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I see you coming to the other side right enough is enough you have been on this side of disappointment for too long yes you have been on this side of discouragement for too long yeah I want to appreciate each one of you that is in our miracle Mondays service tonight every Monday is a miracle Monday I will come you to the arena of miracles hallelujah welcome to miracle Monday the home of signs wonders and miracles and I believe you will not leave this place the way you came in the name of Jesus I believe tonight you are not here by chance you are not here by coincidence you are not here by accident you are here by divine appointment somebody say Amen I want to read Matthew chapter 4 verse 35 to verse 39 and the Bible says on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side verse 36 now when they had left the multitude they took him they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with him my god and a great Winston arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling but he was in the span I sleep on a pillow and they I woke him and said to him teacher do you not care that we are perishing oh my god somebody has that feeling that you know doesn't he care that I'm going through what I am going through watch this now then he arose I love this and then he arose and prophesied this verse to somebody raba Atossa riba Kadosh karabakh itasca verse 39 is about to happen into somebody's life in this miracle Montaigne I want you to mock verse 39 when he arose rebukes the way and say to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great come I'm going to read it again then he arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm somebody say Amen I want to preach a prophetic message on going over to the other side actually tonight I'm not here to teach or to preach actually I'm wearing a prophetic mantle I'm here to speak over somebody's life and over somebody situation when you look at much of the fall from where we have read the Bible says when evening had come when evening had come before even I got father on the same day when evening had come the Lord began to speak to me and he told me they say somebody here that is in an evening season everything seems dark in your life but the Lord sent me to tell you that your story is about to change somebody here is an Asian in an evening season everything seems dark in your family everything everything seems dark in your finances everything seems duck in your career everything seems dark in your business you are in an evening sauna but I heard the Lord's hair you a story is about to change in the name of Jesus it doesn't matter how back it looks it doesn't matter how tuck it seems up I came to announce to you in this service' there is going to be a change in the name of Jesus a god is about to change your story somebody shout I received and on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side watch this now I need you to understand life has two sides give your neighbor a high-five and tell them life has two sides life has two sides up and never conclude somebody's life pissed on one side because lie has two sides come on help me preach through people and tell them life has two sides life has two sides life has two sides and the right of acquiesced Issa helps us to understand that life has two sides that is why it talks about times and seasons and most of you that are sitting here have concluded on life best on one side if you are unemployed there is another side of life there is another side of employment if you are here and you're single that is just one side of life there is another side if you are here and you are still a pendant that is one side of life there is another side of being a landlord in the house owner if you are here today and your broker that is just one side if you're here and you're poor that is just one side there is another side of prosperity if you are here and you are going through disappointment that is just one side of life there is another side of appointment if you are here and you have gone through disgrace that is not the only side there is another cycle where God moves you from this place to grace if you're here and you are going through trials that is just one side there is another side of triumph if you are here and you are going through a site of breakdowns that is just one side there is another side of triumph only if you are here and you have been a victim of that is just one side there is another side of moving from a victim to a victim they is another site up and I stand as their Oracle of God oh yes I stand in my office as God's Oracle prophesied on this miracle Monday officer God is taking you to another side very few are crossing over to the other side three people a high fiber tell them I'm crossing over to the other side crossing over to the other side never conclude on one side when there is another site that is available and I prophesied for your this miracle Monday's service earlier you are crossing over to the other side I see you are crossing over to the other side see you are crossing over to the other side you see not by might not by power but by the Spirit of God lift your hand you are a prophet of your own destiny somebody say I'm crossing over to the other side yeah look at your neighbor tell them I'm crossing over to the other side I see somebody crossing over my name my mates to employment I receive from my captives to you a person of high I see somebody crossing over to international you are crossing over to the other side I'm an employee to an employer yeah crossing over to the other side I see you are crossing over to the other side I'm single Temari hi favor tell them I'm crossing over to the other side Ross from no joy to joy amen I'm crossing over to the other side crossing over to the other side I see you coming to the other side enough is enough you have been you have been on the other side sit down for one minute Oh Rebecca dooshka tell your neighbor life has two sites life has two sites ah tell your neighbor life has two sides life has two sides so whichever side you are in you need to know it's not the end of life Riya is another side and in this season I have announced as God's Oracle you are crossing over to the other side see hey now can I have bus 37 rabbika dooshka let's cross over to the other side and watch this aglet winstram arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling in the journey of life you are going to encounter stones in the journey of life you are going to encounter the spoons of life you are going to encounter stones in your calling you are going to encounter stones in your business in your career in your academics poems of life are part of life but there's palms and coming to destroy you this poems are coming to strengthen you this poems are coming to display the power of God and some of you that sit here today and that are watching live you are facing these poems of life some of you are in the middle of this poem but I came to announce to you you will not die in this poem and three people arrive and tell them I'm a survivor I cannot die in the storm you will survive actually people tell them I'm a survivor I'm a survivor tell them what is killing others cannot kill me hey I'm a survivor I'm a survivor because even as I go through the sponza I am NOT in the storm Ilona Jesus is with me in this poem so I cannot tie in the storm I came to tell somebody in spite of this poems in your life for you in spite of the spawns in your family in spite of the spawns in your finances in your business in your career yes I came to tell you don't die in the storm of I came to tell you stay alive if two people are high five tell them sterilized lives stay alive stay alive because in spite of this palmer you will cross over because you are not alone and that is why i cannot tell you enough no matter what we go through we are not in crisis we are in Christ touch your neighbors and neighbor it may seem like I'm in crisis but I'm not in crisis I'm not in Christ can i prophesy to somebody prophesy it's my purpose palms in your life oh yes I see you crossing over to the other side I said I see you crossing over to the other side you see I see you're crossing over to the other side you see in the name of Jesus amen so this poem cannot hinder you across over it may be a stop offer but it will not hinder you across over it doesn't matter the storm in your life I declare in the name of Jesus you will cross over Colombia what what we won't be Anita Buca Peter who yeah a little Buca little hooker one be Anita puka little practical gmail is erogenous now let's hop bus thirty-eight this is where most people are right now verse 38 but he was in the span now this is Jesus asleep on a pillow and they woke him and say to him teacher do you not care that we are perishing because they thought we are going to die in the storms some of you right now you are like Wendy God doesn't care that I'm still unemployed Connie God doesn't care that I've still not paid my bills that I'm sinking in debts Alleluia Quantic God doesn't care that ears are moving and moving in a I still am I'm still not yet married I still you know you feel like you have nothing to show for you alive you feel doesn't God care they are people that are here today you feel you have prayed you feel you a fuss that you feel like you've been giving but nothing moving nothing is working and you feel a doesn't God care hallelujah I know sometimes as human beings we come into such moments if the disciples who are believers and were physically with Jesus could feel this you know I discovered discouragement is not a respecter of persons thank to your neighbor tell them neighbor this garnishment is not a respecter of persons can you imagine this some disciples had seen Jesus walk on water they had seen Jesus raise the dead they had she's in Jesus multiply food they had risen Jesus opened deaf ears and blind eyes they had seen Jesus cleanse leprosy with the touch but they still were wondering teacher do you not care that we are perishing somebody here feels like they are sinking somebody here feels like they are perishing but I'm here to announce even when you cannot dress in trust give up even when you cannot trust him because times will come in this form when you try to look for Jesus in this palm and you cannot see him in this Palmer but I want you to know even when you cannot see him he is still there Oh Rebecca dashka even when you cannot trust him he you should trust him because his silence is not his absence some of you you feel like God has been too silent God should say something about this situation but his silence is not his absence turn to your neighbor tell them he silenced his mother his absence you have applied for jobs all over but nothing is working nothing is moving you are trying everything and nothing seems to be working and you're wondering doesn't God care and I am about to perish and my house is about to be locked up my business is about to shut down I want you to know uh he's sigh is not his absence and that storm was not meant to destroy you it was meant to display the power of God they are can never be a testimony without a test so that storm is just that test before the testimony and the bigger the storm the bigger the testimony I'm here to announce to somebody you will not die in the spawns of life amen i declare sums 118 verse 17 that you shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord the best part of your life is what behind you it is ahead of you and I profess I you will be a light to see the best part of your life somebody shout I receive I see touch do people tell them stay alive till I tell them stay alive stay alive watch this now verse 39 this is my favorite verse in this entire story then he arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm he arose and rebuked the wind can i prophesy prophesy or I stand on this altar oh yes I'm that the prophetic monk oh yes i prophesy in the name of Jesus our God is about to arise Cyrus he will rebuke poverty in your life a man he will arise and rebuke sickness aim what is your situation I want for 10 seconds mention what you want got to rebuke rocket Oscar arise repeat failure in our life in our life God arise God arise God arise God arise God arise God arise in Jesus mighty name verse 39 still arabica toshka verse 39 rabbika Tosca and he arose and rebuked the wind and say to the sea can you imagine his Papa Bercy i prophesy professor God is speaking to your situation I receive he is picked into your finances ira see he is speaking to your health I receive speak to our situation tonight oh yes I see God speaking to your situation I receive God speaking to your destiny help I received after you leave this mimic Amanda service yes gosh you have been calling we'll begin to call you Harris God is speaking to your destiny hell I will see God is speaking to your situation for you God is speaking on your behalf piracy pen your mouth for 10 seconds somebody said God it's for my finances to my hell speak to my bank accounts speak to my business speak to Mike Andrea spit to my boss their eyes to my situation Posca what is speaking to your situation 10 seconds only God speak to our situation yonder Cabasa in Jesus name watch this then he arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased I hear the Lord said to somebody yes your problem is coming to an end in this table I receive I say your problem is coming to an end i recessed God is speaking to your situation yes you are problem is coming to a name Irish I don't know who has been praying and crying to God oh yes but I hear the Lord say yes sir but puppies over I said what ponies up I said black pony supply / you live this me like on Monday oh yes I say yet they're not God of Israel yes there but parties or bye but parties or parties or by police or by man is our bodies are by Jesus name Amen watch this then he arose and rebuked the wind and say to the sea peace be still and the wind cease and there was a great calm hmm can i prophesy prophesy Oracle I hear the Lord said there will be a yes it is about to show up in the mighty name of Jesus I prophesied of somebody oh yes your hands so that ultra there will be a great calm I see there will be a great calm I receive kolobok i tosca God will turn you a disappointment to appointment I see here shall be a great column God will turn you a demotion to promise for a man they all will be a great car he will move you from grass to crest be a great God will give you a testimony beyond God is about to show up hi everyone that is here oh yes those that are watching us live peace of God is such a love of God for your life over your finances up for your mother chopper you are in Leicestershire oh but you are calling see as you're stretching your hands Arabica dosa I declare no more worries God is speaking to your situation God is speaking to your finances to your health [Music] somebody's over is over [Music] look at your neighbor tell them that storm is over the storm is over this farm is over tommy's or sit down for one more minute I want you to go and meditate on verse 39 this is your scripture for the week then he arose rebuked the wind and said to the sea this be speaking and the wind ceased and there was a great calm can you imagine God is speaking to you a situation this week this week there is going to be a great calm I see it in the realm of the Spirit you are crossing over to the other side even if you came to this service and you are in the evening service of your you are in the evening season of your life everything seemed duck God is changing your story somebody said my story is changed my story is change somebody said my story is changing my story today you are crossing over to the other side and I'm hearing the Lord say us poems of life tell your neighbor this tome is over with the gospel salami 'dear Ania come on be hibari tajiri a burrito Giri and I appreciate our partners those that are watching and those that are here thank you for supporting us to push the gospel hallelujah thank you for your support towards pushing the gospel I prayed that God will race Kingdom finances if you're here and you feel I want to be a kingdom financier you know I pray it will be your calling and your assignment I pray that God will give you resources to be a kingdom financier to be a kingdom a partner in the name of Jesus may God surprise you this year may you touch money in all the major currencies of the world in dollars in the euros in pounds in Turkish lira in theorems in Chinese pasta Lucas Chinese yuan o Shaba kadis-kot Alleluia may God bless you in all the major currencies of the world in the name of Jesus so if you are there you are a partner partners are people that have made a decision that monthly this is what I'm giving for the work of God and if you are here you are at either in this ministry god bless you tithe is 10% of your income type is the connection to the protection of your finances every time you give you a 10% God releases a blessing on the 90% you are tithe is in obedience towards to to God's Word you're tight makes God a shareholder of whatever you do you are tight also opens the windows of heaven it rebukes the Devorah it has of finances I know the Grace and the anointing operating upon your life mama Oracle amen mama Oracle last ricky prophesied that's a nice trick you prophesied over a life that the fourth man in the fire will appear in our situation and mama or call your people already seeing the manifestation of this world we have a testimonial from catherine all the way in the UK she says mama Oracle your God is too much last Monday you preached and prophesied of our lives for the fourth man in the fire to appear and surely he appeared on Thursday I was driving to my exam when suddenly my car broke down in the midst of this fire the fourth man appeared to a young man so she was yes appeared in the minutes of the fire the fourth man appeared to a young man he knocked on my window and offered to help me he then got some people to move my car to a safe place and then he went out of his way and drove me to him to my exam which was 30 minutes away this is an online testimony country all the way from the UK with bless God for that wonderful testimony and I'm praying for somebody here that in your hour of need God will send you a helper may God send you people that have what you need may God send you people that have what you are looking for you know everything you are looking for in life somebody else custody and I prayed this week in the name of Jesus God will connect you to the men and the women that have what you need in Jesus name so Katrina in UK god bless you in Jesus name and we declare even that examine your Sat phone may you pass with flying colors I speak academic excellence wisdom knowledge and understanding in Jesus name there's a testimony from Vincent motive I says I give thanks to God last miracle Monday I gave a seat towards their partnership and towards the purchase of the project projectors and I received a miracle of five times they see thy sword on the miracle Monday I give God all the glory that shall be given back to you amen Vincent your face I met Vincent where I you hallelujah Vincent where are you and as a praying for Vincent I am praying for somebody every seed you have sown on this altar may God give you a thousand times more in the name of Jesus I decree and declare this will be your season of harvest this will be your season of abundance in Jesus mighty name amen god bless you Vincent so you came you are a partner in this ministry actually last last Monday was my first time to be a uh-huh I'm a doctor by profession uh-huh and due to my busy said you I was not able to make it so I've been following online Oh since the ordination is reading copious charts rumor so I've been following you so on last Monday I made my way here and I saw the good prophesy that you're making and I took a step of faith I laid down my seed a good seed that I really felt it have given something for my life and for my pocket and when I went away on Thursday I received a call from a friend a colleague a junior colleague he told me Vincent you have been a blessing to this profession I want to bless you and I can tell you it was five times Wow hey somebody shout amen our next testimony mom is from Lucy Jambi who says truly by the hand of a prophet my life has been preserved I was supposed to travel yesterday by air through the Ethiopian Airlines aeroplane which crashed but I know through the prayers of the Oracle of God my life has been saved my god so she did not trouble yes Oh somebody give God a shout in the name of Jesus Lucy jump it we give God the glory for preserving your life and you know sometimes when you want to do something and you find maybe you are trying to book and it's boy it's over it's already over book it means that God is trying to make you avoid something look at your neighbor tell them everything works together for good to them that love the Lord because I believe that her steps were ordered by the Lord and I pray for the grace of preservation about every man and woman under the sound of my voice yes in Jesus name somebody said preservation preservation [Music]
Channel: Rev Lucy Natasha
Views: 88,355
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: Rev Lucy Natasha, lucy natasha sermons, pastor natasha, lucy natasha preaching, kenyan pastor, kenyan sermon
Id: 48cUCMlboQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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