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i'd rather be single than do things like this what is with these crazy devices for filming tick tocks mate we've got literal engineers out here developing structures like this boys if you're single mate you can be happy just know at least you don't have to do this for your girlfriend what's up cuties my name is fainted and today we're gonna be taking a look at some cringe and subscribe right now or bill gates is going to hack your ps5 no joke hey come in with your eyes closed okay you can look omg babe wow and then look at this in the background he's filming a tick tock and his mom's just like what is my son doing i thought he was gonna go to harvard and get him become a lawyer or something but no he's filled with tick-tocks of himself like that is just the face of disappointment honestly my girlfriend's brother is mad i'm here he's out of control we care about each other so uh-oh uh-oh we care about each other bro that's it sadie and craig i said it already you're gonna suffer my wrath what is that i do look straight out of an anime oh my gosh bro yo this guy needs to break up with his girl real quick like you ain't trying to join this family mate he's just like yeah i really like her next thing you know you got freaking super smash brothers character 25 spawning in the lobby and coming over for a brofist like bro look at that growl mate oh my days this is like me when i see a a nice phillips steak coming out to the table that i paid 20 for you would not want to get into a 1v1 with this bloke you're going to suffer my rat [Applause] that raph is just absolutely diabolical mate this guy could honestly take out the entire avengers squad oh no the wnba championship parade was insane oh my calling the police calling the fire brigade the whole freaking streets been taking over oh my days oh man the freaking emojis just make it so savage but hey i mean at least we got a turn out of it like 25 people it's not too bad if there's any more people on the street the fbi would have had been called in man they had a middle school cringe party where everyone dressed like they did in middle school oh no what book is that is that twilight i swear it's twilight okay nice gums oh maybe not what is this oh yeah get a little this guy a little edgy boy don't know what that is honestly i was expecting uh some really dodgy outfits and these weren't awful if i saw someone wearing this at a party i'd be like yo what's up but can someone please tell me in the comments this is twilight correct or am i i'm gonna get destroyed if it's not but yeah i honestly actually don't think this is cringe i think that's a pretty funny idea for like a party like themed parties are so fun man guys this is how to dump a cheetah you get some spray glue get some glitter and make it absolute mess he's gonna be so mad isn't he he's never gonna cheat again after this oh my gosh what whip is he driving oh imagine dating someone who doesn't even drive a lamborghini that's embarrassing i really don't think this dude's gonna be that mad if anything you probably just reinforced to him why he broke up with you i'm not trying to justify cheating out here but like in the caption it says he will never cheat again and it's just like yeah i really don't think this is gonna put a dude off cheating like probably pay like fifty dollars to get his car cleaned but ladies honestly if you're getting cheated on by a donny who doesn't even drive a bugatti veyron like please sort it out like come on i don't think this guy's ever gonna be able to look at a girl ever again after this monstrosity the next guy is about to cheat on and then all of a sudden he'll get a flashback to this sparkly glitter all over his land rover it's crazy right-handed privilege it's easier makes life easier sense of belonging to fit in the world is organized for right-handers more access more opportunity more advantage but if you're writing your essays in school with your right hand guys just know how privileged you are i have no idea where this is being presented it's just like a class presentation or something this person's got some confidence to go up there and uh come out with this but yeah uh sorry to all the people watching this video right now who are left-handed i'm so sorry can we get 10 likes for them guys all right next up we've got nicardo avocado back again looks like he's about to play some music for us okay mate [Music] you know what bro you can roast nicaragua avocado all you like but you cannot deny the pure talent this man has i mean wow like honestly hans zimmer wants to get this dude employed to get him on the team add him to the orchestra cause this is just beautiful me and paris trying to blend in with the locals the other tourists oh my days braid dudes got a whole studio out here what is this bro is this like a marc robo youtube video out here has she collaborated with nasa like this is one of the most scientifical productions i've ever seen how do you even create something like this what the paris locals are afraid like what in the tarnation is this oh my days all of this for probably 10 views on tick tock oh no twitch modest denied his first kiss by streamer he mods for this can't be real someone literally donated make the world on yourselves happier kiss him kiara you have the longer neck all for five dollars bro and they get the little music selection make the world and yourselves [Music] make the move uh-oh no [Music] did they donate for this song no just in case this song gets claimed and i have to trim it out so i can get ads on this video basically somebody donates and they play that sonic goes kiss me and this dude is like eyeing her up so hard thinking she's gonna go for the kiss but i'm not gonna lie i did actually think like they might kiss at one point the eye contact was pretty strong this would have been one of the greatest moments for twitch mods all around the world it would have given them hope but hey just to be in the presence of a woman that is incredible but yeah if you ever want a girl to kiss you just donate her five dollars and say you have the longer next so you have to initiate the kiss but seriously bro like i was seeing some chemistry here when the kind of donation comes through and she looks at him like uh like bro that eye contact is strong who knows guys maybe the stream was turned off and then they had an incredible make-out session my wife had a surprise party last night and her friend parked around the corner in the morning she woke up to this letter on her car ma'am you told me you wanted to park there temporarily but you really meant was 12 hours while you sneak around on your husband or whomever you're parked on my lawn you see any bad spots on my lawn from cars carelessly parking anywhere they want all that empty space across the street you're gonna climb into my grass and lie to me i got your license plate addressed and your husband's phone number on google for 99 cent what would you say if i told you i'm cooling that number soon as you pull off and tell the guy that answers that my camera's got a woman parking there making a call to let somebody know she's ready to be picked up and i saw you walk to the corner out of the sight and get in the car of a guy what are we going to do about you lying to me to disrespect me and park on my lawn why should i just forget about it when you lied to my face and putting me in the middle of your drama what if somebody sees your car and thinks it's me you're falling around with no i'm stuck in your world of lies no way you have to answer for why you think you can pick my house with all that space across the street to park for to do whatever it was you obviously wasn't supposed to be doing steven how is this guy just assuming like there is some kind of cheating scandal going on here okay mate someone's parked their rolls-royce on your garden lawn okay sorry doesn't mean they're cheating on their husband that was hard to read though this dude has got no offense an english writing level of a literal four-year-old at least you got a nice lawn though mate keemstar explaining why his channel is dying all right first of all i'm pretty sure keemstar still pulls in like millions of views a month but okay keemstar your channel is dying well first of all notifications aren't working right we've run multiple tests but not only that all right listen i don't really relate to the youngins anymore you just say i don't relate to the yogans anymore i'm not gonna lie when you see keemstar drop a twitter video in this resolution you know that he's about to be spitting some game it's not because i'm old all right it's that these new kids are lame all right the new audience the young kids the gen z they're a cringe fest they're canceling people for all different reasons they're making up new rules they're entitled they think they think they oh everything they're all a little bunch of attention freaks on twitter it's ratio or you fell off or something cringe like this is me after someone with a minecraft profile picture calls me a nerd on twitter like it's like dork world like straight up in nerdville and celebrate it for being a cringe fest right dark world bro keemstar needs to start that up like instead of disney world imagine dork world just freaking youtuber meetups celebrating each other for being losers it's unreal we've i've never lived in a time like this in 13 years this is the lamest anyone's ever had to experience and quite frankly it's not fun for anyone you're canceling youtubers left and right for the stupidest to the point where the youtubers are walking around like in commercials like hi guys i love you how you doing i love you guys so much i'm not gonna lie keemstar is spitting some facts right now bro nobody speaks their mind and if no one's going to speak their mind then there isn't going to be a counterpoint to someone speaking their mind and there isn't going to be debate back and forth which means there isn't going to be entertainment you know i remember on drumler back in the day we'd go through 20 tweets back and forth between two creators fighting over something stupid and it was hilarious and awesome but you're never going to see that again because of you little cancel culture i don't care though be the cringiest mother on the planet be the cringiest generation that's ever lived be the lamest i'm still gonna be me i don't care if any viewers watch because eventually the culture will change again and i will thrive and i'll remind everyone what a bunch of losers you were i'm not going anywhere wow gen z versus keemstar this is the greatest beef we have ever seen anyways guys is it for the video hope you enjoyed click on the screen to watch more and subscribe brofist
Channel: Fainted
Views: 249,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cringe, awards, cringe awards, cringetopia, funny, funny moments, reddit, memes, subreddit, r/cringetopia, cringe35, cringe 40
Id: s_9-jlG47dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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