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so here we have a post in our slash pewdiepie hello hey pewds close your eyes okay nine year olds what do you see nothing that's your channel without us nine year olds what the frick now i know why pewdiepie deletes his twitter hello cuties my name's fainted i hope you guys are all doing well now today is a very very epic day because we are going to be taking a look at some spicy spicy cringe moments from all across the internet if you enjoyed the video be sure to subscribe and i will give you a free minecraft lamborghini very very legit mr beast forgot to stop recording brackets very rude oh no mr beast is about to be cancelled guys this looks legit this looks very legit chandler literally has been battle axed in the forehead by mr beast and has had to get stitches look at those tears in his eyes i believe mr beast could do this how has this got 1.1 million views bro seriously guys why can't i get views like this i need to make a mr beast expose video for ad revenue i told my wife to buy a christmas tree and keep the rest to shop for clothes women hashtag very very smart moves i'm sure she spent all of that christmas money on buying all of the best anime garments on the internet yes exposing my sister stalker in a 1v1 brackets fortnite no please don't cry please don't cry his fortnite skills were just too good how would you uh manage to expose your sister's stalker in a fortnight 1v1 like how how do those things correlate together get online stalker let's have a 1v1 on fortnite i'm going to show you how it's done imagine really thinking astrology is fake it's really only men omg their egos are so huge it doesn't allow them to believe there is something more or greater than themselves and that's for real most people don't want to believe because it forces you to see yourself from within and it's not pretty always yes all men are pigs let's cancel men so here we have tyler on discord i kill people i like some of them beg for their life i don't feel sad i don't feel anything if you've got a discord friend request from this kid you just you better deactivate your account real quick he's absolutely lethal mate seriously kids on discord with anime profile pictures they're the most powerful people on the internet be weary you're so hot that little lip bite right there dude who gave you permission to pull up with that much swag oh my there's nothing more attractive to a woman than a guy who can snapchat her you're so hot and uh spelled the yaw incorrectly like honestly guys if you had a girlfriend and you were just sitting next to her in bed one night and uh you happen to see her receive a snapchat like this what are you doing this is mr steel your girl jojo siwa is dying soon very sad guys is this a real snapchat omg poor jojo siwa if you ever see a youtube video with the title brackets very sad you know you're about to watch a quality piece of content i've definitely made some pretty bad youtube videos in my time but um click baiting the death of jojo siwa that's taking it to another level i bet you open up that video and it's got fortnight gameplay i can't even call this a photoshop bro this is some microsoft paint type quality evolution meat eater vegetarian vegan fiber is the future evolutionary history i can't even read that but yeah guys vegans um they're the equivalent of iron man if only i knew it was this easy to get into the avengers all you got to do is just modify your diet to become vegan houston and married to marzia in 2019 because it was the perfect time to do he did it in that year because the 50th wedding anniversary will be in 2069 and that's a nice fact you know i thought the whole um nine-year-old fan base was an ironic joke but maybe not it's okay if you don't like me not everyone has good taste who's this handsome chap actually does that kind of swag i like the uh the rings yeah but this is really taking those instagram motivational posts to a whole new level let's use thanos instead i love the way her fruit feels in my hand what the heck am i looking at right now i want to cut that pretty throat of hers so bad what it's quite funny how she still adores me dude that is so creepy who decided it was a good idea to let this dude have a dog but if anything it was probably a good thing this dude posted that online because obviously people are going to see it and then report it and then hopefully that dog will be re-homed because that ain't good chief i hope it's a joke yeah let me just flex put my dog in a chokehold on twitter yeah it's so cool i'm gonna get two likes my brother has been missing for a little over five and a half years now and i refuse to give up please just retweet it takes two seconds that's all i ask his organs were probably sold already so let it go you kind of fine though okay probably not the best time to be shooting your shot chief like i think we need to give this guy the horny 101 award seriously got someone on twitter talking about how their brother's been missing for five and a half years and this dude takes that as a good opportunity to be like hey you're kind of cute i relate to this so hard hashtag proud anime you say cats we say nico you say kid we say lolly you say hi we say konnichiwa you say stupid we say baka you say good morning we say oh hey you say i like you we say baba boy you say i love you we say baba boy you say cartoon we say anime we will not be silenced who's trying to silence this dude he's standing up for what's right it's like chief i don't think the fbi is going to come to your house and lock you up because you're an anime fan boy like the ceo of twitter isn't gonna ban your account for putting pictures of anime girls up but yeah we will not be silenced bro i bleached my eyes guys don't do it my eyes burn definitely mate definitely not using a custom snapchat filter like if you put bleach into your eyes i don't think you'd be having the opportunity to whip out your iphone 4s and be like taking selfies i just hope this doesn't turn into a tick-tock challenge bleaching eyes gone wrong in the hood but at least i got 10 likes on tick-tock looking swag chief my boys wanted the ps5 or the xbox series for christmas i told them daddy can get them because they were sold out little do they know i got both the xbox and the ps5 for them for christmas i remember the times christmas was just another day as a kid to do for mine is everything you could have invested that money into things that are going to bring them financial literally you could have gotten them llc's or taught them how to trade with forex instead it is wasted on mind controlling the vices how sad oh yes that's what every kid wants for christmas bro santa claus turns out with a nice goodie bag of llc's way santa claus got me a limited liability company that's awesome can't wait to tell all my friends in school about that that's just every kid's dream bro you just know the guy who boasted this is one of those forex traders who like to sell their um program for fifty dollars a month sign up with me and i'll teach you how to make a million dollars in two days and it's just some dude living in his mom's basement scamming kids okay buddy who unfollowed was it you grabs you by the throat and slams you against the wall you're mine you're not allowed to unfollow me growls and playfully bites your neck okay fair enough so you still haven't responded to my message give me your password i'm gonna hack you if you don't you have one minute or i release your ip to the world that's it bruh your ip is 127.0.01 hacked hey kid i bet you don't even know what the hacker programming language is only members in anonymous can use it i'm the leader of anonymous by the way so you should be scared of me brackets hack brackets hack manifest ddos machine response you hack yes no internet yes confirm hack hack hack 127 ddos hack manifest hack computer ddos hold on my text editor is loading but in the meantime get ready for my hack any sense through this picture oh my yeah this guy's the leader of anonymous everybody step back this is the type of guy who gets on the school wi-fi and thinks he's the next bill gates next up we have a tick tock video coming in from the ceo of apple bro all right guys we need to think what is the new iphone yeah yes yes i got an idea so loud [Applause] we have a new camera lens it's actually somewhat an accurate representation i feel of like the apple ceos and uh boardroom discussing what to do with the new iphone design one of my store managers wanted me to get these pet apparel out of our inventory oh i can kind of see why nice butts good in bed free lap dances just to think that there's actually someone out there who would have taken the time and effort to design these garments oh yeah this is gonna sell really well a onesie for a dog that says good in bed and free lap dances oh yeah straight white males this movie is not for you an article posted on november 9th 2019. why are straight white males refusing to see this movie december 16th 2019. i wonder why one minute it's straight white males don't you dare watch this and in the next minutes like hold but but why why aren't you guys watching it what do you want i just saved up enough money for the past couple months and i was able to get the kids a playstation 4 slim their father has been gone so i've had to work two jobs so i'm excited and um i wonder why op deleted all his old posts talking about the ps4 games he's been playing for months hmm oh that's just sad lying about being a single mom trying so hard to buy your kid a playstation 4 slim also you can get up votes on reddit nice can you stop being posted for five minutes i loved her i want to know who this guy's heartbroken over the passion i can see it what did she do to him oh here he is who broke this guy's heart seriously who did this look at the beanies in i'm warning you guys if you've never been through a breakup just wait one day it might hit you and you won't be laughing at this kid anymore anyways yeah guys i'm gonna leave it there click on the screen if you want to see more and subscribe to the channel okay brofist
Channel: Fainted
Views: 680,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cringe, awards, cringe awards, cringetopia, funny, funny moments, reddit, memes, subreddit, r/cringetopia, cringe 20, cringe #20
Id: MD1bYtbcEqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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