Undertale LOST BITS | Unused Content and Debug Mode [TetraBitGaming]

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[Music] hey guys and welcome back to another episode of lost bits right here on tetra big gaming the series where we explore the scrapped unused and unseen content in video games so in my previous Delta rune lost bits video I tested the waters to see if you guys would be interested in an undertale video and you guys absolutely smashed that video with likes so here we are now whether you love or hate undertale there is no denying its success and impact on the gaming community and the till recently I never even played the game so forgive me if I don't understand some deeper lore or references in this video and with all that out of the way there is a lot to cover in this video so go grab sans undertale it's time to find some lost bits so to start things off let's have a look at the game's unused audio which surprisingly there is a decent amount of in the interest of time I'll only be playing short clips of each unused track that I think was interesting first up is King description [Music] this track is just a more orchestral and fuller sounding version of the game over theme with the word ping in the file name it is believed this track would have been used in some as bore related scene then we have F part 3 which is an unused variation of flowers vos music [Music] good old mini plan next up is piano a track that was used in the undertale demo after killing toriel but it goes unused in the full release yet another unused piano song ruins piano is next and just like the name suggests it is a slow piano version of the song that is heard in the ruins [Music] next is a track simply known as star [Music] star is a fitting name as apparently the song uses instrument samples that were used in the original Star Fox game according to Toby Fox this haunting melody was intended to be used in the fight against magic when his magic orbs turn into hearts undertale start menu music changes as you befriend more characters in the game however only six of the seven total songs are actually used here is menu 5 which is normally unheard there are also a few sounds that go unused in undertale so let's bang through them quickly we have a grunting voice for apparently a swipe presumably for mettaton and then there's three unused flowey lines of him saying triple o Jase okay and ah now on to under tails unused text strings first up we have several error messages these include error error see you later a rousing error wowie nice error flagrant error error Pepin's I am a goofy goober yeah this error message if you are reading this I messed up somehow this is an error message really and then my favorite an entire error handler monologue meant for sans he would have said I'll be honest I have no idea what happened for you to get here this is actually some sort of error handling message so if you're getting this ending tell whoever made the game okay they'll fix it or if it's a novel situation they might even add another ending to the game chances are though you're just a dirty hacker aren't you yeah get out of here next is some unused monster history text labeled as part six it basically outlines that the monsters don't get ill but they describe those that are old or close to death as fallen down next is an unused section in the strip for meta tons quiz it is found right after meta ton mentions that Alfie's names programming variables after her crush so of course those curious enough to go check the files to see who Alfie's crush is we're met with the following message wall if you came to this part of the code to see who I have a crush on you're out of luck there is also an unused script for meta ton requesting for you to be his mortal enemy after rejecting his request he will send you an invitation to let's see here die to which you could have responded or just ignored next is a text string which just reads beep hiss valley granola bars likely a spoof of nature valley granola bars but with more beep Asst then there are these two text strings found among the dialogue for the Photoshop flowey fight alrighty then test Monster is an early version of frog it used for you guessed it testing they share many of the same lines but these are the lines that are unused normally by frog it's and in this line we can see Toby Fox's frustration and the last notable unused text string is alfea's 17th lab entry which is normally skipped in the true lab it basically just explains that with too much determination the bodies of the monsters begin to break down so it looks like undertale also has some items that were scrapped from the game a croquet roll which would have healed 50 HP pumpkin rings that would heal eight stoic onions that would heal five a ghost fruit which would heal sixteen and puffy dough ice cream which would heal 28 HP there's also rock candy which would heal one HP and would even come with its own recipe for how to make it at home but I think the recipe is a bit too complicated next up is a battle sequence that is unused this battle would have been with our g3 and our g4 two royal guards that are mentioned in the game during the phone conversation with undying they would have been seen as two friends that got into a fight and trying to get them to put their differences aside would have been the way to pacify and spare them after winning the battle the sprites revert to a placeholder sprite that is just Aaron's defeated sprites for some reason now before we move on to undertale Zhun used graphics there have been several messages hidden in undertale by toby fox in an attempt to deter hackers and data miners from spoiling the game and its secrets these messages are found as audio files text strings and graphics but I felt like they deserve their own little section in this video let's start off with a text that is found in script attention hackers number two Toby goes to save part of this game's charm is the mystery of how many options or secrets there are if you are reading this please don't post this message or this information anywhere we're doing secrets will become pointless by the way most of the seemingly unused text files are used if you can find the in-game context for an asset you can show it off but if you can't it probably means you haven't looked hard enough anything truly unused I'll probably post myself later living in a world like this where people can simply cheat out the answers from the code your patience has really damaged you this message was changed in the version 1.00 one update to a much shorter and more cryptic message next let's have a listen to the don't spoil the game audio track titled abc123 eh it's impossible to have mysteries nowadays please keep all of this between us any more secrets now that's creepy definitely would it be listening to that alone in the dark this was also changed in the update just more of the creepy laughter and lastly we have a graphic of toby fox asking for players to not upload the large spreadsheets online for at least a year as he believes they may spoil the game for many people unfortunately I doubt many people listened to his plea this image was again also changed in the update to an even more bizarre image that read you know what I hate bats Vitas the taste the smell the texture hey you're drooling something tells me Toby really likes the word deepest alright and now onto the game's unused graphics and there are a lot of them just like we saw in Delta rune that this game also has quite a few crude placeholder graphics like this crudely drawn dude test monster one test monster - and the tall red boy just known as the lava test creature but let's call him lava test Larry there's also tile guy an old version of the Spears that pop up from the ground that looked pretty suggestive some early versions of undines attacks some crude placeholder hearts arrow signs that were apparently related to papyrus in some way old prototype letters meant for meta tons quiz a graphic of the word touch a placeholder graphic for meta tons cooking shows jetpack section text saying don't move the debug tile sprites we also saw in Delta rune a crudely drawn stable and a crude rusted bridge and while on the topic of crudely drawn things there is also normally unseen concept art of some areas in the lab as well as undines house again like we saw in Delta rune undertale also followed the plan of these concepts pretty well and nope the crude placeholders don't end there there's also some placeholder graphics for a spell command which was never used the Photoshop flowey fight is perhaps one of the most disturbing and creepy boss fights I have ever seen and the original concept art for it isn't any better in fact it's even more creepy like how could someone bring themselves to create something like this along with this is a crude flame that is presumably an early version of flowers flames as well as unused graphics of flowers finger guns scene with the arm attached to the hand instead of the hand being attached to vines as seen in the game next is another test monster that looks like a guard dog this monster goes by the name dodes there's also this little guy an unused robot NPC that would have apparently been seen in hotland we also got an overworld sprite of some ballet shoes which you can get in the game but since they are hidden behind some grass they are never actually seen a table with two chairs meant for muffets room an unused chair that would have been used in grill DS bar a singular bone and a candy dish sprite which we will get back to later next up is bit Bob burr I mean Big Bob as he's known in this game if you've seen my lost bits video on Super Mario Brothers 2 for the NES you may remember this unused placeholder sprite was found in that game I just can't believe how close the name as to what I gave bit Bob - not sure if it's just a coincidence or of Toby Fox frequents the cutting room for two and put this in as a little Easter Egg since they use bit Bob as their tab image additionally there's also a smaller and inverted version of the sprite known as net fodder judging by the name these mini bit Bob's were probably placeholders for some sort of food or something somewhere related with meta time moving along there are also early versions of Azrael sword as riyals gun the present used in gift trots attack a large part sprite titled confused hearts a faceless gaster blaster white eyed sands an alternate version of the Snowman that gives us a piece of himself a happy sprite of washa napstablook adjusting a snail a Chaos bomb explosion meant for photo shop flowers fight and some overworld ice block probably meant for Snowden who okay we got a few more to go next are some unused goofy flowey faces that according to Toby were planned to be seen if the players somehow could defeat as war in one hits then we have some unused battle sprites for mettaton e^x that would have supposedly been used after he is defeated next up are some unused portraits of sand Undine alfea's Torrio flowey and the blushing papyrus there's also a crying bird an unused background for the Snowden shop and sprites of a breaking egg carton likely meant for meta times cooking show and lastly for the graphics are several unused sprite animations first up are some walking animations of Timmy which are never used since the Timmy's are never seen walking in the overworld then there's some animations of frisk with black hair walking alone and with Torrio is believed that these may have been the original style of Fritz other unused animations include toriel walking while on the phone sans eating some nice cream a confused papyrus some early Undine animations with different shading Undine unshaded and astigmatism with a red background and no outline apparently due to the colored background here this suggests that this bright is from an early stage in the games developments and now that we got all of those unused graphics out of the way now let's move on to some more cool stuff thankfully just like we saw in delta roon undertale also has a debug mode only it seems to have more functions in this game some of the functions are the same like saving anywhere instantly loading the previous save increasing and decreasing the frame rates and teleporting to the next previous or specific room some things are different as in this game the debug mode also lets us restart a room add 500 gold stop all music and sounds start battles instantly increased walk speed considerably increased murder level disable collision and more because of course is very helpful if you're looking to either mess around with the game or just want to refine a certain monster without having to replay the game again in battles debug mode is also very useful as it can be used to again up or slow down time increase health to 999 and depending on your play style either set attack to 9999 and mercy to zero or mercy to 9999 which lets you instantly spare any enemy including those you can't normally spare which revert to the air and sprint again like we saw earlier there are additional debug functions that are only available in certain parts of the game for example by pressing the space key when viewing frisks reflection in waterfall the reflection sprite will be replaced by some unknown character it has the same colored shirt as Chris from Delta rune so maybe it's some sort of foreshadowing if you press the J key with meeting sands for the first time it will zoom in on him make a sound and then the game will crash nice certain battles also have unique debug functions like being able to increase lesser dog's neck lank a lot controlling a papyrus attacks or not and controlling as for his defense and strength for as gore a red number will pop up in the top left of the screen the higher the number the more difficult as boars attacks will be but the lower his defense will be as well but the most interesting battle debugging in my opinion is during the flowey fights yup were back to this guy again apart from the usual stuff in this fight we can control it in a variety of different ways these include activating any of the colored soul fight attacks toggling the flamethrower forcing flowey to restart his attack toggling his mouth deactivating the soul's activating flowers vine f-bomb and teeth attacks and more it's honestly really fun to control his fights and you know break the game if you would like to try the debug mode for yourself I would recommend just googling it because there's a bit of a process to it using a hex editor so I'm sure someone else can give you a much better tutorial than I can and now on to one of my favorite parts of the lost bit series unused rooms thankfully again undertale has no shortage of these first let's talk about the dog check screens which again are found just like we encountered in Delta rune now these rooms are basically error handlers if a corrupted save file is loaded or if you try loading into an area that doesn't exist undertale actually has two different variations of this occurrence the first features a slapping song with the annoying dog dancing along the other has a much more relaxed song with annoying dog just snoozing away [Music] now on to the proper unused rooms first up is a room fittingly just known as test room this gray room just has some dialogue boxes probably used to test how the dialogue text would appear in the game text also pops up in this room although it's completely unformatted for the text boxes the first one says Lala time to wake up and smell the pain though it's a little shaky followed by some laughter going straight down the other text simply reads test monster and its cohorts draw near the ladder is actually seen in another unused fight against three test frog 'it's next up is bullet test which is a really short experience it's basically a test battle against a frog it's with a bunch of bullet things that come from below with the soul heart emitting some red and green beams I say this is a short experience because after only a little while the game will unfortunately crash room sprite check is exactly what it sounds like a room which basically just tests all the sprites that are used in the game by quickly cycling through them this is one of the trickiest test rooms I have ever seen next is room ruins 12v old which based on the layout appears to be an early version of the area in the ruins with a spider bakesale in this room is also the unused candy bowl sprite we discussed earlier in the video it will dispense one of the rock candies which are also otherwise unused tundra roll snow is next and it's basically a room to test out the physics of rolling around snowballs on like the one we saw used in the game which shrinks after not moving it the one in this room instead grows when pushed kind of like you'd expect a snowball to also related to snow tundra placeholder is a large area filled with ice tiles this was very likely used just to test the sliding mechanic one of the creepiest unused rooms in undertale is room gaster a message written in the wing-dings font will appear on a screen while a creepy sounding track plays in the background the message translates to entry number 17 dark darker yet darker the darkness keeps growing the shadows cutting deeper photon readings negative this next experiment seems very very interesting what do you two think now I don't know undertale lore all too well so I don't really know the context of this entry but based on the name it is likely a message from WD gaster a mysterious unseen character in the game a sprite of an unknown character can also be found in this room here and it is believed that this may be what he looks like he has no collision and after the sprite changes when interacting with it it will vanish sia as far as the creepy song goes youtuber lit cus has discovered that it's actually just a lower pitch and slowed down version of Muffit the spiders laugh moving along we have room water pre bird an inaccessible room with two npcs hiding in the tall grass one mentions they love to catch bugs which could either be a fourth wall break about this room being some sort of debugging room or this could be the bug catching spot that toriel mentions the other npc mentions that there is someone with a creepy smile behind you after talking to the NPC again it will say that the person with a creepy smile disappeared some fans believe this creepy smiling person could either be gaster flowey or cara next room water redacted is a small room with a weirdly shaped white npc in the middle that is only visible when getting near this NPC also speaks in wing-dings and its message when translated just says acted this too could be gaster as they both speak in wingdings interestingly exiting this room also automatically takes you to the game's sound test screen room water 13 appears to be a large test area for waterfalls assets namely the tall grass in a similar manner room water mushroom also contains several waterfall assets in addition to a crystal and an NPC room water 7 old is a room that was probably meant to be used in waterfall as it again uses several of its assets this area also has some otherwise unseen torches which can be lit just by interacting with them after they are all lift an invisible path that leads to basically nowhere will be outlined by some crudely drawn assets room overworld is a large but mostly empty test room with several lava tests Larry's the only other notable thing in this room is an area that triggers a flowey monologue which then transitions to a battle sequence next although room fire 4 uses some assets from waterfall based on the name and the music that is played here it was more likely intended to be used as an area in hotland similarly room fire 10 old also uses some waterfall assets but was again probably meant to be used in hot land there's not too much here besides this long conveyor belt played falling off this conveyor belt leads to another unused area room fire 10 a old this area just has another long conveyor belt a bowl of dry dog food and a door which just leads us back up to the previous room ok hope you're not getting tired of these unused rooms yet because we have two more notable ones to go room monster line test just quickly shows a distorted memory head enemy before it disappears as the name implies this was also probably just used for testing Room meet Undine old is pretty self-explanatory again this is an early version of the room where you first meet undyne but with some Snowden NPCs and waterfall assets there are also some boards in the middle here which basically obstruct undyed for the entire scene making this room pretty pointless you thought that was it this bit I kept this lost bit for last because it isn't actually in the game at all but rather on the official undertale websites simply by right-clicking on the page and viewing the source code the following secret message can be found what are you doing looking for secrets don't put your nose where it doesn't belong or you might learn something you don't like [Music] whatever you say mr. Fox whatever you say and with that concludes this super long lost bits video on undertale and I hope you guys enjoyed it I think this is the longest lost bits video that I'll make for quite a while so big shout outs if you made it to the end here if you enjoyed this video be sure to slap a like down below and also let me know what other lost bits videos you would like to see next also if you haven't seen it yet be sure to check out my Delta ruin last bits video by clicking on the card right here and if you would like to stay up to date with me and the channel be sure to subscribe here as well as playing by my other social media things which will all be linked in the description below but as always guys thank you all so much for watching today and from your amazing support and I will see you in a bit [Music]
Channel: TetraBitGaming
Views: 1,351,553
Rating: 4.9085364 out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, Undertale unused, undertale unused content, undertale secrets, undertale secret, undertale glitch, undertale theory, undertale unused songs, undertale test rooms, undertale room gaster, dogcheck, TetraBitGaming, TetraBit, TBG Common, Lost Bits, Undertale Lost Bits, Undertale 2, Deltarune, undertale unused rooms, wd gaster, undertale gaster, undertale debug mode, undertale debug, sans undertale, toby fox, undertale cut content, undertale demo, undertale beta, sans
Id: Yv0s_r7RaK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 41sec (1661 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 22 2018
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