CRIMINAL Family vs COP Family.. (Brookhaven RP)

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so i was in brookhaven as a baby when two families wanted to adopt me a cop family and a criminal family they were both fighting over me so the adoption lady said you're gonna spend a day with each family and then at the end you'll pick who you want to adopt to you and first is the criminal family ah good morning guys what a beautiful day and oh what the yo yo why are they turning around like that um i guess i'm with my criminal family right now it's the first day i want to say good morning she said good morning little tap uh thank you thank you thank you he said good morning bro why are they holding guns like that i don't like that it's actually kind of sucks but uh so uh what do we have planned for the day and also like why are we in this bunker thing bro this is creepy my criminal mom said we adopted you on the perfect day and he said yeah uh why why is that today we'll be committing our biggest crime ever yo i didn't sign up for all this he said it's gonna be good oh okay we're robbing the bank okay bro uh i did nothing up for this okay this is this is kind of wild you said we'll be the richest people in brookhaven you said true that bro what am i signing up for bro listen i thought they would look kind of cool i'm not gonna lie i mean you can't lie they kind of do but i don't want to rob a bank she said but first we'll rob some houses bro what rob houses how's that any better it'll be good practice for you okay bro this is wild um all right i mean if we're doing it let's just let's just do it i guess but what do i need my mom said grab a gun a sleeping bag and a ladder from the boxes okay that's a lot of stuff but okay let me look around oh i got my gun it's like two times the size of me and i got a sleeping bag and i got a ladder perfect he just said surprise you can carry that uh yeah me too she said oh yeah we also have cameras uh what do you mean cameras the computer over there uh oh this computer oh bro what the heck they have cameras they have some kind of underground one they have an outside one they have one of the big bro this is what they were talking about hold on that means they hacked into the bank camera i'm not gonna lie that's kind of cool but also like a little scary um i guess they've been playing this for quite a while though and they said this is the big day all right i mean i'm not gonna lie it's a little weird but uh also kind of cool wait a minute that's the police right there they see the police from the cameras but it's actually crazy well all right i guess we're good oh and why did he just shoot she said all right you ready little guy yes i'm ready okay like i said a little scared but i think i'll be fine right i have my my two parents with me they're gonna keep me safe she said good let's go okay all right let's go that's right son this is so funny bro oh my gosh we're looking at this our literally our house is inside of like a trap door bro my gun is so big and sticks on the floor bro look at this it doesn't fit my body i'm gonna say so what now oh i guess we have a car here said get in okay okay okay she said we get in the car and go find a house but this is what they do bro sitting on the back of it with a gun okay that's risky i'm not gonna lie i i wouldn't do that and oh there's a house right there uh this house she said ooh looky here bro what the heck they're like literally scouting it out right now bro she said entrance in the back all right all right oh what this house looks good bro okay okay i'm getting it i'm gonna go i don't want to be even in that car anymore but okay um okay wait wait wait wait wait a big question though it's the middle of the night right now like what if someone's in there she said nobody will be in there don't worry how does she know that i mean there literally could be we don't know this house we just saw this but okay whatever i mean if they say so i said yeah all right well um following your leave she said come on okay i guess we're going oh crap bro bro they want to have guns out and everything bro oh my gosh and they're doing the sleeping bag trick oh that makes sense that's what that's for there's a way you can glitch in houses with that um so i think you just place it down and oh she got it she got it she got it look she's in oh my gosh okay let me go into come on screw it i'm a criminal whoa bro this is kind of sick i'm not gonna lie you just broke into someone's house he said isn't it fun son okay i'm not gonna lie it kind of is it kind of is like it's cool i'm gonna say uh so what are we even looking for exactly anything of value um okay uh i don't see anything here but a book um empty empty empty oh my gosh they're moving up fast okay i guess i'll go up there with them what's up here oh my gosh oh a computer you said stuff's in bag but he's still in the computer right now oh my gosh and hold on look at the chat it says snores loudly um bro she said oh was that there's someone in this room okay no no no no no you said dang it bro no someone's in this house someone's at this house it's actually not good um did she see us did she see us cop she's calling the cops guys she's calling the cops what are they just doing they're just sitting there okay um no stop put the phone down phone down now oh she said help get out oh my gosh we just woke some lady up put the phone down oh my gosh i'm nervous she just said what are you doing son no she's calling the cops she's like getting here okay no she's still gone she's she doesn't care she doesn't care where did they go we need to go oh uh we need to go go oh they're running my friends are leaving me bro why are they leaving me um how do i get out how do i get out oh the doors are locked okay i don't know why it's unlocked but it's good we're gone let's go oh the cops are a conversation here that's actually them is that the cop family no way no way no i'll get it get it who cares who cares get in what would let me end it let me in go go go go go go go go oh my gosh that was actually them oh my gosh bro no no no no i don't like this look in the chat i said are you okay dude we almost got arrested right there bro he said i knew someone was probably gonna be in there and why did we go in there what bro that was actually risky dude oh my gosh you so i didn't expect to wake them up bro we're walking around with guns and stuff of course we're gonna wake them up okay uh honestly guys i'm never doing that again that was that was actually dumb i'm never doing that she said all right well i got a computer bro i'm not gonna lie this is actually gonna mess up when i think about it because they're stealing from innocent people isn't that messed up that you're stealing from innocent people he said yeah but where's the fun in it if you're not bro what how does it make it fun she said nah this is what people got to do to make money guys honestly why don't we just stop being criminals and get a job i mean is that really the worst idea you said no okay bro are you serious you said this is a lot easier than a job uh i wouldn't say that we almost just got arrested the cops came for us uh ran for our lives i wouldn't say that's easier but uh uh oh okay totally bro what what is this criminal family about bro he said the best paying job here is starbucks that place is chaos crime is better okay so starbucks is chaos but crime isn't okay that makes sense that totally makes sense he said yeah well soon enough it'll be time for the big job bro the big job the bank hold on what did my dad just say listen son you'll get better at it with time when i started i was nervous and scared but my dad helped me and now i am where i'm at now he sadly got jailed for years though what he's in jail for years he said what he did that day was quite foolish though we don't do that here bro what what did he do like why would you be a criminal if your dad is in jail uh okay you know what whatever he said well rather not share that with someone as young as you bro okay this is just this is this is freaking me out at this point bro i'm not gonna lie i don't know if i want to be in the criminal family she said well it's 1am time to go do the big job ready little guy bro we're actually doing this okay i mean i guess let's go you said yeah why not okay why not bro because i don't want to go to jail but whatever let's just do it at this point i don't have much to lose oh my gosh this is gonna be bad bro it's gonna be really bad i'm just following my mom right now because we're getting in the car oh no man last time in this car i was not happy so i'm gonna say are we gonna be okay she said of course we are all right i mean if my mom says that i trust her oh my gosh that's the cop right there that's the cop right there he's gone is away thankfully he doesn't have it on him but bro that this looks us hope they did not see that my dad said that's good son always trust your mom and oh my gosh i think you're here the brookhaven bank oh my we're here we're here here okay i guess we're going bro we're just posting up outside right now he said we're gonna go in there tell them to open the vault whilst pointing our guns at them then we grab the cash bro we're literally just like outside of bank with guns this looks so bad you look like such criminals right now i'm gonna say okay you said ready um i guess so oh my gosh all right let's do this okay we're going and we're going we're going we're going in here we go oh my oh my oh my oh my how can i help you oh my gosh we're robbing a girl he said hands up open up oh no no no no no no don't look how scared she is oh my gosh her hands are up he said that's right she said not again please don't shoot not again this happened before she said get upstairs and open the vault okay i guess we're robbing the bank we really are doing this it's not a joke okay and we're in here okay okay we're in the room with the key card she's gonna open the ball yeah open it up oh my gosh this is actually funny i'm not gonna lie i know it's bad to be robbing banks but uh you know who really cares she said what is it not working what are you waiting for she said i'm sorry and what my mom just said that's fine stand back she's a bomb bro what the okay all right whatever oh my gosh they just blew it up they really just blew it up oh the alarm they along the alarm yo why are they shooting why are they shooting he said oh shoot don't tell anyone bro what did he just shoot her uh okay not telling anyone now then bro what he meant okay um up here okay i guess we're going at the vent bro she did she just died no no no no why is she on the ground okay okay let's go let's go we have to go we can go bro what is this event we're going through pick up secret tunnel why are they leaving me guys wait i heard cops oh my gosh you're cops no no no no no no in the event in the vent please oh my god you can see the lights from here oh my gosh did you guys kill her she said that was so easy my dad said don't worry she'll be fine son totally bro what and she said of course we did no witnesses bro what is your guys's problem you just killed an innocent person like what is this bro he said you'll get used to it bro no this is not okay this is not okay this is not okay i'm crazy what do you mean what do you mean you mean okay okay you just killed a person and look in the chat bro they just said we need to rush to people as soon as possible okay this is bad bro this is actually bad all right you know what um it's fine they're acting like it's literally fine they're saying yeah i know we're aware of that they really don't care the cops are honest now my criminal mom just said criminals can do whatever they want um not really because you guys go to jail you want me to do whatever you want okay you'll be in jail in a cell you just said don't worry son i know you're scared he said i was too kinda but we finished it and it's fine now bro it's not fine now but okay what are you what are you trying to say he said it's the end of the day we'll see you tomorrow oh yeah it's the end of the day i'm going to spend the next day with my cop family let's see how that goes ah good morning boys i'm in a wonderful bed right now and oh good morning son it's a big day to fight some crime oh good morning family oh my gosh it feels nice to have a house a nice bed she said good morning young man oh good morning mom my dad said he was taking the police station once you get some food really quick oh okay uh perfect my mom said i'll make you food right now oh okay i'm not gonna lie i think about it when i was in my criminal family i don't think we ate one time my dad said she makes the best food oh no we're going downstairs oh my gosh this house is so nice it's like an actual house bro oh i love this my mom said here you go and oh my gosh we got a whole breakfast bro my dad said thank you so much looks amazing you're welcome enjoy boys yes it looks great so my dad's just said all right son let's head to the police station we got a busy day oh yeah we do okay okay all right um let's go i guess it's kind of nice having a cop i feel kind of safe with them you know what i'm saying i you know i know they'll keep me safe my mom my mom don't leave my mom she's in the back seat like a criminal already well we're already here i guess wow we got the whole police station bro this is sick he said first things first you need an outfit oh yeah i forgot about that let me go grab it um okay oh my gosh look at me this is sick you said here you go hey thank you so much dad you said junior officer yup that's me he said he will be just like us oh i'm gonna say so any crimes coming up lately don't forget to grab some cuffs oh yeah yeah i forgot about that she said let me check and look at my mom hard at work on the computer oh that's so cute man it's actually nice i feel like i have a loving family the criminal family was like a little too weird to me to be honest with you so man where do i sit there's so many places this place is huge she said i i don't see anything right now he said at least it's not like last night uh she said yeah dot dot dot i wanna say what do you guys mean uh what happened last night house robberies bank robbery someone died ah wow that's crazy yeah it was awful not a good day bro they're talking about the crimes that i did with my family my my criminal family may that person rest in peace oh my gosh they're not joking wow rest in peace he said i was good friends with the person who died bro what okay this is actually bad i'm not gonna lie like at first it was like criminal family was okay i think about it actually makes sense because the cop family obviously they have to handle the crimes and the criminal family did all the crimes bro this is not good obviously i can't tell them that i wasn't on that or else they'd probably be kind of mad at me but she said she was so kind she didn't deserve any of this oh my gosh man rest in peace i actually feel so bad i mean it wasn't me so i don't like feeling guilty but i don't know guys it wasn't really my choice he said we will find who did it oh my gosh i'm gonna say uh yes bro i literally know who did it but i obviously can't tell him but yeah we will oh my gosh this is so weird yeah what the heck guys like a prisoner outfit on out there what is he wearing she said wait huh wait my mom saw that too uh what is that they're saying what is he doing look in the chat he said steel's car bro what my mom just said hey hey yeah get him get him they're saying let's get him oh my gosh um okay get the copper get the cop card let's go let's go high pursuit high pursuit chase oh my god i'm going to felicia is my family right now this is actually sick get him get him get him yeah you're not getting away buddy is it stuff right there bro he's not pulling over he is not pulling over um i know what i need let me get a gun i got i got a knight afraid i use it let me shoot at him suits the tires oh he's crashing he's crashing stop the car oh my gosh i'm almost a taser out she has a gun out look at his face the guy's like huh his hands are up put your hands behind your back you're under arrest am i doing a good job mom oh he's actually doing it he's actually actually doing it okay this is being a cop is sick oh my mom said ah i'm so proud okay let me arrest him there we go and the cuffs are on him let's go man she said yes you're doing great hey i'm actually arresting someone this is so funny well i guess i would take him back to the police station right he's still not he's not arrested he said oh okay i'm gonna say do you know why we arrested you he said yes i know he's literally just admitting it i'm gonna say time for your mug shots okay right here he said no okay stand in front of that board for me please uh right right there right there my dad said yeah listen to him let me get the camera out real quick here we go i got it say cheese buddy he looks mad okay probably about good he said i'm gonna say now in your cell bro he's not moving i said in the cell he said talk to a lawyer um not right now okay right in the cell right here and boom and he's staying there for now he said have fun oh my mom just said i'm so proud of this young man you said good job oh thank you guys you guys are the best parents man literally guys i'm just a natural okay what can i say you said you're gonna be promoted any day oh i appreciate that well uh so now what my mom said we eat donuts and wait for more crimes and my dad said did you want an ice cream for doing such a great job uh it's okay i don't need ice cream my dad said we should find people from yesterday uh those people um uh crap is he talking about the the bank robbery my criminal family he said did you hear about it on the news son um do i lie to him bro what do i say um i'm gonna be like ah not really i had no clue that happened okay i just lied so hard bro but i can't i can't admit that bro he said well it was very sad oh my gosh bro that's actually so messed up bro we need to arrest them i'm gonna say we need to get whoever did that even though i literally know but uh he said yeah she said well their crimes were always on the bank side but it just means like near the bank because i mean think about that actually the bank is right there the house is right there they're investigating actually pretty well they're saying they're always on that side of the map oh my gosh um guys that yellow car right there is my criminal family's car that's literally them i don't think they know that they're staring at it they do know he said that's their car oh oh he said yeah oh no they're mad they're mad they're mad oh my gosh okay they know they know i didn't know what they know um that's kind of bad that's kind of bad all right it's fine i'm getting in bro we're the highest routines of my criminal family bro this is really bad and where did they go what the heck they're behind us i'm gonna say they're behind them that's them right there that's a little that's literally her that's my mom her name is billy yeah it's her that's literally her bro oh my gosh oh my dad said pull over oh my gosh it's getting bad and wait they're stopping no way my mom said stop right now oh my gosh bro this is actually bad where the heck do they go over there right to the we we lost them man this isn't good my mom even said why is our car slow he said we need an upgrade and he said uh-oh uh what what do you mean uh-oh we ran out of gas bro what we ran out of gas are you serious bro that is not okay oh my my dad said i knew we should have got those horses bro horses he said but let's go home he said we can call a toe and fill up tomorrow i'm gonna say you know that was a pretty fun day i'm not gonna lie my dad said i'm glad you had fun oh thanks dad sorry i ended like this it's okay alrighty well we'll see you tomorrow at the doctor center see you tomorrow okay they said all right now that you spent a day with each family now it's time to pick one and okay look at our criminal family right here bro why does she look more suspicious bro what is that she said pick us pick us and my dad said please pick us we had so much fun my mom's jumping she said pick us oh who do i pick who do i pick okay i'm not gonna lie guys i think it's a no-brainer okay they were all nice and stuff but i cannot be a criminal okay i have to pick the cop family cop family the ladies had great choice i want to say thank you i'm going to say by the way the criminal family is the one who did all the crimes that night they said i knew it what oh they're going to arrest her okay okay i'm going to get out of this all right boys that's the end of the video hope you guys enjoyed it like always if you did be sure to smash the like button and subscribe for more videos just like this one this has been insane they're getting arrested right now but anyways hope you enjoyed i'll see you guys in the next one peace
Channel: Tappy
Views: 1,693,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tappy, tappy roblox, brookhaven, brookhaven rp, roblox brookhaven, brookhaven roblox
Id: NkwVJjNnof0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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