging mechanic as well and last up for the currently unused animations are some normally never seen for pico these are pico missing an up down left and right note now as of making this video pico is normally not a playable character and since when battling against him the ai never misses these don't go used now i stress normally cause you can actually force the game to let you play as pico by using its debug mode which we'll come back to later but yeah technically if you do use that you can actually see these animations in the game anyways next up there are remnants left in the game of an unimplemented options menu we got these two animated graphics for it which can actually still be re-added back into the game by replacing the donate button on the main menu the option menu would only allow for rebinding keys that is if it would work attempting to rebind the keys in the current build will just lock up the game although it's unused now i'd be surprised if it doesn't get re-implemented at some point it's been a while since we took a look at some unused text strings but thankfully friday night pumpkins got us covered first up found amongst the text strings of the game's characters there's one referencing a template pretty self-explanatory next up is a part of the game's coding which references some sort of test button that would have had click me written on it which would change to thanks when clicked and lastly in the source code there is more coding that reveals scrap dialogue for the tutorial and week one stages this unused dialogue here instructs the player to use the arrow keys in the tutorial stage it would have had the father verbally challenging the boyfriend if he wanted to date his daughter as well as what appears to be some sort of transitional segment to a different area and now for the last off of this video i briefly mentioned it earlier but the current version of the game has a not so secret debug mode that can be accessed by simply pressing the 7 key while in any stage like i mentioned earlier with this menu you can choose which character you want to play as and you can basically choose any character that's in the files of the game you can also choose your opponent so if you wanted to set up specific battles in a song with this debug menu you certainly can you can even battle against the boyfriend something that's otherwise never seen the only issue with this is if you try to do so the boyfriend will just appear hovering above ground and uh i don't think it's meant to be like this additionally with this debug menu you can customize the charting for the song basically however you want so if you want to make a song more difficult easier wacky or completely insane with this menu you are certainly able to do so it's not the most robust debug menu we've seen on lost bits but it's certainly pretty cool and it adds a lot of customization to the game some even believe that this menu is a precursor to a future character selection screen for the hopefully upcoming battle mode and that about wraps it up at least up until week 6. like i said if you enjoyed this video be sure to let me know with a like down below and also let me know if you'd like me to revisit this game in the future after a few more weeks have been added but as always thank you all so much for watching and i will see you in a bit [Music] you
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 2,383,518
Rating: 4.9410658 out of 5
Keywords: friday night funkin, friday night funkin music, friday night funkin', friday night funkin gameplay, fnf, Friday Night Funkin Lost Bits, Friday Night Funkin Unused, Friday Night Funkin cut content, FNF unused Content, friday, funkin, fnf week 6, Friday Night Funkin Unused Song, Friday Night Funkin unused sprites, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Lost Bits, gaming, video games, friday night funkin easter eggs, friday night funkin secret, friday night funkin monster, rhythm game
Id: rROesndykws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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