Langmuir Systems CrossFire XR Assembly Part 1

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hey folks my name is dave welcome to my shop here at ntd racing where today we're putting together langmuir systems all new crossfire xr we usually use plasma tables to build our desert race trucks we use the crossfire pro to build most of the parts for honcho and then we're planning on using the xr as we build honcho 2 which should look a little bit more like a trophy truck all right so up front if you like what you see here today please consider hitting the like and subscribe button and maybe leaving a comment that definitely helps us out if you're interested in one of these tables you'll find a link in the description below on where you can buy one and get a discount if you're getting the crossfire pro the xr will probably be later for the the discounts or you can go to www.ntd racing and click on store and see this table are all the things that we use in the shop so the intent of this video today is not to go step by step through the instructions it's really for me maybe to highlight some of the things that i learned while i was building the table and also just kind of give you a look at this brand new table with that let's go ahead and get to the build all right it's time to get started putting the xr together and when i talked to langmuir systems they said you should be able to get to a frame and basically the basics i got ryan you're helping me stretch it out he needs to uh anyway you should be able to get to the point where you got a frame in about one hour so there's the clock we're gonna time it let's do this thing in one hour so my first impressions as we start putting this thing together is i'm really impressed and kind of glad that they do some mass production and take advantage of the investment that you need to make when you mass produce something because everything fits nothing is like a one-off here you know they're all uh you know machine parts and it's really well done and secondly i have built a metal building before and it reminded me working with structural still so i'm really happy to see that they're working with just some super durable stuff and this thing is going to be just a really solid table all right well it takes about 18 minutes to get to this point where you got the basic uh the square table here now we're gonna work on squaring it up getting those uh side rails on see if we can't get the gantry on before it's time for bed tonight well there are a couple places in the instructions where they recommend having two people this is definitely one i totally agree just to get the side plates on the gantry that center square tube and then the nuts on both sides of the all thread definitely takes two sets of hands to do that easily all right here's the gantry it's probably worth taking a quick look at those flanges that they talk about in the instructions you can kind of see how this tube sits on this one right here and this one right here it's actually pretty easy to do i think the second time would be super easy to do it and the first time definitely need two people to do this job but uh once you've got it on there these two bolts that all thread goes all the way through you tighten those things down to 30 foot pounds just on one side because obviously it tightens the other side but besides that this thing's uh ready to continue going as you go to set the guide tubes on the side of the table it really helps to have something that is measured at one and a quarter inches in my case i had a piece of tube in my stock there that was one and a quarter inches so it made it really easy i just set it on one side and then did the other side now they're both fix it one and a quarter if you don't have that you might have a table saw rip it down you know a piece of wood down to one and a quarter inch and use that on both sides it'll definitely make the job a little bit easier than using a measuring tape and then finally it just seems like we spent a lot of time measuring and squaring and moving and measuring and squaring and at the end of the day i think and you'll see why that if you just get these rails as close as you possibly can right now i think you can go back and just fine tune them perfectly and i'll show you how i do that this part was right here kind of reminding me of the first time you start an engine in a car and it runs for the first time that fit that the sound in the film and so to get that gantry on there and to see this thing basically roll back and forth across the other rail smoothly i thought that was a pretty cool moment uh definitely you can see the dimensions and how this thing is going to go together and it goes together well the first time and we're going to tighten up some of those dimensions with the rails here and i'll show you that [Music] yellow nice hold on was that 15 minutes okay here's the building how it's going so far and probably worth taking a quick walk around to show you what we got we are following the build right now to the tee right out of the instructions and the instructions are really good the way they're falling there are a couple things we're learning along the way for example this stabilizer there's four of these things right here they call these stabilizers they're just these screws that kind of thread in here and there's an allen head screw that goes in here to hold that thing on there and that's what sets this rail away from the side of the table well when we there's four of them and then there's also four holes on the side of the table and when we try to put that rail on one of them didn't line up on one side or the other it just wouldn't line up and so we were like oh man i'm going to get the die grinder out and wall that hole out well you don't have to do that just because what if you see here that what you can do is loosen up these buttonheads bolts right here and then just slide that whole thing back or forth maybe about an eighth of an inch to make those holes align so there's no wallowing out and it works just fine so that's working great let's go ahead and continue putting this table together all right a couple more lessons learned as we go along here i thought i was going to be smart and put the limit switches on after i had the gantry on to the other table just because it'd be easier to work on it but as it turns out it isn't because if you see down here here is that limit switch and here are the screws and that screw on top will not go in with that guide tube there so you got to put the limit switches in in the order of the instructions they were smarter than we are so uh just make sure you don't do the same thing the other thing is i took the measurements with the tube you'll see in the instructions it says a measurement a and then add it to 1.75 or one and three quarters and what i found is that i am pretty darn close and as you see those rollers there are engaging the tube on both sides but as i go over here to the other side what you can kind of see as i go zoom in there as you can see right there there's a little bit of an air gap between those rollers so what i'm going to do is take this stabilizer here and i'm going to roll it out just about maybe a 16 of an inch until i get that wheel to engage down there and up here i'll roll the gantry the other side i'll do the same thing and i'll take the same measurements on both sides and make sure that they're within the 32nd of an inch like they recommend and then it should be good as far as the alignment of the rails okay we're going to wrap up this video around this point we're to the point now where we're going to put the water table on and that really locks down some of the dimensions of the table so this is kind of a critical point i think to make sure you have everything just right so i'm going to go back and completely re-square the table one more time because we nudge that we bump the table around we want to make sure that it's exactly square and then second and really critically is they want you to make sure that these guide rails for the gantry are absolutely parallel they say within one thirty second of an inch i think you can hit that pretty good my problem however is that i find it's very difficult to measure the distance between two round tubes just because wherever you put the remember the tape measure up or down a little bit you're going to change that reading that you're seeing on your tape measure so here's what i came up with um i have this piece of angle aluminum i pulled it off my rack so this is just some scrap and you can imagine you can use anything out there i find angle iron angle aluminum work pretty good for this i cut off some little pieces they look like about maybe two inches and then i put this obnoxious little c clamp that i had i never thought i'd find a use for but now i have um and i put one on both sides and now what i'm going to do is i'm going to set this down on the table on this end and i'm gonna take i'm gonna move these little two inch pieces until they are touching the tubes on both sides and there's no play i'll pick it up and i'll take to the other side and make sure that it's exactly the same and if it isn't i'm going to go ahead and move the guide rails in or out let me show you how i move those guys real so we make sure we don't damage them all right how to move these rails without destroying them or bending them or something like that this is super important and they talk about this in the instructions i just wanted to talk about it because i i'm gonna end up moving them about three times so uh this ended up being a factor um they got four of these things they call stabilizers right here they're basically screws with bolts or all threads with bolts on them that go through there and there's a bolt on the other side there's four of them what you want to do is the first thing is take the two middle ones and loosen them up completely take them to the all the way to the end on the inside here and then on the other side take them to the outside so they're totally free floating in there there's no resistance from those and then you can crack these loose and then just kind of turn them in or out as required to move that tube once they are locked in place with those tubes then you can go back and redo these and reset those the way that they tell you to set these things is basically finger tight them on both sides and then put a wrench on this one to hold it in place while you tighten the other side and that keeps the tube from moving in and out because that will bend this tube that's not what you wanted to do because you want this gantry to move absolutely smoothly all the way across the table without any kind of binding and this one does and that was without really without any adjustment i'm going to go ahead and do a little bit more adjustment just to dial it in completely because i don't want that to be any kind of binding which should affect cut quality later on but right now i would say man it's looking pretty good well all the measuring and moving is pretty tedious so it is nice to get into some of these other parts which are machined and just go together really nicely and if you've got kids this would be perfect for them my seven-year-old would be doing this but he's on logs right now so uh that's me doing it but uh parts all go together really well and again really impressed with this table let's see how quickly we can do this the goal is to get the water table on today and have this thing cutting by tonight a little ambitious we'll see how we do one more time i'm going to ask if you like what you see here today please consider hitting the like and subscribe and leave a comment especially if you have a question something i can answer in the next video or i can just put the answers in the comments one of the questions i did get in the comments was do i need to have a forklift or lift gate to take this thing out of my truck or off of my trailer i think the answer to that is no as long as you go to a place and they place the boxes on your trailer or in the back of your truck once you get it home i think you can break the boxes down while they're still in your truck and then as opposed to having to deal with a 630 pound box you can deal with the 20 30 pound boxes that are inside there and then break the pallet down and trash it uh after that so again if you got a question out of the comments i'll be happy to answer it and with that let's go ahead and get back to this build and i'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music] you
Channel: NTD Racing
Views: 1,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crossFire XR assembly part 1, the CrossFire XR Is Here, First look at the CrossFire XR, How to amke a 3d sketch in fusion 360, how to make 2d designs in fusion 360, how to make 3d models in fusion 360, how to create a 3d sketch in fusion 360, langmuir Systems, crossfire, cross fire pro, plasma cnc, Plasma table, plasma cutting table, plasma cutting machine, plasma cutting 101, plasma cutting basics, plasma cnc projects, CrossFire XR, First look at teh crossfire xr
Id: T3qCvoz3hrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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