Crispy Fried Chicken Recipe at Home - Better than KFC!

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout an interpreter and just the country Cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty much Sheila always doing a great job on that camera hygiene ah getting a lot of requests for you to come over on this side of the camera and cook so coming soon folks he'll be gonna do Cheerios all right so show you how to make Cheerios she was talking about that today having too much fun today we're gonna make and this is a dangerous recipe I'm gonna try to make some fried chicken the best crunchy delicious moist fried chicken you ever had now I know all you guys and gals out there saying my grandma can make better fried chicken than you'll ever make Steve so I'm gonna try to tell you some tips that will help you make juicy delicious crunchy fried chicken starting with the brine now I kind of got ahead of myself a little bit because I didn't want to wait bring the camera out get all setup make it and then go back in so I'm gonna put right over here on the side here I'm gonna move over slightly over this way so we got a little room to put it on the screen here's how you make your brine 4 cups of water 1/4 cup of salt 1/4 cup of sugar and then you can go whatever you want to do after that you can go as far as you want on there where it's deep and blue you can put in some peppercorns which I did some bay leaves which I did a lemon slice which I did a little bit of garlic which I did bring it to a simmer stir it till your salt and your sugar is dissolved cool it down and then pour it over your chicken now I had to make a batch and a half that means I had to use 6 cups of water a little more sugar a little more salt you know in those proportions to cover our chicken it's been sitting in here overnight but you don't need to do that if you're looking at this recipe thinking I want to make this for dinner tonight you only have to brine it for about 2 to 4 hours and that's plenty to get that salt in there and really make it moist come on over and I'll show you the next step now that we've made the brine which I didn't do on camera but you know the recipe because I put it right up over there and we put in the chicken and we put in the fridge we're into two to four hours I did it overnight but come on over and I'll show you the neck step all right now that you brined your chicken for a couple hours we're gonna take it out of here and we're gonna lay it on paper towels and we're gonna Pat it dry there's a bay leaf that wants to go for a ride with the chicken let me get all our chicken out here now I bought some packages that I didn't have just one chicken to cut up because I didn't want to do that so I bought some packages that had like four or five drumsticks in it four or five thighs and a couple of breasts and believe it or not it all fit in this little rascal right here all right as they put the rest of this chicken over here on the paper towel you'll notice I got some over here and I laid it over there because I want to show you something no Sheila likes white meat I like dark meat but to make your chicken fry uniform we took the breasts I laid them over here after I took them out of this brine and I just kind of put them back together so you can see I just chopped the breasts in half so that they'll fry up more uniform like a chunk like a thigh over here or a drumstick mostly like a thigh but let's put these over here Pat them all dry and then I'll show you the next step all right we want to get our chicken super dry all right don't be afraid to use plenty of paper towels I want the skin on there for flavor but any of those pieces that we're really hanging off I just took a pair of scissors I couldn't find my poultry shears and trim them up real nice now this is very important you want to let this sit at room temperature for about two to three hours so that this not only gets tacky and will take the flower real good but it also will fry more even if it's room temperature all the way through so we'll see in about three hours all right our chickens looking good I'm sure it's up to room temperature it's been here for about two and a half hours I got a little personal fan I sit alongside just to move the air over the top of the chicken so it'll get tacky and get to room temperature because if you take cold chicken and put it in your frying pan or in this case we've got an electric frying pan with about an inch and a half of grease we're gonna train a semi fry it semi deep fry it but if you put that cold chicken in there it's gonna pull the oil temperature down and it's just not going to cook right so we want to get this to room temperature and now let's move over here and make our breading I'm gonna start out with a cup of bread flour right here and this is a real important mixture I got some bread flour I put in a cup and then I went to the store and this is Red Mill Bob's Red Mill white rice flour and this really makes it crispy so we're gonna put even amount of that in there well as well I didn't want to open it up until we got on camera but it's a real fine rice flour and it really helps stick to the chicken good it's so much more fine than the regular flour almost looks like salt but it's rice white rice flour plus we're gonna put in really turn up the triste we're gonna put in a couple of teaspoons or a heaping tablespoon of cornstarch in there and that's gonna really make our chicken crispy then we're going to put in a teaspoon of salt and a teaspoon of pepper because we want our flour seasoned flour not just regular flour they kind of mix that around a little bit I think our oil is just about the right temperature so I'm gonna move this over here this over here we're gonna start putting it in the pan let's get started with that man I'll tell you this rice flour sticks to this so nice and you don't want to over flour in other words you don't want your pieces of chicken to be real wet and put globs of flour on you just want a light little dusting like that and we got it all done our oil just hit 325 I'm going to use my fingers you should probably use some tongs but you want to fry your chicken between 300 325 degrees now you probably watch me cook fish on here all the time at 350 to 360 we want to cook this between 300 and 325 around 315 if you can get close to that even amount and we're gonna do a couple batches at a time because we don't want to overload the pan cause we want that even cooking so that's good enough right there we're gonna get this nice and golden-brown then we'll put in our second batch which looks like that'll fill the pan up as well and we should be in real good shape again have your oil about 320 degrees 300 to 325 get it golden brown and then we're going to do something else we're gonna take it once we get that nice golden brown crunch and it's just the color that we want we're gonna put it on a rack and we're gonna put it in the oven and finish it off that way you don't have to cook it to death in here to get to the center of that chicken we'll see you when this gets nice and crispy see the best part about cooking between 300 and 325 is you almost can't get it wrong it will not burn if you just kind of pay attention a little bit oh look how nice and golden-brown that is now see we only have to cook this chicken to the color that we want in here put it on our rack because we're gonna finish it in the oven and it will be done all the way through man that looks pretty remember that's half red flour and half rice flour with a little bit of cornstarch man and look how crunchy and looks so nice don't over flour it and then it'll have that nice light crunch without being jobs of breading looky there oh man Colonel Sanders would be proud all right let's get her nice and golden-brown on the other side and of course we'll be right back with you all right it's okay to peek look at that can you see that Sheila fantastic man we're gonna move it over here on the rack put in our second batch nice and golden-brown look at they're not burned all the pieces remember my my used to cook chicken she didn't use anywhere near this much oil but I like to put enough oil in so it comes up just a little half way higher than the thickness of the chicken if that makes any difference oh man would you look at that is that just fantastic or what now I'm not putting this on paper towels make sure as much as I put fish on paper towels when you do this fried chicken you want to put this on a rack over here and because we let our chicken come to room temperature and put some more in here I use my fingers to lay it in there but I don't take my fingers to take it out I don't use my fingers to take it out that don't work all right let's lay some more chicken in here you notice the oil isn't all black and burned up because it's between 300 and 325 degrees and because we let this chicken come to room temperature it doesn't pull the oil back down way down into the 200s it in fact I checked it it went from about 325 down to about 305 and then it started itching its way back up which was perfect and again it fries so nice and slow when you run your oil between 300 and 325 that you will love frying chicken because now oh by the way I timed it to that chicken took about between 12 and 15 minutes per side to get to this delicious golden-brown look I hate to brag but done this look delicious Sheila this piece is over here on the rack getting ready to go in the oven and saw these other little six pieces as soon as I get them over there this took about 15 minutes per side if I didn't mention earlier to get nice and golden-brown but that chunk of breast might not be done all the way in the middle so as we check each piece with a meat thermometer and it hits the safe temperature we're gonna take it out of the oven and then it's gonna be just perfect of course we're gonna let it rest you don't want to bite into a hot piece of chicken it's gonna be crunchy on the outside because we brined it it's gonna be so moist on the inside and your guests are gonna absolutely love it again this is only gonna take about another 10 to 12 minutes be nice and golden-brown without burning the oil because it's set at 325 degrees now we're gonna flip it over see in a second you know the nice thing about this recipe is if you want fried chicken tonight you can go to the store at noon get your chicken in that brine that we talked about at the beginning brine it for a couple hours maybe three hours take it out pat it dry let it sit for a couple hours at room temperature now you're up to five o'clock fry it for about a half hour with Counting both sides pop it in the oven for a little bit six o'clock you got a fried chicken that's moist brined delicious use that flour with all the goodies that we sit in there the rice flour and the other kind of flour let me turn this over here look at that is that just perfect colored chicken just absolutely perfect now see Sheila was in the other room I said ah Sheila come on in there and turn the camera on we're gonna turn this chicken over and she just wandered in here because it's frying at that magic temp it just doesn't get away on you it's so easy and you can kind of check the rest of the pieces there we go tournament a need turnin once we get this chicken golden brown look at that that's just perfect detective look at that man I'm telling you look at this guy here he's ready to once you get it nice and golden brown both sides don't keep cooking and cooking and cooking and cooking it to get it done all the way to the middle in a frying pan because it's gonna be dry just get a nice golden-brown crust on the outside move it over and let's bake it to the middle and all that moisture will stay inside our chicken all right we're gonna move this over to this rack as soon as this other side we won't peek just yet but as soon as this other side gets nice and golden brown like this side we're gonna move it over the rack and pop it in the oven at 350 degrees until the internal temperature is just perfect stay in a bit and voila perfect see that chunk right there is the thickest because it's the big end of that breast that we cut in half we're gonna get it to 165 degrees which is the USDA safe temperature for chicken or poultry of any kind turkey duck chicken and in this case we're gonna go to 165 and we're gonna get look how gold and brown perfect color that is we're gonna go to 165 on each piece because one might be 165 way before the other one gets there look at how gold and brown see and it's not gonna be dry it's not gonna be cooked to death you turn our pan off we're gonna pull it out of here Wow won't take me long to look at a horseshoe that's hot and our last piece nice and golden brown I love dark meat Sheetal likes the white meat all right now this is heading for the oven at 350 degrees until each piece reaches a hundred and sixty-five degrees internal temperature then we're gonna let it really rest because chicken stays hot for a long time don't take it out of the oven and serve it to your guests and let them chomp into it because they'll all be having blisters on their mouth the next day you got to let it sit for about 20 to 30 minutes and really cool down before you get to chomping into a piece of that delicious chicken but look here folks this is how nice Fried Chicken should look and wait'll it you Hatchett I almost said wait taste it but wait'll I taste it and that Sizzlin it's not making that noise no more but you remember that citizen that was grandma's house and now in some cases I'll bet there's some grandma's out there that never knew if it was between 300 and 325 degrees they just knew that that knob on that stove was set on five or six or seven or wherever it was on their electric or gas stove and then they would go do some chores and come back it'd be gold and brown and you wonder how they got it to that point and I wonder if some of those grandmas brined it like they're doing these days cuz that's how you get that moisture on the inside all right well let's just go pop this in the oven and we'll see in a little bit are you ready for this America looky here brined fried baked to 165 each piece rested for about 25 minutes so I can actually lay my hand on it it's not so hot and look at this listen to this crunch I'm gonna get by the mic here mmm good here can you see the moisture inside there how absolutely delicious that is that is so mmm Wow so incredible I'm sorry I had to do a little smack in there but Wow we mm-hmm time for a second bite can you hear that crack it is so moist in the middle and so delicious it is melt in your mouth fantastic you're gonna love this chicken Wow and here's the best part half fried chicken tonight even though I brined it overnight you don't have to do that to get that moist chicken flavor by brining it only two to four hours that's all you really need to do remember I put the Bryan recipe up here at the beginning of the video but we always put the entire recipe underneath the video where you can click on show more it drops down copy it and print it pick your chicken up at 10 a.m. brine it for 2 to 4 hours pat it dry let it air dry so it comes to room temperature for another 2 to 3 hours make that breading over here with that rice flour and that bread flour and you might want to back the salt down to a half a teaspoon because there is salt in the brine I don't think it's too salty but I'll change that in the description box below I'll just say put in 1 teaspoon of pepper and a half a teaspoon of salt and then don't forget the cornstarch that makes it crunchy and man it'll turn out to be absolutely fantastic and about 6 or 7 o'clock that night you'll be putting this on the dining room table for your friends or family I hope you enjoy our recipes we really hope you subscribe to our channel little shock and rinse face is gonna pop up over here in just a little bit when it does click on it next to that there'll be a bell if you click on that that's a kind of a notification bill by highlighting that and hitting the yes box or whatever's there that means they'll send you every one of our recipes and we hope you do that because we want you to see them all I'll put another recipe up over here that might go good with this chicken in fact I asked Sheila should we plate this up with like mashed potatoes and gravy and some mixed vegetables she said no let's just put nothing but chicken on the plate because it's such a highlight that's all you really need to show is that delicious crunchy moist so tender so flavorful fried chicken and I ain't kidding neither is it the best fried chicken you ever tasted other than grandma's I ain't getting in that fight if it ain't it ought to be we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun read and don't forget to stop over to our website WWE champions and eat stuff and Sheila you did a great job on that camera today man this took a little bit to get going but it's well worth it we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red I hope you fry this up for this weekend see you later
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 112,138
Rating: 4.9225183 out of 5
Keywords: Crispy Fried Chicken Recipe, crispy fried chicken recipe at home, how to make chicken fry, kfc style chicken fry, Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, Shotgunred, chicken, fried chicken, chicken fry recipe, deep fried chicken, chicken fry, chicken recipe, kfc fried chicken, crispy fried chicken, kfc style fried chicken recipe, best fried chicken recipe, kentucky fried chicken, Fried chicken recipe, crispy fried chicken recipe tasty, crispy fried chicken recipe easy, fried chicken recipe
Id: Sz6DRn3qNNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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