The CrossFire XR Is Here! Check out what you get.

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hey folks my name is dave welcome to our shop here at ntd racing where today it is out with the old and in with the new as we are taking the crossfire pro out of the workshop and making space for the new xr i'll tell you what it was difficult cleaning up that crossfire pro for the last time especially considering that i spent the last year and a half using it to build honcho our folds of honor desert race truck but don't worry it is going to a good home and another one of our team members garages we are putting the xr into the main garage here so that we can take advantage of its expanded cut area before we get into the boxes and see what's included with the xr i will ask that if you like what you see here please consider hitting the like and subscribe button and leave in a comment and with that if you have a comment or a question or something like that ask it soon and i will make sure to answer inside the comments or i'll do it on the next video to make sure that everybody can benefit from the question lastly if you are interested in the xr or you're like you know what i'm good with the crossfire pro that's enough space for me both very capable tables there's a link in description below there's also a link at and you'll get a discount at least on the crossfire pro for now and maybe the xr sometime in the future let's go ahead and see what we get inside the xr boxes all right well the guy who just delivered these literally dropped both boxes right in front of me this one he dropped off that pallet and this one he dropped and then fell completely off of his own truck such a clown anyway let's go ahead and open these boxes up and see hopefully there's no damage inside i think lamere systems did a really good job of packing these so i'm pretty confident we won't find any damage inside but let's go ahead and check them out well this was something i didn't expect but actually taking the boxes apart was a task and um there was a little bit of a learning curve to this so the the pieces of metal kind of you'll you'll see it when you get one if you get the table they they kind of go up through a piece of metal they fold over this little tongue and i had to get a chisel in there and pop that thing out pry it up and then get a pair of pliers and pry them vertically and then i could just rip the top of the box off at that point but it was a little bit of a learning curve there and now i got to figure out how to throw away all this all the boxes and all the parts but it was fun to take all of the parts out of the box and organize everything everything came out really nice and clean and really really well packed okay let's get started we got all the boxes out and i'm not going to throw the boxes away just yet just in case i got to search back in there make sure there wasn't a hidden piece inside there anyways let's start by taking a look at the water table i have it just roughly laid out on the floor it looks good it almost looks like a powder coated type of still table here and you can see this one inch square tube over the edge which really is going to give that a lot more rigidity and the ability to slide metal up onto your plasma table let's go ahead and look at the other parts so what i try to do is organize my shop and lay everything out in the order that i think it's going to be put together so i have the ends of the structure of the table over here and these things are bolted together as they're shipped they'll need to be unbolted but all those other parts are just laid out i think about in the place that they're going to be when we start putting them together of all the things that were shipped there was zero damage except this piece right here which was in the long box did get a couple scratches on that besides that i'll put that on the back the other one is just fine that'll be the front side and it'll look fine so uh besides that everything else came out really nicely a word of caution is that in some of the things you have lead screws so in these uh members right here there was a lead screw and then also in these side rails over here and i think that these are the things that held up the shipment these are the parts that came from mexico the tubes that the the gantry slides up and down but inside those were the lead screws so just want to be careful as you're taking those things out such that the lead screws don't slide out and you bend one or something like that morale would be pretty low besides that some other nice just details all the you got all the slats over here you got all the guides that for the cable management system over here a bunch of really nice bracketry and then here is the really cool stuff all the different parts that were in the small boxes i really like these these are the sides of the gantry and they are beefy this is solid steel or solid metal i haven't put a magnet on it yet though it looks like it might be an aluminum with some kind of anodized coating on the side half inch thick with some machining parts over here to make sure you line up everything just perfectly some really neat beefy parts can't wait to get put these things on besides that a lot of brackets and you can recognize these from just going through the instructions you know what they are but again you know about one half inch thick on these some really beefy parts some other nice brackets some anodized pieces here which will be holding your machine torch you have the controller for the entire system over here this is the axis a whole bit obviously a whole bunch of mechanics on that we'll get that thing uh hopefully on there within the next couple hours as we start putting this thing to uh together and we'll get a video of that you have the computer that comes with the monitor i really do like this pendant i think that's pretty cool i'm glad it isn't really big and it's kind of small you can almost put in your pocket walk around the shop with that thank you for having a no kidding real can of adhesive that they sent us to put the water table together a couple uh just cables there this is what sends the signal to your plasma cutter for the torch height control exactly the same thing that we used in the crossfire pro and it worked perfectly this is one of the other things that i really like about langmuir systems and that is the organization with all the fasteners there's no doubt where you have to go i have them laid out here and there's starts over here bag one and it goes all the way over here to bag 44 and so as you're working you're like i need to get bag number 20 for whatever boom there's bag 20 i can take it right over to the part i'm working on and usually what i'll do is i'll bring the empty bag back and i'll put the empty bag here to make sure that at the end that i've used all the bags and i don't lose those things so super nice can't wait to get this thing together i really like putting stuff together with clean parts whether it's a car or something like that and this is going to be a fun build [Music] on my crossfire xr i plan on using the razerweld 45 i use the exact same plasma cutter on my crossfire pro and i always said as soon as the razer world 45 dies i'm buying myself a hypertherm and it never died and it still works great right now as it's leaving my garage to uh to my buddy's garage anyway let's take a look at the razer world 45 this new one with the machine torch and see how it's a little bit different first off visually obviously it is orange so that's just a little bit visually different but here's just a word of caution if you're going to order one of these or you're like i'll just go get one off of amazon i can find one maybe save myself a couple bucks here's the problem you need to make sure that your weight razor weld 45 says cnc crossfire compatible on the side because if it isn't that it might have these two ports on the front and it might not give you these cables right here one of them which turns on your your torch and one which works the torch height control that's what makes the whole razer world 45 plug and play with the crossfire xr or the crossfire pro it makes this thing such an awesome machine besides that i spoke to the company and one of the problems that we had with the crossfire pro when we got those a long time ago is that the razer weld was misfiring what they found out is that we had to change a resistor inside they sent out a bullet and they said here's the fix you can make this fix and make it work and the thing worked perfect afterwards it is all fixed all those problems are fixed in this new machine that they're sending out with the crossfire xr and also with the crossfire pros now some of the other things that you're going to get is the grounding cable exactly the same as it was for the that we got it with the crossfire pro and then something really cool as you go through the manual and you look at the consumables that you're going to be using with this new machine torch they are just like on the crossfire pro they are the hypertherm 45 parts so i usually go into ebay and i buy these things in bulk like for example as i take it apart the nozzle here and twist this thing off you'll find that this is the electrode from the 45 inside here is the nozzle from the 45 all these parts in the front 45 even the swirl cup all those things easily replaceable and you can find them again on ebay it's what i usually use okay i always like to talk about fax numbers let's talk about the price how much does this thing cost to get it into your garage and working for me to get it to my shop here in san diego i paid 8 266 dollars and that was for everything that gets you a plasma cutter that gets you a water table torchite control everything in your garage and working besides obviously having shopair uh and when i had the crossfire pro it was about four thousand two hundred dollars what i paid to get it into my shop so as you can see the crossfire pro is a lot less money and if you're saying to yourself i i don't need a huge table i make small parts then the crossfire pro is probably fine for you we built an entire off-road race truck with the crossfire pro and the last cut i made was better than the first cut i made with all the same equipment so it is a good table but the xr gives you that next level of production capability the much more heavy duty machine more than twice the cutting area there's a lot of capability that you're getting for eight thousand two hundred and sixty six dollars what do i mean by that let me compare it to what i think is one of the premier other plasma table building companies there's a ton of them out there now we're just talking about shop saber i'm not picking on them i think they're a great table and an amazing option but their prices are different and let's let's go ahead and take a look at that the sidekick 8 they consider this one of their entry level tables it's about four inches wider than the xr but about the same length at 98 inches and probably a lot of the same capabilities here and there you know they do some different things but here's the bottom line the starting price for that is 15 300 to start i and you can correct me if i'm wrong but i don't think this includes the plasma cutter and i also don't think it includes includes a water table i think that that's an add-on i might be wrong about that but what i'm getting at you can buy two crossfire xrs for the price of one sidekick eight and that probably goes across the board for most of the other large names you can buy two of the xrs for another brand table and double your production for the same price i just don't think that you can beat the quality and the price that you're getting from lagmire systems it is really just an amazing table and an amazing company okay now that you've got your plasma table ordered and you're waiting for it or you're just somebody who's interested in these plasma tables where do you go to find information and here's where i would start looking is first i would go to go over here to support and you're going to find the best information scroll down to crossfire xr there's all kinds of stuff under support you can learn how to use any of their things their fire control sheet cam those kinds of things but click on the xr assembly and check out their guide for how to put this thing together what you'll find is that you can print this thing out and it's like over 120 pages pay attention to the date so you make sure you have the most updated assembly guide especially if you've printed one out you want to check the date to make sure you before you start building it and then uh embedded in here are some videos and that's why you'll need some internet i'm not sure if you can download those videos what i am going to do is i'm going to switch over to my ipad and you'll see on the ipad you have pretty much the same information you can even print from here if you want but what i'm going to do is i'm going to go over and you see the up arrow in a box in the top right corner i'm going to click on that and then i'm going to scroll over to books and this is going to generate a pdf and it's going to put it onto my ipad in permanent storage i will be able to use this even when i'm not logged in or i don't have internet i'm on an airplane or something like that so i can go through and just review the steps to building the uh the table i've gone through it a little bit and there's i just wanted to point out a few of the things i really like about their instructions and here's just an example let me scroll down here and let's go to install rail mounts and in each one of their sections which are labeled and this one in this case is labeled number eight they start with a gray bar which shows you all the things you're going to need you know as far as hardware it says i need 14 of these socket head cap screws and they're going to be in bag 27 like the bags i showed you once we open up the the box in the way they do their labeling system which is fantastic and then as i look over the next page it goes okay here's a picture of this thing that i'm going to be putting together but here are the nuggets of information besides the instructions on exactly how to do it you see the important note and it says and this is so you have to take it apart later on and put it back together it says the rail mount rear back plate looks uh symmetric but they're not there you need to find this 90 degree angle corner what are they talking about here's the magic of having it on the ipad is that you can zoom in and you don't even need readers to read there's okay 90 degree corner here okay this is the part they're talking about that could be problematic and now i see how they go together and i can zoom in and i look over here and i go oh okay this is the socket head cap screws and there it's in bag 27 this is what that screw looks like this is exactly where they go there's no doubt my mind is at how that goes together let's take a look at one other cool example over here the install gantry uh feature that are uh instructions that they have and again they got under gray they got the parts that you're going to need a little picture there but here again nugget of information rail alignment and they say the goal of the following real alignment steps is twofold and they tell you exactly what the goal is there's no doubt is it what you're doing and what are the important steps here and they also tell you the next page how you can do this without damaging your table and then all the steps to doing those things and they laid out perfectly there's no doubt as to how you're supposed to put this table together i built their crossfire pro also awesome instructions and i really like this and here is the the really cool thing is let's say you just you don't get these instructions well there are all kinds of resources out there if you go back over to their web page and we'll click on forum this is another great place to get information if you're doing this is go down to crossfire xr and right now there's not a ton of information in here but you just watch as the tables are starting to be delivered and people are putting these together there there's no doubt going to be some issues on a brand new rollout like this there's going to be something that people need to work them work through and the answers are gonna be here and there's gonna be really great information from the company and from other consumers that are just trying to you know help each other out and then the other place that i would recommend you going to is checking out the langmuir system support group on facebook and this is great i think there's one or two other langmuir systems specific pages on facebook you can find all those but as you scroll through here if you have a problem there's something wrong and oh there we go the first delivery of the the xr it is happening this is really cool but if you have a problem you have all these great folks out there that are just totally willing to help you it's a great community and and i think that that is one of the things that you know as you're looking at do i buy a crossfire pro do i buy an xr do i buy another company's tables i can't speak to those but what i would do is look at their instructions look at their community of users and see what they have to say and how they're working through problems all plasma tables are going to have some issues but i don't think that anything can beat the support that you're going to get from the other customers either in their forums the facebook or from langmuir systems who is really stepping up their game uh with these new tables all right now for the fun part where i finally get to put the xr together and put this thing to work and with that if you have any questions about what's going on with the build please add those to the comments if you want to dimensions no matter what the question i'll either answer in the comments or i'll answer it on the next video which i'm going to get to work on right now i will also ask if you like the content please consider hitting the subscribe button our team does have a goal we're trying to get to 10 000 subscribers before the baja 1000 that happens on the 18th and you sure won't want to miss the content as we approach that race it's really gonna start getting good well i hope you'll choose to join us for that we'll see you tomorrow i'm gonna try to get this next video out as soon as i can take care of yourself [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: NTD Racing
Views: 2,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the CrossFire XR Is Here, First look at the CrossFire XR, How to amke a 3d sketch in fusion 360, how to make 2d designs in fusion 360, how to make 3d models in fusion 360, how to create a 3d sketch in fusion 360, how to amke 3d models in fusion 360, langmuir Systems, crossfire, cross fire pro, plasma cnc, Plasma table, plasma cutting table, plasma cutting machine, plasma cutting 101, plasma cutting basics, plasma cnc projects, CrossFire XR, First look at teh crossfire xr
Id: 5YlnqKyBlyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 6sec (1026 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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